[HN Gopher] Ask HN: Name one idea that changed your life
       Ask HN: Name one idea that changed your life
       Inspired by David Perell's tweet -
       Author : yarapavan
       Score  : 179 points
       Date   : 2020-05-06 16:08 UTC (6 hours ago)
       | woodruffw wrote:
       | It is impossible to think of anything at all in the world, or
       | indeed even beyond it, that could be taken to be good without
       | limitation, except a good will.
       | abetusk wrote:
       | "Premature optimization is the root of all evil"
       | More and more, I'm realizing this applies more broadly than just
       | for code. Abstraction is a form of optimization and shouldn't be
       | done before the space has been properly explored to know what
       | abstractions should be built. Standardization is a form of
       | optimization and shouldn't be proposed until there's a body of
       | evidence to support what's being standardized.
       | Failure to validate a product before building it? Premature
       | optimization.
       | Build infrastructure without understanding the use case?
       | Premature optimization.
       | Build tools before using them for your end product/project?
       | Premature optimization.
       | This advice comes in different forms: "Progress over perfection",
       | "Iteration quickly", "Move fast and break things", "Don't let
       | perfection be the enemy of good enough", etc. but I find the
       | umbrella statement of not prematurely optimizing to encompass
       | them all.
         | dnautics wrote:
         | Yeah, I just wish the quote were "folly" instead of "evil".
         | gridlockd wrote:
         | All fine and well, just consider that Donald Knuth was talking
         | about shaving off some cycles by carefully selecting machine
         | instruction.
         | Donald Knuth, the same guy that got upset about being forced to
         | use 64-bit pointers in a binary compiled for x86-64 even in
         | programs where he would've been just fine with a 4GB address
         | space.
         | He didn't exactly mean to say "omg wtf computers are so fast
         | just use create-react-app", but that seems to be the general
         | reception.
         | movedx wrote:
         | > Build infrastructure without understanding the use case?
         | Premature optimization.
         | Hence my issues with micro services and
         | Kubernetes/containerisation (by default.)
         | I've always hated the fact people simply jump onto these
         | technologies and methodologies as if they're automatically the
         | right solution because everyone is talking about them. What
         | they don't understand is that they're optimisations.
         | You build a monolith and put it on one machine to begin with.
         | No load balancer. Just a single EC2 instance with snapshots. As
         | the customer count grows and demand increasing you scale it
         | out...
         | Now you're on two EC2 instances and might want to consider
         | using RDS. You have an ALB and you're using ACM to offload TLS
         | certificate management. More customers come along and the
         | monolith begins to slow down, so you optimise the application
         | this time...
         | Now you have the most successful/popular parts of your
         | application split out into separate components but still using
         | the same database. You're still just running Docker on a few
         | EC2 instances though. You don't need orchestration yet. But now
         | your customers start demanding more features and changes on a
         | more frequent basis. Also your customer count is rising more
         | and more. You're now ready to scale out and re-architect things
         | again...
         | Now you've got 80-85% of your monolith split out into separate
         | components, in Docker images, and you're using Kubernetes to
         | orchestrate the whole thing because you need to iterate and
         | deploy parts of the software on a near daily basis.
         | Taking it slow and keeping things simple in the beginning
         | allows you to focus (from a systems perspective) on stability
         | and security, which are much easier when you have a monolith
         | and two EC2 instances. As you need to iterate faster and more
         | often you increase the complexity of the network to meet the
         | needs of the development team. It becomes much harder to secure
         | and manage, but the trade off is worth it.
         | That's how you optimise your infrastructure over time.
         | The only situation in which I would contradict my self on this
         | point is if you're developing a product that you know will need
         | micro services and K8s to begin with AND everyone on the team
         | has extensive experience implementing an application in that
         | manner.
       | frenchie4111 wrote:
       | Good ideas are grown, not found.
       | sizzzzlerz wrote:
       | Pursuit of knowledge should be a goal until your last breath.
       | Never stop learning. Learn about new things that aren't
       | necessarily related to your career. Use what you learn as a
       | launching pad to explore even wider areas.
       | stewfortier wrote:
       | Opportunity cost.
       | It's relatively easy to measure how much an investment of time or
       | money will "cost" in absolute terms.
       | But it's pretty unnatural to try and define the opportunities
       | you're not going to pursue and factor them in as a cost.
       | Understanding opportunity cost has led me to make a few important
       | decisions in my life that would have otherwise gone another way.
       | brianliou91 wrote:
       | Chase curiousity, don't chase money
       | MichalSternik wrote:
       | Permaculture.
       | First paragraph from wikipedia article:
       | > Permaculture is a set of design principles centered on whole
       | systems thinking, simulating, or directly utilizing the patterns
       | and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems. It uses
       | these principles in a growing number of fields from regenerative
       | agriculture, rewilding, and community resilience.
       | mistermann wrote:
       | We don't live in reality, or even "see" it directly.
       | The reality that we live in is firstly based on _perception_ of
       | actual physical reality, and then also experienced
       | /conceptualized _via a proxy_ , which is a _model_ of our
       | _perceived_ reality (and all the objects, people, and ideas
       | within it), all implemented by a sophisticated biological neural
       | network of sorts.
       | An example of how you can test this theory is to observe
       | conversations on forums, where you will find plentiful (and
       | ultra-confident) examples of supernatural acts like mind reading,
       | future predicting, _knowing_ things that are not knowable, etc.
       | Even more interestingly, these "beliefs" seem to be entrenched
       | _extremely deeply_ in the human psyche, and almost  "protected"
       | in some way, by some sort of process. Merely pointing out the
       | obvious fact (the existence of this phenomenon) is _highly
       | unpopular_. But even further, most people seem to be _literally
       | unable to even ponder_ the phenomenon, particularly in real-time.
       | Abstract discussion seems much easier for most people, but rare
       | is the person who can consistently walk the talk - personally, I
       | only have one friend who can do it, _across multiple domains_
       | (cross-domain capability is a key differentiator that separates
       | those who can from those who cannot).
         | seanwilson wrote:
         | > Even more interestingly, these "beliefs" seem to be
         | entrenched extremely deeply in the human psyche, and almost
         | "protected" in some way, by some sort of process.
         | My explanation for this is the brain has lots of mental
         | shortcuts that help it make useful quick decisions when lacking
         | complete information (like in survival situations), but these
         | shortcuts break down in the modern world
         | E.g. "everyone else is doing it so it must be good" is a decent
         | rule of thumb when you don't have time to look into things but
         | you have to resist this rule of thumb when seeking scientific
         | knowledge, which isn't natural for many.
       | toohotatopic wrote:
       | When you are surrounded by assholes, chances are that it's you
       | who is the asshole.
       | abj wrote:
       | The Elephant in the Brain
       | A lot of common ideas about education, charity and laughter (we
       | laugh because something is funny) are evolutionary useful lies we
       | tell ourselves.
       | "But while we humans often play by ourselves (e.g., with Legos),
       | recall that we laugh mostly in the presence of others. So what
       | communicative purpose does laughter serve in the context of play?
       | Gregory Bateson, a British anthropologist, figured it out during
       | a trip to the zoo. He saw two monkeys engaged with each other in
       | what looked like combat, but clearly wasn't real. They were, in
       | other words, merely play fighting. And what Bateson realized was
       | that, in order to play fight, the monkeys needed some way to
       | communicate their playful intentions--some way to convey the
       | message, "We're just playing." Without one or more of these "play
       | signals," one monkey might misconstrue the other's intentions,
       | and their playful sparring could easily escalate into a real
       | fight"
       | asdff wrote:
       | "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"
       | Dobzhansky.
       | dullroar wrote:
       | One that knocked me upside the head once was, upon remarking
       | "That's going to take a long time, like a year" to accomplish
       | something, as if that made it not worth doing, being told, "That
       | time is going to pass anyway." In other words, you can either
       | start working towards it now, and be in a better place in a year,
       | or let that length of time discourage you and then, when next
       | year rolls around, still be discouraged. So just start.
       | downerending wrote:
       | If your friends--or especially your SO--don't have your back,
       | it's time to move your back.
       | You deserve to have at least one person in your life that is
       | _always_ on your side. Especially for an SO, if they can 't do
       | that, get rid of them. Far better to be alone.
         | dnautics wrote:
         | Forget your friends. You want a BOSS that has your back. If
         | your boss doesn't have your back, it's time to move jobs.
         | ryandvm wrote:
         | Not sure I agree with this. I don't want someone to have my
         | back if I'm on the wrong side. I want my SO to challenge my
         | ideas and to help me improve as a person, not to reinforce my
         | bad ideas.
           | downerending wrote:
           | To me, "having my back" doesn't mean nodding yes to
           | everything. It means starting with the strong assumption that
           | I'm a pretty good guy. It means doing for me what someone who
           | loved me would do. Kind of the opposite of an Internet troll.
           | In any case, it's up to each person to set the mark.
       | purerandomness wrote:
       | The idea that your mind is not _you_.
       | That "thinking", as a process, is just a tool of your body, just
       | like eyesight, for example.
       | Listening to meditation and mindfulness practitioners like Jon
       | Kobat-Zinn and Eckhart Tolle, I found it absolutely
       | groundbreaking, for myself, to realize that the mind is an
       | instrument that needs training and tuning, and sometimes can lead
       | you astray, and can't be trusted unconditionally.
       | Disassociating from my mind and understanding that my _thinking_
       | is not my _being_ has helped me in innumerable ways.
         | chrstphrhrt wrote:
         | This is especially useful for those of us who have grown up
         | thinking of ourselves as smart and becoming very identified
         | with intelligence as personality. It can lead to anxiety
         | disorders because sometimes rumination and thinking harder just
         | can't help explain things. Listening to nature and letting it
         | happen to us is such a sweeter ride than trying to carry around
         | a simulation of everything.
         | avmich wrote:
         | Do you think your premise is arguable? If yes, is it
         | defendable?
         | wazoox wrote:
         | Related : you are more what you do than what you think. What
         | you think mostly comes from what you do, and that determines
         | who you are; act more, think less. Do things, don't overthink
         | it.
         | TACIXAT wrote:
         | The other more Daoist end of this spectrum is that your mind
         | and body are you. Through the power of will you control both of
         | these.
         | As a long time meditator the "I am not my body, I am not my
         | mind" mantra has always bothered me. I am both of those and
         | will shape both of those in my image. Dissociative practices
         | will not bring me closer to my goals.
         | The comparison to eyesight is strange too. If your eyesight is
         | poor you can not really train it to be better. Through regular
         | meditation practice, and practice in other areas (self-
         | discipline) you can absolute shape your mind and change your
         | thought patterns.
       | michaelrpeskin wrote:
       | Antifragility
       | Or more specifically, just getting the term for it. I spent years
       | trying to articulate in my own mind many of the ideas in Taleb's
       | book, and once I had a word for it I could see it everywhere and
       | actually start to change my life to take advantage of the chaos
       | in the world.
       | Basically: you can't control what happens to you, but you can set
       | your life up so that the natural variability of the world can be
       | used to your advantage.
