[HN Gopher] Show HN: Print a WiFi Login Card
       Show HN: Print a WiFi Login Card
       Author : bndw
       Score  : 160 points
       Date   : 2020-05-31 16:34 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (wifi.dev.bdw.to)
 (TXT) w3m dump (wifi.dev.bdw.to)
       | mrtweetyhack wrote:
       | Yes, print all your passwords and your social security number too
       | dheera wrote:
       | Might be a dumb question but how do you scan a QR code like this
       | on Android without a 3rd party app? The only way I've ever known
       | to scan QR codes is by scanning from within WeChat.
         | lwhsiao wrote:
         | Support for this is built in to the stock camera app for
         | Android 10.
       | toomuchtodo wrote:
       | Lovely! Is it possible to inject SSID and passphrase parameters
       | as env vars into the Docker container and have a png or pdf
       | render without the web interface?
       | Edit: Thank you to those who replied!
         | jasonjayr wrote:
         | qrencode is in debian/ubuntu
         | (https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/)
         | qrencode -t ansiutf8 'WIFI:T:WPA;S:{ssid};P:{password};;'
         | No docker required ...
           | toomuchtodo wrote:
           | I'm on a Mac, so I would need Docker if the tool wasn't built
           | for Mac (only Linux).
             | dewey wrote:
             | No, you can just install it via Homebrew.
             | brew install qrencode
               | toomuchtodo wrote:
               | Good to know! Thank you!
         | davb wrote:
         | You can generate QR codes using qrencode (available in most
         | distros package repos), as follows:
         | qrencode -o wifi.png "WIFI:T:WPA;S:<SSID>;P:<PASSWORD>;;"
       | groundpepper wrote:
       | This is incredibly useful, I didn't know our phones had this
       | feature.
       | wiml wrote:
       | An idea that's been kicking around in my head is a widget with an
       | e-ink display for hackerspaces, cafes, and other multi-user
       | spaces that displays the a password-of-the-day along with a
       | qrcode for easy login. Heck, include an NFC chip that hands out
       | application/vnd.wfa.wsc objects as well.
       | I'm not sure how useful it would be beyond the cool factor, of
       | course ... the cafes in my area don't seem to change their wifi
       | passwords often at all, so I assume they're not very concerned
       | about leeching. The typical practice of printing it on a receipt
       | or writing it on the board next to the soup-of-the-day is
       | probably hard to beat.
         | bronco21016 wrote:
         | Typically you'd just use a captive portal with sessions that
         | time out. That's sufficient to keep away all but the most
         | determined leechers.
           | pathseeker wrote:
           | Unfortunately they are really annoying to use.
             | bronco21016 wrote:
             | I'd much rather use a captive portal than hunt for the 4"
             | e-ink device hiding in a place of business.
             | They're definitely not perfect though and you find some
             | truly annoying configurations when you're out in the world
             | of public WiFi but for the most part it works.
             | dvtrn wrote:
             | What have been your frustrations with them? I've found them
             | dead easy to setup and implement
       | pathseeker wrote:
       | Woah, do not get into the habit of putting your wifi network
       | password into a website if you care about security. This
       | particular site might or might not collect it now but it's a
       | terrible habit to put your sensitive data into another site.
       | Imagine if this was a web-based password strength meter.
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | In WPA2 and earlier it makes sense to have a WiFi password even
         | if it isn't secret from anyone.
         | Without a WiFi password these versions communicate in
         | plaintext, so a passive adversary can snoop everything,
         | choosing a password switches on encryption and thus protects
         | against passive eavesdroppers.
         | Only in WPA3 do networks with no password get encryption to
         | protect you from passive eavesdroppers.
         | Obviously an active MitM can work regardless, but that's
         | trickier to attempt and unavoidably subject to detection.
         | If you "care about security" in the sense of not wanting random
         | people to connect then you should not use "Personal mode" which
         | is garbage in all versions of WPA because it relies on a shared
         | human memorable password and (say it after me) human memorable
         | passwords are garbage.
