[HN Gopher] Show HN: Blunt - A CSS Layout Framework for Minimalists
       Show HN: Blunt - A CSS Layout Framework for Minimalists
       Author : max0563
       Score  : 89 points
       Date   : 2020-05-21 15:37 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | freedomben wrote:
       | I did tons of web pre-CSS days (all my layouts were tables :-D)
       | and have (clearly) been out of the scene for a long time other
       | than the occasional CSS hacking when there wasn't enough
       | backend/infrastructure work to fill the sprint.
       | I understand the theory behind CSS, but suck at the practice (for
       | now). I've figured out how to do simple layout with divs, but I
       | still suck at making it responsive to screen size changes.
       | Is something like Blunt for me? Or should I invest in something
       | heavier like Bootstrap? I don't want my page to look like "just
       | another bootstrap page" but I also won't be able to make it look
       | good unless I have training wheels on. I revere the "Arch way"
       | but recognize it won't always yield the best fruit if the farmer
       | doesn't know what they are doing. I tend to value
       | elegance/simplicity over speed.
         | chrisweekly wrote:
         | Unlearning is harder than learning; highest possible
         | recommendation to start here: https://every-layout.dev and get
         | it right. You'll leapfrog 98% of FE "specialists" and 99.999%
         | of "full-stack" devs.
           | freedomben wrote:
           | Thank you! That looks like a fantastic resource, and exactly
           | what I need.
           | woodrowbarlow wrote:
           | wow, that resource looks really fantastic.
           | also want to add: a good CSS thing to learn right now is the
           | CSS grid. you can hammer out the blocking layout of your
           | pages so quickly with a grid.
           | https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/
             | chrisweekly wrote:
             | I have some misgivings about css grid (vs doing everything
             | w flexbox), in part bc it encourages designing to a
             | (particular) grid configuration, whereas my responsive
             | ideal is to build up from content first, w the design
             | following somewhat organically from it, and the layout
             | remaining as fluid as possible, according to the viewing
             | context in which it's rendered.
             | This relates to similar thoughts about breakpoints being a
             | sometimes-helpful crutch of sorts, vs their typical
             | adoption as a "standard" set of predefined viewport
             | dimensions designers should target. Because it ignores
             | users who config their browsers to use larger fonts (a
             | larger demographic than all IE users).
             | /$.02
           | zdragnar wrote:
           | That does look nice, though the price is pretty off putting.
           | Maybe there'll be more content, maybe there won't be... I
           | wish I was in a position to be able to support projects I
           | wish to see come to fruition at that level, but personally I
           | am not, especially for how little css I write.
           | I do hope it has or gets enough support to keep adding
           | content though, as the level of quality is definitely a step
           | above most free tutorials.
           | If I did have a complaint, it would be that i am unconvinced
           | that using custom elements for layout is a great idea. It
           | might work really well for apps, but isn't what I would think
           | of as terribly semantic.
           | DonnyV wrote:
           | This is a promo for a service. You have to pay to see the
           | other content.
             | chrisweekly wrote:
             | I'm not affiliated in any way. I found the free content on
             | every-layout.dev to be extraordinarily helpful and useful.
             | I was glad to pay for the "book" with the non-free portions
             | of their work. YMMV.
           | mstade wrote:
           | This is a great resource, thank you for sharing!
         | uryga wrote:
         | from a quick look, Blunt is mostly a (big) bunch of helpers for
         | commonly used stuff like "lay the children out horizontally".
         | i'm not sure if it'll be helpful if you're not very familiar
         | with CSS - it seems to be aimed towards people who know what to
         | write, but just don't feel like typing "margin-left: auto;
         | margin-right: auto;" a zillionth time :)
         | if you're not interested in designing your whole site's look &
         | feel from the ground up, sth like Bootstrap or some minimal
         | theme (bunch of those on HN recently) would probably be better.
         | using a simple theme as a starting point and tweaking it to
         | your liking might be the way to go
         | wilsonrocks wrote:
         | http://flexboxgrid.com/
         | Is pretty good - similar to at least one version of bootstrap's
         | grid, but just does the layout
       | leephillips wrote:
       | I'm sure this library of classes will be useful for somebody. But
       | the stylesheet weighs in at half a megabyte.
       | arkanciscan wrote:
       | Minimalists don't use frameworks
       | butz wrote:
       | Real minimalists are using only default styles provided by
       | browser.
       | frequentnapper wrote:
       | Blunt for css, and Blazor for the rest of the front-end, and I'm
       | all set.
       | chadlavi wrote:
       | looks like you've already got example code, you should probably
       | make a very basic github pages example site for this as well.