       | I can't do it justice in an HN comment, but it's one book and one
       | idea that has changed my life.
       | na85 wrote:
       | Money really does buy happiness.
       | To a point, anyways. Vacations, homes in safe neighborhoods, the
       | best schools for your kids, drugs, hookers, technology gadgets,
       | early retirement, just about anything is more accessible if you
       | are wealthy.
       | The day I realized this was a disappointing day.
       | lutorm wrote:
       | That every dollar you spend directly translates into pushing your
       | financial independence further into the future.
       | I hadn't really reflected on becoming financially independent as
       | a real possibility, but now I'm mentally bookkeeping spending
       | against being locked into needing to work longer. The real
       | revelation was when I realized that this "save 20% of your income
       | for retirement" advice that's thrown around is totally backwards.
       | Your _income_ is not the yardstick, your _spending_ is. Rather
       | than scaling your spending to your income, spend what you _need_
       | and save the rest. If you have a tech salary, that likely means
       | you 'll be financially independent much, much, earlier than
       | traditional retirement age.
       | seph-reed wrote:
       | Life is a paradox.
       | The ultimate point is that there is no point. If you want
       | something, the best way to get it is to not want it. You have to
       | try to relax.
       | Humans can handle cognitive dissonance, things don't have to be
       | logical for us to believe. We can believe two things that can't
       | both be true at the same time. If we didn't we'd die.
       | Somehow life requires the ability to believe conflicting
       | things... so in order to even begin perceiving reality, you have
       | to be incapable of pure logic.
       | el_don_almighty wrote:
       | The more you scare people, the more they will pay you
       | crankylinuxuser wrote:
       | Reprap.
       | From Adrian Boyer's start, we all can have the means of
       | production on our desk. I can start with some plastic spool, and
       | have finished structural pieces to do what I wish.
       | It's the first major step to a replicator.
         | mLuby wrote:
         | It's amazing to me how little progress is being made in such an
         | important area.
       | mlamina wrote:
       | The Dichotomy of Control
       | A concept I discovered when reading about stoicism. Focus on the
       | things that you can control and disregard what is outside of your
       | control. Sounds simple and obvious, until you apply it to
       | everyday life and realize that most things you worry about are
       | not under your control - other people's actions, opinions,
       | politics, most external circumstances, really. What you can
       | control however is how you react to those circumstances - your
       | thoughts, actions and words, for example.
         | chrstphrhrt wrote:
         | I used to love Stoic thinking and read the usual primary
         | sources a few years ago. I still do love it and practise it.
         | However, I became more and more turned off by the modern
         | company of success porn bros who use it as a kind of macho way
         | to justify not caring about others. This is not the truth of
         | it, as Stoic ethics is about concentric circles of concern
         | emanating outward (family, friends, community, country). I wish
         | there was more focus on that.
       | RivieraKid wrote:
       | Solipsism is correct.
         | downerending wrote:
         | For what it's worth, I agree.
         | kleer001 wrote:
         | Correct, but worthless, from what I can tell.
         | carapace wrote:
         | Yes, but of whom?
       | mikro2nd wrote:
       | Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma
         | joyj2nd wrote:
         | Has a Nash Equilibrium for the first n-1 iterations if I
         | remember correctly.
       | matthewwk wrote:
       | "It's not done when you can't add to it, it's done when there's
       | nothing left to take away."
       | Ken Segall (former ad executive that worked with Steve Jobs)
       | shared this during a talk in Ann Arbor at the Michigan Theater in
       | 2018.
         | decebalus1 wrote:
         | That idea is from Antoine de Saint-Exupery, actually.
           | matthewwk wrote:
           | I figured it wasn't novel to Segall, but that is the first
           | time I heard the line.
       | alexpetralia wrote:
       | Probability distributions.
       | tmaly wrote:
       | I just saw a similar tweet thread last night
       | https://twitter.com/orangebook_/status/1257710884719333376?s...
       | Some gems in there.
       | eranation wrote:
       | Bell's theorem, proving Einstein's intuition was wrong, and that
       | quantum mechanics does have some sort of a spooky action at a
       | distance, (this or that the moon is not necessarily there when
       | you don't look at it). E.g. we have either no locality (cause and
       | effect can't propagate faster than light), or no realism (things
       | don't have a "realness" until measured, e.g. the wave function
       | mode of particles), or superdeterminism (everything is
       | predetermined, no free will, nothing is random, not even the
       | random behavior of quantum particles that seem the most random
       | thing in the world)
       | formercoder wrote:
       | No one is out there to help me (other than family). Everyone is
       | trying to advance their own interests and wealth. Once I learned
       | that this was true above all else, I started pushing my own life
       | forward as opposed to waiting to be pushed.
       | sparker72678 wrote:
       | Nothing (or nearly nothing) is black and white. It's shades of
       | gray. Understand where _this thing_ is at on the spectrum.
         | bananamerica wrote:
         | IDK dude, some things seem black and white. The Holocaust, for
         | example.
           | JKCalhoun wrote:
           | Yeah, seems to be just as much a fallacy to believe "all
           | things are shades of grey".
           | kleer001 wrote:
           | Only thing I can think of that's anywhere close is that
           | without WWII we wouldn't have modern computers.
           | Still, doesn't seem worth it. I say, using a computer, my
           | entirely lively hood being based on computers.
           | [deleted]
       | awat wrote:
       | "Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment
       | chop wood, carry water".
         | maerF0x0 wrote:
         | before with a frown, and after with a smile though?
         | aerovistae wrote:
         | What
           | kleer001 wrote:
           | Any pursuit or attainment of enlightenment should be kept in
           | relative place to everyday behaviour. Even the most holy of
           | holy person (whatever your religion or creed) still has to
           | attend to their basic needs.
           | JadeNB wrote:
           | I think the point is that enlightenment doesn't change _what_
           | you do, only _how_ you do (and /or perceive) it.
             | Dumblydorr wrote:
             | Is that the point? Or is it that enlightenment is grounded
             | in the every day. That monks and Buddhist masters can
             | simply sit and do basic chores and that's it, enlightenment
             | is grounded next to the most basic human needs of fire and
             | water and food.
               | Rury wrote:
               | It's that enlightenment doesn't change anything.
               | People set out pursuing enlightenment to try to find
               | fulfillment or happiness, but enlightenment is realizing
               | that fulfillment or happiness is entirely dependent on
               | your attitude towards things.
               | Therefore, nothing changes from becoming enlightened,
               | other than your decision to keep a positive attitude
               | about the every day.
               | As they say, you can choose to be happy, and mind over
               | matter...
               | JadeNB wrote:
               | I agree with you, but I see our phrases as different ways
               | of saying the same thing. When you can perform the same
               | mundane tasks in a way that brings meaning to, and takes
               | meaning from, them, then you have found enlightenment.
               | [deleted]
           | carapace wrote:
           | First the mountain is a mountain,
           | then it is not a mountain,
           | then the mountain is a mountain.
           | https://terebess.hu/zen/qingyuan.html
       | throwaway7281 wrote:
       | As a German, the idea that mass murder and high tech are
       | different sides of the same coin has shaped my world view forever
       | (after reading Dialectic of Enlightenment).
       | Horkheimer red-pilled me on our western societies and I'm
       | grateful for it.
       | sparker72678 wrote:
       | The greatest strengths are almost always also the greatest
       | weaknesses.
       | splatzone wrote:
       | "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,--that is all Ye know on earth,
       | and all ye need to know." from Keats' Ode on a Grecian Urn
       | Realising that honesty and candour is the root of all good things
       | has made me a much better musician and, yes, programmer and
       | businessperson! I don't try to appear impressive or sophisticated
       | any more, just tell the truth and speak sincerely, and it makes
       | life much more manageable
         | Balgair wrote:
         | Emerson's take on Beauty is also pretty good:
         | https://www.scribd.com/doc/15437251/Emerson-on-Beauty
       | armandososa wrote:
       | I don't remember where I got it, but "do the important, not the
       | urgent" help me focus my life.
       | Also, the central message from (the otherwise mediocre) Coelho's
       | The Alchemist novel teach me at 25 that I didn't have to conform
       | to living the life of an unhappy low-grade employee for the rest
       | of my life.
       | JKCalhoun wrote:
       | Language is thought.
       | But like the chicken and egg paradox, how can one come before the
       | other? I was incapable (I think) of formulating even the concept
       | of "Gestalt" until I had heard the word for it, had it explained
       | to me.
       | Now I see the concept of the whole being greater than the sum of
       | its parts everywhere.
         | Dumblydorr wrote:
         | Thought exists without language, does it not? How can dogs
         | dream of sticks and walks and chasing squirrels? Can't cats see
         | a high place and think about how to reach it, those aren't
         | thoughts?
         | The word Language comes from the word for tongue, language
         | therefore is grounded in human ability to make complex thoughts
         | borne out in simplistic squishy tongue air sounds.
         | We could extend language beyond tongues though, if we think of
         | binary or rust or gobbledygook made up languages impossible to
         | speak. Those still Express thoughts, though they be divorced
         | from tongues.
         | So, IMO, thoughts are broader than language, which can come
         | close to thought but can not adequately encapsulate the color
         | red, a beautiful piece of music, or a cat's devilish designs.
           | joyj2nd wrote:
           | "Thought exists without language, does it not?" This is a
           | very interesting question.
           | The limits of my language are the limits of my mind. All I
           | know is what I have words for." Wittgenstein
           | "How can dogs dream of sticks and walks and chasing
           | squirrels?" Do Androids dream of electric sheep? :-) You may
           | want to read the books mentioned here. I found it so
           | impressive, I bought a first issue.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicameralism_(psychology)
       | p0d wrote:
       | Praying to God at a party 30 years ago changed my life. I guess I
       | felt like I was broken on the inside and the idea that some
       | higher power could help led me to pray while sleeping on
       | someone's sofa. I was so into the idea I went on to work for a
       | missionary organisation with no salary at 19. After 25 years in
       | IT I am on an accelerator programme now and feel like I am 19
       | again... doing something out there with no money...hopefully I
       | will enjoy being a startup as much as I enjoyed my first job.
         | Dumblydorr wrote:
         | What about praying to God changed your life? Were you religious
         | before then? What led to the transformational moment?
       | aaron_seattle wrote:
       | "Nothing is ever personal."
       | The way people treat you, has nothing to do with you. They are
       | just living out their own stories.
       | Related idea: "You train others how to treat you." Think
       | reinforcement learning as applied to training a dog. (And I love
       | dogs, have the deepest respect for them). The concept isn't that
       | different when applied to our social interactions.
         | dkarl wrote:
         | For me, it was important to learn the converse, that other
         | people will interpret my behavior in a situation as being about
         | them. I have social anxiety and other issues that tend to
         | create a strong undercurrent of aversion and discomfort in me
         | in any social interaction. I realize now that a lot of people
         | think I don't like them because when they talk to me they can
         | read in my face that on a deep level I would rather not be
         | interacting with them. I do my best to communicate enjoyment
         | and interest, but in the context of evident discomfort, it can
         | come off as fake. The onus is on me to minimize (ideally) or
         | hide (when necessary) my social discomfort so people don't
         | think I'm faking my appreciation of them.
