[HN Gopher] Godot Editor running in a web browser
       Godot Editor running in a web browser
       Author : SquareWheel
       Score  : 182 points
       Date   : 2020-05-29 19:13 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (godotengine.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (godotengine.org)
       | anderspitman wrote:
       | This is awesome. Question: everything I've read[0] about WebDAV
       | indicates tons of compatibility problems between implementations,
       | even those built into operating systems. I wonder what the plan
       | is to deal with that?
       | Also, are there any off-the-shelf WebDAV client libraries for
       | browsers?
       | [0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10213657
       | stakkur wrote:
       | I've been waiting for this.
       | skybrian wrote:
       | I'm not a game developer but it seems like syncing with a
       | standard git repo would be ideal. Is that possible with games or
       | do the assets prevent it?
         | anderspitman wrote:
         | Your intuition is correct. git alone isn't going to cut it for
         | the assets.
         | slezyr wrote:
         | git lfs plugin should help with that one. IIRC Godot's editor
         | has some support for creation of git repositories
         | https://git-lfs.github.com/
       | t0astbread wrote:
       | I'm still amazed how small the Godot editor is (last time I
       | checked it was ~25MB). Just how are they able to pack this much
       | functionality into such little space?
         | gjkood wrote:
         | I guess its all relative.
         | In the late 80s I was impressed by a full Wordstar compatible
         | text editor for Turbo Pascal which only occupied 25K (including
         | the compiler). Times have indeed changed.
           | nightowl_games wrote:
           | A lot of the godot size is the images it packs in itself.
           | When I cloned the godot repo, I could understand the
           | architecture just by the file names.
           | I started falling in love with it as the easily
           | understandable file names started streaming down from the
           | cloud.
           | It's truly a public good.
             | gnulinux wrote:
             | > A lot of the godot size is the images it packs in itself.
             | For comparison, emacs's installed size is 76K [1].
             | [1] https://packages.debian.org/sid/emacs
               | yepguy wrote:
               | That's the installed size of the metapackage containing
               | no emacs executable, no elisp files, and no
               | documentation.
               | On my system the emacs executable is 39M and the entire
               | installed package is 128M. (Additionally, my Doom Emacs
               | folder takes up another 840M.)
               | tetris11 wrote:
               | > Additionally, my Doom Emacs folder takes up another
               | 840M.
               | HOW?
               | gnulinux wrote:
               | Ah so sorry about that. I should have checked.
           | xigency wrote:
           | Well, we should be impressed with 25MB for a decent game
           | editor since the other players like Unity and Unreal Engine
           | are probably around 25GB. It's also a fraction of Slack or
           | Chrome or even the Rust compiler I believe.
             | snazz wrote:
             | The Chromium package on Arch Linux is around 68MB. The
             | Electron runtime is a surprisingly reasonable size.
             | Interestingly, the Go package is over 110MB. Rust is
             | larger.
               | kick wrote:
               | The Chromium package on Arch Linux is actually just a bit
               | under 200MB when installed. Are you looking at the
               | download size?
           | gnulinux wrote:
           | 1 order of magnitude in 40 years? Doesn't seem a lot, but if
           | applies exponentially would mean we will have some IDE in
           | 2060 that's 25GB and someone will find it impressive. That's
           | a lot of bytes for an editor.
             | kroltan wrote:
             | Visual Studio is probably way more than 25GB, and it's 2020
             | still.
               | leddt wrote:
               | Depends on what packages you install, but my VS 2019
               | install folder is 2.5GB.
               | kroltan wrote:
               | My VS folder itself is 4.1GB, but there are tons of other
               | stuff that gets installed too. I know I downloaded about
               | 28GB on my first install.
             | kencausey wrote:
             | Defining an 'order of magnitude' as 1024 seems a little odd
             | to me. I would consider this to be closer to 3 orders of
             | magnitued.
               | eggy wrote:
               | 1024 (2^10) is ~10^3 (I know switching bases!) vs say 10
               | (10^1), so two orders of magnitude larger in general. A
               | gig 10^9 would be many orders of magnitude. An order of
               | magnitude is generally a jump to the next power of 10. So
               | 10 (10^1) is an order of magnitude larger than 1 (10^0)
               | as 100 (10^2) is to 10 (10^1), and so on. People
               | frequently misuse the term when speaking in technical
               | terms. When the average person uses it to denote a big
               | jump, I let it go - usually ;) If you stick with base 2 I
               | guess you could say many orders of magnitude (2^32 =
               | 4,294,967,296 vs 2^8 = 256, or 24 orders of magnitude?).
