[HN Gopher] Show HN: Gentle is a social app where you give and g...
       Show HN: Gentle is a social app where you give and get kindness
       Author : andrewthebold
       Score  : 121 points
       Date   : 2020-04-18 17:36 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (gentle.app)
 (TXT) w3m dump (gentle.app)
       | kyle_martin1 wrote:
       | I like the idea but I also think this is trying to replace
       | something that already exists: churches.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | I think I get what you're saying. I'll say that this product
         | isn't really meant to substitute a community. In fact, I'd
         | consider it a failure if Gentle overtook other sources of
         | companionship in a person's life. My belief is that tech should
         | augment rather than replace, if that makes sense.
           | webmobdev wrote:
           | > My belief is that tech should augment rather than replace
           | Love that idea - quite an insightful and healthy approach to
           | technology in our life.
         | Kye wrote:
         | There is nothing to replace in a church if they never had a
         | place for you.
           | kyle_martin1 wrote:
           | I'm sorry you feel that way. There's a church for everybody.
           | I attend church online a lot mainly because it's better for
           | my schedule, the lessons are impactful and I'm completely
           | comfortable in my own home.
         | hellotomyrars wrote:
         | Churches don't appeal to everyone, they also aren't anonymous.
         | I'm not saying this as an anti-religion thing, churches are a
         | great source of community and it's probably the best thing
         | about them, just that this is a very apples-to-oranges
         | comparison.
         | Also I don't think this is a replacement for anything really. A
         | supplement perhaps.
         | atmosx wrote:
         | Seriously?
         | This comment is wrong one more levels than I can count.
           | kyle_martin1 wrote:
           | Thank for the empty feedback. I'll continue in my ways.
       | armatav wrote:
       | Design is amazing.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thank you!
       | tekkk wrote:
       | Cool landing page. I first thought the tilted elements would be a
       | bit jarring, but then I kinda started to like them. Stimulates
       | your brain a little bit more. Nice trick. Can't really comment on
       | the app itself as I don't have an iPhone. Best of luck to you.
       | And as a frontend guy I really appreciate the proper use of
       | summary and details elements, haha.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thanks! Love that you looked at the source. I've been trying to
         | build more accessible webpages lately, so I try to use semantic
         | elements wherever.
         | One of the big problems with the gentle app today is that it's
         | probably not very accessible, which is something I hope to
         | address.
       | kennydude wrote:
       | The asthetic sorta reminds me of Animal Crossing with the
       | envelopes and such. Seems kinda neat
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Super intentional. I haven't quite gotten to the cuteness and
         | customization in animal crossing though.
         | Also checkout the game "Kind Words", which was a big
         | inspiration for this.
       | prox wrote:
       | Reminds me of https://emotionalbaggagecheck.com/
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing! That's super cool and very similar in
         | concept.
       | ArekDymalski wrote:
       | Sounds very interesting. Hope there'll be a web or Android
       | version so I can test it :)
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | It was built with the cross-platform framework Flutter, so an
         | android version will be coming soon!
         | (I just don't have an android device to test with right now)
       | personjerry wrote:
       | Can't I just make a Facebook Group or a subreddit to do this
       | instead of a whole new app?
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | I think this specific flow of creating a post and then
         | receiving non-public replies back isn't normal on reddit or fb
         | groups. I don't doubt it's possible!
         | Do correct me if I'm wrong.
           | personjerry wrote:
           | You can for example create a subreddit where the rules are
           | "post your worries and people will reply by DM" and moderate
           | accordingly.
             | andrewthebold wrote:
             | Super true! I'd argue the experience would probably be
             | different in the context of reddit (like ads and it not
             | being quite as streamlined), but your point is valid.
         | DanBC wrote:
         | /r/toastme is one reddit example.
           | FairDune wrote:
           | it's /r/roastme
       | buf wrote:
       | Fuck that
       | mcintyre1994 wrote:
       | This works really well, nice! Do you plan iPad support? It's
       | frustrating that I can't send my email in a reply, there was a
       | message I'd have liked to give my email and start a conversation.
       | I understand the downside of that, but it's frustrating to feel I
       | could help someone and not be able to. One other thing, it's not
       | obvious what the number next to the skip button is about - I
       | assumed it was a limited number of skips and was trying to figure
       | out how they worked at first.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | I'll look into iPad-compatibility and see if there's some low-
         | lift stuff I could do. To be transparent, I would probaaaably
         | invest in a webapp before a fully-blown iPad variant.
         | I hear your frustration about the limitations of what you can
         | share. I stand pretty firmly by it for safety reasons, but I
         | don't totally rule out the potential for a way to connect
         | further.
         | Thanks for the feedback about the skip button -- I agree that
         | it's confusing. I'll work to address it soon!
         | Happy to take any other feedback or suggestions you might have~
       | davidajackson wrote:
       | I'm curious about your monetization strategy here, you mention
       | using a 1 time app purchase + other what looks like
       | 'cosmetics/item' purchases. Correct me if I'm misunderstanding.
       | Have you thought about making this is a subscription based app
       | where 'professional' feedback on worries etc could be a paid
       | feature?
