[HN Gopher] What end-to-end encryption should look like
       What end-to-end encryption should look like
       Author : lopespm
       Score  : 130 points
       Date   : 2020-04-22 18:15 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (jitsi.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (jitsi.org)
       | kodablah wrote:
       | I have a question on the definition of "end-to-end encryption"
       | with regards to groups/rooms. Is it sufficient to have a single
       | key shared by all "ends" for the room, or must each user have its
       | own key? If a single group key is acceptable, must it be rotated
       | as a member goes or comes?
       | I'm just looking for common definition of the term wrt webrtc
       | groups for fear of misusing it when describing a product. (for
       | the purposes of this clarification, pretend I have key
       | distribution/derivation figured out and I whether I use asymm or
       | symm encryption doesn't apply to the question itself)
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | I think it's very much a gray area.
         | True E2EE seems like each endpoint would have to have its own
         | key. But the bandwidth realities of group videoconferencing
         | make it entirely infeasible for each participant to be sending
         | a separately encrypted stream to each other participant. So the
         | only realistic solution is for all members to share the same
         | key, which makes everything dependent on the security of the
         | key distribution. But then... is it really E2EE? I'm not sure
         | there's a generally accepted answer here.
           | sarakayakomzin wrote:
           | > So the only realistic solution is for all members to share
           | the same key, which makes everything dependent on the
           | security of the key distribution. But then... is it really
           | E2EE?
           | each member deriving their own key and coming to an agreement
           | on the client side is e2ee; it's primarily about the server
           | not having knowledge or being able to recreate the key. each
           | client pair can do an individual agreement or the entire
           | group can via exchanging public keys.
           | oconnor663 wrote:
           | If you already have pairwise E2E encryption working, you can
           | use it to distribute a shared key. It's the first part that's
           | hard.
         | devit wrote:
         | What matters is that the server or software provided and anyone
         | not in the group can't obtain plaintext even if they can
         | intercept and modify all traffic on the Internet.
         | Obviously you need to rotate the session keys when someone
         | leaves, since they must no longer be able to obtain plaintext.
         | ccktlmazeltov wrote:
         | > Is it sufficient to have a single key shared by all "ends"
         | for the room, or must each user have its own key?
         | It is enough that a single key is shared, that being said some
         | systems do more because they want to provide additional
         | properties to end-to-end encryption for groups.
         | otachack wrote:
         | I think it's a hot topic and the definition is divisive. Having
         | 1 "secret" that end users share and use is technically end to
         | end encryption, I'd say, but it's kind of like sending messages
         | to yourself.
         | It's kind of like setting up one private/public key pair, then
         | sharing both with everyone in your group and writing each other
         | messages with them. If one of your group become a malicious
         | actor, or if a malicious actor manages to steal the pair, it
         | can compromise the group communications. You also can't
         | cryptographically distinguish between each other since you
         | share one identity.
         | Mix in video conferencing, though, and you really just have to
         | trust what you see/hear from your peers video feed in addition
         | to trusting your shared key pair isn't compromised.
         | Ideally, each party member has their unique key pair, they
         | share their public keys between the group, then communicate
         | that way. But you got more overhead in starting a Jitsi meet
         | room rather than just a link and a shared password.
           | warkdarrior wrote:
           | Separate keys means you need to have separately encrypted
           | streams for each pair of participants. This is probably not
           | scalable, and definitely does not play well with multicast or
           | with a video-routing server.
             | the8472 wrote:
             | Not really. You can have internal per-packet keys which you
             | throw away after your cryptographic setup and then only
             | convey that key in separately in some encrypted form to
             | each member along with a common payload which is amenable
             | to multicast.
             | I think that's a piece of signal's group chat protocol.
             | kodablah wrote:
             | I think it's fine if you don't re-encode (i.e. need to
             | decode) the audio/video packets in any way. IIRC, you can
             | broadcast RTP stream packets without knowing their contents
             | if you settle on common codecs (e.g. opus and h264). But if
             | you need to embed picture-loss-indicator messages or
             | something, it might not work. I think this is the essence
             | of "SFUs" (selective forwarding units) in WebRTC parlance.
             | adrianmonk wrote:
             | Is that really true?
             | I'm not a cryptographer by any means, but it seems like
             | every time you transmit a chunk of video over the network,
             | you could generate a single-use key, encrypt the video with
             | that key, and then encrypt the single-use key with every
             | intended recipient's individual key.
             | When the recipients get the message, they'd find their
             | encrypted copy of the temporary key in the list, recover
             | the single-use key, then decrypt the video.
