[HN Gopher] A possible new back end for Rust
       A possible new back end for Rust
       Author : obl
       Score  : 431 points
       Date   : 2020-04-21 13:39 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jason-williams.co.uk)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jason-williams.co.uk)
       | amelius wrote:
       | Does it support JIT compilation, i.e. specialization at runtime?
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | Cranelift has a JIT, but I am not sure what the status of it is
         | as a rustc backend.
       | dwheeler wrote:
       | One cool advantage of having multiple compilers for a language is
       | that you can use one as a check on the other.
       | For example, if you're worried that one of the compilers might be
       | malicious, you can use the other compiler to check on it:
       | https://dwheeler.com/trusting-trust
       | Even if you're not worried about malicious compilers, you can
       | generate code, compiled it against multiple compilers, and
       | sending inputs and see when they differ in the outputs. This has
       | been used as a fuzzing technique to detect subtle errors in
       | compilers.
         | gbrown_ wrote:
         | > For example, if you're worried that one of the compilers
         | might be malicious, you can use the other compiler to check on
         | it: https://dwheeler.com/trusting-trust
         | This still requires the use of a use of trusted compiler
         | though. Comparing two compilers arbitrarily shows if there is
         | _consensus_ , it does not give guarantees about _correctness_.
         | From the link.                   In the DDC technique, source
         | code is compiled twice: once with a second         (trusted)
         | compiler (using the source code of the compiler's parent), and
         | then         the compiler source code is compiled using the
         | result of the first         compilation. If the result is bit-
         | for-bit identical with the untrusted         executable, then
         | the source code accurately represents the executable.
           | pitaj wrote:
           | Please don't quote with code blocks. Makes reading on mobile
           | very difficult.
           | The quote reformatted:
           | > In the DDC technique, source code is compiled twice: once
           | with a second (trusted) compiler (using the source code of
           | the compiler's parent), and then the compiler source code is
           | compiled using the result of the first compilation. If the
           | result is bit-for-bit identical with the untrusted
           | executable, then the source code accurately represents the
           | executable.
           | dwheeler wrote:
           | First, I forgot to disclose: I am the author of
           | https://dwheeler.com/trusting-trust .
           | As discussed in detail in that dissertation, if you are using
           | diverse double compiling to look for malicious compilers, the
           | trusted compiler does not have to be perfect or even non-
           | malicious. The trusted compiler could be malicious itself.
           | The only thing you're trusting is that the trusted compiler
           | does not have the same triggers or payloads as the compiler
           | it is testing. The diverse double compiling check merely
           | determines whether or not the source code matches the
           | executable given certain assumptions. The compiler could
           | still be malicious, but at that point the maliciousness would
           | be revealed in its source code, which makes the revelation of
           | any malicious code much, much easier.
           | You're absolutely right about the general case merely showing
           | consistency, not correctness. I completely agree. But that
           | still is useful. If two compilers agree on something, there
           | is a decent chance that their behavior is correct. If two
           | computers disagree on something, perhaps that is an area
           | where the spec allows disagreement, but if that is not the
           | case then at least one of the compilers is wrong. The check
           | by itself won't tell you whirch one is wrong, but at least it
           | will tell you where to look. In a lot of compiler bugs,
           | having some sample code that causes the problem is the key
           | first step.
             | et2o wrote:
             | Sounds fascinating. Are there real-world examples of
             | malicious compilers?
               | dwheeler wrote:
               | Yes, there was a malicious compiler system for Apple iOS
               | that was released in China a few years back and subverted
               | a large number of mobile applications, including apps
               | used in the US and Europe. There was also a subverted
               | Delphi compiler a number of years back, though I don't
               | think the subversion was dangerous it was more like a
               | test case. And of course, Ken Thompson demonstrated the
               | attack in the 1980s. There may be others, but I remember
               | those offhand.
               | philsnow wrote:
               | IIRC this was feasible because people in China are behind
               | the GFW which throttles/blocks the mac app store, so most
               | people download from in-country caches, which circumvents
               | a lot / all of the app signing that Apple uses.
               | 411111111111111 wrote:
               | i read a story about a compiler adding malware to the
               | compiled binary once.
               | they kept getting owned until they supposedly found a
               | pretty dump hack which just appended the backdoor to the
               | final compilation on the build server...
               | no clue if it was just a story though, as i personally
               | havent experienced anything like that before.
               | gryfft wrote:
               | I don't think this is what you're looking for, but Coding
               | Machines[1] is a great little story in which the Ken
               | Thompson hack[2] plays a role.
               | [1]https://www.teamten.com/lawrence/writings/coding-
               | machines/
               | [2]https://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/hh/thompson/trust.ht
               | ml
               | dwheeler wrote:
               | Yes, that's right, that's another story about a subverted
               | compiler. I don't have any way to verify it, but I have
               | no reason to doubt the story. It is quite possible, and
               | not even that difficult to do if you want to be that
               | malicious. I don't have a URL for it, maybe someone else
               | can provide that.
             | gbrown_ wrote:
             | Ha, I didn't even notice the username! I agree consensus
             | (or lack thereof) is an useful property to demonstrate. I
             | think I may have been a bit of a pedant in my prior
             | comment.
             | kohtatsu wrote:
             | Neat. Reduces attacks to conspiracies.
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | Yep! This is a very good property, and part of why mrustc is a
         | big deal.
       | jlebar wrote:
       | If there are any rust people here, you've probably considered
       | that you can speed up your debug llvm builds by enabling some
       | optimizations. SimplifyCFG comes to mind, but, like, you can
       | experiment. I presume the reason you haven't is because you want
       | to preserve debug info, and llvm isn't great at that when
       | optimizations are on.
         | the8472 wrote:
         | You can customize the debug profile or create an intermediate
         | profile between release and debug in your Cargo.toml. Debug
         | info and optimization levels can be configured separately.
         | If by speed up you mean compile times and not runtime behavior
         | then there's also some unstable compiler flag that allows
         | adding specific llvm passes.
       | Koshkin wrote:
       | I've been wondering lately if the modern compilers should all be
       | using C as the intermediate language (or some language-specific
       | code optimization opportunities could be lost if they do that).
         | edwintorok wrote:
         | The semantics of C aren't very well defined, there is a lot of
         | ambiguity in the form of undefined and implementation defined
         | behaviour. This ambiguity is often needed to build an efficient
         | optimizing compiler.
         | When you have a higher level language with more accurately
         | defined semantics, running it all through C would risk
         | introducing undefined behaviour.
         | With an IR you can control and define the semantics more
         | closely to what your language needs.
           | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
           | > When you have a higher level language with more accurately
           | defined semantics, running it all through C would risk
           | introducing undefined behaviour.
           | No, it wouldn't. When you target C you need to write a proper
           | backend for its abstract machine, rather than naively
           | rewriting code, of course.
           | The C abstract machine is a fine IR, specially the later
           | editions of the standard.
           | ansible wrote:
           | I've got to wonder if any of the existing intermediate
           | representations would be appropriate with other programming
           | languages.
