[HN Gopher] Idea Generation
       Idea Generation
       Author : awaxman11
       Score  : 119 points
       Date   : 2020-05-28 19:15 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.samaltman.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.samaltman.com)
       | rl3 wrote:
       | Ideas become better when refined. Sometimes over the course of
       | _years_. You can assemble a larger composite idea under the
       | umbrella of a single vision, comprised of many smaller ideas.
       | There's of course a balance to be struck depending on the idea's
       | scope and urgency. Both may change with refinement.
       | Idea generation is both a learned skill and intrinsic to a
       | person's circumstance and psychology. Ample unstructured time,
       | low amounts of stress, and an affinity for day dreaming tend to
       | help. Over time you grow to actually enjoy deep thinking as
       | recreation.
       | I've noticed whenever I'm focused in on a particular idea, it
       | kind of forms a lens that shapes my world view. Anything I then
       | encounter I view as a puzzle piece, which my mind attempts to
       | reconcile into the larger puzzle that is the foremost idea on my
       | mind at the time. It's a very similar dynamic to PG's musings on
       | the subject.[0]
       | [0] http://www.paulgraham.com/top.html
       | jandrewrogers wrote:
       | I don't know how it works for other people but I don't search for
       | really great ideas, really great ideas find me. And once they
       | latch on they don't let go.
       | Most things I would classify as "really great ideas" are emergent
       | patterns in industries I know very well. Also, most of these are
       | not abstract product ideas _per se_ , you can usually see a
       | direct and plausible path to generating large quantities of
       | revenue and profit.
       | imedadel wrote:
       | How do you manage your ideas? I'm using a combination of Google
       | Sheets, Notion, and a notebook. I rate each idea in Sheets using
       | colors and I keep Notion and a notebook for research so that I
       | don't think about an idea twice.
         | cdiamand wrote:
         | I have a massive email chain I keep replying to anytime I have
         | an idea.
         | x32n23nr wrote:
         | I find this odd. Have you worked on any of those ideas?
           | searchableguy wrote:
           | I do the same. I bookmark complaints from people and feature
           | requests. Those that I want to research more gets pushed to
           | notion or email with a specific tag.
           | imedadel wrote:
           | Oh yes. And it feels good to go back and mark an idea as
           | done!
           | Whenever I have a thought, I write it down. If I got that
           | thought again, I might do a quick Google search and then give
           | a rating to the idea. If I kept constantly thinking about it,
           | I start researching it.
           | The research part might take maybe an hour a week. The other
           | steps don't really take much time.
           | I find this to help with procrastination or losing focus.
         | captn3m0 wrote:
         | I keep most public: https://github.com/captn3m0/ideas. A few
         | are in my WorkFlowy, but only because I haven't written them
         | down properly. And then I have a section in my notebook for
         | ideas. Stuff graduates from there to my GitHub (or gets built)
         | I've always believed in swombat's quote on HN[1]:
         | >There's no such thing as an original idea. Every idea worth
         | having has been had thousands of times already.
         | No point in keeping ideas private. Keeping them public lets
         | other people build things I would like to see, even if I may
         | not have the resources (time/energy/motivation/expertise) to
         | actually do it. It's a win for me either way.
         | [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=250793
         | cryptoz wrote:
         | I use Sheets and Docs extensively for idea tracking and project
         | kickoff. Docs for a scrachpad of ideas, lists, links. When I
         | start working on something, it gets its own Sheet with a
         | backlog, estimates, progress columns. Once it is published it
         | will likely use GitHub issues or Trello or something a bit more
         | robust. I use Slides to make mini pitch decks and keep all the
         | related files in the same folder on Drive. Next to the main
         | list in Docs.
         | I am also working on an idea management platform, because I
         | like Sheets but it is also a limiting experience. I'm making
         | automated question-answer with TTS and speech recognition, and
         | hoping to make automatic pitch deck starter kits from question-
         | answer sessions in app. Maybe it'll be a product some day.
         | baxtr wrote:
         | Good old trello with new, discarded etc lists
       | jameslk wrote:
       | Having failed the startup game my fair share of times, I've found
       | a more reliable way to come up with good ideas is to let others
       | who need something give you ideas. Work in a specific industry
       | long enough that you learn about the trade and type of problems
       | and solutions needed.
