[HN Gopher] Up to 4GB of Memory in WebAssembly
       Up to 4GB of Memory in WebAssembly
       Author : feross
       Score  : 76 points
       Date   : 2020-05-14 14:41 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (v8.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (v8.dev)
       | xscott wrote:
       | I wish new platforms would embrace 64 bit as the default. C and
       | C++ for all common platforms use 32 bit literals and prefer 32
       | bit operations (char * short => int). Rust made a similar
       | mistake. Java arrays use 32 bit subscripts, etc... I don't have a
       | single computer (including my phone) using 32 bit pointers, but
       | integers are stuck in the late 80s. (We already had 64 bit DEC
       | alphas in the early 90s)
       | For a web page, 4 gig seems like a courtesy limitation to users,
       | but that should be enforced by the browser refusing to suck up
       | the entire computer rather than the language being unable to. I
       | routinely write (non-web) applications which use arrays larger
       | than 4 gigasamples.
         | gpm wrote:
         | I, on the other hand, wish everyone would embrace 32 bit by
         | default. Doubling the size of every index, integer, etc comes
         | at significant memory cost for next to no benefit. Increasing
         | the amount of memory used directly impacts performance
         | considering how slow memory is and how important it is to keep
         | commonly used items in cache.
         | If you're seriously using more than 4gb in a web page... I
         | wouldn't mind a non-default wasm64 format. You should also be
         | considering shipping a native app at that point, wasm is not
         | free in terms of performance.
           | centimeter wrote:
           | > Doubling the size of every index, integer, etc comes at
           | significant memory cost for next to no benefit.
           | The _overwhelming_ majority of GUI program data is composed
           | of images, textures, sounds, videos, 3D models, text, etc.
           | I would bet that less than 5% of the memory required to host
           | a popular web page (facebook, amazon, etc.) is dedicated to
           | pointers, array indices, etc.
             | gpm wrote:
             | The overwhelming majority of what wasm will be used for
             | probably does not include images, textures, sounds, videos
             | or 3d models. The overwhelming majority of the memory in
             | most wasm programs will probably be not large arrays of
             | text.
             | The webpage as a whole is a gui program, but wasm is
             | primarily a place to run computationally intensive code.
             | The web-browser deals with things like rendering images
             | natively without storing the image in wasm.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | What do you think that computationally expensive code is
               | cranking on? It ain't small bits of text.
               | [deleted]
             | Hokusai wrote:
             | You are probably right about the heap, but in the stack
             | there are no big data structures. To move all data types to
             | 64bits would impact the stack size of processes and
             | threads.
             | Bigger data structures also mean more cache misses. So,
             | systems would be also slower. As, bringing data from memory
             | to the CPU is very slow compared with accessing L1 or L2
             | cached data.
             | So, you have a point. But, it does not apply equally to all
             | data.
               | xscott wrote:
               | Let's take an example in your favor and say you've got 16
               | integer local variables per stack frame and you're
               | recursing 1000 (!!!) times over some really unbalanced
               | tree or such. You saved 64 kilobytes...
               | Ok, now let's say 32 bit integers are the standard: You
               | either wrote a program that starts to fail in mysterious
               | ways when someone runs it on a 2 GB file, or you
               | complicated the hell out of your data structures by
               | needing arrays of arrays (i.e.
               | https://www.nayuki.io/page/large-arrays-proposal-for-
               | java).
               | It should be easier to make correct programs.
           | skunkworker wrote:
           | On some platforms like ARM, the transition from 32bit to
           | 64bit(Aarch64) and the improvements to the ISA allowed some
           | software to run much quicker on the same hardware. While the
           | increased memory usage was detrimental if you are running
           | into memory pressure issues, the speed improvements would be
           | well worth the change for most tasks.
           | When the Pi 3 launched it had a 32bit OS, but switching to
           | 64bit improved the speed from 15 to 30% at the cost of 1.5X
           | larger memory size.[1]
           | [1] https://www.cnx-software.com/2016/03/01/64-bit-arm-
           | aarch64-i...
             | gpm wrote:
             | There doesn't have to be a choice between a fast ISA, and
             | even 64 bit registers, and using 32 bit pointers/indices.
             | We can do theoretically do both - it's just extremely rare
             | in practice.
         | metalliqaz wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure rust uses usize, which is 64 bits on modern
         | architectures.