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | This is true to varying degrees, you could say that LLVM-IR
             | and Java bytecode are two examples of this in action.
         | sambe wrote:
         | Doesn't Nim do that?
           | nimmer wrote:
           | Yes, Nim uses C and GCC and this gave it very fast compile
           | times and similar performance. It also runs on most devices
           | supported by GCC.
           | mhh__ wrote:
           | Just because you shouldn't doesn't mean you can't.
           | (C itself is not specified very thoroughly but _C_ - a C
           | implementation - is, in the sense that it only does one thing
           | for a given line of code)
         | Ididntdothis wrote:
         | That's how C++ started out but as far as I know this had lots
         | of limitations in terms of optimization so they started writing
         | native C++ compilers.
           | mratsim wrote:
           | I would be surprised if optimization was the actual goal. C++
           | is not faster than C.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Not only does C++ provide features that straight C
             | optimizers won't be able to match like templates and
             | constexpr, C++ shares a common subset with C, and libc all
             | major C compilers is actually written in C++ with extern
             | "C" entry points nowadays.
             | This "C is faster than C++" is a bit dated by now.
             | Ididntdothis wrote:
             | It's not faster but it's also not much slower. I think some
             | features of C++ Would be hard to optimize by a compiler
             | that doesn't understand them so a C++ to C compiler may
             | produce slow or bloated code.
         | stephencanon wrote:
         | If you're trying to implement a language with substantially
         | different semantics from C (e.g. a substantially different
         | memory model, or without UB) the semantics of C make it really
         | unsuitable as an IR.
         | You can't use C's casts (undef for out of range float -> int
         | conversions, for example), arithmetic (undef for signed
         | overflow), or shift operators (implementation-defined behavior
         | for signed right shifts, undefined behavior for left shifts
         | into the signbit or shift counts not in [0, n)). You can work
         | around these by defining functions with the semantics that your
         | language needs, but they get gross pretty quickly (they are
         | both much more verbose and more error-prone than having an IR
         | with the semantics you really want, and they require optimizer
         | heroics to reassemble them into the instructions you really
         | want to generate). Alternatively, you can use intrinsics or
         | compiler builtins, but then you're effectively locking yourself
         | to a single backed anyway, and might as well use its IR.
         | The issues around memory models (especially aliasing, but also
         | support for unaligned access, dynamic layouts, etc) are worse.
         | Even LLVM IR is too tightly coupled to the semantics of C and
         | C++ to be easily usable as a really generic IR for arbitrary
         | languages (Rust, Swift, and the new Fortran front end have all
         | had some struggles with this, and they're more C-like than most
         | languages). C is much worse in this regard.
           | raphlinus wrote:
           | I agree 99.44%.
           | The behavior of shift operations on signed integers will be
           | fixed in C++20 and C2x, as part of the effort to require twos
           | complement representation. It is a massive potential source
           | of UB in currently standardized C and C++.
           | All the other problems listed remain.
           | [1]: http://www.open-
           | std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p090...
           | [2]: http://eel.is/c++draft/expr.shift#2
             | stephencanon wrote:
             | Even after C2x is finalized, people will be using C
             | compilers that don't conform to C++20 and C2x for at least
             | another decade, so you'll forgive me if I don't hold my
             | breath =)
         | jcranmer wrote:
         | C is a pretty lousy intermediate language:
         | * It's missing several useful operators, such as classic bit
         | manipulation (count trailing zero, byteswap), or even 8- and
         | 16-bit arithmetic. Checked arithmetic is another useful one
         | that's not present (or even really possible in C's ABI).
         | * Signed integer overflow is UB.
         | * Utterly no support for SIMD types.
         | * Proper IEEE 754 floating-point control is kind of spotty,
         | although it tends to be as bad or worse in most other
         | languages.
         | * ABI control is poor. You can't come up with any way to return
         | multiple register values, for example.
         | * Anything that's not a vanilla function isn't supported. No
         | uparg function support (required for Pascal), multiple entry
         | points (required for Fortran), or zero-cost exception handling
         | (required for C++). Hell, even computed goto isn't actually
         | supported.
         | And all of this is assuming you have strong control over how
         | you expect implementation-defined behavior (e.g., sizeof(int))
         | to work.
           | StreamBright wrote:
           | Just out of curiosity, what would be a great intermediate
           | language to transpile to (as of intermediate language)?
             | mhh__ wrote:
             | Firstly the programming language itself, then something
             | like LLVM IR. This is an answer to a slightly different
             | question but rewriting into the same language (i.e. C++ to
             | C++ then LLVM) can make debugging much simpler and
             | implementing features and specific optimizations much more
             | feasible if you don't have control over the backend.
             | IR's should be terse, simple and dumb. I'm not sure any
             | "real" programming language fits that.
             | ufo wrote:
             | In practice I think it is hard to beat C in this regard.
             | You can go pretty far if you are willing adapt to its
             | quirks! And while C doesn't always allow for the best
             | optimization (such as returning multiple values via
             | registers), the workarounds often are still pretty fast.
             | On a more theoretical level there has been some research on
             | what a better intermediate language would look like. One
             | project I found interesting was Mu VM, which offers some
             | niceties for compiling languages with a garbage collector.
             | https://microvm.github.io/
             | jcranmer wrote:
             | Of ones I'm a familiar with, LLVM IR is probably the best,
             | although it has other issues of its own (in particular,
             | floating point is done even worse than C). I'm not aware of
             | any language which is going to beat a retargeting
             | compiler's processor-agnostic IR.
             | But even the "better C" languages tend to not really
             | attempt to expand C structurally. The changes amount to
             | fixing the egregious semantics (fixed-size types, no int-
             | promotion, define signed overflow, etc.), add vector types
             | and other operators, maybe tweak ABI a little bit, and add
             | a whole lot of syntactic sugar. And those languages that
             | explore beyond C's limited structural repertoire do so at
             | the cost of C's specificity.
             | That said, ever since the last time someone asked me this
             | kind of question, I've been trying to design a portable
             | assembly language.
               | StreamBright wrote:
               | Interesting. I need to look into LLVM IR a bit more to
               | understand this subject better.
               | >> I've been trying to design a portable assembly
               | language.
               | Couldn't something like Forth fulfill this role?
               | aw1621107 wrote:
               | > in particular, floating point is done even worse than C
               | Do you mind expanding on this or pointing me to places
               | where I can read more?
               | jcranmer wrote:
               | There is a hidden floating-point environment that
               | affects, and is affected by, every single floating-point
               | instruction. Predominantly, this is rounding mode
               | control, sticky bits, and exception control (does
               | overflow cause a SIGFPE?), although most processors have
               | some form of flushing denormals or treating them as 0s,
               | which isn't in IEEE 754.
               | LLVM's floating point instructions assume that there is
               | no floating point environment [1]. And there's no real
               | facility to indicate that floating point instructions
               | might be affected. To remedy this, they've been working
               | on adding constrained floating point intrinsics.
               | [1] More specifically, that the environment is set up to
               | the default rounding mode (round-nearest), all exceptions
               | are masked, and no one will ever care about sticky bits.
             | [deleted]
         | epage wrote:
         | While a C backend is great for compatibility, is it a
         | sufficient IL to express everything? For example, Rust has some
         | extra guarantees with aliasing that I'm unsure if C or C
         | extensions support yet that could offer greater optimizations
         | (currently not fully being used due to bugs in the LLVM
         | backend).
         | bronson wrote:
         | cfront demonstrated how this is a bad idea. And it was for C++,
         | about as C friendly as you can get.
         | bregma wrote:
         | Modern compilers generally have a language-specific front and
         | that generates an intermediate representation of the program
         | logic, which is then transformed into an abstract
         | representation (such as a single static analysis tree) for
         | optimization. That is then transformed into an abstract machine
         | description language, which gets further transformed by the
         | back end into concrete machine instructions or assembly code.
         | Outside of the language-specific front end, compilers generally
         | have no knowledge of the programming language itself. There is
         | no technical advantage to transforming Rust into C when it
         | comes to the middle and back ends, which form the bulk of the
         | compiler.
         | There are no language-specific optimization opportunities.
         | There are, of course, restrictions on what you can do in some
         | languages that eliminate optimization opportunities, but you're
         | not suddenly going to be able to take advantage of those
         | opportunities by transforming your code into a langue that
         | lacks the restrictions, because then you change the semantics
         | of your code.
           | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
           | > There is no technical advantage to transforming Rust into C
           | There is a key one: the ability to use any C compiler out
           | there (including proprietary ones). This allows you to target
           | all platforms out there.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | A dumb interpreter for the IR as bootstraping stage is a
             | better alternative.
             | Plus very few platforms have only support for C and nothing
             | else, unless we are speaking about esoteric embedded CPUs.
