[HN Gopher] Habits of High-Functioning Teams
       Habits of High-Functioning Teams
       Author : zbentley
       Score  : 260 points
       Date   : 2020-05-24 12:11 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (deniseyu.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (deniseyu.io)
       | ripvanwinkle wrote:
       | I'd love to see an article on how to create psychological safety
       | in the first place where non exists or where the opposite is
       | true.
       | From there all sorts of good habits can take root but without
       | that things like feedback week can become bitterly political
       | events.
       | I suspect creating psychological safety boils down to things like
       | the rewards and incentive system, org structure and transparency
       | of decision making but I'd love to hear if anyone has first hand
       | experience
         | MattGaiser wrote:
         | > I suspect creating psychological safety boils down to things
         | like the rewards and incentive system, org structure and
         | transparency of decision making but I'd love to hear if anyone
         | has first-hand experience
         | I've never been in management but I am someone who modifies my
         | interactions with people very easily and is very conscious of
         | what harm could come to me based on my various actions. I am
         | also good at spotting squirming people.
         | Consider what you would do if you personally owned the company,
         | i.e. you can't be fired and everyone must get along with you.
         | What issues would you report? What opinions would you
         | challenge? What ideas would you propose? How uncertain would
         | you be willing to be in a discussion? Would you cut corners on
         | the code to make sure that everything in the sprint gets
         | finished by the end of the two weeks?
         | Compare that list to what you actually do. For example, most
         | people challenge very rarely but I can confirm from the Slack
         | conversations which parallel the meeting that many want to do
         | that (myself included). I've been in plenty of meetings where
         | most agree that something is pointless or even harmful and we
         | leave the meeting to go implement it. Why? The person speaking
         | is the manager. Our concern is only expressed in chatting on
         | the Slack in private during the meeting. That is why UnderCover
         | Boss is so good at finding issues management knows nothing
         | about.
         | The difference is the psychological safety deficit. Ask
         | yourself what exactly causes that difference. Why specifically
         | do you challenge far less than you would like to? That is what
         | you must fix.
         | The problem is that the people who know this information are
         | often lacking in the power to yield change and extracting
         | feedback on this in an environment with low psychological
         | safety faces the same problems as extracting any other feedback
         | (which is why you wanted to solve the problem in the first
         | place).
         | I would not believe that it could be done without replacing
         | >50% of team members and having them trust from the start.
           | ripvanwinkle wrote:
           | I suspect that an incentive system that is heavily biased
           | towards collective success would make a big difference.
           | The more we are vested in each other's success the more we
           | are likely to want to bring out the best in each other and
           | from there we might begin to get psychological safety and
           | other goodness
             | MattGaiser wrote:
             | > I posit that an incentive system that is heavily biased
             | towards collective success would make a big difference.
             | There needs to be enough individual benefit (or the team
             | must be small enough) that individual efforts can move the
             | needle. But yes I agree. One of the biggest challenges for
             | companies is that the average employee has no reason to
             | care whether their project succeeds.
           | iateanapple wrote:
           | > Why specifically do you challenge far less than you would
           | like to?
           | Because if you push in another direction then you have to own
           | the new direction.
           | That is a lot of responsibility to take on - and in many
           | organizations it comes with no reward and serious potential
           | downside.
             | MattGaiser wrote:
             | > serious potential downside
             | See? Found your problem. The downside must be eliminated.
               | iateanapple wrote:
               | > See? Found your problem. The downside must be
               | eliminated.
               | How?
               | I've been successfully able to push for devs to be
               | rewarded better - but I've never been able to eliminate
               | the downside of a poor idea/execution.
         | PacifyFish wrote:
         | Psychological safety is 10% job security and 90% how
         | comfortable you feel with the people you work with. Simple to
         | understand, hard to make happen - you need to hire well.
           | ckdarby wrote:
           | >you need to hire well This! It is odd to write but the more
           | time I spend in the industry the more I find myself thinking
           | back to that statement, "You can't teach an old dog new
           | tricks."
           | The five dysfunctions of a team have been the hardest things
           | to change in my opinion once habits form that prevent them.
           | I ponder at times if this is truly why "hyper growth"
           | startups tend to hire on average much younger candidates and
           | our industry says that ageism is rampant.
         | DanBC wrote:
         | Changing the culture of an organisation is really difficult.
         | Ideally you'd need support from senior leaders as well as front
         | line staff. Without both of those it's going to be next to
         | impossible.
         | I like these (although some of them use lots of business
         | jargon).
         | https://www.health.org.uk/sites/default/files/HowCanLeadersI...
         | If you like video you can try this by Professor Amy Edmundson
         | from Harvard (it's a bit clunky because it's an online
         | conference): https://youtu.be/rhVXwdzdPcc?t=880
         | You're right that there's a lot of content about the benefits
         | of psychological safety, and how nice it is to have it, but not
         | nearly enough about how to create it if you're stuck in an org
         | that's reluctant.
         | ramraj07 wrote:
         | My current team is repeatedly cited as one of the most fun and
         | open teams in the org by many (both from inside and sidelines),
         | and I can suggest some things that seem to work:
         | 1. Psychological safety and honesty is subtle and contagious -
         | if one person opens up and always makes a point in identifying
         | their own mistakes (perhaps going out of the way at times)
         | others feel empowered to do so as well. This ideally needs to
         | be done by the senior most members of the team to start.
         | 2. Make it a point to never (even subtly) blame individuals in
         | even the slightest of public settings for any mistakes. Use
         | 1-1s to do that and encourage the same throughout the team
         | 3. Safety is contagious but the opposite is true as well - bad
         | influences in the form of PMs out of sync with team culture
         | should be avoided as quickly as possible.