       | I currently focus on providing services to ecommerce companies,
       | and I get to hear all the time about their pain points and things
       | they wish they had. It's given me a lot of ideas for products to
       | work on and the bonus to that is I already have established
       | relationships with my market, making it much easier to iterate,
       | build case studies, and sell.
       | A lot of the demographic on HN is engineers. That is an industry.
       | You can start with asking your engineer friends and colleagues
       | what painful engineering problems they face, why nothing they use
       | is good enough, and what they wish they had to fix it. If you
       | find enough people saying the same thing, then you've found a
       | potential market. And luckily engineers are early adopter too.
         | mdorazio wrote:
         | > Work in a specific industry long enough that you learn about
         | the trade and type of problems and solutions needed.
         | The problem with this is that the recent grads with effectively
         | no practical experience to speak of can't start startups with
         | VC funding and dreams of grandeur this way. But I agree that
         | this is the best path to start a company that's actually likely
         | to succeed based on actual long-term profitability and
         | legitimate problem solving.
           | Swizec wrote:
           | This is how you start a real company with actual potential
           | that investors will love.
           | But it doesn't feed into the Silicon Valley career mill. So
           | it doesn't get talked about.
           | SV's assumption is that you want to "get signed" and start
           | your path. Acquihire by acquihire you build a career. Some
           | outliers get rich and motivate the others.
           | The whole thing is a self-sustaining finance market. Failed
           | founders provide the workforce, outliers provide the funds.
           | And the mill keeps turning.
           | (the real winners are GPs and LPs, the VCs are just as much
           | hamster wheel runners as the rest of us, just later in the
           | career)
         | sc90 wrote:
         | Skin in the game.
       | TrackerFF wrote:
       | From my somewhat limited experience, working as a consultant
       | (management, etc.) is great for identifying problems, and
       | subsequently coming up with ideas (solutions).
       | Reason is that you work very closely with companies, often many
       | different in the same sector, and get to see all the various
       | aspects, quirks, and flaws at nearly every level of operation.
       | Just the act of getting exposed to all this, can work as a great
       | catalyst for ideas and brainstorming - much better (imo) than
       | just sitting around and trying to think up something, where one
       | can easily fall for the "solution looking for a problem" trap.
       | Now, unfortunately, most people can't just walk into those jobs -
       | and you're not there to brainstorm solutions for every flaw you
       | see. But if you ever get the chance to be in such a position, do
       | try it out.
       | A lot of profitable entrepreneurship revolves around "boring"
       | business problems.
       | [deleted]
       | austincheney wrote:
       | I have always found that entire scenario very odd. How are you a
       | start up founder if you don't know what you want to start up?
       | I always look at that like a soldier jacked up on adrenaline
       | wearing an arsenal of ammunition ready to destroy the enemy
       | having forgotten to ask who the enemy is or where they are. Lost.
       | Maybe if they just start spraying ammo at everybody the enemy
       | will suddenly make themselves known and something will stick.
       | This entire scenario is completely at odds with Indie Hackers who
       | continually stress to refine a good idea until you have both
       | revenue and product/market fit before quitting your day job. This
       | advise is well suited to people who have the reality of personal
       | finances and time constraints, so I guess there are some people
       | who have unlimited funding and time to burn in search of
       | something they should already have.
         | renewiltord wrote:
         | I am sceptical too but it's not an unusual idea to think that
         | perhaps you can just put smart people together and they'll work
         | something out.
         | God knows that much of that attitude is often lauded on HN for
         | other things.
         | kgin wrote:
         | That's a funny cultural thing about silicon valley. You're not
         | incidentally an entrepreneur only if you've started something,
         | you're an entrepreneur simply because you're the type of person
         | who entrepreneues.
         | aklemm wrote:
         | It's a form of entitlement. Similar to calling oneself a
         | "keynote speaker" absent any mention of one's area of
         | expertise. To consider one's self a founder without an idea is
         | to ignore the importance of vision. Might be ok for a
         | franchise, but these are always the same people talking about
         | disrupting this and that.
           | elliekelly wrote:
           | And ignores the importance of execution altogether. It's hard
           | to do $thing before you even know what it is.