         | rowanG077 wrote:
         | Having a little bit of discipline is all that's needed.
         | TeaDude wrote:
         | She's not as small as she used to be (Currently sitting at
         | 61.1MB and has been over 30MB since 3.0) but to put that in
         | perspective, that's smaller than the binaries for Half-Life 2
         | and even Half-Life 1. The release binary is even smaller at
         | 33.5MB!
       | z3t4 wrote:
       | It's amazing that a native Windows/Mac app can be compiled to run
       | in a web browser. However Web-assembly does not mean better
       | performance. A native browser app would most likely be faster.
         | nightowl_games wrote:
         | What do you mean by native browser app? Like JS + WebGL?
           | z3t4 wrote:
           | JS is usually not the bottleneck in web apps. The bottleneck
           | is most of the time rendering. Rewriting the app in JS would
           | make it faster then the Webassembly version. It's a common
           | misconception that Webassembly is faster then JS. Although
           | theoretically possible, the compiler wouldn't be able to beat
           | a skilled JS developer's hand written JS specific for the web
           | platform. A turtle is faster then a rabbit - in water.
           | snazz wrote:
           | I'm guessing that an app written for WebAssembly in the first
           | place would be faster than an app written for the desktop
           | when they're both running in the browser.
       | antoineMoPa wrote:
       | I wonder when firefox will re enable SharedArrayBuffer.
         | jszymborski wrote:
         | Seeing as it's available in Firefox Nightly, it'd imagine it'd
         | be in the next release provided it doesn't present any problems
         | from then and now.
       | msie wrote:
       | Godot is such an amazing/polished game engine. I like it a lot
       | more than Unity (at least for 2D).
         | xrd wrote:
         | I clicked on the doc link from within the native editor. It is
         | less of a tutorial than I had hoped. Do you have a suggestion
         | for getting started with it?
           | truncate wrote:
           | I recently got started by following couple videos on YouTube
           | which are not hard to find. I've just followed very basic
           | lessons, mainly to get familiar with non-programming aspects
           | (scripting part is _very_ easy if you already know
           | programming).
           | There is also a Humble Bundle out there right now where you
           | can get some basic lessons as low as $1[1]
           | [1] https://www.humblebundle.com/software/learning-game-
           | coding-a...
           | jszymborski wrote:
           | The step by step docs have been very useful for me: https://d
           | ocs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting_started/step_...
           | If you're a "work bacwards from a finished project" kind of
           | person, this tutorial is quite great as well
           | https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting_started/step_.
           | ..
             | xrd wrote:
             | That's great. And, I love that the examples all specify
             | /home/ubuntu as the home directory, so the author is
             | clearly using Linux. This is really cool.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | How does it compared to Unreal? I've been using it a little to
         | try and make a VR game and it's generally quite good I'm
         | finding there are loads of bugs, or at least weird behaviours
         | with materials and the OpenGL ES3 mode. And every time you
         | change a setting it compiles like 3000 shaders which takes half
         | an hour. Quite frustrating!
           | clarkrinker wrote:
           | One of my favorite parts about Godot is that it gets away
           | from those crazy load times / lockup you experience in
           | Unity/Unreal. The .import file it associates with your asset
           | is plaintext. Definitely running into fewer merge conflicts.
             | nightowl_games wrote:
             | Ya way fewer.
             | The scene file is actually _readable_!!!!
             | The node and resource systems are vastly more accessible
             | than Unity IMO.
             | Workflow feels so much better in Godot than Unity.
             | Godot's problems are in it's 3D renderer. It's not very
             | performant nor good looking and has some shadow bugs...
             | Godot 4.0 should fix all that stuff.
             | The renderer is fine for my indie/low poly style, but is
             | pretty limiting for advanced post processing and realistic
             | designs.
             | The particle system isnt very good in godot 3.x so far
             | either.
             | Godot has some a noticable lag spike when shaders compile
             | as well.
