[HN Gopher] The Great CoffeeScript to Typescript Migration of 2017
       The Great CoffeeScript to Typescript Migration of 2017
       Author : dgoldstein0
       Score  : 135 points
       Date   : 2020-05-15 20:05 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (dropbox.tech)
 (TXT) w3m dump (dropbox.tech)
       | jtth wrote:
       | This makes me miss CoffeeScript. Ah, well.
         | city41 wrote:
         | Only thing I still miss is noop functions are two characters.
         | Everything else I liked is in JS now that nullish coalescing
         | landed.
           | recursive wrote:
           | `_=>_` is technically more than two, but not by much.
             | hombre_fatal wrote:
             | Identity function is more confusing than just ()=>{} which
             | is obviously noop because it doesn't return the input.
       | seemslegit wrote:
       | Cofeescript will always be remembered as peak code hipsterdom.
       | erichurkman wrote:
       | My fond memory of CoffeeScript was an interview I did way back
       | when at Olark. It was a full day 'paid work along' interview that
       | was popular at the time. I'd never touched CoffeeScript prior. In
       | less than the day, I was proficient enough even navigating a
       | foreign code base to build out a small feature within the Olark
       | platform. (I think it was managing chat operators as groups?)
       | Fond memories!
       | k__ wrote:
       | CoffeeScript? 2017?
       | I had the impression that CS was done when ES2015 came out in ...
       | Well 2015
       | I personally prefered LiveScript, should have been.
         | bcrosby95 wrote:
         | They started the project of looking for a replacement language
         | in 2015. You can't instantly rewrite all the code.
           | k__ wrote:
           | -can't +shouldn't
           | My co-worker of that time did exactly that one week before I
           | got hired.
           | Also, he told noone.
           | I just saw it one time, when I played around with a tool that
           | would visualize Git commits, years later. Thousands of lines
           | of code.
           | Absolute mad lad.
       | thrower123 wrote:
       | The only people I ever knew personally who used CoffeeScript also
       | used Rails. That was usually the combo then.
       | The shine has kind of come off Rails, and the cool kids followed
       | the shiny to the next thing, usually node, and so they moved to
       | Typescript.
       | nosefrog wrote:
       | I worked on this project, it was super fun. Open to answering any
       | questions.
         | faitswulff wrote:
         | What was fun about it?
         | city41 wrote:
         | I'm curious why not allow implicit anys instead of creating the
         | tool that inserted anys? Seems roughly the same outcome but
         | implicit anys would take a lot less work?
           | dgoldstein0 wrote:
           | Because of the way we had type checking set up - our existing
           | code already used noImplicitAny, and we wanted to keep that,
           | and we were typechecking it all in one shot, together, so we
           | couldn't have different typescript flags for different files.
           | Now as to why to use noImplicitAny in the first place: mainly
           | because implicit anys are usually accidents - places where
           | developers didn't realize they should put a type. And the
           | explicit `any` in many ways is sitting there for anyone who
           | cares to replace it with something better; whereas implicit
           | anys are much harder to notice.
       | lewis1028282 wrote:
       | Is CoffeeScript all but dead? I use Ruby and Python a lot so the
       | syntax of CoffeeScript looks great to me!
         | rogem002 wrote:
         | I do Rails full time and most the CoffeeScript lives in the
         | "legacy" side projects. Most projects I'm on have moved to
         | vanilla JavaScript or ES6 via Webpack.
         | I don't think it's dead (it's still popping up), but I think
         | it's time has passed.
       | CapriciousCptl wrote:
       | I fully remember picking up coffeescript because Dropbox had used
       | it. I only ever used it on one project. I try and remember that
       | every time I have the urge to go with Reason, Elm or even wasm
       | compiling things. Long live JS.
         | Roboprog wrote:
         | If you are trying to build for a business, or something you
         | yourself will have to maintain for years to come, vanilla JS
         | seems like the way to go.
         | Perhaps Typescript isn't a fad to be abandoned, unlike say GWT,
         | CoffeeScript, et al, but why risk it?