         | Use whichever of the terrible 802.1x alternatives best fits
         | your scenario, as these authenticate specific users rather than
         | relying on a single shared password. You can federate to allow
         | large groups of people with something in common to all use all
         | the networks in the federation. For students (and academic
         | staff) most tertiary education sites in the world now offer
         | Eduroam for example.
         | Or, give it all up as a bad job, and (with the caveat at the
         | top about preventing passive eavesdropping) just stop trying to
         | fence off your network and accept that it's the Internet and
         | you'll need a BeyondCorp / Zero Trust security model.
           | unethical_ban wrote:
           | I think the OP was saying that it is not a good thing to
           | encourage people inputting their personal passwords to
           | untrusted websites. They weren't commenting on the need to
           | put passwords on wifi networks.
           | [deleted]
         | seesawtron wrote:
         | True. How else would one implement this as a workaround for
         | security? Perhaps a locally running version of the same thing
         | that hopefully doesn't upload the data back to some server?
         | Edit: some users already commented in another thread about
         | pacakges that can do it instead.
       | CapriciousCptl wrote:
       | Neat. You can find more supported QR codes for iOS here--
       | https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tech-talks/206/ (I
       | couldn't find docs but you can skip around the video, starts at
       | 1:11).
         | Flimm wrote:
         | Nice! I didn't realise that iOS supports QR codes out of the
         | box now.
           | rhinoceraptor wrote:
           | You can also generate them via Siri Shortcuts now, I wrote a
           | simple shortcut that's shown on the share sheet, so I can
           | share WiFi credentials from 1Password via QR code.
           | The shortcut is just regex match the base station, password
           | and security from the text 1Password shares, then format it
           | as WIFI:S:<ssid>;T:<security>;P:<password>;; and then pipe
           | that to the Generate QR code action.
           | wise_young_man wrote:
           | They added support built into the camera app starting with
           | iOS 11 (released in 2018).
           | https://9to5mac.com/2018/05/16/how-to-qr-codes-
           | ios-11-iphone...
       | Flimm wrote:
       | Do all Android and iOS devices support this feature?
         | ken wrote:
         | iOS since 11.0 (2017, >98% of iOS users today):
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_11#Other_changes
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | I don't know what version it was introduced, but this has been
         | around for quite a while and doesn't rely on proprietary google
         | services or anything, so I expect all phones have it (though
         | maybe your QR code reader needs to support the format).
       | chrismorgan wrote:
       | Another fun bug report: I entered _lots_ of input, and the page
       | suddenly went blank. In the console:                 Error: code
       | length overflow. (28252>23648)
       | So yeah, seems like all you have to do is paste 24KB of data in
       | and it blows up. :)
       | I see this failure mode in React apps a _lot_ , where a bug
       | causes an exception to be thrown, and the page just vanishes in a
       | puff of smoke, as though it never was.
       | Half the time I've seen this failure mode it's also been combined
       | with _persisting the bad value_ , so that the site is permanently
       | broken until you can unpersist the value (e.g. clear localStorage
       | or IndexedDB or cookie; but if the bad value is stored on a
       | server you're truly stuck).
       | The impression I've taken away is that it's entirely unacceptable
       | for a React component to throw an exception, because it will
       | immediately destroy _everything_. Wonder how common such failures
       | actually are, and whether there's anything React itself could do
       | about it (my guess is not).
         | bndw wrote:
         | Thanks, fixed. TIL ssids have a max char count of 32:
         | https://serverfault.com/questions/45439/what-is-the-maximum-...
           | chrismorgan wrote:
           | FYI, maxlength is actually not enough to protect against
           | people like me that are determined to break things for fun:
           | Firefox 77 starts letting you exceed maxlength if pasting
           | text in, to protect against accidental truncation. See
           | https://www.fxsitecompat.dev/en-CA/docs/2020/text-
           | exceeding-....