             | So, there's lots of issues related to rendering and
             | advanced stuff, but for my purposes, godot is way more
             | productive than Unity for me. And thats because:
             | - the scene hierarchy has a superior design
             | - the keyboard hotkeys are better
             | - compilation time is non existant
             | - hot reloading works
             | - gdscript is faster to write than C#
             | - scene & resource files are more git friendly
             | - documentation is local and in-editor
             | - gdscript has opinionated & accessible apis for things
             | that other languages make hard (string manipulation,
             | encryption, file system access)
             | Godot is the future. I promise you this.
               | ImprobableTruth wrote:
               | I don't know, to me the choice of their own NotPython as
               | the main language seems like an incredible misstep to me.
               | It's lacking in features (last time I checked they didn't
               | even support basic things like lambdas), tooling and
               | libraries.
               | There's a reason why both Unreal and Unity moved away
               | from providing their own language.
               | nightowl_games wrote:
               | I thought it was a massive misstep until I started using
               | it heavily.
               | Now I really like it.
               | As to lack of lambdas, yes there are no lambdas, but
               | coroutines are a first class citizen in gdscript, and
               | network libraries, like Nakama for instance, use
               | coroutines heavily. I prefer coroutines to lambdas
               | anyways, and I think the industry is moving towards
               | coroutines.
               | There are a ton of good things about gdscript. I was a
               | hater on it until I started using it, and then I realised
               | how quickly it allows me to do stuff.
               | Besides, I'm staring at the worlds worst Unity project
               | right now.
               | Languages dont matter as much as system design.
               | SquareWheel wrote:
               | Seems lambdas are coming in 4.0.
               | https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/2684#issuecom
               | men...
               | arminiusreturns wrote:
               | All these things. GLTF and godot have been amazing to me,
               | though I do sometimes struggle with the asset flow but
               | I'm getting better.
               | I've been using 4.0a and havent found anything with major
               | breaks so far, and Vulkan really shines compared to
               | opengl3.
               | It makes me so happy that I can have a game editor that
               | aligns with my RMS-esque views (pro gpl). Now if I can
               | just get my friends on board, many of them have invested
               | so much time in unity or ue they don't want to switch. My
               | goal is to have a prototype cool enough to draw them in
               | eventually.
               | ASVVVAD wrote:
               | It's a common fact that Godot's 3.x[0] renderer is
               | lacking but if it can achieve these[1][2] then 4.0 will
               | be a game changer
               | As a side note I like your comment ^^
               | [0] didn't say current because master branch to be the
               | current branch and it already migrated to Vulkan [1]
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQYZBZybP9M [2]
               | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKtwW9yU6QU
               | iFire wrote:
               | Hi! I work on Godot Engine closely, improving the 3d
               | asset pipeline.
               | Things move slowly in any large project.
               | Changes that were made for Godot Engine to make glTF2
               | import acceptable were done in October 2019.
               | However, a feature request to make the official glTF2
               | importer (Blender) import standard glTF2 properly will
               | take until Blender 2.83 (LTS) to arrive in the next few
               | weeks.
               | Three.js is also able to import standard glTF2. There is
               | an amusing chart of failures on Github.
               | https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-
               | Models/pull/243#...
               | FBX 3d asset import support in Godot Engine is the same
               | struggle.
               | Supporting standard FBX is the goal because of the focus
               | on open source ecosystems. Even when the current Godot
               | Engine fully supports FBX (Godot Engine does not
               | currently), it will take significant time to get
               | Blender's incompatible variation of FBX to be patched in
               | stable releases of both Blender and Godot Engine.
               | Other people are working on Godot Engine rendering for
               | the next version, but I am joyed at your review of the
               | glTF2 work.
               | I hope for future success in Godot Engine projects.
           | skocznymroczny wrote:
           | Godot seems to be a recommendation only for 2D projects. It's
           | 3D support is lacking to the big engines. You can also see it
           | in the showcase - it's 99% 2D projects.
         | turova wrote:
         | One thing that I think would hugely shift godot's market share
         | is a standardized asset format, similar to what Unity and
         | Unreal have, so asset developers could offer assets in Godot-
         | compatible format. It would be even more amazing if there was
         | an easy way to import Unity resources. Maybe I just needed to
         | do more research, but last time I tried, I had to pull out
         | individual files, mess around with them in Blender, then import
         | the model and the mesh into Godot separately, where I needed to
         | arrange them together afterward. I think if the asset
         | management was as simple as Unity's, Godot would be a no-
         | brainer in many projects, especially smaller ones.