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | We have an interpreter for MIR. It isn't fast enough.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | I clearly mentioned "as bootstraping stage", for nothing
               | else.
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | I see, I think I misinterpreted you. Sorry!
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | It's a sad thing that you've been downvoted for posting a
         | thought. Others have already said the drawbacks of this idea,
         | but there are also pros.
           | mratsim wrote:
           | Indeed. Time-to-market is an obvious one and esoteric
           | platform support, and maybe also debuggability.
       | Myrmornis wrote:
       | There wouldn't be any surprises, or cognitive dissonance, from
       | using very different paths for debug versus release builds?
       | On a small project, personally I use --release sometimes during
       | development because the compile time doesn't matter that much and
       | the resulting executable is much faster: if I don't use --release
       | I can get a misleading sense of UX during development.
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | This already happens a bunch, even with the current setups.
         | It's very natural if you come from a compiled language, and not
         | if you don't. The first step of someone saying "hey why is Rust
         | slow?" is five people replying "did you use --release".
         | Leherenn wrote:
         | It's funny, because I do the exact opposite.
         | As a developer I usually have a pretty powerful machine, and
         | I've found that debug mode is a good way to approximate slow
         | computers, and something that is unbearably slow in debug will
         | bother some users later on.
           | runevault wrote:
           | This is an interesting idea, but I guess my one question is
           | how much does the slowness of debug relate to HOW it will be
           | slow in release? Since release optimizations can do pretty
           | radical things to the assembly generated it feels like it
           | wouldn't really be apples to apples.
       | crad wrote:
       | While it appears that cg_clif is faster to compile, does it
       | provide any performance benefit compared to cg_llvm? Are the
       | compiled binaries as fast as llvm compiled binaries? If not is
       | the use-case for development purposes only?
         | __s wrote:
         | Correct, cranelift is meant for faster development build cycles
         | https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/da02c913cc...
         | wscott wrote:
         | From the article, it is pretty clear that the resulting code is
         | not as optimized as the LLVM backend. I didn't see any claims
         | of how much slower it would be, but clearly that will vary
         | greatly. Fast to compile is still really handy while
         | developing.
       | liquidify wrote:
       | >>"That's Bjorn3, he decided to experiment in this area whilst on
       | a summer vacation, and a year & half later single-handedly (bar a
       | couple of PRs) achieved a working Cranelift frontend."
       | Is this guy human? This is amazing, and this guy should be given
       | an award.
       | andrewprock wrote:
       | The thing that struck me most about the article was this quote
       | from the Rust Survey (2019):
       | "Compiling development builds at least as fast as Go would be
       | table stakes for us to consider Rust"
       | Go was designed from the ground up to have super fast compile
       | times. In fact, there are some significant language issues
       | related to that design decision.
       | Using one of the primary design goals that impacted language
       | structure as "table stakes" is almost certainly going require a
       | lot of effort with some serious unintended consequences.
       | Improving compilation times sounds good. Aiming high is good. But
       | reaching "best of breed performance" is major initiative.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | If you mean generics, D, Delphi, Ada and plenty of other
         | languages prove you can have them and still be pretty fast.
           | andrewprock wrote:
           | I mean interface{}
           | https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#interfaces_and_type.
           | ..
       | The_rationalist wrote:
       | If I remember correctly, mozilla had layoff a few months ago and
       | the developper(s) of cranelift were in the bag.
       | So is anybody currently paid to develop this backend? Without
       | human resources I fail to see how this would keep up with truly
       | supporting rust.
       | As an aside, while the goal of faster build time is an important
       | one, for completeness sake, I must tell that the mentality of
       | rustc developers to be backend agnostic (an ideal) come at the
       | cost of preventing rustc from adopting most llvm attributes and
       | this fact is at the advantage of c++.
       | korpiq wrote:
       | This feels welcome to me. I tend to think a language needs
       | multiple independent implementations that only share the same
       | source language spec, in order to really tear a clear spec apart
       | from the quirks of any particular implementation.
       | I find Rust (the spec, though also the implemenration) quite safe
       | and practical (a balance). It deserves some independent
       | implementations to secure a long and stable future.
       | On the other hand, I want to use it on non-ARM embedded
       | platforms, where current cross-compilation through C produces
       | unusably big binaries. I dream this might increase hope for that,
       | too, eventually.
         | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
         | >> I find Rust (the spec, though also the implemenration) quite
         | safe and practical (a balance). It deserves some independent
         | implementations to secure a long and stable future.
         | Where is the Rust spec? Unless something happened really
         | quickly that I was not aware of there is only the
         | implementation.
           | steveklabnik wrote:
           | https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/reference/ is the closest
           | thing we have. It is not yet complete.
             | thesuperbigfrog wrote:
             | Thank you! I look forward to the day when there is a spec,
             | but I was surprised to see it mentioned and was wondering
             | if I missed something big.
       | pizlonator wrote:
       | This is really great. The world needs more diverse compiler tech.
       | The llvm monoculture is constraining what kind of compiler
       | research folks do to just the things that are practical to do in
       | llvm.
       | I particularly suspect that if something like Cranelift gets
       | evolved more then it will eventually reach throughput parity with
       | llvm, likely without actually implementing all of the
       | optimizations that llvm has. It shouldn't be assumed that just
       | because llvm has an optimization that this optimization is
       | profitable anywhere but llvm or at all.
       | Final thought, someone should try this with B3.
       | https://webkit.org/docs/b3/
         | swagonomixxx wrote:
         | Devil's advocate: more diverse compiler tech will mean a more
         | fragmented community and a larger probability of divergence
         | across implementations.
         | People think the C compiler community is dominated by GCC and
         | Clang, and it is, but there are literally 1000s of
         | implementations out there in the wild. Most are necessary,
         | because we need code generated for some obscure processor
         | architecture that's completely proprietary, but you can create
         | that "backend" in LLVM itself - it's a new target architecture
         | instead of e.g x86.
         | The great thing about LLVM is that it's effectively the
         | quickest (and probably the best) way to generate machine code
         | without putting in too much effort, for a language. Whether
         | that language be a research language or an existing industry
         | language (say, C), that kind of establishment is hugely
         | valuable.
         | A great example of a good monoculture is the Go monoculture.
         | Sure, there's gccgo, but the proportion of people using that
         | vs. the reference implementation is minimal, and that reduced
         | fragmentation is actually a good thing for practitioners (which
         | most engineers are, not PL researchers).