         | 4. Everyone should always feel like the team has their back in
         | any external surface (either their managers, the customer
         | success team, the product management team, etc) - any slight or
         | suggestion that an individual might not have done something
         | optimally should be backed by honest support from the remainder
         | of the team. Not lying or defending bad actions but just
         | assuring that the team will work together to rectify any
         | problem.
         | 5. Make it a point to publicly acknowledge any good
         | contribution by any team member.
         | 6. In any public channel even within the team, all engineers
         | are treated as if they are equally senior.
         | 7. Display and inspire a sense of responsibility towards the
         | product, not because you owe it to your company, but you owe it
         | to the customers, to your teammates, and other teams in the org
         | that will have to make up for any mistakes we do. Again not by
         | working overtime (not more than once or twice of course).
         | 8. Fully acknowledge that no one should work "too hard" (read:
         | more than 9-5 on most days). If one engineer does because they
         | have no life, make sure everyone knows that's not anyone else's
         | problem (and make sure that this extra-work engineer doesn't
         | cause trouble via bad code or unrealistic expectations).
         | 9. Be brutally honest to each other in 1-1s, and try to use the
         | same techniques as above to do so.
         | 10. Never hold back feedback from each other that you feel
         | obligated to give in peer reviews eventually anyway. Give it to
         | them (privately) as soon as possible.
       | baron816 wrote:
       | Another point I'd like to suggest: The motivations of the
       | individual, the team, and the company should all aligned.
       | Individuals should be happy to help other team members, or
       | members of other teams. Teams should be willing to give up under
       | utilized resources if it means contributing to the goals of the
       | company. The company and teams should support individual growth
       | and reward individuals who help them reach their goals.
       | That should all be obvious, but it's not uncommon for individuals
       | to be in competition with each other, teams to hoard resources
       | "just in case," and individuals and companies to have an
       | adversarial relationship.
         | JumpCrisscross wrote:
         | > _motivations of the individual, the team, and the company
         | should all aligned_
         | Expanding on this from the perspective of building and managing
         | sales teams.
         | Personality must be considered when building incentives. Sales
         | teams can be paid on commission, paid on salary, or both. A
         | great salesperson under one model can be terrible under the
         | other. Commission-paid sales teams should not need motivating;
         | their processes will focus on ensuring long-term decision
         | making and avoiding risks to the firm. Salaried teams shouldn't
         | need those processes to be as heavy, but _will_ need ones to
         | get balls rolling.
         | Lifting systems from one model and applying them to the other
         | will be disastrous. Unfortunately, a lot of naive management
         | involves this sort of tooling transport.
       | blargmaster33 wrote:
       | I'm currently enjoying a front row seat of the destruction of a
       | High-Functioning team I managed to build over the last year.
       | I'd fascinating in a sad way how fast the wrong manager can
       | destroy a software team.
       | And it's all about High Psychological Safety.
       | noizejoy wrote:
       | What I'm missing the most in TFA and this discussion (a few hints
       | notwithstanding) is the importance of demographics compared to
       | process.
       | Programming is very much a process thing, people much less so.
       | Successful teams in programming (just like in sports and other
       | human endeavours) seem to have the right mix of skills as well as
       | of personalities. What the right mix is, varies by project - even
       | within programming.
       | In my own experience, even gender mix seemed correlated to team
       | success - roughly 50/50 mixes seemed the best. And a distribution
       | of leaders/followers,
       | nerds/playboys/mothers/flirts/emos/rationals/heroes/pessimists
       | etc. - depending on the project at hand.
       | And team size matters - a lot (but that seems already better
       | understood in programming circles).
       | troughway wrote:
       | Very good article.
       | There is a thing in leading teams, in having good team
       | composition, structure and over all happiness and strong
       | contribution that is analogous to what Spolsky calls the
       | Development Abstraction Layer.
       | (https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2006/04/11/the-development-ab...)
       | You need to try to find at least one company, one opportunity and
       | see it work well. It is a completely integrated system that
       | permeates the entire organization, from the CEO and CTO, down to
       | a recent hire. The way interviews are conducted is also impacted.
       | Some departments are more stressful than others. Sales, Marketing
       | are the obvious victims in most circumstances and are very
       | competitive. But it is interesting to hear their yearning to
       | adopt this approach.
       | modwest wrote:
       | Hoo doggies I need management at work to read and internalize
       | this.
       | bryanrasmussen wrote:
       | So like if I was on a team one time with Ken Iverson, John
       | McCarthy, and Peter Norvig and the team did a lot of acid and
       | masturbating at their desks whenever they found a really cool bug
       | to fix I would write an article (and probably found a management
       | movement) to have programmers take acid and masturbate at their
       | desks.
       | hence, stuff like this "Some teams go even further and require
       | that the issue number is tracked in every commit." well, I was on
       | a team that did this and a lot of other stuff listed here but as
       | it happens it wasn't one of the most productive teams I've ever
       | been on.
         | danans wrote:
         | > hence, stuff like this "Some teams go even further and
         | require that the issue number is tracked in every commit."
         | well, I was on a team that did this and a lot of other stuff
         | listed here but as it happens it wasn't one of the most
         | productive teams I've ever been on.
         | This shouldn't be interpreted so narrowly. In situations where
         | you are adding small features for fixing bugs to an existing
         | system, having a separate issue per commit really helps
         | communicate the background and intent behind the commit,
         | because a lot of problem solving takes place before any code is
         | changed, and can be very helpful for people who have to change
         | the code later on, or reviewers of the code just prior to
         | commit.
