[HN Gopher] New.css - A classless CSS framework to write modern ...
       New.css - A classless CSS framework to write modern websites using
       only HTML
       Author : sdan
       Score  : 727 points
       Date   : 2020-05-18 09:02 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (newcss.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (newcss.net)
       | exampledev wrote:
       | Hey everyone, developer of new.css here. I've gotten a lot of
       | valuable feedback from everyone today! But I get it, new.css is
       | very basic, and it's not the traditional definition of a
       | framework.
       | Please keep leaving your constructive feedback. I'm excited to
       | keep making new.css something for everyone to enjoy.
         | [deleted]
       | torartc wrote:
       | There is some very odd marketing speak here. "Vercel's impossibly
       | fast cdn", taking about how hosting on Google is somehow
       | unethical? This whole thing is weird for some basic default CSS.
       | boksiora wrote:
       | Good idea that leads to cleaner code
       | Ndymium wrote:
       | This reminds me of W3C Core Styles[1]. I remember using those in
       | many quick pages to make them look somewhat presentable without
       | spending any effort myself, when perfect styling just wasn't
       | important. I wonder how many sites nowadays use their styles
       | directly from their URLs.
       | [1] https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/Core/
       | redka wrote:
       | It might be just me but I can't look at websites with black
       | backgrounds and white or yellow letters. My eyes hurt and when I
       | turn my head elsewhere I can see shadows of the website for a
       | bit. I use dark(ish) themes everywhere but such high contrast
       | somehow is too much.
         | ibiza wrote:
         | The problem is using `white` on black instead of `gray` on
         | black. The latter provides plenty of contrast while still being
         | easy to read.
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | OTOH, deep-black backgrounds and green letters (with
         | red/yellow/white highlights) is perfect if you're using an OLED
         | screen. Maybe browsers need adjustable (and site-specific)
         | brightness and contrast knobs, like monitors and TV's.
           | sdan wrote:
           | Love dark blacks on OLED.
           | However sometimes a dark navy blue would be better.
         | buckminstrix wrote:
         | I think new.css is themable.
         | 1f97 wrote:
         | i have exactly the same issue. so many websites nowadays choose
         | to have dark themes which are essentially black backgrounds
         | with white text and it is physically painful to read. if i'm
         | invested enough in the article, i always try to change the user
         | styles a bit to make it more bearable.
           | redka wrote:
           | Yep, exactly. Last ditch resort is to modify the values via
           | devtools myself but usually I just skip that site.
       | equinusocio wrote:
       | It sounds weird, because it looks as a clone of Native Elements
       | built 3 years ago.
       | https://github.com/n-elements/core
       | basilgohar wrote:
       | Despite being classless, I still got a Flash of Unstyled Content
       | FOUC) when I load one of the themed pages on Firefox for Android
       | (technically Fennec F-Droid).
       | So classless does not mean lightweight, perhaps?
       | aidos wrote:
       | This looks to be using the new css variables (well, new to me - I
       | was checking on the state of the art in css just recently). I was
       | looking into how you can do components now and this stuff looks
       | pretty interesting, though styling of nested components using
       | these techniques looked a little...hairy. Has anyone used these
       | in anger?
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_c...
         | Ndymium wrote:
         | I used CSS custom properties (AKA variables) when rewriting my
         | blog's frontend just recently. A few issues come to mind even
         | when using the latest CSS features:
         | 1. Nesting can still be an issue if you have complicated
         | layouts. You can mostly get around this with good use of
         | classes/IDs.
         | 2. Custom properties cannot be used in media queries. This was
         | my biggest problem, because you now have to repeat your
         | breakpoint sizes in every place you want to use media queries
         | (which is many places if you split your code into many files),
         | or you can have one file with the breakpoints set a bunch of
         | custom properties that are used then throughout the styling.
         | But the latter method falls down if you need to use e.g.
         | `display: grid` for one size and `display: block` for another
         | -- you end up with tons of properties. An example of that in my
         | blog's code [1].