         | Javascript doesn't feel painful to me like Java does. I don't
         | have a lot of problems with it that need solving with an
         | alternate front end.
         | Long live JS!
           | karatestomp wrote:
           | AFAIK TS is pretty committed (at the expense of possibly-
           | useful functionality) to being very, very simple to strip
           | out, leaving vanilla JS in its wake. Unless you're minifying,
           | the compiler output typically looks almost exactly like the
           | well-formatted, sane, and readable JS you'd have written
           | instead. That escape hatch is part of why I've not worried a
           | bit about taking it up. Turning a TS project into a JS
           | project, should you ever need to, is functionality that's
           | essentially built-in, and you do it every time you run "tsc".
           | Roboprog wrote:
           | Once you stop making hundreds of classes with globally
           | visible names and members, and start using function scope,
           | functional programming, and mostly short lived value objects,
           | much of the OOP induced pain of programming simply goes away.
           | Alas, this requires training of the road not taken.
         | melling wrote:
         | Does any alternative have any traction?
         | ReasonML is used by Facebook. Elm used to get more attention on
         | HN.
         | city41 wrote:
         | Since wasm has native browser support it doesn't really feels
         | like it fits into this group. I have a feeling in a few years
         | wasm will be pretty common.
           | julianeon wrote:
           | Yeah, wasm is offering something those others aren't. You
           | could say that Coffeescript to Typescript is a lateral move.
           | Try as you might, you can't do the things wasm is best for -
           | say, graphics - in Coffeescript.
       | eecc wrote:
       | I wonder what happened with the devs that started the tumble
       | towards the Coffeescript migration... still locked in the cellar?
       | dgoldstein0 wrote:
       | Author here, also willing to answer questions
       | Jare wrote:
       | > it was absurd to expect anyone to want this as their full time
       | job for even a month or two
       | That gave me a true 'kids these days' moment...
       | In my day within a spanish bank, as a team of 4 interns, we spent
       | over 6 months reviewing/documenting an entire proprietary
       | platform C codebase (full of gotos, endian-dependent hacks, post-
       | compile patches and every horrible thing you could imagine), and
       | then with a larger (~3x) team about 12 months cleaning, porting
       | and expanding that codebase to a clean platform (if you can call
       | SCO Unix 'clean').
       | What sort of dynamics prevent a product startup like Dropbox
       | build an engineering team that includes the capability to do such
       | a task?
         | bcrosby95 wrote:
         | Because startups tend to use how much you enjoy coding as a
         | proxy for how good of a coder you are. So if you purposefully
         | hire a bunch of people because they like coding, it's going to
         | cause a shitload of problems once you unleash an "unfun" job
         | like this on them for such a long period of time.
           | whynotminot wrote:
           | Wait what? So you should hire coders who don't like coding to
           | do coding?
             | mwcampbell wrote:
             | Maybe it's more about hiring people with a strong work
             | ethic, who will do whatever needs doing, not just what's
             | fun. Note: I don't think I'm really one of those people.
             | nojito wrote:
             | People who "like" coding tend to prefer hot new tech as a
             | way of experimentation.
             | They often ignore the actual business problem that needs to
             | be solved, because it can be solved using "boring"
             | technology.
           | Jare wrote:
           | Consider that I joined the bank as an intern and college
           | student, but I had been programming for 10 years (almost 100%
           | assembly) including two commercial video games published in
           | my teens. And there was another like me in the team. We loved
           | coding dearly, and 30 years later I still do (the other one
           | pivoted into law, ah well). But work's work and must get
           | done, right?
           | austincheney wrote:
           | As a JavaScript developer this is limited only to everywhere.
           | As for myself I like coding, but what I really mean is I like
           | writing original software to solve automation problems, which
           | clearly not the same definition some of my prior colleagues
           | have used.
         | iliekcomputers wrote:
         | I would assume most engineers would like to spend time building
         | stuff instead of migrating already built stuff to a different
         | but kinda similar language.