         | If however you are working on a new concept by rapid
         | prototyping, or working on a single large feature comprised of
         | multiple commits, it makes more sense to have a single issue
         | that represents that effort, and all commits related to it
         | point to the same issue. This minimizes issue management
         | overhead while still maintaining the link between the commits
         | and their motivating rationale.
         | Either way, a link to the human conversation that gave rise to
         | a commit or series of commits is very important for
         | understanding the intent behind the code change.
         | telesilla wrote:
         | In my experience, aspiring to this while allowing the odd
         | outlier has been very productive. It means the team isn't off
         | fixing random bugs they come across but are focused on what
         | needs to be done.
           | sgift wrote:
           | That you think the team doesn't know whether the "random bug"
           | or something else is "what needs to be done" is a big red
           | flag.
             | telesilla wrote:
             | Right, I don't think I meant it quite like I may have put
             | it, more that I've seen commits by juniors have multiple
             | unrelated fixes, instead of documenting said issues and
             | being unable to track them.
       | [deleted]
       | kevindeasis wrote:
       | I've seen this exact information before, multiple times actually.
       | It seems like it's just a rehash of the same generic advice
       | What I'd like to see, is if you enforce this in a dysfunctional
       | team, would that team still be dysfunctional?
       | Are these habits things that come out organically from some high
       | functioning team? Cause I bet if you enforce these kinds of
       | habits to a dysfunctional team, that team would still be
       | dysfunctional, but most likely better.
       | Highly functional teams, would always make things happen, and if
       | you join highly functional teams, you will be part of their
       | culture and reinforce habits
       | There are also, enjoyable teams. Teams that have an amazing
       | culture. Those teams are great to be in, but have a different
       | culture compared to highly functional teams
         | pizlonator wrote:
         | I don't know if enforcing these things on a dysfunctional team
         | would fix anything. It probably depends on the team.
         | But stuff like redistribution of XP and active measures to
         | create psychological safety are necessary components of a
         | functional team. So, it stands to reason that if you want a
         | dysfunctional team to become functional then the manager will
         | have to make those two things happen. It may not be enough if
         | there are more fundamental problems (like toxic team members,
         | toxic upper management, or a toxic code base) so I'd say it's a
         | "necessary but not sufficient" sort of thing.
         | I also suspect that this lists and others like it are not
         | exhaustive. Probably the best teams have emergent dynamics that
         | even very smart people don't know how to describe or reproduce.
         | zoomablemind wrote:
         | > What I'd like to see, is if you enforce this in a
         | dysfunctional team, would that team still be dysfunctional?
         | I was wondering the same. It seems that the 'good' team
         | dynamics just happens, mostly due to a combination of factors.
         | People, of course, are firstmost. Then the company organism is
         | a big factor too. An isolated team might enjoy a feeling of
         | superiority, yet at some side of it there's still a connection
         | to the rest of the company, with all the 'inferor' luggage that
         | there might be. You're lucky if a manager is the shield that
         | keeps that external drag at bay to alow his team to perform at
         | their best.
         | The psychological safety that the author mentions is analogous
         | to the feeling of comfort. It can equally apply to healthy as
         | well as to unhealthy teams, as long as the values are shared by
         | the team members. We all have seen very stable yet
         | underperforming teams, trying one or the other
         | technique/practice to put another layer of make-up on a zombi
         | face.
         | It may sound pessimistic, but it seems that once a team settles
         | in its low energy state it's next to impossible to reenergize
         | it by introducing techniques and practices. Borrowing the
         | analogy... how does one deal with zombies...figuratively
         | speaking? Then, what if by now you are one of them?
         | On the other hand, when team is still alive or new, then all
         | this spirit must be nurtured. Techniques, experiments,
         | practices. Most importantly, respect!
           | andrewingram wrote:
           | It's been mentioned on Hacker News a few times, but the book
           | "Turn The Ship Around" is essentially about this very
           | question. It's about a different kind of organisation (a
           | military submarine), but I differently recognised a lot of
           | the same dysfunctions and failed attempts at fixing things
           | that I've seen whilst working in numerous tech companies.
           | The answer seems to be that, yes, you really can turn a
           | dysfunctional team into a high performing one (literally
           | worst to best in the case of the book), and in much less time
           | than you'd have thought (most of the changes happen within 45
           | days of the author taking command). My main takeaway from the
           | book has not been new ideas about what good looks or feels
           | like, but tools about how to fix it if it's broken. Highly
           | recommended.
         | icelancer wrote:
         | >> What I'd like to see, is if you enforce this in a
         | dysfunctional team, would that team still be dysfunctional?
         | Yes. All these articles start with an average or better
         | workforce in terms of talent and innate productivity/passion.
         | If you have 80% crap for whatever reason, the only way out is
         | replacing them. Or leaving.
         | baron816 wrote:
         | Dysfunctional teams == 10X engineers:
         | https://twitter.com/skirani/status/1149302828420067328?lang=...
       | vsskanth wrote:
       | Working for a team like this with psychological safety does
       | indeed sound magical, but I rarely encounter teams like this, big
       | or small corps. I'm not saying they don't exist, just rare.
       | With that being said, two questions arise:
       | 1. What kinds of incentives, business area and market forces
       | create or prevent such teams from forming (since I feel these
       | teams are rare), and how does one ensure a pit of success here ?
       | 2. Is it already hopeless when you inherit a team with low
       | psychological safety or flat out incompetent team members ? Are
       | there incremental steps to get there ?
