[HN Gopher] Show HN: SQL Police Department - Learn SQL while sol...
       Show HN: SQL Police Department - Learn SQL while solving crimes
       Author : doronlinder
       Score  : 390 points
       Date   : 2020-05-04 11:36 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (sqlpd.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (sqlpd.com)
       | mason55 wrote:
       | Worth considering capturing the keyboard input. I instinctively
       | hit "delete" partway through to delete something I had clicked on
       | and it took me back to HN and I lost my progress.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Good call. I will.
         | logicallee wrote:
         | do you ever actually use backspace to go back a page? If not,
         | turn it off in your browser settings, since you'll only ever
         | use it accidentally anyway. (And what's more, you'll only ever
         | use it accidentally _while you 're trying to edit text you've
         | input_.)
         | to me backspace going back a page = a sense of frustration.
         | better to turn it off in the browser, so I did so.
       | mimimi31 wrote:
       | Some of the instructions are worded weirdly, almost like they
       | were auto-generated or mostly copy-pasted.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Yes, the instructions as well as the levels and the data are
         | auto generated. If something sounds off, please email me and
         | I'll fix it.
           | code_duck wrote:
           | Minor, and doesn't seem worth emailing about. I got to the
           | 4th one and 'seized' is spelled 'siezed'.
       | knight17 wrote:
       | Here are some other SQL Learning resources I have collected in my
       | note taking TiddlyWiki (mostly from HN itself).
       | Interactive SQL Tutorials :
       | # Chartio Interactive PostgreSQL SQL Tutorial -
       | https://chartio.com/learn/sql/
       | # Select STAR SQL - https://selectstarsql.com/
       | # SQL Bolt - Learn SQL with simple, interactive exercises -
       | https://sqlbolt.com/
       | # SQL Window functions - https://www.windowfunctions.com/
       | # PostgreSQL Exercises - https://pgexercises.com/
       | # SQL Zoo - http://sqlzoo.net/
       | # SQL Teaching - https://www.sqlteaching.com/
       | # ByteScout SQL Trainer - Use live data to train -
       | https://app.bytescout.com/sql-trainer/index.html
       | # Schemaverse - A space-based strategy game implemented entirely
       | within a PostgreSQL database - https://schemaverse.com/
       | # Oracle Live SQL - Lerarn and share SQL -
       | https://livesql.oracle.com/
       | # GalaXQL 3.0 - an intractive tutorial with exploring the galaxy
       | - http://sol.gfxile.net/g3/
       | # SQL Exercises - http://sql-ex.ru/index.php
         | antman wrote:
         | Great collection thanks! Has anyone used them or have any
         | comment on the difficulty of the sources above?
           | jmhwang7 wrote:
           | I've used sqlbolt.com! It's great. Very easy to follow and
           | it's interactive. They have a resource for regex:
           | https://regexone.com/, which I've gone through as well!
         | hultner wrote:
         | Cool, must check out these
       | [deleted]
       | MivLives wrote:
       | Cool concept but the license seems kind of weird to me. 20 bucks
       | for six months? Will anything change in that time? You might want
       | to add a bit of info on what the license gets you.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Thanks! The game is still in development. It covers SELECT,
         | DISTINCT, FROM (with one table), ORDER BY, LIMIT in the free
         | part. After buying a license, WHERE, IN, BETWEEN, AND and OR
         | are also covered. Check out the guide tab in the game - it
         | covers everything supported so far. I plan on adding support
         | for GROUP BY, aggregate functions, HAVING, aliases, JOINING
         | multiple tables, and some more stuff with more complex cases to
         | match.
         | The 6 months countdown doesn't begin until the game development
         | ends so you're enjoying longer access.
           | gremlinsinc wrote:
           | Cool game, but I think pricing maybe a value issue. Might
           | make more $$ if you just had a donation button, and some ads
           | and maybe an option to upgrade to remove ads/donation nags.
           | Plus you'd get a lot more word of mouth, and maybe add some
           | social sharing of 'accomplishments' etc...
       | oefrha wrote:
       | Nice concept but I really hate clicking on the buttons to form my
       | statements... Is it possible to allow typing? Also, not ending my
       | statement with a semicolon feels incomplete.
         | code_duck wrote:
         | I was trying to determine how to use a comma.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Yeah, the semicolon bothers me too. I'll see how I can
         | incorporate that in. The clicking around was meant to make life
         | easier on mobile phone users. I'll see if I can add a keyboard
         | support without undermining this.
