[HN Gopher] Why Segment Went Back to a Monolith
       Why Segment Went Back to a Monolith
       Author : BerislavLopac
       Score  : 500 points
       Date   : 2020-04-29 09:25 UTC (13 hours ago)
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       | StreamBright wrote:
       | I don't blame them, microservices requires discipline, careful
       | planning, in depth monitoring and debugging capabilities and
       | whole different mindset. Very few companies can implement it
       | successfully.
       | bpyne wrote:
       | The takeaway is about trade-offs. They made a rational decision
       | to improve fault isolation by dividing the app into smaller
       | building blocks managed separately. After working with it for a
       | while, they realized the higher operational overhead made the
       | architecture a bad choice for them. So they went back to a
       | monolith architecture and tried to do fault isolation within the
       | boundaries of that architecture, which might have made fault
       | isolation not as good as in the micro-services architecture but
       | it was acceptable.
       | It's incredibly tough to know the full effect of a trade-off on
       | your organization until you start going down that path.
       | We're early in the process of adopting a micro-service
       | architecture. With only a handful of services so far, I can
       | already see how a team of two is going to spend a lot more time
       | with operational issues and debugging.
       | dpix wrote:
       | I see a lot of places that seem to either think that:
       | 1. Microservices will let them ship things faster or
       | 2. It's microservices everywhere or nothing
       | Microservices might let you ship faster if you are really good at
       | deciding where to draw the lines between services and really good
       | at managing multiple deployment pipelines and all the infra -
       | that's a pretty tough ask.
       | Also, if you have a monolith it's perfectly fine to pull out one
       | or two parts that need to scale much more efficiently and leave
       | most of your codebase in the monolith, but a lot of times I see
       | companies think once you have created one microservice the
       | monolith is now the worst thing possible and it needs to be
       | broken up entirely.
       | My general rules for this are to always start in a monolith and
       | break things out as they start to fail or break other parts of
       | the codebase, and don't go all in just because you now have one
       | microservice that works well by itself
         | cytzol wrote:
         | This, this, this! It's been said elsewhere in these comments,
         | but the term "micro"-services really do them a disservice, like
         | it's expected that you need to break your application up into
         | little pieces, to eliminate complexity. But many applications
         | are inherently complex, and splitting them up isn't going to
         | get you anywhere.
         | I've been trying to advocate for a "solar system model of
         | services", where you have a big core application in the middle
         | (the sun), surrounded by helper services of various kinds. Your
         | important business logic can be left alone, but the database,
         | other data stores, functions, timers, queues, integrations with
         | third-party systems, one-off jobs, and other things can all
         | stay in orbit.
         | There _are_ benefits that you get from multiple services that
         | you don 't get from a monolith: having to rely on service
         | discovery instead of hard-coding addresses or passwords, being
         | unable to assume that the server your code is running on will
         | live forever, and requiring a concrete CI-CD pipeline to get
         | your code up-and-running are all good things to have, no matter
         | your model, so it's important to have a clearly-defined process
         | for them. A service-oriented architecture can give you that --
         | put down the pickaxe, you don't need to split the monolith in
         | two.
           | throwaway894345 wrote:
           | Another aspect no one seems to talk about is whether your
           | deployment is monolithic or fragmented. It seems like a lot
           | of the pain of managing microservices comes from designing a
           | coherent CI/CD pipeline, how to share libraries between
           | various microservices, etc. If you have a monorepo, good
           | build tooling, and a good infrastructure as code tool, I
           | think much of that pain goes away, but none of those things
           | are easy and the precise selection and combination of tools
           | depends a lot on your organization (I wouldn't recommend
           | Bazel or Nix--build tools--to a small or medium-sized
           | organization, for example).
             | cgrealy wrote:
             | >> If you have a monorepo, good build tooling, and a good
             | infrastructure as code tool,
             | Yep, and so many organisations ignore these. Especially
             | after a less successful transition to micro-services.
             | "you mean you want to spend more time doing non-customer
             | visible development? You just did that micro services thing
             | a while ago!"
             | "Yes, but to take proper advantage of that we need to
             | invest in the right infrastructure and tooling"
             | "how can I sell that?"
               | throwaway894345 wrote:
               | Honestly, that sounds like the devops team didn't
               | communicate well with the business when they pitched them
               | microservices. The business can't reasonably know that
               | moving to microservices entails a change in
               | infrastructure and tooling--you have to build that into
               | your high level estimates.
         | gregmac wrote:
         | I've found it most helpful to think in terms of deployments:
         | Each (micro)service effectively gets deployed independently.
         | One implication of this is you need to ensure your APIs are
         | backwards compatible with any other services - even if it's
         | only one service that your team also manages. This also
         | includes databases, if shared by multiple services (which I
         | won't get into, suffice to say congrats, your database schema
         | is now also a crappy API).
         | As soon as you start having concurrent deployment dependencies
         | -- that is, the updates for service a + b _both_ have to be
         | deployed at the same time or things are broken -- you 've
         | effectively built a monolith anyway, just with an annoying code
         | layout (eg, spread across multiple repositories).
         | You can use orchestration to tie these deployments together,
         | but this means you're effectively building a monolith with a
         | microservice architecture. Is that _really_ what you want?
           | dpix wrote:
           | Sharing databases across services (micro or not) is generally
           | a pretty bad idea exactly for reasons around versioning.
           | Versioning APIs is a pretty standard way to get around this.
           | If your deployment relies on synchronized service deployments
           | you really dont have independent services at all.
             | danenania wrote:
             | "Sharing databases across services (micro or not) is
             | generally a pretty bad idea"
             | I don't think such a blanket statement is justified. There
             | are plenty of situations where it may make sense to pull
             | out some functionality into its own service--so it can be
             | written in a different language, scaled independently,
             | isolated from failures, or whatever--but where giving that
             | service its own separate database would be serious
             | overkill, complicating ops and introducing potential data
             | integrity issues for no real benefit.
             | "If your deployment relies on synchronized service
             | deployments you really dont have independent services at
             | all."
             | So what? That's really the point: blindly following the
             | Microservices (TM) doctrine is often a mistake. It's better
             | to just solve whatever problem you're facing in the
             | simplest possible way. While that _may_ mean by-the-book
             | microservices with independent databases, in many cases
             | something in between is a better choice.
               | dpix wrote:
               | I didn't mean it as a completely blanket statement, hence
               | why I said "generally". In my experience it's a lot
               | harder to manage a contract between a db schema and
               | multiple codebases over managing versioned contracts
               | between APIs.
               | "It's better to just solve whatever problem you're facing
               | in the simplest possible way."
               | I completely agree with this, but I dont beleive that
               | syncronizing deployments across multiple services is ever
               | simple - have been in this situation at a past company
               | where it would take an entire week every 3 months to do a
               | deployment
               | danenania wrote:
               | Fair enough, but I think even "generally" is too strong.
               | There's a huge cost to splitting into multiple dbs, and
               | I'd say it should be avoided by default unless the
               | benefits clearly outweigh the complexity costs. Just to
               | give one example, authentication gets _way_ more
               | difficult with separate dbs, and you get a whole new
               | class of potential security bugs.
               | Your concerns about versioning and deployments are
               | certainly valid, but I don't think they outweigh the
               | costs of turning your data layer into a distributed
               | system until a project gets very large or those issues
               | are actively causing you headaches.
             | folmar wrote:
             | Writable views or stored procedures are a pretty standard
             | way to versioning database access from clients.
           | SquishyPanda23 wrote:
           | > this means you're effectively building a monolith with a
           | microservice architecture. Is that really what you want?
           | I actually kinda do want that, although maybe it's a niche
           | thing.
           | It would be nice to be able to deploy a monolith that's
           | already cut at seams where there's an obvious API boundary.
           | At one extreme, you could imagine a single binary where
           | processes communicate via RPC.
           | What that would give you is an easy way to split off
           | microservices as they're needed.
           | I'm sure somebody has done work along these lines.
             | dpix wrote:
             | This is actually a similar approach to how next.js deployed
             | to vercel (previously zeit) works by default. Each page or
             | api endpoint is served by an individual lambda function so
             | they can scale up or down independently
             | https://nextjs.org/docs/deployment#optimized-for-nextjs
         | stcredzero wrote:
         | As Matt Easton says: "Context!"
         | I think "5 Whys" might be a useful exercise here.
         | Why was building X as a microservice faster? [reason]? Well,
         | why was that?
         |  _My general rules for this are to always start in a monolith
         | and break things out as they start to fail or break other parts
         | of the codebase, and don 't go all in just because you now have
         | one microservice that works well by itself_
         | I like this. A key tactic is to always do things, such that one
         | can change one's mind!
         | eweise wrote:
         | Starting with a monolith could lead to really difficult
         | refactorings unless you structure the code in a way that it can
         | be easily decoupled.
           | afarrell wrote:
           | I once worked in a monolith that was structured in a way that
           | it could have been easily decoupled. It never was because the
           | codebase was so modular and well-tested that the only time we
           | ever felt the need was when trying to assign ownership to
           | runtime exceptions.
           | https://gocardless.com/blog/getting-started-with-coach/ was
           | the framework.
             | mikepurvis wrote:
             | Exception triage often requires examining the stack
             | regardless-- even if you have multiple processes, you're
             | still going to have errors bubbling up from your pool of
             | shared library code.
           | stcredzero wrote:
           | Law of Demeter!
           | That idea had a lot of influence from Smalltalk, where the
           | natural way of developing was in a monolith. So tactics like
           | that which are about decoupling by default were a good idea
           | in that context.
           | https://wiki.c2.com/?LawOfDemeter
           | JamesBarney wrote:
           | Monolith -> microservices : difficult refactoring
           | Microservices -> monolith : difficult refactoring
           | Microservices with poorly chosen context boundaries ->
           | microservices with well chosen context boundaries: very
           | difficult refactoring.
             | eweise wrote:
             | "Monolith -> microservices : difficult refactoring" I guess
             | my point is that it doesn't have to be complicated if you
             | architect the monolith carefully. That usually doesn't
             | happen though because frameworks don't necessarily promote
             | the practice and projects are short sighted.
               | JamesBarney wrote:
               | It's also really hard. Trying to determine how to split
               | up any code base into logical divisions such that you
               | when adding the next 5 years of functionality you'll have
               | the fewest number of cross division processes is hard.
               | This is why Martin Fowler recommends starting with a
               | monolith and refactoring into microservices unless you
               | have extensive experience building out very similar
               | applications in the same domain.
           | dpix wrote:
           | The same argument can be made for building separate services
           | too. Could become very difficult to merge data between two
           | services after you had redundant information being saved
           | across the two because of a bad design up-front.
         | rhizome wrote:
         | The thing that jumps out to me: there are WAY more page-loading
         | indicators now than there has ever been before. Lots more
         | jumping content, lots more laggy content population, many more
         | elements sliding around...I know "worse is better" is a truism
         | of sorts in technology, but this is ridiculous.
         | What good do any of these architecture decisions make when the
         | experience for the user, the _customer_ , is measurably worse?
         | I mean, aside from not being able to interact with elements of
         | a page before a chain of JavaScript finally gives the all-
         | clear, sites clearly _look_ worse with grayed placeholders and
         | whatnot. There should be a Conway 's Corrollary for revenue-
         | oriented choices.
           | [deleted]
         | Tobani wrote:
         | At my current place of work we have
         | 1 monolith and 2 "Micro-Serivces"
         | Working in the monolith is fine, but running tests is slow
         | because it is a giant rails app that is 7+ years old.
         | There is 1 "microservice" that does its thing and the few
         | people who need to interact with it like it.
         | the second microservice was created, deployed and abandoned.
         | Now people want to move it into the core monolith. It is a
         | distinct unit of functionality that doesn't really have any
         | overlap with the core app. I'm going through and adding all of
         | the tooling to this project because it enables us to solve a
         | certain class of problem (Report generation) that the monolith
         | can't do very well for a couple of reasons. Articles like this
         | have fueled the fire to re-combine it but the pain points have
         | nothing to do with this particular service being separate.
           | JamesBarney wrote:
           | If it's working well why change it?
           | If your co-workers argument is just "microservices bad" then
           | obviously they are making a mistake. But in the general I've
           | seen far more frequent inappropriate splitting of monoliths
           | than inappropriate combining of microservices. (this is
           | honestly the first time I've heard of it.)
             | Tobani wrote:
             | Honestly it doesn't work well now as a developer. It is
             | about a week worth of work away from being a great
             | developer experience. They'll come around. Honestly every
             | time I have split out a separate service it is because the
             | current state of affairs is _bad_ and there is a distinct
             | need. Those handful of things have been rock solid and
             | needed very little attention, but it has been a last
             | resort.
             | chrisan wrote:
             | I mean you admit it yourself, far too often the splitting
             | off is inappropriate. Normally an inappropriate
             | microsservices is a net negative over all that costs you
             | money in the long run. Just because its working doesn't
             | mean it is efficient.
             | My last two "assimilations" where because one microservice
             | was written in Java. The original guy left and no one
             | (around the company) likes to touch Java (or pretend they
             | don't know/do it) which means it was alaways me who had to
             | update it. It was a very small service, likely why he
             | thought small = micro! but it was about 3 hours of work in
             | the monolith. Now anyone can update/contribute to it and
             | not bug me every time
             | The other was a microservice that only served the monolith.
             | New features required the monolith to be updated in order
             | to realize the new features.
               | JamesBarney wrote:
               | Makes total sense.
         | NomDePlum wrote:
         | That advice of starting with a Monolith has consistently been
         | given by those involved in Microservices since the start. I
         | remember a Fowler article in particular. Unfortunately the "if
         | you only have a hammer everything is a nail" analogy holds true
         | when people start looking at where microservices may fit into
         | an overall system architecture. Their answer is invariably -
         | everywhere!
         | Really small, reusable/shareable and stable domains are the
         | sweet spot for microservices. As you say that is most likely to
         | come from decomposing from a monolith. Microservices can really
         | help with building rich domain components in an overall
         | architecture and removing complexity from other components
         | through delegation to the microservice is my experience. They
         | just don't need to be everywhere.
         | The same problem of over-eagerness is becoming apparent with
         | some of the movement to event-based architectures. People
         | become obsessed acolytes and there is no other way. When in
         | fact they may well be ideal for a portion of your overall
         | system architecture but are unlikely to serve it all well.
       | [deleted]
       | resca79 wrote:
       | I think that microservice approach is good when you can share
       | those services between many applications In most cases
       | microservices can be the new premature optimization because you
       | can start to lose the focus on the product itself and think about
       | the the microservice as a product
       | neya wrote:
       | Microservice is not an organizational problem. Microservices is a
       | design problem. If you implement DDD (Domain Driven Design) first
       | to your application and then start to design the application
       | around your DDD concept, then, it might work.