         | 3. I really missed the lighten/darken helpers from SCSS. Those
         | would have been useful with all the colors, because now I'd
         | have to calculate all of them again if I wanted to change the
         | color scheme.
         | [1]
         | https://gitlab.com/Nicd/mebe-2/-/blob/f0f988e3d120c4cff54277...
       | W4ldi wrote:
       | I prefer MVP.css (https://andybrewer.github.io/mvp/) tbh
       | mr-karan wrote:
       | So basically a stripped down version of Tailwind?
         | bluetwo wrote:
         | I would say the opposite of tailwind.
       | equinusocio wrote:
       | It sounds weird because it seems a clone of Native Elements
       | published 3 years ago.
       | https://github.com/n-elements/core
       | wysewun wrote:
       | pair this up with the successor to intercoolerjs,
       | https://htmx.org/
       | and you can keep even more of your work directly in html.
       | 100721 wrote:
       | Tangentially related: I've been on the hunt for a CSS
       | framework/drop-in that approximates the style of the Dracula
       | theme - Dark background with bright, happy, bold, cotton-candy
       | colors.
       | Any suggestions?
         | thebouv wrote:
         | 1) I went searching for you and was quite impressed with how
         | many apps and such that Dracula supports:
         | https://github.com/dracula .. wow
         | 2) I hope one of those helps you. I didn't see one specific to
         | being classless or a framework for a website. But I did see a
         | github-pages one that might be the closest?
           | 100721 wrote:
           | That actually was super helpful! I went to the GH-Pages
           | preview [0] and pulled the compiled CSS file out. I hope the
           | license permits reuse in this way. Thank you!
           | [0]: https://dracula.github.io/gh-pages/
       | superpermutat0r wrote:
       | I don't know why but white on black premade theme given here is
       | just horrible for my eyes. The text burns into my eyes and then
       | anywhere I look I can see the blurry text lines.
       | I code using a black on white editor but could I guess handle
       | non-white on black themes if the non-white color wasn't as
       | bright.
       | alberth wrote:
       | Bring back fond memories of http://www.csszengarden.com/
       | Just plain HTML + CSS
       | swissmanu wrote:
       | i personally like https://igoradamenko.github.io/awsm.css/ which
       | has a similar approach.
       | ethanpil wrote:
       | Checkout https://github.com/kognise/water.css
       | I find water.css to be the prettiest of the classless bunch.
         | byteface wrote:
         | https://milligram.io/
           | NiekvdMaas wrote:
           | Milligram is not class-less, it's more like a light
           | Bootstrap.
         | pspeter3 wrote:
         | This looks great, thanks for the link!
         | henryfjordan wrote:
         | I recently started a project using Skeleton CSS
         | (http://getskeleton.com/) which is similar. It only uses
         | classes to deal with the grid (which it looks like neither
         | water.css nor new.css handle).
       | dsego wrote:
       | A css framework for communists?
       | oxalorg wrote:
       | Author of Sakura.css [0] here linked in the article. Thanks for
       | the link ^_^, new.css looks super great!
       | A bit more on "WHY" you'd want to use a classless theme:
       | * Quick prototyping, especially when working on backend sites and
       | can't yet be bothered to fidget with css/html.
       | * Building a quick (but pretty) site/blog for your best friend or
       | aunt!
       | * Works amazingly with markdown generated HTML content. So it's a
       | perfect match when rendering markdown but don't want to customise
       | the rendering process to include specific classes.
       | * Using it as a placeholder: I almost always start a project with
       | sakura.css, just drop the link tag and you're done. Start working
       | on features instantly.Once I've built the flows/components a bit
       | I replace it with something like tailwind! There is no friction
       | to this workflow as sakura and sisters are all classless anyways,
       | so you can replace it easily.
       | [0]: https://github.com/oxalorg/sakura
         | mlok wrote:
         | For some reason the footnote link on sakura did not make my
         | view jump to the note (neither Firefox 76.0.1, nor Chromium
         | 81.0.4044.138 / Linux Ubuntu) although it works in Wikipedia.
           | oxalorg wrote:
           | Hey are you talking about the footnote link [0] on the demo
           | page?
