[HN Gopher] Running Lisp in Production (2015)
       Running Lisp in Production (2015)
       Author : lisper
       Score  : 102 points
       Date   : 2020-05-24 16:55 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.grammarly.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.grammarly.com)
       | jgwil2 wrote:
       | From 2016
         | cpach wrote:
         | 2015, no?
           | jgwil2 wrote:
           | Yep, I guess I saw June 26, 2015, and flipped the 5 and the
           | 6. Thanks.
       | dirtnugget wrote:
       | I seriously don't get why lisp is so popular on HN, it's
       | basically unreadable to very most of developers. It's an ivory
       | tower.
         | matvore wrote:
         | > it's basically unreadable to very most of developers
         | The ubiquity of parenthesis has a purpose - it lets you treat
         | code as data. Your argument only makes sense if syntax choice
         | were 100% based on taste. But it's not (simplicity of syntax
         | brings with it practical features), so it's great that some
         | people are exploring other options.
         | And it's not intrinsically less readable than say, something
         | like:
         | https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.3/libstdc++/api/a0111...
           | doublesCs wrote:
           | > The ubiquity of parenthesis has a purpose - it lets you
           | treat code as data. Your argument only makes sense if syntax
           | choice were 100% based on taste. But it's not (simplicity of
           | syntax brings with it practical features), so it's great that
           | some people are exploring other options.
           | Are you sure? Plenty of languages[1,2] allow you to treat
           | code as data and they don't need that many parenthesis.
           | [1] https://docs.python.org/3.8/library/ast.html
           | [2] https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/metaprogramming/i
           | nde...
             | kgwgk wrote:
             | That's not code as data, that's parsed code as data.
             | julia>      :(a + b*c + 1)       ==
             | Meta.parse("a + b*c + 1") ==              Expr(:call, :+,
             | :a, Expr(:call, :*, :b, :c), 1)       true
             | Why not just use a single representation (+ a (* b c) 1) ?
         | jlarocco wrote:
         | Is it so hard to click "hide"?
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | To be fair, bracket abuse is pretty widespread. Lisp, at least,
         | is honest and very consistent in their use. And I don't find
         | things like [](){} particularly readable (that was valid C++
         | syntax, BTW).
         | DoreenMichele wrote:
         | HN is written in Lisp. So anyone interested in cloning HN,
         | better understanding HN, etc, would have reason to be
         | interested in reading up on it, even if it's not something they
         | work with normally.
         | Humans being human, I would think it strange if a forum written
         | in Lisp failed to have some sort of pro-Lisp bias.
         | mypalmike wrote:
         | The reason is arguably this essay, written by a founder of
         | ycombinator who many here wish to emulate or get the attention
         | of.
         | http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html
         | egl2020 wrote:
         | You're completely right, there's nothing for you in lisp.
         | Nothing to see here. Just move on.
         | fetbaffe wrote:
         | I think you answered your own question.
           | dirtnugget wrote:
           | There is no good reason to use an esoteric language in
           | production except in order to make yourself irreplaceable.
             | pritovido wrote:
             | You are ignorant of reality, and the first thing that you
             | ignore is that you are ignorant.
             | With Lisp you don't even need to write lisp code. You can
             | write java, c++,c, swift code... using lisp.
             | That is , you can write lisp code without people realizing
             | you are writing lisp code. The only thing they will notice
             | is that your code looks almost too perfect, too well
             | formatted and justified, are extremely productive and never
             | make mistakes.
               | potta_coffee wrote:
               | How can one write C for example using lisp? Are you
               | talking about compiling to C?
               | lispm wrote:
               | Sometimes people write Lisp code and use translators to C
               | or C++. Some of that code then will be maintained in C /
               | C++. Some of these tools were custom developed, but there
               | existed also specialized Lisp to C translators, which
               | produced 'maintainable' code.
               | For example the first version of the .net garbage
               | collector was written in Common Lisp and then translated
               | to C++. Since then it was maintained and enhanced in the
               | C++ version.
               | https://web.archive.org/web/20150307034829/http://blogs.m
               | sdn...
             | erik_seaberg wrote:
             | Languages have strengths and weaknesses. Learning the right
             | language to express a solution is easier than doing it the
             | hard way in the wrong language just because you happen to
             | know it.
             | dang wrote:
             | Please don't do programming language flamewars on HN.
             | They're tedious.
             | Redoubts wrote:
             | There's also onanism.
             | mapcars wrote:
             | Erm, Lisps were used back in time for many production
             | systems when C++ wasn't even started. Looks like your
             | definition of esoteric and production is based on couple of
             | years of cheap CS courses.