         | I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to do a
         | CoffeeScript to TypeScript migration full time for an entire
         | year. It's basically the equivalent of creating a "tech-debt"
         | team and giving them only tasks which pay down tech debt. Sure,
         | there are situations where tech debt needs to be paid down and
         | you could make an entire team do it for an year, but the
         | engineers will probably not _like_ being on the team.
         | dgoldstein0 wrote:
         | I didn't say people _wouldn 't_ do it. Some people actually
         | did! the whole Maestro team, for most of Q2 2017, for instance.
         | Part of my point though is that converting coffeescript to
         | typescript was very boring, mostly mechanical work (which is
         | more obvious in hindsight, since we actually automated most of
         | it). Sure, you could make the code better while you are there,
         | but that actually was likely to add bugs, which could
         | significantly delay such conversions, or lead you to chasing
         | around the codebase to figure out how to get typechecking to
         | work with your attempt at better types. What you are describing
         | - going through an old codebase and figuring out how to fix it
         | - sounds a lot more interesting! though definitely there are
         | plenty of people who wouldn't want that job either.
         | But really the biggest blocker to executing on the manual
         | conversion strategy was management. They already had other
         | commitments for their teams, and spending a few thousand hours
         | converting coffeescript to typescript wasn't as high of a
         | priority for most of them, than the things their teams were
         | actually working on. This partly comes down to our incentive
         | structure - doing work for other teams, especially in a
         | migration like this, can often feel like a chore, and is often
         | not really rewarded with anything. But prioritization for a
         | large project like this also takes a lot of input from upper
         | management, and they didn't want to sacrifice other priorities
         | to keep the original manual conversion plan on track.
           | Jare wrote:
           | I guess part of what you are saying is, that getting that
           | task done was not so important for Dropbox in the grand
           | scheme of things.
           | In the case I described, it was life and death for the entire
           | organisation (proprietary hardware platform was EOL'd, so
           | cero possibility of growth), and the managers that led it
           | (and trusted 4 interns to do the ground work!) got rewarded
           | handsomely AFAIK.
           | Thanks for a great writeup and clarifications!
       | 29athrowaway wrote:
       | Coffeescript tried to simplify the syntax, but it went too far.
       | - A statement such as f(g(x)) becomes absurd without parentheses.
       | - Indentation has a meaning, but it is legal to have inconsistent
       | indentation.
       | Code is written once, read many times. Coffeescript got that
       | backwards.
       | CoffeeScript is to JavaScript what Stenography is to Writing.
       | Steno makes sense when you have to write something being dictated
       | to you in real-time, but if you are not in a hurry, just write.
         | diegoperini wrote:
         | > A statement such as f(g(x)) becomes absurd without
         | parentheses.
         | This was a feature I actually enjoyed.
         | dgoldstein0 wrote:
         | precisely.
         | Though some of their constructs, like classes and for-in loops
         | - are great for reading and writing.
           | 29athrowaway wrote:
           | Coffeescript does have useful features, but problems such as
           | the ones I described made CoffeeScript code inconvenient to
           | maintain in practice.
           | If we weigh the convenient aspects of CoffeeScript against
           | the inconvenient aspects, in the end, CoffeeScript can be an
           | inconvenient language to use. It was the case at least for me
           | in various projects I had to maintain.
           | Part of the inconvenience was all the JavaScript tooling you
           | cannot use, and occassionally being forced to read JavaScript
           | code generated by CoffeeScript.
             | dgoldstein0 wrote:
             | Yup, totally agree. In 2012 when we adopted Coffeescript,
             | it was less cut and dry - all the open source tools we love
             | now - prettier, eslint, etc. - didn't exist. So the
             | tradeoff was less obvious then.