         | dunkelheit wrote:
         | The problem with this way of thinking is that existing markets
         | are probably efficient enough - meaning all easy ways to make a
         | lot of money have already been exhausted. This means that any
         | idea that you generate by encountering a problem and thinking
         | of a solution is probably either too hard to implement or will
         | generate relatively puny revenue stream (nothing to sneeze at,
         | but probably not of much interest to VCs and founders chasing
         | big bucks).
         | What's the alternative? To wait for tectonic shifts in overall
         | environment and circumstances, look for vacant ecological
         | niches and pounce when you see one. To the outside view this
         | will look exactly like a founder who doesn't know what to start
         | up.
         | Here is an example I like: John Carmack. The conventional view
         | is that he is a brilliant game programmer (which is undoubtedly
         | true). But the alternative point of view is that his shtick was
         | to capitalize on the period of incredible advances in consumer
         | hardware. Each of his games fully showcased what the best
         | hardware of that time was capable of (order of magnitude more
         | than the previous generation) which made them instant hits. Not
         | coincidentally, he quit making games around the time this
         | period of advancement stopped.
         | Here is a post by @defmacro making a similar point:
         | http://www.defmacro.org/2015/02/25/startup-ideas.html
           | austincheney wrote:
           | John Carmack's success is due to id Software incubated at
           | Softdisk. The reality of that success, at least in the
           | beginning, was an already established stream of revenue, a
           | ready assembled team, and proper leadership. The brilliance
           | and innovation of Carmack came later. They had day jobs,
           | revenue, and product/market fit already established before
           | spinning out of Softdisk to launch id. That isn't enough to
           | account for the super stellar success they would later enjoy,
           | but it fully explains launching a successful business. There
           | isn't any magic or secret sauce there.
           | > The problem with this way of thinking is that existing
           | markets are probably efficient enough
           | Oh, that's certainly not true. The challenge there is the
           | expertise to see the current dysfunction versus the risk of
           | solving for it. Solving for the dysfunction often comes at
           | competition for the limited resources required for current
           | practice of art and rejection from just about everybody.
           | Knowing this there is a choice to be made:
           | 1. Sustain the current practice with current income and no
           | change in risk
           | 2. Proceed with the solution knowing that failure is probable
           | and that a startup begins with a financial valley of death
           | (burns cash without the revenue to make up for it) while
           | knowing the greatness of the idea is financially irrelevant.
           | I say the greatness of the idea is financially irrelevant,
           | because disruption requires some degree of originality and
           | originality scares the shit out of people. That means the
           | idea will burn money churning in frequent rejection until it
           | achieves some manner of market assistance.
         | benjaminsuch wrote:
         | Agree. I think it's a very bad sign if someone asks for ideas.
         | You don't ask for ideas, you encounter problems and based on
         | those problems you make ideas on how to solve them.
         | That's also the reason why one should make a prototype very
         | fast and validate by a potential user/customer that you solve
         | the problem the right way.
         | peterwoerner wrote:
         | I knew I wanted to build my own company before I had a good
         | idea for one. When I was in grad school I went out and executed
         | a themed bottle opener which at best guess could make a few
         | thousand dollars simply for practice and experience.
         | Regardless of whether you are a founder or not, figuring out
         | the important problems to solve is important to ones career.
       | fredsters_s wrote:
       | > YC once tried an experiment of funding seemingly good founders
       | with no ideas. I think every company in this no-idea track failed
       | ...coinbase was a 'no idea' startup
       | eigen-vector wrote:
       | This goes hand in hand with writing. (Good) Writing involves
       | thinking deeply about an idea or a topic. Many good writers
       | appreciate critical feedback, this involves getting your ideas
       | validated or invalidated.
       | It is quite easy to be in an environment of smart people thanks
       | to the internet. By thinking deeply about a problem or ten,
       | trying to write a clear essay on it helps with this.
       | dzonga wrote:
       | ideas beget ideas. yeah, waves tectonic shifts are real. and
       | hyper-iteration begets ideas. & filters good ideas from bad ones.
       | godot wrote:
       | > (By the way, it's useful to get good at differentiating between
       | real trends and fake trends. A key differentiator is if the new
       | platform is used a lot by a small number of people, or used a
       | little by a lot of people.)
