[HN Gopher] Happiness is a freshly organized codebase
       Happiness is a freshly organized codebase
       Author : felixrieseberg
       Score  : 68 points
       Date   : 2020-05-07 19:07 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (slack.engineering)
 (TXT) w3m dump (slack.engineering)
       | dangwu wrote:
       | Interesting read!
       | > No more dumping ground folders like "Helper" or "Utility"
       | If you're organizing by feature and you have one of these
       | helper/utility classes that support multiple features, where does
       | it live? Would you consider each utility to be its own "feature"?
         | drawkbox wrote:
         | It depends on how many projects you have. A place like Slack
         | has only one client/product really when it comes down to it, so
         | they can get pedantic about it and look down on smart reuse
         | across projects with robust tested libs on top of standard libs
         | that are necessary to increase production and
         | stability/security etc.
         | If you work at an agency, or game company shipping many games,
         | there will always be a "core" library or "base" library that
         | has Helpers and Utility. Good consistent projects wanted tested
         | and solid parts. Every game has a common lib of core tools like
         | maths, vector tools, prediction, data structures and many more.
         | There is such a broad difference in coding on one platform for
         | one company for one product compared to shipping many companies
         | (or many internal projects) on many platforms for many
         | products.
         | Even standard libraries for platforms are essentially a
         | Helper/Utility really when it comes down to it: .NET Core,
         | Python standard lib, standard node, C++ distributable etc.
         | There will be common core tasks across a project, product,
         | company or platform for most teams with many projects to
         | manage.
         | If you don't have common libs with common helpers/utilities in
         | large sets of products, technical debt and maintenance become a
         | nightmare. In projects we work on these are core/base libs that
         | are submodules in git and are essentially the 'tech' across
         | projects where the project/product itself is the unique
         | implementation for that product. Anything common or generic
         | gets put in the core 'tech'. Every single game studio will have
         | these as well as agencies if they are organized and produce
         | quality relatively fast and consistent.
         | If "Happiness is a freshly organized codebase" they must have
         | common tested parts that are ship tested.
         | This is really just Slack talking specifically about mature
         | products at a company that only has one product. It isn't
         | reality at places that have many projects, products, companies,
         | clients etc. Pretending they are the same is a bit elitist.
         | ericaengle wrote:
         | We discovered a lot of cases would be unique, so we do try to
         | evaluate a "best" case when it comes to each move.
         | Keeping that in mind, if a feature has a shared helper across
         | components within the /Feature folder, we'll have a /Shared
         | folder within to capture these files. At a top level, we would
         | encourage a new /Feature folder since most likely it will have
         | tests or be important enough to merit a folder rather than
         | squishing it into another /Feature folder. We're optimizing for
         | visibility too, so having it's own /Feature folder helps with
         | that.
           | dangwu wrote:
           | Thanks! And am I correct in assuming Slack just has a single
           | target for the iOS app (App), then one for each App
           | Extension? So the root source folders map 1:1 to build
           | targets?
             | ericaengle wrote:
             | Yes! that's the idea, or at least what we've worked to
             | achieve
         | brundolf wrote:
         | I actually think it's vitally important to have "dumping
         | ground" locations for things that aren't fully figured-out yet.
         | If I'm working on a new thing and I have something that's
         | relevant in multiple files but I'm not sure where it should go,
         | or even whether it will stick around, I don't want to have to
         | come to a screeching halt just to make a taxonomic decision
         | about something that's still a work in progress. The key, of
         | course, is going back and categorizing those things later once
         | you _do_ have an idea of where they should go.
           | ryanianian wrote:
           | > The key, of course, is going back and categorizing those
           | things later once you do have an idea of where they should
           | go.
           | Yes, but in my experience this is rarely done. It's put off
           | until it gets so convoluted that it introduces bugs. The same
           | is true even if you do avoid dumping-grounds: you need to
           | examine the project's state _somewhat_ regularly to ensure it
           | still makes sense. Where code lives can be as important as
           | the code itself and thus deserves at least occasional review
           | and change.
           | allenu wrote:
           | Totally agree. So much of programming and designing is
           | figuring out what pattern your code is falling into and what
           | stuff "is" or "means".
           | I believe it's totally okay to name things utilities when you
           | haven't yet established a common pattern or understanding of
           | it. Naming things is hard and spending so much time on it and
           | organizing things can often block you from progressing to a
           | place where you DO have more information and can
           | intelligently name things.
           | You'll always be juggling unknowns, so it's okay to have
           | dumping grounds here and there, so long as over time you
           | clean them up as you gain more info.
