[HN Gopher] I got my first $50/mo customer
       I got my first $50/mo customer
       Author : Malfunction92
       Score  : 175 points
       Date   : 2020-05-06 18:53 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.alexwest.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.alexwest.co)
       | jrrrr wrote:
       | > GitGardener is at $151 MRR.
       | TIL people are willing to pay for fake GitHub activity.
         | blobbers wrote:
         | At first I tried to misunderstand the GitGardener website. But
         | no, I think this is what it is.
         | Wow.
         | lostcolony wrote:
         | Why not if employers look for it?
           | kevsim wrote:
           | Because it's not particularly ethical? Doesn't seem less
           | deceptive than lying on a CV to me.
             | p2detar wrote:
             | But is it what the market wants, though? If customers are
             | paying, then I think the answer is obvious.
               | sundbry wrote:
               | you can also buy stolen credit card numbers on the
               | darknet, the customers are paying.
               | p2detar wrote:
               | But I don't need it. If I really needed it, maybe I would
               | buy it.
               | sfkdjf9j3j wrote:
               | Sorry, are you saying that it's a good thing to sell
               | stolen credit cards because there is a market for them?
               | p2detar wrote:
               | Good? Is it a good thing to sell caffeine-laden energy
               | drinks to kids & teenagers? Good and bad aren't the
               | steering properties of the market. Demand is. Demand can
               | also be artificially created, hence the github commits
               | that potential employers are interested in seeing.
             | sckn wrote:
             | Of course, but it looks like a so politic. In modern world
             | we have a "fake" life. We already happy on the internet. I
             | didn't see sad post on social media.
         | thisisbrians wrote:
         | And Cyberleads sells emails lists (see my other comment). I
         | don't think we should be condoning this guy's behavior..
       | sundbry wrote:
       | Congrats, GitGardener helps idiots like you commit hiring fraud.
       | Go fuck yourself. Some of us actually spend our time digging into
       | and actually contributing to open source projects we use.
         | NullPrefix wrote:
         | Public existence of such tool proves that quick glance at
         | commit graffiti tells you nothing. And that's a good thing,
         | because otherwise solving of big problems that require several
         | days to produce a single commit would be discounted.
         | >hiring fraud
         | Committing to junk repositories is fraud too?
       | Cyclone_ wrote:
       | Has anyone else looked at his GitGardener project and thought it
       | seemed pretty shady? I'm not sure I understand why github would
       | allow it.
         | scandinavian wrote:
         | It's also completely unnecessary. You can just create a repo
         | and backdate commits to do it instantly.
         | Like this for example:
         | https://github.com/gelstudios/gitfiti
       | emagdnim2100 wrote:
       | Please left align this text!
         | DVassallo wrote:
         | Please don't left align this text because some stranger on HN
         | told you so.
           | ccmcarey wrote:
           | When that stranger is giving good advice, however .. There's
           | a reason large bodies of text are left aligned and not center
           | aligned.
         | julianlam wrote:
         | I couldn't get through the blog post.
         | Here's why.
         | Nearly every thought is a separate paragraph.
         | Throw in center alignment and it's enough to drive me batty.
         | Decent blog post content, though.
           | sixhobbits wrote:
           | Do you know why?
           | Let me let you in on a secret.
           | People LIKE reading text formatted like this.
           | No, they LOVE IT.
           | It's so easy to read.
           | So seductive. So .... enticing
           | Every line like honey. So much sugar. It makes you want more
           | And it's easy to write.
           | Easy to read.
           | Always feels like something is coming.
           | Just.
           | One.
           | More.
           | Line.
             | misterhtmlcss wrote:
             | In my mobile device it's just irritating how much padding
             | he has. It's basically 3 words at a time. I'd need a
             | phablet to get through this piece even though it's
             | enjoyable righting.
         | MrGilbert wrote:
         | When switching to "Reader Mode" in your favourite browser, the
         | text will be left aligned. :)
         | purerandomness wrote:
         | Firefox Reader Mode saves the day, again
         | [deleted]
         | xwdv wrote:
         | Drop into the chrome dev console, go into the source and change
         | the alignment it takes a second. Don't need to tolerate
         | ridiculous formatting.
       | djyaz1200 wrote:
       | If any of that is profit you've surpased WeWork! Congrats! :)
         | scooble wrote:
         | There was a period (before Feb 2018) where 'more than twitter,
         | less than facebook' was my standard answer to the question of
         | how much profit my startup was making.
       | DVassallo wrote:
       | I came to a simple realization: Only intrinsic motivation lasts.