       | But, it's extremely hard even to do that. Microservices simply
       | complicates things if any of your domains need to share code with
       | each other. Many DDD paradigms exist to address this, but none
       | are practical. For example, authentication related code. IF one
       | domain sets a cookie and the other one has to rely on that to
       | keep the user (a shared model between the two domains)
       | authenticated, then this means, you need to duplicate code bases
       | across two domains or in the very least put them into some sort
       | of shared helper/library, which DDD is kind of against.
       | That's why it totally makes sense to go Monolith first and really
       | identify the parts of your application that are slowing you down
       | either development wise, testing wise or performance wise and put
       | them into separate contexts.
       | Phoenix actually does Microservices right. From all the way to
       | scaffold generation to instructing best practices on keeping your
       | domains properly separated. But even then, I've burnt my finger
       | many a times trying to write simple CMS solutions into mutliple
       | microservices then going back to monoliths again.
       | fouc wrote:
       | How many places have gone from monolith to microservices and back
       | to monolith? I'm sure there's been quite a few.
         | rapsey wrote:
         | Or they just drowned in their micro service complexity and
         | never made it back.
           | thinkharderdev wrote:
           | Exactly, I would wager that very few organizations go from
           | monolith to microservices and back. Getting organization buy-
           | in to do the "big rewrite" is hard. Getting buy-in to do the
           | second "big rewrite" after the first one didn't go well is
           | going to be even harder.
         | james_s_tayler wrote:
         | Just waiting for O'Reilly to drop a book called "Microservices
         | to Monolith"
           | PopeDotNinja wrote:
           | A few years ago when the topic of outsourcing/offshoring
           | development was a hot topic for conversation, I bumped into a
           | consultant at a bar. We got to talking about offshoring, and
           | he said he has two folders full of notes, one about
           | offshoring & one about bringing resources in-house. He said
           | he whenever one approach starts to peak, he starts pitching
           | the other one.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | I bet plenty of them.
         | A team that fails to understand how to write modular code, is
         | just going to write spaghetti RPC calls, while having to deal
         | with all the traditional failures and performance issues of
         | distributed computing.
         | Naturally it is a recipe doomed to fail in the large majority
         | of cases, but it doesn't matter because whoever drove the
         | change is no longer at the company and a new consulting
         | team/new hire gets the money to drive everything back to the
         | monolith.
         | So goes the money around on plenty of consulting gigs.
           | swah wrote:
           | I feel this at my current work - and the worst thing is that
           | they have some really smart folks which can understand the
           | whole thing and make it work for a few years more.
           | tartrate wrote:
           | > A team that fails to understand how to write modular code,
           | is just going to write spaghetti RPC calls
           | This is interesting. I always assumed we were talking about
           | good developers here.
           | I wonder what's a more likely cause for a failed attempt at
           | microservices. Is it developer incompetence and lack of
           | discipline, or is it environmental factors related to the
           | product and the organization?
             | pjc50 wrote:
             | For almost all works produced by more than one developer
             | the "good developer / bad developer" dichotomy is just
             | useless social darwinism. Talking about the team,
             | organisation, incentives, or business is far more useful.
             | (My favourite example is John Romero, part of the very
             | small team that produced Doom - but who also produced
             | Daikatana, which keeps showing up on lists of notoriously
             | bad games.)
             | ratww wrote:
             | IME it is always environmental factors.
             | When you have 200 developers working on the same product
             | without well defined boundaries it will be a mess with a
             | monolith, and a mess with microservices.
             | Also arbitrary rules such as "one service per team" or "one
             | service per employee" that force engineers to jerry-rig
             | things that don't belong together. Either allow them to
             | make a new service, make or a new team, or admit that
             | microservices are not single-purpose and are just a blob of
             | multipurpose code. I've seen this way too much.
             | Also pure organizational inertia working against good
             | engineering practices: sometimes a team will be severely
             | overworked while others are overstaffed. But god forbid
             | there's a temporary reorganization to improve the work of
             | engineers, so people send tasks to other teams, but there's
             | minimal communication between engineers.
         | xxs wrote:
         | Truth be told, no one stops you from having modular 'monolith'.
         | It feels the name was invented just to sell books and
         | conference tickets (and yummy consulting fees).
         | There is no substitute for a good model and responsibility
         | separation, (micro)services or otherwise.
           | ratww wrote:
           | I agree.
           | Writer Michael Feathers has an article where he suggests that
           | Microservices are a replacement to encapsulation, all we have
           | to do it use encapsulation well.
           | https://michaelfeathers.silvrback.com/microservices-and-
           | the-...
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | We did this, but on the trip back we made some major
         | improvements.
         | We didnt stop at monolithic service. We stopped at monolithic
         | repository+organization. There is now 1 VS2019 solution that
         | covers our entire business. All of our services can be built
         | out from this one solution via various configurations. We've
         | even created additional solution "views" for more focused work
         | (i.e. so you don't have to load a bunch of projects you don't
         | care about for a specific task).
         | At this point, if we ran into scalability issues with a
         | monorepo, I'd start looking for better source control/CI/CD
         | technologies rather than splitting things up in hopes of
         | arbitrarily keeping git viable. The benefits of having all of
         | your source code in 1 repository with strongly-typed models
         | throughout are impossible to overstate. When checkbuilds
         | complete successfully in GitHub, we know the entire business is
         | clean. Not just 1 little aspect of the product stack.
       | gfodor wrote:
       | My takeaway from these kinds of stories is that microservices
       | make sense if it's no longer possible to operate a monolith. By
       | existence proof, that was clearly never the case at Segment. The
       | common fallacy seems to be that microservices lead to better
       | software via better architecture, regardless of human factors
       | like team size. My sense is that it's the opposite: microservices
       | are a necessary evil to scale teams past a certain size due to
       | the bottlenecks that emerge with monoliths as more people begin
       | trying to make changes simultaneously, and should be viewed as
       | neutral at best in terms of a software architecture pattern to
       | increase reliability, performance, etc. In practice, it seems
       | wise to keep your engineering team as small as possible for many
       | reasons, one large one of which is that past a certain point you
       | will be forced to move to microservices. All other things being
       | equal, that's a move you don't want to ever have to make.
       | If you have hundreds of engineers then certainly microservice
       | architecture starts to make sense, since even the idea of
       | transactional deploys of the monolith break down due to queuing
       | at that scale. But jeeze, don't pull that trigger until you
       | actually find yourself backing up on necessary complexity like
       | deploy queues, PRs stuck due to inability to maintain the branch
       | given the velocity of master, etc. Don't let Conways law lead you
       | prematurely to microservices. If I'm ever in a position where I
       | am feeling real pain that leads to an urgency for microservices,
       | I am probably going to first ask the question if I can just fire
       | some people to make the problem go away. The risk of the
       | transition to microservices is just that high.
       | It's the same rule of thumb with other things like hiring,
       | feature roadmaps, etc: YAGNI. If you are hiring someone before
       | the pain is so high the work cannot be done otherwise, building
       | features before you have people explicitly showing the need for
       | them, or making deep, cross cutting architectural changes that
       | impact everyone before they are strictly necessary due to
       | concrete problems with shipping software, you're probably
       | choosing the wrong use of opportunity cost, capital, etc.
       | pulse7 wrote:
       | TL;DR: "If microservices are implemented incorrectly ... you're
       | drowning in the complexity."
         | the_mitsuhiko wrote:
         | I want to see the microservice architecture where you don't
         | drown in complexity.
         | yehosef wrote:
         | Could it be valid to say that even if microservices are
         | implemented correctly, you're swimming (if not drowning) in
         | complexity? But for some problems and teams, that's better than
         | the alternative.
       | boffinism wrote:
       | That final paragraph is pretty brutal. Are engineers really so
       | reliably obnoxious?
         | 7777fps wrote:
         | In general, yes.
         | Everyone seems to have their preferred style of coding, and it
         | is an easy defence mechanism, when presented with anyone who
         | tries and finds it wanting, to say that "Well they didn't do it
         | properly".
         | You find that with Microservices vs Monolith, Strong types vs
         | Weak types, Exception Handling vs Results, Agile vs Waterfall.
         | People fragment into camps which turn into echo chambers and
         | it's easy to dismiss anyone who doesn't commit to that cult as
         | being unpure and not worthy of being in the cult anyway.
       | patsplat wrote:
       | Is it about process space and programming languages? Or is it
       | about source control and CI architecture?
       | How is a monolith different from a monorepo?
       | malisper wrote:
       | If you take a look at some of Segment's open source code, it
       | isn't hard to see why they wound up struggling with
       | microservices. It looks like they subscribe to the "left-pad"
       | style of software development. They have tons of repositories
       | that have less than 10 lines of code. They have a two line
       | repository for calling _preventDefault_ [0], a four line
       | repository for getting the url of a page[1], and a eight line
       | repository for clearing the browser state that calls into eight
       | different packages[2].
       | Disclaimer: I run a Segment competitor. I'm pretty biased, but
       | still...
       | [0] https://github.com/segmentio/prevent-
       | default/blob/master/lib...
       | [1]
       | https://github.com/segmentio/canonical/blob/master/lib/index...
       | [2] https://github.com/segmentio/clear-
       | env/blob/master/lib/index...
         | arno_v wrote:
         | Oh my god! Who in its right mind comes up with this? The
         | boilerplate is 10x the size of the actual code :'(
       | freedomben wrote:
       | Others have covered most of my thoughts but I haven't seen
       | platform mentioned.
       | If you already have a platform like Kubernetes/OpenShift
       | (preferably with a service mesh) micro services make a lot more
       | sense to me and can be done well. It gets easy to deploy and
       | scale independently, but still have very low latency
       | communication with a strong security model built in.
       | If you are deploying everything to completely independent
       | platforms/infrastructure, I get a lot more conservative with
       | "what should be its own service" and what shouldn't. Building a
       | distributed monolith (a bunch of dependent services that aren't
       | reusable/composable) is the worst of all worlds.
       | ajsharp wrote:
       | I see quite a few people defending microservices; the org is the
       | problem, they must not have written the software correctly, etc.
       | Most org structures are not great. Most software is not great. If
       | you expect the exception to be the rule you're setting yourself
       | up for a career full of disappointment.
       | Microservices are a modern re-branding of service-oriented
       | architecture, but 'microservices' sounds cuter and less like it
       | belongs in Java-land, and there's some theoretical idea that
       | splitting your app into even smaller pieces will somehow make the
       | whole thing better.
       | SOA/microservices solves a few problems and introduces a great
       | many. The original SOA proponents were pretty explicit about
       | this. Beware! There be dragons here! But one of the main pieces
       | of prescriptive advice from domain driven design is helpful for
       | splitting into distributed services: split along domain lines
       | with minimum inter-service dependencies. Payments is an obvious
       | one. Microservices seems to buck much of this advice in favor for
       | a blissfully ignorant principle of "small" or "isolated". Good
       | luck isolating something that is not meant to be isolated.
       | Scaling software is hard. Scaling teams is harder. Trying to
       | scale teams by scaling/distributing software is an understandable
       | goal but extremely hard to pull off because of additional
       | complexities and costs you incur in doing so. Dev gets harder,
       | deployment/ops becomes harder, testing becomes harder. Cross-team
       | communication, documentation, API publishing and adherence goes
       | from being very low impact within an org to suddenly being
       | critically important.
       | To do SOA/microservices effectively you need complete
       | organizational buy-in, and you have to commit completely to
       | developing tooling and solving all the associated problems in
       | moving to a services approach. Often, it's easier to just put it
       | all back together, organize the code in such a way to minimize
       | merge conflicts and wait for the ungodly slow test suite to run
       | in CI. There are good reasons you rarely hear SOA/microservices
       | success stories outside of enormous companies (Netflix, Facebook,
       | Google, Amazing, etc). Doing this stuff takes an enormous
       | investment and commitment from the entire organization, and there
       | are just lower friction ways to skin this cat if you don't
       | operate at mega web scale.
       | Growing a monolith is hard. Growing a microservices/SOA
       | architecture is also very hard. Growing is hard.
         | DrScientist wrote:
         | > split along domain lines with minimum inter-service
         | dependencies.
         | Exactly, and done right that quite often means big
         | 'microservices'.
         | All too often I see the 'functional programming disease' where
         | the aim is to deconstruct to the smallest possible reusable
         | functions ( 'micro' services right? ), often prematurely,
         | creating high levels of compositional complexity and with zero
         | tools to help you understand how the actual 'app' - say payment
         | system works if it's distributed across 20 services.
         | Yep each single microservice is simple - but the payment system
         | might not be and that's what you need to understand - better if
         | your payment system is one thing - with maybe one or two things
         | separated out if you need to scale that part.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | "Yep each single microservice is simple - ..." but the whole
           | is not.
           | I always find it more interesting what's _not_ in the single
           | microservices, the stuff you do see. When you make a diagram
           | with boxes and arrows, the interesting stuff would be the
           | arrows, not the boxes themselves.
             | crdrost wrote:
             | Indeed my loudest prescription to people doing service-
             | oriented architectures of any kind is to simplify these
             | arrows.
             | The common mistakes that I see are for two services to
             | share read access to a common database, or to discover each
             | other and send RPCs to each other. Both really dangerous
             | for exactly this reason! The common database obscures how
             | the two communicate with each other, and invariably
             | everything connected to a database becomes one service --
             | call it a "mini-lith" if the overlapping sets created by
             | databases do not cover the whole architecture. The problem
             | is the preponderance of implicit arrows; when I reason
             | about what it means to make this datetime nullable so that
             | I can store such-and-so, I need to consider whether
             | everybody who can read that datetime will be prepared for
             | its nullability.
             | RPCs and APIs are the same way. I add a contract about what
             | I am outputting and then everybody needs to know about my
             | contracts and I must commit to them or else modify all of
             | my consumers. So because the arrows are bi-directional
             | everything just becomes one monolith again.
             | Instead, I recommend message brokers -- all that pubsub
             | stuff. A given service tells all the other services
             | simultaneously "this happened," and it is their
             | responsibility in their codebase to listen for that event
             | and then say "okay, then this must happen." Publishing a
             | new version of the event is done by just emitting both the
             | old and the new version of the event and perhaps having a
             | shared standard for deprecation across the codebase so that
             | you get deprecation warnings in your prod logs.
             | Every service has its own database and they generally only
             | communicate to each other through these broadcasts, makes
             | the arrows into the "stuff you do see".
           | ajsharp wrote:
           | Completely agree. The micro thing is rooted in a desire for
           | simplicity, which is laudable from a theoretical perspective.
           | Small is simple and simple is nice to work with. But in any
           | production software it's usually a pipe dream.
           | Kind of the whole point of software is to take a bunch of
           | complexity and make it simpler for the end user. The fact
           | that the software visually looks like shit or is difficult to
           | work with because it's difficult to reason about is a rather
           | unfortunate side-effect, but usually has no bearing on actual
           | business success.
           | There are lots of things we should try to do to reduce
           | software complexity and make it easier and safer to work with
           | and change. But trying to force simplicity by way of size
           | usually has the opposite effect.