         | momokoko wrote:
         | I've found a pretty simple formula.
         | 1. Team deeply cares about the product. Not just the tech.
         | 2. Team deeply cares about each other and has things they
         | deeply care about outside of work.
         | 3. Team has a high level of skill and talent and teammates
         | rarely have to ask for help(as opposed to suggestions / ideas).
         | So in a way it's hopeless if you don't have all three. Some
         | people simply do not have a lot of passion for life and work
         | and some people just don't have enough talent and skill.
         | But sometimes they do and it's the original culture they
         | inherited that causes the problems. In that case you can fix
         | things.
         | With that said, we all play with the cards we are dealt and you
         | can still achieve great things without a high functioning team.
           | spyspy wrote:
           | This is absolutely spot on. In fact these are the exact 3
           | points I came up with when I've thought about "high
           | performing teams". If you don't have a team that thoroughly
           | enjoys what they're building and each other you have nothing.
           | Skill is tertiary but important. At least one person needs to
           | know what they're doing. Even if the other 5 just graduated
           | middle school, if they're eager to learn and willing to
           | listen things will be copacetic.
           | bradlys wrote:
           | Are you saying those are key elements to psychological
           | safety? I've never found any of those correlated with
           | psychological safety.
             | momokoko wrote:
             | 1. When a team cares deeply about the product as opposed to
             | just the tech, everyone's goals tend to be more aligned and
             | people tease things less personally because they realize
             | the other person is saying or doing something to make the
             | product better. As opposed to picking favorites or picking
             | tech they want for their resume / career growth.
             | 2. When a team cares deeply about each other there is less
             | distrust and misinterpretation of statements. When people
             | have things the care about outside of work they are less
             | likely to get over emotional about a decision.
             | 3. When there is a high level of skill all around, people
             | are less likely to feel nervous about looking bad or
             | covering up a deficiency.
             | All of this results in greater trust and perspective which
             | correlates quite heavily with psychological safety.
               | bradlys wrote:
               | In a perfect world where there were no managers - maybe
               | this would be true? I can imagine this being more true in
               | a flatter organization or in one where everyone has
               | similar authority inside the company. But, in a more
               | common place, I don't see this being sufficient. The
               | effect a manager/skip-level-manager has on the
               | psychological safety of an environment heavily outweighs
               | any contributions an IC makes (or even a group of ICs).
               | I'd like to add: High level of skill isn't sufficient to
               | say someone is less likely to feel nervous about looking
               | bad or trying to cover up a deficiency. It's entirely up
               | to management and how they punish/reward you. If you are
               | perceived to be high level but make a simple mistake that
               | a lower level employee would make - certain kinds of
               | management would punish you for it. So, you might be
               | nervous because of how management treats you - not
               | because you're bad in your abilities and lack some years
               | of confidence thing. There are certain skills I have that
               | are in the top 1%. You can bet your ass if someone is
               | evaluating me - I get nervous. But if no one is
               | evaluating or I don't even know they're evaluating - I'm
               | not nervous. My point is: I don't think high of level
               | skill is sufficient criteria to say you're less likely to
               | be nervous... It's very environment dependent and not
               | skill dependent.
               | spyspy wrote:
               | You seem to be mistaking a manager as not part of "the
               | team". If you have a direct supervisor who over-
               | admonishes engineers for their mistakes they violate
               | point #2 more blatantly than any engineer could.
               | bradlys wrote:
               | I think they should be categorized differently. As I
               | said, "The effect a manager/skip-level-manager has on the
               | psychological safety of an environment heavily outweighs
               | any contributions an IC makes (or even a group of ICs)."
               | The influence they have on psychological safety is so
               | much more important than the rest of the team. To the
               | point that it doesn't even matter at all what the team
               | does if the manager isn't going along with it.
         | pugworthy wrote:
         | It is rare, which is why we often have that great team/project
         | that we miss so much because it was just right.
         | You can interpret the Steve Jobs quote about A players hiring A
         | players, and B's hiring C's (and so on) as a reflection of
         | technical skill, but I think it's a lot more about personality
         | and psychological safety than technical skill.
         | A good team often seems to focus job interviews on the person,
         | not the technology. Yes, make sure the person can do the job
         | technically, but really focus on whether they'll get along and
         | work well with the team. Make sure they are a good fit. That's
         | A players hiring A players.
         | kradroy wrote:
         | I have some experience with these questions.
         | 1. Management, and involvement of management in particular.
         | When you're an individual contributor, it can often be
         | motivating and validating to hear praise and interest from a
         | manager, director, VP or beyond.
         | 2. It's not hopeless. In that case there are two courses of
         | action required a) engage the team and build an atmosphere of
         | psychological safety; this is done by giving focused, time-
         | relevant feedback, both positive and critical, on behavior in
         | group settings (e.g. "That question you asked in stand-up was
         | critical. I'm glad you brought it up.") b) push out (fire,
         | transfer, etc) negative influencers and those who don't
         | contribute, once enough time has passed since instituting team
         | culture changes.
         | 2.b might sound harsh, but in normal circumstances a group of
         | people will reject and disassociate with a member who no longer
         | shares their values. In a work setting a manager has to do this
         | or they risk the productive and positive team members leaving.
         | itronitron wrote:
         | Not hopeless. Teams with low psychological safety can recover
         | after the toxic people leave. You still need a manager or team
         | lead to show people the path but in my experience 90% of the
         | people want to help their coworkers and be part of something
         | valuable/bigger.