         | [deleted]
       | blitmap wrote:
       | I truly do not understand why so many jumped from Coffeescript. I
       | still use it and still believe I can be more concise and
       | expressive in Coffeescript. Typescript and ES2015 picked up a lot
       | of wonderful things, but I find myself writing a lot less
       | boilerplate in Coffeescript. I will continue to "do me". I dev in
       | Coffeescript and publish in JS. The project even made it a focus
       | to transpile to readable/friendly JS. No biggie.
       | I would not publish things like this, though :)
       | console.log [ i if i % 3 and i % 5, 'fizz' unless i % 3, 'buzz'
       | unless i % 5 ].join '' for i in [ 1 .. 100 ]
       | Separately, I bought overpriced raspberry pi's instead of cheaper
       | alternatives because I knew the community was a strong source of
       | support. Modern JS has a much larger community than Coffeescript
       | 2.
         | dgoldstein0 wrote:
         | I recall when we first adopted Coffeescript, the engineers who
         | did it touted that we had about 20% fewer lines of code as an
         | example of coffeescript being better - a lot of which was
         | probably just the removal of lines that only had curly-braces.
         | In hindsight, this wasn't a good metric to judge the language
         | on.
         | As a larger engineering organization, what we've definitely
         | learned over time is that we need to prioritize readability
         | (and maintainability) over writability - as our code is going
         | to last a long time and the original engineer who wrote it,
         | will likely move on to another project, team, or even company.
         | And while maybe they train their replacement, after a second or
         | third iteration of that, the knowledge can easily end up lost.
         | Coffeescript, as a language, definitely prioritizes terseness,
         | often at the expense of readability. And we didn't have
         | internal coding standards that pushed back on this.
         | But even if we had done a better job using coffeescript, we're
         | still better off in typescript today, due to the stronger
         | community and stronger set of available open source tools to
         | work with the language.
           | baddox wrote:
           | In my view, the primary advantage of CoffeeScript was to
           | provide ways to avoid JavaScript footguns. I think that a
           | combination of ES 2015 and wider propagation of best
           | practices have made many such footguns avoidable in practice
           | without using CoffeeScript.
             | acdha wrote:
             | That matches my experience: the pitch was writing less,
             | safer code but I found that JSHint (back then) had a
             | comparable effect without a stop-the-world migration and a
             | lot of the size reductions weren't significant compared to
             | following any style standards for naming, comments, etc.
             | city41 wrote:
             | But it brought along its own footguns. The article has one
             | example
             | > For example, we had a major production bug in the fall of
             | 2013 due to a misplaced space character.
               | agency wrote:
               | Definitely my experience. Implicit returns are just a
               | breathtakingly bad idea and I have personally witnessed
               | them cause countless bugs.
               | city41 wrote:
               | I think they can be ok in a language where it's been well
               | thought out. Like implicit return in clojure has never
               | bugged or surprised me.
           | blitmap wrote:
           | I think it does depend on how familiar the syntax feels to
           | each individual. To me Coffeescript is the right balance. I
           | absolutely love writing Literate Coffeescript. I am _not_ a
           | fan of strictly typed languages but I do hope Coffeescript
           | finds a friendly syntax for gradual typing like TS in the
           | future. I usually prototype in a 'ducky' way and then lock
           | down type expectations when I'm polishing.
             | dgoldstein0 wrote:
             | this is totally fair, but these days you are far more
             | likely to find engineers to hire who know JavaScript or
             | Typescript, than Coffeescript. This certainly matters more
             | to larger projects and larger companies.
           | erikw wrote:
           | I see readability as a key advantage of TS. Once you are able
           | to comfortably read type signatures, it is trivial to see
           | what a function is supposed to do, or what a library is
           | supposed to provide. When things don't work as expected, then
           | it's just a matter of hopping into the debugger to inspect
           | data inflight to find where the typings aren't matching up
           | with reality.
             | dgoldstein0 wrote:
             | yup, types are a huge advantage, especially in large
             | codebases where you probably don't know all the people who
             | may write code to interact with your code.