           | If so thanks for pointing it out, looks like I forgot to add
           | the `fn1` footnote id on the element. Fixed it.
           | [0]: https://oxal.org/projects/sakura/demo/#fn1
         | exampledev wrote:
         | Never in a thousand years would I even consider being on the
         | same level as oxal's project. It's an absolute honor! Thanks so
         | much for your support.
           | oxalorg wrote:
           | Haha thanks, you're being too humble ^_^
           | BTW loving the xz logo and the website. Overall super cool!
       | yoz-y wrote:
       | Name and lede wise I prefer https://mblode.github.io/marx/
       | brlewis wrote:
       | There are reasonable arguments that CSS is best done with no
       | classes, only semantic elements. There are reasonable arguments
       | that CSS is best done with classes only, independent of element
       | name. And there are valid arguments for various incompatible ways
       | of naming and namespacing CSS class names. We are a long way from
       | one "right" way of doing CSS.
       | sreekotay wrote:
       | Really nice work. One thing you might consider is making sure
       | that tabs and modals work well/there is a model for them.
       | Picnic.css does this well.
       | hendry wrote:
       | Using it now on my blog: https://natalian.org/
       | Nice!
         | sdan wrote:
         | Cool!
       | metalforever wrote:
       | I wish people would stop mixing domains in this way. Sorry, I
       | think this way of coding is shit.
       | [deleted]
       | dang wrote:
       | We changed the URL from https://github.com/xz/new.css, which
       | points to this. Both are great, but when a project has its own
       | site it seems best to link to that one, as long as it links to
       | the Github or equivalent page when there is one.
       | MrBuddyCasino wrote:
       | The thing about "classless" CSS or auto-generated class names is
       | that it becomes much harder to customize a website via user
       | scripts. Its not a good trend.
       | savolai wrote:
       | I'd love to see a list of CSS files that are actually usable out
       | of the box i.e. have a reasonable column width for body text on
       | both desktop and mobile.
       | chadlavi wrote:
       | Styling semantic tags in a library is a really bad idea, it
       | assumes your css is going to be the only css used in an app. It's
       | good manners to style class names instead.
         | equinusocio wrote:
         | You should use thing for what they're made for. Even using
         | classes you can't solve the problem you're describing.
           | chadlavi wrote:
           | "You should use thing for what they're made for."
           | You ever worked on a project where a non-technical PM got to
           | pick technologies? I guarantee you someone is going to choose
           | this CSS library in the future because they think it looks
           | nice, then be confused or frustrated when it stomps over some
           | other styling they want to use because it directly styles tag
           | names
       | weeboid wrote:
       | Is this just a reset css with default styles?
         | tylerchilds wrote:
         | Yes
       | StreamBright wrote:
       | Any frontend dev out there would like to compare this with MVP
       | and Tachyons? I am a bit lost when to pick over another.
       | s17n wrote:
       | Seems one of these things hits the front page every month or so.
       | My question is, why don't the browser makers adopt something like
       | this as the default stylesheet? Are they constrained by the spec
       | here or is it just a matter of inertia?
         | awb wrote:
         | > Seems one of these things hits the front page every month or
         | so.
         | Yep! MVP.css was featured in March:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22681270
           | TheGoodBarn wrote:
           | To continue the chain, we had 98.css last month, although a
           | little more niche:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22940564
         | ketozhang wrote:
         | Browsers do, it's the reading mode feature. However of course
         | it's not a default stylesheet.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | I think it's a backwards-compatibility thing. Browsers take BC
         | _extremely_ seriously, even when it comes to UX. Changing the
         | unstyled look of different elements could break a legacy site
         | that didn 't give those its own styles.
         | ZeroGravitas wrote:
         | The defaults inherit, so changes to the default made by a
         | browser (or indeed a browser user) can cascade through to other
         | sites.
         | Probably part of this CSS is something like reboot or reset
         | which will try to paper over the remaining differences between
         | different browsers, I think the browsers probably are
         | converging in that regard but IE11 and backwards compatibility
         | still make them necessary.