       | Achieving external rewards and arbitrary goals feels nice for a
       | while, but it always wears off quickly.
       | Now I don't have goals anymore. My idea of personal growth is to
       | keep rearranging my life so that I'm doing fewer things I'd
       | rather not be doing.
       | No goals. Just anti-goals.
         | jlevers wrote:
         | Is it not possible to be intrinsically motivated to achieve
         | your goals? I get what you're saying, but I feel like there's a
         | middle ground.
           | nine_k wrote:
           | Then motivation is intrinsic, what remains outside is a
           | measurement tool you use.
         | mattbuilds wrote:
         | In this video by Brandon Sanderson [0] he talks a little bit
         | about goals and I follow something similar. At one point he
         | talks about setting goals that are actually in your control. So
         | you wouldn't set a goal like "become a famous author" (although
         | he says that would be nice). Instead you set something you can
         | control like "get better with each book you write". Then you
         | break those goals down into tasks.
         | I think he says something like "if I was 100 and looked back
         | and wrote 100 unpublished novels, would I be happy with that?".
         | I think using something like that as a guide for setting goals
         | is good because it keeps you pointed in the right direction and
         | makes the goals things you can actually control.
         | [0] https://youtu.be/oH9sJrAVeC0
           | thisisbrians wrote:
           | I think "be a famous author" is a goal, and "get better with
           | each book" is a strategy. In my view: the goal is a target,
           | and the strategy is an action in attempt of reaching it.
             | mattbuilds wrote:
             | But the goal isn't to be a famous author, it's to write
             | quality books. It's a different mindset. Becoming a famous
             | author is something that is out of your control. Instead of
             | focusing on the outcome, which you can't control, you focus
             | on the thing you can. Doing quality work for something you
             | enjoy. Sure, selling the book and it doing incredibly well
             | would be nice, but honestly there is too much luck
             | involved. It's obviously something you would think about
             | when you are writing, and like, but it shouldn't be why you
             | write.
             | I don't write software side projects because I think they
             | will turn out to be the next big thing or make me famous
             | and rich, I do them because I get enjoyment out of writing
             | code that solves a problem (usually my own).
       | smoyer wrote:
       | This article would be WAY better in paragraphs that each
       | contained one of the sub-themes of the article as a whole. He
       | starts by talking about tweeting and it looks and feels like the
       | article was written as tweets too.
         | DHPersonal wrote:
         | His Twitter posts are formatted in a similar way, so I think
         | it's just his writing style. https://twitter.com/alexsideris_
         | drx wrote:
         | I kinda liked it, it got me to read the article. Nothing wrong
         | with adding some personal style to your writing.
         | OP, congrats on hitting your MRR goal!
       | rchiba wrote:
       | Boo to all of the people on this thread who are hating on what
       | you've built. Why can't you build a business selling emails, or
       | automatically posting to GitHub?
       | If you hate getting spam emails, hit "spam" and get that domain
       | blacklisted, it creates a natural balance where the quality of
       | cold outreach grows. And I doubt real hiring decisions are being
       | made from git commit history badges.
       | Kudos for going out there and adding value to the people that are
       | paying for your products.
         | viklove wrote:
         | Because "automatically posting to GitHub" is the exact kind of
         | bullshit that a society driven by capitalism comes up with.
         | Employees lying to employers lying to investors lying to
         | customers, all so they can make themselves slightly richer. No
         | value is being created, no progress is being made -- it's all
         | just a house of cards.
         | Then there are people like you praising it, and just because
         | the goal of capitalism -- to amass as much wealth as you can --
         | is being met. Even though it's a complete fucking waste of
         | human potential.
         | Makes life seem pointless.
       | jldugger wrote:
       | > I tried many things. Reddit. Facebook Groups. Quora. LinkedIn.
       | Direct Sales. Twitter. ... On the 21st of April, completely
       | unexpectedly, a tweet of mine blew up big time.
       | "Fortunate favors the prepared." The highly random nature of
       | internet karma should probably be more well publicized by now. If
       | ten years ago, I gave myself all the blog posts I'd write over
       | the next ten years, I would not have predicted correctly which
       | ones would be most popular. Not that I write for the pageviews,
       | or even write all that often. If you think of it as a multiarmed
       | bandit problem, you kinda have to publish without a goal in mind
       | in order to have enough arms to pull to find and iterate on the
       | few good ones. This is why IMO, it helps to have a few input
       | goals as well as outcomes.
       | AFAICT, content marketing is basically posting good stuff and
       | hoping some of the traffic rubs off on your sales funnel. Like
       | that Sparkfun rotary cell phone from way back when, though
       | obviously it helps when you sell the parts to your ironic nobody-
       | would-buy-this product online.
