[HN Gopher] Catalina is checking notarization of unsigned execut...
       Catalina is checking notarization of unsigned executables
       Author : robenkleene
       Score  : 271 points
       Date   : 2020-05-23 09:42 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lapcatsoftware.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lapcatsoftware.com)
       | msie wrote:
       | I was watching a Linus YouTube video on the upgradeability of
       | Alienware Laptops. So envious! Now you can't upgrade anything on
       | the newest MacBook Pros.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-RXqNafscs
       | And if something breaks on your MacBook Pro, most likely you will
       | have to replace the entire motherboard or display.
       | PS: I own lots of Macs but sad to see the direction Apple is
       | heading in.
       | usmannk wrote:
       | There is so much confusion here. The OP and most others are
       | missing one of the biggest points: Look at the packet trace.
       | There is _no data_, not even a hash, being sent. It's a TLS
       | negotiation and then the connection ends. I have to suspect it's
       | a bug...
         | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
         | Is the handshake all that is needed to verify? Is the data
         | you're expecting sent during the authentication phase of the
         | handshake?
         | fierarul wrote:
         | _Any_ communication is data! There are tracking pixels that
         | return 404! Why? Because once you 've hit their endpoint, it
         | did the job.
         | The TLS negotiation is enough to send quite enough info.
         | cryptonector wrote:
         | "no data", just a TLS handshake. Of course information can
         | flow! You could put a hash of the executable in a ClientHello
         | extension, and if the server says "i don't know it to be
         | malware" it can finalize the TLS connection normally.
         | takeda wrote:
         | In prior article "slow by design", this was reported to Apple
         | and the bug was closed that it works like that by design.
           | usmannk wrote:
           | I did see the previous article (another comment of mine
           | should be easy to find on its HN post). Do you know how to
           | find the issue that was referenced? There was an ID given but
           | I have no clue what tracker that was on.
             | [deleted]
             | takeda wrote:
             | Looks like these issues are only visible to originator, so
             | we have to trust the author about it. Perhaps the author
             | could post it on the OpenRadar.
             | Gaelan wrote:
             | It's probably Radar, which is Apple's internal issue
             | tracker, which isn't public (you can see issues you
             | submitted, but nothing else). Sometimes people cross-post
             | issues they submit to http://openradar.appspot.com, so you
             | might be able to find it there.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | FB numbers come from Feedback Assistant, which are
               | similarly non-public and feed into Radar through a
               | convoluted process.
               | takeda wrote:
               | The issue is FB7674490 but it is not on the OpenRadar.
               | Looks like OpenRadar is not Apple's services and issues
               | appear there only if author (which has access to the
               | issue in the Apple system) submits them there.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | Open Radar is community maintained and fairly poorly at
               | that these days :(
             | KenoFischer wrote:
             | That ID was likely for feedbackassistant.apple.com.
             | However, those reports are not public, so you can't see
             | them unless you're the one that reported them though.
             | Knowing the ID is still useful for things like emailing
             | Apple people and complaining about their declining software
             | quality ;).
         | lapcatsoftware wrote:
         | I'm not sure what you're seeing, but that's not what I'm
         | seeing. When I Wireshark both app notarization and script
         | notarization, I see 2 packets of encrypted Application Data
         | sent to Apple (567 and 101 bytes), and 1 packet of Application
         | Data (varying length) returned from Apple, in each case. What
         | do you see when you trace a regular app notarization check?
           | usmannk wrote:
           | This is odd, my proxy doesn't seem to show this. I will try
           | to load my root cert into Wireshark and check.
           | Edit: Checked and double checked: When I run a new shell
           | script, syspolicyd just makes a connection with no
           | application data
             | lapcatsoftware wrote:
             | I'd recommend trying this: Download a notarized Mac app,
             | delete any stapled notarization ticket
             | (.app/Contents/CodeResources), and then trace the launch.
             | What do you see, and does the system let you open the app?
             | Does it say it checked for malware?
               | usmannk wrote:
               | Ah I see, looks like we're not running quite the same
               | experiment. I suspect that anything including an app
               | bundle ID is going to see some more interesting traffic.
               | lapcatsoftware wrote:
               | Don't suspect, test. ;-)
               | I'm running both experiments. I've tested and compared
               | script notarization to app notarization.
               | You're getting apparently unusual results with script
               | notarization. So the natural next step would be to
               | compare against app notarization.
               | usmannk wrote:
               | Agh, I think it was cert pinning. Looks like the
               | connection is terminated if you're snooping. I see the
               | same results as you now. Thanks!
         | the_imp wrote:
         | The Objective-C format strings in the URL would imply that the
         | hash is sent as a path parameter.
           | usmannk wrote:
           | That's a string found in the disassembly of syspolicyd (I've
           | found it as well). However, the actual URL you see in the TCP
           | logs has no path whatsoever.