       | marban wrote:
       | 5 comments with 5 alternatives so far. Oh the irony.
         | mmsimanga wrote:
         | This is the reason I actually "favourite" threads such as this
         | one. The comments help me find alternatives to try out. There
         | was an Ask HN, "Ask HN: Is there a search engine which excludes
         | the world's biggest websites?'[0]. I commented that I search HN
         | for different subjects and read through the comments. This is
         | probably better than searching Google for minimal CSS.
         | [0]https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23202850
         | jmchuster wrote:
         | A variation on Cunningham's Law?
           | marban wrote:
           | Without classes, CSS is a race to the bottom.
             | cannedslime wrote:
             | I disagree. For many simple things you can get a long way
             | without or with minimal amount of classes. Coincidentially
             | I am working on implementing some changes to a really bad
             | case of the vile disease classinitis. With names such as:
             | xyz_product__form and g-region--desktop-one-half. Lest not
             | forget about their actual use in the markup: `class="form-
             | field__input form-field__input--button button button--cta
             | button--large button-mobile-full u-flex-1"`
             | Ah how could I even live without getting hired for this job
             | and all of its lustful classes?!
         | ponyous wrote:
         | Nice huh, it shows that ecosystem is really strong?
       | amanzi wrote:
       | This Github repository tracks a whole bunch of these drop-in CSS
       | files: https://github.com/dohliam/dropin-minimal-css
       | And you can use this demo site to switch between them all on the
       | fly: https://dohliam.github.io/dropin-minimal-css/
         | [deleted]
         | spyckie2 wrote:
         | Seeing all these styles, I can't help but get the feeling that
         | we're heading towards the aesthetic minimalist ideal of mixed
         | text media.
         | elefantastisch wrote:
         | It's a shame how few of these prevent horizontal scroll on
         | mobile. Usually the table and/or video are not probably
         | handled. My take away from this: Simple does not mean easy;
         | check edge cases.
           | awb wrote:
           | It's a tricky problem. I've been battling with it on MVP.css
           | (https://andybrewer.github.io/mvp/) but I think I found a
           | good solution for responsive tables with some help from the
           | community.
           | brundolf wrote:
           | As suggested by a sibling comment the key isn't to prevent
           | horizontal scrolling, but to prevent content from overflowing
           | a single screen width. Which isn't _hard_ per se but doesn 't
           | have a one-size-fits-all solution.
             | chongli wrote:
             | So many websites overflow a single screen width by a
             | trivial amount. This is just enough to cause accidental
             | horizontal scrolling which disrupts the flow of scrolling
             | the page. Very frustrating!
               | brundolf wrote:
               | Yep. The offenders are usually really long un-line-
               | breakable words, images, or videos. In this case we have:
               | href="https://newcss.net/theme/terminal.css">
               | Which is not being allowed to break to a new line because
               | it doesn't contain whitespace. A CSS rule can be used to
               | allow it to break, though that can also have other,
               | unwanted ramifications.
             | thaumaturgy wrote:
             | It's not super easy either. I ran into this also
             | (https://doc.sscaffold-css.com/ysk/tables/) and the root
             | cause is that the <table> element is not considered to be
             | either a block-level or an inline element. It's special,
             | and because it's special, some browsers support setting
             | max-width on it and some don't. So tables need a container
             | element or some other kind of special handling. It's an
             | easy bug to overlook because the cause is so unexpected.
           | petee wrote:
           | As someone who constantly runs into mobile pages with poorly
           | fitting content yet are still scroll-limited, I see this as a
           | welcome feature.
           | Most mobile browsers seem to lock the scroll direction while
           | moving anyway, so atleast it isn't sloppy in practice, imho
         | hotwire wrote:
         | hah, reminds me of http://www.csszengarden.com but simpler.
           | mathnmusic wrote:
           | I would like these themes to go beyond a simple article view.
           | We have tags like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <aside>, <section>
           | and <footer> now. Should be possible to build a complete app-
           | shell with classless CSS.