         | It's important that the team be highly connected (in how they
         | coordinate their work), if it's one person talking one on one
         | with everyone else then that's not going to result in a high-
         | functioning team.
         | You also need excitement among at least some of the team
         | members.
       | MattGaiser wrote:
       | Feedback week seems like a way to introduce a tremendous amount
       | of politics to the workplace.
       | "Feedback week" is not an outcome I would leave to chance unless
       | I trusted management to an extraordinary degree. Getting good
       | feedback would become my priority for the week before and I would
       | be forming partnerships with people to play up certain aspects,
       | especially if management (the people who decide my paychecks) are
       | going to be hearing it. Why would I do all this? It is very hard
       | to shake a negative impression, so preventing one is imperative.
       | Feedback week tells me to spend the week before not asking for
       | help which may be hard to provide, investing in colleague
       | lunches, sending them job postings and encouraging them to seek a
       | promotion, withholding cool productivity improvements until just
       | before feedback week (I have this cool new automation script),
       | and planning my feedback with close team members.
       | That seems like a worse outcome than having me actually doing
       | work.
         | jacques_chester wrote:
         | > _" Feedback week" is not an outcome I would leave to chance
         | unless I trusted management to an extraordinary degree._
         | I worked for the same company as Denise and yes, I had that
         | kind of trust in my management. I have received at times quite
         | blunt feedback, but it has never to my knowledge put me at
         | threat of losing my job. I have at other times been left
         | feeling cynical, hurt or angry, but expressing those feelings
         | has never put me at threat of losing my job.
         | It's doable. It's just hard and takes a lot of time, a lot of
         | patience and willingness to improve in small steps.
           | MattGaiser wrote:
           | > I had that kind of trust in my management.
           | That's impressive. Would you consider yourself the trusting
           | type?
             | jacques_chester wrote:
             | It depends on the situation.
           | z6 wrote:
           | I would say losing your job is at the extreme end. There are
           | many ways it could have impacted you without you even
           | knowing. Obvious ones are missing out on promotions, getting
           | a lower raise, bonus, etc. I think it's incredibly naive to
           | think there would be no impact.
             | jacques_chester wrote:
             | I was involved in student politics and then grownup
             | politics, so I feel qualified to exercise all due cynicism
             | about people's motivations.
             | Once I got over literally every other professional
             | experience I'd ever had, Pivotal was the real deal.
         | iateanapple wrote:
         | > Getting good feedback would become my priority for the week
         | before
         | It should be your primary job all the time in feedback based
         | organizations.
           | MattGaiser wrote:
           | If it is peer feedback I then spend a ton of time doing
           | things not related to my actual job.
           | If it is management feedback, isn't that just most jobs?
         | ncphillips wrote:
         | The article states that teams with high psychological safety
         | have success with feedback weeks, it does not say that feedback
         | week results in high psychological safety.
       | dpc_pw wrote:
       | I don't buy almost any of it. The thing is - it's very hard to
       | compare performance between projects and teams. What author
       | considers "high-performance" might mean "environment _I_ _felt_
       | productive in " and so on.
       | Don't get me wrong. It might all be good advice and work well, or
       | it might not. Or might work in some contexts, but not in other.
       | And it's all just an opinion.
       | hn_check wrote:
       | I once had an occasional associate tell me how remarkable his
       | team was. They had daily scrums, amazing communications, everyone
       | loved the work and the organization, they felt good about their
       | quality and pace, etc. He told me, with great enthusiasm, that
       | this was the best group he'd ever worked with.
       | Happenstance brought us together when another associate called on
       | me to audit this firm as they were acquiring and incorporating
       | it. Awkward, right, but I was sure it'd be a cakewalk given how
       | great it had been described to me.
       | It was anything but. A team of approximately 12-16 developers
       | (plus a handful of QA, several BAs, etc) had, it turned out,
       | spent years doing trivial refinements on a system that a passing
       | "cowboy coder" (who they all derided at every chance) almost
       | single-handedly made close to a decade earlier. He built a system
       | and then moved on to greener pastures.
       | This team had, from the history, at various points tried their
       | own reinvention. Each was a failure. They "refactored" to
       | whatever was the trend that year, so every layer had become a
       | fragmented disaster of countless approaches, standards, etc.
       | Their Jira history was almost cartoonish, with the most
       | absolutely trivial change somehow turning into weeks of work. I
       | had to listen in on some scrums and it was amazing how the
       | culture had made them happy with long bullshitty diatribes about
       | how every tool is crashy junk, aren't they heroic, etc.
       | I think of that when I see tales like this. We have _no idea_ how
       | high functioning his team is, and many such teams live in an
       | insular bubble where there is little competition and little
       | perspective.
       | Traster wrote:
       | >In this post, I'll try to document the characteristics and
       | habits of the highest-performing teams I've been on.
       | One of the real weaknesses of studying high performing teams is
       | this focus on the behaviours of high perfoming teams. So often
       | you end up with _horrible_ activities that are a disaster for
       | teams that have this instituted. Feedback week sounds like a
       | disaster in the making. I 'm not doubting it worked for this
       | person, but I think sometimes you need to back away from the
       | examples. What you need to think about when creating a high
       | performance team is understanding that the high performance
       | _enables_ other things. Retrospectives don 't enable
       | psychological safety, psychological safety is a pre-requisite for
       | a retrospective to be useful. It's like winning the lottery and
       | then writing about how you chose to spend the money as if _that_
       | is going to help other people win the lottery.
         | jacques_chester wrote:
         | > _psychological safety is a pre-requisite for a retrospective
         | to be useful_
         | The first heading in the article is "High Psychological
         | Safety". I didn't see any claims of directional causality.