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | This must be a blacklist, since it doesn't block my own random
       | scripts which it has never seen before.
       | If it's a global blacklist on apple servers, it should instead be
       | downloaded to the client, and be a local blacklist.
       | Too big? Use a bloom filter. Now you only end up keeping less
       | than one byte per blacklisted item. Update the bloom filter with
       | an autoupdater. Any positive hit you can check against the server
       | just incase it's a false positive.
         | daneel_w wrote:
         | Bloom filters are probability-based and come with inaccuracy
         | problems. If you're going to double-check with Apple anyway
         | what does a bloom filter solve compared to the current response
         | caching after querying Apple? How will you protect the locally
         | cached blacklist from being tampered with?
           | w-j-w wrote:
           | Bloomington filters have probabilistic false positives,
           | making it perfect for blacklisting. A negative means that the
           | program can be run immediately, because it is guaranteed to
           | not be on the list. A positive needs to be double checked,
           | though.
         | JackC wrote:
         | The k-anonymity scheme used by the haveibeenpwned api seems
         | like a good fit here.
         | caf wrote:
         | Doesn't a blacklist also work only until the malware authors
         | figure out how to randomize 8 junk bytes every time they serve
         | an executable?
           | therein wrote:
           | Which they already do.
           | dimator wrote:
           | That's the crazy thing about this. There's already
           | obfuscation techniques against hash blacklists, so what is
           | this even for? There's no earthly way apple security
           | engineers didn't know that. So what is actually happening?
           | My guess is that it's strictly for banning app store apps
           | that they pull from the app store, but would like also to
           | cripple retroactively on installed machines. But that doesn't
           | explain why it had to run against random shell scripts? This
           | is all still confusing. We don't have all the info.
       | kimi wrote:
       | I am not sure of what is the whole point of this notarization
       | thing. It would be great (ahem, let's say so) if there was a big
       | and closed list of executables, but every shell / ruby / perl /
       | python script can do many funny things, and you cannot notarize
       | them all. Often, as in bash, by design. So?
       | nojito wrote:
       | What's the exact data being sent?
       | There is a lot of arguing going on here, but what is the data?
         | azinman2 wrote:
         | Seems to be a hash of the executable.
       | londons_explore wrote:
       | So you're telling me that every time I install a program in OSX,
       | it pings apple to let them know what program I'm installing, my
       | IP address, my location, and my OS version?
       | Sounds very Orwellian for a privacy focussed company...
         | daneel_w wrote:
         | No, that's not what he's telling you. You're getting ahead of
         | yourself with your question. He's telling us that macOS will
         | consult with Apple regarding the "fingerprint" of an executable
         | when you run it.
           | londons_explore wrote:
           | But the fingerprint of photoshop is the same for everyone. If
           | apple knows what the fingerprint of photoshop is (which they
           | could easily find out), now they have a giant list of who
           | installed photoshop and when, and from which IP address, and
           | which IP location.
           | That data would be a wet dream for some IP lawyer looking for
           | pirate copies of software...
             | microtherion wrote:
             | The Photoshop binary is signed (presumably; it's been years
             | since I last ran it), so this check would NOT be conducted.
             | Edit: What I should have said is that the binary is signed,
             | notarized, and the notarization stapled to it, as described
             | here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/notar
             | izing_m...
               | lloeki wrote:
               | The author of the article mentioned explicitly that he
               | signed a binary, and the check still occurred.
             | daneel_w wrote:
             | I understand the privacy concern. We don't know if they
             | store/log anything from the request, or even what it
             | contains in itself besides the "fingerprint". I'm
             | personally certain that Apple is not in cahoots with Big
             | Software to put a squeeze on users in exchange for small
             | money. It's not their business, and it's not something they
             | are required by law to make their business.
               | ctrlcctrlv wrote:
               | > I'm personally certain that Apple is not in cahoots
               | with Big Software to put a squeeze on users in exchange
               | for small money
               | Well, this is the problem people have I think - that it
               | comes down good intentions on Apple's part, no matter how
               | trustworthy they are deemed to be.
               | Operyl wrote:
               | With this logic you might as well not try at all. You
               | have to trust Intel, your bios/UEFI, Apple/Microsoft, all
               | the various builds of software closed and open source
               | alike .. at some point you need to trust someone.
               | throwaway2048 wrote:
               | how is that a justification to heap on more "required"
               | trust into a system?
               | Feels like somebody could flesh out this argument in
               | terms of accidental vs necessary complexity, but in terms
               | of how much you need to trust the other party.
               | Few would accept the argument "This code is already very
               | complex, why do you have a problem with doubling the
               | complexity?" on its own merits, so why is it sensible in
               | terms of trust?
         | nitinreddy88 wrote:
         | This is valid question from someone. Why downvote? It's a
         | question and not a statement.
         | trashburger wrote:
         | Of course, if they say it's for your _privacy_ , it's fine, and
         | everything is all right. We have won the victory over
         | ourselves. We love Apple.
           | daneel_w wrote:
           | No, they say it's for your security, and we can surmise
           | that's the actual intention in Apple's case, but I definitely
           | understand the privacy concerns that come with this method.
       | crazygringo wrote:
       | I'm still trying to understand what the problem here is.
       | Nobody seems to have an issue with checking this for apps -- it's
       | a good security feature to protect from malware, right? And which
       | everyone knows about? And it only happens the first time you run
       | something, so it's not a performance issue in everday usage.
       | And the article even states that there seems to be a valid reason
       | for checking shell scripts, because they can be used to compile
       | malware.