             | That way the only wasted bandwidth is in transmitting keys,
             | which is a lot smaller than video.
             | The recipients could give the single-use key (that they
             | decrypted with their individual key) to someone who isn't
             | supposed to have it, but that doesn't seem like a problem
             | since they already have the decrypted data and could give
             | that away.
             | For a small performance improvement, you could re-use the
             | temporary key a few times (for, say, 10 seconds) if the set
             | of intended recipients doesn't change.
               | hathawsh wrote:
               | I like that idea. I think there might be some risk that
               | because all recipients receive the same encrypted text
               | (encrypted by a different key for each recipient), a
               | recipient may be able to discover other recipients'
               | encryption keys. To avoid that, I think I would pad each
               | encrypted text with random data, where each recipient
               | gets different random data.
               | Then the problem boils down to key management, but
               | Keybase has that figured out IMHO. :-) It would be
               | amazing to see a collaboration between Jitsi and Keybase
               | to build end-to-end encrypted video chat with high
               | quality crypto.
               | 0xBeefFed wrote:
               | I am not sure if this relates, but this past year at
               | Blackhat there was a talk on Messaging Layer Security and
               | they broughtup a concept called TreeKEM, where users
               | share keys in a tree heirachy to reduce the number of
               | shared secrets.
               | Again, not sure if this is applicable, but the comments
               | made me think of this.
               | [0] https://www.blackhat.com/us-19/briefings/schedule/ind
               | ex.html... [1]
               | https://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Robert-
               | Messagi...
               | ccktlmazeltov wrote:
               | This still uses a single shared secret for the whole
               | group.
               | 0xBeefFed wrote:
               | Thank you for verfiying that
               | ccktlmazeltov wrote:
               | To add to that, the only goal of TreeKEM is to avoid
               | latency/complexity when adding and removing group member
               | frequently/quickly. Which is really not the use-case of
               | most groups (so not sure why they're doing this).
               | ccktlmazeltov wrote:
               | You both are right, what is not scalable is not
               | encrypting messages to all when there are multiple keys,
               | what is not scalable is sharing this shared secret and
               | rotating it when members are added and removed
               | frequently.
               | This scalability issue is a non-problem imo:
               | * I don't expect large group VCs, and I don't expect the
               | member set to be updated frequently
               | * For large group VCs, the threat model is much different
               | and you can do broadcasting (use the same key)
               | For group chat I would say that confidentiality goes out
               | of the window when you start having a large group, so
               | having one key is just more simple to implement and makes
               | sense.
             | notduncansmith wrote:
             | I think a strong cryptographic communications platform
             | would offer the option of using either multi-party-shared-
             | key or p2p key pairs depending on the use-case. Similar to
             | how Slack has both private and public channels within an
             | org.
         | ghostpepper wrote:
         | Signal has published some interesting material addressing this
         | question.
         | https://signal.org/blog/signal-private-group-system/
       | john37386 wrote:
       | Shouldn't they inspire the end to end encryption from openSSH. As
       | far as I know it's used by many worldwide and it seems fairly
       | secure. Maybe I am missing something though.
         | ffk wrote:
         | It looks like what they have now is openssh like. Client 1
         | sends data to the server encrypted. Server decrypts. Server
         | reencrypts and sends to client 2.
         | This describes how to communicate in such a way where the
         | client 1 and 2 can communicate with the server in the data path
         | and The server being unable to see the contents of the message.
         | The hard part is key management between clients in a secure
         | way.
           | edoceo wrote:
           | You said "server decrypts" but then also "server being unable
           | to see contents". How? If I decrypt, I see contents.
             | SparkyMcUnicorn wrote:
             | I think he's wrong. The server never receives the key. The
             | bridge passes along the encrypted stream and
             | encryption/decryption only happens client side.
             | In the demos, you can see that the parameter is a #
             | parameter and not a query parameter.
       | blendergeek wrote:
       | This is a dupe of https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22855407
       | The URL is slightly different but it is the same.
       | ccktlmazeltov wrote:
       | > From this key we derive a 128bit key using PBKDF2. We use the
       | room name as a salt in this key generation. This is a bit weak
       | but we need to start with information that is the same for all
       | participants so we can not yet use a proper random salt.
       | 1) You do not need to use a password-based KDF if your key is a
       | random bytearray of >= 16 bytes. I expect that most people would
       | use their feature by copy/pasting the key in email or whatever
       | channels they're using to communicate the room link.