             | Readability of types can become an issue over time, but
             | with the right naming of interfaces and useful type
             | aliases, that can be mitigated to some extent. And as the
             | typescript language and community evolve together, there
             | are new ways to make some types even more readable - I've
             | seen generics for getting the return type of a function,
             | which seems potentially really useful (and some people
             | swear by; I haven't used them extensively, but it looks
             | like a promising idea).
             | 2019-nCoV wrote:
             | It is not at all trivial to see what a function is supposed
             | to do from its type sig. There are an infinite number of
             | valid type safe implementations for:
             | transform(a: number): number
               | keymone wrote:
               | It makes a number out of a number. Type signature isn't
               | supposed to explain the implementation, just the
               | interface.
             | brazzy wrote:
             | Uh... welcome to static typing. Yes, it's nice.
             | Shacklz wrote:
             | > where the typings aren't matching up with reality.
             | There are also libraries which provide runtime type
             | validation, such as zod or io-ts. Can only recommend; they
             | allow that in combination with typescript's strict mode
             | your types become completely reliable.
         | heipei wrote:
         | Same here, still using it for frontend (Ember and React) and
         | backend work to this day and very happy and productive with it.
         | Almost never have cases where I thought I needed more
         | strictness or better community support. I am both more
         | comfortable writing code as well as reading code in it,
         | especially because it enforces significant whitespace and
         | allows you to have more code on the screen because you omit a
         | lot of filler stuff like braces, semicolons, bar/let/const etc.
         | It's not for everyone but my brain is 100% in tune with it.
         | Coffeescript, lodash and a functional approach to writing code
         | are pure bliss to me.
         | luketheobscure wrote:
         | I ported several large code bases off of CoffeeScript last
         | year, mostly to JavaScript, but some to TypeScript. Simply
         | being able to use ESLint is worth it (CoffeLint wasn't even
         | close). I wrote CoffeeScript for years but I don't miss it one
         | bit-especially now that TypeScript has optional chaining!
         | choward wrote:
         | > I truly do not understand why so many jumped from
         | Coffeescript
         | You clear up your own confusion right here:
         | > console.log [ i if i % 3 and i % 5, 'fizz' unless i % 3,
         | 'buzz' unless i % 5 ].join '' for i in [ 1 .. 100 ]
         | And you said:
         | > I would not publish things like this, though :)
         | You just did though ;)
         | > I still use it and still believe I can be more concise and
         | expressive in Coffeescript. Typescript and ES2015 picked up a
         | lot of wonderful things, but I find myself writing a lot less
         | boilerplate in Coffeescript
         | That boilerplate that you imply hinders conciseness isn't just
         | boilerplate. It's code that helps you automate getting rid of
         | certain classes of bugs. It also in most cases makes the code
         | more readable IMO. And if the problem you are trying to solve
         | is having to type less, I believe that's a job for your editor
         | and tooling.
       | studentik wrote:
       | CoffeeScript rocks for functional programming. Less chars and
       | more sense per LoC, easier to learn than JavaScript and syntax
       | sugar is sweet.
       | bambataa wrote:
       | As someone who came into development after the Coffeescript wave
       | I'm interested to know: how much did it feel like the future?
       | Was it always an early adopter, "look how forward we are" kind of
       | thing, or was it just popular with Rubyists?
       | I'm trying to calibrate it with other possibly-next-big-thing
       | front end languages.
         | wahnfrieden wrote:
         | Personally speaking from what I saw around the internet and my
         | own experiences with peers using it, it was contentious whether
         | it was so forward-thinking or sufficiently differentiated to
         | make it worth it.
           | bartread wrote:
           | Back in 2013/14 I remember on a couple of occasions being
           | quite annoyed when I found npm packages that I wanted to
           | bugfix were written in Coffeescript rather than plain old JS.
           | It always seemed so unnecessary, and tended to push me
           | towards alternative solutions.