         | rsp1984 wrote:
         | True for about 90% to 95% of interactions but the reason I
         | still find this idea very problematic as it is easily used an
         | excuse by all sorts of sociopaths, narcissists and power
         | addicts that their behavior is somehow ok because it's either
         | "not about you", or it's your fault in the first place because
         | "you asked for it".
         | Let me tell you, for these people, it absolutely is about you
         | and it is personal. And the more you try to ignore it or brush
         | it off or search the fault within yourself, the more they will
         | see it as confirmation of their own behavior.
         | [deleted]
         | pendu wrote:
         | Can you point to some source/material that elaborate on this ?
         | Would like to read more about it.
           | lukifer wrote:
           | The evolutionary biologist Diana Fleischman is currently
           | writing a book (a bit tongue-in-cheek) called "How To Train
           | Your Boyfriend". She's discussed the ideas in a few talks and
           | podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jre_xN2HSrk
           | aaron_seattle wrote:
           | https://psychcentral.com/blog/the-second-agreement-dont-
           | take... , opening passage.
           | Be warned, there's a "woo-woo shit" risk factor here, which
           | my skepticism keeps at arm's length. I'm more of a
           | neuroscience / mindfulness meditation kind of guy. But I do
           | cherry-pick from other areas, where my curiosity takes me.
           | And the original quotes were good cherries.
           | Reframing the "nothing is ever personal" idea in more
           | neuroscience terms: some astonishing high degree of our
           | neurological processes (90+% ?) are subconscious or
           | preconscious. A similar percentage of neurons are formed
           | before the age of 18. In many ways, the quest to improve
           | ourselves reduces down to the skill of paying slightly more
           | attention to the activity of our minds.
           | So when someone interacts with you in a way that causes you
           | stress or hostility, you can choose to recognize the above
           | facts as playing out in the arena of their brain, in the same
           | way as they are playing out in yours.
           | This is not to excuse behavior, nor disregard the need for
           | boundaries, protection, standing up for yourself, etc. But it
           | does take the sting off. What's better for your own
           | equanimity? Succumbing to a feeling of being singled out? Or
           | recognizing your counterpart as being stuck in their own
           | behavior loop, unaware that they're (arguably) in a state of
           | some kind of suffering?
           | Socializing is our most complex and wonderful skill; there
           | are a ton of attendant instincts that evolved with it: status
           | signaling, negotiation and exchange; hierarchies for
           | coordinating group actions; grudges and revenge as deterrents
           | meant to preserve social harmony (see chimpanzee behavior;
           | then see bonobo behavior for something more inspiring). All
           | of this monkey software can be dialed down, even outright
           | idled at times. Because nothing is ever personal.
           | These are some truly advanced and empowering concepts, so
           | apologies if I'm probably not representing them properly.
         | sharemywin wrote:
         | You have to accept the world doesn't revolve around you. and
         | that's hard for people.
           | pstuart wrote:
           | I have a twist on that: "You are the center of the universe,
           | and so is everybody else"
             | brain5ide wrote:
             | How's the water today, boys?
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CrOL-ydFMI
           | lukifer wrote:
           | And in the same breath, accepting that it's entirely natural
           | / inevitable that others tend to operate as though the world
           | revolves around them, and forgiving them for it (within
           | reason). Carnegie's "How To Win Friends..." is corny and
           | dated but still relevant.
             | ver_ture wrote:
             | I'm glad that I can recognize it for the corny and giddy
             | book it is, because a few years ago I worshiped it. Many of
             | its lessons regard selflessness, and fanning others' egos.
             | It's like the fast food of social advice, 'let them eat
             | cake.'
         | duxup wrote:
         | I've worked with so many folks who take things personally and
         | then I don't know if they realize it but all sorts of
         | possibilities are closed off to them because of their response.
         | My career started weirdly but at one point I wasn't put off by
         | a grizzly old guy at my first 'real' job. He was a wealth of
         | technical information and etc, but could be kinda rough around
         | the edges. He wasn't mean by any means, just not friendly in an
         | office of really friendly folks who took things personally too
         | often IMO.
         | So many folks were sort of scared / avoided him. I made it my
         | job to watch for what he liked folks bringing him and what he
         | didn't, made notes... and in a year or so we got along great.
         | After a while people who had a lot more experience than me
         | would bring things to me ... to take to grizzly guy.
         | Technically I wasn't nearly as skilled as most folks (maybe
         | all), but I just didn't take technical things personally as
         | they did and ended up being this gateway that management
         | recognized was ultra useful / valuable. Anyone could have done
         | it, but for social reasons people just didn't.
         | Cactus2018 wrote:
         | > Because of our desire to get a project going, most of us have
         | a tendency to overlook and downplay early resistance and
         | skepticism. We delude ourselves into thinking that once clients
         | get into the project, they will be hooked by it and learn to
         | trust us. This can lead to our bending over more than we wish
         | in the beginning, hoping that we will be able to stand up
         | straight later on. This usually doesn't work. When we bend over
         | in the beginning, the client sees us as someone who works in a
         | bent-over position. When we avoid issues in the beginning, the
         | client sees us as someone who avoids issues. It is difficult to
         | change these images and expectations of us - particularly if
         | the client wishes us to bend over and avoid issues.
         | > Flawless Consulting, A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used
         | by Peter Block (2011)
         | aaron_seattle wrote:
         | You'd be surprised how hard it is to internalize the first
         | principle. The mind can become very attached to the feeling of
         | being attacked / rejected / overlooked / snubbed / etc.
           | folkhack wrote:
           | ...And with abuse patterns a lot of us had that ingrained at
           | a super young age as a control lever our parents/guardians
           | installed.
           | I think a hard part of this is that people commonly abuse
           | these mechanisms for control in social structures. I grew up
           | with it, I experienced it in school, I've experienced it in
           | relationships, and I've experienced it professionally.
           | In so many ways it's human social nature to subvert each
           | other and I think that's why so many of us get attached to
           | those concepts. It's _really_ hard to not get bitter and
           | still let the good in =(
             | aaron_seattle wrote:
             | That sounds really rough man, I'm sorry to hear that. I too
             | have struggled with being on the receiving end of other
             | people's power trips. My curiosity on "what's really
             | happening here, at the level of the brain" lead to some
             | interesting reads.
             | Chimpanzee behavior: when a higher ranked member is
             | smacking and harassing a lower ranked one -- the higher
             | ranked one is literally experiencing a rise in serotonin.
             | Their dominance becomes a self-soothing behavior that
             | relaxes them, makes them want to repeat the behavior. It's
             | not hard to extrapolate this "very mammalian script" into
             | whatever workplace situation where your counterparts are
             | just lesser skilled at valuing the well-being of those
             | around them.
             | I think part of the paradox here is your counterpart can
             | both "be a huge asshole" and also just be a mostly helpless
             | automaton of their own harmful behavior, applying a lack of
             | critical thought or self-reflection about their own
             | impulses and tendencies. It's not that you're trying to
             | reframe the situation into one where you are better than
             | them, or that you pity them. Rather, it's just to recognize
             | the sharp qualitative differences between the state of
             | their mind, and yours.
             | The Aurelius quotes: "The best revenge is to be unlike him
             | who performed the injury."
             | and (more dramatic than appropriate here, but all the
             | same): "Today I shall be meeting with interference,
             | ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and
             | selfishness - all of them due to the offenders' ignorance
             | of what is good or evil." -- i.e. of course these default
             | behaviors are a starting feature of the human animal.
             | I wrote a lengthier reply here, it may give you a possibly
             | new way to reframe things:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23093457
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | I'd try not to read too much into chimpanzee behaviour.
               | While they're genetically the most similar to humans,
               | they have quite different behavioural patterns. IMO
               | Orangutans are much more similar to humans behaviourally.
             | dbancajas wrote:
             | So sorry to hear this man. Do you have examples? I'm trying
             | to learn to recognize if it exists in my current social
             | relationships.
               | nyanpasu64 wrote:
               | https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/ is a support community
               | for people who have experienced childhood abuse. It might
               | be helpful for looking for examples.
               | From my personal experience, I've had:
               | - conditional parental approval based on performance -
               | teacher: "do what i say because i'm authority, I don't
               | have to explain" - More I can't remember or don't feel is
               | relevant
       | lostmsu wrote:
       | Bitcoin.
       | mLuby wrote:
       | "Homo Economicus": that we all act out of rational self-interest,
       | subject to mental and physical constraints (though few are
       | _conscious_ of the reasons they act as they do).
         | movedx wrote:
         | > we all act out of rational self-interest
         | That's why the (global) economy can exist and function as it
         | does: the desire for things.
       | vmception wrote:
       | Credit Default Swaps
       | good times
       | ncfausti wrote:
       | The Growth Mindset.
       | To briefly sum up the findings: Individuals who believe their
       | talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and
       | input from others) have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve
       | more than those with a more fixed mindset (those who believe
       | their talents are innate gifts). This is because they worry less
       | about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.
       | Along with this goes embracing "feeling dumb" and pushing
       | through. I don't understand something because _I don 't
       | understand it_...yet.
         | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
         | On my Twitter bio, I labeled myself an infosec noob. I've been
         | doing it for 4 years now, but I'm definitely still a noob.
         | And I will always be a noob. When I stop calling myself a noob,
         | I stop learning.
         | NewEntryHN wrote:
         | Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. But if
         | talent starts working hard, it's game over.
           | edmundsauto wrote:
           | I think of it as more relevant to the inner game.
           | quezzle wrote:
           | This hits the mark.
           | Anyone can be moderately good at most things if they work and
           | try hard.
           | But to be truly exceptional it often requires built in
           | talent.
           | adamsea wrote:
           | "Talent" is not always a there-or-not quality. IMHO it
           | depends what we're talking about, and to what degree. Math
           | genius, NBA player, obviously yeah you need some degree of
           | inborn talent plus a crazy intense environment (for the NBA)
           | in your youner years.
           | But there's a huge range below "world elite" where "talent"
           | is relevant, and it's not at all clear when it's a "you-have-
           | it-or-you-don't" kind of thing.
           | Same with hard work. Two people work hard; one person has a
           | more efficient system, or a better teacher.
           | It's not zeros and ones here imho.
       | jpn wrote:
       | Bayes Rule.
       | dorkwood wrote:
       | Nick Cave, on writer's block:
       | "My advice to you is to change your basic relationship to
       | songwriting. You are not the 'Great Creator' of your songs, you
       | are simply their servant, and the songs will come to you when you
       | have adequately prepared yourself to receive them. They are not
       | inside you, unable to get out; rather, they are outside of you,
       | unable to get in."