       | > I smashed my infamous $500 MRR goal. It was a huge mental
       | barrier for me. The sad thing is that once again I was tricked. I
       | was chasing this goal for more than two years, and now it means
       | nothing to me. It's dead. Cold. Meaningless. Like it was never
       | there in the first place.
       | Elsewhere on his site Alex describes his goals as 'humble' but
       | that may be part of the psychological problem here; even he
       | believes they're not the same as even modest success. $500 MRR
       | feels meaningless because it _is_. Why does 500 MRR matter? If
       | you borrow the OKR framework, perhaps he would reframe the
       | Objective (goal) as 'build a business capable of sustaining my
       | preferred lifestyle', and then the MRR target would have meaning
       | as a key result?
       | The Objective/Key-Result framework provide two major benefits:
       | First, it gives you the means to tie your metrics to something
       | meaningful, and the ability to fact check your assumptions. Make
       | more money isn't necessarily meaningful, but 'quit my day job' or
       | 'send my kid to art school' can be. Perhaps the $500 MRR goal
       | feels meaningless because the lifestyle goal _is_ the real
       | Objective, but the $500 MRR Key Result is insufficient to meet
       | it.
       | The second thing it does is provide a process for breaking Big
       | Problems into smaller ones. You'll probably need multiple
       | strategies to reach any important Objective, and the KRs help you
       | break them into smaller steps. Which themselves can be treated as
       | Objectives with their own KRs. Using
       | https://stripe.com/atlas/guides/business-of-saas#the-fundame...
       | as a guide for how to break down the 'big number' can help, but
       | there is no predictive formula for maximizing it.
       | encoderer wrote:
       | There is sentiment that goals are bullshit and somewhat
       | destructive. My take is, it comes down to setting the right
       | goals.
       | I've bootstrapped a moderately successful SaaS and have enjoyed
       | many revenue milestones along the way but those were milestones
       | not goals. The goals are _lifestyle_ based. Things like  "I want
       | to never have another traditional job" or "I want to be debt
       | free" are much more powerful than "I want to hit $2000 MRR".
       | That said, look, building and selling things is amazing and I
       | suggest everybody do it. If you only have a little time, build
       | small things and sell them cheaply. But there is a self
       | empowerment that comes from creating your own income that has an
       | impact far beyond the actual dollars themselves.
       | Congrats Alex, good goal or not, it's a notable achievement.
         | ccktlmazeltov wrote:
         | Interesting, reading this I was thinking that I would have
         | indeed set different goals. I would have strived to create a
         | good app for me first, and to make sure that people can use it
         | and that they find it useful too. That would have been my goal.
         | Not a 50$/month customer.
         | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
         | > there is a self empowerment that comes from creating your own
         | income
         | This is something that's rarely said (or snidely dismissed as
         | "lifestyle business") but is so very important.
         | Realizing that you are not completely reliant on someone to
         | employ you, that you can derive income from multiple streams
         | and then _actually_ seeing it happen is an incredible feeling.
           | close04 wrote:
           | > you are not completely reliant on someone to employ you
           | I don't think that's where the feeling of empowerment comes
           | from. Instead of doing a good job to impress your boss you do
           | a good job to impress your customers. That feeling, I
           | believe, comes from the fact that generating your own revenue
           | stream makes you a "one man team". You pulled all the right
           | strings, you pushed the right buttons, you spoke to the all
           | right people. You took your idea from back of the napkin
           | drawing to actual functioning and successful business. You
           | don't get to do that as an employee.
             | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
             | I'll agree that what I wrote was essentially the executive
             | summary. I think we're saying the same thing in different
             | ways.
             | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
             | It is more regarding to impress your own customers than
             | bosses (or customers of your boss). The former is about
             | something you did right. The second is (in many cases)
             | about asking for a raise. The last is mostly showing what a
             | team (or even others) have done.
             | By the way, most jobs are not about impressing bosses. You
             | can make a career just doing your work. The right people
             | will notice, specially in small companies.
       | ericmcer wrote:
       | I am always reminded of David Foster Wallace who wrote a
       | successful novel while still in his early twenties, and before
       | even finishing his MFA. He had to recalibrate his entire life
       | expectation wise when he achieved his goal in his 20s and found
       | it empty. Where do you go when you are just 'starting out' in
       | life but have already grabbed this thing that was supposed to
       | complete you, and it doesn't change anything.