             | awb wrote:
             | I style those elements in MVP.css
             | (https://github.com/andybrewer/mvp/)
             | philistine wrote:
             | As an exercice, I'm building my neighborhood newspaper
             | website without any classes. It is surprisingly easy. With
             | Grid and min(), I don't even need media queries. CSS and
             | HTML in 2020 is great, if you take the time to choose only
             | the latest solutions.
             | mlok wrote:
             | This is what I expected too. This one has nav, aside :
             | http://classless.de/#extra
             | Plus a couple bootstrap classes where HTML5 has no elements
             | : grid and card.
         | tudorw wrote:
         | Pity I cannot just receive vanilla mark up and pick a client
         | side theme.
           | _ZeD_ wrote:
           | I'm pretty sure firefox has this feature.
           | the problem is no website offer custom css.
           | for an example:
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48227413/what-is-the-
           | pur...
             | ancarda wrote:
             | Seems Firefox doesn't remember the CSS you have selected
             | (i.e. per page? per domain?)
             | I can think of some uses for this if it were sticky - high
             | contrast and dark mode versions for websites
             | andai wrote:
             | Oh wow. Does this only work on FF?
           | pbhjpbhj wrote:
           | I doubt it would work well but you could put a theme in
           | user.css (on Firefox) and block all .css files (with uBlock,
           | say). Not sure if uBlock will block <style> tags, but I think
           | it can.
         | bjarneh wrote:
         | That's excellent. It would be funny if that 'LaTeX CSS' moved
         | all images to the end of the web page..
           | jacobush wrote:
           | With references, of course. ;-)
             | bjarneh wrote:
             | Of course :-)
         | ComodoHacker wrote:
         | It's modern MSWord templates.
           | metalliqaz wrote:
           | shh
         | louismerlin wrote:
         | That's very cool ! My microframework is on there and I wasn't
         | even aware.
         | networked wrote:
         | This is really useful! Thanks for linking to it.
         | I also have a related repository. It is a gallery of
         | screenshots of classless CSS themes:
         | https://github.com/dbohdan/classless-css. I've just added a
         | link to the drop-in CSS switcher there.
           | [deleted]
           | fouc wrote:
           | Another one here: https://www.cssbed.com
           | https://github.com/ubershmekel/cssbed
         | hanniabu wrote:
         | It's a shame that none of these (as far as I can tell with the
         | 60% I clicked though) restrict the page width to 100% to
         | prevent horizontal scrolling on mobile. Simple enough to add
         | yourself, but still.
       | [deleted]
       | beders wrote:
       | Cool. Looks nice!
       | Wanted: class-based CSS that only deals with layout and
       | positioning, not component-styles.
       | onion2k wrote:
       | It doesn't work properly. The body has a max-width of 750px, and
       | the header uses a padding hack of 'calc(50vw - 50%)'. That 50%
       | means '50% of the containing element', so if 50vw is more than
       | 750px (eg your viewport is more than 1500px wide) the header
       | element stops being centred and starts spilling over on the right
       | hand side.
         | horsawlarway wrote:
         | Yeah... Looks terrible for me.
         | Finster wrote:
         | There's already a PR to fix this, looks like there's a missing
         | space after one of the minus signs.
         | emagdnim2100 wrote:
         | A good place for the under-appreciated CSS 'clamp' function!
           | onion2k wrote:
           | ... that doesn't work in Safari or iOS, or non-Chrome Android
           | browsers yet.
         | Dragory wrote:
         | Seems to work properly in Firefox
         | (https://i.imgur.com/AQ2M1G3.png) but breaks in Chrome
         | (https://i.imgur.com/U2tVg2k.png); Chrome doesn't accept the
         | margin value (https://i.imgur.com/pH7X0ZO.png).
         | When the margin works, the logic makes sense. 50vw sets the
         | padding of the side in question (e.g. left) to the middle of
         | the screen, 50% subtracts half of the containing element's
         | width (<body>) from it. Doing this for both left and right and
         | then negating it with equal negative margins results in the
         | content area in the header being centered and having the same
         | width as body, but the padding stretching out to the edges of
         | the window.