         | agilebyte wrote:
         | Some things still remain in the "future" bucket and I miss in
         | JS/TS, like the native support for literate programming which
         | lets you write your code and documentation together and
         | generate e.g.:
         | https://github.com/radekstepan/metalsmith-related#source
         | chipotle_coyote wrote:
         | I think CoffeeScript was definitely popular outside the Ruby
         | community, too, for a while. (After all, Dropbox was/is a
         | Python shop, not Ruby!)
         | Speaking strictly for myself, while I liked a lot of what
         | CoffeeScript was trying to do, I didn't love the "one layer
         | removed" feel of writing in a language that wasn't the one
         | actually being executed. Also, I often found CoffeeScript to be
         | cryptic in ways that vanilla JS, for all its quirks, really
         | wasn't. So I think it felt like the future for a couple years,
         | until JavaScript ES6 took off and it started feeling kind of
         | superfluous -- ES6 felt like it was taking the good parts of
         | CoffeeScript while leaving a lot of the quirks behind.
         | dgoldstein0 wrote:
         | It was definitely popular beyond Rubyists - Dropbox was
         | originally a python-based engineering organization, and we
         | picked it up, and a lot of us liked it for a few years.
         | I think the main thing to note is that we were supporting IE7+
         | when we adopted coffeescript. So we couldn't even write
         | standard ES5 - ES3 would have been the lowest common
         | denominator supported. So having classes, optional chaining,
         | array comprehensions, for-in loops that actually looped over
         | items in an array (like ES6 for-of) - all those features were
         | super useful. And you didn't need to worry about function
         | declaration hoisting (or any confusion it could cause) because
         | coffeescript only compiled to function expressions, which got
         | bound to variables.
         | Unfortunately, coffeescript came with some others like implicit
         | returns and tons of optional syntax that we didn't realize was
         | problematic until far too late.
         | And being a python-based org, having a frontend language that
         | looked similar (space-delimited, a lot of similar features e.g.
         | array comprehensions were like list comprehensions, ternaries
         | that looked more readable) seemed like features. But some of
         | these features bit us hard at times, because they didn't work
         | like python - the worst, in my opinion, was that `is not` and
         | `isnt` looked the same but meant very different things in
         | coffeescript. `is not` meaning `=== !` and isnt meant `!==`.
         | But given the alternative was writing prototypical-inheritance
         | by hand, and dealing with various IE7isms directly? It was a
         | sensible tradeoff at the time.
           | danenania wrote:
           | What's wrong with implicit returns? I've always liked those
           | in CoffeeScript and Ruby.
             | city41 wrote:
             | It can cause surprises. One of the biggest ones is turning
             | a loop into an expression if it's the last thing a function
             | does.
             | Edit: here is an example
             | https://coffeescript.org/#try:-%3E%20%0A%20%20for%20i%20in%
             | 2...
               | rraval wrote:
               | Accumulating loop results in an array is bad for perf,
               | but won't necessarily cause logic bugs.
               | My favourite implicit return gotcha comes from the
               | intersection of CoffeeScript and jQuery, where implicitly
               | returning `false` from an event handler implies
               | `preventDefault()` and `stopPropagation()`. This can even
               | cause heisenbugs if your logging throws booleans around.
         | nevir wrote:
         | CoffeScript had quite a bit of influence on JavaScript and
         | TypeScript today (and/or really great timing w/ similar
         | thinking). All of these were in early releases of CoffeeScript,
         | and showed up in modern JavaScript years later:
         | * fat arrow functions
         | * classes
         | * template strings, multiline strings
         | * destructuring and ...rest values (splatting)
         | * elvis operator (foo?.bar?.baz - in TypeScript)
         | honorable mention
         | * list/iterator comprehensions (made some good progress in the
         | ES speccing process, but ultimately didn't land)
           | dgoldstein0 wrote:
           | ah, I forgot coffeescript had destructuring! yes, that is a
           | great feature.
           | BurningFrog wrote:
           | Yeah, is this sense Coffeescript didn't only feel like the
           | future, it _was_ a preview of the future.