             | brundolf wrote:
             | I recently started working within a Python codebase, and
             | one of the things I really like about it (not sure whether
             | this is standard Python practice) is that most directories
             | have a "common.py" file in them. So if you just want to put
             | something somewhere real quick, you can elevate it to
             | exactly the appropriate directory-level instead of going to
             | a single, global "utils" file. It's a neat pattern.
         | honkycat wrote:
         | I always argue adding "helper" or "util" adds nothing to the
         | description of a file/module/class and is better left off
           | nilkn wrote:
           | I feel like these names convey a lot, though. When I see
           | something like this, I immediately expect it to not do any of
           | the following: (1) contain core logic or define primary
           | classes/types/records; (2) have dramatic side effects; (3) be
           | hard to test; (4) reference or depend on other parts of the
           | codebase; (5) do anything controversial in general.
           | I'd say I'd expect a "utility" to adhere to these conditions
           | more strongly than a "helper," which might be a bit more
           | entangled with application logic.
           | seph-reed wrote:
           | Utility - few or no dependencies. Absolutely no dependencies
           | specific to the project. (array flattener, 2-way map, etc)
           | Helper - function which makes some really common project
           | specific code more DRY (createApiError, genCommonConfig, etc)
             | ravenstine wrote:
             | I'd also consider a Helper to be something that may have
             | application-awareness. Whereas, as you stated, a Utility
             | would have no serious dependencies and is otherwise "dumb".
       | [deleted]
       | rukittenme wrote:
       | I've been wondering a lot recently if folders make projects
       | better or worse.
       | For example, when I write a library its usually very simple.
       | There's a single directory which contains all of the source
       | files. When people use the library they:
       | """
       | import lib
       | lib.run()
       | """"
       | Dead simple, no complex module paths to remember, no hierarchical
       | folder structure forcing you to code based on a pattern rather
       | than functionality. Pure bliss.
       | But on the other hand, I have projects that contain 100k lines of
       | source code. I can't just leave it out in the cold. So poor baby
       | gets a couple of folders.
       | But I do hate it. I hate writing the code. I hate reading it. I
       | hate finding it 6 months after the fact.
       | That's probably just the nature of the job. It is work at the end
       | of the day. Maybe its just doomed to be hard.
         | osener wrote:
         | I'm not plugging the language, but I've come to appreciate
         | OCaml's module system with no imports and (mostly) globally
         | unique module names. No circular dependencies allowed either.
         | You can have multiple modules within a file (which is also a
         | module named after the file name).
         | I structure larger projects as libraries with minimal
         | dependencies that depend on one another, and dump all my
         | modules with descriptive file names under the same directory
         | within the library.
         | I vaguely remember reading something that hinted at Facebook
         | doing something similar with their React components.
       | ldd wrote:
       | There is this wonderful utility: dependency-cruiser[0] for
       | javascript / typescript projects.
       | It visualizes dependencies in a project. I found it so so easy to
       | refactor and move files around after I started using it. I am not
       | usually a visually-oriented person, but for this usecase, and to
       | be happy, `dep-cruiser` surely helps.
       | [0]: https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser
       | kccqzy wrote:
       | I sometimes wish Git properly records copy and move information.
       | It turns out Git's heuristics for detecting copies and moves work
       | about 95% of the time, and for the remaining 5% it's mildly
       | annoying to read a git blame with every line from a move. You can
       | blame further across that move, but that's manual. If copy and
       | move information is perfectly recorded, I'd have more incentive
       | to do these kinds of code reorganization.
         | ryanianian wrote:
         | This article mentioned a while ago had relevant info:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22689301
         | In my experience, ensure you don't change the code as you move
         | it, don't rename files and move content at the same time, and
         | don't move "too much" code in a single commit. Around 2k lines
         | at a time seems to be a good number. Maybe some
         | languages/structures are easier for git to analyze when doing
         | blames.
           | kccqzy wrote:
           | How do you not change the code as it's being moved, when you
           | need to update #include directives, imports, and other file
           | paths?
             | ryanianian wrote:
             | Sometimes it is unavoidable, but in general minimize it.
             | Don't refactor a class and rename it at the same time.
             | Hopefully moves just result in imports and paths changing,
             | something that is not likely to confuse a blame (and rarely
             | do I care about the blame lines on #includes/imports)
             | derefr wrote:
             | It's easy if not every commit needs to compile. :)
       | rudi-c wrote:
       | I've encountered similar difficulties around codebases with a
       | lack of file hierarchy structure. But one major difficulty in
       | fixing the issue is that moving a lot of files around tends to
       | trash `git blame`, which is often more valuable than knowing what
       | folder to put a new file in. Is that something you've
       | encountered?
