[HN Gopher] Game Programming Patterns (2014)
       Game Programming Patterns (2014)
       Author : simonpure
       Score  : 389 points
       Date   : 2020-05-16 14:36 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (gameprogrammingpatterns.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (gameprogrammingpatterns.com)
       | marvinblum wrote:
       | Ah yes I remember. This site teached me so much, even if I'm not
       | doing game programming anymore. It shows some generally useful
       | patterns and algorithms not only relevant to game development. So
       | if you're a programmer, give it a shot!
       | [deleted]
       | elyseum wrote:
       | Same author as http://craftinginterpreters.com/ Can't wait for
       | this one to appear in print.
         | signaru wrote:
         | This guy really deserves an award. I wonder decades from now,
         | how many people would look back and say how much these books
         | have influenced them.
         | aidos wrote:
         | He's an amazing writer. I couldn't put this book down when I
         | first read it. At the time I sent him a message saying that it
         | was the best technical book I'd ever read and his response was
         | along the lines of "thanks! It's the best (though, only) one
         | I've written". I'm glad that's no longer true.
         | Even reading his writing about writing risks reducing you to
         | tears.
         | http://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2020/04/05/crafting-crafti...
         | airstrike wrote:
         | You might enjoy this discussion
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22788738
       | edem wrote:
       | This book is pure gold. I recommend this to any programmer!
       | lachlan-sneff wrote:
       | I haven't had time to read the book yet, but the web version of
       | it is just so beautifully displayed. So, kudos for that :)
       | tgb wrote:
       | What's the gist of the setup for how a complex RPG rule system
       | gets coded up? Like in D&D or a Diablo-like, you have base stats,
       | equipment or classes modify those stats, sometimes the modifiers
       | depend upon the circumstances, and maybe the modifiers get
       | modified. So clearly you don't want to have a Belt of +4 Strength
       | just do wearer.strength += 4 since at some point you'll have to
       | take off the belt or are in an anti-magic field, etc. But what's
       | a good and/or standard design for encoding all that kind of
       | logic?
         | formalsystem wrote:
         | There's a combination of patterns. IMO the best way to learn
         | how this stuff works is to look at the code of a production
         | level MMO/MOBA/RTS. Here is a really good one
         | https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/ummo...
         | Worth every penny.
       | s3cur3 wrote:
       | If you'd like a summary of the book, my study notes are here:
       | https://tylerayoung.com/2017/01/23/notes-on-game-programming...
       | Sprakle wrote:
       | Does this book have much relevance for someone already working in
       | an existing engine like Unity?
         | zwaps wrote:
         | I think it's probably good to know for every engine and
         | besides, it's a beautiful book.
         | That being said, armed with my baby knowledge of programming
         | patterns, I then did find it frustrating that today's engines
         | are very high level and quite opinionated about how you code.
         | Take for example Godot. It's not 'quite' an ECS and there are
         | certain ways to script things which you should follow. How to
         | fit the patterns from this book into a Godot game is a whole
         | other ballgame.
         | This book makes me want to write my own engine. Not to deal
         | with the technical details, but to be in control of the program
         | logic. This excellent book makes you want to worry about the
         | stuff that engines abstract from in their own special way.
         | That's not efficient from the standpoint of getting a game done
         | - things are done in Unity or Godot in their specific way for
         | good and battle-tested reasons.
         | trynewideas wrote:
         | Yes, absolutely, 100%. It's engine and language agnostic; many
         | of the examples are written in C++ in lieu of pseudocode, but
         | he also goes into where C# differs in behavior enough to affect
         | the pattern.
       | rimher wrote:
       | Loved this book! Reads really well.
       | Author here: https://twitter.com/munificentbob/
         | isoos wrote:
         | Also author here on HN:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=munificent
       | dang wrote:
       | See also... the largest previous threads:
       | 2017: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14475489
       | 2014: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7646985
       | 2014 ('now finished'):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7634734
       | 2013: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6004885
       | About specific chapters:
       | 2018: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17845334
       | 2014: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7543158
       | 2014: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7466711
       | The first thread was https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=874080
       | from 2009, and the discussion is about how incomplete everything
       | is. That's interesting, because how many items with a discussion
       | like that ever actually do get completed?