           | tabtab wrote:
           | It's sometimes said that in software, there hasn't been
           | anything truly new under the sun since the 1970's, just
           | incremental refinements or repacking under a different name.
           | And Lisp has been around since about 1960.
           | So if any fad/trend comes along promising the sun and stars
           | of simplicity or productivity, search IT history and find the
           | downsides and trade-offs.
           | I wish there were more KISS pundits than fad pundits.
         | breischl wrote:
         | >Cross-team communication, documentation, API publishing and
         | adherence goes from being very low impact within an org to
         | suddenly being critically important.
         | Totally agree, but I think this is underappreciated by many.
         | People tend to wave this away by just saying we'll just use
         | Swagger/gRPC/whatever-doc-gen-tool, but that's not the main
         | problem. The problem is that each service needs to have some
         | coherent purpose, and must adhere to that purpose. Changes to
         | that must be reflected through a proper API change and
         | migration. But that requires thought, discipline, and
         | (sometimes slow) work.
         | When you inevitably run into a situation where you could
         | instead throw a quick hack into the wrong service that will
         | make things work _now_ the temptation to do it very strong
         | (bonus points if this is due to regulatory changes). But now
         | you have an undocumented behavior dependency between those
         | services - they 're coupled in a subtle way. And eventually the
         | accretion of those results in a distributed monolith instead of
         | a plain-old monolith.
         | >domain driven design is helpful for splitting into distributed
         | services: split along domain lines with minimum inter-service
         | dependencies
         | Definitely, yes. But then when your business evolves in some
         | way that causes all your domains to be inappropriate, you're up
         | a creek again. I don't think there's really a solution to that,
         | though.
       | viach wrote:
       | That may sound cynical but if we agree that software development
       | is a show (bet, entertainment, whatever) for investors in 99%,
       | then microservices are good to keep people excited.
       | mikejulietbravo wrote:
       | I saw a talk with Alexandra from Segment before. When it makes
       | sense to go with monolith it makes sense.
       | When it makes sense to use microservices, it makes sense.
       | Doing anything for no reason whatsoever never makes sense.
       | That is all.
       | patsplat wrote:
       | Note that one big database can decimate productivity as well.
       | debrice wrote:
       | "Monolith vs Micro-services?" is philosophy at this point. It's a
       | good brain exercise, a great starter for debate, it reveals a lot
       | of insights... all because there is no actual answer.
       | HeroOfAges wrote:
       | I wonder why they are so easily able to work with and integrate
       | external services, but they couldn't work with and integrate with
       | their own internal services. I think it has to do with the fact
       | that the boundaries to the external services are well defined and
       | enforced because there is a physical aspect to it. Perhaps they
       | lack the will to create and enforce those boundaries between
       | their internal services.
       | davedx wrote:
       | My experience of moving to a microservice architecture: the most
       | important consideration with microservices is "who will develop,
       | maintain and operate them?". You can split them down functional
       | lines, architectural lines, whatever you like, but if you don't
       | have teams with definite ownership of each microservice (and that
       | aren't swamped by maintaining lots of them like it seems happened
       | with Segment), it will become impossible. The "operational
       | complexity tax" is a real thing but is manageable if your
       | engineer:service ratio is sensible and considered.
       | mark_l_watson wrote:
       | I have always viewed using many micro services as something that
       | adds complexity, something to be used when necessary.
       | I started working remotely as a consultant in the early 2000s
       | when my wife and I moved to a remote area. I had several
       | development jobs that used the same monolith pattern: I would
       | embed everything in a web app using Apache Tomcat, taking
       | advantage of work threads for background tasks. The only external
       | services were a database and crontab settings to frequently
       | snapshot databases. This pattern was so easy to code to, so easy
       | to debug and deal with any runtime problems. One customer
       | reported that a system ran without stopping for six years (ouch,
       | no OS upgrades??) until they restarted it on a larger server.
       | Micro services can be great, but not always the best choice when
       | horizontal scaling is not required.
       | sealthedeal wrote:
       | They went to 50+ services in a few months, were applying the same
       | policies across all services. It sounds like they didn't plan
       | well enough and jumped straight into it, without any good DevOps
       | or infrastructure mindset. It was a disaster waiting to happen.
       | This shouldn't be an article that people read and say "Oh Im
       | never using Microservices". This should be an article people read
       | and say WOW that is exactly the right way to NOT break apart a
       | monolith.
         | [deleted]
       | danielrhodes wrote:
       | Before going full microservices, try writing your code in a hyper
       | modularized way and see if this doesn't solve your problem first.
       | hedora wrote:
       | Are there any case studies where microservices went well?
       | From an end user perspective, Netflix runs in "constantly
       | degraded" mod.
       | From an engineering perspective, they track "number of successful
       | stream starts", instead of percentage of the time 100% of their
       | services are working. That's a huge red flag.
       | As a researcher, the monitoring and fault-propagation / modeling
       | work they've done to get it to stay up at all is impressive, but
       | it's not clear all of that tooling would be necessary if they
       | didn't have to reason about N^2 fault tolerance scenarios, where
       | N = 100's of microservices. That's on the order of one fault
       | tolerance scenario for each atom in the universe.
         | bradrobertson wrote:
         | Like others have mentioned here, simply pointing out examples
         | where microservices have failed doesn't imply that
         | microservices can't succeed. I've attempted to bake bread twice
         | and they both failed. I didn't conclude that baking bread can't
         | be done, but that my skills to do it were insufficient.
         | There are lots of examples of successful companies using
         | microservices, but I believe the real problem is in defining
         | what constitutes a microservice. Most people call things
         | "microservices" that are nothing of the sort. I can
         | unequivocally say if you built a "service" that depends on
         | other things being 100% available (like another "service") than
         | you haven't built a microservice (ie: those things you built
         | shouldn't be called services).
         | By that token, autonomy is a pretty important factor. The Udi
         | Dahan teachings (https://particular.net/adsd) (currently
         | available for free) promote this style of architecture. A
         | concrete example of a toolkit for building _true_ microservices
         | can be found in Message DB (https://github.com/message-
         | db/message-db) and/or Eventide (http://docs.eventide-
         | project.org/)
         | I wouldn't suggest, however, that anyone can just watch the
         | course, pick up these tools and succeed. Like baking a good
         | loaf of bread, it takes a lot of skill, work and experience.
         | Whether or not you succeed at building microservices is
         | ultimately up to you and your team.
         | marcosdumay wrote:
         | By sheer number of attempts somebody probably got good results
         | with microservices somewhere.
         | Netflix runs quite well in practice. I think they do redundant
         | service calls, what is the only minimally sane way to develop a
         | distributed system. The funny thing is that I have never seen
         | any serious discussion of redundant calls, except for it being
         | implicit on practical designs on the anecdotal "how it works
         | for us" articles that pop once in a while. Most times people
         | won't even discuss redundant servers. I imagine everybody
         | thinks it's obvious, and well, I would agree, except for the
         | fact that most people I see do not think so.
         | But well, Netflix couldn't avoid having a distributed system,
         | so they aren't really representative for nearly anybody.
         | brown9-2 wrote:
         | > From an engineering perspective, they track "number of
         | successful stream starts", instead of percentage of the time
         | 100% of their services are working. That's a huge red flag.
         | They don't measure how often 100% or their services are up
         | because perfect uptime is not the goal and is too expensive (if
         | it's even possible). If an internally facing service being down
         | doesn't affect a core metric like number of stream starts by
         | customers, then it's foolish to treat it as needing 99.999%
         | uptime.
         | realntl1 wrote:
         | Why do you assume they have more fault tolerance scenarios
         | simply because they have more deployable units?
         | In every service architecture I've worked with in the last few
         | years, you could theoretically run every single "service"
         | within the same physical process -- provided they all shared
         | the same runtime/lang the way a monolith does. I tend to start
         | service architectures using Ruby exclusively with the Eventide
         | toolkit, so this is actually a viable approach for most teams
         | I've worked with. But it's never ultimately made sense.
         | Weighing the pros/cons, a consolidated deployment topology
         | wouldn't add any benefit, and it would actually make it far
         | more difficult for the operations folks, practically speaking.
         | I've helped put services into production that 1. carry out
         | crucial, "core" business logic reliably and efficiently, 2. can
         | be scaled horizontally without changing the code, 3. never
         | raise exceptions or cause outages, and 4. don't need to be
         | touched for years because new features are more naturally
         | composed around them anyways (i.e. open/closed principle).
         | Practically speaking, it's quite a bit easier for human
         | programmers to reach this degree of precision with a smaller
         | program than with a much larger one. And if you add up a lot of
         | these high quality programs, you get a high quality system.
         | Building a high quality system out of a single program is much,
         | much harder for humans in practice.
         | I'll use crude terms here for a second: every _good_ service
         | put into production brings a net benefit to the organization
         | relative to the same code having been entangled with an
         | existing pile of code. That may sound like a  "No True
         | Scotsman" fallacy, but the _definition_ of  "good" in this
         | context is precisely the net benefit being added. If you build
         | and deploy services that have a high degree of quality, you get
         | a corresponding benefit. If you build and deploy programs that
         | _don't_ stand on their own, _don't_ leverage durable messaging,
         | and take other programs down with them when they crash, then
         | you get a rather large mess on your hands. In fact, you never
         | had a service architecture at all; we call this failure mode a
         | "distributed monolith."
         | I'll acknowledge that most attempts at microservice
         | architectures in the wild don't seem to succeed. Anecdotally,
         | they are particularly prone to failure when their architects
         | don't understand the underlying principles of distributed
         | systems all that well; they neglect important considerations
         | like messaging idempotence, the deleterious effect of
         | synchronous request/response messaging, and the need for
         | deliberate, thoughtful design. In other words, they build
         | systems out of N number of microservices, and get N^2 fault
         | tolerance scenarios, which you adeptly called out for being
         | foolish. They're arguably worse off than if they went with a
         | monolith, but neither would be an architecture I'd personally
         | want to work with.
           | hmeh wrote:
           | I'm currently working with realntl on a transition to
           | Eventide from a Rails monolith for a client project. We
           | reached a point where the monolith was getting harder and
           | harder to change. This is inevitable in my experience, no
           | matter how careful you think you are.
           | Though the transition is still in progress, I can say that
           | the path forward is clear and hopeful. This company had
           | previously explored other "SOA" paths (distributed monolith)
           | and it was clear that those were very problematic. Luckily,
           | we were able to steer them to an actual evented architecture.
           | As I said, it's still early days for this particular project,
           | but if you're feeling your monolith is getting harder and
           | harder to develop on, you should start looking into evented
           | architectures. Eventide (ruby)/messagedb (postgresql) are
           | awesome technologies and would be the first I'd consider.
           | Eventide also has a nice slack community filled with people
           | that are learning and improving their software design skill
           | both in the large (architecture) and the small (individual
           | classes/etc). It's small, but they're good people.
         | curryst wrote:
         | > As a researcher, the monitoring and fault-propagation /
         | modeling work they've done to get it to stay up at all is
         | impressive, but it's not clear all of that tooling would be
         | necessary if they didn't have to reason about N^2 fault
         | tolerance scenarios, where N = 100's of microservices. That's
         | on the order of one fault tolerance scenario for each atom in
         | the universe.
         | That doesn't seem true. I would imagine that at Netflix scale,
         | you probably have request tracing libraries that can give you a
         | graph of service dependencies. Whether it's worthwhile to
         | consume that, or easier to just let Chaos Monkey run rampant is
         | another question.
         | Also, I very rarely have issues with Netflix. Typically when I
         | do I can just exit the stream and restart it. Anecdata, but I
         | could count on one hand the number of times I've had a title
         | just not play, or Netflix be down entirely.
         | gowld wrote:
         | If Netflix were a monolithic, then the whole system would
         | collapse instead of degrading.
           | dx034 wrote:
           | A monolith can run distributed and be scaled across data
           | centers. It's not a mainframe application with one host. One
           | process can crash without affecting system stability.
         | musingsole wrote:
         | > Are there any case studies where microservices went well?
         | You answered your own question with Netflix. While you're right
         | that it's not clear Netflix would've needed to develop their
         | chaos monkey tooling and the like, it's not clear at all at
         | that an equivalent system is possible as a monolith. Even if a
         | monolithic Netflix system were technically possible, it's not
         | clear if a monolithic system would be organizationally feasible
         | either (Conway's Law)
           | dx034 wrote:
           | Why wouldn't it be possible? It doesn't mean you can't
           | modularize the application. And scaling can also work well
           | for monoliths. I don't see how Netflix' service (browsing the
           | catalog, serving content, reencoding videos) can't be done in
           | a monolith.
         | 87zuhjkas wrote:
         | Well, lets assume N = 999, then N^2 = 998001, so nowhere near
         | the number of atoms in the universe, which is estimated to be
         | about 10^80.
           | mbrameld wrote:
           | I think the person you're replying to meant 2^N based on the
           | context. They're saying you have to account for every
           | possible combination of services being down.
         | vorpalhex wrote:
         | Microservices working well is entirely about the team, and my
         | current group of teams works very well with the monolith
         | pattern. A big part of this is because (for business reasons,
         | not technical ones) they frequently trade ownership of parts -
         | so if a service isn't well constrained it will be very quickly.
         | We also have mature DevOps practices and engineers handle
         | significant parts of DevOps themselves instead of just kicking
         | the can.
         | But the reason I say this is about the team is because I've
         | seen a well built, well groomed service be passed off to an
         | outside team and immediately turned into a disaster. Same
         | service, same business case, just a team without the DevOps
         | savvy and willingness to follow the patterns.
         | Netflix does some.. unusual things with microservices, mostly
         | with how they treat version rollovers. It's not bad or good,
         | but it looks different from how many other shops handle the
         | same problem and it means asking the question "is everything
         | working?" is extremely difficult but asking the question "how
         | many people are able to start watching?" is pretty easy.
         | sbellware wrote:
         | If the question "are there any case studies where microservices
         | went well" is a valid question, then so must be, "are there any
         | case studies where monolithic architecture went well".
         | My point being that if and only if we have a track record as an
         | entire field of making decisions based on case studies, AND if
         | case studies have a track record of being objective rather than
         | proffered as a result of a marketing agenda, then the question
         | is ultimately legitimate.
         | There are more shops by total count that fail with monolithic
         | architecture. That's inevitable just based on the infinitesimal
         | number of projects executed as service architectures rather
         | than monoliths at large in the wild. But still, we carry on
         | with monolithic architectural style as if its outcomes were
         | assured.
         | It's far easier for the vast majority of developers to build a
         | monolith because it allows development to proceed without
         | having to have any knowledge of or practice with the tricks and
         | traps of distributed systems - an entire body of knowledge that
         | a developer might never get meaningful and practical exposure
         | to for an entire career.
         | The trouble starts when microservices are attempted by
         | developers who can't imagine that there are entire bodies of
         | software development knowledge that developers aren't presently
         | in possession of.
         | Microservices is just, as Adrian Cockroft used to say,
         | "Service-Oriented Architecture with bounded contexts".