       | jakearmitage wrote:
       | Simple responsive card:                   <div class="container
       | auto-center h-100 row v-center h-center">           <div
       | class="card lg-w-30 md-w-40 sm-w-90 pt-2 pb-2 pl-2 pr-2">
       | <div class="sm-col md-row lg-row md-v-center lg-v-center">
       | mahesh_rm wrote:
       | I use Tachyons (https://tachyons.io/) whenever I can, for
       | achieving this purpose. It seems the scope is overlapping, and
       | tachyons is a little more mature: https://tachyons-tldr.now.sh/.
         | TheGoodBarn wrote:
         | I love Tachyons, it was the first CSS library/tool that helped
         | me feel comfortable tackling designing good looking pages.
         | I think its a great tool for someone not comfortable in the
         | space. As you use it more and more you get a good understanding
         | of what the properties are (using margins, paddings, headers,
         | centering text, etc) + couple that with the VSCode plugin, it
         | gives you the real css snippets for what the properties mean.
         | Then over time you start to understand what properties make
         | your html look that way, and then get comfortable writing css
         | from scratch.
         | +1 Tachyons
           | subpixel wrote:
           | I love Tachyons as well, and am happy to see the project
           | hasn't been abandoned in favor of far more complicated things
           | (I mistakenly thought that was the case)
       | 1ba9115454 wrote:
       | Personally I prefer to write the CSS (well Sass really). I've
       | mainly used Bootstrap in the past.
       | I've moved on though, I learned flexbox and css grid and some
       | atomic design principals as well as ABEM (https://css-
       | tricks.com/abem-useful-adaptation-bem/) and I'm happy.
         | _puk wrote:
         | Thanks for the link. ABEM makes a lot of sense the way it's
         | presented.
         | Out of interest, that article goes out of its way to argue that
         | the whole BEM format is changed to CamelCase, so that the
         | atomic modifier can use "-".
         | Why wouldn't you just use the existing BEM component separator
         | "__", and then nothing else need change.
         | The CamelCase version is prettier granted, but rather than an
         | extra bit of information, it's a completely new format.
         | dancek wrote:
         | I find https://rscss.io/ to be a really nice design philosophy
         | that takes the best parts from BEM.
         | And agreed: it's easiest to just work directly with flexbox
         | (and grid if you can drop IE11), and a set of design principles
         | is really valuable to avoid spaghetti.
         | lxe wrote:
         | Once I discovered utility classes, I found it so much better
         | than BEM or any derivatives of such. I don't want my styles to
         | know what my components are, I want my components to use
         | predefined styles.
       | AltruisticGapHN wrote:
       | Sounds like using a subset of tailwind classes, focusing on
       | positioning. This is what I'm doing on a nuxt project. I also use
       | Sass for the visuals within each component.
       | That said I never found utility classes enough to handle
       | breakpoints, it's hard to read and understand when using only
       | classes in the html. There is no space anywhere to document what
       | the breakpoints achieve.
       | As usual, using multiple approaches is the best way to solve a
       | problem rather than stubbornly sticking to some ideal like doing
       | everything in tailwind, or using BEM naming religiously.
       | Also BEM syntax sucks. It's really long and unsightly. SuitCSS is
       | much nicer, plus it has a linter.
       | trynewideas wrote:
       | > There seem to be hundreds of these things out there. So why
       | bother with another one? Well, I was sick of fighting with the
       | other options. Most are overly opinionated and result in spending
       | time fighting the framework instead of it boosting productivity.
       | I have tried so many different ones. Some do too much, others do
       | too little. I needed some middle ground that worked for
       | specifically what I wanted.
       | It genuinely doesn't feel like this boilerplate sentiment is ever
       | necessary, but it seems to wind up in so many of these types of
       | projects.
       | We get it, nobody who writes a CSS framework likes any other CSS
       | framework enough to use it. If they did, this new framework
       | wouldn't exist.
       | But it's a bad first impression to put an aimless rant the top of
       | the readme of a project you're showing off, instead of talking
       | about what makes this project unique, because there _never_ seems
       | to be a good-enough reason to take a swipe at other people's work
       | -- especially when someone will inevitably start writing a CSS
       | framework after liking 90% of Blunt but bouncing off one or two
       | things Blunt intentionally does or doesn't do.
       | I can imagine maybe thinking it's relatable in some way, but to
       | me, every time and without fail, it just poisons my sentiment
       | before I've even looked at the implementation.
         | lucideer wrote:
         | This seems to be highly subjective as I'm the exact opposite.
         | I guess perhaps I have an overly critical mindset, but when I
         | see this, my feeling is more of relief that this is someone who
         | considers the purpose and need of their projects carefully
         | before starting, and is reluctant to "create more stuff" for
         | the sake of it rather than leveraging idiomatic approaches.