         | Baeocystin wrote:
         | As much as I enjoy DFW's way with words (and I do mean that in
         | a complimentary manner), I think his approach mostly serves as
         | a warning as to what can happen when you get too deeply stuck
         | in your own head with no pressure release valve to viewpoints
         | other than your own.
       | thisisbrians wrote:
       | So, I checked out Cyberleads[1], and...this dude is just
       | literally (and brazenly) selling a list of startup executives'
       | emails without their permission or consent. Not sure if that's
       | even legal, but it's definitely scummy, and I hate when I get
       | cold (and frequently, also technically SPAM) emails like the ones
       | this guys is enabling.
       | Here's a direct quote from the site[1]:                 Every
       | day, we scour the web and find every single startup that just
       | raised money. We collect information about these companies, like
       | revenue, size, LinkedIn and Twitter profiles, CEO information,
       | emails, and much more.            We then further investigate,
       | and verify manually every entry on the       list. Every single
       | data point is checked, every single email is       verified.
       | Manually. By a human.
       | 1. https://www.getcyberleads.com/
       | Edit: added quotes.
         | rsweeney21 wrote:
         | There are hundreds of companies, many of them quite large, that
         | do this. ZoomInfo, DiscoverOrg, Hoovers, Data.com, Clearbit,
         | UpLead, etc.
         | Like it or not, sending unsolicited email is how millions of
         | sales professionals make a living. Before email it was
         | unsolicited mail, voice mail, or phone calls. Outbound sales is
         | an essential part of the world we live in.
         | Honestly, I'm surprised that this is news to you.
           | leephillips wrote:
           | He didn't say it was new to him, he said it was scummy, and
           | he's right. Spam is a scourge, whether it is in the form of
           | email, phone calls, or people knocking on my door. "Outbound
           | sales" steals people's time, attention, disk space, and
           | electricity. It may be an unavoidable (certainly not
           | "essential") part of our world, but the people who do it are
           | making our world worse.
             | cosmodisk wrote:
             | If you call the local bike shop amd try to sell rocket
             | engines,then yes,it is useless. However,there are plenty of
             | good business matching to be done that way. Not all are
             | bad.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | Sorry, they are. They are all bad. The bike shop many not
               | be in the market for rocket engines, but they do use
               | wrenches, and pencils, and valve covers. Imagine their
               | phone rings every five minutes, throughout the work day,
               | with people trying to sell these useful things to the
               | bike shop. It's not any better just because the things
               | are useful. If it's me, I'm not going to buy from a cold
               | caller, ever. I already have suppliers. If I need a new
               | supplier, I'm going to find one. You are making the world
               | worse.
         | alexsideris wrote:
         | Hey there, Alex here. I completely understand where you are
         | coming from.
         | I'm not an expert on laws, GDPR, when consent is needed, by
         | whom, etc.
         | This is a side project that just started gaining a little bit
         | of traction, and I'll certainly look into all the above.
         | However, the emails I add are publicly available, found on the
         | internet. Not from some leaked database.
         | I also have prices high in order to keep spammers away and have
         | a small handful of customers. I only have about twenty, and
         | they are targeting different kind of startups.
           | Magnets wrote:
           | Work email addresses are considered personal data under GDPR
           | https://www.cognitivelaw.co.uk/gdpr-issues-do-work-emails-
           | co...
             | Quanttek wrote:
             | However, b2b marking may be allowed under the GDPR. Form
             | your link:
             | > Recital 47 of the GDPR states that "The processing of
             | personal data for direct marketing purposes may be regarded
             | as carried out for a legitimate interest". However, if you
             | intend to rely on legitimate interest rather than consent,
             | you will need to apply the following three-part test:
             | > 1. The purpose test: Are you processing personal data in
             | pursuit of a legitimate interest?
             | > 2. The necessity test: Is the processing proportionate to
             | achieving your aims?
             | > 3. The balancing test: Is your legitimate interest
             | overridden by the rights of the person whose data you're
             | processing?
               | cosmodisk wrote:
               | This is the correct answer for B2B emails in Europe.
           | Sebguer wrote:
           | Only on HackerNews would "I'm not an expert on laws" be an
           | acceptable answer to this sort of thing, much less the idea
           | that you should check on relevant laws only after shipping a
           | product.
           | vageli wrote:
           | > I'm not an expert on laws, GDPR, when consent is needed, by
           | whom, etc.
           | > This is a side project that just started gaining a little
           | bit of traction, and I'll certainly look into all the above.
           | You are selling a product without even knowing the legality
           | of doing so?