         | Web development is absolutely not a preparatory course in
         | service oriented architecture. But the vast majority of web
         | developers who attempt to take on SOA while simultaneously
         | presuming an omniscience in all things software development due
         | to their experiences only with monolithic web development will
         | often fail to build a SOA. They usually end up with something
         | that isn't quite SOA and isn't quite a monolith. And that's
         | where the failures largely come from.
         | I work exclusively in microservices and SOA, and have since
         | 2015. Before that, I worked principally as a web app developer,
         | and did some work off-and-on in SOA implementations. And before
         | that I spent years becoming oriented to the architecture. I
         | don't make the mistakes that web developers typically do when
         | they presume that web development knowledge is a sufficient
         | prerequisite for working in SOA.
         | So, it's not a question of whether an architectural style works
         | or doesn't. The majority of failures in microservices can be
         | attributed to ignorance and to the narcissism that is
         | permissive of it.
         | So, I would ask this question instead: Are there any cases
         | where developer over-confidence and over-simplification went
         | well?
         | These qualities don't tend to serve any architectural style
         | well.
         | I've never heard of a well-designed SOA not going well. Every
         | single case of microservice project remediation that I've
         | participated in had as the most significant contributing factor
         | an utter disregard for the body of knowledge that the
         | microservices architectural style is built upon.
         | There are a lot of things that developers can get away with
         | when doing the kinds of tinkering and wandering that typifies
         | typical web development work. But those things don't work once
         | we cross the line into SOA. And unfortunately, the incessant
         | chasing after trivial resume candy hasn't prepared the average
         | developer for the rigorous mindset needed for SOA work.
         | As "microservices" became to next fad for perennial fad chasers
         | of the software development world, they finally encountered a
         | kind of work that they could not get away with by faking it.
         | And so, we see a lot of failures. But the vast majority of the
         | failures are personal failures and character failures, rather
         | than failures of an architectural style.
         | The fat part of the developer bell curve was simply
         | overreaching when it presumed to try to get away with building
         | service architectures with the same level of disinterest in
         | architecture and process that we can get away with in typical
         | web development. Like a kid with copious experience building
         | kites presuming to strap themselves to a hang glider and just
         | "going for it". The outcomes are mostly predictable.
         | In the end, if a little time is invested in learning the
         | fundamentals that have so far been eschewed for the sake of
         | expediency, anyone can succeed with SOA and microservices. It's
         | not that the realities of the architectural style are
         | unlearnable, but it can't be arrived at by the level of
         | tinkering and wandering that we can just get away with in
         | monolithic web development.
         | beastcoast wrote:
         | Amazon does micro services (or SOA) extremely well. In fact
         | they practically invented the concept. It's intricately linked
         | with the 2 pizza team and service ownership concept (you build
         | it, you support it)
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | Amazon does SOA with 1 service <--> 3 to 10 engineers.
           | This is much bigger than the typical _micro_ services, and by
           | choice.
           | corpMaverick wrote:
           | and the concept of well defined API's for each service.
       | Legion wrote:
       | Monolith vs microservice feels like a higher level case of the
       | expression problem.
       | revskill wrote:
       | Whatever monothlic or microservice, it's all about modularity.
       | Monothlic or microservice is just the implementation on how you
       | achive modularity.
       | So the problem here, to me, is how you design the modularity for
       | your system, not how you implement it.
       | rvz wrote:
       | Still waiting for Monzo's following blogpost on cutting down
       | their outrageous number of 1500 microservices [0] and moving some
       | back into monoliths. I'm not sure if I would be too excited over
       | the number of microservices if there is a degree of complexity
       | involved here. That is just too many here.
       | [0] https://monzo.com/blog/we-built-network-isolation-
       | for-1-500-...
         | okal wrote:
         | Why do you think/feel that there are "too many"? What's the
         | threshold for an acceptable number of microservices? (Not
         | asking this to be confrontational. Just curious, because it's a
         | sentiment I've seen before, without the reasoning behind it
         | being articulated.)
           | sweeneyrod wrote:
           | One per developer seems like a fairly loose upper bound.
             | overlordalex wrote:
             | Even then this is risky - if that developer is hit by a bus
             | do you throw the service away and have another developer
             | write it again?
             | We recently had an interview candidate say this when we
             | questioned the wisdom of having over a thousand
             | microservices: some in languages that only the one
             | developer maintaining them used! For me this is insane, but
             | I digress
             | Monzo says that they have 800 people, and 1500 services. If
             | we're generous and say 500/800 are developers, then each
             | developer is responsible for 3 services! A team of 6 would
             | have 18 projects in their domain.
               | rkangel wrote:
               | There is a classic tradeoff here between top down
               | organisation dictates giving consistency vs engineering
               | independence giving flexibility.
               | Two organisations that I know of who favour the latter
               | are Spotify and Netflix. It has benefits - different
               | languages are good for different jobs and engineers like
               | to be able to choose their tools.
               | It would be bad if this was taken too far, and something
               | was written in a language only one person knows, but that
               | problem already exists with the technical knowledge if
               | something only has one mantainer.
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | I have this thing about micro-services/complexity in that it
       | follows Conway's Law - the architecture follows the
       | organisational structure.
       | If you push authority and decision making and responsibility for
       | a _service_ to a (2 pizza) team then guess what, microservices
       | work really well.
       | If you have vast monolithic centralised production operations
       | teams, and no way in hell is their C-Exec going to assign two of
       | them to look after the user-login service, you might not do so
       | well.
       | Like most things, the organisation needs to change to get the
       | best out of the opportunities software offers. Those that don't
       | will face increasing friction and eventually die off.
         | gilbetron wrote:
         | Conway's Laws isn't a law, it's just an interesting thought
         | experiment. Organization and architecture bidirectionally
         | effect each other, but not directly, and not completely. I hate
         | how current discourse invokes these different "Laws" as if they
         | are physical properties of the universe. I've worked at places
         | with a strong, hierarchical organization that created a
         | wonderful set of "micro" services, and I've worked at places
         | with a chaotic environment that developed monoliths.
         | There are shitty hierarchies and shitty flat organizations,
         | just like there are shitty monoliths and shitty microservices.
         | Sorry if you actually agree with this more nuanced view, it's
         | just that I've seen Conway's "Law" invoked more than once in
         | this discussion and it drives me bonkers. I get the same way
         | when someone ("Medium Developers" I call them, more than green
         | but less than seasoned who swallow everything the read on
         | Medium as gospel and run around quoting it zealously) quoted
         | liskov substitution principle at me as if it was one of
         | Newton's Laws.
           | SeeTheTruth wrote:
           | Thank you for everything you said. The reality is more
           | nuanced and depends on the specifics. The "law" being
           | zealously cited here isn't a rule. Nor is the thought an
           | approach is wrong if a big organization failed at it.
           | musingsole wrote:
           | Conway's Law is a physical law in the same sense as Murphy's
           | Law.
           | It's also obviously true. The organization builds the
           | architecture. The architecture either helps or hinders the
           | organization. The organization builds a new architecture.
           | There's no indirect connection here. If you've seen
           | hierarchical organizations implement microservices, it's
           | because that organization's complement was a microservices
           | architecture. And likewise for a chaotic organization.
           | --well, sidetrack: Aren't strongly hierarchical organizations
           | the best suited for microservices? With all the strongly
           | divided responsibilities and whatnot?
             | 87zuhjkas wrote:
             | > Conway's Law is a physical law in the same sense as
             | Murphy's Law. It's also obviously true.
             | It's like a tautology: "In logic, a tautology is a formula
             | or assertion that is true in every possible
             | interpretation."
         | pestaa wrote:
         | 2 pizza team?
         | Well finally I might get my own microservice after all.
           | Autowired wrote:
           | This metric is also unsuitable for Europe, where generally
           | pizzas are individual.
             | dx034 wrote:
             | You can get party pizzas but in that case the two pizza
             | team might be a bit large.
         | guywhocodes wrote:
         | Absolutely, you probably can't succeed with microservices
         | without selforganizing teams. You just get more hot potatoes to
         | drop
         | jbverschoor wrote:
         | Well.. just consider every "microservice" a separate company,
         | exposing its own product/service. Also think about all the
         | overhead that comes with it - product managers, finance,
         | recruitment etc.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | See Coase and the "Theory of the Firm":
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_the_firm
           | Occasionally companies actually do this by fragmenting
           | divisions into separate companies, such as outsourcing IT. It
           | has a very broad range of outcomes, from saving to destroying
           | the business.
             | dmix wrote:
             | So like monoliths vs microservices it's probably a balance
             | between the two (leaning heavily in one direction).
             | I've never understood why it needs to be either/or. Is it
             | really that difficult to support a microservice deployment
             | that only represents 50% or even 20-25% of the org/project?
           | crispyporkbites wrote:
           | If all the services that the microservice needs are also
           | services behind an API, what's the overhead? Something like:
           |  _hire( "developer", 10,
           | "10x).addToPayroll().office("openplan",
           | "wfh").enforceHRPolicies()_
           | Is all you need
           | The best thing about this is that you can keep everything in
           | change control and just rollback whenever you need to, or
           | spin up new companies at will.
       | TeeWEE wrote:
       | It seems like they introduce microservices for the wrong reason.
       | Instead of having a service per team, the focussed on services to
       | solve a technical problem:
       | "Having a code repository for each service was manageable for a
       | handful of destination workers"
       | Microservices should be introduced to make teams go faster, not
       | to decouple external api endpoints....
         | Cthulhu_ wrote:
         | I mean you are right of course, but at the same time I can't
         | knock the superficial idea of having one codebase for one
         | domain-specific application. Applications / codebases like that
         | are usually not the problem; it's integrating them into the
         | larger whole where things start getting fucky.
       | ryanthedev wrote:
       | Poor design. Sharing code between microsercices is always a
       | design smell.
       | You are just building services on top of another monolith...
       | Sounds like you needed to abstract the work being send to the
       | worker, instead of abstracting the worker around the work.
       | Meaning don't have many workers for one payload type. Abstract
       | the payload and have a single worker...
       | That's why most systems become complex and spaghetti. Poor
       | abstraction, so you use shared code to fix it...
       | silvestrov wrote:
       | I see it like organization of large companies: you have to split
       | it into divisions, but you can't make every single person their
       | own division.
       | Don't make the divisions too large, don't make them too small.
       | The art is to make them the proper size for the particular
       | company.
       | If you have a small company you don't need divisions. If you have
       | a large one, you need to make divisions as you no longer can
       | speak to every single employee.
       | brootstrap wrote:
       | "voices of experience pointing out that most decisions are made
       | based on the best information available at the time."
       | funny in my experience with digital and particularly larger
       | corporate jabronis. The people who makes decisions are fucking
       | McKinsey consultants who know nothing about the actual project,
       | are only contracted for 6 months, then they are gone. Rinse and
       | repeat, maybe one out of every 3 or 4 attempts somebody actually
       | gets it right and the project doesnt completely fail.
       | mcansky wrote:
       | there is a related post on Segment's blog :
       | https://segment.com/blog/goodbye-microservices/ which helps to
       | get a bit more details and contexts
       | update : and related video
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv5o3qnQu5w
       | DrScientist wrote:
       | I'm struggling to understand the problem with shared code and the
       | desire to fragment the code repo!
       | Why can't you have both independently deployed microservices and
       | a shared code base?
       | If the deployment lifecycle is different for each microservices
       | and each _deployment_ is self-contained, then they can be
       | deployed with different versions of the code - even if they use
       | the same source tree and share code.
       | Obviously the shared code needs to be properly maintained and
       | evolved, but it seems to me a lot of the software engineering
       | problems occur when people move away from source code
       | dependencies - with great tooling - versioning, diffs, debuggers
       | - to other types of dependencies ( shared libs etc ) where the
       | tools are non-existent or very simple.
       | Now granted if you needed to fix a critical bug in the shared
       | code - that would require a redeploy of everything, but that
       | happens much less frequently than the need to deploy a single
       | service with immunity as long as your keep your microservice
       | contract. It also means the discipline of making sure every
       | services is deploy-able at anytime is kept to.
       | And if you didn't share code - you probably wouldn't be fixing a
       | single bug once, you'd have much more code, with many more bugs.
         | gowld wrote:
         | > Why can't you have both independently deployed microservices
         | and a shared code base?
         | This is what everyone does, so I can't even comprehend what
         | Segment was doing. Maybe they were deploying a fleet of
         | microservices inside a monolithic deployment? If so, there's no
         | wonder it failed.
           | zzbzq wrote:
           | We do separate code repos, my last place did separate repos,
           | place before that did monolith(s) but still did separate
           | repos for anything not in the same monolith. I'm pretty sure
           | it's more common to do separate repos, rather than mono-repo,
           | for separate services.
           | Seems to me, though, the problem is people trying so hard to
           | reuse code. That's the main problem cited in the article.
           | People get really gung-ho about reusing code and creating
           | shared libraries, but reusing code is actually bad most of
           | the time. You should strive to only depend on things that you
           | can reasonably expect to not change, and that you don't need
           | to update even if a new version comes out. What you're
           | supposed to do is take that code in the shared library, and
           | make it a microservice, and obey the usual backward/forward
           | compatibility rules.
           | Using a monolith hides that problem because the code remains
           | easy to update and build, but just as fragile and in need of
           | heavy testing whenever you change code modules that have
           | multiple consumers. That goes against the idea of mono-repos
           | as well.
             | kelnos wrote:
             | > _People get really gung-ho about reusing code and
             | creating shared libraries, but reusing code is actually bad
             | most of the time._
             | Disagree here, in general. I'm not in the ruby hyper-DRY
             | camp, but copypasta is not the solution to dependency
             | management problems.
             | Creating shared libraries does require discipline; you
             | should do your best to just avoid breaking changes ever,
             | and on the rare occasion you must, you need heavy
             | communication and testing to ensure consumers find out
             | about the change. And you can only change the API of the
             | library; you can never incompatibly change how the library
             | interacts with other services. I get that this is hard, but
             | it's worthwhile if you can do it right.
             | We have thousands (maybe even tens of thousands) of lines
             | of share library code at this point. Some of it is probably
             | not necessary, but most of it we'd be completely lost
             | without. Reimplementing core logic and utility classes and
             | auth code over and over again is a great way to burn out
             | your developers and create bugs. And these bugs are even
             | worse than your garden-variety bugs, because you have to
             | track them down and fix them over and over, and each fix is
             | slightly different because each reimplementation is
             | slightly different.
             | I agree that sometimes sharing code is a bad idea, but
             | asserting it's bad "most of the time" is completely
             | antithetical to my experience.
             | [deleted]
             | topher200 wrote:
             | Segment's business in particular has them integrating with
             | dozens of unique endpoints. There's an inherent desire for
             | code-reuse in a system like that, along with customization
             | required per endpoint.
       | crimsonalucard wrote:
       | I bombed an interview before because I said microservices can be
       | really bad.