       | The original complaint was about slowness, but how often do you
       | run something for the first time? The only scenario in which I
       | can imagine this would become a practical peformance problem is
       | if, somehow, you have an app that spawns new shell scripts all
       | day long to execute, every few seconds, and a really flaky
       | internet connection. Or new shell scripts hundreds of times a
       | second, even with a good internet connection.
       | Is that something anyone ever needs to do? Programs can run shell
       | commands directly, without a file, so it seems unlikely. Also,
       | another comment here suggests that even if a shell script is
       | modified, it isn't re-verified, so there would seem to be a
       | trivial workaround _anyways_.
       | Or is the issue just that this is undocumented behavior? Or what
       | am I missing here?
       | thih9 wrote:
       | The article mentioned at the beginning is already discussed here:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23273247
         | [deleted]
           | FriendlyNormie wrote:
           | Why?
       | LeoPanthera wrote:
       | I can't reproduce the exact test specified in the article:
       | $ echo $'#!/bin/sh\necho Hello' > /tmp/test.sh && chmod a+x
       | /tmp/test.sh       $ time /tmp/test.sh && time /tmp/test.sh
       | Hello              real 0m0.016s       user 0m0.002s       sys
       | 0m0.010s       Hello              real 0m0.006s       user
       | 0m0.002s       sys 0m0.004s
       | I don't believe the 0.01s difference is long enough, and could
       | easily explained by filesystem caching. The article says:
       | > Some people try to explain away the delay, e.g., "I would put
       | the 300 vs 5 ms down to filesystem caching", but such hand waving
       | doesn't stand up to further scrutiny.
       | ...but does not provide any "further scrutiny", so for me,
       | occam's razor applies.
         | alexeldeib wrote:
         | > You can verify that there's an online check by taking packet
         | traces
         | abathur wrote:
         | A few ideas:
         | 1. confirm the checks are enabled:                   spctl
         | --status
         | 2. Make sure your terminal/shell/etc aren't already exempted
         | System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Developer Tools.
         | 3. If you already ran something that could generate a check in
         | the last minute, the connection is still open. Most of the
         | overhead people are recording is negotiation/handshake. If
         | you're fairly close to the server, it seems plausible your
         | observed time could be enough for the communication minus the
         | negotiation. You can open Console.app and search
         | `process:syspolicyd` in the device log to see the entries for
         | the negotiation; wait for it to terminate.
         | 4. Try removing and re-creating a new file as in the test you
         | did before and check it a little more directly:
         | spctl --assess -v --ignore-cache --no-cache /tmp/test.sh
         | If it's working, you should see a log entry with the text
         | "summary for task success" in it with a detailed breakdown of
         | the request (times taken per phase, bytes sent/received, etc).
           | userbinator wrote:
           | I don't have a system to check this on, but Apple seriously
           | named an option "asses"?
             | abathur wrote:
             | Ha, no. I'm the ass, here. Fixed :)
         | lapcatsoftware wrote:
         | There's no such "filesystem caching" phenomenon on macOS Mojave
         | and earlier, so that theory falls apart rather quickly. There's
         | also the consistent difference between timing results with
         | internet connection enabled vs disabled.
         | I'm not sure why you couldn't reproduce the delay. There are
         | several possibilities I can imagine, but these could only be
         | proved or disproved by more testing. In any case, many people
         | have reproduced the delay, on close to "factory default" Mac
         | installs.
         | boardwaalk wrote:
         | It is real; browse the previous thread on this topic:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23273247
         | It pushed me to buy Little Snitch to block it, so I guess
         | somebody won out.
       | MintelIE wrote:
       | Why don't companies come out and tell people what they're doing
       | these days? Telemetry is getting to the point where people such
       | as doctors and lawyers might be violating the law by using a
       | modern computer. And people in the defense industry? Doesn't
       | Apple employ thousands of forns? Who's audited their datasystems
       | and ensured that this stuff stays private?
       | Much easier and better to just stop using it all and move to a
       | system like Linux or BSD. 99% of people do everything in a
       | browser these days anyhow.
         | userbinator wrote:
         | I don't know about BSD, but even "mainstream" Linux (i.e.
         | Ubuntu and the like) has telemetry now. This sort of spyware is
         | everywhere. I think Windows 10 was the first to really
         | normalise such behaviour on the desktop, and all the others
         | just followed along.
         |  _where people such as doctors and lawyers might be violating
         | the law by using a modern computer_
         | That reminds me of a story I heard not long ago --- a company
         | wanted to have more defense against malware, so signed up for a
         | "security solution" from one of the big vendors and got it
         | installed on all the company's machines. After a developer who
         | was doing network tracing discovered that it was phoning home
         | on every executable being run, and further digging discovered
         | that it was periodically uploading file hashes _and sometimes
         | actual files_ --- not just the executables being run but other
         | random files --- to the security vendor 's servers, the
         | reaction was "oh hell no!" and they immediately terminated the
         | service and removed the product from all their machines.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | Sorry, what's a forn?
           | katmannthree wrote:
           | Foreign national, probably.
             | barsonme wrote:
             | Yep.