             | dirtnugget wrote:
             | And that's the epitome of selfishness
               | dirtnugget wrote:
               | Remember Rick:
               | https://link.medium.com/iRs4xvGXK6
               | bluefox wrote:
               | Here you go https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/678
             | capableweb wrote:
             | I wouldn't say Common Lisp is a esoteric language. Esoteric
             | makes me think Brainfuck and other similar languages.
             | Common Lisp and lisps in general are languages you can be
             | productive in, in a "building a product" sense, which you
             | cannot say about most esoteric languages.
               | dirtnugget wrote:
               | The author himself says it's esoteric
               | lispm wrote:
               | He didn't.
               | He wrote: 'Contrary to popular opinion, Lisp is an
               | incredibly practical language for building production
               | systems.'
               | dirtnugget wrote:
               | Also, if you're really willing to go into it you could be
               | productive in Brainfuck. Doesn't mean it applies to the
               | general crowd.
         | TeMPOraL wrote:
         | "Unreadable" is a choice at this point.
         | Here's a simple trick to make Lisp instantly readable. Take a
         | line of code from an algol-like language:
         | foo(bar(), baz(quux))
         | then, shift every opening parenthesis one token to the left:
         | (foo (bar), (baz quux))
         | and drop the commas:                 (foo (bar) (baz quux))
         | Now you have an equivalent piece of Lisp code.
         | pritovido wrote:
         | I will explain it for you.
         | Lisp is hard to master, like playing the violin, but if you
         | master it you can get enormous rewards.
         | Other languages are more like "playing guitar hero", most of
         | the work is done for you and it it way easier to learn.
         | HN is like a musician network but for programmers. It attracts
         | lots of people around the world that master lisp like musicians
         | master an instrument.
         | I will tell you about myself, I had a lisp master that did
         | teach me that what had taken me weeks in c, c++ and python code
         | he could do it in lisp in minutes.
         | As I saw this man "play his instrument" it was obvious that if
         | I wanted to be a good programmer I should master it myself.
         | Because I had this master teaching me, I could learn it fast.
         | The "secret" of Lisp is that you can automate your code
         | writing, making you tens or hundred of times more capable with
         | your code.
         | "Ivory tower" means it is not related to reality. Lisp is very
         | real, like violins are real.
           | andi999 wrote:
           | Thats the story beeing told. Since I havent seen it, my
           | critical mind starts to think, that this is actually a myth.
           | Do you know of any published (in the sense one can reas the
           | code) examples that show this claim (and the reddit v1 is not
           | such an example)
           | (Of course anybody can chime in, it should be actually easy,
           | if the claim that here the experts are lingering around)
           | avalys wrote:
           | Could you give me an example of a real-world software
           | engineering task which takes "weeks" in Python and minutes in
           | Lisp?
             | srean wrote:
             | Not weeks to minutes, but still, try writing an Airlines
             | booking, scheduling application which gets the traveler the
             | best route given his/her requirements.
       | [deleted]
       | rusabd wrote:
       | Back in Amazon I found some ancient code written in Common Lisp.
       | Doubt any production services left, but I updated the build
       | system to support Clozure CL. My contribution in $BIGCORP :)
       | phoe-krk wrote:
       | Previous discussions:
       | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...
         | dang wrote:
         | You can add "comments>0" to get the ones with comments:
         | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que...
           | [deleted]
           | capableweb wrote:
           | Interesting, seems the "comments>0" op is undocumented,
           | couldn't find it anywhere on the algolia page. Is there a
           | page with all the different operators you can use?
             | dang wrote:
             | It's documented here: https://hn.algolia.com/help. You have
             | to click 'help' at the bottom of the search page, I guess.
             | Another option I use, which doesn't appear on that page, is
             | storyText=none, if you want to exclude matches from text
             | posts. That one has to go in the URL, though. Note the
             | difference between the link in my GP comment vs. this one:
             | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&qu
             | e...
             | The latter creates much cleaner search results if you want
             | to match just on title and URL.
       | naveen99 wrote:
       | Finally read the reference on lisp reader macros :
       | http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/X_Mas...
       | Now I sort of get what #+unix means...
         | reikonomusha wrote:
         | #+foo A B
         | This says if the Lisp supports "foo" as a "feature" (a precise
         | term in Common Lisp), the A will be included. Otherwise A will
         | be treated as a comment. B will be included regardless. It's
         | roughly equivalent to                   #ifdef foo         A
         | #endif         B
         | The opposite is #-.                   #-unix A B
         | is roughly                   #ifndef unix          A
         | #endif         B
         | So you can write portable source code this way.
         | (defvar path-separator           #+unix "/"           #+windows
         | "\\"           #-(or unix windows) (error "idk"))
         | This will define a variable called PATH-SEPARATOR which is /
         | for UNIX, \ for Windows, and a compile-time error otherwise.
         | The rabbit hole goes deep on this. There's a reason it uses
         | '#', and as you pointed out, it has to do with built-in
         | (dispatching) reader macros.