           | lux wrote:
           | As long as it doesn't follow Unity's approach (asset
           | bundles). Unity's favourite thing to do is break asset bundle
           | compatibility between versions.
           | nightowl_games wrote:
           | I'm not sure what you mean. Godot has asset formats that
           | translate from project to project.
             | turova wrote:
             | I've used both Unity and Godot at a hobby level and what I
             | found was that with Unity, I spent almost all my time
             | playing around with game mechanics. With Godot, I always
             | spent a considerable amount of time importing resources and
             | fiddling with them before being able to do anything useful
             | other than add basic shapes to the screen. I think it's
             | probably a problem of being the underdog with a much
             | smaller asset market, but that's literally the one thing
             | that made Unity worth checking out for me. I've downloaded
             | most releases of Godot to play around with them as they
             | come out though, so I'm really excited about it growing
             | further.
               | nightowl_games wrote:
               | There are some issues with the 3D importing pipeline,
               | GLTF is the best supported file format, but they recently
               | added .fbx support so thats good.
               | I agree that there could be further improvements made
               | there but I've had good luck with .gltf.
               | Additionally, I've had problems with materials or
               | animations importing into Unity as well. Seems like its a
               | big, common problem.
               | Unity imports started getting smoother in recent years
               | because marketplaces and artists started specifically
               | targeting unity.
         | the_other_b wrote:
         | It's getting there, I think it's missing the top layer of
         | polish. I've been working with it for a couple years now and it
         | has some bugs that really hinder development speed.
         | That being said, once those issues are fixed I think it'll be a
         | hard choice to not use Godot (for what I do, more 2D work).
           | nightowl_games wrote:
           | > I've been working with it for a couple years now and it has
           | some bugs that really hinder development speed.
           | What bugs do you think hinder dev speed?
           | I am vastly more productive in Godot than in Unity.
           | Currently I think the only criticisms I have are the 3D
           | renderer is bad (whoop 4.0 lets go!), and there is not a
           | strong community/asset marketplace.
           | I _love_ the workflow, though.
             | jay_kyburz wrote:
             | I'm a full time game dev and started a fairly large 3d
             | project in Gotdot last September, I worked in it for about
             | 2 months full time before moving to another project with
             | another team.
             | The bugs that hindered my productivity were mostly "land
             | mines" that I discovered along the way.
             | 1. I thought having my scripts as internal scripts sounded
             | good for a week until I realized there are all kinds of
             | undocumented problems with storing your scripts that way. I
             | had to refactor.
             | 2. There is no selection outline around mesh in the editor
             | window. Makes it impossible to build a 3D scene in Godot.
             | My guess is that the developers expect you to build the
             | scene in Blender then import it as one big FBX. (But that's
             | not ideal for some things)
             | 3. Then I hit the dangling reference bug and that was a
             | heavy blow to my enthusiasm. The fact you can save a
             | reference to an object in a variable, and that the engine
             | can then change what object your variable is pointing to
             | under the hood. It's such a fundamental bug it makes me
             | wonder what other massive issues are there waiting for me
             | to run into. My work around was to listen for signals for
             | when object references were removed from the scene and
             | manually clearing them, but its a real drag.
             | There were a few other things, but those ones stand out in
             | my memory as examples of why I don't think I can work in it
             | yet.
             | The reference bug won't be fixed until 4.0, so have another
             | look at Godot then.
             | Update: Here are the bugs I logged.
             | https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/31758
             | https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/32383
               | xnxn wrote:
               | If we're thinking of the same dangling Variant bug, a fix
               | was backported to 3.2.2 (releasing soon):
               | https://godotengine.org/article/dev-snapshot-
               | godot-3-2-2-bet...
               | jay_kyburz wrote:
               | Good news!
           | boterock wrote:
           | I think although it is missing that layer of polish, the
           | underlying foundation layer is so much better built.
           | robotnikman wrote:
           | Would you recommend Godot for making a 2D bullet hell type
           | game?
             | logicprog wrote:
             | I actually built a fairly functional combination of bullet
             | hell and tower defense game in Godot about two years ago.
             | Beware, though: the 2D lighting system for Godot is
             | extremely slow, so if you want a buttery smooth FPS, don't
             | do any crazy lighting.
             | bkanber wrote:
             | Yes, Godot would handle that very well.
       (page generated 2020-05-29 23:00 UTC)