[HN Gopher] ESLint 7.0
       ESLint 7.0
       Author : himynameisdave
       Score  : 142 points
       Date   : 2020-05-11 15:42 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (eslint.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (eslint.org)
       | baggachipz wrote:
       | Ah ESLint, the most necessary bane of my existence. Good work to
       | the team for the update.
         | PretzelFisch wrote:
         | I just could not deal with such an opinionated tool. ESLint
         | would not let us adjust settings to accept some of our normal
         | convection's and company code style guidelines.
         | I switched to jshint and have lived a much happier life.
           | yepthatsreality wrote:
           | I feel this way but about `prettier.js` (as opposed to
           | eslint.js) instead.
             | MatekCopatek wrote:
             | That's expected - Prettier intentionally and openly
             | positions themselves at the most extreme extreme end of
             | convention-over-configuration. Their tagline is
             | "Opinionated code formatter". If this bothers you, you
             | should look for a different tool.
           | jakub_g wrote:
           | That's interesting, given that the original idea behind
           | eslint was to create a tool to fix the warts of jshint which
           | was apparently not enough flexible!
           | https://eslint.org/docs/about/
           | > The primary reason ESLint was created was to allow
           | developers to create their own linting rules. ESLint is
           | designed to have all rules completely pluggable.
           | > Every rule... Can be turned off or on (nothing can be
           | deemed "too important to turn off")
           | > Rules are "agenda free" - ESLint does not promote any
           | particular coding style
           | Is it the eslint that's opinionated, of the rules config that
           | you were using? Or the maintainers of the rules in the github
           | repo? (or is this sarcasm :)
       | huy-nguyen wrote:
       | Does this release support Yarn v2's Plug'n'Play?
       | tobilg wrote:
       | Hopefully it got a little less ,,dependency-heavy" than before.
       | Using eslint and babel tends to add 200mb of dev dependencies to
       | a project...
       | sadturnip wrote:
       | Does anyone know if they have addressed the major performance
       | problems with typescript?
       | This was a few months ago, but tslint takes a few seconds on one
       | of our larger code bases. However ESLint with the typescript
       | plugin would take up to a minute+, and seemed to make webstorm
       | struggle with the eslint integration.
         | DerJacques wrote:
         | Could it be that you were using type-aware linting rules? If
         | you have these rules enabled, ESLint basically has to compile
         | all your TS files to check if the rules are followed. Note that
         | most of the ESLint rules are _not_ type aware, but following
         | the setup guides quickly has you turning them on "by accident".
         | For more details, see: https://github.com/typescript-
         | eslint/typescript-eslint/blob/...
         | root_axis wrote:
         | Been testing it out the beta, in my experience performance is
         | better but still behind tslint, though tslint lacks a ton of
         | rules compared to eslint so I am guessing that is partially
         | why. I think the webstorm struggle is a webstorm specific
         | issue, I've seen a few of my co-workers experience similar
         | webstorm slow downs from eslint (and ts) but it works fine for
         | me in vim without any slowdown of the editor itself.
         | dfee wrote:
         | You'll probably need to be more specific about the speed issues
         | you're seeing. I don't see that issue, but I also factor my
         | code into smaller packages in my monorepo (which is a good
         | practice). I still have relatively long lint times against the
         | monorepo (greater than a minute), but that's part of the CI
         | stage.
       | kbd wrote:
       | I haven't done TypeScript/JavaScript in a while. What's the
       | status of ESLint taking over from TSLint (for both the tool
       | itself and the vscode extensions)?
         | azemetre wrote:
         | I think the transition is nearly ironed out, I'd say the only
         | concerns are the edge cases but everyday usage should be fine:
         | https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint
         | Haven't ran into too many issues within the last 8 months or
         | so. Only in Spring 2019 was it bad IME.
         | [deleted]
         | nikaspran wrote:
         | Have exclusively used ESLint for TypeScript over the past year.
         | It works great, no issues. The only slight problem is some
         | rules conflict, but that only comes into play if using a
         | comprehensive preset like airbnb.
       | tuukkah wrote:
       | I have been waiting for this release for the new possibility to
       | include a comment in eslint-disable-{next-}line:
       | // eslint-disable-next-line no-console -- Here's a description
       | about why this configuration is necessary.
       | console.log('hello');
       | https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#disabling-rul...
         | mikewhy wrote:
         | How is that different than:                 // Here's a
         | description about why this configuration is necessary.       //
         | eslint-disable-next-line no-console       console.log('hello');
           | httgp wrote:
           | You could be commenting functions too (day JSDoc it TSDoc)
           | but also want to do an eslint-ignore. It looks better then,
           | IMO.
           | tuukkah wrote:
           | In short: it's more comfortable and more versatile.
           | 1. Sometimes there's already a comment on the preceding line
           | commenting the logic, and the new comment explaining ESLint
           | would have to go awkwardly in-between.
           | 2. Sometimes it's just complicated to word the comment if it
           | can't be on the same line.
           | 3. Sometimes eslint-disable-line is in a place where it would
           | be ugly to have a comment above. Here are two examples from
           | my current project, both from cases where the disable is
           | right after a closing curly brace:                 } as any
           | // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
           | }, [map]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
           | Other cases can be found in the issues:
           | Feature request #1:
           | https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/11298
           | Feature request #2:
           | https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/11806
           | RFC: https://github.com/eslint/rfcs/tree/master/designs/2019-
           | desc...
           | Next up: an ESLint rule that makes the comment obligatory for
           | disable directives.
           | jrrrr wrote:
           | Well, it's on one line for starters ;)
           | Looking at one suppression in one place it doesn't make a big
           | difference.
           | It will help a lot with whole-project search results, though,
           | if you're trying to e.g. fix all the places you had to
           | suppress X because of Y.