       | If I missed any interesting discussions let me know and I'll add
       | to the list.
       | formalsystem wrote:
       | This is the book that finally helped me grok software design
       | patterns. Gang of four reads like a dictionary while the examples
       | of Game Programming patterns have stayed with me.
       | If I'm rendering a forest of course I don't want to copy the data
       | for trees a 1000 times so of course I need to use the flyweight
       | pattern
       | The decoupling patterns chapter is particularly good and will
       | help you understand how to turn each entity in a game into a
       | server which sends events to other entities. That way you end up
       | with many small pieces of a code as opposed to a single giant
       | game loop. The entity component system (ECS) is one of the main
       | reasons why programming games in Unity is so pleasant.
       | If it wasn't obvious by now, this is not a book about game
       | programming patterns it's the best book on software design
       | patterns that I've ever read. Most software design books seems to
       | think I'm only interested in designing accounting or banking
       | software, why not a game?
         | LudwigNagasena wrote:
         | The MonoBehaviour pattern is similar to ECS (both follow
         | composition over inheritance), but there are some crucial
         | differences IMO. In case of monobehaviours there are no systems
         | as such and components aren't mere data containers.
         | ElFitz wrote:
         | > turn each entity in a game into a server which sends events
         | to other entities.
         | This reminds me of event-driven microservices. Is it similar,
         | in principle?
         | anchpop wrote:
         | > The entity component system (ECS) is one of the main reasons
         | why programming games in Unity is so pleasant.
         | I agree programming in Unity can be very pleasant. To avoid
         | confusion, I wanted to point out that traditional Unity
         | programming isn't really a typical example of an ECS. Unity's
         | system actually lacks most of the performance benefits you can
         | get from one. This is relevant because Unity is actually
         | currently developing a "real" ECS architecture they call DOTS
         | (data oriented technology stack).
           | meheleventyone wrote:
           | To be ultra confusion avoiding you don't necessarily get
           | great perf benefits from the merely organising things as per
           | the ECS pattern. You still need to organise your data around
           | how it is used. Which is why Unity uses archetypes which
           | trade fairly automatic organisation based on entities
           | component signature for increased cost if you add and remove
           | components from them (as it triggers reorganising where that
           | entities components are stored). There are other patterns
           | with different trade offs.
           | In terms of just mental overhead any form of composition is
           | useful be it Components in the Unity sense or Components and
           | Systems in the ECS sense.
       | Konryan wrote:
       | Do you have any recommendations for books about Game
       | Architecture?
         | meheleventyone wrote:
         | Game Engine Architecture is a great overview and on it's third
         | edition.
           | hesdeadjim wrote:
           | First version of this book was an immense help for me early
           | in my career.
       | fao_ wrote:
       | So far with game programming the most difficult problem I've had
       | is input states. There doesn't seem to be a clean way to manage
       | it that doesn't get very messy, very fast. Even though it should
       | be easy to manage since it's just a state machine!
         | softfalcon wrote:
         | Yeah, before you know it, you're in the land of colliding mouse
         | down events.
         | Best I've been able to do is group interaction views together
         | (think inventory and character menus vs the character
         | controller).
         | Separate these view groups so they are triggered by a mode
         | state using an event system that tells each view group which is
         | active.
         | Only update the active view group.
         | This isolates each view group to receive mouse/key events by
         | itself. It also keeps menus that interact with one another
         | consolidated together in one place. This helps you reason out
         | the mouse/key events more easily since you know this view group
         | won't disrupt the other inactive view groups.
         | Within a view group though, a focused control pattern is a good
         | idea. A simple way is via hit bounding and z-ordering. The top-
         | most, mouse over bounds control is active to receive click
         | events. Everything else is ignoring input.