       | https://www.theredhandfiles.com/do-u-have-any-spare-lyrics/
         | tvanantwerp wrote:
         | This reminds me of Sam Harris's guided meditation app. One of
         | the common questions raised in the guided meditations is
         | whether or not you can observe the part of your mind that is
         | generating your thoughts. His suggestion is that you can't--the
         | thoughts come into consciousness on their own; you can observe
         | the thoughts as they come and go, but you can't observe where
         | thoughts come from. Like the sensation of breathing, of
         | temperature, or of pressure, thoughts enter consciousness as if
         | they were an external stimulus.
           | rtx wrote:
           | Its like we don't have access to all the conscious regions of
           | our brains. Who knows, what evolutionary pressure might have
           | locked us out of there, who know
           | Scarblac wrote:
           | I actually started using that meditation app because Nick
           | Cave recommends it in one of the Red Hand Files too.
         | eCa wrote:
         | As an aside, that is also why he declined[1] the MTV Best male
         | artist nomination back in the 1990's. The short of it is "my
         | muse is not a horse".
         | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqdX-aglsXU
         | bananamerica wrote:
         | I cannot fathom how this metaphysics would help me at all.
         | And I'm both religious and a film major/screenwriter.
           | m463 wrote:
           | I think productivity rewards focus - deeper focus on
           | discerning the fine details of a problem and actively diving
           | and driving.
           | Creativity rewards sort of the opposite. It's like letting
           | your gaze wander and see what's around you. Capturing the
           | ideas that fly by like butterflies in a net, and being their
           | steward.
           | Try doing a side-project based on a whim and then expand it
           | as butterflies collect.
           | dang wrote:
           | It might be more helpful to call it a metaphor. Metaphors can
           | be powerful for reframing one's thinking, dropping limiting
           | assumptions, even reorienting how the body relates to a
           | habitual activity.
           | dorkwood wrote:
           | Maybe the flowery words obscured the message for you.
           | If it helps, I first came across the quote in a blog post by
           | Austin Kleon[0], an author, talking about people who say they
           | have a book in them.
           | "I never feel like I have a book in me. I always feel like
           | there's a book around me. It's like I'm a planet and there's
           | all this space junk orbiting me, and all the junk starts
           | smashing together and forming book chapters. My job is to
           | grab that stuff around me and shape it into something."
           | [0]: https://austinkleon.com/2019/06/06/its-not-inside-you-
           | trying...
         | kjakm wrote:
         | That's interesting considering it sounds to me that he
         | approaches songwriting like work rather than something he has a
         | lack of control over: "He gets up early, goes to work in his
         | office (a flat connected to his house in Hove), does an honest
         | day's work, returns home in the evening to his wife and kids,
         | and starts out again the next day."[1]
         | [1]
         | https://www.theguardian.com/music/2008/feb/23/popandrock.fea...
           | dorkwood wrote:
           | I don't see any conflict, personally.
           | In the linked article, he goes on to say that songs "are
           | attracted to an open, playful and motivated mind". To
           | cultivate that, you need to show up.
       | telesilla wrote:
       | "She who chases two rabbits catches none" - _Confucius,
       | apparently_.
       | Keeps me on task.
       | bobbydreamer wrote:
       | "Do what you made for" When my mind tells me this, I get
       | energized and start to work and complete lots of things. This
       | particular words gives me all the focus I need.
       | j_p_hackworth wrote:
       | The boot theory of economic inequality.
       | daledavies wrote:
       | "Starting the work is two thirds of it."
       | I wish I knew the source of this but my parents used to say it
       | was a Welsh proverb.
         | ilikepi wrote:
         | Often I feel like finishing is the other four thirds.
       | deltaveedaddy wrote:
       | All these responses are pretty good, and there's some valuable
       | lessons in there. I thought of a simpler idea than most others
       | have.
       | Honestly, coroutines.
       | Coroutines challenged everything that I had learned about
       | programming at the time with something different, this made my
       | program more powerful than just one line running after the other.
       | It was mind-blowing to me as a young man, and I remember the
       | impact setting me towards a journey of learning.
       | lukifer wrote:
       | Learned Optimism & Explanatory Style:
       | - Permanence: Optimists point to specific temporary causes for
       | negative events; pessimists point to permanent causes.
       | - Pervasiveness: Optimistic people compartmentalize helplessness,
       | whereas pessimistic people assume that failure in one area of
       | life means failure in life as a whole.
       | - Personalization: Optimists blame bad events on causes outside
       | of themselves, whereas pessimists blame themselves for events
       | that occur.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_optimism
       | ge96 wrote:
       | You've only failed if you stop trying.
       | In my case go homeless or die is what it means to fail.
       | edit: granted I'm not trying to split an atom or something crazy
       | like that, but yeah. The fear of failure is always in the back of
       | my mind.(currently means lose job/debt or generally just making
       | an ass of myself eg. in meetings/srum/professional convo)
         | alok-g wrote:
         | >> You've only failed if you stop trying.
         | There are more details to the above, which I've explained in my
         | blog: https://alokgovil.com/winners-quit-strategically/
         | joyj2nd wrote:
         | "Only the one who gives himself up is lost" Hans-Ulrich Rudel
         | "Fun" fact: This guy was a convinced Nazi who basically
         | destroyed two Russian tank divisions alone. I told this quote
         | to an African American friend when he was struggling badly and
         | had to go abroad for a job and it has inspired him ever since.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Ulrich_Rudel
         | Beowulf has a similar quote: "fate often enough will spare a
         | man if his courage holds"
       | reubenswartz wrote:
       | We don't get a practice life. There's no "play again." Make the
       | most of it.
       | alexslobodnik wrote:
       | You must believe to see; not see to believe.
       | dqpb wrote:
       | The tradeoff between exploration and exploitation.
       | imakwana wrote:
       | Stumbling upon "Latticework of Mental Models" concept of Charlie
       | Munger [1] really helped me over the years to develop mental
       | clarity, ignore noise and focus on fundamentals in many aspects
       | of life.
       | [1] https://fs.blog/intellectual-giants/charlie-munger/
       | stblack wrote:
       | "Always deliver superlative value, and your customers will take
       | care of you."
       | Changed everything.
         | Cerium wrote:
         | As a follow on - my grandpa often said to "give each customer
         | the best you have at that moment." Selling goods or giving
         | attention, if every customer gets the best you have none will
         | have reason to feel bad towards you.
         | chrstphrhrt wrote:
         | This can sometimes lead to burnout for me. When I blindly try
         | to please no matter what, it also raises the bar of
         | expectations. Sometimes people just want to feel superior and
         | will take advantage, which can be hard to see in the moment.
       | KerryJones wrote:
       | "Do more and more with less and less until you can move a
       | mountain with the push of a button."
       | Advice I got from a born-low-class turned upper class -- richest
       | man I know (and father of a highschool friend).
       | carapace wrote:
       | There have been many. (I collect ideas.)
       | The single most important and far-reaching idea that changed my
       | life is simple to state:
       | All are One.
       | Oddly enough it was Hofstadter's GEB[1] that clued me and not a
       | religious or spiritual book. Somehow I directly intuited that the
       | "strange loop" at the core of each being was none other than the
       | _Universal_ "strange loop" at the core of everything.
       | "Thou art _That_. "
       | The thing that is both speaking and being said.
       | You have a body but you are not your body; you have emotions but
       | you are not your emotions; you have thoughts but you are not your
       | thoughts; you have will but you are not your will. You are _that_
       | which is awareness: Being-Consciousness-Bliss Sat-Chit-Ananda.[2]
       | From this, all morality and ethics flow easily and firmly.
       | One can walk down the street and watch the expressions on peoples
       | faces change as they are observed from this context or viewpoint.
       | Toughs melt into shy little boys and old ladies smile.
       | On the subject of _bliss_ : it's not an emotion. It's more like
       | gravity or electricity, fundamental and physical. (Just something
       | I wanted to record.)
       | [1] "Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid"
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godel,_Escher,_Bach
       | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satcitananda
       | stareatgoats wrote:
       | That the existence of infinity and eternity is the most probable
       | hypothesis.
       | zkirill wrote:
       | Splitting (also called black-and-white thinking or all-or-nothing
       | thinking) was debilitating well into my adolescence.
       | Dumblydorr wrote:
       | Ctrl + right arrow moves to the end of a word. Game. Changer.
         | imwally wrote:
         | macOS has emacs style key bindings like this OS-wide.
         | Ctrl+e: end of line
         | Ctrl+a: beginning of line
         | Ctrl+p: go up a line
         | Ctrl+n: go down a line
         | Ctrl+f: go forward a character
         | Ctrl+b: go back a character
         | etc...
         | DavidPeiffer wrote:
         | And paired with this:
         | * Ctrl+backspace/delete to delete an entire word at a time.
         | * Ctrl+shift+left/right arrow selects entire words at a time.
       | endymi0n wrote:
       | Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone
       | told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because
       | we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple
       | years you make stuff, it's just not that good. It's trying to be
       | good, it has potential, but it's not. But your taste, the thing
       | that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is
       | why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past
       | this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting,
       | creative work went through years of this. We know our work
       | doesn't have this special thing that we want it to have. We all
       | go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are
       | still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most
       | important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a
       | deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only
       | by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap,
       | and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took
       | longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I've ever met.
       | It's gonna take awhile. It's normal to take awhile. You've just
       | gotta fight your way through.
       | -- Ira Glass
         | apengwin wrote:
         | Five beats a day for three summers - Kanye West
         | teraflop wrote:
         | "Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards being
         | sorta good at something."
         | -- Jake the Dog
           | grecy wrote:
           | .. and the only thing that matters is you don't give up.
           | devin wrote:
           | When I was learning to play the game Go, someone told me that
           | there's some old advice about "losing your first 100 games as
           | quickly as possible". That's stuck with me.
           | Another one is (and I don't even know if it's 100% true, but
           | I don't much care) that a common housefly will change its
           | path if it runs into a window more than twice. I strive to be
           | better than a common house fly.
         | mncharity wrote:
         | The quote appears in many variants -- here's one as an
         | interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2wLP0izeJE .
         | gridlockd wrote:
         | Worse yet, most people have _bad_ taste and actually can 't
         | tell good and bad design work apart, so you're really spending
         | all that effort to please a minority that you're unfortunate
         | enough to be part of.
         | https://xkcd.com/1015/
           | avmich wrote:
           | True, but here is - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gutenb
           | erg_bible_Old_Testa... - an example of old font. Do you think
           | a lot of people would have problems with reading this?
             | gridlockd wrote:
             | > Do you think a lot of people would have problems with
             | reading this?
             | I don't know. Readability and aesthetics are at odds. I
             | believe there used to be a strong aesthetic desire for text
             | to be of uniformly block-like shape. It took centuries for
             | spaces to appear between words and even longer for
             | paragraphs to become as short as they are today.
         | Uhhrrr wrote:
         | Also, between two years in and death, it's still very common to
         | fail into the trough of despair when working on a creative
         | project. Brian Eno has had a pretty good creative run, but he
         | didn't make that Oblique Strategies card deck because he never
         | runs out of great ideas.
       | avmich wrote:
       | The rocket science is not a rocket science.
       | Meaning that we sometimes habitually consider something hard
       | because it used to be hard, or it became known to be hard. But
       | with time passing, sometimes things like that change.
       | The literal rocket science is a prime example - we reached orbit
       | in 1957 using technology which is very modest by today's
       | standards. It's still hard to launch a satellite - but it's so,
       | so much easier.
       | Knowing that, SpaceX approach suddenly becomes practically the
       | most logical.
       | callesgg wrote:
       | Everything is a metaphor. Literally everything.