           | You may say it's a fairly contrived failure, but it's easily
           | possible, and plausible if the user _thinks_ they copied the
           | password onto the clipboard, but actually those paragraphs of
           | text they copied earlier are still on the clipboard. That
           | sort of thing happens to people that use the clipboard (e.g.
           | me) not uncommonly.
             | bndw wrote:
             | All good. This was a random weekend hack project meant to
             | solve a specific, personal need. Figured I'd share it out
             | in case others were interested.
             | I'm glad it's sparked your curiosity but I hope you'll
             | understand the intent. I'd be happy to accept PR's if you'd
             | like to contribute!
         | Shakahs wrote:
         | This is what React error boundaries are for, containing the
         | exception and optionally showing a fallback or error.
       | paddlesteamer wrote:
       | I like how it ignores WEP. Don't use WEP.
       | encom wrote:
       | I've tried to use these before, but since my SSID is [the poop
       | emoji] (which i've just learned is verboten on HN) and the
       | password is 64 characters of hex, I've never gotten it to work,
       | and have exposed bugs in lots of shitty wifi hardware and
       | software. 64 char hex is what a regular 8-63 char password is
       | hashed to for encryption. Specifying it directly as 64 char hex
       | is in spec, and should be supported in software or hardware
       | that's made properly.
       | Emoji SSID just kind of works in most cases, because an encoding
       | was never specified for that string, afaik.
       | TL;DR: I shoot myself in the foot for entertainment.
       | srhngpr wrote:
       | Recently came across a QR Coder [1] that can generate for a
       | variety of different purposes, including Wifi (e.g., Bookmarks,
       | Email, Contact, GeoLocation, SMS, URL link, etc.) - the same
       | website also has a encoder/decoder and an API [2], but I've not
       | tried those features.
       | [1] http://niftypdf.com/Barcoder/QRCoder [2]
       | http://niftypdf.com/Barcoder/API
       | chrismorgan wrote:
       | Per https://github.com/bndw/wifi-
       | card/blob/5d7fbbda1e8eac5802c8d..., the QR code text is of this
       | form:                 WIFI:T:WPA;S:{ssid};P:{password};;
       | https://github.com/zxing/zxing/wiki/Barcode-Contents#wi-fi-n...
       | seems to be where this format came from. (That page describes
       | various other forms of QR codes too.)
       | bndw: looks like some characters need escaping: backslash,
       | semicolon, comma and colon. Maybe more too, given the treatment
       | of double quotes in that last link (I've filed
       | https://github.com/zxing/zxing/issues/1292 about that
       | inconsistency).
       | seesawtron wrote:
       | Can someone give a short explaination as to how it works in the
       | backend? The QR code contains username and password. But how does
       | my phone's QR scanner know that its an SSID/pw and eventually
       | connects to the network?
         | macintux wrote:
         | See this comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23371188
         | Presumably the camera app recognizes "WIFI:" as a protocol
         | string and passes the details along to the system settings.
           | seesawtron wrote:
           | Yes I saw, that is what the QR code contains (username and
           | password of the WIFI). But I do not understand what my phone
           | does when it sees that. There are tons of dubmbed-down
           | articles on "how-to" instructions but none explaining the
           | backend stuff happening on my phone's side.
           | Also found qifi.org that does a similar thing.
             | est31 wrote:
             | The Zxing barcode scanner app does it this way: This [0] is
             | the dispatch code. If it detects WIFI as type, it passes it
             | to a WifiConfigManager [1] which then talks to Android's
             | WifiManager API. On the back end, the addOrUpdateNetwork
             | function of WifiManager [3] calls the method with the same
             | name of IWifiManager [4]. That class has a channel to a
             | WifiStateMachine [5] which sends a message with the command
             | CMD_ADD_OR_UPDATE_NETWORK. It's handled in the same file
             | (but I suppose it's in a different process, now a
             | privileged system process), and calls the
             | addOrUpdateNetwork function of WifiConfigStore [6].