           | strgcmc wrote:
           | A small suggestion then: why not re-apply the same
           | fundamental technologies and techniques, but to targeting
           | public figures who are perhaps deserving of a little more
           | scrutiny and contact than they're getting?
           | Rather than facilitating cold-calls to startup
           | founders/leaders (which, let's face it, is generally a waste
           | of their time and which they probably don't deserve that kind
           | of punishment), why not expose the emails/contact-info of
           | executives for bad actors in the marketplace, companies that
           | have recently been sued or charged with crimes or civil
           | complaints (by the SEC/FCC/etc.), companies that have had
           | exposes written about them, etc.?
           | I'm not saying this will be a more profitable service or
           | anything btw; in fact I'm quite certain it will have much
           | less profit opportunity. But maybe this is something you can
           | do to buy back some goodwill, to counterbalance the profit-
           | seeking and cold-call/spam enabling side of this project.
             | AQuantized wrote:
             | Are you basically advocating facilitating the spamming of a
             | certain section of "morally bad" individuals? I'm not sure
             | this is the kind of advice that will lead to a less
             | controversial business.
         | artursapek wrote:
         | And "Git Gardener" is just spamming GitHub to make yourself
         | look busy. I detect a pattern here.
         | bigtones wrote:
         | There are many many companies that sell email addresses and
         | phone numbers and even cell numbers of executives - it's a huge
         | business. Google "B2B contact database" for a list but
         | DiscoverOrg, ZoomInfo and UpLead come to mind.
           | beervirus wrote:
           | "lots of people do it" != "it's ok"
             | artificial wrote:
             | True. Copyright infringement is done on a massive global
             | scale by search engines and everyone uses those.
               | beervirus wrote:
               | Is indexing content and providing search results actually
               | considered copyright infringement in any jurisdiction?
               | beardedscotsman wrote:
               | Yes, look at Google publishing news snippets in France
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | You must now create a $75 a month service for people like
         | yourself who want to know when an email of theirs has been
         | burned. Use his list to sell yours.
           | thisisbrians wrote:
           | Yo, I would pay for that.
           | </s>
           | NotSammyHagar wrote:
           | My list of list of list inclusion trumps your second order
           | list. I use my work emails sometimes for conference
           | registrations, those always get burned and I get spam mail
           | immediately. Conf registrations are the worst.
             | searchableguy wrote:
             | Use temporary email alias? That's what I have been doing.
             | kugelblitz wrote:
             | I use my own domain and have a catch-all. I usually enter
             | the domain name as the identifier. I.e. here it would be
             | news.ycombinator.com@mydomain.test
               | NotSammyHagar wrote:
               | I sometimes do the same. It's weird to me that some
               | places immediately sell your email and other orgs do not.
               | Like a graph database conference seemed to lead to a lot
               | of new spam.
               | Bnshsysjab wrote:
               | It's not some conference, it's some asshole who has the
               | ability to implement that kind of behaviour. I bet loads
               | of people working at that graph conference didn't agree
               | but either didn't know or didn't have a say in the
               | activity.
             | thisisbrians wrote:
             | If you use Google Mail (and the email field in the form
             | lets you) you can do <youremail>+<whatever tag you
             | want>@gmail.com to track stuff like this.
               | Bnshsysjab wrote:
               | I'm pretty sure you can insert or strip periods '.' in
               | gmails too
               | Spooky23 wrote:
               | Spammers aren't dumb -- this gets stripped.
               | NullPrefix wrote:
               | Next logical step would be having
               | <youremail>+<secretKey>@gmail.com as the real email and
               | <justyouremail>@gmail.com as spam box.
               | sneak wrote:
               | https://anonaddy.me
               | I use this service a lot.
               | NotSammyHagar wrote:
               | That is a great idea. I really want my email hosted some
               | place and that I could write my own "post arrival" simple
               | business logic.
               | vageli wrote:
               | > That is a great idea. I really want my email hosted
               | some place and that I could write my own "post arrival"
               | simple business logic.
               | You can do this in gmail with filters, unless I'm missing
               | something about the use case.
               | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
               | It works for common spam, but it does not really work for
               | curated lists because they can remove it.
               | (I think it is also an RFC standard, not just gmail, but
               | don't quote me on this).
               | kcolford wrote:
               | Not an RFC standard but it is a "de facto" standard.
               | Everyone implements it, the config line for it is just
               | commented out on postfix, super easy to use.
         | ivanfon wrote:
         | The other project, GitGardener[1] is... not necessarily
         | sketchy, but it's obviously designed to make your Github look
         | "better" than it really is (not that the contribution chart
         | matters for anything, but that seems like what the service is
         | trying to convey).