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | Rust literals will infer their type from context if possible.
           | Otherwise I believe the default is i32. There are also
           | literal suffixes. So you can 999u64 of 999.02f64 if you want.
             | metalliqaz wrote:
             | literals, yes, but he's talking specifically about indexing
             | into arrays by my understanding
               | steveklabnik wrote:
               | Yes, so, the situation is:
               | #![feature(type_name_of_val)]                  fn main()
               | {             let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
               | let x = 1;             let y = 1;
               | v[x];
               | dbg!(std::any::type_name_of_val(&x));
               | dbg!(std::any::type_name_of_val(&y));         }
               | gives                 [src/main.rs:11]
               | std::any::type_name_of_val(&x) = "usize"
               | [src/main.rs:12] std::any::type_name_of_val(&y) = "i32"
               | https://play.rust-
               | lang.org/?version=nightly&mode=debug&editi...
           | zozbot234 wrote:
           | usize can even be 16 bits, when targeting small
           | microcontrollers and vintage architectures.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | Do you happen to have an Apple Watch?
         | skybrian wrote:
         | Using 32-bit pointers can save a lot of memory in pointer-heavy
         | data. Saving memory matters on mobile devices.
       | Ericson2314 wrote:
       | Why do we need to support stating the length ~~"2^32+1"~~ 2^32?
         | wahern wrote:
         | It would be "2^32", not "2^32+1". 2^32 isn't representable in a
         | 32-bit integer, the same way 256 isn't representable in an
         | 8-bit integer--the maximum is 2^8-1, or 255.
         | But the argument that they need to represent 2^32 and therefore
         | _that 's_ why they used 64-bit integers is dubious. No 32-bit
         | WebAssembly program could ever operate on and pass an object as
         | large as 2^32 bytes because the code and data structures for
         | the smallest possible program would already take up more than 1
         | byte in that 32-bit address space.
           | snek wrote:
           | As is mentioned in the article, u64 was used to future proof
           | for wasm's upcoming memory64 type: https://github.com/WebAsse
           | mbly/memory64/blob/master/proposal...
             | Ericson2314 wrote:
             | Yeah, so what are they going to do when they then claim to
             | need to to represent the length 2^64?
               | colejohnson66 wrote:
               | If you have 2^64 objects, you have a bigger problem.
               | Dylan16807 wrote:
               | That won't happen on a 64 bit machine. By the time we
               | need that, the code will be so vastly different that
               | trying to prepare for it now would be counterproductive.
       | MaxKK wrote:
       | Amazing that they have a dark mode detection on that website.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | Unfortunately their dark mode detection is incorrect on my
         | computer :(
         | TeMPOraL wrote:
         | You can do that in CSS now. I've noticed surprisingly many
         | sites adjusting when I started using a Windows machine and set
         | my system-wide preference to dark mode.
           | diffrinse wrote:
           | Prolly cause the devs themselves use it
             | aledalgrande wrote:
             | Yup I try to convert every product I develop lol
         | austincheney wrote:
         | I am not seeing any difference in Firefox.
       | baybal2 wrote:
       | So, will we need to have 4GB of ram to run Javascripts now? :)
         | orangepanda wrote:
         | The title refers to web assembly memory limit. However, it's
         | mentioned javascript now supports up to 16 million terabytes of
         | memory (equivalent to 4 jira tabs).
           | eggsnbacon1 wrote:
           | Hah! It really is comical how insanely slow and bloated JIRA
           | is. Its the only tab I keep open 24/7 because loading it
           | takes so long.
           | When I restart my PC I have a login script that fires up a
           | bunch of slow stuff while I get coffee. My IDE's, Docker
           | containers... and my JIRA tab :)
           | cookiengineer wrote:
           | Came here to see this, was not disappointed.
           | abfan1127 wrote:
           | I must be tired, because the Jira stab went right over my
           | head, twice! well done.
         | seangrogg wrote:
         | Taken seriously: RAM often does get offloaded to disk as
         | needed, so realistically this changes nothing in terms of specs
         | needed to handle what's in memory.
         | Taken less seriously: Do you not already need this just to run
         | JIRA on Chrome? Or apps on Electron, generally?
           | eggsnbacon1 wrote:
           | I've found its faster and more reliable to reload JIRA tabs
           | by simply creating a VM, running it on a browser in there,
           | and pausing the VM when you don't need JIRA. When you need
           | it, or after a restart, simply load up your VM and resume the
           | operating system. This usually takes only a second or two,
           | much faster than reloading JIRA the normal way.
           | If anyone from Atlassian is here, please help me create an
           | official JIRA tab VM image! Maintaining my JIRA OS negates
           | probably half the time I save loading JIRA this way!
         | shrimp_emoji wrote:
         | If we start playing crossplatform, browser-based wasm games[0],
         | we might. And we should. OS independence when.
         | 0: https://wasm.continuation-labs.com/d3demo/
       | pan69 wrote:
       | Are WebAssembly projects going to display a message somewhere
       | that says "WEB4G" when started?
       | (disclaimer: If you're under 35 you might not get this reference)
         | recursive wrote:
         | I'm 39 and I don't get it.
           | hed wrote:
           | I assume it's from when you used to boot DOS mode games that
           | addressed beyond 640KB conventional memory they had DOS/4GW
           | labeled all over.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOS/4G
             | recursive wrote:
             | The slash helps. I'm pretty sure Duke Nukem, Doom, and
             | similar all showed that banner during startup.
       | greatgib wrote:
       | It's like reinventing what exists and doing the same mistakes
       | that were already done!
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Just reading the part about the ensuing JavaScript implications
       | gave me a stress-headache. Bless the people who are willing to
       | work through these kinds of issues so the rest of us get to use
       | the result.
       (page generated 2020-05-14 23:01 UTC)