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Yep, that's the plan at the moment!
         | I'm trying to design this product so that it doesn't become a
         | crutch for people, but rather a source of general kindness and
         | compassion. So I think it'd need a lot more thought to figure
         | out if professional support would fit. I'm also wary of
         | providing "official" advice due to potential regulatory and
         | moral issues. But I do see the potential, especially from a
         | business perspective.
         | If you have any other thoughts or feedback on the app, I'm
         | eager to listen~
           | justforyou wrote:
           | Monetizing compassion and kindness! Very enlightened work.
             | andrewthebold wrote:
             | That second part is probably sarcastic, but I agree with
             | the potential moral hazards with this product. I hope it's
             | evident that I've tried to design and monetize this in a
             | way that isn't exploitative. Frankly, it's not a strong
             | business position, but I'd rather lose money than introduce
             | more harm into people lives.
             | I'm pretty happy with the planned approach of a one-time
             | purchase because it helps sustain the product without ads .
             | davidajackson wrote:
             | Mental health is a lot more than "compassion and kindness".
             | See Headspace. Probably wouldn't be where it is today if it
             | were totally free.
       | askafriend wrote:
       | This is not going to work in it's current form. The content needs
       | to be more compelling than the premise.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | I hear what you're saying. I'll say that the "compelling" I'm
         | looking for is content that entices you to want to give some
         | kindness. If it's not doing that, I'll work to make it better!
         | A feature I'm hoping to add in shortly is better scaffolding
         | for better content, such as:
         | 1. examples of good requests and responses 2. a brief tutorial
         | that gives you a better sense of what's good/bad
       | amelius wrote:
       | By the way if people think that online kindness doesn't exist,
       | then they should visit some online health forums.
         | jpindar wrote:
         | Or OpenSimulator worlds.
         | 0x8BADF00D wrote:
         | Plenty of online kindness exists, but it's usually paid for.
         | The prototypical example is female streamer and simp. Or the
         | NSFW version of that. Parasocial relationships are typically
         | kind in nature.
       | bgnm2000 wrote:
       | Love the design, looks great!!
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thank you! Do call out if anything seems nonintuitive or bad
       | grawprog wrote:
       | I was just reading through the 'how the app keeps me safe'
       | section. Not trying to be dour, but things like this tend to
       | attract, trolls to put it nicely, if your service expands, you're
       | likely to have some fairly nasty people with plenty of time and
       | ingenuity on their side, who see your service as an opportunity
       | to fuck with people, to put it nicely.
       | >We moderate the content and provide easy-to-use reporting tools.
       | This requires exponentially larger numbers of staff as the
       | service grows.
       | >We use spam and bad word filters.
       | Easy to get creative around. It's pretty easy to say fairly awful
       | things without using bad words.
       | >We timeout or ban users who repeatedly or flagrantly break our
       | rules.
       | Easy to circumvent by changing IP'S, or if you ban by IPS, by
       | abusing multiple accounts.
       | >Personally identifying information is banned from any messages.
       | Falls under the above issues.
       | >All new users agree to community expectations.
       | Doesn't stop people who don't care.
       | (Soon) If the app notices that somebody is writing about
       | concerning topics like self-harm, it will privately and
       | proactively offer resources from professionals.
       | Not really applicable to my worries.
       | I like the idea of your service, the internet can always use more
       | things dedicated to just being nice, but I also know human nature
       | and unfortunately, there's people who look at things like that as
       | a challenge to be as horrible as possible cor no real reason
       | other than they like being assholes.
       | Just to make a suggestion, some kind of shadow banning system,
       | similar to hn could be effective here. Having been on the dark
       | side of the shadow bans, they really do keep undesirable things
       | at bay and do tend to be hard to notice for a while. Allowing
       | trolls and assholes to believe they're interacting, while having
       | their posts be invisible to the rest of users could at least help
       | curb repeated account creation and such.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | I agree with all your points!