         | 1: https://www.gitgardener.com/
           | qu4ku wrote:
           | I'm not gonna lie. From the perspective of somebody that
           | commits every day with purpose, this is even more scammy then
           | selling email spam-list. This invalidates my hard work.
             | gjs278 wrote:
             | your hard work should be finished products not npm module
             | spam of the next left-pad
               | NullPrefix wrote:
               | They should add a feature that releases daily
           | outworlder wrote:
           | I had a previous employer that started counting commits.
           | Doesn't matter what you do, if you had to spend you whole day
           | interacting directly with a customer(or even at that customer
           | location trying to figure out some issue), nothing mattered.
           | Only the number of commits. Not even the commit size
           | mattered.
           | So I started doing tiny commits to counter that.
           | I would gladly use this thing as a f* you before leaving.
           | [deleted]
           | gonzal00t wrote:
           | It's pretty gross that someone is trying to monetize this.
           | There's actually FOSS version that draws pixel art in your
           | contribution history: https://github.com/gelstudios/gitfiti
           | It's pretty funny, though it doesn't look like its actively
           | maintained anymore. To quote from one of the issue threads:
           |  _What better way to demonstrate that the commit graph is a
           | not an indicator of a profile 's importance? Hopefully
           | someone who sees gitifi style art in the graph will
           | immediately realize that they should take it with a grain of
           | salt, and instead read the code._
           | [deleted]
         | axguscbklp wrote:
         | I wonder how many people in this thread are upset by Cyberleads
         | selling people's emails and GitGardener making people's Githubs
         | look better... but at the same time commit piracy all the time
         | and make all sorts of excuses for it.
         | balls187 wrote:
         | I'm curious what law do you think is being violated (I'm in the
         | US?)
           | LunaSea wrote:
           | In the EU it's against E-Privacy
             | gjs278 wrote:
             | good thing nobody cares what the eu thinks
           | thisisbrians wrote:
           | I'm not an expert, but the FTC definitely regulates how
           | emails can be sent (SPAM laws). I'm not sure if the act of
           | creating a list and selling it without the consent of the
           | emailees is regulated, however.
             | baddox wrote:
             | The CAN-SPAM Act doesn't generally prohibit unsolicited
             | marketing emails, but rather it has various restrictions on
             | the behavior and content of those emails. It's probably
             | less restrictive than most tech-savvy people think. L
             | That said, there is a restriction against sending messages
             | to harvested emails, although I'm not sure how that's
             | defined or what legal precedents there are regarding that.
       | jansan wrote:
       | Anecdote: After I released my fist software in 2002 I received an
       | order by fax. Unfortunately my HP Office Jet had an error and
       | refused to print the fax, so I called HP customer service. They
       | told me to shut the device off and on again. I told them that
       | this is not an option, because there is an order worth real money
       | inside the device's memory. So the great guy at the other end of
       | the line told me to take out the cardridge and give it a good
       | wash and rub. I placed it back in and the Office Jet started
       | printing the order. It was a 1000$ order by Lehman Brothers! I am
       | still telling my friends that this was the final straw that broke
       | Lehman Brother`s neck several years later :)
       | ozim wrote:
       | He was not powerless, he was putting work for 2 years until he
       | got lucky. People hope they will stick in week or two into
       | something and will get lucky.
         | blobbers wrote:
         | Cultivating an email list and writing a program to generate
         | fake git commits?
       | alexsideris wrote:
       | Hey everyone, Alex here.
       | I was caught a bit by surprise to be honest, as I did not post
       | the article myself.
       | The article is very sloppy and it shows, so sorry for putting you
       | through that! I also left-aligned the text as people requested.
       | I'm happy that people enjoyed it and can relate :)
         | beervirus wrote:
         | GitGardener appears to be for letting job applicants trick
         | employers into thinking that have legit projects on git, while
         | Cyberleads enables spammers to shit into the inboxes of startup
         | execs.
         | Congrats.
       | swyx wrote:
       | well said about the goals. goals make you feel like a failure if
       | you don't meet them, and leave you wanting when you do, and worst
       | of all, don't tell you how to reach them! Systems over goals
       | every time.
       | regarding your luck, you may be aware of the 4 kinds of luck
       | (https://medium.com/@ameet/the-four-kinds-of-luck-ea729970d71...)
       | - by putting your reps in, you exposed yourself to type 2 luck,
       | luck that just happens randomly, but it happens because you did
       | something. good for you!
       | tshanmu wrote:
       | gitgardener is downright unethical as well?