           | dmix wrote:
           | What about the usecase provided in the blog post, where one
           | is used for fast debugging/dev builds but you use LLVM for
           | production releases? Basically: why not both?
           | I'm guessing this could create some divergence in terms of
           | what is supported by the compiler but I'm curious how much
           | that would matter in reality - for day-to-day serious project
           | development. I'm not familiar with language dev at the
           | compiler level, so I'm curious to hear if that's practical or
           | sane.
           | pizlonator wrote:
           | Llvm is absolutely not the least effort for generating
           | machine code. In many settings, it takes a fraction of the
           | effort of integrating llvm to create a template compiler that
           | goes straight to machine code. In many other cases, your best
           | bet is to have your compiler emit C and then feed that to a C
           | compiler of your choice.
           | It's good to have divergence. Competition is good. Otherwise
           | people stop trying new things.
             | bluGill wrote:
             | Depends on your goals. Writing a front end, optimizer and
             | backend quickly gets to more work. I can write a c++
             | compiler in a few months. It won't be good and to make it
             | good would be many many years of work. If I write a llvm
             | backend it might take a little longer (I doubt it), but I
             | automatically get all the optimizations llvm has plus a
             | good front end that doesn't have bugs in obscure corner
             | cases. (not claiming llvm is perfect but there will be less
             | bugs)
               | pizlonator wrote:
               | Still not as good as emitting C code in most cases? C
               | code gets optimized using either llvm or any other
               | optimizer so it's a more portable compile target.
               | msla wrote:
               | When you emit C, you're limited by C, at least if you
               | want to emit C as opposed to inline assembly wrapped in
               | C. For example, it's harder to have a function return
               | more than one value in C than it is in most
               | architectures, you can't do things with processor flags
               | (on architectures which have them), you're at the mercy
               | of the C compiler's optimizer as to vectorization and
               | loop unrolling, you can't always preserve semantic
               | information in the source code even when a "reasonable"
               | compiler would be able to use it to improve the machine
               | code...
               | LLVM was created to _replace_ emitting C, by providing
               | programmers a way to turn source code into a
               | representation that is lower-level than C without having
               | to write the whole optimization and assembly code
               | generation pipeline.
               | Gibbon1 wrote:
               | > it's harder to have a function return more than one
               | value in C than it is in most architectures
               | Biggest issue is the cultural aversion to returning
               | structs and tagged unions.
               | a1369209993 wrote:
               | And it's not even _hard_ , just ugly. Which is much less
               | of a problem for a compiler IR.
               | ufo wrote:
               | I think we can all agree that LLVM IR is a more powerful
               | compilation target than C. However, what Pizlo was saying
               | is that generating C can be simpler than generating LLVM
               | IR. A bunch of printfs can get you very far.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | LLVM while a very successful project isn't nothing new as
               | idea.
               | IBM had several LLVM like projects during the 70's, and
               | that is how their surviving IBM i and z/OS work anyway,
               | with language environments that AOT at installation time.
               | Likewise there were projects like Amsterdam Compiler Kit
               | among others during the early 80's.
               | MauranKilom wrote:
               | > I can write a c++ compiler in a few months.
               | Not that it substantially distracts from your point, but
               | I strongly doubt this. Or did you mean a heavily
               | restricted subset of C++? A C++ front end alone is so
               | complex to build that these guys make a living off of
               | licensing their front end code: https://www.edg.com/
               | (Fun fact: Microsoft rebuilt IntelliSense for C++ on the
               | EDG front end. Yes, that Microsoft with the MSVC
               | compiler. See
               | https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/rebuilding-
               | intellisen... and https://old.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/b
               | dt8ep/does_msvc_still...)
               | Even without compatibility cruft, you're looking at
               | multiple 100k LOC if their code base is anything to go
               | by. That's man-years, not man-months...
         | cfv wrote:
         | I still remember when Clang bringing LLVM along was seen as SO
         | OUT THERE and I'm just mentioning it because I find it weird to
         | be old enough to see fads in system languages come and start to
         | go.
         | Just curious, do you have any examples of this "limitations"
         | you speak of? Sounds like a very interesting read.
           | fnord123 wrote:
           | LLVM's MCJIT library is 17MB. If you have a language that you
           | want to JIT and you thought you could embed your language
           | like lua (<100k), Python (used to be ~250k but now <3M),
           | you're looking at almost 20MB out of the gates. Not ideal!
           | Also if you want to use llvm as a backend for your project
           | and expect to build llvm as part of a vendored package, the
           | llvm libraries with debug symbols on my machine was about
           | 3GB. Also not ideal.
           | Someone wrote:
           | As an example, WebKit had an LLVM-based JavaScript optimizer
           | in 2014 (https://webkit.org/blog/3362/introducing-the-webkit-
           | ftl-jit/), but dropped it for another one in 2016
           | (https://webkit.org/blog/5852/introducing-the-b3-jit-
           | compiler...)
           | In broad strokes, LLVM chooses to optimize for generating
           | good code for statically compiled code more than for, for
           | example, memory usage, compilation speed, or ability to
           | dynamically change compiled code. That doesn't make it
           | optimal for JavaScript, a language that's highly dynamic and
           | often is used in cases where compilation time can easily
           | dwarf execution time.
             | pizlonator wrote:
             | Worth noting that B3's biggest win was higher peak
             | throughput. It generated better code than llvm. It achieved
             | that by having an IR that lets us be a lot more precise
             | about things that were important to our front end compiler.
             | It's not even about what language you're compiling. It's
             | about the IR that goes into llvm or whatever you would use
             | instead of llvm. If that IR generally does C-like things
             | and can only describe types and aliasing to the level of
             | fidelity that C can (I.e. structured assembly with crude
             | hacks that let you sometimes pretend that you have a super
             | janky abstract machine), then llvm is great. Otherwise it's
             | a missed opportunity.
           | pizlonator wrote:
           | Llvm makes some questionable choices about how to do SSA,
           | alias analysis, register allocation, and instruction
           | selection. Also it goes all in on UB optimizations even when
           | experience from other compilers shows that it's not really
           | needed. Maybe those choices are really fundamental and there
           | is no escaping them to get peak perf - but you're not going
           | to know for sure until folks try alternatives. Those
           | alternatives likely require building something totally new
           | from scratch because we are talking about things that are
           | fundamental to llvm even if they aren't fundamental to
           | compilers in general.
             | temac wrote:
             | I dislike UB, but I do at language level. When LLVM is
             | reached, UB can only have and only be continued to be
             | removed, never added (from a global point of view, applying
             | general as-if rules a compiler can always generate its own
             | boilerplate in which it knows something can not happen,
             | then maybe latter leverage "UB" to e.g. trim impossible
             | paths, that are really impossible in this case -- at least
             | barring other language level "real" UB). So are there
             | really any drawback to internal exploitation of "UB" (maybe
             | we should call it otherwise then) if for example the source
             | language had none?
         | enos_feedler wrote:
         | We are also seeing MLIR emerging as a compiler framework and
         | LLVM being a dialect of that. This is happening within the LLVM
         | project itself. From this point, it may be easier to write
         | compilers without bringing in all of LLVM with it.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | This is also why I think it was great that Maxime eventually
         | graduated into GraalVM.
         | Another tool for compiler research using modern approaches with
         | type safe languages.
           | fluffything wrote:
           | Isn't GraalVM completely tied to LLVM bitcode, and therefore
           | has all the same problems that LLVM has ?