       | As a one-time founder, I feel embarrassed to have to ask this;
       | but in the spirit of no-stupid-question and also that there's
       | gotta be someone else wondering the same -- which one is the real
       | trend and which one is the fake trend?
       | By way of interpreting sentences in a normal way, I would assume
       | "used a lot by a small number of people" is the real trend and
       | "used a little by a lot of people" is the fake trend (going by
       | order of mentions in both sentences).
       | However, I struggle with this a bit. Dapps were used a lot by a
       | small number of people as of a few years ago (think the
       | cryptokitties trend), but it didn't exactly pan out as a real
       | trend IMO. In other cases, yes, when early adopters love a
       | product and use it a lot, that tends to become a real trend. On
       | the other hand, Facebook apps in 2008 (when they were smaller
       | apps like Superwall and such, before games took over) were
       | somewhat "used a little by a lot of people" at the beginning. I
       | think it wasn't until games took over where the "used a lot" (by
       | a large number of people in that case) really took off.
         | zem wrote:
         | at least for your specific example, I would argue that
         | "facebook apps" never took off. facebook _games_ did, but they
         | are a qualitatively different class of application that just
         | happened to use the same platform that the facebook apps did.
         | multiplayer online games were always popular, and facebook
         | happened to implement them well enough to catch on within the
         | platform.
         | maxov wrote:
         | Nah, I think you're asking a good question! I think your
         | interpretation is correct - a good sign for a platform is if it
         | has a small base of passionate users who love the product.
         | For some more context, the How to Start a Startup course is
         | pretty good -- here is the lecture I think is most relevant:
         | http://startupclass.samaltman.com/courses/lec06/
         | Any statement like this isn't going to apply in all cases, and
         | you bring up some good examples. But it's a good general
         | principle.
         | npalli wrote:
         | new platform "used by a lot of small number of people" is
         | usually the real trend. As new platforms are quirky and buggy
         | only people who use it a lot can power though all the issues
         | and guide you to a product that works for a large market. They
         | also have enough emotional connection that they can evangelize
         | your product to the wider market.
         | The "used a little by a lot" people don't have the attachment
         | or deep need to work through issues and they give up after some
         | time. They also can't be bothered to evangelize for you.
         | Of course, sometimes there is no market beyond the small group.
         | Even then, it is easier to make a business (revenue > cost) in
         | the small "used a lot" market than the other case where people
         | won't pay.
         | bko wrote:
         | > It's better to have 100 users love you than 1 million kinda
         | like you. The true seed of scale is love, and you can't buy it,
         | hack it, or game it. A product that is deeply loved is one that
         | can scale
         | Interview with Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn, Altman goes
         | more into his reasoning [0]
         | https://mastersofscale.com/sam-altman-why-customer-love-is-a...
       | minimaxir wrote:
       | Legit surprised Sam didn't recommend using an AI to generate
       | ideas. :P
       | lordnacho wrote:
       | > YC once tried an experiment of funding seemingly good founders
       | with no ideas. I think every company in this no-idea track
       | failed.
       | How many people did they try this with? Most startups fail, so it
       | will be interesting to see whether they funded enough of these. I
       | think there's a rule of thumb about the upper limit on a
       | probability that isn't observed, but I can't remember what it is.
       | As for generating ideas, the founders I've come across have
       | tended to know some industry well enough to understand some of
       | the problems. Often this is very specific industry stuff,
       | including understanding which experts are needed and what
       | customers to focus on.
       | Of course there's plenty of people who have grown up in some
       | industry, but I think the other ingredient you need is enough
       | general knowledge about business to be able to put some pieces
       | together: how to get funding, what a corporate structure is, how
       | to do certain mundane things like pay taxes. The intersection can
       | be smaller than you think, because a lot of corporate types are
       | comfortable where they are, plus they feel (rightly or not) that
       | the job is providing a fair bit of the business infrastructure
       | they need to use their expertise.
         | otoburb wrote:
         | I thought that entrepreneurs-in-residence at VC firms are the
         | equivalent of this idea of funding exceptionally capable
         | potential-founders (many who seemed to have been past founders)
         | with no ideas to execute in the current period.