         | > _It 's like winning the lottery and then writing about how
         | you chose to spend the money as if that is going to help other
         | people win the lottery._
         | She notes that she's also worked in non-lottery conditions.
         | A big part of discussing these experiences is to show that they
         | _can_ exist and that when they do, there are a number of
         | beneficial outcomes for folks who are involved. I 've worked at
         | the same company she's writing about and my experiences gel
         | with hers.
         | The lottery-winning incident was being hired. After that it was
         | all due to sustained, deliberate efforts by many individuals
         | over a long time frame. Investing time and effort into being a
         | safer, kinder, more humane workplace isn't buying a lottery
         | ticket. It's _investing_ time and effort. You divert some of
         | today 's time and effort to make it happen.
         | wtracy wrote:
         | This reminds me of the Extreme Programming "bubble" (for lack
         | of a better word).
         | Really awesome Practice A (skipping up-front requirements
         | development, shorter QA cycles) is made possible by really
         | tedious Practice B (pair programming, TDD). If you try to
         | cherry pick the obvious shiny stuff while skipping the
         | slow/expensive less-obvious things, you are doomed to fail.
         | Getting back to the subject at hand: I think what would be much
         | more helpful than case studies of existing successful teams
         | would be case studies of teams that were successfully turned
         | around. Not only does that quickly winnow down what factors
         | actually have an impact, it provides more actionable advice in
         | other ways. There are certain factors that are only helpful _if
         | you start with a magically perfect team from day one_ that may
         | not help (or actually be harmful) when implemented with B
         | players or a team with existing dysfunctions. (You are probably
         | right about detailed retrospectives falling into this
         | category.)
           | jacques_chester wrote:
           | Denise's case studies are coming from time at Pivotal, which
           | performed a lot of turnarounds by embedding client teams in
           | order to demonstrate the possible world.
           | I've also worked at Pivotal and I was allocated to several
           | rescue missions in both Labs and R&D. A lot of the work was
           | patiently modelling the possible and continuing to make
           | small, incremental steps towards the better condition. From
           | week to week the situation may appear to be impossible, but
           | one day you look back and realise how much better things are
           | than 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months ago.
             | twic wrote:
             | I spent about thirty or forty years of my life working with
             | enterprise clients in Pivotal Labs, which i think lasted
             | two and a half calendar years. A year or so of that was
             | leading engagements with one particular enormous and highly
             | dysfunctional retail bank. Every week, we tried to
             | demonstrate that a better world was possible, and every
             | week, they remained resolutely stuck in their world of
             | suffering and not delivering software.
             | Some time after i left, i asked after that client.
             | Apparently their organisation is agile, the projects
             | shipped successfully, and they're really happy.
             | I have no idea how that happened.
             | I'd love to think that i was making a difference and just
             | not seeing it because i was stuck at the coalface, but it's
             | probably just that people much better than me got involved
             | after i left!
               | jacques_chester wrote:
               | Ah yes, the banks. By _far_ our hardest clients. I think
               | we took on too many bank engagements.
               | dajohnson89 wrote:
               | what about banks make them so difficult to work with?
               | jacques_chester wrote:
               | It's a mix of things. The biggest is that they're just
               | enormous, so nearly every engagement is pretty much from
               | scratch. As in: single departments of single divisions
               | could dwarf us in headcount and revenue. It can be
               | dispiriting for Labs consultants and I know people who
               | quit because of it.
               | A lot of the time you hit what I call "veto culture". You
               | are forever running into groups, committees, boards,
               | bureaus, offices of the whatever etc etc who have the
               | power to gate some change. Those folks almost always say
               | "no". The logic is simple: if they say "yes", and
               | something goes wrong, and they are blamed for it, then
               | they might lose their job or at least risk a bonus or
               | promotion. But if they say "no", there's no risk to them.
               | In practice it drives everything productive underground.
               | We often relied on discovering the nomenklatura who
               | actually _did_ things as we went. The parallels to the
               | USSR 's experiences (as I understand them) were
               | fascinating.
               | It's important to note that I don't see any of this as
               | being a deliberate outcome. In general folks don't wake
               | up and ask "how can I make my company less productive and
               | pleasant today?". People do what makes sense to them,
               | based on their experiences. But I have seen how culture
               | can drift into a bad place that's hard to dig out. Big
               | banks seem to have even more of this than regular
               | megacorps.
               | I know some folks who worked in the Federal sector had
               | some similar experiences, but overall it seems like a lot
               | of the time it seemed more manageable due to different
               | incentives. In fact a lot of the compliance / standards
               | folks were often thrilled that someone _wanted_ to talk
               | to them.
               | thebigbank wrote:
               | This is very true. I work for a big bank and purposely
               | overestimate any work because: 1) the veto culture; and
               | 2) it allows me time to do work not counted in the
               | "sprint".
               | The actual amount of development I do is between 20-30%.
               | The rest is taken up by "agile ceremonies" and convincing
               | multiple layers of veto holders not to veto.
               | Often times I'll spend 2-3 days developing a prototype
               | and then 2-3 months convincing people its a decent idea.
               | (I put "sprint" and "agile ceremonies" in quotes because
               | its waterfall presented as agile)
             | urbanetrellis wrote:
             | As someone who got to embed with a mixed client/Pivotal
             | team, this was a great experience for me. I had never seen
             | pairing or TDD done in a disciplined and thoughtful way, or
             | participated on a team that was "Agile" in more than just
             | name and appearance. We certainly had plenty of room to
             | keep improving, but by the end of my time on the project we
             | were deploying a high-quality product on an ongoing basis,
             | making good design choices, and delivering substantial
             | value for the users every few weeks. It felt great and I'm
             | sorry to say I haven't gotten to experience it again since.
