[HN Gopher] I deploy, therefore I am
       I deploy, therefore I am
       Author : mrdonbrown
       Score  : 29 points
       Date   : 2020-05-14 05:56 UTC (17 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.sleuth.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.sleuth.io)
       | grensley wrote:
       | That scoreboard sounds particularly toxic.
       | 0xCMP wrote:
       | Focusing efforts on smaller+faster deploys (along with some
       | measure of deploy quality to weigh those deploys) seems like a
       | far better indicator of a team's velocity than simply tickets
       | closed.
         | mrdonbrown wrote:
         | Exactly. Agreed to all the comments that trying to find a
         | simple metric for developer productivity is futile, but there
         | is value in encouraging people to ship more often, and in doing
         | so, ship smaller things that generally have less risk. Also,
         | ownership is key here as the person writing the code should be
         | the one that pushes it to production and owns its impacts, as
         | I've found this results in higher quality, more sense of
         | ownership, and quicker incident response and frequency
         | reduction.
       | derptron wrote:
       | I hope this stack ranking tool dies a miserable death.
       | mnm1 wrote:
       | So if I deploy one critical, long-term project this month and my
       | coworkers deploy around ten each say, how does this system know
       | that the one thing I deployed was actually more valuable and
       | impactful than all those little deploys? Or do I need to deploy
       | the unfinished work in progress constantly to keep up the metrics
       | because this is just another useless measure like lines of code
       | or commits?
         | urbleflan wrote:
         | This is why cycle time is a much more useful metric. The book
         | "Accelerate" shows what a mature conversation around software
         | metrics should look like.
         | EDIT: To be fair, my point may not directly address yours.
         | "Value" is still a tough thing to determine.
         | asdf21 wrote:
         | Exactly. ^
         | Personally, I like to try to track how many times functions
         | have been called (if possible), where bottlenecks are and if
         | they make sense (is there some trade-off that necessitated
         | them), and overall module usage.
         | That gives a more generally clear picture of performance.
         | mrdonbrown wrote:
         | Assuming your project supported continuous development, I'd
         | probably say you should break that project up into multiple
         | deployments, ideally hidden behind a flag and each easily
         | revertable. This would reduce the risk of each step and
         | hopefully eliminate a whole host of potential incidents.
           | inertiatic wrote:
           | How does code hidden behind a flag become less risky if it's
           | deployed in increments?
           | You will only find out when you allow it to run.
             | mrdonbrown wrote:
             | Well, for example, say you were adding a new preference
             | page. First, I'd do a deploy of the new database table(s),
             | even though they aren't used. Then, I'd add a link to the
             | page in the UI and put that behind a flag, maybe with a
             | small non-functional UI so that the designer could play
             | with it. Then, I'd implement the basic functionality and
             | open it up to my team to start playing with it. Then, I'd
             | ship other deploys for things like tests, more edge cases,
             | UI tweaks, etc.
             | At some point in there, I'd open that page up to my beta
             | customers, trial customers, or whoever is less risk-
             | adverse. Once I'm happy with it, I'd do a percentage
             | rollout to ensure any issues don't affect all customers at
             | once. Just an example, but the idea is to reduce risk of
             | each step and make each step easily reversable/hidden if
             | something comes up.
       | Ididntdothis wrote:
       | I really wish people would stop trying to reduce software
       | development to simple metrics. Number of deploys is as
       | meaningless as lines of code or number of story points as a
       | metric for judging people's performance.
         | CameronNemo wrote:
         | Management is always looking for shortcuts and ways too avoid
         | the difficult job of evaluating people's performance in an
         | objective manner. They see scoreboards, and due dates, and
         | activity streams as important tools for observability. But what
         | they miss out on is the end performance of the actual product,
         | and how individuals played a role in improving or worsening
         | that performance.
           | Ididntdothis wrote:
           | It seems all these short term metrics lead to people picking
           | the simplest tasks and processing them at high volume. I
           | could easily up my story point output by 10x if I picked the
           | simplest bugs and stories from the backlog. Instead I take
           | the most difficult ones where there often is no output for
           | several weeks or longer. Thank god my manger sees the value
           | in that. I would hate an environment where my output is
           | measured in day or hour increments.