         | tldr; hierarchy your input controls into groups so you can
         | ignore the input on inactive/not visible ones.
         | simonbw wrote:
         | By input states do you mean stuff like knowing whether a key is
         | currently pressed or a mouse button is currently held down?
         | Could you explain what you mean by it gets messy?
           | fao_ wrote:
           | I mean segregating mouse actions. So: Drag, Click, etc. Also
           | handling selection events and so on. I've been using love2d,
           | which basically means you have to set up those manually. Then
           | building a state machine in lua gets very messy.
           | I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking it
         | krapp wrote:
         | Have you tried SDL2? I don't know what your criteria for
         | "messy" is but its event stack makes it pretty straightforward
         | to get input from the mouse, controller and keyboard.
       | Kapura wrote:
       | I've been programming in the games industry, first at indie scale
       | and now at AAA, and I use almost all of the patterns described in
       | the book in some way. This is an invaluable resource for people
       | to learn not only the sorts of programming patterns used in
       | games, but also the sorts of problems that game developers are
       | challenged to solve.
       | I've found that google and stack overflow are now worthless for
       | anything outside of checking syntax for a C++ lambda. Everything
       | else I work on is essentially a novel problem set.
         | erikbye wrote:
         | > novel problem set
         | Examples?
           | Kapura wrote:
           | Well, I've spent the past week tuning our boss fight camera
           | algorithms so that the camera does its best to track the boss
           | if they dash across the room or leap into the air. Nobody can
           | really tell me how to do this outside of our company, because
           | nobody else is dealing with a boss that moves like ours,
           | nobody else has the same camera language constraints, and
           | frankly dealing with algorithmic camera motion is not
           | something most programmers ever have to do.
           | I can look at our other code, I can look at other cameras in
           | game & film, but ultimately it's just me down there in the
           | code deciding whether the pull the camera in or pitch down or
           | lengthen the lens or how to handle blends or whatever.
             | vvanders wrote:
             | Oh man camera systems.
             | We had one dev and an animator spend _months_ getting our
             | camera system to the point where it felt natural.
             | Definitely one of those things that takes a ton of work and
             | only gets noticed when it goes wrong.
         | mmoll wrote:
         | > Everything else I work on is essentially a novel problem set.
         | It's a rotate! ;-)
       | gww wrote:
       | I have always wanted to program a 2D game engine in C++ for fun.
       | Mostly as a learning experience but whenever I decide to do it I
       | get intimidated trying to figure out how to design it and give
       | up. Does anyone have any recommendations of resources to get over
       | figuring out how where to start?
         | krapp wrote:
         | Just start anywhere. You're going to end up throwing it all out
         | anyway. Accept that failure is the path to success and just do
         | it.
         | meheleventyone wrote:
         | Pick a simple game and make that game. Pick a new game and make
         | that game. Take the things that fit the second game from the
         | first game. Now you have at least some basics that do input,
         | rendering and audio. Pick a bit to improve towards your target.
         | Making "an engine" isn't really something you can do unless you
         | have an idea about what making a game actually means. Then you
         | can work out what it is that you actually value.
           | gww wrote:
           | Thanks, I am going to try to start with something easy like
           | tetris.
             | learc83 wrote:
             | That's definitely the way to do it. For my first game I
             | built pong.
         | skocznymroczny wrote:
         | A common recommendation is not to write an engine, but to write
         | a game instead. Create a Pong game. Create a 2D space shooter.
         | Create a simple Mario-like 2D platformer. Now take the code
         | that is shared between all three projects - there's your game
         | engine. Just extract that so that it's nicely separated and
         | easily reusable in future projects.
       | DethNinja wrote:
       | This is one of the best books available on the subject of design
       | patterns. I highly recommend it for all programmers even those
       | not in gamedev.
       | Keep in mind that some novice programmers assume design patterns
       | are strict rules and you have to copy all idioms, naming rules
       | etc. but they are just simple guidelines, feel free pick them
       | apart and combine them on your code.
       (page generated 2020-05-16 23:00 UTC)