             | iamrecursion wrote:
             | Not at all. There's an LLVM bitcode interpreter built on
             | top of GraalVM, but the VM itself is heavily reliant on the
             | internals of OpenJDK.
             | anp wrote:
             | Isn't that just the (nee sulong) llvm frontend? IIUC
             | GraalVM is deeply dependent on OpenJDK internals.
             | pizlonator wrote:
             | Not even remotely.
           | The_rationalist wrote:
           | Who is Maxime?
         | edwintorok wrote:
         | Worth mentioning other alternative small backends:
         | http://c9x.me/compile/
           | bluejekyll wrote:
           | While the GP doesn't state this as an advantage, the Rust
           | community would benefit from a fully Rust toolchain.
             | bluGill wrote:
             | Why? Other than to prove it can be done what is the point.
             | If rust was a huge community okay, but face it, they are
             | not. It is better therefore to focus their efforts where
             | they can make a difference. A new x where the existing ones
             | are just fine (this includes well maintained) is a waste of
             | resources.
             | There are many possible good answers to the above question.
             | However I'm not sure they apply, and worse I believe they
             | will split resources that could be used to make something
             | else better.
               | fluffything wrote:
               | Cranelift - the compiler toolchain being discussed in
               | this post (previously known as Cretonne) - is actually
               | completely written in Rust, being developed (obviously)
               | by Rust programmers, that are members of the Rust
               | community. Its development started at Mozilla, which
               | still employs some of its developers to work on it full-
               | time.
               | So.. the claim that the Rust community is not big enough
               | to achieve this is wrong, since they have already done
               | it..
               | The reason they are doing it, is that LLVM is not fine:
               | it is super _super_ slow. People want Rust to compile
               | instantaneously, and are willing to pay people full time
               | to work on that.
               | D, for example, compiles much faster than C and C++, and
               | does this by having their own backend for unoptimized
               | builds. I don't know how big the D community is, so I
               | can't compare its size to the Rust community, but they
               | did it, and it payed of for them big time, so I don't see
               | why it wouldn't pay off for Rust as well.
               | int_19h wrote:
               | DMD inherited the backend from DMC++, which was the end
               | of a long line of optimizing C and C++ compilers going
               | back over a decade before the earliest D alphas.
               | bluGill wrote:
               | I didn't claim rust isn't big enough to do it. (that may
               | well be true given the large effort that went into llvm
               | over many years to make it a good optimizer - this is a
               | different debate though and I'm not sure if it is true)
               | What I said was rust is better off focusing on problems
               | that are not solved well by other people. A fast modern
               | web browser (with whatever features is lacking) for
               | example.
               | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
               | > LLVM is not fine: it is super _super_ slow
               | Source? LLVM is fast for what it does.
               | What people usually complain about is rustc being slow
               | overall, not the LLVM passes.
               | chc wrote:
               | This is true to some degree -- Rust does more work than
               | most programming languages, and that work will always
               | take some time -- but the Cranelift backend is also
               | measurably faster than the LLVM one.
               | kibwen wrote:
               | _> What people usually complain about is rustc being slow
               | overall, not the LLVM passes._
               | The LLVM phases are usually the dominating factor in Rust
               | compile times (the other big single contender is the
               | linking phase). However, when the Rust developers point
               | this out, they are also careful to mention that this may
               | be due to the rustc frontend generating suboptimal IR as
               | input to LLVM; we can both acknowledge that LLVM is often
               | the bottleneck for Rust compilation while also not
               | framing it as a failure on LLVM's part (though at the
               | same time it is uncontroversial to state that LLVM does
               | err on the side of superior codegen versus minimal
               | compilation time, hence the niche that alternative
               | compilers like Cranelift seek to fill).
               | sambe wrote:
               | Why phrase it as "other than to prove it can be done" if
               | you already know there are good answers? I think the
               | following obviously do apply:
               | 1) much easier for Rust community to contribute to the
               | compiler from end-to-end.
               | 2) lower coordination cost with LLVM giving complete,
               | Rust-focussed control over code generation/optimisation.
               | Think about e.g. fixing noalias.
               | 3) lower maintenance cost for LLVM integration/fork.
               | It's also obvious that this needs to be weighed against
               | the loss of LLVM accumulated technology and contributors.
               | This is easy to underestimate (although I think 2)/3) are
               | also easy to underestimate).
               | bluGill wrote:
               | Because I don't think the possible good answers apply.
               | Sure it is harder to contribute to the backend, but does
               | it matter? I've been doing c++ for years and never looked
               | at the backend.
               | I'll grant lower coordination costs. However I believe
               | they are not outweighed by the advantages of the other
               | llvm contributions.
               | If they need to fork llvm that is a problem. Either merge
               | it back in and be done (with some tests so whatever they
               | need is not broke), or there is a compelling reason as
               | llvm won't work with their changes.
               | aseipp wrote:
               | Yes, it does matter, because LLVM is an incredibly
               | complex piece of software. And when you work on a
               | compiler, it turns out you'll have to work on the
               | backend. When I worked on a compiler day-in-and-out,
               | there were _single files_ in LLVM that were bigger than
               | our entire in-house compilation backend put together.
               | Which do you think is more appealing to debug? When a bug
               | in code generation causes compiled programs to segfault,
               | it is not necessarily easy to debug if you aren 't
               | intimately familiar with the project, and this fact is
               | compounded when you consider not everyone hacking your
               | compiler is also a C++ programmer, knows LLVM's
               | architecture, and so on. It is literally hundreds of
               | thousands of lines of C++. The trigger test case is
               | probably a massive generated IR program generated by some
               | toolchain written in a completely foreign language, _for_
               | a foreign language. Playing the game of  "recover the
               | blackbox from the crash site" is not always fun.
               | You can file bug reports, but not every part of the
               | project is going to receive the same level of attention
               | or care from core developers, and not everyone has the
               | same priority. For example the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
               | had to post-process LLVM generated assembly _for years_
               | because we lacked the ability to attach data directly
               | next to functions in an object file (i.e. at an offset
               | directly preceding the function). Not doing this resulted
               | in serious, meaningful performance drops. That was only
               | fixed because GHC developers, not any other LLVM users,
               | fixed it after finding the situation untenable after so
               | long. But it required feature design, coordination, and
               | care like anything else and did not happen immediately.
               | On the other hand the post-processing stuff was a huge
               | hack and broke in somewhat strange ways. We had other
               | priorities. In the end GHC, LLVM, and LLVM users
               | benefitted, but it was not exactly ideal or easy,
               | necessarily.
               | On the other hand, "normal" code generation bugs like
               | register misallocation or whatever, caused by extreme
               | cases, were occasionally fixed by upstream developers, or
               | patches were merged quickly. But absolutely none of this
               | was as simple as you think. LLVM is largely a toolchain
               | designed for a C compiler, and things like this show.
               | Rust has similarly stressed LLVM in interesting ways.
               | Good luck if your language has interesting aliasing
               | semantics! (I gave up on trying to integrate LLVM plugins
               | into our build system so that the code generator could
               | better understand e.g. stack and heap registers never
               | aliased. That would have resulted in better code, but I
               | gave up because it turns out writing and distributing
               | plugins for random LLVM versions your users want to use
               | isn't fun or easy, which is a direct result of LLVM's
               | fast-moving release policy -- and it is objectively
               | better to generate _worse code_ if it 's more reliable to
               | do so, without question.)
               | Finally, LLVM's compilation time issues are very real.