       | leogout wrote:
       | > One of the key takeaways was that spending a few days or weeks
       | to do more analysis could avoid a situation that takes years to
       | correct.
       | Exactly my point when I was working on a new project architecture
       | and we had to choose between two authentication methods. Because
       | once all your applications rely on an authentication system you
       | can't just switch to the other one like that... Sadly we did not
       | take the time six month ago and today we are working on a
       | migration which could have been avoided.
         | mynegation wrote:
         | Why don't you share your insights?
       | gridlockd wrote:
       | Microservice-Architecture is one of these trends where the value
       | is unproven, the upfront costs are high and the unknowns are
       | unknown.
       | There's also a clear conflict of interest with SAAS and Cloud
       | providers benefiting from the perception that microservices are
       | the way to go.
       | Under these circumstances, letting _someone else_ figure out all
       | the issues is the wise thing to do. Thanks to the authors for
       | doing just that.
       | kkapelon wrote:
       | >Shared libraries were created to provide behavior that was
       | similar for all workers. However, this created a new bottleneck,
       | where changes to the shared code could require a week of
       | developer effort, mostly due to testing constraints.
       | That is a big red flag. Microservices that suffer from shared
       | code changes are not really microservices, but a distributed
       | monolith instead.
         | pjc50 wrote:
         | This is really a time-of-binding argument; the difference
         | between a "library" and a "service" is that one is in-process
         | and accessed over function calls, and the other is out-process
         | and accessed over RPC.
         | If you change code that other services are using, you can break
         | those other services. No way round that.
           | zzbzq wrote:
           | There are circumstances where they are equivalent, but
           | they're very different overall. Namely, if you use a service,
           | you update it once and see the new behavior everywhere. If
           | you use a shared library, you have to update and redeploy
           | every service. Libraries are strictly inferior in that
           | scenario. This sounded, to me, like it was Segment's problem.
           | They were updating shared libraries all over the place all
           | the time.
           | I generally avoid creating shared libraries, they're a trap.
           | They have a very narrow band of usefulness squeezed in
           | between the more palatable solutions of creating new services
           | or just copy & pasting code and allowing it to diverge for
           | each different use-case.
           | Autowired wrote:
           | While that is true, a microservices architecture can (and in
           | my opinion should) rely on messaging and account for message
           | schema evolution. Dependencies between services should be way
           | less coupling than dependencies between an application and a
           | library.
             | marcosdumay wrote:
             | A library API can rely on versioning and account for schema
             | evolution too. Even different versions can coexist if you
             | decide that's important from the beginning (what is the
             | same requirement as with services).
             | The only real difference is that services have a slow
             | serialized network interface that fails 4 or 5 orders of
             | magnitude more often than libraries, but can migrate over
             | memory domains.
             | caust1c wrote:
             | Schema evolution is just as big of a dependency hell as
             | managing direct library dependencies. With a monolithic
             | architecture, a lot of those concerns are contained within
             | the context of a single repo, and can be tested much more
             | easily than with many repos.
         | gridlockd wrote:
         | > Microservices that suffer from shared code changes are not
         | really microservices, but a distributed monolith instead.
         | In other words, if you can share a lot of code between
         | services, a monolith is actually an appropriate architecture.
         | NewEntryHN wrote:
         | If you have zero coupling, it means you have multiple products.
         | gitgud wrote:
         | A good architecture is orthogonal, meaning parts can scale
         | independently...
         | Shared code shackles everything together, like global
         | variables...
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | That sounds like an overly broad generalisation.
         | They might well all share the same basic framework code, of
         | course. Why not share code for recurring concerns like auth?
           | bauerd wrote:
           | Idea is that you have a service that authorizes transactions
           | klohto wrote:
           | Because if you share something (like auth for example), you
           | should have microservice for that. The question is not about
           | duplicate code, but about duplicate libraries that handle the
           | same thing. Decoupling the auth process into separate
           | microservice removes the bottleneck.
             | alkonaut wrote:
             | Eventually you'll have a service to format phone numbers in
             | the format that the company needs to be standard across all
             | services.
             | If you don't want to do that, then you need a simple shared
             | library for that.
             | The problem is that there is no easy way to draw the line
             | between "this is obviously a trivial library function we
             | should just link into our code" and "this is something we
             | can't share because it would create friction or break our
             | isolation".
             | Auth is obviously a "service" but phone number formatting
             | as a service seems extreme.
               | jmt_ wrote:
               | I'm reminded of the classic problem of static utility
               | classes, where you have functions for say formatting
               | phone numbers, or computing a commonly occurring simple
               | mathematical function. It can be difficult to figure out
               | how to better modularize the functionality provided by
               | this class, the motivation typically being having a large
               | static utility class often violates the principle of a
               | class having a clear, single responsibility. Breaking up
               | a large static class into other static classes that
               | better encapsulate some functionality/concept can help
               | but isn't always the best solution.
               | So lets say we have shared code for doing something like
               | phone formatting. My question for more experienced
               | microservice practitioners is -- does it make sense to
               | create a microservice for preprocessing data in general?
               | Phone number-formating-as-a-service is excessive but
               | creating a microservice for processing data where phone
               | number formatting is just one aspect of this service
               | makes sense to me. All other services can throw data at
               | the data processing service and get data back in some
               | sort of standard and expected way conforming to whatever
               | business logic/processing rules required.
               | curryst wrote:
               | One of the lines is going to be acceptable performance.
               | Your phone number formatting microservice is going to be
               | orders of magnitude slower than a client library.
               | The auth service will likely have to hit a DB anyways.
               | Assuming the microservice call has roughly the same
               | network latency as the DB call and the DB has 0 response
               | time, it would double the total time to perform the auth.
               | It only gets more favorable as DB response times go up.
               | More generally, I think microservices make sense in
               | scenarios where the time to process the request is longer
               | than the network latency incurred by making it a
               | microservice. Things that have to hit a DB are generally
               | okay. Pure functional things that just compute on CPU and
               | RAM are generally not, unless they're very
               | computationally expensive like running a simulation or
               | something like that.
               | gridlockd wrote:
               | > Auth is obviously a "service" but phone number
               | formatting as a service seems extreme.
               | You clearly haven't finished drinking your Kool-Aid yet.
         | barrkel wrote:
         | Sharing code or reinventing the wheel repeatedly is inevitable
         | once you have more than one concern by which you can divide
         | services.
         | For example: let's say you have lots of integrations, and you
         | need to scale compute, and parse and generate common data sent
         | to and from the integrations.
         | You can either have a monolithic integration service which you
         | scale out on load; or you can have integration-specific
         | services that scale out on load and share your data parsing &
         | generation library. Due to multiple concerns, there's no "best
         | slice".
         | FWIW, scaling out compute is a stronger argument to me for a
         | service boundary than responsibility segregation. Scaling out
         | requires distribution; scaling up complexity doesn't, though it
         | can help for other reasons, like CI/CD. I prefer FaaS
         | architectural patterns with the freedom to share libraries in
         | different functions (images) to services, especially if long-
         | running state is not needed.
           | kkapelon wrote:
           | Sorry for not being clear.
           | Having a shared library is not a bad thing on its own. Making
           | the library a bottleneck is the anti-pattern.
           | If you wish to have a shared-library of microservices you
           | should be prepared to have multiple versions of it running at
           | the same time without any pressure to update everything at
           | once.
           | If your shared library is the bottleneck, it means that your
           | microservices are tighly coupled (hence the distributed
           | monolith)
         | dx034 wrote:
         | Reinventing all parts for every microservice sounds wasteful to
         | me. Especially if they handle the same data and/or use the
         | similar business logic.
           | kminehart wrote:
           | A common practice is to introduce services that handle shared
           | functionality.
           | One common example is, instead of having a shared library
           | that reads & verifies JWTs, use a gateway service that
           | handles this before requests reach the upstream service.
           | This means changes to your organization's JWT code will only
           | require a redeployment of one service, the JWT Auth service.
             | dx034 wrote:
             | But that also for input handling, formatting or simple
             | business libraries? Sure you could implement that as
             | services but that would probably result in up to a hundred
             | service calls for one customer interaction. Maybe it looks
             | clean from an architecture perspective but I can't imagine
             | how that'll result in a good user experience.
           | kkapelon wrote:
           | Let me clarify because I wasn't clear in the parent comment.
           | Microservices using shared libraries -> ok
           | Microservices "suffering" from shared libraries -> not ok.
         | jmilloy wrote:
         | That just sounds like the shared libraries needed to make
         | breaking changes less often. If you're going to make changes to
         | core code, it's going to take time to get everything up to date
         | no matter how your code is organized. In other words, shared
         | code needs to be treated just like a third-party
         | library/service (both from the developers and users points of
         | view).
           | gowld wrote:
           | One view is that the difference between a service and a
           | microservice is that a microservice can be sketched between
           | being a local library or wrapped in an RPC server.
             | jmilloy wrote:
             | > can be sketched
             | What does that mean?
       | karmakaze wrote:
       | What's notably absent are descriptions of problems with
       | versioning interfaces, failures from network unreliability, or
       | problems managing connecting infrastructure, or poor delineation
       | of service boundaries leading to undesired change dependencies--
       | which is to say it seems like they executed well. There's no sign
       | they fell into common pitfalls.
       | There are definitely some good insights here that I don't often
       | read about. The idea that with a sufficient number of
       | microservices (say 50+) you not only treat your instances as-
       | cattle-not-pets you have to treat the service types en-masse as-
       | cattle-not-pets. This requires more automation and organized
       | management as pointed out by the need for tuned autoscaling
       | rules. This requires continued investment into automating things
       | you would do manually if you had 50- services.
       | The other thing to consider is that going to microservices and
       | back to a monolith is not necessarily a failure. Microservices
       | are good for periods of high change velocity, once a platform is
       | mostly built requiring much less new development consolidation
       | completely makes sense. At all points, we're solving for
       | impedance mismatch, whether that's the org structure, velocity of
       | changes, or numbers of developers vs numbers of deployed units.
       | d--b wrote:
       | It doesn't seem like their end architecture is anywhere near what
       | they had at the beginning... It's a lot smarter, and it sounds
       | like it's a monolithic distribution system that manages hot-
       | swappable services. So the whole thing seems to fall in the
       | "micro services where we need them" kind of architecture.
       | They just went from naive monolith, to naive micro services, then
       | to smart coupling of the two...
       | MatekCopatek wrote:
       | I always felt like the biggest benefit of microservices (for the
       | average company that just jumped on the band wagon) was simply
       | the fact it forced them to break things up. Yes, they could
       | achieve the same result with none of the overhead on a monolith,
       | but it would take... discipline. It's much easier to just enforce
       | a hard external constraint.
       | Realizing this and circling back is still a useful life lesson.
         | vegannet wrote:
         | If your code is bad in a monolith, it'll be bad with
         | Microservices. If you can't build a good monolith, you can't
         | build a good Microservices architecture -- because it
         | introduces even more complexity and requires even more
         | consideration.
         | Discipline is fundamental to good software engineering: you
         | can't force it with Microservices.
         | guywhocodes wrote:
         | I think this, approaching DDD, is the most common reason
         | engineers push for it these days.
           | curryst wrote:
           | Another reason is that it gives you more agency to adjust
           | your code. Want to refactor? Cool, I don't have to talk to 15
           | teams about how this might impact them. Same thing with
           | changing a schema, changing scaling strategies, etc, etc. I
           | can do things in 2 weeks that would take 2 weeks of just
           | talking to people on a monolith. That might be more
           | organizational than a technical limit, but I've never seen an
           | agile monolith before.
           | pknopf wrote:
           | It isn't worth the added friction though.
           | And if you happen to leak concerns in your services (in a
           | monolith), it's really easy to adjust, as opposed to having
           | to coordinate the deployment of 5+ services.
           | And even then, a distributed monolith is still a risk.
           | Micro-services add cement to your project. Be prepared to
           | keep boundaries you write for a long time.
       | nickcw wrote:
       | I think that the problem here was that they were fighting against
       | Conway's Law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_law
       | > Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will
       | produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's
       | communication structure.
       | I think microservices work well in organizations that are big
       | enough to have a team per microservice. However if you've just
       | split your monolith up and have the same team managing lots of
       | microservices you've made a lot more work for the team without
       | the organisational decoupling which are the real win of
       | microservices.
       | In my experience it is really difficult to fight Conway's law,
       | you have to work with it and arrange your business accordingly.
         | ljm wrote:
         | In all honesty, I think the monolith/microservice distinction
         | misses the point a little bit.
         | It's inevitable that the longer the codebase exists, the more
         | difficult it is to maintain. It's a battle that you can't
         | necessarily win and it's turtles all the way down as your
         | dependencies, and their dependencies, tackle the same issues.
         | All it takes is one or two roughly defined APIs and you've
         | already created the nucleation point for ever-more tech debt,
         | and while you'll be able to tame some of it you won't manage
         | all of it due to business requirements, or other teams
         | depending on private APIs to save time, or whatever else you
         | can imagine. Switch the architecture and you'll either have all
         | your problems bunched in one codebase, or you'll have
         | distributed your problems all over the place.
         | I'd go as far as saying that a perfect monolith and a perfect
         | distributed architecture are theoretical ideals that require
         | perfect communication to build them.
         | FpUser wrote:
         | So you are saying something in line of: let's increase our
         | development staff X-fold and then we can finally do the same
         | thing that way fewer people doing just fine right now?
           | dmix wrote:
           | Just because monoliths may have diminishing returns at
           | certain team/project scale doesn't mean the scale itself is
           | the problem...
             | FpUser wrote:
             | The problem is with people trying to do "cool" things when
             | completely unwarranted
           | Tomis02 wrote:
           | With microservices there's no way around it, as there's
           | additional overhead when splitting a for loop between
           | multiple services. Won't stop people from jumping on the
           | bandwagon though.
           | detaro wrote:
           | They're clearly not saying that. If your team is too large to
           | effectively work on a monolith, splitting it up can make
           | sense, _but_ you also need to split the team into smaller
           | groups responsible for different parts. And if you don 't end
           | up with teams responsible for individual services, you likely
           | split to small. And quite possibly, your staff isn't large
           | enough to warrant it.
         | kitd wrote:
         | As with a lot of things, it comes down to communication.
         | Between teams, and between the services they write. Which is
         | just another expression of Conway's Law.
         | IIRC Fred Brooks pointed out that the # of bugs in a system
         | correlates closely with the # of lines of communication within
         | and between the teams. Joshua Bloch recommends in "Effective
         | Java" that, if possible, 3 potential clients should participate
         | in the design of an API, for the same reason. So a well-
         | designed interface or OpenAPI spec is worth its weight in gold.
         | Ofc, "microservices" here means separate running instances
         | available on a network. But monoliths can be "service"-oriented
         | as well. OSGi was good for this in Java, but any system able to
         | load shared objects or plugins dynamically can follow the same
         | pattern. And the benefit is that, if your app hits the jackpot
         | and needs to scale outwards, the service interfaces, ie the
         | lines of communication, are already well-defined.