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | How did that help you or change your life?
       | kladskull666 wrote:
       | Toilet paper.
       | yizhang7210 wrote:
       | "The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative
       | experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative
       | experience is itself a positive experience. (p.9)"
       | That whole book by Mark Manson:
       | https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/48297245-the-subtle-ar...
       | floathub wrote:
       | Adaptation == Learning
       | This was at the early stages of a lot of agent based modeling,
       | genetic algorithms, etc., etc. And John Holland wrote a book
       | called Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems[1]. The
       | universality of the idea that "simple" adaptation _is_ learning
       | applied to a lot of different domains was crisp and very
       | powerful.
       | 1. (https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/adaptation-natural-and-
       | artifi...)
       | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
       | Don't sweat the small stuff. And it's almost all small stuff.
       | If you're finding yourself stressed out about something, ask
       | yourself...will it have a significant impact on your life within
       | the next month? Will you even remember it in a year?
       | If you can truly adopt this mentality, it cures road rage. Okay,
       | so some asshole cut you off in traffic. Why lose your mind over
       | it? It won't even have an impact on your day, let alone a month.
       | Even something more significant like a minor car collision. Yeah,
       | you might be out your car for a few days while it gets repaired,
       | but once it's resolved, life returns to normal.
       | I'm lucky that even this COVID-19 crisis hasn't significantly
       | affected my life. The only difference is that I'm working from
       | home and cooking more rather than eating out all the time. A
       | vacation and two conventions have been cancelled, but life goes
       | on.
         | groby_b wrote:
         | Life always goes on. Until you're dead. But then you won't
         | care. (Flippant advice given to me a long time ago, but with a
         | lot of truth buried in it)
         | It's just important to remember that most of us care _how_ life
         | goes on. And so  "the small stuff" suddenly spirals into big
         | stuff, because you didn't pay attention. So, be careful to
         | label things "small stuff" unless you can't influence them.
         | You can't fix idiotic driving, so the idiot driver? Small
         | stuff. The fact that every driver on the road is potentially an
         | idiot, or, worse, actively out to get you? A really important
         | reminder.
         | Focus on what you can control, dismiss the rest.
       | mettamage wrote:
       | The Wim Hof Method. I never had any issue with:
       | - snow
       | - rain (being soaked was in rare cases still an issue)
       | - anything cold really
       | Before that I was unhappy with whatever was cold. Now I'm neutral
       | at worst and super exhilarated and hyped like I'm taking drugs
       | (but legally) at best. The adrenaline rush is very strong and
       | very real, and a lot of fun :)
       | How I would pitch this to my younger 18 year old self: want
       | insta-ten-percent more happiness without changing anything about
       | yourself, but by simply learning a breathing technique? Learn the
       | Wim Hof Method and never complain about being cold again!
         | kinkrtyavimoodh wrote:
         | Can you explain the method simply? I Googled and all the
         | websites seem to be full of marketing BS.
           | starpilot wrote:
           | Take cold showers and do the breathing exercise. The first
           | part was easy when I lived in LA, in Seattle it has been a
           | struggle.
           | roter wrote:
           | From [0]: 30 cycles of controlled hyper-ventilation, followed
           | by holding breath with lungs empty as long as possible, then
           | deep breath and hold for 15-20 secs.
           | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wim_Hof#Wim_Hof_Method
             | kinkrtyavimoodh wrote:
             | Interesting how closely this matches many Yogic breathing
             | techniques.
         | jczhang wrote:
         | I have a headache right now and am wondering if you have seen
         | success with wim hof for that.
       | pacomerh wrote:
       | "No One Knows What They're Doing"
       | This gave me more power to make stronger decisions and feel on
       | the same plane as everyone else. I used to think there where
       | people that had everything figured out
       | Balgair wrote:
       | "You're not co-workers, you're co-owners" and "you _are_ both
       | right, even when you are saying _opposite_ things "
       | This really helped my relationships with loved ones. It's not
       | about chores and the lack of doing them. Or about who is _right_
       | in an argument. It 's about both of you deciding what to do as
       | equals, accepting differences, and loving each other especially
       | when you don't like each other right then.
       | 0xFFC wrote:
       | Courage Alexander Solzhenitsyn
       | jzwmowzzeayzzaj wrote:
       | Differentiation of Self
       | https://thebowencenter.org/theory/eight-concepts/
       | ForrestN wrote:
       | Our thoughts are subconsciously motivated
         | rokhayakebe wrote:
         | Expand.
       | TeaVMFan wrote:
       | "Write Once, Run Anywhere"
       | * The concept is powerful, and at the time Java popularized it,
       | Java was the only practical system where it worked. C, C++ and
       | scripting at the time were heavily environment dependent, with
       | little hope of non-trivial code running unmodified elsewhere.
       | * The effort Sun put behind it (compatibility testing,
       | enforcement, massive testing suite using a wide range of hardware
       | and operating systems) made it actually work.
       | * It continues today in frameworks like TeaVM (http://teavm.org)
       | that let Java and other JVM languages target the browser.
       | jasoneckert wrote:
       | As childish as it seems, this one actually stuck with me for over
       | 20 years and makes me step back and relax in situations where bad
       | thoughts can snowball and result in stress.
       | Basically, it's a saying that a neighbour's 5-year-old son said
       | once (likely repeated from his father): "It's better to be pissed
       | off than pissed on."
       | MattGrommes wrote:
       | When I was 12 I saw a kid on a local tv show who was autistic and
       | had intentionally started cataloging facial expressions and body
       | language because he couldn't do it automatically like most
       | people. I remember thinking "You can do that!?" I was very
       | similar to him and that tv show started me on the path of trying
       | to figure out how to get past my mental limitations, which has
       | significantly improved my life.
       | dilandau wrote:
       | That doing the right thing, even when it seems unfair, even when
       | I shouldn't have to, always works out for the best.
       | Doing the selfish thing, even if I'm justified, even if it makes
       | sense, ultimately never leads to getting what I want.
         | Balgair wrote:
         | The fastest way up the corporate ladder is not knifing people
         | in the back, it's complimenting others behind their backs.
       | elliekelly wrote:
       | Don't accept a "no" from someone who doesn't have the authority
       | to give you a "yes".
       | Envec83 wrote:
       | Intermittent fasting. These days I only have one meal a day
         | frosted-flakes wrote:
         | How has it affected you? Are you doing it for weight loss, or
         | for other reasons?
         | I had a month off work recently (unrelated to the pandemic),
         | which I spent learning programming. During this time I never
         | ate lunch, only a small breakfast and a normal supper. But now
         | that I'm back at work and I'm on my feet all day, I _have_ to
         | eat, otherwise I get super hungry, lightheaded and generally
         | lethargic. But I 've discovered that I don't have to eat very
         | much before I'm back to normal.
           | Envec83 wrote:
           | I decided to do it to get healthier. There is overwhelming
           | scientific evidence that fasting for long periods is good for
           | you and that living by on 1200 cal per day increases your
           | lifespan by 5 to 10 years.
           | I lost a lot of weight, feel much better, and save money and
           | time every day now.
       | scojomodena wrote:
       | Passive income. Or recognizing at least the goal of increasing
       | your income/time ratio.
         | maerF0x0 wrote:
         | out of curiosity do you apply this into expenditures too? ie
         | spending time when it's expensive or spending money when its
         | time intensive?
         | Classic examples could be learning to do automotive work to
         | save money and hiring out cleaning services to save time.
         | (please ignore the specifics, but understand the concept).
         | cactus2093 wrote:
         | > the goal of increasing your income/time ratio.
         | Not sure that's quite the right simplification of the appeal of
         | passive income. Your time is fixed, the appeal of passive
         | income for many is recovering more of your time. There's always
         | more money you could make if you just get that next raise or
         | promotion, so the most straightforward way to maximize your
         | income/time is just to climb the corporate ladder and make more
         | income.
           | maerF0x0 wrote:
           | An interesting issue with climbing the corporate ladder is
           | that often your time spent actually increases. I've yet to
           | find a role w/ seniority that is less than 40 hrs a week.
           | Some have even said that getting a promotion+raise can lead
           | to less $ per hour because of a variety of factors such as
           | more responsibility/time spent, increased requirement for
           | dry-cleaning (suits or whatever)...
         | Dumblydorr wrote:
         | You could increase your income to time ratio by getting a
         | higher salary, no? Whereas passive income is about investing
         | your income to make you money, which is agnostic of how much
         | money you actually pull in due to salary.
         | mettamage wrote:
         | The cool thing about passive income is that there's a bit of a
         | tax "trick" involved.
         | Because I'd rather have 5 years of $20k passive income than
         | $100k in 1 year.
         | Well, I guess in SV it wouldn't matter, but in Amsterdam it
         | does ;-)
       | fegu wrote:
       | "Keep your identity small." From a Paul Graham essay.
       | smoe wrote:
       | "Coming back to where you started is not the same as never
       | leaving." -- Terry Pratchett
       | Mindless2112 wrote:
       | "You can use your laptop power brick as a foot warmer."
       | Not quite so grand as some ideas here, but still... my feet are
       | warm.
         | frosted-flakes wrote:
         | Along the same lines, my new (to me) Apple Thunderbolt display
         | generates a ridiculous amount of heat, and the vents are on the
         | bottom, right above my keyboard (I have the display on a VESA
         | mount). Which is great, because my hands get cold easily and my
         | office doesn't get very warm. It won't be very fun come summer
         | though.
       | cwkoss wrote:
       | All ideas/technology are living organisms:
       | - they reproduce imperfectly through a two stage process.
       | - First they 'infect' a human (human sees tech or is told idea),
       | then they replicate when that human manifests or speaks that idea
       | to others
       | - Through this imperfect replication, ideas/tech evolve over time
       | If we believe life is inherently valuable, we should consider our
       | stewardship of the kingdom of ideas.
       | arminiusreturns wrote:
       | If information equals knowledge, and knowledge equals power, then
       | secret information is secret knowledge and hence secret power.
       | (of course if correct and applied correctly).
       | One I learned at a young age is that you can learn to absorb the
       | good traits of people around you while avoiding picking up bad
       | traits (mostly around the idea that just because you don't like
       | what a person does in area Y, doesn't mean they can't be good
       | teachers/mentors etc in other areas). Rejection for single issues
       | is a major problem in todays society I think.
       | denzil_correa wrote:
       | "One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat
       | in a tree. 'Which road do I take?' she asked. 'Where do you want
       | to go?' was his response. 'I don't know,' Alice answered. 'Then,'
       | said the cat, 'it doesn't matter."