               | Almost every project that uses LLVM in my experience ends
               | up having to either A) just accept the fact LLVM will
               | probably eat up a non-negligible amount of the
               | compilation time, or B) you have to spend a lot of time
               | tuning the pass sets and finding the right set of passes
               | that work based on your design and architecture (e.g.
               | earlier passes outside of LLVM, in your own IR, might
               | make later passes not very worth it). This isn't exactly
               | LLVM's fault, basically, but it's worth keeping in mind.
               | Even for GHC, a language with heavy "frontend
               | complexity", you might suspect type checking or whatever
               | would dwarf stuff -- but the LLVM backend measurably
               | increased build times on large projects.
               | > Either merge it back in and be done
               | It's weird how you think coordination costs aren't a big
               | deal and then immediately say afterwords "just merge it
               | back in and be done". Yeah, that's how it works,
               | definitely. You just email the patch and it gets
               | accepted, every time. Just "merge it back in". Going to
               | go out on a limb and say you've never actually done this
               | kind of work before? For the record, Rust has maintained
               | various levels of LLVM patches for years at this point.
               | They may or may not maintain various ones now, but I
               | wouldn't be surprised if still they did. Ebbs and flows.
               | I'm not saying LLVM isn't a good project, or that it is
               | not worth using. It's a great project! If you're writing
               | a compiler, you should think about it seriously. If I was
               | writing a statically typed language it'd be my first
               | choice unless my needs were extreme or exotic. But if you
               | think the people working on this Rust backend are somehow
               | unaware of what they're dealing with, or what problems
               | they deal with, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest
               | that: they actually do understand the problem domain
               | much, much better than you.
               | Based on my own experience, I strongly suspect this
               | backend will not only be profitable in terms of
               | compilation time, which is a _serious_ and meaningful
               | metric for users, but will also be more easily understood
               | and grokked by the core developers. And Cranelift itself
               | will benefit, which will extend into other Rust projects.
               | pizlonator wrote:
               | Historically writing a compiler in the language that
               | you're promoting is a good way to really understand the
               | limitations of your language.
               | I think this works so well because language designers
               | tend to understand compilers better than they understand
               | other software.
               | cpeterso wrote:
               | I heard Niklaus Wirth would only allow new compiler
               | optimizations (in his compilers for Pascal, Oberson,
               | Modula-2) that proved themselves by speeding up the
               | compiler itself.
               | aseipp wrote:
               | This is the mandatory rule for Chez Scheme which was only
               | broken once when their entire backend was rewritten, and
               | also (from what I have heard) a large guiding principle
               | for the C# compiler at Microsoft.
               | It's extreme but it's a good idea because it treats
               | compilation time like an actual budget, which it is. You
               | can't just add things endlessly. But it's not easy to
               | achieve in practice.
               | pizlonator wrote:
               | Hahaha that sounds excessive!
               | JavaScriptCore does it differently: many of our
               | benchmarks are either interpreters or compilers written
               | in JavaScript.
               | One of those benchmarks, Air, is just the stack slot
               | coloring phase of JSC's FTL JIT (that JIT has >90 phases)
               | rewritten in JavaScript instead of C++. It runs like 50x
               | slower in JS than C++ even in JSC, which wins on that
               | test. So, probably it won't be possible to write a JS VM
               | in JS anytime soon. I mean, surely it'll be possible, but
               | it'll also be hilariously shitty.
           | [deleted]
           | ddevault wrote:
           | I use qbe, it's great. Here's a mostly feature-complete C11
           | compiler based on qbe:
           | https://git.sr.ht/~mcf/cproc
             | hawski wrote:
             | I see that cproc is under quite heavy development, but qbe
             | had last commit at the end of November. Is it considered
             | feature complete? I heard about it some months ago and was
             | quite interested in QBE, but it did not enjoy high tempo of
             | changes. It may be considered advantage, I know too little
             | to judge.
               | ddevault wrote:
               | It's complete enough to compile C11 programs - to me,
               | that's as good of a benchmark as anything. The main thing
               | qbe is missing for cproc's purposes is inline assembly
               | and VLAs. DWARF support would also be nice, but no one
               | seems to care enough to do the work yet.
               | dbcurtis wrote:
               | Are you saying that qbe does not generate _any_ debug
               | information, or just not DWARF format?
         | Rochus wrote:
         | Now it's called monoculture? Rather strange. But anyway: in
         | your terms you're just replacing LLVM monoculture by Rust
         | monoculture, isn't it?
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | Yes, it's a monoculture when the majority of all compiler
           | work/research is happening on one compiler chain. (I feel
           | like GCC is still competitive enough to keep up some
           | competition, but Clang does have a _lot_ of backing.) And
           | yes, if we made a rust replacement and that somehow eclipsed
           | all other compiler suites it would be a monoculture and be
           | bad, but that 's unlikely and creating an alternative to the
           | most popular option reduces monoculture issues by adding more
           | options.
             | mratsim wrote:
             | LLVM has a library and modular approach which makes it
             | easier for people to contribute just in their area of
             | expertise instead of having to find their way in the
             | hundred of thousands of line of GCC.
             | Rochus wrote:
             | So if we join forces and create a reusable compiler backend
             | so not every compiler writer has to implement the same
             | optimizers and code generators over and over again, then
             | this is bad because it's a monoculture? How strange is
             | that?
             | To me, it sounds more like political propaganda from a few
             | idealists who want to justify why - instead of
             | participating in a joint project - they want to develop
             | everything themselves from scratch in their favourite
             | technology. For this there is, nota bene, also a common
             | term: "Not invented here" syndrome.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | > So if we join forces and create a reusable compiler
               | backend so not every compiler writer has to implement the
               | same optimizers and code generators over and over again,
               | then this is bad because it's a monoculture? How strange
               | is that?
               | Why is that strange? You now have a diverse set of
               | frontends and a monoculture on the backend. A world with
               | Chrome, Chromium, Edge, Brave, and the Yandex browser is
               | still a browser engine monoculture.
         | VHRanger wrote:
         | Note that the LLVM monoculture came about because of how much
         | of a pain GCC is to work with.
         | And GCC being a pain to work with is a deliberate decision by
         | Stallman to avoid his baby being expanded upon by corporations
           | wahern wrote:
           | That sentiment is about 10 years out-of-date. Today, GCC
           | supports modules better than clang/LLVM, and has moved to a
           | minimal C++ coding standard. And time has proven that clang
           | and LLVM are no less a moving target than GCC--it turns out
           | that simply writing things in C++ with OOP doesn't
           | automatically guarantee API compatibility while preserving
           | the ability to hack on the implementation.
             | est31 wrote:
             | GCC can't do runtime retargeting. This is a major drawback
             | because suddenly you need your distro to think about your
             | pet niche target. Suddenly you need your build system to
             | choose the correct linker instead of just being able to use
             | ldd. I'm a big fan of GNU and the GPL, but clang is much
             | better in this regard.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Having a GCC monoculture wouldn't be much better.
           | yarrel wrote:
           | "Expanded upon" is a funny way of saying "incorporated into
           | systems that removed their users' freedom".
           | ddavis wrote:
           | It's unfair to rms to say that. He would be happy for
           | corporations to use and contribute to any project associated
           | with the GNU project (like GCC), if everyone wanted to play
           | along in GPL land (which of course isn't reality).