       | krm01 wrote:
       | When we started our subscription design firm for Software
       | companies, I used to share milestones publicly (mostly on Reddit
       | back then). We grew to 5 figures a month in the first year. Like
       | OP, I realized that the goals (and those milestones) were
       | extremely short flashes of fun that didnt last longer than maybe
       | a few minutes. It wasn't after I stopped sharing business
       | milestones and just focussed on daily improvement that things
       | felt so much better. Not only that, it helped the business grow
       | better as a result.
         | bosie wrote:
         | how do you decide to pivot on a feature/goal if you focus only
         | on the daily improvements? how do you connect the daily
         | improvements to something bigger?
           | krm01 wrote:
           | So the the insight was: Instead of focussing 80% of the time
           | on the big goal and 20% on what's right in front of me, I
           | flipped that around. So yes there are longterm goals and
           | stuff we work towards, but instead of every day hoping you're
           | there, you set the goal and then focus on much smaller
           | incremental steps on a daily basis. These incremental steps,
           | in a way, become goals, that give you continuous feedback and
           | satisfaction (instead of 1 big high, followed up with a deep
           | low)
       | michaelbuckbee wrote:
       | This is going to sound weird but there's this great interview
       | with Seinfeld and Obama where they talk about the "answer" to
       | "why do you keep doing this stuff when you're so successful and
       | have 'made it'"?
       | Which I think is the real question OP is asking: "Why if I've hit
       | this goal do I keep doing this? Why does it feel so
       | unsatisfying?"
       | I've linked to the spot in the interview but the answer is to
       | really enjoy the work and the process.
       | I feel this myself (as someone with a decent sized SAAS), that I
       | still really enjoy helping people, answering support emails,
       | getting on calls with them. It feels more satisfying than
       | arbitrary revenue goals.
       | https://youtu.be/UM-Q_zpuJGU?t=884
         | therealdrag0 wrote:
         | Weird Q: Do their heads look too big for their bodies in these
         | shots to anyone else? Is it camera work? Super slimming suits?
         | Reedx wrote:
         | Yeah, and the two are linked. Seinfeld's focus on the process
         | and craft meant he got exceptionally good at it. The money was
         | a byproduct, not the goal. The motivation was intrinsic and
         | about improving his craft. To which there is no end. So he
         | continues.
         | This discussion with Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Louis CK and Ricky
         | Gervais is worth watching for anyone interested in that aspect
         | of comedy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKY6BGcx37k
           | hckr_news wrote:
           | This talk always reminds me of this,
           | https://youtu.be/il1sgQUtYs8
           | maest wrote:
           | Be wary of survivorship bias.
           | Not everyone that focuses on the process makes lots of money.
           | However, some of the people that make lots of money do it as
           | a byproduct of focusing on the process.
           | We're all familiar with the stereotype of the dev who's
           | obsessed with polishing their code that nobody is using.
       | dirtydroog wrote:
       | Is this an ad for a company masquerading as a story about how
       | marketing finally worked for said company?
       | [deleted]
       | kodachi wrote:
       | (offtopic/meta)
       | > Me and my girlfriend wanted to watch a movie on Netflix (...)I
       | watched the film on Netflix.
       | I'm starting to notice this pattern a lot both in person and on
       | the internet. How long until Netflix becomes a verb? It doesn't
       | add to the story, but somehow people feel compelled to advertise
       | the service they use.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | Saying it's on Netflix indicates that they didn't go out and
         | see the movie in a theater.
         | viklove wrote:
         | It's already a verb, ever heard "Netflix & chill"?
       | mywacaday wrote:
       | Congrats Alex, any chance of a cheaper tier for Cyberleads, maybe
       | limiting it a single country?
       | maram wrote:
       | > From now on, I have no goals. Nothing. I don't care about
       | anything. I don't care about followers. I don't care about
       | revenue. I don't care about anything. I just want to enjoy my
       | every day life. Enjoy the process.
       | Nothing brings joy to entrepreneurs more than the "process of
       | building" and crafting products.
       | Your paragraph reminded me of Steve Jobs reply to Kara Swisher
       | when she asked for his thoughts on surpassing Microsoft in market
       | valuation.
       | He said: "It doesn't matter. It's not what's important. It's not
       | what makes you come in the morning. Not why any of our customers
       | buy our products. It's good to keep that in mind and remember
       | what we are doing and why"
       | 01:02 https://youtu.be/i5f8bqYYwps
         | FailMore wrote:
         | I totally agree :)
       | nixpulvis wrote:
       | Please ensure <a> tags (you know, links!) actually work on your
       | webpages. I hate copying and pasting on iOS...