       | 2) I'm not sure about IV generation, maybe somebody with more
       | knowledge on SSRC/etc. can look at that
       | 3) decryption error do not kill the connection, that's untypical
       | but I think that should be fine
         | phoe-krk wrote:
         | _> 3) decryption error do not kill the connection, that 's
         | untypical but I think that should be fine_
         | I assume that this is so you can deal with the fact that some
         | individual frames have been lost and/or corrupted as long as
         | the next ones decrypt just fine. That is important for video
         | streams; I can imagine that the quality of life of people using
         | E2EE streams would suffer if the stream was highly vulnerable
         | to corrupting even a single bit within any of the frames.
           | ccktlmazeltov wrote:
           | In practice a bunch of layers under the application one have
           | checksums: UDP already has a checksum, IP already has a
           | checksum too, the data link layer too... so maybe you
           | wouldn't even reach a naturally corrupted AES-GCM ciphertext?
           | Not sure what are the probabilities for the UDP checksum
           | though.
       | sandov wrote:
       | Tangential (and noob) question: Could there be an
       | encryption+compression scheme where:
       | 1. Sender sends an encrypted stream at K bps.
       | 2. Server takes the encrypted stream and compresses it, without
       | decrypting anything. It then sends encrypted+compressed stream at
       | J bps (J<K) to end recipient.
       | 3. The end recipient decrypts the compressed stream using a key
       | provided by the original sender, not the server.
       | This with reasonably secure encryption and reasonably size-
       | efficient codecs, obviously. So the step 2 would add compression
       | additional to the compression of the original codec.
       | Is this mathematically possible?
         | ww520 wrote:
         | Usually you compress first then encrypt. Unencrypted data has
         | better compression ratio.
         | Also modern video data is already compressed where most frames
         | are difference data.
         | askvictor wrote:
         | Generally speaking, video compression algorithms are 'lossy'
         | (cause a reduction in quality) and need to be able to 'see' the
         | video in order to compress it. The compression typically
         | removes details that are not perceivable by humans (this is
         | also the case for image and audio compression), and by sending
         | just the changes from frame to frame, rather than each entire
         | frame. For both of these, the compression algorithm needs
         | knowledge of the video stream, which would be impossible if
         | it's compressed.
         | You could try to use a lossless compression algorithm (such as
         | used by zip), but those are effectively useless on video in
         | general, and even more so on encrypted data, which appears to
         | be random.
           | sandov wrote:
           | Thanks for your answer.
           | > the compression algorithm needs knowledge of the video
           | stream, which would be impossible if it's compressed.
           | That makes perfect sense and I guess my theory of secure
           | encryption + post-re-compression fails because of this. But
           | what if we didn't need perfectly secure encryption, but just
           | per-block encryption. So the server knows that you've sent 60
           | frames, but doesn't know what is in those frames.
           | What if the codec was made in such a way that the server knew
           | that certain blocks in the stream could be discarded to
           | reduce size while the stream without those blocks still makes
           | sense to the recipient.
           | For example: the stream is composed of 64 byte blocks, but
           | the codec says that every 2 blocks there's a discardable
           | block that adds image quality but is not essential. So, with
           | this knowledge, the server discards every 2 blocks when
           | sending that data to people with low bandwidth and sends the
           | original stream with all its blocks to those with high
           | bandwidth.
           | It's an extremely naive scheme, but maybe this principle
           | could be applied to more complicated codecs, so the server
           | only needs to know metadata about the stream (where each
           | block is and whether it's essential), but not the content of
           | the block itself (framebuffer and audio sample values).
           | I'm sorry if this idea is too dumb (and my English skills are
           | not the best).
         | pronoiac wrote:
         | You can't compress properly encrypted data.
         | jstanley wrote:
         | If the data is encrypted well, it should be indistinguishable
         | from random noise.
         | You can't compress random noise.
         | Ergo, you can't compress encrypted data. It's a nice idea
         | though.
         | [deleted]
         | abdullahkhalids wrote:
         | Naively no, but I wonder if there is some variant of
         | homomorphic encryption that does this? I would be surprised
         | though if this was efficiently possible.
           | sandov wrote:
           | Yes, I think homomorphic encryption is what I was thinking
           | about, although I didn't know its name until now.
       | jdc wrote:
       | In short:
       | * currently the Jitsi Meet videobridge sees unencrypted
       | conversations
       | * they're changing that using a new WebRTC API called "Insertable
       | Streams"
       | * it's currently in alpha with an open RFC
       | * they plan to use the double ratchet algorithm for key exchange
       | in the future
       (page generated 2020-04-22 23:00 UTC)