       | -- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
       | iluvblender wrote:
       | Not to be afraid of taking the road less traveled by. It is not
       | going to be easy, but needs to be done.
         | kleer001 wrote:
         | Lovely sentiment, and I agree. Also I learned recently the
         | original poem was meant sarcastically:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH3Y_-Hxh_Q
       | AndrewKemendo wrote:
       | The OODA Loop [1]
       | Air Force Colonel John Boyd came up with the OODA loop as a
       | simplified way to explain a very complex system of observability
       | and feedback that he developed. I read about this in the early
       | 2000s and ever since I've been totally obsessed with the concept
       | of learning, iteration and optimization - and it's the prime
       | mover in my research and work motivations to this day.
       | There are many parallel theories and concepts in Reinforcement
       | Learning and Control Theory such as Sense Plan Act, but the
       | fundamental system is the same.
       | The OODA loop is often abused and the depth of Boyd's
       | contribution to decision science has been underserved in my
       | opinion.
       | [1]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop
       | kleer001 wrote:
       | That destruction is easy, creation is hard, but the most valiant,
       | boring, thankless, and difficult task, that we should all do to
       | some extent, is maintaining.
       | gfodor wrote:
       | What are the most important problems in your field? If you're not
       | working on them, why not?
       | From Hamming
       | searchableguy wrote:
       | Selfishness is a strong motivator and one that remains
       | consistently in your life.
       | You will change your country, city, neighbours, partner,
       | community, and company once you are no longer satisfied with
       | them.
       | The motivation to improve those is temporary. The motivation to
       | improve your life and you remains till the day you die. The want
       | to live healthier, happier, and better.
       | The distinction is important because motivation resulting from my
       | selfishness is responsible for things I do for others. That
       | means, I am only improving myself by bettering the environment I
       | live in and everything that exists in it but my end goal still
       | remains a better me.
       | kyoob wrote:
       | My favorite thing about "Finite and Infinite Games" by James
       | Carse is you can yadda-yadda the whole book:
       | "There are two types of games. One could be called finite; the
       | other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of
       | winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.
       | [...] There is only one infinite game."
       | krapp wrote:
       | God's not real. We're just apes whose ancestors caught a lucky
       | break when an asteroid flattened the dinosaurs 60 million years
       | ago. We shouldn't even be here.
         | kleer001 wrote:
         | Not a literal actor in time/space, for certain.
         | That said I've come around to the usefulness of deification of
         | ideals and the idea that not every moment should be lived in
         | object-space, but also in drama-space.
           | krapp wrote:
           | >That said I've come around to the usefulness of deification
           | of ideals and the idea that not every moment should be lived
           | in object-space, but also in drama-space.
           | I can agree with that.
           | God as an _idea_ is real in the abstract sense that all
           | powerful ideas are real, and people believe in them, and
           | treat them as real.
           | But as someone who was raised in a (Christian, US Southern)
           | religious background, I've come to believe that everything
           | wrong with religion comes from taking it literally.
             | kleer001 wrote:
             | > I've come to believe that everything wrong with religion
             | comes from taking it literally
             | I don't disagree, but would only refine your point.
             | I think the pathology of religions come from several
             | places: the inevitable divide between the environment in
             | which they were written and the current world and not
             | refreshing that original view quickly enough with enough
             | wisdom, the projection of one's ethics on to other people,
             | and, like you said, mistaking the metaphorical for the
             | literal when it is not adaptive (which is difficult as
             | sometimes feedback can take decades if not generations to
             | hit).
             | IMHO religions are like Swiss army knives. They've got a
             | huge number of blades and tools. Idiots use Swiss army
             | knives like a hammer and bang away and their problems.
             | People that have only seen it used as a hammer miss out on
             | its finer wisdom. And if one gets stabbed with it they're
             | less likely to look openly upon the tool or kindly upon the
             | user.
       | soneca wrote:
       | News == entertainment.
       | Originally by Aaron Swartz
       | http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/hatethenews
       | Although I have slightly different takes from his and the level
       | of avoiding the news might be different too, but the core idea
       | that I follow these days is there.
       | I used to think following the news was a mix of my duty as a
       | citizen and important for my life, personal and professional. Now
       | I believe it's quite the opposite, I better understand the world
       | because I avoid the news. These days I think it is as much
       | entertainment as Netflix or comics.
         | dkarl wrote:
         | In the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, CNN was seen as
         | somewhat skeptical of the rationale and purpose of the war, but
         | the intro to each segment about the war was _so_ thrilling:
         | rousing, percussion-heavy music, tanks roaring over sand dunes,
         | fighter jets banking in formation, night vision shots of anti-
         | aircraft fire. Their primary, overriding mandate was to make
         | people watch, so they made war exciting and attractive. What
         | was said in their coverage made very little difference next to
         | that.
         | inv13 wrote:
         | Something you read in the news today, is going to worth nothing
         | tomorrow.
         | smartbit wrote:
         | Rolf Dobelli [0] wrote a few columns on _Avoiding News
         | Consumption_ and will publish a book later this year with the
         | title _Stop Reading the News: How to cope with the information
         | overload and think more clearly_.
         | In 2011 he wrote an essay _Quit the News_ in Dutch NRC Next
         | newspaper[1]. The next day the withdrawals poured in :-)
         | [0]
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolf_Dobelli#Avoid_News_Cons...
         | [1] https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2011/09/01/weg-met-het-
         | nieuws-1203...
         | fredsir wrote:
         | I'd like to hear more about how you have implemented this. Do
         | you not read any news? Some? How do you find out what's going
         | on?
         | I've been dabbling with this too, and my current state is that
         | I don't consume any news or social media (twitter) that I
         | cannot consume via my RSS reader, which in practical terms
         | means I don't subscribe to any major news outlets, but instead
         | subscribe to a smaller newspaper in my country that sends out
         | daily newsletters which I then forward to my RSS reader that
         | then shows it along regular RSS content - it's a feature of
         | feedbin.com and it's a great feature!. Then I follow a lot of
         | personal blogs, lobste.rs and HN, and then a curated list of
         | twitter accounts, all via my RSS reader. The twitter thing is
         | also a feedbin.com feature. And then I try to read books about
         | a lot of different topics according to my mood, obviously. I
         | get the feeling that any news that is not relevant to me after
         | a month, six months, a year and so on, is probably not worth my
         | time anyways except if it touches me directly, in which case
         | I'll know anyways, so by reading books about, say covid-19 in a
         | few years instead of news now, I'll get a much better picture
         | of the whole thing than if I was intensely following the news
         | every single day doing the pandemic.
         | But fear of missing out does often present itself. It's a
         | constant fight between my rational mind, and some kind of
         | stupid, irrational thing that is also part of me.
           | soneca wrote:
           | It's not hard for me. I have a very low fear of missing out.
           | I do end up consuming news, but always either through some
           | sort of filter or directly (rarely), but realizing the role
           | of entertainment in whatever I am watching.
           | I use Twitter a lot, but I follow people who mostly don't
           | replicate the news. I try to follow people that say
           | interesting things.
           | I read Hacker News a lot, but there is the explicitly idea to
           | not replicate mainstream news here, so another good filter.
           | I use Whatsapp a lot, but I am only in groups with friends
           | and family, so another source of news, but filtered by people
           | I care about. Maybe luckily, or even by my influence, these
           | few groups are not just spamming news to me.
           | I am not against the news, I don't particularly _" hate"_ the
           | news.
           | I do inform myself through podcasts, a few that talk about
           | books for example, so it is another filter to consume the
           | news.
             | mmsimanga wrote:
             | I would like to echo WhatsApp groups as a news source. I
             | don't own a TV, don't do twitter and keep Facebook for the
             | odd monthly visit. WhatsApp groups keep informed. The best
             | group is my the one made up of people who went to same
             | boarding school. What's great about this group is you get
             | both sides of the story without anyone leaving in huff.
             | Somewhere down the middle is the real news. I find you
             | can't have similarly discussions out in the open.
       | jcoletti wrote:
       | Steve Jobs' explanation of the simple, obvious truth that the
       | world is made up of everyone's contributions and how much power
       | each individual person has to contribute and influence it too:
       | "Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and
       | that is: Everything around you that you call life, was made up by
       | people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you
       | can influence it, you can build your own things that other people
       | can use. The minute that you understand that you can poke life
       | and actually something will, you know -- if you push in,
       | something will pop out the other side -- that you can change it,
       | you can mold it. That's maybe the most important thing. It's to
       | shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you're
       | just gonna live in it, versus embrace it, change it, improve it,
       | make your mark upon it. I think that's very important and however
       | you learn that, once you learn it, you'll want to change life and
       | make it better, cause it's kind of messed up, in a lot of ways.
       | Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again."
       | kratom_sandwich wrote:
       | The idea of marginal utility (among other ideas of economic
       | theory)
       | lootsauce wrote:
       | My opinions are not mine and they are holding me back.
       | Give multiple and opposing views equal respect and disdain at the
       | same time. Treating a thought as your own, as an opinion "you
       | hold" greatly holds you back from a great deal of valuable
       | perspective. Of course you surely hold some world-view and gauge
       | things from that position but try to cultivate more of these
       | positions as if you were someone else.
       | Don't get your sense of self so wrapped up in all the thoughts
       | and ideas that flit about in your brain. You will surely be a
       | different person in 1, 5, 10, 20 years and may well have a
       | completely different perspective then.
       | There is very little original thought, mostly there is just
       | repetition and re-contextualization of the same old stuff. That
       | is not a bad thing but you should really divest yourself from
       | being emotionally wrapped up in opinions (yours or others) and
       | treat them as the conclusions of research papers with small
       | sample sizes.
       | Now when you converse with someone, stop thinking about "your"
       | response, and just listen, really listen to what they are saying
       | and try to really understand where they are coming from so you
       | can integrate that into your thinking.
         | pedalpete wrote:
         | I think you may mean "My opinions are not me", or "I am not my
         | opinions" gives you the space to separate your identity from
         | your thoughts, giving you the freedom to change.
       | darkerside wrote:
       | This might be super basic, but... assume positive intent.
       | Your parent is not your enemy. Your teacher is not your enemy.
       | Your boss is not your enemy. The other team at work is not your
       | enemy. The corporation is not your enemy. The other political
       | party is not your enemy. Or, more accurately, YOU are not THEIR
       | enemy. At best, you're an NPC in their game. Many of them
       | probably even want to help you, because you are another person in
       | the world, and that feels good.
       | I take back what I said about this being basic. The first steps
       | (learning your parent, teacher, boss are on your side) is pretty
       | basic. But applying this concept to more complex systems, like
       | corporations and communities, can be pretty advanced. But at the
       | end of the day, what it means is that, most of the time there
       | isn't a conspiracy against you, there are simply incentives that
       | you don't understand.
         | contravariant wrote:
         | Positive intent is a somewhat subjective term. I prefer the
         | term good faith.