           | zionic wrote:
           | The acronym used on files is often NOFORN == no foreign
           | nationals.
         | FpUser wrote:
         | > _" 99% of people do everything in a browser these days
         | anyhow."_
         | This exaggeration is clearly absurd.
           | ajkjk wrote:
           | Why do you think so?
             | FpUser wrote:
             | The ball is actually not in my court. The original claim
             | 99% should be somehow substantiated. It is not. On a
             | practical note desktop software is being used by countless
             | professionals. There is nearly infinite amount of those
             | tools in countless areas. Amount of small businesses is
             | insane as well and you can hardly find one without some old
             | PC/Laptop running some of their desktop software. None of
             | that would exist if there was no market. 99% claim does not
             | really fit into the picture.
           | MintelIE wrote:
           | Are you certain about this? I think I was being conservative.
           | It's easy for us tech nerds in our little gadget bubbles to
           | suppose that everybody is like us. But most people are simple
           | browser users, and Office 365 and Google Docs have all but
           | killed off office software on the desktop for many users.
             | abjKT26nO8 wrote:
             | On the contrary, it's easy in our tech bubble to assume
             | that everybody else uses a computer just for mail, netflix
             | and spreadsheets, when in reality most people have niche
             | needs. It's just that there are many niches. E.g. I know
             | people from scientific circles who use CAS software I've
             | never even heard of, my sister is an architect and needs to
             | use CAD software. YouTube video authors often use advanced
             | video editing software. Musicians use audio editing
             | software. Publishers use Adobe InDesign. Then there are
             | gamers. This "not geek => mainly spreadsheet user"
             | stereotype is really strange.
             | And basically everybody, whom I know personally, complains
             | about the UX of anything web-based, so don't even think
             | about putting CAD, CAS or InDesign into the browser.
             | jeremyjh wrote:
             | > Office 365 and Google Docs have all but killed off office
             | software on the desktop for many users.
             | That hasn't been my experience at all. While those tools
             | are definitely used - especially for collaboration - most
             | people on my company's Office 365 subscription are
             | downloading and using the full products for their daily
             | work. This is true in both very large companies and the
             | (non-tech) startup I work at now.
               | dathinab wrote:
               | Honestly my experience with collaboration with Office 365
               | last year was pretty beer bad. At least for sight
               | technical cases people they are many better solutions.
             | kgraves wrote:
             | > But most people are simple browser users, and Office 365
             | and Google Docs have all but killed off office software on
             | the desktop for many users.
             | In reality, I see most people use desktop software instead
             | of the browser (without using the internet in some cases)
             | to do their work. (Think CAD, Adobe, DAW software, Excel,
             | video production software) even on mobile/tablets Office
             | can be used where no internet connection is available.
             | I seriously doubt that users would spend all their time in
             | a browser window other than for consumption purposes like
             | social media and video sites. The idea of 99% of people
             | doing everything in the browser seems questionable to me
             | and some data about this would be helpful here.
             | Apart from the computer science department, I also doubt
             | that people would find it easier to go to Linux, BSD or the
             | other galaxy of distros.
             | perl4ever wrote:
             | I work in an office that mostly uses Office, but doesn't
             | use the web version for everything. Microsoft never fully
             | implements everything when they make a substitute, so
             | you're always faced with a case-by-case choice as to which
             | one. And the software people use includes things that
             | aren't part of the basic apps, like Project, PowerPoint,
             | Visio, I don't know what else.
         | ancarda wrote:
         | If only moving to Linux were an option for everyone.
         | The other day I tried for the 100th time to move to Linux. I
         | installed a recent build of a maintained, popular distribution
         | (no it doesn't matter which one - I have tried them all), on
         | hardware that is famous for it's Linux support.
         | Everything worked for a day and a half, then the sound just
         | fucking died. No input or output.
         | I get millions of people use Linux daily, and are happy with it
         | -- I'm genuinely grateful that's a thing. I would love to also
         | use Linux, but I really don't have the time to diagnose why it
         | broke yet again.
         | Any suggestions for people stuck on macOS? I guess I could
         | block all Apple domains in my DNS resolver? Other than app
         | updates, I can't think of anything that would stop working.
         | That still sounds less painful than trying to deal with Linux's
         | atrocious UX.
           | nightowl_games wrote:
           | Yeah I have a reload_alsa.sh script which reboots my audio.
           | Basically the only problem I have. It's a shame, I know, but
           | I still love my linux box.
           | kgraves wrote:
           | > Everything worked for a day and a half, then the sound just
           | fucking died. No input or output.
           | my condolences.
           | gorgoiler wrote:
           | Vagrant.
           | https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
           | Spin up a Linux box in macOS and ssh into it directly. It is
           | a true joy if you are comfortable working with text files
           | (programming, admin, focused writing, etc.)
           | It will default to using VirtualBox as the underlying
           | virtualization. That works a treat and hides all the GUI
           | madness of VirtualBox.
           | However, if you open up VirtualBox then you can interact with
           | the host you just created with "vagrant up" just fine,
           | including using a graphical environment.
             | ancarda wrote:
             | I've never used that before, but it sounds a bit like
             | Docker? As in, it's got a VM in the background and I can
             | interact with it?