       | _threads wrote:
       | We need more of these and less js livbraries
       | richthegeek wrote:
       | I'm not entirely sure this can be called a framework. If there
       | was a Bootstrap v0.1 it would be this, before it decided to do a
       | whole bunch of extra things to become a framework.
       | A few years ago you might have simply named it "reset.css", but
       | it's too opinionated to really have that name.
       | It feels like I would spend more time undoing what it does than
       | would be saved by using it.
       | I don't hate it... but I don't entirely see the point of it.
         | Semaphor wrote:
         | > It feels like I would spend more time undoing what it does
         | than would be saved by using it.
         | They list use-cases:
         | > A dead-simple blog
         | > Collecting your most used links
         | > Making a simple "about me" site
         | > Rendering markdown-generated HTML
         | It's when you have some basic HTML and just want it to look
         | good.
         | Agreed that framework is a very unfitting descriptor for it
         | though.
           | falcor84 wrote:
           | But then, why not have this be defined by the client?
           | I think I would like to see more websites entirely devoid of
           | css, together with an evolving ecosystem of browser-side
           | theme-like css rulesets to style and layout sites based on
           | the page's semantics and everyone's unique preferences, like
           | we style our desktops and terminals.
           | But that's just my cloud cuckoo land, right?
             | Finnucane wrote:
             | >But then, why not have this be defined by the client?
             | Because client defaults usually suck.
             | sleepinseattle wrote:
             | Reading mode does that, and you can have it auto-enable in
             | Safari if you want.
         | tylerchilds wrote:
         | These types of stylesheets are sometimes referred to as Base
         | Stylesheets.
         | In practice, I've found its good to roll your own at some
         | point, so you don't have to spend time undoing someone elses.
       | crofrwd wrote:
       | Just to point out there are also: https://native-
       | elements.stackblitz.io/
       | XCSme wrote:
       | I am confused, why is it called a framework? From what I read
       | it's just a default theme for HTML. Did I miss anything?
         | StreamBright wrote:
         | Because it is about frontend development.
       | _0o6v wrote:
       | Crazy. This isn't a "framework". It's a stylesheet.
         | Iv wrote:
         | That's my reaction as well... What am I missing? People really
         | forgot that you can write a "reactive" website in pure HTML and
         | that's what it was actually designed for?
           | fouc wrote:
           | Or did you mean "responsive" ?
           | brundolf wrote:
           | This is... not remotely what people mean when they say
           | "reactive". And nobody thinks JS is necessary to get a visual
           | theme that looks nice. CSS and JS frameworks serve radically
           | different purposes.
         | l5870uoo9y wrote:
         | It's like normalize.css[1], unify elements across browsers.
         | [1]: https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
         | teknopurge wrote:
         | hence the bubble.
         | m12k wrote:
         | Yeah, I think "blog theme" is probably the best it can be
         | described.
         | hombre_fatal wrote:
         | "Classless" also made my brow furrow when I realized they
         | didn't mean, say, CSS components styled without a bunch of
         | classes (a la Twitter Bootstrap) but rather, it just has no
         | components. It's classless because it only styles some basic
         | html elements.
           | wishinghand wrote:
           | It seems like it styles more than just the basics, as it gets
           | details, kbd, and a few others that I don't see around as
           | much.
           | Besides this isn't meant to supplant Bootstrap. It evens says
           | so on the site.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | That's exactly how I understood it and it sounds useful to
           | me. No need to look up what styles do what, you can just use
           | the standard elements and expect them to look coherent and as
           | expected. E.g. "<header>" is descriptive enough since HTML5
           | introduced it.
             | hombre_fatal wrote:
             | It didn't mean that for me because we've been sharing
             | minimal css files for decades without without calling them
             | frameworks or "classless". Usually when you see a new term,
             | it describes a spin on the old act. If they had also called
             | it a "serverless" CSS framework, I wouldn't have guessed
             | they meant that the CSS file just doesn't make any HTTP
             | requests.