           | karatestomp wrote:
           | > Really awesome Practice A (skipping up-front requirements
           | development, shorter QA cycles) is made possible by really
           | tedious Practice B (pair programming, TDD).
           | School/district administrators do the same thing. "Hey I just
           | read [popular education book about some system] and got the
           | district to pay for me to go to a conference about it and it
           | seems great! We're doing that now. Oh but not that part. Or
           | that other one. Those make me uncomfortable." [two years
           | pass] "Huh, weird, none of this is working for us, guess the
           | book sucks. Hey, I just read this other book...."
           | hinkley wrote:
           | XP (and most Agile Manifesto children) proscribes a bunch of
           | onerous activities in favor of a set of less onerous
           | activities, but people aren't looking for discipline, they're
           | looking for ways to avoid pain.
           | While discussing the failings of XP as practiced, someone put
           | it this way:
           | You are effectively telling people that if they eat their
           | vegetables they can have dessert, and what happens is people
           | eat their dessert and don't want to eat their vegetables.
           | mpweiher wrote:
           | > with B players or a team with existing dysfunctions.
           | Hmm...I got handed a team of C players. By focusing on the
           | technical aspects of XP such as simple code, test first,
           | quick turnaround (work on master, check in when green) the
           | team was outperforming the "star" team(s) after about a year
           | or two.
           | We paired only on a need basis, but I wouldn't say that we
           | failed.
           | dionian wrote:
           | I agree with you and i also see the flip side of this: people
           | who think you need to do 100% of XP techniques to be 100% XP.
           | Whereas XP is supposed to be about doing what's right for the
           | situation
             | urbanetrellis wrote:
             | I would argue it's doing what's right for the situation but
             | with a few top level goals that should constantly be in
             | view.
             | - Simplicity: you should be creating simple designs /
             | solutions
             | - Feedback: you should be getting continuous feedback as to
             | whether what you're doing is working and self-correcting
             | - Courage/Communication/Respect: you should be fostering a
             | collaborative environment where people feel free to tell
             | the truth and feel they're respected as people and
             | professionals
             | The practices (pairing, TDD, etc.) are just a way of
             | getting to those goals. You can follow any other
             | disciplines you want, but if the end result doesn't look
             | like what I just described (or if it isn't the explicit
             | goal of your activities) then I don't think you're doing
             | XP.
       | guest2143 wrote:
       | Anyone have an example of taking a low functioning team to a high
       | functioning one? Building trust, changing culture.
       | It's one thing to just say "here's the ideal". And another to say
       | if you're in a sub-optimal place, "just leave."
       | But how to change a poor habit place into a good habit place.
       | I don't think bad habits really go away, they get drowned out by
       | the better habits. I think the same is true of teams. But, IMHE,
       | improvement has been hard to come by.
       | I'd love to hear your stories.
         | bradlys wrote:
         | I presume most people here at still ICs, so I don't think there
         | is anything you can really do except get into a leadership
         | position and change it yourself.
         | The best thing I've done for psychological safety is by
         | creating groups within the team that are willing to share
         | feedback with each other. As long as there isn't a bad manager
         | involved or people who are incentivized to sabotage work, we do
         | okay. But, ultimately, it's unproductive and we all end up
         | looking for new jobs in the end anyway.
         | I'll admit I haven't had every manager in the world but it
         | feels like the manager ultimately decides the psychological
         | safety of the team in the end. If they want it to be unsafe,
         | you can't do anything about it.
       | michaelborromeo wrote:
       | High functioning teams start with high functioning individuals.
       | After that it's up to the group to not waste effort, not go in
       | the wrong direction too long, avoid toxic behavior, and otherwise
       | stay healthy.
       | But teams start with individual talent.
         | BeetleB wrote:
         | > High functioning teams start with high functioning
         | individuals.
         | There's a spectrum between a team with no high functioning
         | individuals and one with all high functioning.
         | In my experience, only 1-3 people in the team need to be "high
         | functioning". Also in my experience, if the whole team is high
         | functioning, then the chances of dysfunction go up
         | significantly.
         | In my career, I've been in a bunch of teams that were full of
         | high functioning folks. And not one of those teams acted as a
         | team. The management almost always graded you based on your
         | _individual_ achievements and not on how you helped the team.
         | As a result, every one of those teams had instances of
         | individuals doing brilliant things that hurt the team effort,
         | but would get rewarded for it. Everyone of those teams had the
         | majority of team members working against each other to get
         | their idea to the fore, due to the reward structures.
         | In every one of those teams, when something went wrong, the
         | focus was on finding out _which individual(s)_ were
         | responsible.
         | I don't believe that what I saw will always be the case, but
         | the correlation is high and I think it is the natural state
         | unless actively guarded against. In other teams where not
         | everyone is high functioning, the focus on working as a team
         | was much greater, and much more successful. It wasn't "Who is
         | responsible for snafu X?", but "How did _we_ allow snafu X to
         | occur? "
         | But of course, a team with no high functioning individuals will
         | be mediocre.
           | michaelborromeo wrote:
           | Mythical man hour describes it this way too right?
           | But yeah I think the incentive structure helps determine
           | outcomes like the one you describe.
           | Maybe a good way to handle having a team FULL of high
           | functioning individuals is to break it up and have them each
           | lead their own team eventually?
             | BeetleB wrote:
             | > But yeah I think the incentive structure helps determine
             | outcomes like the one you describe.