               | gorgoiler wrote:
               | Technology aside, I would describe as being a bit more
               | like an AWS instance, except it is running on your local
               | machine.
         | nojito wrote:
         | "Telmetry" has been co-opted by the tin foil hat wearing
         | privacy keyboard warriors.
         | It's akin to the people spending tens of thousands of dollars
         | on disaster prep.
         | The only people who lose are the end-users of software. Who are
         | forced to use crappy software.
           | salawat wrote:
           | You mean, like all the software that has been written since
           | companies got into the habit of embedding telemetry in
           | everything? That crappy software?
           | Telemetry has a specific use-case. Taking measurements in a
           | place you can't go. What industry employs it for nowadays is
           | much closer to spyware in the sense you can get so much more
           | of it done without it producing a noticeable effect for the
           | user in terms of how much work their computer is actually
           | doing. So what if you spin through a couple rounds of
           | telemetry gathering while the user's process is blocked, am I
           | right? Not like they're using it. /s
         | NikolaeVarius wrote:
         | It would be nice if my laptops bluetooth and audio would work >
         | 99% of the time. Right now its a crapshoot
       | huslage wrote:
       | This is a specious problem _at best_. We have a very secure
       | operating system doing things that others don't even try to do
       | (notary) and we are complaining because our shell scripts take
       | _n_ seconds to run? Really people? If you are running signed and
       | notarized (stapled) binaries, the system never even reports them
       | to Apple in the first place.
       | This is the height of insanity to think that Apple or anyone else
       | would want this data or use it for some nefarious
       | purposes...anonymous hashes of junk data are essentially useless
       | outside of this purpose. It's fine to claim not to trust anyone
       | for anything, but most of us aren't willing or able to build our
       | own hardware, write our own operating system, and write our own
       | applications. We have asked our vendors for devices and code that
       | are more trustworthy, and when they give them to us we COMPLAIN
       | about it incessantly. This makes no sense to me.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | > We have a very secure operating system doing things that
         | others don't even try to do
         | Perhaps because such a system is extremely centralized?
         | > we are complaining because our shell scripts take n seconds
         | to run?
         | Yes? If I buy a computer and it spends time doing stupid stuff,
         | then I think I am fairly justified in being angry.
         | > If you are running signed and notarized (stapled) binaries,
         | the system never even reports them to Apple in the first place.
         | Great, let's notarize and staple tickets to every little piece
         | of software you write...
         | > This is the height of insanity to think that Apple or anyone
         | else would want this data or use it for some nefarious
         | purposes...anonymous hashes of junk data are essentially
         | useless outside of this purpose.
         | Executable hashes tell you if someone is running a specific
         | piece of code.
         | > It's fine to claim not to trust anyone for anything, but most
         | of us aren't willing or able to build our own hardware, write
         | our own operating system, and write our own applications.
         | That's why I buy them from other people and would desire them
         | to be good.
         | > We have asked our vendors for devices and code that are more
         | trustworthy, and when they give them to us we COMPLAIN about it
         | incessantly.
         | How exactly does this make the device more trustworthy?
         | frou_dh wrote:
         | Scripts becoming noticeably slow to start every time they're
         | edited is a notable regression for programmers. Simple as that.
       | abathur wrote:
       | late edit (2): added 3 notes including performance impact
       | observation
       | I'm concerned about this behavior (both from privacy and
       | performance perspectives), but I'm also not (quite) convinced
       | this is working as described/implied here.
       | Before I get started: If you poke at this, open Console.app
       | first. You can see recent logged "assessment" checks logged in
       | "Mac Analytics Data" with the search "process:syspolicyd". You
       | can use the same search to watch log messages (including all of
       | the TLS negotiation etc.) for the checks in the device log.
       | The part that seems weird is that, if it is transmitting a hash
       | (which seems possible/logical) the caching behavior doesn't
       | appear to care or respect it?
       | The article suggests the following test:                   echo
       | $'#!/bin/sh\necho Hello' > /tmp/test.sh && chmod a+x /tmp/test.sh
       | time /tmp/test.sh && time /tmp/test.sh
       | I tried this test and got real runtimes of 0m0.289s and 0m0.006s.
       | Then, I changed the file:                   echo
       | $'#!/bin/sh\necho Hellok' > /tmp/test.sh && chmod a+x
       | /tmp/test.sh
       | When I re-ran the script, both runs are under 10ms. The content
       | changed, but it didn't bother re-checking. I wrote the original
       | script to a new file path:                   echo
       | $'#!/bin/sh\necho Hello' > /tmp/test2.sh && chmod a+x
       | /tmp/test2.sh
       | This ran with runtimes similar to the original (0m0.232s and
       | 0m0.006s). Same content, new path, new check. Here too, if it
       | cares about the hash, it either isn't bothering to use it for
       | caching decisions or the hash includes the path.
       | Then I tried rming the file, writing it again, and running it.
       | Once again, it checks on the first request. I think this suggests
       | it may be caching the result by inode? The author said they saw
       | new checks after saving changes in TextEdit--I don't know much
       | about TextEdit, but I'd guess it is doing atomic write/rename
       | here.