       | dominotw wrote:
       | when i got this site
       | https://dohliam.github.io/dropin-minimal-css/
       | I see "unformatted" left aligned site for 1/2 a sec before it
       | centers and get formatted.
       | colourgarden wrote:
       | This seems like a decent boilerplate+extras but line 1 is
       | importing a custom font. Why?
       | Unnecessarily opinionated and against the "lightweight" aims of
       | this library (not knocking Inter btw - it's awesome).
         | [deleted]
         | rozenmd wrote:
         | Use the code <link rel="stylesheet"
         | href="https://newcss.net/lite.css"> for the lite version, which
         | uses the system font stack rather than importing one.
         | sleepychu wrote:
         | There is a lite version (which I think does not import the
         | font)
       | nprateem wrote:
       | I assume that the author must be in their teens/20s to call a
       | stylesheet that is literally the most basic, primitive form of
       | CSS possible "modern" :-D
       | HugoDaniel wrote:
       | like mvp.css https://andybrewer.github.io/mvp/
       | cypressious wrote:
       | Looks nice. I checked the network tab to see how light the page
       | newcss.net really is. ~600kb looks good but interestingly enough,
       | the favicon is the biggest asset.
       | wx196 wrote:
       | It may be not a good idea to use a grey input background for
       | generic cases as it may confuse as disabled.
       | https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_in...
       | HugoDaniel wrote:
       | This recent vibe of minimal CSS files for plain HTML tags feels
       | the same as the CSS Zen Garden from years ago.
       | Which is very good and quite welcome in the current state of
       | overbloated JS frameworks that do everything.
       | I wonder if this will also drive further the adoption of standard
       | web components https://open-wc.org/guide/
         | TheGoodBarn wrote:
         | I was just thinking the same thing!
         | I started typing a reply out to someone's criticism of this,
         | and it had me think of it this way.
         | I have my own personal stylesheet that I use as a plugin for
         | overriding blog styles (just because I like to read text
         | formatted in a specific way, a lot of blogs aren't very
         | readable IMO). This style of library kinda extends that where
         | the end user can "customize" or make the site look how they
         | want it to (not that it's something people should be
         | considering when building their blogs, but I think its fairly
         | normal for people to have opinions on these things).
         | ---
         | I especially like it for quickly prototyping internal
         | tools/sites at work. A lot of times I want something to look
         | clean but don't have the bandwidth to really customize a lot of
         | stuff. This allows you to write CSS for what you need, but have
         | the overall page styled for you with minimal effort. (Also
         | building your own css templates like this helps teach generic
         | css. I think it's a good skill if anyone is within proximity of
         | the web).
         | josefresco wrote:
         | Ah memories. I used to reference the CSS Zen Garden when
         | convincing my clients about our _new_ approach to web building
         | (CSS is awesome!). Never once achieved it (complete separation
         | of content from style) in practice.
         | brundolf wrote:
         | Stylesheets have absolutely nothing to say about JS framework
         | usage and vice-versa.
           | mikeg8 wrote:
           | In theory yes, but React and similar JS frameworks have been
           | chomping away at the "cascading" of CSS for a while, in favor
           | of embedding styles inside each JS component. They have
           | become very much intertwined.
       | discordance wrote:
       | Hey sorry I'm not in the know, but what's wrong with classes and
       | styling?
         | yreg wrote:
         | Nothing's wrong, the supposed advantage of this is that it's
         | less complex and the only thing you need to learn is html.
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | Which most people that would use this already know and so
           | really you can just skip the learning and go straight to
           | using it.
         | wallawe wrote:
         | Nothing, but a lot of the web dev community feels like we've
         | gone overboard in terms of bloated CSS frameworks and this is
         | what I perceive to be a reversion back to the basic ability to
         | style a document without much need for writing and learning CSS
         | or the frameworks themselves.
           | gremlinsinc wrote:
           | As a full-stack dev who has started/but not finished tons of
           | side projects because I hate the design part (okay, I'm more
           | backend than frontend, I like vue/js but css/scss isn't my
           | favorite part of the stack though I can do it in bulma,
           | material-ui, vuetify/etc....)