             | Yes - most of the behavior likely is due to the incentive
             | structure. My point was that such incentive structures seem
             | strongly correlated to teams/orgs with very talented
             | people. At least in my discipline, I attribute it to the
             | incentives in academics/universities, which is where most
             | of such folks come from.
           | zbentley wrote:
           | I'm not sure "high functioning" is the right term when
           | discussing individuals rather than teams. I suggest using
           | "leaders" or "mentors", since "high functioning" as in
           | personal contribution productivity is, as you pointed out,
           | often a toxic thing to optimize for.
           | Consider this: a team with one insanely productive
           | contributor and three new/less-than-productive folks is
           | tasked with a bunch of projects. As expected, the productive
           | person does most of the work. The others might learn a bit by
           | example, or not. Productive person moves on/gets bored/gets
           | significant non-work commitments/burns out/gets hit by a bus.
           | The team is no longer productive or functional.
           | Then consider this: a team with one person with a talent for
           | teaching and leadership, and three new/less-than-productive
           | folks is tasked with a bunch of projects. At first, they
           | aren't that high-functioning as a team. The teacher/leader
           | spends a lot of their time mentoring, going over the basics,
           | reviewing, and planning. Over time, they get more productive.
           | If the mentor/leader leaves the mentorship/leadership role,
           | at worst they leave a high-performing team behind. At best
           | they leave a high-performing team of people who are
           | additionally prepared to assume a mentorship/leadership role
           | in the future.
           | Depending on how "10x" (ugh) the developer in the first
           | scenario is, the team in the second example might never reach
           | their productivity. But I think it's pretty obvious that
           | organizations are benefited more by second-example-type
           | teams.
             | iateanapple wrote:
             | > Then consider this: a team with one person with a talent
             | for teaching and leadership, and three new/less-than-
             | productive folks
             | In practice it is more complex - people with a talent for
             | teaching and leadership _and_ are experts are incredibly
             | rare.
             | What we often end up with is a mediocre dev taking on the
             | teaching role and helping build a mediocre team.
               | BeetleB wrote:
               | > In practice it is more complex - people with a talent
               | for teaching and leadership and are experts are
               | incredibly rare.
               | Not in my experience. While there are obviously fewer
               | people who have both traits, they're not at all rare. In
               | practice, what I see is that such people shift away from
               | teaching/mentoring as it takes time/effort that their
               | manager does not reward.
               | If you want talented people who mentor well, make sure
               | such mentoring is rewarded.
               | iateanapple wrote:
               | > what I see is that such people shift away from
               | teaching/mentoring as it takes time/effort that their
               | manager does not reward
               | I don't think it's that simple. I work with tons of
               | talented engineers who put a huge amount of effort into
               | tasks that management doesn't care about - like
               | refactoring our codebase.
               | In contrast everywhere I have worked management has cared
               | about being able to level up new developers and under
               | performers (assuming it's a skill deficit).
               | iateanapple wrote:
               | To add to this one of the most soul crushing tasks I've
               | had to do is to manage out good people who are under
               | performing.
               | If I could say "BeetleB, I'm pairing you with Joe for the
               | next 6 months - I don't care if your output halves but I
               | need you to bring him up to speed or we have to let him
               | go" and you could train him up - well you would be worth
               | your weight in gold.
               | zbentley wrote:
               | Well, there are teachers and there are teachers.
               | More specifically, some folks like to teach because it
               | makes them feel like an expert when they're not. That's
               | bad.
               | Some folks like to teach because it helps them learn-by-
               | teaching and helps their pupils learn-by-questioning (and
               | learn by questioning and receiving an honest "no idea/I
               | might be wrong!").
               | The quantity that's in short supply is not expertise.
               | It's humility.
         | zbentley wrote:
         | That depends on how you define talent.
         | Is "talent" some immutable, innate, static thing? If so, no:
         | teams that do well don't have to start with individual talent.
         | Does "talent" encompass the ability to learn and grow and
         | change what you're best at/what you enjoy? If so, then sure,
         | having members with the ability to do those things is important
         | to a team's success. But that's not what most people think of
         | when you say "talent".
         | In a good environment, a team of novices can grow and learn to
         | produce great things--even without the presence of
         | talented/experienced/whatever mentors/leaders. In an unhealthy
         | environment, not only are the novices doomed to failure/making
         | things worse, but so are experienced folks. Determining what
         | constitutes a good environment (and how to foster one) is
         | important--that's what I think the article is saying.
           | iateanapple wrote:
           | > In an unhealthy environment, not only are the novices
           | doomed to failure/making things worse, but so are experienced
           | folks.
           | Is that true though? I can think of plenty of counter
           | examples where lots of quality work has been done in very
           | toxic environments.
             | zbentley wrote:
             | So can I. But I don't think I'd call those
             | environments/teams high-functioning.
             | This is roughly the same reason that LoC or features
             | delivered/day are bullshit metrics. They can be skewed by a
             | tiny minority of people doing most of the work. When that
             | is the case, you don't have a high-functioning team or
             | organization; you have a few massive liabilities tipping
             | the scales.
             | Edit: what I mean is that experienced folks in those
             | environments are "doomed" in a different way than novices.
             | Novices won't gain new skills. Experienced folks will
             | instead feel unappreciated and burn out, or feel over-
             | appreciated and succumb to narcissism. Both outcomes happen
             | at the expense of the team.
         | watwut wrote:
         | High functioning team can have juniors in them, can have
         | inexperienced people in them and can have people with range of
         | knowledge and skills.
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