[HN Gopher] Scandalous weird old things about the C preprocessor
       Scandalous weird old things about the C preprocessor
       Author : fanf2
       Score  : 57 points
       Date   : 2020-05-25 10:43 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.robertelder.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.robertelder.org)
       | WalterBright wrote:
       | He missed one important thing - the C preprocessor is completely
       | unaware of C types. Its expressions follow different rules.
       | A major goal of D was to make the language expressive enough to
       | not leave room for the preprocessor:
       | 1. modules
       | 2. manifest constants
       | 3. nested functions
       | 4. lambdas
       | 5. static if
       | 6. compile time function execution
       | 7. string mixins
         | TheSoftwareGuy wrote:
         | I don't think he did miss that, rather it simply wasn't on-
         | topic for the article he was writing. Anybody who has used the
         | C preprocessor knows it works at the level of text/tokens and
         | no further. The fact that it knows nothing of types would
         | hardly be "scandalous"
         | But you can go ahead and use this thread to promote D anyways.
           | WalterBright wrote:
           | The #if does more than just text and tokens, it has an
           | expression grammar (constant-expression). It's
           | implementation-defined whether the following two produce the
           | same value:                   #if 'z' - 'a' == 25         if
           | ('z' - 'a' == 25)
           | Another difference is all constants are typed as intmax_t and
           | uintmax_t, not the usual C types. Yes, it does have types.
           | This difference in behavior from C expressions is not
           | necessary.
       | cafard wrote:
       | Hmm. The _Intermediate Greek Lexicon_ gives the original meaning
       | of  "skandalon" as "a trap or a snare laid for an enemy":
       | http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%...
       | bla3 wrote:
       | (2015)
       | Ididntdothis wrote:
       | All I can say is that I really miss the preprocessor. There are
       | so many things that could easily be done with the preprocessor
       | but instead have to be done with reflection or code generation in
       | a more complex way.
       | Sure, it can be be abused/misused but I am not sure that's a good
       | reason to take it away completely like for example in C#.
         | ygra wrote:
         | C# has other mechanisms to achieve what macros are commonly
         | used for, though. In a bit, with Roslyn's source generators
         | there will be an even better way for some of them.
           | rwmj wrote:
           | One place where preprocessors shine is where the language
           | itself has changed in an incompatible way, where "language"
           | can be interpreted broadly including calls to external
           | libraries. For example some function you need to call added
           | an extra parameter:                 #if LIB_VERSION_GE_3
           | lib_f (1, NULL);       #else         lib_f (1);       #endif
           | It can be difficult to do this with other mechanisms where
           | the compiler is actually compiling and therefore type
           | checking both branches.
           | OCaml is a pretty rich language with many features, but we
           | fall back on preprocessors like cppo (or even cpp) to deal
           | with these kinds of cases.
           | Ididntdothis wrote:
           | It has a lot of mechanisms but they are usually way more
           | complex with more code. For example when I do data binding in
           | WPF I could write a five line macro that fires change
           | notification events as needed. There are other approaches but
           | they are way more complicated.
       | joosters wrote:
       | Which of these are scandalous, exactly?
       | If the OP is aggrieved by the operation of cpp, perhaps they
       | could have explained in each of their points what cpp is doing
       | wrong, and how they would improve the standard. Instead, they
       | just list 'odd' behaviour, with no comment about why it is wrong
       | and how it could be better.
         | klyrs wrote:
         | This document immensely valuable in enumerating pitfalls in the
         | spec and in how the spec is interpreted by various
         | implementations. I would wager that most good-faith* C
         | programmers are weary of overusing cpp, and use a limited
         | subset of its capabilities. This is a great resource to throw
         | at a junior who gets too excited about macros, for example.
         | * where I'm defining "bad-faith" C programmers as using it for
         | sadistic purposes like IOCCC, golf, etc
         | > perhaps they could have explained in each of their points
         | what cpp is doing wrong, and how they would improve the
         | standard.
         | This is a fairly toxic attitude, and possibly the reason that
         | your comment is unpopular. A child can correctly observe that
         | an emperor is not wearing clothes, and bring that up without
         | possessing the skill to make the emperor a suitable outfit.
           | joosters wrote:
           | I just found the article odd; it starts off by declaring the
           | behaviour of cpp to be objectionable, but then it just lists
           | different aspects of its actions. At no point does the OP
           | complain that cpp is doing the _wrong_ thing - indeed, they
           | point out in several places that it couldn 't really be
           | changed to do anything else because either it would break
           | existing code, or would be just as odd if it behaved in
           | another way. So I'm wondering just what it was they were
           | scandalized about? I'm not demanding that they fix cpp
           | themselves!
           | At least the child told people that the emperor was wearing
           | no clothes; a more apt analogy with this article would be as
           | if the child merely said "that's scandalous!" without telling
           | anyone about the missing clothes...
             | klyrs wrote:
             | > 1) No Comprehensive Standard
             | Here the "scandal" is that the "standard" is poorly
             | specified, and therefore isn't much of a standard. This
             | seems to be the root of the scandal, and all else appears
             | to flow from here.
             | > 2) Context Free, Just Kidding!
             | Here the "scandal" is regarding to context sensitivity --
             | the author vacillates about the status of the "scandal" but
             | still, it seems clear that they're identifying context-
             | sensitivity as scandalous.
             | > 3) Whitespace Insensitive, Just Kidding!
             | Here the author considers irregularities in how "whitespace
             | sensitive" cpp is -- both in the "spec" and in
             | implementations, with an example of non-portability between
             | gcc and clang.
             | et cetera
           | asjw wrote:
           | > A child can correctly observe that an emperor is not
           | wearing clothes
           | Not wearing clothes is what CPP does by default
           | And it's hardly an emperor, it's more the guy who makes
           | copies
         | asveikau wrote:
         | A bunch of these can't really be changed without breaking
         | massive amounts of existing code, either.
         | Other languages whose designers were not pleased with C macros
         | either avoided use of a preprocesor entirely, or, like c++,
         | came up with alternative means of compile time flexibility.
         | (Like templates)
       | coliveira wrote:
       | The author tries to compare the preprocessor with programming
       | languages, however he seems to forget that the processor is,
       | above all, not a language! There is no parse tree for a
       | preprocessor, since it is just putting text strings together,
       | with little regard for the resulting syntax. That's why it is
       | stupid to try to use the Cpp as a programming language, it won't
       | work. Think of it as a text replacement engine, like an
       | integrated sed, for example.
         | raverbashing wrote:
         | Ahem https://www.ioccc.org/years.html#2001_herrmann1
         | WalterBright wrote:
         | > There is no parse tree for a preprocessor
         | #if constant-expression new-line group-opt
         | C99
         | tgv wrote:
         | Next you'll be telling me that PHP isn't a programming
         | language.
       | ScottBurson wrote:
       | While I love to hate on the preprocessor -- and did so publicly
       | once in _The Unix Hater 's Handbook_ (p. 211) -- item 4 is silly.
       | The _whole point_ of many macros is to circumvent referential
       | transparency! This is true even in a language with real macros,
       | like Lisp. ( "Real macros" operate on a syntax tree
       | representation, not on character strings.)
       (page generated 2020-05-26 23:01 UTC)