       | Other random details I noticed:
       | 1. it holds the connection open for a minute, presumably to
       | minimize connection overhead for executions that'll generate many
       | checks. My first checks were all in the 280-300ms range, but I
       | tried one additional check within the minute and it only took
       | 72ms. Making multiple requests in less than a minute may make it
       | harder to notice
       | 2. The device log has a "summary for task success" entry with
       | pretty precise timing details on all parts of the request.
       | 3. On my system, each of these attempts produces a
       | "os_unix.c:43353: (2) open(/var/db/DetachedSignatures) - No such
       | file or directory" error in the log from the libsqlite3 subsystem
       | after the response comes back.
       | 4. The "Mac Analytics Data" log entry for each request has a good
       | summary that looks like:                   assessment denied for
       | test.sh         com.apple.message.domain:
       | com.apple.security.assessment.outcome2
       | com.apple.message.signature2: bundle:UNBUNDLED
       | com.apple.message.signature3: test.sh
       | com.apple.message.signature5: UNKNOWN
       | com.apple.message.signature4: 1
       | com.apple.message.signature: denied:no usable signature
       | SenderMachUUID: ...snip...
       | 5. When I add Terminal to the Developer Tools exemption on the
       | privacy tab it does appear to kill the check. I'm not sure if
       | there's genuine protection this check provides at some level, but
       | I'll be considering adding either Terminal or at least some
       | specific build tools to the exemptions I add on a new system.
       | 6. After adding the Developer Tools exemption, if you have the
       | app open, it'll ask if it can quit it for you. I took the hint
       | and restarted Terminal. It'll do the same thing when you remove
       | it from the list. But I didn't see the checks actually return
       | until I rebooted. Also, my system froze during reboot. Hopefully
       | a coincidence. :)
       | 7. To put a better number on how this performance impact can
       | compound for the kinds of builds I do all of the time, I ran
       | `nix-build ci.nix` in the local directory for one of my projects
       | before and after enabling the Developer Tools exemption for
       | ~/.nix-profile/bin/nix. The run took 1m22s before, 45.5s after.
       | 8. Looks like this is the same check as is run by `spctl --asses
       | -v <path>` (at least, per the Console.app logs). That may make it
       | easier to play with.
         | lapcatsoftware wrote:
         | > I think this suggests it may be caching the result by inode?
         | You may very well be right. I used TextEdit simply because it
         | was easiest for me to guarantee a new notarization check every
         | time, but I don't know the exact criteria that macOS uses to
         | identify an executable as "the same". There's probably some
         | combination of path and/or inode in addition to the hash.
       | mthoms wrote:
       | Does anyone know if adding the Apple domain in question to piHole
       | (or your hosts file pointing to will suppress these
       | checks?
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | If you're on MacOS, you want Little Snitch installed at all
         | times, even if you have a pihole: a process that is denied
         | network access is far stronger than juping DNS requests.
         | MintelIE wrote:
         | It appears as if OS X will revert to using an IP address if a
         | domain lookup fails according to the thread we had on this
         | issue yesterday.
       | verytrivial wrote:
       | #include "This is fine meme.h"
       | mokus wrote:
       | I guess the list of things keeping me off catalina (and, by
       | extension, new Mac hardware) just got one item longer.
       | I recently bought a new System76 laptop as a stopgap, but it
       | might end up becoming permanent. Kind of a sad end for 25+ years
       | of Mac use.
         | vmception wrote:
         | One thing that always turned me off of Windows was that I would
         | be in the control panel or command line within 5 minutes of
         | using any system to fix a preference, and how with OSX it was
         | refreshing not to have to do the equivalent in System
         | Preferences or terminal.
         | This is no longer true. It is a very similar and annoying
         | experience for me.
         | I use OSX, Windows and various versions of Linux.
         | The browser is the real platform at this point and is the
         | shared experience between all three.
         | digitaltrees wrote:
         | What are the other problems with Catalina for you? I ask
         | because every time there is an OS X update someone posts this
         | exact sentiment but then over a few months the issues get
         | resolved. Please don't interpret this as an attack; I am
         | genuinely curious and want to see if Apple ends up fixing
         | things.
         | I my self have a maxed out 16 MacBook Pro and a for the first
         | few weeks after the upgrade it was literally in usable because
         | routine user input would result in the entire system locking
         | up. I suspect it was actually this issue but, thankfully, the
         | issue is now resolved.
           | mthoms wrote:
           | I'm in a similar boat. The first few weeks with my 16" MBP
           | was pretty bad. Everything seems resolved now, _except_ the
           | issue with the discreet GPU kicking in when an external
           | monitor is plugged in. This, in turn causes the fans to spin
           | up (which is annoying when trying to code).
           | My 2017 13" MBP (without discreet GPU) was barely usable when
           | powering my 4K monitor but at least it was quiet. It makes me
           | think that the more modern integrated Intel GPU in the 16"
           | should be enough to power my monitor without fan noise.
           | Sadly, Apple has decided I can't have that option.
           | msie wrote:
           | I installed Catalina on my iMac several days ago and
           | ImageCapture still has bugs! Although I can now select
           | multiple photos to import from my iPhone 11, ImageCapture
           | will not delete the photos after import. Previous to that,
           | ImageCapture on Catalina would not import more than 10 photos
           | without reporting an error. At least they fixed that bug.