           | I think this sort of thing looks cool, though picnic.css
           | (https://picnicss.com/tests) -- from another comment seems
           | more my flavor.
           | Might be a good way to focus on the functionality, maybe use
           | it w/ tailwinds for extra styles where needed, and launch
           | faster make some $$ hire a person to do the design stuff I
           | hate to do in an actual framework or something and launch a
           | prettier v2.
       | alufers wrote:
       | This looks more like an attempt at criticizing the bloat people
       | add to their websites basically just to change the font from
       | Times New Roman. I can't really see this competing with
       | bootstrap, since it lacks all the custom components.
         | woofie11 wrote:
         | I don't think so. This is criticizing no one. Right tool for
         | the right job.
         | I write web apps which need real frameworks.
         | I also write basic text pages, and something like this is very
         | nice. It's a dying art (university professors seem like the
         | last hold-outs), but it's often handy.
         | The top comment gives a list of such frameworks, though, many
         | of which look nicer than this one.
         | schwartzworld wrote:
         | It's obviously not meant to compete with Bootstrap.
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | I love the terminal theme. I've been trying to do something that
       | looks like an older terminal for a configuration page, and this
       | version _almost_ does it.
       | Why _almost_? The theme totally screws up wide tables. They bleed
       | off the edge of the page, and there 's no vertical scrollbar.
       | Furthermore, widening the page just moves everything, including
       | the table, to the right. The only way to see a wide table is to
       | have a giant window with a big empty space on the left.
       | nateberkopec wrote:
       | I don't understand the claims re: font loading.
       | > Vercel's impossibly fast CDN delivers new.css and the font
       | Inter using xz/fonts, so there's virtually no bloat added to your
       | pages.
       | It's 300kb of font downloads, hardly light. And the xz/fonts page
       | says:
       | >Break your users from unethical tracking networks
       | I'm still making a request to a 3rd party CDN with an origin
       | header that says what page I'm looking at, so I'm not sure what
       | privacy I'm gaining here.
         | toyg wrote:
         | I guess the key word is "unethical".
           | exampledev wrote:
           | Hey, developer of both here. It's certainly not a light
           | download, I understand. It's more of an effort to pull CDN
           | requests to known unethical networks, namely Google Fonts,
           | which are known to be used to track users between websites.
           | I'll be more clear about this in the future, thanks for your
           | opinions!
             | Aissen wrote:
             | I still don't see how switching from Google to a VC-backed
             | CDN startup is better for ethical purposes.
               | jstanley wrote:
               | It's _better_ , but it's still not as good as just using
               | the browser default font.
               | CharlesW wrote:
               | Or just serve them yourself.
             | riquito wrote:
             | Any source about the unethical bit? Their privacy section
             | looks good
             | https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq#what_does_using_the
             | _...
         | henriquez wrote:
         | You can always set a referrer-policy HTTP header on the origin
         | site to prevent the CDN from getting the path (or even the
         | domain) of the web page. They'd still see user IP address but
         | on its own that's not very useful.
         | wodenokoto wrote:
         | They also have a lite version that uses system fonts, for
         | whatever it is worth.
         | joeblau wrote:
         | While I do like the style sheet that was created, the marketing
         | spin on this page was off-putting to me as well.
         | riezebos wrote:
         | Slightly off-topic but this made me wonder: is it possible to
         | store the 1000 most used web fonts locally and tell your
         | browser to use the local version instead of the Google version?
           | kevinzg wrote:
           | Decentraleyes[0] does this for JavaScript files. There was a
           | request to add fonts[1], but it hasn't been implemented.
           | [0]: https://decentraleyes.org/ [1]:
           | https://github.com/Synzvato/decentraleyes/issues/34
             | riezebos wrote:
             | Cool, thanks! Definitely going to install that extension.
             | It seems they moved to Gitlab, I subscribed to the new
             | issue[0].
             | [0]: https://git.synz.io/Synzvato/decentraleyes/-/issues/34
       (page generated 2020-05-18 23:00 UTC)