           | geddy wrote:
           | This makes a lot of sense, actually. Definitely great for
           | learning.
           | You could do it the way Duolingo does it - on desktop, it
           | allows for "Hard Mode", where it lets you type the responses
           | freely. On mobile however, it doesn't let you do that (unless
           | you're using the app).
         | sonofaplum wrote:
         | I agree with this. I would much prefer if there was a freeform
         | query mode, where I could just type the queries without the
         | buttons or hints.
         | greggyb wrote:
         | I agree. I work in Microsoft's SQL Server (incl. variations,
         | e.g. Azure SQL DW) quite a bit. Based on my experience, I am
         | the _only_ person using semicolons in T-SQL.
           | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
           | I always try to use them. It's going to be mandatory says MS:
           | "Although the semicolon isn't required for most statements in
           | this version of SQL Server, it will be required in a future
           | version."
             | greggyb wrote:
             | That has been the guidance for a loooooong time.
       | aquir wrote:
       | It's great! I would buy a licence but I don't know how many cases
       | do you have altogether?
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Currently the first rank is 11 cases, and the second rank is 20
         | additional cases. The second rank covers WHERE with numbers,
         | strings, dates and timestamps, IN, BETWEEN, AND and OR. Check
         | out the guide tab in the game - it covers everything supported
         | so far. Once you finish that, you go into practice mode where
         | you're randomly asked the same kind of cases like the previous
         | ones.
         | I plan on adding support for GROUP BY, aggregate functions,
         | HAVING, aliases, JOINING multiple tables, and some more stuff
         | with more complex cases to match.
         | And the 6 months countdown doesn't begin until the game
         | development ends so you're enjoying longer access.
         | n2j3 wrote:
         | Same. And on 50% discount.
       | geddy wrote:
       | Really nice work. I had a lot of fun in that. Others have already
       | mentioned the Backspace = page back issue where you could easily
       | lose progress, but I played all the way through :) No need to
       | purchase however as I already know SQL quite well. But really
       | well done.
       | koolba wrote:
       | Are the names and email addresses in the sample data real? They
       | seem auto generated but the domains are real providers like
       | Hotmail, Gmail, and Outlook.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Everything is randomised, nothing is based real data. It's auto
         | generated from popular first names, last names, changing
         | patterns and random years or numbers attached at the end.
         | Domains are real, but randomised as well.
           | as1mov wrote:
           | It's kinda risky in my opinion. I just checked a few of the
           | addresses (mostly the one's without any numbers at the end),
           | some of them do actually belong to real people.
             | henryfjordan wrote:
             | What's the risk? Your email address isn't exactly a
             | secret...
             | doronlinder wrote:
             | I was aiming for a feeling of dealing with real data (even
             | though it's not). Changing the email domain names to
             | fictitious ones will solve this, but I think would
             | undermine the feeling of real-ness.
         | code_duck wrote:
         | I was wondering the same thing. As combos of common names and
         | providers, it seems extremely likely that many of those email
         | addresses are valid addresses belonging to real people.
         | Drip33 wrote:
         | I searched a few emails in some local copies of data breaches
         | and found real results
       | zicon35 wrote:
       | Wow. I lolled.
       | MattRix wrote:
       | This is a cool idea but if you accidentally hit the back button
       | or refresh it loses all your progress with no obvious way to skip
       | ahead. Frustrating.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | It can be solved with saving stuff to local storage, but I
         | tried to not use it to be more GDPR compliant...
           | rndgermandude wrote:
           | As long as you do not transmit the data ever, using
           | localStorage isn't a GDPR concern other than that you should
           | mention it (and the in-browser-only use, with data never
           | leaving the users' systems) on your privacy policy page for
           | the sake of transparency and to avoid users asking about it.
           | mdaniel wrote:
           | I have a hard time imagining a GDPR complaint in which
           | storing ones own data on their computer would constitute a
           | privacy violation
           | singlow wrote:
           | Isn't local storage pretty good for compliance? It doesn't
           | automatically send the data to your server like a cookie
           | would, so as long as you don't send it, you haven't collected
           | it.
       | PUSH_AX wrote:
       | Perhaps I'm missing something but I can't seem to find what I get
       | for my money, what concepts and commands are covered? How many
       | "cases" are there?