         | There's also the added confirmation bias of reading a rant of
         | frustrations you share.
         | NOTE:
         | This is a comment on the sentiment of your comment, not on the
         | original article, the author of which I must say seems to be
         | experiencing frustrations I do not share.
       | runarberg wrote:
       | Sorry if I sound snarky, but why use this if you can just write:
       | <div style="margin-inline:auto">Center</div>
       | It looks like these are just single rule classes. In my opinion,
       | If you are going to write one class for each style rule, you
       | might as well use the style property.
         | majewsky wrote:
         | On top of what others are saying, on modern websites, inline
         | CSS is usually forbidden by the Content-Security-Policy, to
         | provide defense in depth against CSS injection.
         | (This SO answer summarizes why CSS injection is something to
         | care about: https://stackoverflow.com/a/718614)
         | wwweston wrote:
         | On top of the strangeness of collapsing distinction between
         | loading up markup with single-use classes and single-use style
         | rules.... in the era of CSS mixins, it seems like it'd be
         | easier than ever to come up with one or two class names that
         | encapsulate the key document semantics (either semantics for
         | presentational abstractions, or data semantics), and then if
         | you really need a quiver full of fine-grained presentation-
         | detail bundles, mix them in.
         | But instead it's really common to do what you've pointed out:
         | something that's effectively inline styles in spirit.
         | The benefits of the semantic approach in terms of flexibility
         | and abstraction seems really high. The only downside I can see
         | is a bit of one common complaint about OOP, "everything happens
         | somewhere else," requiring a context switch to figure out how
         | markup is being told to present. But that seems like a problem
         | better dealt with via tooling.
         | keb_ wrote:
         | Your critique applies to all of these modern "atomic CSS"
         | frameworks, including Tailwind, Tachyons, and BassCSS. As
         | another user pointed out, inline style attributes lack several
         | of the features allowed by regular stylesheets.
         | Ravengenocide wrote:
         | Inline styles can't include media queries so if you want your
         | styling to be responsive (which you probably want) you are
         | going to need to write some CSS in a file and not have it
         | inline.
       | dstroot wrote:
       | Can someone comment on Blunt vs. Tailwind?
         | lemonberry wrote:
         | With a quick glance it looks like Blunt has fewer classes. It
         | seems to be more of a utility + whatever-css-method you choose,
         | e.g.BEM.
         | Blunt has utilities for margin, padding, height, width, font
         | size, line height, grid and classes for row, column and some
         | text alignment utilities.
         | Tailwind includes border, font color, transitions, background
         | color, etc.
         | I'm using Tailwind on a project right now. My first one. I like
         | it. But the big appeal to me is using the same classes on all
         | of my projects. It's less cognitive overhead than coming up
         | with names, dealing with scope creep on classes, etc.
         | That said, a buddy of mine that is a much better web developer
         | than I uses Sass to make base utility classes and a BEM like
         | approach for the rest.
         | Brajeshwar wrote:
         | Blunt looks like a simpler defined framework for styles.
         | Tailwind is a utility framework for your styles. With Tailwind,
         | I can do pretty much everything withotu having to write the
         | "default" styles which I already know but don't want to.
         | Depending on my needs, team-size and flexibility, I can set
         | Tailwind to be used without ever writing a single line of CSS
         | or use it to define my custom classes.
         | E.g. of a recent project https://github.com/sagri/sagri.co
         | dgut wrote:
         | Tailwind has a class for almost everything, which makes it
         | quite heavy: 1600kb minified. In my experience you end up with
         | <= 15kb of minified CSS after running PurgeCSS anyway, so this
         | is not an issue. Personally I prefer Tailwind because you
         | practically don't have to write any CSS. With something like
         | Blunt expect finding many edge cases where you will have to
         | write custom CSS. I do write custom classes that wrap Tailwind
         | classes using the @apply method.. e.g .card and .btn are
         | typical examples (see https://tailwindcss.com/course/composing-
         | utilities-with-appl...).
           | leviathan wrote:
           | > ... Tailwind because you practically don't have to write
           | any CSS.
           | Only until you want to apply a hover style change on a child
           | element (ie: make that svg icon change color when you hover
           | on the a tag that wraps it) and you discover that you need to
           | write that css yourself.
             | simplify wrote:
             | group-hover was made specifically for this use case:
             | https://tailwindcss.com/docs/pseudo-class-variants/#group-
             | ho...
           | welly wrote:
           | Going slightly off topic but I wonder if anyone can point me
           | to a tailwind "starter kit" - ie. a project with everything
           | in place to get going with tailwind, postcss etc.
           | Thanks!
       (page generated 2020-05-21 23:00 UTC)