           | wonnage wrote:
           | I think it was also a forcing function for a lot of modern
           | development patterns. Bundlers, sourcemaps, even chrome's
           | prettyprint, all became mainstream around the time
           | coffeescript was relevant (~2011?) I think they all existed
           | before then, debugging coffeescript was a huge pain in the
           | ass without them.
         | chanind wrote:
         | Coffeescript definitely felt soooo much nicer to work with than
         | JS at the time. Writing in Coffeescript back in 2012 felt like
         | Typescript does now, where going back to working in base JS
         | felt miserable after using it. ES6 took a lot of ideas from
         | coffeescript which basically made it redundant. I wonder if the
         | same will happen to Typescript if types get added into a future
         | version of JS? We'll probably have another post about switching
         | a massive codebase off Typescript onto whatever the next big
         | thing is.
           | danenania wrote:
           | TypeScript almost seems designed to be transitional, and I
           | say that as a huge fan and heavy user of TS. Gradual typing
           | is fantastic for learning, porting a codebase, and interop
           | with JS libraries, but as TS gets more ubiquitous and
           | everyone goes toward strict mode, people are going to start
           | wanting runtime enforcement of types, and to stop adding a
           | 'type' or 'tag' or whatever metadata key to all their
           | objects. After getting a taste of a good type system, people
           | naturally want to go all the way.
           | If TS doesn't figure out how to provide this in a nice way, I
           | imagine there will be a fork or a new dialect eventually, or
           | JS will get types added natively like you say, and lots of
           | people will move in that direction.
         | barrkel wrote:
         | Probably the single biggest practical thing it did was fix
         | `this` via `=>` when using jQuery or jQuery-based frameworks
         | like Backbone.js. This didn't feel like the future so much as a
         | fix for a giant painful wart in JS.
         | The second nicest thing about it was the way it eliminated a
         | lot of ceremonial redundancy around code, parentheses in
         | particular. Just like Ruby, it's not actually a great idea to
         | leave those out due to ambiguities, but when you want a micro-
         | DSL to encode some pattern, it really helps reduce the
         | syntactic noise.
         | Third thing was being opinionated about how you structure
         | classes and objects. This, again, didn't feel like the future;
         | it felt like papering over a big gap in JS.
           | karatestomp wrote:
           | Yeah, just getting rid of the "interesting I guess but I'd
           | never use them on purpose because they're just not helpful
           | and likely to cause confusion or bugs" parts of JS, like
           | direct fiddling with prototypally-inheriting objects (ew),
           | worrying a bunch about what "this" means and shuffling it
           | around for little to no useful reason, or entirely-unhelpful
           | scoping rules. Most of those are better in regular JS now.
           | For me, the syntax was at best neutral, leaning toward
           | undesirable. I just wanted the extra ergonomics and safety,
           | which didn't require such a departure from JS.
       | fourseventy wrote:
       | I worry about the long term viability of using an offshoot
       | language of Javascript such as Coffeescript or Typescript. These
       | types of languages have a habit of falling out of vogue and
       | basically becoming a dead language, which is exactly what
       | happened to coffeescript. If a company decided to write an app in
       | coffeescript in 2010, today they have a big pile of code written
       | in a dead language on their hands. If instead the company had
       | chosen a mainstream language with a guaranteed future such as JS,
       | Java, or c# it wouldn't be an issue.
         | ryanianian wrote:
         | Typescript is nice in that it's a superset (mostly) of js. That
         | doesn't mean it won't fall out of vogue, just that in a lot of
         | cases converting from TS to JS is mostly straightforward, so
         | you can "just" remove some type information and end up with
         | valid JS.
           | city41 wrote:
           | You should be able to let tsc do it for you with a properly
           | configured tsconfig file. Mostly just want it to not emit any
           | polyfills.
         | heipei wrote:
         | What do you mean by dead? It's still maintained and developed
         | and still works great. Yeah, not many people are using it for
         | new projects so if you're anxious about using something with
         | the biggest "mindshare" then Coffeescript isn't for you, I give
         | you that.
       (page generated 2020-05-15 23:00 UTC)