       | On a brighter note, I appreciate your writing style; short,
       | sweet, and clear.
       | ryanwaggoner wrote:
       | I like this. I like the writing style, I like the humility and
       | the openness, and I like the recognition that chasing goals is
       | ultimately an exercise in futility. You spend almost all your
       | time unhappy because you're not yet at your goal, and then as
       | soon as you achieve it, you're unhappy because you're not at the
       | next arbitrary goal. It's madness, but it's basically the way
       | almost all of us live.
       | I've been spending more time meditating and reading about
       | mindfulness recently, and it's helped me become aware of just how
       | infrequently I'm truly happy and present. I can be in the most
       | idyllic setting and situation, and part of my brain is wondering
       | how I can improve it, or what I can do to feel that way all the
       | time, etc.
       | Why is it so difficult to turn off the past- and future-oriented
       | parts of my brain and just _be_? To just enjoy _this_?
         | dhuin wrote:
         | Pretty much the human condition. Seneca was writing about it in
         | the first century, Buddhists were talking about it from the
         | inception of their religion.
           | ryanwaggoner wrote:
           | _What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving
           | with which they labor under the sun? All their days their
           | work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not
           | rest. This too is meaningless. A person can do nothing better
           | than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own
           | toil._
           | From Ecclesiastes, one of the few parts of the Christian
           | scriptures that still interests me.
         | julianeon wrote:
         | I was thinking I like the blog format, actually: more like
         | Tweets than like 'My Manifesto About Software, Life, the
         | Universe, and Everything: Volume I of MDXXIII.' It just has an
         | inherent digestibility and modesty that makes it really
         | appealing.
         | Also it makes me think I may try this tweet-style writing also,
         | and modify my CSS to look more like his, because I like it a
         | lot.
       | seanwilson wrote:
       | Sounds similar to this:
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill
       | "The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the
       | observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively
       | stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative
       | events or life changes."
         | KerryJones wrote:
         | Thanks for this -- I continuously get reminded that many of our
         | behaviors have actually been studied and it's worth knowing
         | them to forward our direction in life. This is a good one
           | seanwilson wrote:
           | Yeah, it's a great feeling when you find an existing name for
           | a concept you've partially observed yourself, where sometimes
           | you're sure there must be a name for it already...is there a
           | name for that? It's also great because now you can read up on
           | it and usually find a whole branch of related stuff you never
           | knew existed.
         | graedus wrote:
         | This is a concept that matches my lived experience, and I find
         | it's very useful to keep in mind.
       | pearjuice wrote:
       | I just checked one of the author's projects and it's a service to
       | automatically feign activity on GitHub to... make the activity
       | grid on your profile look active. Is this some sort of post-
       | ironic jab at the SaaS industry I'm not getting or people
       | actually pay for it unironically?
         | HeyLaughingBoy wrote:
         | I think the point is that it creates positive feedback and that
         | helps people remain motivated. One of the reasons I give my
         | team for trying to break up a large task into smaller subtasks
         | is the enjoyment of completing _something_ and closing out that
         | task. It makes the overall goal seem like something achievable.
           | pearjuice wrote:
           | How is faking GitHub activity positive feedback? That's like
           | a service which retweets random tweets to look active on
           | Twitter.
       | zozbot234 wrote:
       | Are we sure that this gitgardener stuff is even allowed by the
       | GitHub ToS? I mean no offense to the OP of course, but clearly
       | some people are clogging the site already by creating entirely
       | fake users, with zilch useful contributions to FLOSS or the dev
       | community. I don't think GH would look kindly on this sort of
       | activity.
       | donmatito wrote:
       | At one point, I was helping a great speaker build her first
       | conference, which was a smashing success. When we turned on the
       | ticketing platform on, orders started pouring in
       | In parallel, I was building my first side project, or more
       | precisely I was starting to add pricing for the first time to a
       | side project
       | As a result I had, at the same time, a stream of several
       | thousands of euros, and MY FIRST 19EUR from something I BUILT
       | MYSELF
       | I was incredibly more proud of the latter. There is a sense of
       | pride, of accomplishment, in thinking that you've built something
       | useful enough for someone to open their wallet for you
       | Good job on your part and keep sailing!
       | lostinroutine wrote:
       | Not sure if that's outdated but the home page says:
       | I have a goal I'm working towards. Mine is to achieve financial
       | independence in 2020.        ...        I've reached $800 MRR so
       | far. My goal is to reach $2k MRR.
       (page generated 2020-05-06 23:00 UTC)