         | Assuming good faith does have two downsides. Firstly, handling
         | in good faith isn't the same as handling in your best
         | interests. Secondly not all people are handling in good faith,
         | and some collectives are subject to selection bias.
         | TACIXAT wrote:
         | I agree with this, it's much better to collaborate or collude
         | when possible. The one exception is that corporations are
         | absolutely my enemy.
         | rsp1984 wrote:
         | Most of us (non-sociopaths) don't get to choose our enemies
         | though. They choose us.
           | yissp wrote:
           | Honestly, I think the majority of us don't have any enemies
           | at all. We might imagine we do, though.
         | groby_b wrote:
         | Assume good intent _until proven otherwise_. Because there are
         | plenty of people who 'll repeatedly treat you like shit, and
         | then continue to demand you assume good intent.
         | To which I say, pardon my french, fuck that noise. People are
         | entitled to the benefit of doubt only as long as there can be
         | doubt. Once that is gone, act accordingly.
           | quezzle wrote:
           | This is so true.
           | Ditch the toxic people in your life.
         | Sohcahtoa82 wrote:
         | > assume positive intent.
         | I feel like this is somewhat related to Hanlon's Razor:
         | "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately
         | explained by stupidity."
         | Maybe the guy driving like an asshole and making a sudden lane
         | change is actually unfamiliar with the area and noticed a bit
         | late that their lane ends or is becoming an exit/turn-only
         | lane.
         | gridlockd wrote:
         | I think that's bad advice. Enemy is too strong of a word, but
         | there are conflicts of interest between you and your teacher,
         | your boss, your team members and even your parents.
         | What's best for you is not necessarily what is best for them.
         | They may help you to achieve what's best for both of you, but
         | not what's best for you alone. Those are often not the same
         | things. Assume people are acting in _their_ best interest, not
         | yours.
           | lhuser123 wrote:
           | > Assume people are acting in their best interest, not yours.
           | This. And even people that actually cares about you, could be
           | wrong due to biases, beliefs, etc.
           | I guess it depends a lot on the type of environment you were
           | raised.
       | cecilpl2 wrote:
       | Always, always, stop people to ask them questions. Whenever they
       | do something you are surprised by or say something you don't
       | understand, ask them to explain.
       | I never fail to get a positive response.
       | Sometimes you feel silly if it was a simple thing, but you get
       | used to that easily, and now you know that thing for the rest of
       | your life.
       | maerF0x0 wrote:
       | Compounding, growth etc
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O133ppiVnWY
       | Taught me the logical impossibility of the stock market to go up
       | by x% per year, forever.
       | Taught me that getting better today (however small) can give
       | resources to getting better(er?) tomorrow.
       | Taught me that many "experts" just say whatever to get voted in
       | or to get a budget without regards to the absurdity of their own
       | statements, and that many people eat up this kind of absurdity
       | without fact checking / validating it.
         | imrish wrote:
         | Man, I saw the whole video. Amazingly informative.
         | Thanks you so much.
         | maest wrote:
         | > Taught me the logical impossibility of the stock market to go
         | up by x% per year, forever.
         | I mean, it's just a number, at ofc it can go up x% every year.
         | For example, consider the case where the currency gets
         | aggressively devalued.
           | maerF0x0 wrote:
           | we only care about the real return % which would account for
           | what you're saying. Non-real return is meaningless
         | abetusk wrote:
         | For me, this type of thinking does the exact opposite in that
         | it has a chilling effect on finding solutions and correctly
         | assessing reality.
         | While some of what Al Bartlett says is true, that unfettered
         | exponential growth can't go on forever, other statements are
         | misleading or outright false.
         | He has a soapbox about limiting population growth now (in the
         | US) [0], tied in to concepts of peak oil and other "dark green"
         | talking points. This type of thinking misses the larger
         | picture. The irony is that exponential growth happens all
         | across the board, not just in population growth and energy
         | usage but in innovation for more efficient energy usage and in
         | finding alternative energy sources.
         | Al Bartlett builds a straw man argument, saying "technological
         | optimists assure use that technology will always solve all of
         | our problems ..." [1] but this isn't true. The argument against
         | Bartlett's statement is that we haven't hit the ceiling on
         | energy that's available to us. This is one of the first issues
         | I have with this thinking: if we were to take his argument at
         | face value, limit population growth, turn down our energy usage
         | and try to live with what we have, then we're setting ourselves
         | up for failure as every other country on the planet shifts to
         | solar because it provides cheaper energy (yes, even to coal)
         | and will only get exponentially cheaper for a good period of
         | time [2] [3].
         | Here's some simple arithmetic [4]: The average US household
         | consumes 30kWh of energy a day. The available energy falling to
         | the surface of the earth is about 700 * 10^12 kWh per day. That
         | means, at _US levels of consumption_ , the ceiling on _just
         | using the sun for our energy needs_ is 23 trillion people. The
         | earth 's population is 7.6 billion now. Even taking Bartlett's
         | estimate of population doubling every 40 years, that's over 400
         | years of growth.
         | This is zero-sum thinking and leads to all sorts of "us vs.
         | them" mentality. My first thought is that these are the proto
         | arguments for new forms of eugenics and other oppressive
         | behavior. It also ignores the complexity of the situation of
         | population in the US. I think it's pretty conclusive that
         | strong public education and financial freedom lead to _less_
         | children. In the US, we already are at sub-replacement but for
         | immigration that boosts our population [5].
         | I would suggest you take Al Bartlett's advice and not let other
         | people do your thinking for you [6].
         | [0] https://youtu.be/O133ppiVnWY?t=4042
         | [1] https://youtu.be/O133ppiVnWY?t=3640
         | [2] https://e360.yale.edu/digest/renewables-cheaper-
         | than-75-perc...
         | [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swanson%27s_law
         | [4] https://youtu.be/O133ppiVnWY?t=4070
         | [5] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr68/nvsr68_01-508.pdf
         | [6] https://youtu.be/O133ppiVnWY?t=3332
         | vmception wrote:
         | I want to point out the primary indices like the Nasdaq and
         | S&P500 kick out poorly performing companies.
         | So they very well could go up x% per year if their managers
         | felt like it. It doesn't really bound to the marketcap of its
         | components, just their relative marketcap amongst each other.
       | new2628 wrote:
       | Understanding is a poor substitute to convexity.
       | There is no such thing as rationality of belief, only rationality
       | of action.
       | both by NN Taleb.
       | TheAdamAndChe wrote:
       | Spaced repetition. It's a method of learning where you only get a
       | reminder of material when you're about to forget it. I've found a
       | way to use spaced repetition to self-learn maths without
       | forgetting processes between obsessive cycles. I memorize names,
       | birthdays, dates, locations, and anything else I want to remember
       | much easier than before because of it.
       | https://www.gwern.net/Spaced-repetition
       | [deleted]
       | aazaa wrote:
       | Favor interrogative-led questions over leading questions.
       | A leading question attempts to get the listener to agree or
       | disagree with a premise you feed to them.
       | An interrogative-led question often begins with the words: who;
       | where; what; when; why.
       | Imagine the responses to these two questions:
       | - "Did you like the movie?" (Leading)
       | - "What did you think about the movie?" (Interrogative-led)
       | How do each of these questions make you feel? How comfortable
       | would you be saying something you think would displease the asker
       | in each case. What kind of responses are possible/likely in each
       | case?
       | Of course, you can always be talking to someone who's not
       | interested in talking. It's possible to answer either question
       | with a word or two. So there's some assumption of willingness to
       | participate. Even so, you can still sometimes use carefully-
       | chosen interrogative-led questions to find reasons for the
       | disinterest.
       | Asking good interrogative-led questions is essential for above-
       | average results in many pursuits: science; engineering;
       | interviewing; and negotiation; to name a few. It can also be an
       | important way to de-escalate tense situations. I've found it
       | especially useful when talking to subject matter experts when
       | trying to learn something about areas I know little.
       | Here's an actionable way to apply the idea. The next time you
       | find yourself asking a question that doesn't begin with {who,
       | where, what, when, why}, stop yourself and rephrase it to begin
       | with one of those words. What differences do you notice in how
       | the conversation goes compared to similar conversations you've
       | had in the past?
         | ghayes wrote:
         | I also find a similar technique useful when searching online.
         | If you search "do Aliens exist?" or "does teflon cause cancer"
         | you're guaranteed to find articles that match the bias of your
         | question. Instead, search "extraterrestrial life" or "teflon
         | health effects" or similar terms that are likely to match
         | articles that both agree and disagree with the premise in
         | question. You will end up significantly more informed from the
         | results.
           | brian_cloutier wrote:
           | The most significant time that I made this mistake was during
           | the attempted coup in Turkey.
           | I was living close to Istiklal Street, and I was woken up by
           | a very loud boom. I was pretty sure it was a sonic boom but
           | wanted to make sure. The smart thing would have been to
           | search for "Explosion Istiklal" or maybe even "Boom
           | Istiklal". Instead, I searched for "Bomb Istiklal", and of
           | course I found the 7 people who had leapt to conclusions.
           | It took me a while to realize I also needed to search for
           | other alternatives, that was a good lesson in the
           | availability bias.
       | pagade wrote:
       | You don't HAVE to finish reading a book.
       | jjice wrote:
       | Ignorance _can_ be bliss. Didn 't change my life, but has
       | definitely helped me in a lot of cases, especially recent times.
       | Generally speaking, I can't affect what is currently happening in
       | the news, despite how upsetting it might be, and it won't even
       | affect me in a lot of cases. I try to consume little information
       | for things I don't care about or will have a negative effect on
       | me as a way to spare myself from anxiety.
       | I've gotten a lot of shit for this in the past from people saying
       | "you just don't stay informed?" or "it's your civic duty to know
       | what's happening in the world!". If information is really
       | important for me to know, I'll see it. If it doesn't end up on
       | one of the few media sources I consume, it probably won't affect
       | me. I got this idea from MMM [1], which was inspired by The Four
       | Hour Work Week.
       | [1] https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2013/10/01/the-low-
       | informati...
         | jjice wrote:
         | Edit: Just saw this link on here and this is great blog post
         | about just this.
         | http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/hatethenews
           | dullroar wrote:
           | And this: https://www.raptitude.com/2016/12/five-things-you-
           | notice-whe...
         | grativo wrote:
         | I feel a bit conflicted on this idea as I too believe that some
         | things do not require attention. However, I always try to
         | maintain a balance and try to read information if it feels
         | imperative even when I might not be necessarily interested.
         | This topic looks very similar to one's Circle of Competencies.
         | js2 wrote:
         | Erik Hagerman is on a four year news blackout:
         | https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/10/style/the-man-who-knew-to...
       | dilippkumar wrote:
       | The Central Limit Theorem.
       | It's hard to explain the precise way in which an understanding of
       | the central limit theorem has changed my life. However, knowing
       | how any random distribution sums up to a Gaussian has subtly
       | changed how I perceive and comprehend the world around me. Over
       | time, this has added to a significant number of choices and
       | decisions that I've subconsciously made, informed only by rough
       | estimates of a mean value and it's standard deviation.
         | Natsu wrote:
         | Can you give an example of when this has informed a decision
         | and how?
         | abetusk wrote:
         | Just a word of warning, the central limit theorem is a bit
         | misleading.
         | Assuming the sum independent and identically distributed random
         | variables converges to a distribution, that distribution is
         | _not_ necessarily the Gaussian, but a larger family called the
         | Levy-Stable distributions [1].
         | Levy-Stable distributions are "heavy-tailed" in that far away
         | from zero they behave like (inverse) power laws. This is
         | probably why you see so many power laws in nature (gravity,
         | "small-world" networks, income distribution, galaxy
         | distribution density, etc.). This was one of the central themes
         | of Mandelbrot's soapbox, that power laws were more fundamental
         | than normal distributions. Mandelbrot gets remembered for the
         | highly symmetric and pretty fractal pictures but those images
         | (Koch curve, Dragon Curve, Sierpinski gasket, etc.) are like a
         | focusing on a sine wave when talking about Fourier analysis.
         | The central limit theorem applies to sums of random variables
         | _with finite variance_ [2]. Once you relax the condition of
         | finite variance, or finite mean for that matter, Levy-Stable
         | distributions are the more likely result.