         | So, service-oriented monolith first, then microservices if
         | needed.
           | beh9540 wrote:
           | > As with a lot of things, it comes down to communication.
           | Between teams, and between the services they write. Which is
           | just another expression of Conway's Law.
           | This is so accurate. I've heard engineers give state not
           | needing to communicate, chillingly, as a positive for
           | microservices, like "we won't need to talk to each other if
           | all of us are working on different services". My other
           | favorite is using microservices as an excuse for why the
           | product isn't working "oh, _my_ service is working fine, but
           | _his_ service is doing this when it shouldn 't", when we're
           | on a small engineering team.
             | afarrell wrote:
             | > not needing to communicate
             |  _sighhhhhhhhh_
             | API documentation is a medium of communication as much as
             | any user interface.
             | If you don't keep this in mind, then using your service's
             | application programming interface will be a bad experience.
             | dllthomas wrote:
             | I think there's an element of truth to the engineers'
             | claims. Working on different code bases means there are a
             | lot of things you would otherwise need to talk about that
             | now you don't. It's very much the case that you still need
             | your interfaces to be clear (in fact, clearer!) but those
             | discussions can be somewhat isolated, so more work can
             | proceed asynchronously. Just _how_ isolated depends on how
             | exact (and correct) the specifications are, which is a
             | question of trading up-front work against interruption.
           | organsnyder wrote:
           | > So a well-designed interface or OpenAPI spec is worth its
           | weight in gold.
           | When I worked on a SOA team, I tried to begin any new effort
           | (whether a new API or modification to existing API) solely
           | discussing the API contract. It was (ideally) high-level
           | enough that business analysts and project managers would
           | understand it, and it helped to guide us away from getting
           | mired in implementation discussions too early.
           | At that organization, we rarely had the opportunity to
           | involve multiple customers at the same time during design
           | discussions (we were typically engaged to help a specific
           | consumer implement a specific feature), but the institutional
           | memory in the SOA team helped us to keep in mind
           | existing/potential other users of each particular webservice.
             | hinkley wrote:
             | The last place I worked that split the devs into UI and
             | backend teams was in a sort of slapstick comedy situation.
             | Nothing ever shipped on time because the front end and
             | backend could never quite talk to each other or needed
             | elaborate conversations to do the simplest of things. This
             | was our new flagship project, I got consolidated in from
             | another team and ended up as a lead not long after.
             | We had been doing some UML modeling, sequence diagrams
             | during planning, and still having this problem, so rather
             | than repeating the same action and expecting a different
             | outcome I started trying to flip the script. What ended up
             | working was not code diagrams but data flow diagrams and
             | sequences. To get X you need Y, and to derive Z you need A,
             | B, and X. To publish you need all five.
             | After that, the APIs mostly wrote themselves, we reordered
             | a few different forms, but most importantly variance
             | dropped like a rock.
               | username3 wrote:
               | Can you share examples of your data flow diagrams? Do any
               | open source projects share these documents?
               | hinkley wrote:
               | Mostly these were white boarded, but essentially I/we
               | would draw a collaboration diagram (although I could have
               | sworn these used to be called something else). They
               | showed what data was needed to make certain decisions
               | (eg, a conditional drop down that is populated based on
               | another piece of data, or complex validation steps) and
               | where to get data that already existed.
               | dionian wrote:
               | activity diagram?
               | hinkley wrote:
               | Yeah it looks like the activity diagram was substantially
               | altered in UML 2.0. What we called an activity diagram
               | then looks more like a collaboration diagram now.
         | lubesGordi wrote:
         | Maybe its conways law, or maybe it's just that designing a
         | distributed service is difficult, and when you break a monolith
         | down, you're having to deal with distributing that monolith N
         | times, and solving those CAP issues N times, which usually is
         | not trivial. Not to mention tuning the network.
         | andy_ppp wrote:
         | Yeah, the problem with microservices is because the
         | organisation structure is wrong. I've literally heard every
         | excuse about microservices at this point. My architecture is
         | better but it doesn't have a snappy name; it's called the
         | smallest possible number of services that can be reasoned about
         | and network partitions are NOT necessary to create bounded
         | contexts in a codebase, often just a directory is FINE.
           | yowlingcat wrote:
           | I agree. I hate the term microservice for the same reason I
           | hate superlative infected clickbait titles. There's no need
           | for half of the word to exist. Service. What's wrong with
           | service?
             | cturner wrote:
             | Microservice implies systems that are decoupled for
             | deployment purposes. For example, Microservice A could
             | restart to a new version while Microservice B keeps
             | running. This is a more complicated interaction contract
             | than services where their deployment is coordinated in
             | concert.
               | xorcist wrote:
               | But this was true in the middleware type of products too,
               | and you can't get more monolithic than that.
               | brown9-2 wrote:
               | I don't think this is accurate. I've worked at companies
               | that did "service-oriented architecture" long before the
               | rise of the term "microservice" and it was clearly
               | recognized that different "services" shouldn't be so
               | coupled together you can't redeploy them separately.
             | vorpalhex wrote:
             | There was a period of time when Service had a different
             | meaning than microservice. A service traditionally may
             | exist across bounded contexts and be almost a mini-monolith
             | whereas a strict microservice should touch very few data
             | models and exist strictly in a bounded context.
             | Of course real life is messy and plenty of people realized
             | writing small single purpose services was valuable, and
             | plenty of people build giant "microservices" that have
             | nothing to do with the original term and are just badly
             | constructed monoliths.
             | corpMaverick wrote:
             | It is probably too late to change the name. But you have a
             | good point, the "micro" prefix is highly misleading.
             | Furthermore, there is little guidance in the literature on
             | how big the microservices are.
             | rumanator wrote:
             | > There's no need for half of the word to exist.
             | Yes there is. A service is a very generic concept to the
             | point it's only relevant as a high-level concept.
             | The concept of a microservice makes all the sense in the
             | world if you look back to where we came from: web services.
             | When compared with all the work and requirements and
             | complications of using SOAP and WSDL and UDDI and
             | everything around, just sending small JSON payloads around,
             | and the ability to peel off smaller services leveraging
             | that architecture approach, was a far lighter and
             | uncomplicated way of doing business.
             | I mean, the name microservices becomes obvious once you
             | look back and all that you see is macroservices.
             | JohnL4 wrote:
             | Plenty. A subroutine is a service. A library is a service.
             | A Windows daemon is a service. The vendor I just inked a
             | contract with provides a service. A web service is a
             | service.
             | I really hate that word when used without further
             | definition.
               | wtetzner wrote:
               | > A subroutine is a service.
               | Which makes the term "microservice" even weirder, given
               | that any microservice is going to be bigger than a single
               | subroutine.
             | lllr_finger wrote:
             | I agree with you, but I find some value in people using
             | that term - it signals to me that I should consider the the
             | architecture was prematurely split-up and could suffer from
             | the various pitfalls associated with microservices.
           | jrochkind1 wrote:
           | That's not what the person you are replying to said though,
           | "the organizational structure is wrong". More like: It is a
           | mistake to use microservices UNLESS you have a certain
           | organizational structure/capacity already.
           | I think they were saying something more aligned with your
           | opinion than you read it as.
             | Retric wrote:
             | We are dealing with poorly defined terms. However, services
             | mapping ~1:1 teams was generally called service oriented
             | architecture not micro services. Micro services involved
             | breaking things into even smaller chunks, so backing off of
             | that idea really just means SOA as originally defined is a
             | bad idea.
               | parasubvert wrote:
               | That's not quite right, SOA as originally defined had no
               | mapping to team structure or deployment runtime, it was
               | mostly about defining discrete service interfaces and
               | ensuring your clients used that contract rather than back
               | channels to communicate. Most often you had a dozen
               | services running in a single app server cluster. Conway's
               | law was rarely discussed (with some exceptions).
               | Microservices tended towards a single runtime per
               | service, ensuring the deployment lifecycle was tied to
               | the build lifecycle and thus allowing for independent
               | evolution.
               | [deleted]
               | Retric wrote:
               | I am not saying that's how SOA was defined, just that it
               | was used to refer to such team organization around
               | architecture. EX: _Amazon famously uses a Service-
               | oriented architecture where a service often maps 1:1 with
               | a team of 3 to 10 engineers._
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microservices
               | At the beginning Microservice was generally viewed as
               | more granular than SOA, though that's been backed off of.
         | strictfp wrote:
         | Noo! Building teams around software components cements your
         | architecture and prevents most cross-cutting improvements.
         | I'll claim that splitting a well-structured monolith into
         | microservices will always make it less maintanable, but it
         | might be worth it if you need to for some reason like
         | elasticity or failure tolerance.
         | But for the love of god, keep the design open. Don't tie the
         | existence of internal software components to peoples
         | livelihoods.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | The opposite of "has a team around it" is "abandoned". Or at
           | least low down on somebody's priority list.
             | strictfp wrote:
             | That's generally true, and it's a big problem with
             | microservices, because they need so much upkeep.
             | But if your code is living as a few hundred or thousand
             | readable lines in the common codebase, that isn't really a
             | problem. The code is there, readable and working, and if
             | anyone needs to change it they can. If it falls out of
             | fashion, it can be deleted.
           | [deleted]
           | yowlingcat wrote:
           | What is your alternative? Tying "the existence of internal
           | software components to people's livelihoods" across the
           | expanse of the entire codebase is the only remotely effective
           | approach I've seen to scaling the SDLC at scale.
             | cturner wrote:
             | "What is your alternative?"
             | Aggressively small teams, with no hands-off middle-
             | management layer.
             | You can build massive capability around a small number of
             | well-managed message-backbones and a single codebase. By
             | keeping the number of hands small and the structure flat,
             | you force high standards. (Skilled staff won't tolerate
             | distractions caused by bad engineering or inadequate
             | automation.)
             | Heuristic for analysing firms: who has strategic power in
             | decision-making? Conventional answer: a group of hands-off
             | middle-managers who run on meeting tempo, and who are
             | valued by how many people and systems report into them.
             | Under AST: an engineering effort running on maker tempo in
             | cooperation with a hands-on sales effort.
             | Microservices tend to have multilateral contracts with
             | other systems in the organisation. This steers all planning
             | towards meetings. This creates middle-management bloat.
               | herval wrote:
               | Is there any example where this works (articles,
               | presentations, etc)? In particular, anywhere with more
               | than a couple dozen developers?
               | dodobirdlord wrote:
               | Amazon has a famous love for what they call "two-pizza
               | teams" and you can find writeups about the philosophy by
               | searching the term. The joke is that a team should be
               | small enough that you only need to order two pizzas to
               | feed them all. The philosophy is about the number of
               | participants in the decision-making process. Keep teams
               | small and give them total ownership of decision making so
               | that decisions can be made by a small group of people who
               | work with each other every day. That way no meetings (and
               | certainly no cross-team meeting) need to happen for most
               | decisions to be made.
               | herval wrote:
               | Amazon is very well known for having A LOT of middle
               | managers too, so I'm not sure it's a good example?
               | wtetzner wrote:
               | > The joke is that a team should be small enough that you
               | only need to order two pizzas to feed them all.
               | That's a tricky way to measure, given that I can eat a
               | large pizza myself in a single sitting ;)
             | strictfp wrote:
             | Think of all the open source libs. Generally speaking,
             | anyone can contribute to any part of the project.
             | That's not to say that some people are better than others
             | at certain parts of the codebase, but you don't want people
             | fighting to keep old cruft in because it's on their job
             | title (figuratively speaking).
             | You can organize around customers, use-cases, platforms,
             | concerns or other things. Some might naturally map 1-1 to
             | software components, but the software component should not
             | be the "reason d'aitre" for a team, rather the customer
             | experience or something else which can transcend multiple
             | interations of the software.
               | yowlingcat wrote:
               | I see, you meant things in a more literal sense. I
               | generally agree with you in that case, that the customer
               | experience should be the thing which the team owns, which
               | incidentally involves owning software components. But on
               | the other hand, it's also certainly the case that at a
               | company of a given size or in a given sector, certain
               | kinds of software components and infrastructure are not
               | directly customer facing and yet must be owned in house,
               | and logistically serve as one of (if not the only)
               | competitive advantage over competitors.
               | Is it wasteful to have whole teams at GOOG, FB et al
               | owning and improving the state of the art of
               | infrastructure? It depends. At a certain point, there are
               | enough internal customers for teams to reach contribution
               | margin positive on engineering initiatives that have no
               | direct but only second order effects on customer
               | experience.
           | michaelcampbell wrote:
           | I've seen this pendulum swing both ways, often within an
           | organization. Cross functional teams owning code bases allows
           | divergence to specialize and ownership of a release, teams
           | with a single functional focus allows efficiency of work and
           | cross cutting gains.
           | Both have their boatloads of suck, neither is inherently
           | better. Interestingly, trying to mix them to get the benefits
           | of each doesn't seem to invalidate any of their downsides;
           | often it exacerbates them.
           | mjburgess wrote:
           | > Don't tie the existence of internal software components to
           | peoples livelihoods.
           | The claim is that such ties, at the macro-structure level,
           | are inevitable and exist regardless.
           | The point is then to determine the best way either to
           | restructure the organisation, or, the code base, to cope.
             | strictfp wrote:
             | I think the ties arise because people are actively seeking
             | areas of responsibility. Software components are an obvious
             | grab if your eyes are on the software specifically. But
             | there are other ways of dividing your teams; based on for
             | instance customers, use-cases, aspects of the code
             | (performance, security).
             | The problem is that the software usually keeps expanding
             | until programmers find it hard to cope. If you split teams
             | up so that some people are only concerned with a certain
             | part of the codebase, chances are you are going to grow the
             | size of the codebase by a quite large factor.
             | I think there should be an incentive in place to keep the
             | codebase small and understandable by most.
           | jhrmnn wrote:
           | It's pretty hard to keep the design open once the whole
           | architecture is bigger than what a single programmer can keep
           | track of. Say, the Linux kernel. The overall architecture is
           | fixed, there's no way around it. At that point, splitting
           | into components that are maintained separately does no harm.
           | AFAIK the Linux kernel is maintained like that already in
           | practice, even if it's a single repo.
             | strictfp wrote:
             | I agree with you in such cases, but I'm willing to bet that
             | most codebases don't need to be as big as they are, and
             | that it's better to create an incentive to collaborate and
             | keep the codebase maintanable and small.
         | nickbauman wrote:
         | I cannot agree more: I worked at a company where we went from a
         | monolith deployed on IaaS with a couple handful of engineers to
         | Docker containers deployed on ECS with over 200 engineers. The
         | main reason we did it was because Docker+ECS was cheaper than a
         | bunch of EC2 instances and you can't effectively use 200+
         | engineers with a single monolith.
         | After 2 years we had over 450 microservices while keeping our
         | AWS bill flat or slightly decreasing.
           | wgjordan wrote:
           | On the other hand, over 200 engineers on payroll is way more
           | expensive than a couple handful!
           | Presumably you're getting significant value out of the
           | additional engineering work in which case the architecture
           | shift probably makes sense (to stay aligned with the expanded
           | organizational structure), but there are also cases where a
           | small and flexible team maintaining a simple monolith would
           | be much more nimble and cost-effective.
         | [deleted]
         | darkr wrote:
         | > I think microservices work well in organizations that are big
         | enough to have a team per microservice.
         | Presumably by definition we're talking about a few hundred
         | lines of code, or a couple of weeks development time here at
         | most. What does this team do all day otherwise?
         | tomc1985 wrote:
         | A team _per_ microservice? That sounds really wasteful. How
         | many microservices need constant evolution?
         | abraxas wrote:
         | There is nothing wrong with most developers working on and
         | communicating about the entire code base. Having teams work in
         | silos is not a benefit. You're touting as a benefit what is one
         | of microservices' gravest issues - teams stop communicating
         | beyond the surface level of their respective APIs.