         | smallnamespace wrote:
         | Try putting the refactoring commit in .git-blame-ignore-revs
         | Lammy wrote:
         | Use Mercurial? :)
         | ryanianian wrote:
         | There are workarounds to get git to search harder or to commit
         | things in a way that's helpful for large-scale file-shuffles,
         | but to be honest I've rarely found this to be enough of a
         | reason to not move things around. The end result is a much more
         | productive and purposeful place for code to live and grow. This
         | said, moving files and moving code within those files at the
         | same time is a recipe for confusing yourself and git. Move
         | files first, then content.
           | [deleted]
       | ryanianian wrote:
       | The concept of linting repo structure is an excellent one.
       | I cannot even get started in projects without a sane repo layout.
       | Source files scattered everywhere unrelated to each other, utils
       | junk-drawers with dozens of files, multiple top-level source
       | directories without explicit rationale, tests and source totally
       | disjoint, hacks to modify build and run paths, implicit
       | dependencies between directories, awful convoluted build-system
       | configuration to match all of these idiosyncrasies, and
       | impossible or very difficult editor/ide integration as a result.
       | Even rails-eque apps (which come with a reasonable structure) get
       | really messy really quickly if somebody doesn't have the
       | diligence to stay on top of it.
       | I want there to be a {sane, polyglot, large-ish-scale} project
       | layout convention that plays well with
       | {intuition/discoverability, build-systems, editors, project
       | size}, but it seems there's an inherent tension between these.
       | Maven tried. Kinda. I wonder if there's a fundamental problem we
       | aren't solving somewhere.
         | DelightOne wrote:
         | In maven I don't like the test-separation from the code itself
         | because its much simpler to find and update them this way.
           | ryanianian wrote:
           | There's a lot to not like about maven. I think that
           | separation was motivated by java's classpath rather than
           | making a 'good'/dev-friendly convention. After 10 years in
           | maven-land, I changed a recent project to put `foo.ts` and
           | `foo.test.ts` in the same directory and its wonderful, but it
           | confuses some build-systems and makes certain kinds of test-
           | helpers harder to write.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | I feel like a lot of the pain in codebase organization boils down
       | to having a technical project structure (i.e. layout on disk)
       | that does not align well with the business. Obviously, it's
       | impossible to force something to directly align with such
       | disparate and abstract requirements, so you have to create
       | abstractions (layers) to enable a hypothetically-pure realm.
       | In our architecture, we've created roughly 2 different kinds of
       | abstraction: Platform and Business.
       | The Platform abstractions are only intended to support themselves
       | and the Business abstractions. These are not supposed to be
       | easily-accessible by non-technical folks. Their entire purpose is
       | to make the Business abstractions as elegant as possible. The
       | idea is these should be slowly-changing and stable across all use
       | cases. Developers are only expected to visit this realm maybe
       | once every other week. We effectively treat ourselves as our own
       | customer with this layer.
       | The Business abstractions are built using only first-party
       | primitives and our Platform layer. Most of this is very clean
       | because we explicitly force all non-business concerns out into
       | the Platform layer. Things like validation logic are written
       | using purely functional code in this realm, which makes it very
       | easy to reason with. Developers are expected to live in this area
       | most of the time. Organization of business abstractions typically
       | falls along lines of usage or logical business activity. We
       | explicitly duplicate some code in order to maintain very clean
       | separation of differing business activities. I've watched first
       | hand as the subtle variances of a single combined Customer model
       | across hundreds of contexts eventually turned it into a boat
       | anchor.
       | As a consequence of all this, our project managers and other non-
       | code-experts are actually able to review large parts of the
       | codebase and derive meaningful insights without a developer
       | babysitting them. We are at a point where project managers can
       | open PRs for adjusting basic validation and parameter items in
       | our customers' biz code. Developers also enjoy not having to do
       | massive altitude shifts on abstractions while reading through 1
       | source file. You either spend a day working platform concerns, or
       | you are in the business layer. Context switching sucks and we
       | built to avoid it as much as possible. IMO, having a bad project
       | structure is one direct side-effect of being forced to context
       | switch all the time.
         | ajsharma wrote:
         | Wow, I love this idea. I'm curious how you have that structured
         | within the code base. Is it literally a platform folder and a
         | business folder?
       (page generated 2020-05-07 23:00 UTC)