             | knolan wrote:
             | I'm curious, is there a reason to use image capture when
             | you can just AirDrop the images? Does Image Capture give
             | you the HEIC format file or something?
           | lisper wrote:
           | Not a Catalina issue per se, but the big problem with Apple
           | nowadays is:
           | 1. Upgrades are not optional. The system will relentlessly
           | nag me until I upgrade even if I don't want to upgrade.
           | 2. Upgrades are crap shoots. An Apple upgrade nowadays is as
           | likely to break things as it is to fix things.
           | 3. Upgrades are difficult and sometimes impossible to revert.
           | If an upgrade breaks something, I'm just screwed.
           | So I'm still running Mavericks. It works. It's reliable. It
           | does everything I need it to do. And I can count on that
           | still being the case tomorrow. If I upgrade, all bets are
           | off.
             | LeoPanthera wrote:
             | Although I sympathize, this is one issue, not three. And
             | hardly anything unique to Apple.
               | lisper wrote:
               | It seems pretty unique to Apple in my experience. I have
               | an ancient Android tablet. I don't even know how old the
               | OS is on it. It never nags me to upgrade. My Linux boxes
               | never nag me to upgrade. When I do upgrade, things mostly
               | keep working, and if they don't it's pretty easy to roll
               | things back.
               | LeoPanthera wrote:
               | Android never getting updates is not a feature!
               | lisper wrote:
               | I much prefer no updates over broken updates, especially
               | when they are forced on me. Stable bugs are better than a
               | never ending stream of new ones.
         | amelius wrote:
         | Don't worry, Apple will change this. Big companies always make
         | sure that customers just barely find their products acceptable.
         | This was just a test to see if they could get away with it.
         | wincent wrote:
         | I was gnashing my teeth over exactly this last night -- 26
         | years on a Mac for me:
         | https://wincent.com/blog/grieving-for-apple
         | mohdmasd wrote:
         | There's also the issue of losing all your data if you enabled
         | Secure-Boot (which is default) and the T2 chip failed.
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dwqxsDHkKQ
         | x3n0ph3n3 wrote:
         | How does the keyboard and trackpad for that System76 laptop
         | feel? I've been looking at those quite a bit and am seriously
         | considering one to replace my 2014 MacBook Air.
         | jmvoodoo wrote:
         | I've heard bad things about system76 laptop build quality
         | (desktop I think is top notch). Has this improved at all?
         | lern_too_spel wrote:
         | With issues like this and the 4000 series Ryzen mobile
         | processors, top specced MacBook Pros are very noticably slower
         | than $1k alternatives.
           | fierarul wrote:
           | I see the above comment heavily downvoted but I'm
           | specifically looking at 4000 series Ryzen laptops as my 1st
           | move away from MacBook Pros. Such incredible CPUs really make
           | the decision a bit more acceptable. The laptop I'm eyeing is
           | near $1000.
             | shade wrote:
             | Out of curiosity - what are you looking at? I'm also
             | starting to think about replacing my 2016 MBP and quite
             | honestly, the current MacBook Air/MacBook Pro line doesn't
             | really appeal to me.
             | Lenovo has a couple of AMD-based ThinkPads that are looking
             | pretty appealing, although they come in around $1500 with
             | the configuration I'd want.
             | ChrisLTD wrote:
             | What are you eyeing?
         | rayiner wrote:
         | My 16" is a huge disappointment. After swearing off Intel PCs
         | after a disaster ours X1 Carbon, I switched back to a 2013 15"
         | until this month. Figured after six months bugs would be ironed
         | out. Wrong. I'm seeing two major glitches that have macrumors
         | threads dozens of pages long: 1) with an external display
         | connected, dGPU utilization shoots up to 20W at idle. (The rest
         | of machine draws well under 10W at idle.) That wouldn't be a
         | big deal if the CPU and GPU didn't share a tight 70W power
         | budget. 2) when connected to an external monitor or dock--I've
         | tried two different TB3 docks--the machine kernel panics
         | regularly, usually waking up from sleep.
         | I'm torn. I don't want to return the machine because everything
         | else is crap. At least the 16" works well as a laptop so long
         | as you don't plug anything into the ports. But Apple's Q&A has
         | seriously gone down the toilet ever since Steve Jobs died.
         | Clearly him throwing staplers at people was the glue holding
         | Apple together.
           | Marsymars wrote:
           | I've had neverending problems with sleep mode on the Macs
           | I've owned (2012 Mac Mini, now 2016 MacBook usually docked) -
           | never really worked out the issue other than entirely
           | disabling sleep when connected to power.
           | thestephen wrote:
           | Since 10.15.4, my 16" started having kernel panics while
           | waking up from sleep. Disabling Power Nap seems to mitigate
           | this.
           | While this is an awful stopgap solution, at least I can get
           | back to work.
           | nightowl_games wrote:
           | My partner is a graphic designer who loathed her 13" macbook
           | that her work got her. She finally got an upgrade to a 16",
           | i9, 64 gigs of ram.
           | It runs adobe software like total shit.
           | I think it's something to do with Catalina + accessing files
           | in Google Drive File Stream + Adobe.
           | It runs illustrator horribly.
           | It's basically the saddest thing I've ever seen.
           | I think I'll get her a 17" XPS for christmas this year.