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | Have you tried coordinating entire teams to work on a shared
           | codebase?
           | Honestly, I have never been in an organization so large that
           | this became a necessity (if you solve tens of different
           | problems, that would require almost thousands of developers).
           | But coordinating single developers without an API is hard
           | enough already, I can only assume for teams its nearly
           | impossible.
             | jacobr wrote:
             | Define "codebase"? You can have multiple services, user
             | facing apps or modules inside a single repository, but if
             | there are no boundaries coordination will be difficult of
             | course.
         | dahfizz wrote:
         | I don't agree with your premise that development structure ==
         | deployment structure. There are plenty of good ways of
         | splitting up development of a monolith without the huge devops
         | headache of deploying microservices.
         | he0001 wrote:
         | But does conway's law require microservices? It doesn't say
         | anything about microservices.
           | camillovisini wrote:
           | > Melvin Conway, who introduced the idea in 1967.
             | he0001 wrote:
             | Yes, I don't think that you need microservices to be able
             | to tackle Conway's law. At least it doesn't have anything
             | to do with each other.
             | You could still do microservices and still fail to deal
             | with Conway's law.
               | detaro wrote:
               | > _You could still do microservices and still fail to
               | deal with Conway's law._
               | That's what the poster suggests happened. Nowhere do they
               | suggest that microservices are overall required.
               | corpMaverick wrote:
               | You don't tackle Conway's law. You can't. You use it on
               | your favor by creating organizational structures that
               | reflect the design that you want in your software.
         | axegon_ wrote:
         | Mmmmyes and no. Depending on the size of your project, that may
         | not be the case. I've had to work with two titans of monoliths,
         | maintained by relatively small teams(anywhere between 2 and 6-7
         | people for several million lines of code). At some point
         | managing a codebase this big within a single project becomes a
         | huge burden, for both developers and even more so for those who
         | develop and do code-reviews(first hand experience right here).
         | At times I've spent 3 weeks straight doing code reviews with 2
         | notebooks filled with notes and diagrams of the different
         | components inside the code. And at that point, the easiest and
         | most sensible thing to do is chunk out large parts of the
         | project and put them aside as a microservice with the adequate
         | amounts of tests. For small projects, microservices make little
         | absolutely no sense. But in the case of something the size of
         | AdWords(which my two such experiences can be compared to), you
         | are playing with a raging lion if you decide to go monolith.
         | My argument here is that it's not so much the size of your team
         | but rather the size and scale of your project that needs to be
         | taken into consideration.
           | BareNakedCoder wrote:
           | Good monoliths are highly modularized. But it's a whole
           | different thing to package up a module as a separately
           | deployable unit for external "public" use (external to your
           | app, that is, not your company).
           | I'm just curious to know, when you said "the easiest and most
           | sensible thing to do is chunk out large parts of the project
           | and put them aside as a microservice" ... were these chunks
           | separately deployable units for external "public" use.
             | fennecfoxen wrote:
             | I think this is actually one of the reasons that
             | microservices became a thing to begin with: teams wouldn't
             | actually apply engineering best practices.
             | Microservices actually make you encapsulate your code, at
             | least within the microservices, because you can't call out
             | to it directly. They don't necessarily _force_ you to
             | implement the single responsibility principle, but they do
             | a good job of pushing you. Microservices implement a
             | service-locator pattern through DNS or web routing, one
             | form of the dependency inversion principle. Microservices
             | make you pass data around as entities, instead of Active
             | Record instances.
             | The price for this sort of thing is very steep, though;
             | distributed systems are inherently icky, harder to trace,
             | and more prone to failure, and besides this, you've added
             | network overhead to each service call.
             | I wish more engineering teams would consider spending half
             | the effort of microservices on simply disciplining their
             | monoliths. They might get somewhere...
               | momokoko wrote:
               | _> They don 't necessarily force you to implement the
               | single responsibility principle, but they do a good job
               | of pushing you._
               | In my experience, if your services are developed by the
               | same people, and not separated by teams, engineers will
               | often tightly couple the services with fragile and opaque
               | dependent changes regardless.
               | While in monolith this is painful, at least you have a
               | complete stack trace and the ability to run things
               | through a step debugger you orient yourself. In a
               | distributed system tribal knowledge tends to be your only
               | savior.
               | When we design systems, we need to spend more time
               | thinking about what is most likely to happen as opposed
               | to what we feel should happen.
               | goostavos wrote:
               | >I wish more engineering teams would consider spending
               | half the effort of microservices on simply disciplining
               | their monoliths
               | 100%. This is an uphill battle, though. I've encountered
               | so many engineers who equate "real engineering" with
               | "building giant machines." You just can't convince them
               | otherwise.
               | I've watched people build giant, real-time stream
               | processing pipelines compromising tons of moving pieces
               | (lambda, sqs, s3, sns, stepFunctions, etc..) to build...
               | a reporting table, and all for... 1.3gb of data.
               | Literally.
               | Ultimately, despite the "sell," I don't think
               | microservices as a forcing function for good practices
               | works in practice. If the team lacks the skills to build
               | a disciplined monolith, then they 100% lack the skills to
               | build a distributed one.
             | joshdick wrote:
             | You're right, and I think you've highlighted what makes a
             | good monolith so hard to build and maintain.
             | You need to be disciplined to keep a monolith highly
             | modularized. For microservices, in contrast, their
             | architecture encourages modularization.
               | tinkertamper wrote:
               | I don't know that you need to be much more disciplined to
               | write a large application in a module way vs writing any
               | application in a modular way. A monolith could definitely
               | get messy though if you write them how I see people write
               | microservices.
             | axegon_ wrote:
             | Oh, all of those were heavily modularized to begin with.
             | But that wasn't enough to keep them manageable. So at the
             | end what we did is figure out which are the core components
             | between the different modules, isolate what they did and
             | put them aside in a smaller microservices, which were
             | easier to track, maintain and monitor. What was once the
             | monolith is now arguably just an interface/API for all the
             | heavy lifting which is done by microservices. Again, my
             | point is that all this must be done depending on the scale
             | and complexity of your application. If you are going to
             | make an authentication microservice for an application that
             | has 50,000 users which simply fetches a username and
             | compares a hash in a database, obviously you are doing it
             | wrong. I am talking about applications which in the
             | simplest of times operated on 24 different databases
             | located in completely different geographical locations(the
             | case of my first such monolith). Some of those databases
             | used different engines. And due to the nature of the
             | infrastructure and the requirements we couldn't simply
             | ditch everything and start over from scratch. So splitting
             | everything into microservices was the only option. And this
             | is something I was working on back in 2012 iirc so back
             | when microservices were considered witchcraft by most
             | people. And yes, I'm talking about several million lines of
             | code and 2 developers - my inexperienced out of uni ass,
             | and an utterly conservative dev twice my age. Took us
             | around 6 months but the project was extremely successful.
             | There is this trend in technology - every few years
             | everyone changes their minds about everything:
             | * 2012 - sql is the best.
             | * 2016 - sql sucks, nosql is the future
             | * 2020 - nosql suck, sql is the best.
             | * 2024 - {fill in the blank}.
             | The same thing is happening with microservices. But in
             | addition docker, kubernetes and recently unikernels have
             | joined the party. The concept is the same though.
             | What I am trying to say is that either of those can be good
             | or bad in different scenarios. It's a question of picking
             | the most appropriate one for the situation.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | The fun is that we have seen this so many times.
               | Sun RPC, CORBA, DCE, DCOM, XML-RPC, SOAP, REST, gRPC,....
           | dasil003 wrote:
           | If you've got 7 people maintaining millions of lines of code,
           | you're going to have a heavy burden no matter what you do.
           | Extracting a service does not a priori simplify anything. It
           | can encapsulate and enforce a more strict boundary, and
           | optimize compile time or test suite throughput and operations
           | for the extracted logic, but it always comes with overhead,
           | and if the interface between the services is not well-defined
           | and stable it can easily be a net-negative in terms of
           | productivity as you are now giving up your in-language tools
           | for distributed systems tools. Now if you have large swathes
           | of code stable functionality, then it's easier, but at that
           | point why not just isolate modules within the same codebase?
       | alyricalgenius wrote:
       | Problem with micro-services is that it comes with a huge amount
       | "that's the RIGHT way to do it" and infinite articles talking
       | about what they are and developers fighting over if your services
       | are too big or too small.
       | That usually results in abandoning the effort to actually map the
       | use case of your particular application, model your services to
       | the size that make sense to your project... Any big enough system
       | will need some services or workers beyond a single monolith, it
       | doesn't matter if they say they follow micro-services, if they
       | follow any other type of SOA or whatever, these silver bullets
       | are killing engineering. Every project needs to take time to be
       | planned, thought it, refactored, analyzed. If you read a bunch of
       | shit on HN and go applying you end up with a random monster.
       | thedevopsguy wrote:
       | Without knowing more about their architecture it is difficult to
       | comment beyond the conclusion Alexandra Noonan came to, stated at
       | the beginning of the article. It looks like to me that the
       | architectural assumptions were changing too quickly due to the
       | demands of a fast growing business. Having all their code in a
       | single repository means that they can control dependencies,
       | versioning and deployment centrally, it gives them central
       | control of their software development lifecycle. I can't see how
       | they could not have had the same benefits of the monolith if
       | their microservices existed in a single repo to begin with and
       | had the appropriate tooling to enforce testing, versioning,
       | deployment across all services in the repo. I guess this is the
       | whole monorepo debate and tooling.
       | This article for me is more about the complexity of managing a
       | large team across different sites where the architecture needs to
       | change rapidly when modularity is absent. They did get a
       | measurable benefit around performance, though. I wonder if
       | Alexandra will comment on the challenges of running a team in an
       | environment of this complexity?
         | gen220 wrote:
         | I totally agree with you.
         | I think this article is more evidence against the credibility
         | of multi-repo than against "microservices".
         | Anecdotally, my current place of work has grown to about 200
         | engineers, maintains a monorepo, and hundreds of deployed cron
         | jobs, ad-hoc jobs, and "microservices". We have none of the
         | problems discussed here. We invest maybe 20 eng weeks a year in
         | monorepo-specific tooling, and perhaps another 30 eng weeks per
         | year in "microservices"-tooling.
         | pjc50 wrote:
         | If the microservices are in a single repo and tested and
         | deployed together then they are arguably no longer
         | microservices but a "distributed monolith"!
           | thedevopsguy wrote:
           | I'm referring to having the same testing,
           | deployment,packaging,versioning policies etc being
           | consistently applied across projects within the same
           | repository not deploying, testing and releasing together.
           | It's the drift and inconsistencies across these concerns
           | across projects that makes deployment and operations less
           | predictable.
           | goodpoint wrote:
           | Spot on. In Amazon's SOA, having different services that need
           | to be deployed at the same time is a no-no.
       | BerislavLopac wrote:
       | As it is so often the case, the choice between monolith and
       | microservices is not a binary one; rather, it is a sliding scale
       | between two extremes.
       | On one end we have a real monolith: a single executable binary,
       | with no external dependencies apart from the OS bindings. This is
       | very rare in practice, and most commonly found in games and
       | probably mobile apps; when it comes to Web-based services, even a
       | traditional idea of single-codebase app usually has a SQL
       | database as an external dependency.
       | On the other end of the scale there is a complex system
       | consisting of hundreds or even thousands [0] of tiny services
       | that require complex orchestration mechanisms such as a service
       | hub or service mesh.
       | So each team (in a wide sense: could be a company, organisation,
       | department etc) needs to consider where they fall in the
       | continuum, considering a) which architecture will provide most
       | benefit while b) still being maintainable by the team; both the
       | architecture and the team need to evolve together.
       | [0] https://qconlondon.com/london2020/presentation/monzo
       | 87zuhjkas wrote:
       | I think we can have both architectures Monolith and Microservices
       | peacefully co-existing, with their own pros and cons.
       | crimsonalucard wrote:
       | I have an idea. Bring the concept of microservices into software!
       | Within software module interfaces that can only communicate with
       | one another via socket like serial interfaces with no type
       | checking!
       | Or simply have all your software modules running as forked
       | processes on the same hardware and have them all communicate with
       | one another via sockets or http. That means every software module
       | must be it's own server!
       | To further imitate microservices, make sure that code in one
       | software module can never ever be moved to another software
       | module. Make it hard to reorganize things. Also make sure teams
       | can only ever work on one section of the code base.
       | Does the above make any sense to you? If it doesn't make any
       | sense to you it's probably because code organization using
       | microservices doesn't make any sense period because the examples
       | above are literally doing the same thing in software that is done
       | in hardware.
       | If it does make sense to you, then why are you using
       | microservices to add extra complexity to the code? If you can do
       | the same in software then you'd be doing the exact same thing as
       | the hardware equivalent minus the extra complexity of multiple
       | containers or VMs.
       | Don't use hardware to organize code, use code to organize code
       | and use hardware to maximize performance.
       | me551ah wrote:
       | I'm just curious if there is a middle ground somewhere?
       | On one end you have a giant monolith. All services rolled into
       | one which includes your API, Middle ware and then Database.
       | One the other end you have microservices which bundle services
       | into individual distinct units with each service being
       | responsible for its API, middleware and database.
       | Are there any preexisting patterns which seek to combine these
       | two and come up with an architecture which is midway between
       | those two. A few months ago I had read an article about Data
       | Oriented Architecture on HN which comes close though I'm
       | wondering if there are others.
         | boffinism wrote:
         | There's what DHH calls the 'Citadel' architecture, which is
         | basically you carve off a few small chunks from your monolith
         | where needed and call them 'outposts':
         | https://m.signalvnoise.com/the-majestic-monolith-can-become-...
         | ulshv wrote:
         | Service-Oriented architecture? This node.js framework
         | specifically implements it: https://feathersjs.com (as an
         | example)
         | bencollier49 wrote:
         | > which includes your API, Middle ware and then Database
         | Layered microservices are an antipattern. In most cases,
         | functionality is best divided by domain.