             | CJefferson wrote:
             | Unfortunately not. For years people wanted gcc to output a
             | nice parse tree for C++, which would have been plenty
             | useful for open source text editors, but was banned by RMS
             | as it would also be useful for closed source systems.
               | phkahler wrote:
               | Not sure, but I think his concern was more about the
               | introduction of opaque steps being introduced in the
               | compiler and becoming something people depend on. A weak
               | analogy might be nVidia drivers on linux, imagine a new
               | arch where part of the toolchain is a closed blob.
               | It turns out that hasn't happened yet with LLVM and
               | allowing such things under LGPL may have worked.
               | craftinator wrote:
               | I agree with this point of view; the three E's, Embrace,
               | Extend, Extinguish, are already rampant in the compiler
               | industry, and I see his choices as sacrificing ease of
               | use for more transparency.
               | JoshTriplett wrote:
               | This was a legitimate concern, which helped in the days
               | GCC originated in, and hurt later on. Parsing C and C++
               | well and doing intermediate code generation and
               | optimization was the hard part; taking the result and
               | generating code for a target architecture might well have
               | been proprietary for many architectures if it had been
               | allowed to be, in the era when UNIX and other OS vendors
               | were fighting against each other for every scrap of
               | differentiation. And frontends for some languages would
               | have been proprietary, as well.
               | LLVM's extensible architecture was its most critical
               | property; its permissive license is an unfortunate side
               | effect of a rewrite.
               | If GCC had come up with the "GCC Runtime Library
               | Exception" way back in the day, and provided a modular
               | architecture, half the innovation happening around LLVM
               | might have happened around GCC instead. (Might, not
               | "would have"; we can only speculate on what alternate
               | history might have occurred.)
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | I think it's partially fair; gcc, in order to make it
             | impossible to add proprietary add-ons, deliberately has an
             | non-modular architecture, which makes it hard even for open
             | source extensions to exist.
         | benibela wrote:
         | There are non-llvm compilers.
         | FreePascal for example has its own x86, arm, mips, sparc and
         | powerpc backends
       | WalterBright wrote:
       | The D programming language has 3 compilers, one with LLVM (LDC)
       | one with GCC (GDC) and one with the Digital Mars back end (DMC).
       | It's great to have all three, as they each have different
       | characteristics in terms of speed, generated code, debug support,
       | platform support, etc. Supporting these three also helps maintain
       | proper semantic separation of code gen from front end.
       | tyrion wrote:
       | Thanks for nice article! Hoping the author reads the comments, I
       | would like to leave an, hopefully useful, feedback.
       | It would greatly improve the reading experience of your blog if
       | you could make clickable the footnotes/references.
       | For example when you say:
       | > I've taken the chart from the 2016 MIR blog post[3]
       | I have to scroll to the end of the page to find the blog post
       | (and then scroll back to resume reading). If [3] were clickable
       | it would be great. It would be even better if [MIR blog post]
       | were an actual link itself.
       | mttyng wrote:
       | This is awesome. It doesn't even seem that long ago when Boa was
       | started! Man, time flies and people do great things. Kudos to the
       | author and co-contributors for what Boa has become.
       | gok wrote:
       | Novel compiler backends are a super cool idea, but I don't think
       | it's going to help Rust compile speeds as much as this posts
       | suggests. The complexity of Rust's type system puts a pretty high
       | lower bound on compile times because of work the front end needs
       | to do. Plain C compiles quickly even with an LLVM backend, for
       | example.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Haskell, OCaml, SML, Idris also compile quite fast, with
         | complex type systems.
         | Their secret? Multiple backends with different kinds of
         | optimizations.
         | You don't need to compile for the ultimate release performance
         | when in the middle of compile-debug-edit cycle.
           | isatty wrote:
           | From my (limited) experience, Haskell does not compile fast,
           | especially if you're doing something that needs lenses.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | It surely does, because Haskell is not one compiler
             | language, not only does it have multiple implementations,
             | which I concede almost everyone only cares about GHC, there
             | are interpreters and a REPL experience as well.
             | You don't need to compile your program in one go using
             | GHC's LLVM backend, many times a GHCi session is more than
             | enough.
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | While the type system does add to compile times, profiling
         | generally doesn't show that it's the current limiting factor
         | for compile times. Additionally, tools like rust-analyzer will
         | give you type errors pretty much instantaneously, though of
         | course that work is not finished.
         | Also of note, this blog post isn't speculation; they posted
         | numbers from actually doing it.
           | gok wrote:
           | A 30% speedup is nothing to sneeze at, but it's not putting
           | Rust within spitting distance of Go or C for similar amounts
           | of code.
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | Absolutely. I don't see where anyone is claiming that.
         | dtolnay wrote:
         | Rustc normally spends way more time in LLVM than in the
         | frontend. Rust parsing and type checking are very fast in
         | comparison to LLVM's codegen.
         | Here is a chart from last September showing where the time goes
         | in compiling a large Rust codebase (rustc itself):
         | https://gistpreview.github.io/?74d799739504232991c49607d5ce7...
         | (Scroll down to the large horizontal bars once dependencies
         | have been built.) (Sorry if GitHub is down at the moment; try
         | later if it doesn't load.)
         | The blue part of each bar is time in the frontend, the purple
         | part is time in LLVM. The largest bar (rustc) spans 105 seconds
         | in LLVM out of 140 total, or 75% in LLVM. Many of the subcrates
         | are even more dominated by LLVM time, for example look at
         | rustc_metadata or rustc_traits where >95% of compile time is
         | spent in LLVM.
           | tick_tock_tick wrote:
           | Rust is famous for throwing garbage IR at LLVM and hoping it
           | cleans it all up. They've made a lot of progress but
           | comparing the timing is very misleading when the work is
           | intentionally offloaded to LLVM.
             | int_19h wrote:
             | Isn't that kind of the point of having a relatively high-
             | level backend - to avoid the need for every front-end to do
             | the same tedious optimizations?
               | nitwit005 wrote:
               | You do have to have some sort of balance. With a large
               | enough input, any program will become slow.
             | dtolnay wrote:
             | My comment is in response to "super cool idea, but I don't
             | think it's going to help Rust compile speeds". Even a
             | compiler that emits garbage IR from the frontend would get
             | 20x faster with a magic instant backend if 95% of time is
             | currently spent in the backend.
             | A magic instant backend is unrealistic, so Rust will need
             | to move some of the current backend work to frontend work
             | for things that can be done more efficiently on the
             | frontend. But the fact remains that there is an opportunity
             | for big improvement from a much faster backend.
         | aw1621107 wrote:
         | I think you might be surprised just how much time is spent in
         | codegen- and optimization-related code.
         | For example, a bit over 75% of the time needed to compile the
         | regex crate can be attributed to codegen- and optimization-
         | related events, with a bit over 64% of that time spent in LLVM-
         | related events specifically [0]. Granted, I'm not certain
         | whether this is a release or debug build, but it does show that
         | there is room for significant wins by switching backends.
         | As for why C can compile quickly with an LLVM backend while
         | Rust can't, I'm not sure. I've read in the past that rustc
         | generates pretty bad LLVM IR to pass to the backend, and it
         | takes time for LLVM to sort through that, but there's probably
         | some other factors in there too.
         | [0]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/inside-rust/2020/02/25/intro-
         | rust...
           | edflsafoiewq wrote:
           | I wonder how much of it is just code style. A simple for-loop
           | in C is probably going to be an iterator blob in Rust with an
           | order of magnitude more code for the backend to chew through.
             | Rusky wrote:
             | Part of it may be code style, but another part comes from
             | just how much LLVM IR the frontend generates for just about
             | any code style.
             | Part of the reason LLVM runs so much faster on C than on
             | Rust is that Clang is smarter about generating less/better
             | IR from the start, so LLVM's optimizer has less of a hole
             | to dig itself out of.