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Currently the first rank is 11 cases, and the second rank is 20
         | additional cases. The second rank covers WHERE with numbers,
         | strings, dates and timestamps, IN, BETWEEN, AND and OR. Check
         | out the guide tab in the game - it covers everything supported
         | so far. Once you finish that, you go into practice mode where
         | you're randomly asked the same kind of cases like the previous
         | ones. I plan on adding support for GROUP BY, aggregate
         | functions, HAVING, aliases, JOINING multiple tables, and some
         | more stuff with more complex cases to match.
         | And the 6 months countdown doesn't begin until the game
         | development ends so you're enjoying longer access.
       | digitallogic wrote:
       | Pretty cool! One piece of feedback: > An illegal site's servers
       | were siezed in a recent operation. Please submit all users number
       | of posts' details. Please make sure there are no duplicates.
       | There's no declaration of what attribute should be used for
       | considering distinct users. After guessing it gave a hint to the
       | effect of "there are duplicate Given Name values". This is rather
       | counter intuitive since many people share a given name.
       | navaja wrote:
       | Catch 22 - I thought it's a crime to not-know SQL?
       | diabeetusman wrote:
       | I can only solve the first one. I click submit, get a "Solved"
       | stamp, and it prompts me with the same problem again.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | The first two are cases of selecting the whole table. Since
         | it's (completely) randomised, there is a chance of getting the
         | same table twice. I didn't account for that :-P If you solve it
         | again, you'll get a new case following that.
       | simlan wrote:
       | I love it that was a fun past time ;)
       | Psyladine wrote:
       | >"A mailing list of an illegal online service was sent to the
       | SQLPD hot-line. Please submit all records email addresses'
       | details. Please make sure there are no duplicates."
       | typo
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | I'm missing it. Where's the typo?
       | ideophobia wrote:
       | I literally can't get past the first level and I have no idea
       | why.
         | code_duck wrote:
         | Click SELECT, then click each field, then FROM subscribers,
         | then the play button. Seems almost too easy.
         | abledon wrote:
         | click on GUI.
         | click SELECT
         | click *
         | click FROM
         | click mailing_list
         | click run
           | ideophobia wrote:
           | I had one before that, asking about all member data from a
           | darknet list. It seemed logical that select * from members
           | would be the answer based, but I couldn't get it to accept no
           | matter how many times I tried. Kept saying failed to fetch
           | after run. I closed and reopened the browser, tried again,
           | and it worked on the first attempt.
           | [deleted]
       | billatberlocks wrote:
       | Fun idea :)
       | [deleted]
       | ryannevius wrote:
       | This reminds me of the SQL Murder Mystery:
       | https://mystery.knightlab.com/
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | This was certainly an inspiration.
         | TallGuyShort wrote:
         | For other reasons, reminded me of Space Quest:
         | https://spacequest.fandom.com/wiki/Sequel_Police
         | BadBadJellyBean wrote:
         | Didn't know about that. Now I am a great detective! That was
         | fun!
       | jonny_eh wrote:
       | The question where it asks for the list of unique download counts
       | makes no sense.
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | The cases are randomly generated; It asks for unique values of
         | a random column in a random table. Sometimes it asks for unique
         | password hashes... It's an edge case I didn't account for.
           | jonny_eh wrote:
           | Interesting, why not hand pick the questions?
             | doronlinder wrote:
             | For replay-ability. Each time you need to understand the
             | problem and construct a query instead of remembering that
             | the answer was X (when I prototyped this in some of the
             | cases you needed to pick the right answer from a cell in
             | the table, not submit the whole thing).
       | taylorcooney wrote:
       | Very cool @doronlinder
       | franciscop wrote:
       | This looks great! It was difficult to find out that you had to
       | click the Play button for me ">". Since this is a primary action
       | you might want to consider adding a stronger Call to Action
       | there?
         | doronlinder wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback! I was wondering the same thing.
       | mrfusion wrote:
       | I'd love to see fun stuff like this for all kinds of technical
       | skills. Even pytorch for example.
       | Actually why couldn't an entire online class be working towards
       | solving some kind of mystery. You wouldn't even notice you're
       | building skills.
       | iagovar wrote:
       | Amazing
       | murgindrag wrote:
       | This seems like a neat idea. Not sure about paid, though, in its
       | current incarnation. There's a ton of similar things unpaid. Why
       | would I pay for this over Khan Academy's excellent SQL course,
       | for example?
       | It seems like a piece of a business, not a business in itself. To
       | be successful as a product or solution, there needs to be more
       | around it -- some way to integrate it into contexts, have it used
       | in schools, or in afterschool, or something.
       | Another key component would be user studies -- develop PCK about
       | what supports and help students need.
       (page generated 2020-05-04 23:00 UTC)