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _when connected to an external monitor or dock--I've tried
           | two different TB3 docks--the machine kernel panics regularly,
           | usually waking up from sleep._
           | I had a similar problem, and it turned out that the dock
           | needed a driver. I don't think I've installed a driver for an
           | external device since I switched to Macs years ago, so it
           | never occurred to me that something like a dock would need a
           | driver.
           | But it turns out that once I installed the vendor's driver,
           | the problems all went away. I'm not sure who's fault that is.
         | rimliu wrote:
         | I upgraded my 2015 MBP 13" to Catalina and happily continue to
         | Mac stint since 2006.
           | 72deluxe wrote:
           | What does df -h in the terminal say?
           | It'll show the total of each partition (the normal, and the
           | new read-only system partition) on their own line, thereby
           | giving a false total. e.g. 1x 100GB disk, 50GB normal, 50GB
           | system partition will show as capacity 100GB for both
           | partitions which would mean a 200GB disk.
           | Small things like this just make me completely lose faith in
           | Catalina.
           | EDIT: Other "fun" things I noticed within half an hour:
           | a. Text search in PDF no longer works
           | b. I can't create anything under /
           | c. I have to use synthetic.conf to map paths from / to my
           | real partition, but the parser of synthetic.conf is very
           | particular to tabs/spaces unlike any other /etc/ file format
           | d. Xcode wants to ask for my password to debug every single
           | time I reboot and debug a C++ app. This is incredibly
           | incredibly incredibly incredibly annoying.
           | Safari is faster in general use. But that's so far the only
           | good point.
           | I'll keep it on a SSD for App Store submissions and keep my
           | machine on an older decent version thanks
             | Marsymars wrote:
             | > a. Text search in PDF no longer works
             | Oh is this macOS? I'd just assumed all the PDFs I've tried
             | to search for the past while have been poorly formatted
             | with the text as images, but that makes more sense.
             | > I'll keep it on a SSD for App Store submissions and keep
             | my machine on an older decent version thanks
             | FYI it's pretty easy to integrate binary upload to App
             | Store Connect on the CLI of your CI system.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | > Text search in PDF no longer works
             | In Safari or in general? I have only noticed the former.
             | > I have to use synthetic.conf to map paths from / to my
             | real partition, but the parser of synthetic.conf is very
             | particular to tabs/spaces unlike any other /etc/ file
             | format
             | You may already know this, but man synthetic.conf will
             | explain that you must use tabs.
             | > Xcode wants to ask for my password to debug every single
             | time I reboot and debug a C++ app. This is incredibly
             | incredibly incredibly incredibly annoying.
             | I can only offer you my condolences as I cruise by with SIP
             | off.
             | cschep wrote:
             | Checkout `DevToolsSecurity` on the command line. Could help
             | with d. :)
       | HugoDaniel wrote:
       | Im running my dev environment in a OpenBSD vm. This makes me
       | wanna use it for more stuff besides dev.
       | rvnx wrote:
       | It's great tool for mass-surveillance. Since Apple has a database
       | of all the apps the user has run on their device (but no worries,
       | Google has the same).
       | For your security ;)
         | tenebrisalietum wrote:
         | So why mass-surveil Apple computer users this way?
         | My understanding is the only thing exclusive to Apple systems
         | is developing Apple apps. But anything related on a platform
         | like iOS is already going to be public knowledge.
         | Also the latest Mac hardware seems to go through great pains to
         | make sure the primary storage device is both encrypted,
         | unrecoverable if keys are unknown (T2 security chip), and non-
         | removable (SSD soldered to board). So why would they make this
         | back door for surveillance?
           | dannyw wrote:
           | None of those measures you described counteract mass
           | surveillance.
         | jmull wrote:
         | > great tool for mass-surveillance
         | It's not really that great for mass-surveillance. It "phone's
         | home" only on first run. And it doesn't look like it sends data
         | about your identity, device or location. They can have your IP
         | address but another mechanism would be needed to relate that to
         | you. (I doubt they are logging the IP address anyway. The only
         | purpose would be to surveil you, but if they wanted to do that
         | they would surely use a more capable mechanism . That makes
         | keeping the IP addresses a burden and risk.)
           | yyyk wrote:
           | >It "phone's home" only on first run.
           | Do we know that? The cache may well have an expiration date.
           | Does the cache stay after an OS upgrade? I suspect further
           | research will discover it's not just 'first time'.
           | >They can have your IP address but another mechanism would be
           | needed to relate that to you.... if they wanted to do that
           | they would surely use a more capable mechanism.
           | The app profile would already tell a great deal. Once enough
           | of these 'non-capable' surveillance mechanisms add up, you
           | end up with a very capable surveillance mechanism.
       | TheRealPomax wrote:
       | Little Snitch is a god-send for users of MacOS, be they voluntary
       | users or forced into using it because their employer won't allow
       | them to use anything else.
       (page generated 2020-05-23 23:00 UTC)