         | gumby wrote:
         | The important thing about reader macros is that they happen at
         | _read_ time. It causes code to be executed at tokenizing time
         | (so you can make your own syntax, e.g. #{ ... } could return a
         | JSON object directly) even before evaluation or macroexpansion.
         | So #+ and #- really only scratch the surface. Someone wrote a
         | comment about using #+ to define the path delimiter (/ or \\),
         | but that is something that could be looked up at runtime. Read-
         | time extension is unusual in programming languages (C++ has
         | such a feature for a more limited set of cases).
         | lisper wrote:
         | #+ is only one of many, many standard reader macros (as you can
         | see from that link). You can also define your own, which makes
         | Lisp syntax almost infinitely malleable. For example, it's
         | possible to change the Lisp reader so that it natively reads
         | infix syntax. See:
         | http://flownet.com/ron/lisp/djbec.lisp
         | for an example. Scroll down to the definition of xpt-add.
         | jlarocco wrote:
         | For the benefit of everybody else, #+ does feature checking.
         | The Common Lisp standard defines a standard "special variable"
         | (kind of like a global) named * features * (shouldn't be
         | spaces, but HN italicizes it otherwise), and #+ (and #-) take a
         | "feature expression" and conditionally execute the expression
         | that immediately follows it when the feature expression is
         | true. If the feature check is false, the next expression is
         | ignored.
         | For example:                   #+freebsd(print "This is
         | FreeBSD")         #+(not (and 64-bit linux))(print "This is not
         | 64-bit Linux.")         #+quicklisp (ql:quickload :some-
         | library)
         | The CL standard lists a few standard features (:common-lisp,
         | :ieee-floating-point, etc.) but for the most part
         | implementations and libraries define their own.
         | It's not perfect, but works well enough in practice.
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | The common thing done with it is:                 #+nil(this
           | expression (won't be read))
           | (Also done with #+and, and #+or.)
           | This is an unofficial Common Lisp s-expression level comment.
           | One of these incredibly nice things that's missing in most
           | programming languages. It comments out a single s-expression,
           | no matter how complex. It's like a #|block comment|# in that
           | it can span multiple lines, and like ; line comment in that
           | you only put something at the beginning. Have a complex
           | expression within a function, that you need to temporarily
           | shut down? Just shove #+nil in front of it.
           | (The #+nil version is discouragd because there's a remote
           | chance somebody will define a * feature * called :nil for
           | some reason.)
           | A less-common thing done with it is library interop. Many
           | libraries tend to add a tag to * features * to indicate
           | they've been loaded, so in your library, you can use
           | #+library_tag to detect that another library is a part of the
           | same project, and conditionally compile-in some extensions or
           | interoperability code.
           | (@dang, I think HN could use a way to escape the * *
           | formatting marks. For a site and community that has a soft
           | spot for Lisp, not being able to type in the "earmuffs" is
           | something that always bewildered me.)
       | dang wrote:
       | See also:
       | 2019 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20814511
       | 2018 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16860646 and
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16679963
       | Discussed at the time:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9785944
       | Edit: also https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23231701 from a
       | few days ago.
         | faq125 wrote:
         | Thank you for the links, what a nice discussion back in 2015.
         | Everything has gotten more corporate. I hardly dare to make a
         | Lisp comment now, because people from $BIGCORP would jump on
         | it.
           | dang wrote:
           | Really? Please dare. I don't think $BIGCORP is so dominant
           | here, or that things have changed so much since 2015.
           | Most changes that people notice on HN are random fluctuation.
           | Note that I don't say all changes--just most. The trouble is
           | that it's hard to figure out which ones are vs. aren't, and
           | none of us really tries. We just notice the data points we
           | notice (which, btw, are the ones we're primed to notice--
           | usually whatever we dislike the most) and then connect the
           | dots with material drawn from our imagination. It's an
           | amazing thing! Randomness plus cognitive bias equals
           | narrative.
           | There's a thread about this on the front page right now:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23293462. I've been
           | saying the same thing about people's interpretations of HN
           | for years:
           | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que.
           | ..
           | https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&que.
           | ..
       | [deleted]
       | ngcc_hk wrote:
       | For normal small team it might be hard to get advise. More
       | diverse users in other eco-system. Even clojure is hard. At least
       | the code is easier to read.
       | codersfocus wrote:
       | This is officially the hardest I've laughed at a grammar mistake.
       | At the end of the third line, there's a missing space between
       | "years." and "We". Petty, I know, but I expect a grammar company
       | who took over my Youtube ads earlier about writing perfect emails
       | and blog posts to have perfect blog posts.
         | dirtydroog wrote:
         | Earlier? I still get them
       (page generated 2020-05-24 23:00 UTC)