       | axegon_ wrote:
       | I touched this subject in another discussion a few days ago
       | briefly. Here is what I've learned over the years:
       | People keep repeating that you should work on ideas that solve
       | problems that you have yourself. Now given some time on your own,
       | it's natural to start looking at your problems and seeing how to
       | solve them for yourself and potentially others and make a profit
       | along the way. If you want a sinister spin on this, nothing sells
       | better than fear or hope.
       | But this is HN and as far as tech people go, our instinct is to
       | solve problems that are given to us. And often when we have
       | problems on our own, we come up with a solution and don't really
       | think about it twice. I was recently talking with someone about a
       | project they had at their work and how their company paid
       | something like 3 million euros to another company to build a
       | "platform" for them. And given that their company isn't that
       | large or doesn't have that many users (say 40k/month tops), that
       | raised my eyebrow a bit. So I asked them to show me what that
       | "platform" was. Long story-short, a website with a username and
       | password registration, email verification, paypal subscription,
       | which allows you to download a list of PDF's.
       | To a developer the whole concept sounds like a joke - anyone with
       | a few months of experience can mash that up in two weeks. "Oh but
       | we have so many users and traffic, it's not that simple."
       | Bruh... 40k users/month, 100 pdf's, ~2mb each is something a
       | raspberry pi can serve without any issues.
       | The truth is, most tech people are very much detached from
       | reality(granted that the mass of people is the reality and not
       | the other way around). We try to fix problems which we really
       | don't have ourselves and we over-engineer the crap out of them.
       | And commonly this is the result of the so called "idea
       | generation". It's easy to create a startup that solves a niche
       | problem. But we often fail to acknowledge how tiny these niches
       | really are. It's easier to sell something that costs 10000 euros
       | to 10 people and make 100k as opposed to selling something for 5
       | euros to 20000 people.
       | The truth is, most people create 5 euro products which have a
       | potential audience of 10 people, hence the reason why they make
       | 50 euros as opposed to 100k. You can scroll through PH for days
       | and keep repeating "omg, who needs this?!?!?"
       | I know I have. And truthfully I doubt many people have hit the 50
       | euro mark, not to mention the 100k.
       | But people make that mistake all the time. We are surrounded by
       | people who will hook up an led to an arduino which will blink
       | when someone mentions them on slack while they are watching a
       | movie, while ordinary people are looking at a website which has
       | payments and they think that's quantum physics. Tech people and
       | ordinary people live in parallel universes at this point. The
       | ideas we come up with are solutions to problems no one has.
       | That's the reason why SaaS is proving to be a lot more successful
       | strategy than B2C.
       | My take on this is that every time you come up with an idea,
       | don't bother sharing it with your tech friends first. In most
       | cases you will get a 50-50 positive-negative response. Find
       | people who are completely detached from your world and have no
       | idea what the difference between a USB and RJ45 is.
       | 1. Can you explain your idea in 4 sentences or less?
       | 2. Do they understand it?
       | 3. Do they have that problem?
       | 3a(if Y on 3). Do they have a working solution, even if it takes
       | 3 times the effort?
       | If the answers to those are:
       | 1. No
       | 2. No
       | 3. No
       | 3a. Yes
       | Then don't bother. You will almost certainly fail.
       | aazaa wrote:
       | > A good question to ask yourself early in the process of
       | thinking about an idea is "could this be huge if it worked?"
       | There are many good ideas in the world, but few of them have the
       | inherent advantages that can make a startup massively successful.
       | Most businesses don't generate a valuable accumulating advantage
       | as they scale. Think early about why an idea might have that
       | property. It's obvious for Facebook or Airbnb, but it often
       | exists in more subtle ways.
       | This reminds me of David Heinemeier Hansson's talk at Startup
       | School waaayyy back.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CDXJ6bMkMY
       | The gist: funders tell founders all the time to catch a wave. Go
       | big or don't bother. The reason is that the funder must have a
       | big payoff and small outcomes don't cut it.
       | But there's plenty of room for a small, well-run company with no
       | aspirations of getting bigger. I believe the analogy was: best
       | Italian Restaurant in the city.
       | The other advantage of thinking smaller than "huge" is that
       | success is so much more likely because the competition tends to
       | be less intense.