         | shpx wrote:
         | Yo dawg, heard you like comments
       | aaomidi wrote:
       | There is a rule in eslint that warns you when a promise is
       | dangling and hasn't been handled.
       | PLEASE USE THAT RULE. So many bugs in the JS world is because of
       | dangling promises.
         | ausjke wrote:
         | hundreds of rules to read, is this on its recommended list if
         | it's so critical? is its name 'no-floating-promises'?
           | aaomidi wrote:
           | It's unfortunately not on the recommended list. For very few
           | circumstances the rule doesn't make sense, but most of the
           | time that shows bad programming design.
           | That's the name!
           | williamdclt wrote:
           | > is its name 'no-floating-promises'
           | Yes, and I subscribe to the parent's sentiment: this rule is
           | essential
             | brycelarkin wrote:
             | https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-
             | eslint/blob/...
         | tengbretson wrote:
         | I can't speak to the front-end, but there are plenty of
         | situations in dealing with node where the correct thing to do
         | is to throw a fatal error. If you have properly setup handlers
         | for the end of the process lifecycle I don't see what the
         | problem is.
           | ergothus wrote:
           | But until recently an unhandled promise failure was NOT a
           | thrown error, and when it is it's not the error you want.
             | tengbretson wrote:
             | Absolutely! I guess what I'm trying to say is that in my
             | experience, crashing on an unhandled rejection is a better
             | remedy to the dangling promise problem than banning them
             | outright.
             | z3t4 wrote:
             | There is a saying - what you don't know can't hurt you. The
             | idea of Promises comes from strongly typed static
             | functional languages. Adding it to JavaScript was a
             | terrible idea. Like with static modules - forcing the user
             | to download the whole website/app before anything is
             | rendered on the screen.
               | aaomidi wrote:
               | Lol what are you on about.
               | You're mixing so many different things right now.
         | dang wrote:
         | _Please don 't use uppercase for emphasis. If you want to
         | emphasize a word or phrase, put asterisks around it and it will
         | get italicized._
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html.
           | edflsafoiewq wrote:
           | HNLint
         | z3t4 wrote:
         | If you add a catch block it will be even worse, all errors
         | inside a promise callback will then become soft errors. Only
         | add the catch if you actually plan to handle the error.
         | nfriedly wrote:
         | I think that's part of the typescript plugin, not part of
         | eslint core - https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-
         | eslint/blob/... (I assume that means it only works on
         | TypeScript.)
         | But, I agree with your point, that rule can catch a lot of
         | bugs.
           | krainboltgreene wrote:
           | There are many ways to get this rule, but the primary one
           | being: https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint-plugin-promise
             | vimslayer wrote:
             | I don't think that plugin catches floating promises, i.e.
             | promises that are not waited (either via await or
             | then/catch method). The rules listed in that package's
             | readme don't seem to mention it at least (unless I'm
             | totally misreading something). You kinda need TypeScript
             | for that because you need the type info to know if a value
             | whether some value is a Promsie to give the warning.
         | zymhan wrote:
         | We use Pulumi and Typescript, and it seems to rely heavily on
         | Promise. I wonder how that ESLint rule would affect Pulumi
         | code?
         | https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model...
           | dfee wrote:
           | I'm not sure on Pulumi specifically, but a .catch on a non-
           | awaited promise should be fine.
       | haolez wrote:
       | I didn't like programming in JavaScript so much because I think
       | the syntax makes it a little harder to read than necessary.
       | However, I confess that after adopting ESLint in my workflow,
       | things have improved considerably. I can ask it to warn me on
       | unused stuff, to enforce the lack of semicolons, to format and
       | indent my code correctly on save... it's a very useful tool. If
       | you have something against JavaScript in general, give it a try.
         | vorpalhex wrote:
         | I also recommend `prettier`. It can be configured to obey
         | eslint and will reformat your code on the fly to fit standards
         | so you can spend less time fighting spacing and more time just
         | writing code. While `eslint --fix` is a thing, prettier parses
         | the underlying AST to do it's transformations and it's a very
         | impressive tool.
           | tomduncalf wrote:
           | Yeah, prettier rocks. I was skeptical for a long time and if
           | I'm honest and think about it I still don't like some of the
           | formatting choices it makes, but I don't notice because of
           | how fluid and pleasant it makes writing code. As an aside,
           | often the "workarounds" result in clearer code, e.g. long
           | formulas getting split up weirdly leads to me splitting
           | stages of the calculation into named variables, which
           | actually reads much better when I return to it months later.
           | No worrying about formatting code as I type, no worrying
           | about checking style on PRs... definitely worth the trade
           | offs for me, I enable it on every project I work on now.
             | Drdrdrq wrote:
             | And if you are working in a team it makes those arguments
             | about styling moot. One of the best aspects of JavaScript.
               | tomduncalf wrote:
               | Yeah that's what I mean about PRs - such a time saver to
               | not discuss trivial code style issues and be able to just
               | focus on the code itself!
               | _virtu wrote:
               | I'll never forget getting our team of 90+ devs to move to
               | prettier because of this argument and then having team
               | members proceed to strong arm me to change the configs to
               | things that they preferred six months after we made the
               | move and we had adopted it across over 10 different
               | repos. Talk about counter to the whole point of using
               | such a wonderful tool.
         | Bishonen88 wrote:
         | You can do most of that without ESLint for any programming
         | language with an IDE. Speaking about jetbrains intellij/pycharm
         | from my own experience.
           | haolez wrote:
           | The IDEs will sometimes use their in-house solution, and
           | sometimes integrate one of these external tools that focus on
           | doing just one thing very well. My setup is VSCode + ESLint
           | when dealing with JavaScript.
       (page generated 2020-05-11 23:00 UTC)