         | One piece that will likely help minimize spammy users and
         | multiple accounts is that at launch, it'll be a one-time
         | purchase app.
         | I do have uncertainties overall, but I'm doing my best to keep
         | the experience clean and safe. If the experience starts to veer
         | towards being a toxic and uncontrollable mess, I'll be quick to
         | shut it down.
         | Happy to talk more about this because I do see the abuse
         | vectors, and don't take this lightly.
         | Edit: on your last paragraph, shadow bans are definitely on the
         | table
         | vegannet wrote:
         | I think the key to understanding the scope for abuse is to
         | understand the opportunity. There will always be abusive
         | behaviour and tools are required to tackle it _but_ the
         | majority of abusive behaviour on the internet comes from a
         | desire for attention, and one-to-one abuse is much less common.
         | Abusive people are typically looking for a platform to
         | broadcast.
         | I think that the methods outlined on the website will help but
         | I think the concept is inherently anti-abuse.
         | Context: I worked in community management for many years,
         | dealing with some of the worst of abusive online behaviour.
           | ALittleLight wrote:
           | Screenshot the abuse, post to forums, get attention and
           | inspire copycat abusers.
           | I like the idea of the service, and agree with the moderation
           | approach, but I also think trolls are a potential problem.
           | anticsapp wrote:
           | I think you are in the right here. If one is trolling an
           | audience of one, it's not really the same dopamine hit as
           | Tweeting a death threat to a Senator that thousands see. It
           | gets boring quick. Also, troll management as a problem is
           | sort of like the "What if I burn $100,000 on AWS in one
           | month?" problem. It's a good problem to have, it means you
           | have traction, and with patience and focus the trolls can be
           | steamrolled.
       | gumby wrote:
       | I love this idea!
       | I have long wished for video games based on kindness (as I used
       | to say to my kid, "how about a game where you hug each other?")
       | but fighting seems to be the cultural norm. There are a few
       | exceptions, but they are exceptions.
         | masona wrote:
         | I always wanted to be able to play a version of Red Dead
         | Redemption where you just build a homestead, ride your horse
         | and play through the story with no killing.
           | anticsapp wrote:
           | Yeah. I've taken a few breaks on RDR2 where I put the
           | shotties away and just go fishing for a couple days. So
           | peaceful. I haven't played in nine months, need to fire the
           | Xbox back up again.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | If you're looking for a more gamey-version of this concept,
         | check out _Kind Words_. I 'm a big fan of it!
       | eranation wrote:
       | So basically, /r/toastme in an app? This might work. Great
       | initiative.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Yeah! or /r/RandomKindness
       | rapnie wrote:
       | I always wondered about the privacy implications of using Google
       | Firebase, but didn't yet take the time to investigate it
       | thoroughly.
       | sleepyfran wrote:
       | Just tried it and my oh my, the design is amazing and it really
       | makes the whole experience much better. I really love both the
       | idea and the execution and I can't wait to see what's coming
       | next. Amazing job! :)
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thank you! Happy to take feedback or suggestions if you have
         | any.
       | tobr wrote:
       | The design is great. I noticed that I can't select text while
       | writing, which is frustrating and makes editing very difficult.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback. I'm so sorry for the frustration
         | caused. I'll address it!
         | If you're curious where that comes from, the app is built with
         | Flutter, which tries to mimic native behavior. Text editing is
         | something that's not quite there yet, unfortunately, so I'll
         | have to manually make fixes.
           | tobr wrote:
           | I figured it might be something like that - I believe I've
           | noticed it in other apps too. But the small frustration is
           | unfortunate when the rest of the design is so careful and
           | does such a good job building a positive vibe.
           | Good luck!
       | flaque wrote:
       | This is really fantastic and well executed. Congrats on the
       | launch and on making this.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thank you! If you have any, I'm happy to hear any feedback or
         | critique
       | grumpy8 wrote:
       | It's funny how a 1 degree rotation creates a new vibe.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | I know, right? It's definitely a quirky vibe
       | 0x8BADF00D wrote:
       | Overall I like the UX. But I was a bit confused by the "flag"
       | button being on the left. I usually think the back button is
       | there.
       | I think it would be better to go back to the previous message
       | instead of scrolling through all the messages and then starting
       | from the top. Also the reply button looks like what I'd consider
       | a back button to be.
         | andrewthebold wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback! I was already planning on changing
         | these buttons (especially to make the flag button more
         | obvious), so I'll take this into account.