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stable_distribution
         | [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem " ...
         | Mathematically, if X ... is a random sample ... taken from a
         | population with mean ... and _finite variance_ ... the limiting
         | form of the distribution ... is the standard normal
         | distribution. " (emphasis mine)
           | mturmon wrote:
           | On the other hand, for many systems the energy is related (in
           | some way) to the square of the value. For example, voltages,
           | currents, photon counts, etc. So if energy is finite, then
           | you get CLT behavior.
       | GistNoesis wrote:
       | Here is a smart one : Being wise is better than being smart.
       | saadalem wrote:
       | "You live in a mechanical universe. It's time to start
       | understanding that."
       | I was disillusioned with myself. I was performing badly in
       | highschool(even dropped out) I couldn't understand why.
       | I wanted so badly to do something epic. I feared being an average
       | guy and living an ordinary life.
       | I didn't understand this advice at first. However, I decided that
       | I couldn't take the life I was living, so I decided to change.
       | If you accept that the universe is essentially mechanical, then
       | you accept that there is nothing actually standing in your way.
       | You do not have inherent bad luck, and you aren't cursed.
       | Probably the best example of this is Elon Musk. The guy watched
       | his entire fortune burn as his companies crumble. He worked 20
       | hour days. But what separated him was a very specific ability,
       | and it wasn't just his ability to work hard.
       | "Most people when confronted with a disastrous scenario start to
       | make bad decisions. When that happens to Elon, he becomes hyper-
       | rational. I've never met someone with his ability to take pain."
       | This is a paraphrased quote from Musk's biography, from a Tesla
       | engineer who knew Musk personally when the company was on the
       | verge of collapse. The ability to make hyper-rational decisions
       | during hardship is one of the most important traits of a leader.
       | This advice got me through that period. I understood that
       | everything had a cause and effect, so I decided to change.
       | Reading made me more prepared for anything. Building and making
       | things made me more friends.
       | The second you understand that we live in a mechanical universe
       | is the second you are given the key to changing it. I may never
       | become the next Elon Musk(asking myself how can I do it better,
       | but that's another subject if you want to talk about it I'm happy
       | to do so) but my life will be so much happier because I
       | understand that it can change according to rules.
       | Rationality and a cause-effect mindset is an incredibly tough
       | road to go down because there are no easy answers. When you do,
       | however... you can change anything.
         | Balgair wrote:
         | I disagree, but I am happy that this has helped you.
         | For me, it was the opposite, it was that the universe is
         | stochastic. That the random parts happen, and you can't fix
         | that. But you can bet on the 'averaging' of the universe. You
         | can't guess the roll of dice, but you can build systems that
         | will survive bad rolls.
         | I'm glad you've found something that works for you and I'm glad
         | you shared this with us.
         | fredsir wrote:
         | > Elon
         | Obviously, it's also a good advice to be born with wealth from
         | the blood of an emerald empire. Hyper-rational, being born
         | wealthy. Great advice!
         | Kidding aside. I'm just sick of people putting people like Elon
         | up on a pedestal. Look at all the rich, successful people out
         | there. How many come from wealth, and how many come from dirt
         | poor conditions and just worked themself up? Working hard is
         | good advice, but it doesn't guarantee success, quite the
         | contrary. A lot of successful people never worked hard a single
         | day in their life, and billions of people work hard their whole
         | life and never come close to the kind of success the former
         | enjoys.
         | Hell, I guarantee that Elon is not even the hardest worker at
         | his companies, even though he enjoys most of the fruit of the
         | labour.
           | Dumblydorr wrote:
           | Would you deny Elon has a knack for finding great
           | opportunities and executing? He's at the head of two of the
           | most innovative companies, you make it seem like hes totally
           | lucky and there's nothing to his approach.
           | gfodor wrote:
           | Being born into wealth helps, but it also hurts. If you have
           | something to lose, its harder to take risks. Elon put all of
           | his wealth on the line for SpaceX and almost lost it. Anyone,
           | from him down to the person who scrapes together pennies to
           | start a risky business to make a better life for themselves,
           | deserves respect for taking risks to achieve their dreams.
       | monkeydust wrote:
       | 2 minute rule. Only useful productivity tool I learn from reading
       | dozens of books a decade ago.
       | https://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/how-stop-proc...
         | jjice wrote:
         | This one is great. As a student, there are a lot of 2 minute
         | tasks out there that are easy to push off, like adding
         | something to a calendar or responding to an email. Mundane
         | things that take very little time (generally speaking), but can
         | cause much bigger problems down the road if not taken care of.
         | klohto wrote:
         | Midway through the article I was thinking it sounds exactly
         | like Atomic Habits... Finished to read it's from James Clear. I
         | can recommend AH if you haven't read it yet. It has quite more
         | to say about this concept than just a short article.
       | motiw wrote:
       | My personal realization that Evolution is the other "theory of
       | everything", with the exception of the laws of physics,
       | evolutionary processes are shaping everything, including progress
       | in science, economy, history, politics, ideas, social, emotions,
       | religion, etc.
         | josephpmay wrote:
         | Have you read https://waitbutwhy.com/2019/08/story-of-us.html ?
         | gfodor wrote:
         | I came to the same conclusion, and here's the result:
         | https://medium.com/@gfodor/evolutionary-simulation-theory-81...
       | medell wrote:
       | Everything is a remix
       | kibwen wrote:
       | That you are the average of your five closest friends. In other
       | words, if you would like to achieve or become something, surround
       | yourself with people who are also focused on (or have already
       | achieved) that goal.
       | yizhang7210 wrote:
       | The Tyranny of Structurelessness. My shallow interpretation of it
       | is essentially: wherever there's a group of people, there's
       | politics.
       | https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm
       | Dowwie wrote:
       | Effectuation:
       | https://innovationenglish.sites.ku.dk/model/sarasvathy-effec...
       | Entrepreneurship is a process. Effectuation helps to explain how
       | opportunities are not just discovered but made.
       | stillbourne wrote:
       | Skepticism.
       | ronilan wrote:
       | The misguided idea that there is more than one sense of something
       | being someone's data, and that thus, some how, the public has
       | eternal right to any comment I make in Hacker News.
       | As expressed here by Paul Graham
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6813226 and enforced with
       | blind loyalty by Daniel Gackle who repeatedly refuses to delete
       | my stuff instead spending his nights examining and debating the
       | minute details of my words deciding which should or should not be
       | deleted.
       | If this misguided idea never existed, HN would be like all normal
       | web services, the user would have a delete button and my life
       | would be better.
       | But, the idea and the power position it allows are here, and my
       | life is changed for the worse.
       | olalonde wrote:
       | That free market capitalism is a good system that works. I grew
       | up in a family that pretty much believed the opposite so I
       | probably never would have become an entrepreneur otherwise. I
       | mainly credit Milton Friedman's "Free to Choose" series for
       | persuading me, as well as some of Paul Graham's essays.
         | chrstphrhrt wrote:
         | What are your thoughts on the welfare state and its
         | compatibility with your freedom? What do you think about
         | homelessness?
           | olalonde wrote:
           | HN is probably not the best medium to discuss this but the
           | "Free to Choose" series I mentioned touches on those issues
           | and is available for free on YouTube. It's still quite
           | relevant today despite its age.
       | acrophiliac wrote:
       | You don't have to believe your thoughts.
       | vincentmarle wrote:
       | We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only
       | have one.
       | Confucius
         | JKCalhoun wrote:
         | I like that a lot.
         | mettamage wrote:
         | Oh man, so true, realized this when I became 25. Nowadays I
         | talk to my grandparents about these things and they say
         | "grandson, when I was your age _I never_ thought about how it
         | was to be 80 years old or any other age for that matter. "
         | I sometimes wonder how it is to be older. I also venture back
         | to younger ages, and of course think about my current age.
       | alchemyromcom wrote:
       | Reading about alchemy, especially the concept of transmutation,
       | has inspired my life in numerous ways. I would also suggest
       | reading The Kybalion which, if I recall correctly, is about
       | Gnosticism more than alchemy? Anyway, it has some great general
       | concepts to open up your imagination, plus the prose is
       | beautiful.
       | surfsvammel wrote:
       | That which seems very important today, will seem far less
       | important tomorrow.
       | ilamont wrote:
       | "No one on his deathbed ever said, I wish I had spent more time
       | at the office." - Paul Tsongas
         | avh02 wrote:
         | I found this funny because the opposite thought also exists by
         | Henry Royce (of Rolls-Royce), lifted straight from wikiquotes:
         | >I have only one regret ... that I have not worked harder.
         | >Deathbed assertion, as quoted in Outlook Business, Vol. 3, No.
         | 4 (23 February 2008)
       | AirMax98 wrote:
       | "Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake."
         | downerending wrote:
         | That's a depressing thought.
       | syncsynchalt wrote:
       | "Less is more"
       | Applicable to programming, applicable to life. Covers everything
       | from device convergence to PR reviews to retirement planning.
       | I discovered that spending less on personal happiness brought me
       | more personal happiness. Try it sometime, give yourself
       | permission to give away half of your stuff and see if you don't
       | feel better.
         | sharemywin wrote:
         | I remember when I used to work at a pizza shop the manager
         | would always say "where here to feed them, not fatten them".
       | lutorm wrote:
       | Stoicism.
       | BitwiseFool wrote:
       | "The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy
       | isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with
       | unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead."
       | Thanks Mr.Peanutbutter
         | JadeNB wrote:
         | I guess that the bleakness is the point, but I prefer a more
         | optimistic spin on the same thing: the key to happiness isn't a
         | _search_ for meaning, because the universe has none to offer.
         | It is the _creation_ of meaning for yourself--what you do has
         | the importance you attach to it, neither more nor less.
         | shry4ns wrote:
         | Underrated comment. Bojack Horseman is one of the best shows
         | out there :)
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