       | Maybe the author and I have a different idea of "huge," but the
       | examples suggest otherwise.
       | If you're looking for a community that embraces the small startup
       | idea and has developed a lot of material for exploring it, check
       | out Microconf:
       | https://microconf.com
       | alexashka wrote:
       | _Stay away from people who are world-weary and belittle your
       | ambitions. Unfortunately, this is most of the world. But they
       | hold on to the past, and you want to live in the future._
       | Here's an idea - if _most_ people are world-weary (not true in my
       | experience), maybe you should go and find out _why_ and then try
       | to figure out what you can do to make it less so (get therapy in
       | your case Sam Altman).
       | What's your track record Sam Altman, besides burning through
       | other people's money and thinking most people are _world-weary_
       | and need to be distanced from?
       | Here's from his wiki:
       |  _In 2005, at age 19,[9] Altman co-founded and became CEO of
       | Loopt,[10] a location-based social networking mobile application.
       | After raising more than $30M in venture capital, Loopt was shut
       | down in 2012 after failing to get traction._
       | So his track record is creating yet-another social-network, how
       | original, burning through someone else's money and failing.
       | Please tell us more Sam, you've clearly proven yourself to be an
       | original thinker and capable operator of burning through other
       | people's cash.
         | juped wrote:
         | Sam Altman is clearly great at the one skill that matters
         | (becoming a "made man"). I haven't been impressed by anything
         | else from him.
         | If you want a YC person worth listening to, I recommend
         | starting with Michael Seibel instead.
         | wenc wrote:
         | Quote
         | --
         |  _It's important to be in the right kind of environment, and
         | around the right kind of people. You want to be around people
         | who have a good feel for the future, will entertain improbable
         | plans, are optimistic, are smart in a creative way, and have a
         | very high idea flux. These sorts of people tend to think
         | without the constraints most people have, not have a lot of
         | filters, and not care too much what other people think.
         | The best ideas are fragile; most people don't even start
         | talking about them at all because they sound silly. Perhaps
         | most of all, you want to be around people who don't make you
         | feel stupid for mentioning a bad idea, and who certainly never
         | feel stupid for doing so themselves._
         | --
         | I worry that many take away the wrong lesson, i.e. every idea
         | has potential, no idea is stupid. Many companies are trying to
         | inculcate this into their cultures thinking they can replicate
         | SV's success by being more open. I think most will quickly find
         | this to be an untenable way to live, because it's only half the
         | picture.
         | I think the real take-away is more nuanced. Open unconstrained
         | environments tend to produce the very best ideas (not just good
         | ideas), and it's important not to kill new ideas too early.
         | That said, all those ideas eventually need to be tested against
         | the crucible of reality. Generate lots of ideas, but be ready
         | to ruthlessly edit and kill those that don't work in reality.
         | As pg said, innovation is two-step process -- and those 2 steps
         | (generate, then edit) are discrete, not to be mixed. High
         | infant mortality during ideation means good ideas get killed.
         | But loose filtering at all means you're throwing good money
         | after bad.
         | My improv teacher tells me that to produce great work, we have
         | to work out of abundance (lots of ideas), and also work out of
         | failure (fail a lot). Abundance in itself is not enough, nor is
         | failure on its own.
         | tlb wrote:
         | Social networks were not in the "how original" category in
         | 2005. Facebook was started in 2004 and was still restricted to
         | college students when Loopt launched. Loopt was quite different
         | (mainly about location rather than friend graph.) It was an
         | idea worth trying.
       | rb808 wrote:
       | The problem I see is 9/10 startups have stupid ideas but manage
       | to pocket millions before the company crashes and burns. How do
       | you get ideas like that will let you live well, but not
       | necessarily be a good business? Doing sensible businesses just
       | isn't viable in SV these days.
       | > Stay away from people who are world-weary and belittle your
       | ambitions.
       | OK maybe that just is me.
       | parhamn wrote:
       | I think we need to have more founder-typing instead of
       | prescribing everyone act like they can be good at everything.
       | It's much more important to find balance on your founding team
       | than expecting to learn idea generation suddenly.
       | We need better tools for these different types to find each
       | other. Creatives, executors, evangelists, etc can be different
       | people.
       (page generated 2020-05-28 23:00 UTC)