         | not_a_moth wrote:
         | It does indicate a culture where there aren't massive barriers
         | to getting changes in.
         | I worked at one startup on the AI team, and we were allowed to
         | deploy at will, we iterated constantly, pushed multi times a
         | day, and had a flat hierarchy. We weren't under the political
         | umbrella of the engineering and product groups. It was
         | definitely risky but no major issues ever came from it and we
         | gained the trust of DevOps team and our CTO.
         | The back end team, different managers, was very hierarchical,
         | had to schedule deploys well in advance and inside certain time
         | windows, and non technical engineering managers would monitor
         | and send summary emails to everyone after each deploy.
         | Guess what, that back end team sucked. Their timelines for
         | features were embarrassingly long, they watched the clock,
         | their managers loved to booze, they overcomplicated the
         | architecture and never produced anything innovative for the
         | company.
         | Deploys can signal culture.
           | Ididntdothis wrote:
           | "Deploys can signal culture."
           | They can signal culture maybe. But if you tell your back end
           | team that you think their culture is bad because of not
           | enough deploys they will crank up the number of deploys
           | without fixing any of the deeper issues. All metrics like
           | number of deploys , tickets closed , story points, number of
           | commits are interesting data points but you should never try
           | to optimize for them. Doing so signals lazy management that
           | likes to beat around the bushes.
           | rcfox wrote:
           | Deploys is perhaps a good metric for engineers looking at
           | managers, but not managers looking at engineers. (And
           | definitely not managers looking at managers!)
           | majormajor wrote:
           | Numbers tell you what is happening, not why it is happening.
           | If you see interesting numbers, you need to figure out the
           | why, before just trying to move the numbers.
         | mcny wrote:
         | > I really wish people would stop trying to reduce software
         | development to simple metrics. Number of deploys is as
         | meaningless as lines of code or number of story points as a
         | metric for judging people's performance.
         | I mostly agree. I for one am a big fan of "painless" deploys.
         | To me it means we should be able to deploy pretty much when we
         | want to...
         | My manager (also a programmer in previous life) once explained
         | to me (privately) is we are neither waterfall nor agile or
         | anything like that. We need to first have a repeatable process
         | before we can even think about those things. (Officially, we
         | were "agile" but that's beyond our pay grade.)
           | Ididntdothis wrote:
           | "I mostly agree. I for one am a big fan of "painless"
           | deploys. To me it means we should be able to deploy pretty
           | much when we want to..."
           | That's a good goal.
       | mpoteat wrote:
       | As other people have specified in this thread, the underlying
       | problem is Goodhart's Law, i.e. these performance tracking
       | systems break down when pressure is applied to them.
         | jacques_chester wrote:
         | There's a difference between "measurement will fail when there
         | is poor management" and "measurement will always fail".
         | But having said that, a _leaderboard_ seems like a handing out
         | poor management tokens.
       | bluehatbrit wrote:
       | There's a reason the execs thinks in terms of revenue, cost, and
       | profit. Why would you want your engineers, designers, or anyone
       | abstracted away from that? From my experience, every time you try
       | to do that you end up with the business and the workforce
       | misaligned.
       | It's not always easy to quantify value, and sometimes the return
       | on an investment is slow and that can be unattractive. However,
       | that doesn't mean we should try and hide away from figuring out
       | the true value of work in business terms.
       | In my opinion, we should judge the impact and effectiveness on
       | the base line metrics as the rest of the org. In a for profit
       | company that's measures such as increasing customer spend,
       | increasing conversion rates, reducing churn, reducing operational
       | costs. All of those measures can be directly tied to revenue,
       | costs, and profit. It's the language the business speaks, why
       | would you want to speak a different language to the rest of the
       | business? More than that, why would you want to start measuring
       | performance in a different way to the rest of the business?
       (page generated 2020-05-14 23:00 UTC)