           | thinkharderdev wrote:
           | This is why I struggle with microservice architectures. It
           | seems like there is a basic contradiction. On the one hand,
           | it's vitally important that the microservices are carved into
           | the correct modules otherwise you get a nightmare of
           | operational complexity where simple functional changes
           | require coordinated changes across multiple services. But
           | defining the correct way modules requires a bird's-eye
           | architectural view of the entire system, which seems
           | contradictory to idea of self-organizing, independent teams.
           | I can see how it works when the right way to divide things up
           | is obvious or when you are dealing with IaaS or PaaS
           | services, but in a complex business domain who decides how to
           | carve things up?
           | marcosdumay wrote:
           | > In most cases, functionality is best divided by domain.
           | So, SOA?
       | hinkley wrote:
       | > "If microservices are implemented incorrectly or used as a
       | band-aid without addressing some of the root flaws in your
       | system, you'll be unable to do new product development because
       | you're drowning in the complexity."
       | Which is nearly verbatim what some of us have been telling you
       | since before the term microservices was coined.
       | Coupling is the problem. Yes, microservices add friction to
       | coupling, but they don't prevent it. Coupled microservices exist
       | (boy howdy), and they're resource intensive, resistant to
       | evolution, or both.
       | sida wrote:
       | Might be a stupid question, it wasn't clear to me in the article.
       | Did they go back to a monolith service or a monolith repo? It
       | really just sounded like monorepo
       | crimsonalucard wrote:
       | Microservices in terms of code organization was always a
       | redundant concept.
       | You can organize code with functions and namespaces, why do you
       | need hardware to segregate code? It only makes the segregation
       | permanent but offers nothing else beneficial in terms of code
       | organization.
       | The underlying reasoning was always that developers tend to move
       | outside of boxed software modules if it wasn't enforced by
       | hardware so the modules will end up not being modules but
       | everything will be blurred into monoliths.
       | I always figured that if you want really hard lines drawn between
       | software modules you can still do the same stuff in software
       | itself, like why do you need actual silicon or VMs/Containers to
       | do it?
       | The only real need for different services is performance,
       | otherwise all the benefits and downsides of microservices can be
       | replicated in software.
       | scott113341 wrote:
       | Previous discussion from her blog post on the same topic:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17499137
       | stepanhruda wrote:
       | > There is now a single code repository, and all destination
       | workers use the same version of the shared library.
       | What if I told you this is unrelated to microservices? You can
       | keep all of their sources in the same repository, sharing
       | dependencies.
       | deltron3030 wrote:
       | This older "breaking up the monolith" GraphQL talk from Prisma is
       | interesting: https://invidio.us/watch?v=_MmyTahR9ok
       | Especially if you consider RedwoodJS, a new full stack JS
       | framework that's build on Prisma technology (their stuff is an
       | alternative to Rails Active Record ORM). My takeaway is that they
       | provide a similar monolith like experience by acting as a glue
       | between different services.
       | phodge wrote:
       | My org is starting to migrate from a PHP Monolith to
       | Microservices as a way of freeing ourselves from PHP.
       | Microservices will require more time spent writing interservice
       | APIs, and code execution will be slower since many procedure
       | calls will require data serialization and network requests. But
       | we believe it will be worth the overhead to not be locked into
       | PHP for every new component of the project.
       | acd wrote:
       | Another advantage of monoliths is speed. Running on a Local L1-L3
       | cache will be orders of a magnitude faster than serializing
       | network round trip and deserializing json in micro service.
       | Performance per watt/dollar of computing.
       | zerotolerance wrote:
       | Having read their articles a few times, the issues that they were
       | attributing to microservice architecture were really CI problems.
       | hexmiles wrote:
       | > Also, a proper solution for true fault isolation would have
       | been one microservice per queue per customer, but that would have
       | required over 10,000 microservices.
       | I'm a bit confused, they seem to imply that they need a
       | microservice per costumer/destination, but you generically have
       | one instance (aka process) per costumer not an entire separate
       | codebase. The article seem to use the same term for two different
       | concepts. Or i am missing something?
         | mping wrote:
         | Sounds like a job for Erlang
       | jillesvangurp wrote:
       | This is a discussion on pretty much every team I've been on for
       | the last 5 or so years. I agree mostly this stuff is done for the
       | wrong reasons.
       | IMHO it doesn't matter if you replace microservices by
       | components, corba objects, rpc objects, soap services, etc. It
       | all boils down to chopping your software into smaller bits that
       | than immediately start having a need for sending messages between
       | them, finding each other, defending their boundaries, etc.
       | So, the first mistake would be assuming this is a new problem to
       | think about. It's not. You can find similar debates about how to
       | chop up software ever since people moved beyond just having their
       | code ship in punch card form.
       | The right discussion to have would be first deciding whether you
       | want to break down by your logical architecture so that your
       | deployment architecture reflects that or your organization
       | diagram (aka. Conway's law). Then the next step is deciding
       | whether your primary goal is network isolation of unrelated
       | chunks of code or enabling asynchronous development of these
       | chunks of code (if so, there are other solutions). Usually it
       | boils down to, again, Conway's law: different teams just don't
       | want their stuff to depend on shit happening in another team
       | because of internal bureaucracy and hassle.
       | Now say you have a valid business reason or technical reason for
       | actually wanting to have different stuff be isolated (e.g. for
       | scaling reasons or security reasons). The next step is deciding
       | whether this means you also want to break up your code base.
       | Monorepos and microservices are a thing. Look at e.g. lerna for
       | node.js, or multi module gradle projects on the jvm. In Go this
       | is well supported as well. If you're really sure that you don't
       | want micro services because of Conway's law there are lots of
       | valid reasons for having a well structured mono repo with a bit
       | of reuse of shared functionality, a simplified review process and
       | more visibility in what is happening.
       | IMHO people do this for completely the wrong reasons; like
       | wanting to try out some new language, organizational issues, etc.
       | that ultimately result in fragmented code bases, lots of devops
       | overhead and complexity (it's never simple or cheap), lots of
       | project management overhead, etc. You pay a price.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | This sounds like the old arguments about OOP.
       | Turning everything into an object can make a small program into a
       | big program, so it's maybe not such a good idea for small-scale
       | stuff.
       | http://www.solipsys.co.uk/new/TheParableOfTheToaster.html
       | However, in my experience, OOP made it possible to do really big
       | stuff.
       | It's all about not having a "one-size-fits-all" approach. I don't
       | think it's just about scaling architectures; it's about changing
       | architectures to match scale.
       | It's difficult as hell to make these changes, because people get
       | invested in methodology, and insist on applying the same lens to
       | everything we do.
       | It sounds like they had the right idea, but they probably had the
       | wrong people.
         | kumarvvr wrote:
         | The reason OOP made it possible to do big stuff, seems tobe
         | because it improved the average productivity of the average
         | programmer.
         | With procedural code, you would need an exceptional programmer
         | to produce a big program. With OOP, an average programmer can
         | deconstruct a problem into its component parts and solve it,
         | mainly because, the human brain can reason about concrete
         | objects more easily, than say, abstract methods like functional
         | programming.
         | Edit : OOP has encapsulation which, in my view, significantly
         | reduces the cognitive load when thinking about state management
         | in an app. I remwmber writing a small graphics library using
         | Borland Graphics Interface in Turbo C++. It was a breeze to do
         | because I know about 'things' I want on my screen and coded my
         | classes to reflect those things.
         | FpUser wrote:
         | "Turning everything into an object can make a small program
         | into a big program, so it's maybe not such a good idea for
         | small-scale stuff."
         | In my experience OOP actually makes programs smaller. Assuming
         | of course they have good programmers/architects and the program
         | itself is larger than "Hello world".
           | darkerside wrote:
           | In my experience, OOP makes programs different. Might be
           | bigger or smaller, but the real difference is complexity. Not
           | in that it makes things more or less complex, but in that it
           | moves the complexity around to different places. Those places
           | being complex (and others simpler) might make it easier or
           | harder to maintain your program, which is what makes these
           | decisions highly dependent on your particular systems and
           | teams.
             | FpUser wrote:
             | OOP does not "move" complexity. People do.
               | darkerside wrote:
               | Guns don't kill people, people kill people. With guns.
               | FpUser wrote:
               | To get your line to a logical conclusion: do not program
               | at all
               | mbrameld wrote:
               | Ooh, sweet false dichotomy!
               | FpUser wrote:
               | Ooh, sweet equating of programming paradigm to guns.
               | mbrameld wrote:
               | Ooh, sweet non sequitur.
               | mbrameld wrote:
               | A distinction without a difference.
               | FpUser wrote:
               | There is a difference. OOP is just one of many tools to
               | help accomplish a task. Many other tools as well. It is
               | up to the people how to use tools for a job and what
               | tools for what job. You equating OOP with the dangerous
               | things that should be kept away has no basis in
               | programming.
               | afiori wrote:
               | The concept of footgun exists.
               | mbrameld wrote:
               | The way people use OOP causes them to move the complexity
               | in a particular way. That's why the distinction doesn't
               | make a difference in this context. You're right,
               | technically it wasn't OOP that was writing the code, it
               | was the person. We would have never figured that out
               | without your guidance, we all just though OOP was banging
               | away on the keyboard.
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | Don't get me wrong. I love OOP, and have been using it since
           | before it was cool. It's been a standard wrench in my toolbox
           | for decades.
           | In fact, I have been running into folks, these days, that
           | don't understand it, as, apparently, OOP is becoming
           | "uncool."
           | I've always been a "right tool for the right job" kind of
           | guy. I started off with ML (Machine _Language_ , not Machine
           | _Learning_ ). I am quite comfortable, sitting down with a
           | breadboard, and flashing an OS.
           | But I remember the old days of OOP, where "classic"
           | structured programmers didn't "get" OOP, and designed these
           | horrific chimeras.
           | I always make it a point to understand my methodology and
           | drivers "to the bone." Just because someone at a conference
           | said it, doesn't mean that I should use it for everything.
             | jjgreen wrote:
             | Please write a blog post called "Horrific OOP chimeras" and
             | post a link on HN ...
               | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
               | Oh...the stories I could tell...
               | But I have made it a point of personal ethos not to post
               | criticism or polemics, denigrating/excoriating the work
               | of others.
               | I know that could buy me a lot of clicks (and probably
               | some considerable HN Above The Fold time), but I think we
               | have enough negativity and finger-pointing on the
               | Internet.
               | If you read my stuff, you won't see much of that. I may,
               | in a rather vague way, allude to something that gives me
               | a frowny-face, but I don't want that to be part of my
               | "personal brand," so to speak.
               | I do take tremendous personal pride in my work; both
               | coding and writing, and hold myself to a high bar. I may
               | even project that bar onto others (only in some
               | circumstances), but I don't think it's helpful to do so
               | in public.
               | I find it most gratifying to write a "This is how _I_ do
               | this... " post, as opposed to a "This isn't how _you_
               | should do it... " post.
             | FpUser wrote:
             | Lots of words. What's the conclusion? OOP is bad? Or maybe
             | it is incompetent people who manage to f.. things up no
             | matter what you give them or people with the agenda going
             | on holy crusades?
               | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
               | No, OOP is not "Bad." I'm not feeling particularly
               | argumentative. I apologize if what I wrote upset you. I
               | suspect that we may actually agree on most things.
               | In some cases, it is not the best tool for the job, but I
               | find that I tend to use OOP for almost everything I do;
               | large or small.
               | It isn't of much use in small utility scripts, though,
               | and some languages are just not written to natively
               | support it. In those cases, procedural (or FP) is the way
               | to go.
               | There are new- _ish_ methodologies, like functional
               | programming, and protocol-oriented programming, that
               | deprecate  "classic" OOP. Some folks are using these as
               | backing for declaring OOP "dead."
               | I suspect that might be a bit...premature. My current
               | fave lang is Swift, which pretty much allows you to use
               | any methodology you want, or mix them together _(Will it
               | blend? That is the question)._
               | I have found that it isn't helpful for me to "write off"
               | _any_ methodology, and most of my work is actually a
               | hybrid approach; with elements of multiple methodologies.
               | BTW: I'm a "lots of words" kind of guy.
               | Prolix, JAMES Prolix...
               | FpUser wrote:
               | _" There are new-ish methodologies, like functional
               | programming, and protocol-oriented programming, that
               | deprecate "classic" OOP. Some folks are using these as
               | backing for declaring OOP "dead."_
               | Those are anything but new-ish. In programming new often
               | means that some old concept suddenly becomes fashionable.
               | Myself I do not restrict to any single paradigm and use
               | what I believe is the most suitable for current task.
               | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
               | Note the _" -ish"_. I know that they aren't actually new,
               | and that many "new paradigms" are actually rebranded old
               | stuff (I have been writing software since the early
               | 1980s, and have seen these waves sweeping through the
               | industry; often, with some amusement).
               | What does happen, though, is that a canon develops, based
               | on these technologies, and [actual] new techniques get
               | created, based on them.
               | Some of these are nightmares, and need to be strangled
               | before they can crawl off the slab, but sometimes, a gem
               | comes up.
               | I write about some of my experiences around that here:
               | https://littlegreenviper.com/miscellany/concrete-
               | galoshes/#e...
               | I remember writing "object-oriented" software for classic
               | C, in the late 1980s. I called it the "faux object"
               | pattern, and was based in state being kept in a structure
               | that was passed around functions. I refined and
               | formalized the idea when I encountered Apple's QuickDraw
               | GX in the early '90s (I suspect that may be the _only_
               | good thing that I ever got from that sad debacle).
               | I used the faux object pattern in an SDK I designed in
               | 1994, and it's still being used to this day. Back then,
               | you couldn't pass OOP across module connections, so we
               | had to figure out a way to do it with C.
               | Nowadays, I can easily pass Swift extensions and virtual
               | implementations across SDKs; no sweat. It's cool.
               | afiori wrote:
               | In my uninformed opinion many of these "nothing new"
               | cases happen because the newcomer actually solved some
               | (maybe minor) pain point in usability of the old
               | solution. Maybe combined with some good old nostalgia.
               | In general I agree that people should study more the
               | past, but I do not see any point in dismissing new trends
               | just because the do not market their full genealogy
               | upfront.
           | fouc wrote:
           | Sounds pretty unlikely. You don't need OOP to have fairly DRY
           | and well organized code that is nice and small.
             | FpUser wrote:
             | You do not need a lot of things to write software. Does not
             | mean you can no benefit from those when applied with good
             | reasons. OOP concepts can help while coding certain domains
             | and yet other can benefit from a different style.
         | gridlockd wrote:
         | This phenomenon can be described as "excessive factoring" and
         | it can easily happen under any paradigm.
         | Perhaps it's more prevalent with OOP programmers, but perhaps
         | it just appears that way because the boilerplate for classes is
         | a bit larger than the boilerplate for functions and structs.
           | hedora wrote:
           | The "micro" in "microservices" implies "excessive factoring".
           | Otherwise they'd be services.
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