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | We can compare them! https://godbolt.org/z/-Fzuqs
             | (My screen is small so it's tough for me to read these
             | results, to be honest...)
               | edflsafoiewq wrote:
               | I believe that is the IR _after_ the optimizer has chewed
               | through it.
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | Oh duh. Should be obvious that you can drop the -O flags,
               | at least.
               | edflsafoiewq wrote:
               | Yes, which gives about 40 lines of IR for C, and about
               | 1300 for Rust (Godbolt truncates it at 500).
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | When writing a language like Rust, is the biggest challenge
       | simply deciding what Rust's features and behaviors should be? And
       | implementing the syntax and Rust -> LLVM compiler is really just
       | a chore for the individuals who are super familiar with the
       | implementation of these languages? Or is the technical
       | implementation also genuinely challenging and non-obvious?
         | kevinmgranger wrote:
         | The concept of lifetime management is relatively novel and
         | uncharted territory, if I understand correctly. There's only
         | some prior art. So implementing that must have been an
         | adventure and a half.
         | And while I'm sure the folks who work on these languages are
         | wonderfully intelligent people, let's dispel this notion that
         | you need to be a super genius to implement a compiler or
         | something like that!
         | It seems magical, like one of the hardest things you could
         | program-- but take a look through crafting interpreters, if you
         | will: http://craftinginterpreters.com/
         | "Nothing is particularly hard if you break it down into small
         | jobs." - Henry Ford
           | Waterluvian wrote:
           | I walked through the Java portion of Crafting Interpreters
           | and indeed, they can be much simpler than you might imagine
           | in your early years. I was more just paying a compliment than
           | suggesting that maintainers are superhuman. Everyone who
           | ships productive code is a wizard and you can be too!
           | I modified my original question to avoid a potential
           | distraction from what I want to talk about. Thanks!
           | xscott wrote:
           | Do you have any links for the prior art? I'm sincerely
           | interested, thank you if you do. I'd also be interested in
           | any articles (or even blog posts) that describe Rust's
           | process for that from a compiler writer's point of view.
         | tadfisher wrote:
         | A language like Rust aims for "zero-cost abstractions", which
         | means the features and behaviors of the language _must_ be
         | evaluated in the context of the implementation.
           | Waterluvian wrote:
           | Let me attempt to unpack this into language I think I
           | understand:
           | It's up to Rust's compiler to verify all the contracts made,
           | because in order for the binary to be "zero-cost", none of
           | those checks are being done at runtime. If you looked at the
           | output assembly, you would see what looks like very carefully
           | written code that shows no explicit signs of protecting
           | itself. Ie. there's no swaths of boilerplate assembly doing
           | borrow checking, out of bounds checking, etc.
             | eximius wrote:
             | That might be a stronger way of putting it than I would.
             | The canonical example is iterator chains with complex logic
             | compiling down into vectorised and unrolled loops. Powerful
             | logical abstractions are used by the compiler to generate
             | code that does what it says to do without the runtime cost
             | of closures or whatever other logical but not mechanically
             | necessary things you have.
             | Iterators can't go out of bounds, so the compiler can elide
             | those checks. There are still _some_ runtime costs at the
             | intersection of safety, ergonomics, and performance. Bounds
             | checking, overflow checking. But they have escape hatches
             | and are relatively rare in the language. Most things do
             | compile out.
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | You're not wrong, exactly, but I'm not 100% sure this is
             | right. The way I would put it is this: Rust has made
             | certain commitments about performance. This means that
             | language changes have to be made in the context of how they
             | are implemented, because releasing a language feature that
             | causes a significant performance degradation would make it
             | not a good fit by definition.
         | steveklabnik wrote:
         | First of all, deciding features and behaviors is _not_ simple.
         | :)
         | There are a number of technical implementation challenges in
         | the compiler.
         | It is a large project, and Rust's got a really intense
         | stability policy.
         | The compiler was bootstrapped very early, when the rate of
         | change of the language itself was still "multiple things per
         | day." This introduced significant architectural debt.
         | There have been multiple projects that have re-written massive
         | parts of the compiler, and more ongoing. For example, non-
         | lexical lifetimes required inventing an entire additional
         | intermediate language, re-writing the compiler to use it, and
         | making sure that everything kept working while doing so.
         | More recently, the compiler has been being re-done from a
         | classic, multiple-pass architecture to a more Roslyn, "query-
         | based" one. Again, this is being done entirely "in-flight",
         | while keeping a project that's used by a _lot_ of folks stable.
         | The rust-analyzer has made this project even more interesting;
         | a  "librarification" strategy is being undergone to make the
         | compiler more modular.
         | For some numbers on this kind of thing,
         | https://twitter.com/steveklabnik/status/1211667962379276288/...
         | and
         | https://twitter.com/steveklabnik/status/1211717308143587334/...
           | j88439h84 wrote:
           | > Rust's got a really intense stability policy.
           | I know the code won't stop running, but I wonder how soon it
           | stops being idiomatic. If it's not idiomatic, it's harder to
           | maintain due to unfamiliar style and structure. Does Rust
           | have measures to deal with this issue?
             | [deleted]
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | I think the closest thing is enforced rustfmt. I don't hack
             | on the compiler though, so maybe there's some stuff that
             | the team does that they don't broadcast super widely.
               | j88439h84 wrote:
               | I don't mean the code of the Rust compiler, I mean code
               | written in Rust becomes unidiomatic as the idioms change.
               | How fast does that happen, is it a problem, is it being
               | addressed?
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | Okay, so hilariously, I thought you meant that at first,
               | but re-read your comment, and said "oh, but we're talking
               | about the compiler's maintenance and I mentioned how
               | often the language is changing, so I must have
               | misunderstood." Should have stuck with my gut!
               | It is not a problem. A lot of processing steps go on
               | before the meat of the work gets done; many new idioms
               | end up boiling away entirely as part of this process.
               | Like, the borrow checker doesn't even know about loops;
               | by the time the code gets there, it's all been turned
               | into plain old gotos. The further you get into the
               | compiler, the simpler of a language it gets, and
               | everything is defined in terms of sugar of the next IR
               | down.
               | ansible wrote:
               | As it happens, Steve can provide some metrics for this:
               | https://words.steveklabnik.com/how-often-does-rust-change
               | https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/fz8mwm/how_often_d
               | oes...
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | I don't think this analysis really captures idiom
               | questions, so while it's related, I'm not sure it's the
               | right thing here :)
               | mcqueenjordan wrote:
               | Honestly, it's probably the perfect time to dive in, now
               | that async/await has dropped.
               | During my time in rust, the major changes in idiomatic
               | code have been around Results/Errors, async/futures, and
               | a few macros and syntactic sugar goodies have evolved.
               | None of these evolutions were problematic to migrate to,
               | and all of them were moving in the right direction, IMO.
           | Waterluvian wrote:
           | Using the word "simply" is a quirk of mine. I'm very much
           | trying to express that I think it's by far the hardest part.
           | Thanks for your response!
             | steveklabnik wrote:
             | It's all good :) You're welcome!
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