         | I'm curious: do you have thoughts on what a "reply" button's
         | icon should look like?
           | jjnoakes wrote:
           | I personally like a conversation bubble as a reply icon.
       | andrewthebold wrote:
       | Hey HN! Gentle is an app where you write requests about your
       | worries and get (gentle) replies back from strangers. It's cute,
       | anonymous, and moderated.
       | I was inspired by:
       | * My disappointment in how most social media today incentivizes
       | outrage over empathy.
       | * The growing trend of feel-good experiences like Kind Words,
       | Animal Crossing, Slowly, and more.
       | I'm interested in getting more people testing it out. Eager to
       | take feedback and/or talk about it. :)
       | Direct testflight link:
       | https://testflight.apple.com/join/tXMfOfOl
         | adam_fallon_ wrote:
         | How long did this take to develop? It's absolutely delightful
           | andrewthebold wrote:
           | Hey! The project started in early February, so it's been
           | around 2-1/2 months. The time was split ~50/50 between design
           | and development.
           | Happy to elaborate if you have followup q's!
             | adam_fallon_ wrote:
             | That is seriously impressive for that short amount of time,
             | fantastic work!
             | I did comment elsewhere in this thread, but have since
             | deleted, but I just had another question:
             | Can you say a bit more about the OSS libraries I'm always
             | looking for tools to help with comments in my projects!
         | xiaolingxiao wrote:
         | Hey I love your landing page! Did you design it or used a
         | template? And how is moderation done? I assume they're very
         | private so no person is moderating them... so a machine is
         | doing it? Are you using some sort of off the shelf stuff?
           | andrewthebold wrote:
           | The landing page is custom designed! So using tools like
           | paper and Figma, and then translating into a next.js site.
           | Moderation is based on two things:
           | 1. A spam/bad word filter. It's pretty aggressive and
           | inspired by a variety of OSS tools, but definitely could be
           | better. 2. An easy reporting tool available for any user-
           | generated content. It could be more prominent for requests,
           | so that's something I'll fix shortly.
           | I hacked together a small dashboard to surface whatever's
           | caught by those two things. For the beta test, it's been
           | working pretty well.
           | Feel free to ask any followups!
             | [deleted]
             | xiaolingxiao wrote:
             | You know one thing you can do w/ content moderation is go
             | all the way to the source, if you make it more "expensive"
             | (by some measure, not necessarily w/ money) to send a
             | message, then it would discourage a lot of trolls who
             | wouldn't even bother to make the effort.
               | andrewthebold wrote:
               | Yeah! Lots of potential in this idea. Right now it's a
               | free-for-all, but limiting the number of things you can
               | do in a given session might also incentivize more quality
               | messages.
               | Other possibilities too. I'm trying to avoid gamification
               | mechanics (like maintaining a request-reply ratio, like
               | counts, etc), so that's a consideration.
               | xiaolingxiao wrote:
               | Hey Andrew I just downloaded your app and it's very
               | tastefully done! The UI just puts me at ease and is a
               | "living breathing character" in itself, may sound silly
               | but I definitely get the vibe. Could I reach out to you
               | and give you some feedbacks? And I have tons of ideas
               | about automated content moderation, etc.
               | andrewthebold wrote:
               | Yeah! My main email for gentle-related stuff is
               | andrew@gentle.app
               | Feel free to reach out and connect.
               | xiaolingxiao wrote:
               | Ok sent!
         | faitswulff wrote:
         | That's cute and I'll definitely try it out. I can see it
         | failing to hit the mark for, say, minorities with particular
         | concerns, though, simply due to sympathy versus empathy.
           | andrewthebold wrote:
           | Agreed! It's not a silver bullet or anything like that. More
           | like a quiet place to go to if you're inclined.
           | I will say one of the "rules" you agree to when you first
           | start is "I know I can't fix other's problems, but I can
           | share kindness". I know that's not enough, so it'll be
           | something to keep working on.
             | anticsapp wrote:
             | Thank you for making a beautiful and thoughtful product in
             | a vain and thoughtless age. They are few and far between
             | these days. Also, .app domains rule.
         | tobr wrote:
         | I would like to have a small way to react to a message I
         | receive. Not reply to it, but maybe an emoji reaction or some
         | other "thank you" to the sender.
           | andrewthebold wrote:
           | Hey! That's one of the main features I want to add before
           | actually launching the app. Expect to see something like that
           | soon if you stick around in the beta!
           | Happy to listen to other feedback or suggestions you might
           | have~
       (page generated 2020-04-18 23:00 UTC)