             | The WifiConfigStore stores its config into a wpa_supplicant
             | compatible file. The file is then passed to the
             | wpa_supplicant service, which is also present on other
             | Linux distros like the GNU/Linux ones, although here the
             | config file is built by a dedicated NetworkManager service
             | (also, some intel folks are building a replacement IIRC).
             | wpa_supplicant is a privileged service that talks to the
             | WiFi card drivers.
             | [0]: https://github.com/zxing/zxing/blob/0cf3b9be71680f50c9
             | 0a71ca...
             | [1]: https://github.com/zxing/zxing/blob/0b9b39a74fb3d7b010
             | fb2979...
             | [2]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/net/wi
             | fi/Wif...
             | [3]: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/b
             | ase/+/...
             | [4]: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/o
             | pt/net...
             | [5]: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/b
             | ase/+/...
             | [6]: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/o
             | pt/net...
             | daveevad wrote:
             | it sounds to me like it's a custom url scheme built into
             | ios.
             | https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/inter-
             | proces...
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | It's vCard, not URL.
       | castratikron wrote:
       | Maybe someone will sell wifi routers with cute little LCD screens
       | in them that show this QR code?
       | graton wrote:
       | I just did this the other day using the newest version (6.4.4) of
       | LibreOffice Writer. It has a QR Code generator built in.
       | As mentioned by someone else it uses the form of:
       | WIFI:T:WPA;S:{ssid};P:{password};;
       | Wikipedia has information on this
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code#Joining_a_Wi%E2%80%91F...
       | Section of the Wikipedia article:
       |  _Joining a Wi-Fi network_
       | By specifying the SSID, encryption type, password/passphrase, and
       | if the SSID is hidden or not, mobile device users can quickly
       | scan and join networks without having to manually enter the data.
       | Note that this technique is valid for specifying only static SSID
       | passwords (i.e. PSK); dynamic user credentials (i.e.
       | Enterprise/802.1x) cannot be encoded in this manner.
       | The format of the encoded string is:
       | WIFI:S:<SSID>;T:<WPA|WEP|>;P:<password>;H:<true|false|>;
       | Order of fields does not matter. Special characters """
       | (quotation mark), ";" (semicolon), "," (comma), ":" (colon) and
       | "\" (backslash) should be escaped with a backslash ("\") as in
       | MECARD encoding. For example, if an SSID were "foo;bar\baz", with
       | quotation marks part of the literal SSID name itself, this would
       | be encoded as: WIFI:S:\"foo\;bar\\\baz\";;
       | As of January 2018, iPhones have this feature built into the
       | camera app under iOS 11.x. Android users may have the feature
       | built into one of the device's stock apps (e.g. Samsung Galaxy
       | S8/S8+/Note8 users can launch the stock browser, tap the
       | browser's 3-dot menu, then choose "Scan QR code") or can install
       | one of several available free apps such as "Barcode Scanner" or
       | "QR Droid" to perform the QR Wi-Fi join.
         | ShamelessC wrote:
         | Typical Samsung, putting the feature inside their stock browser
         | (which I've disabled) instead of the camera where it makes
         | sense.
           | Stratoscope wrote:
           | On my Note 8 this feature works directly in the stock camera
           | app. I didn't know about this, but I just tested it on the
           | linked site and it works.
             | ShamelessC wrote:
             | That's strange. I just tried it on my Note 9. It recognizes
             | the QR code but just displays the unformatted WiFi string.
             | Doesn't attempt to connect at all.
               | Stratoscope wrote:
               | Very odd! I tested a friend's Note 9 and it works there
               | too. Both phones are on T-Mobile with their latest
               | Android update.
               | The Note 9 is Android 10, One UI 2.0, build
               | QP1A.190711.020.N960USQS3DTB2.
               | The Note 8 is Android 9, One UI 1.0, build
               | PPR1.180610.011.N950USQU7DTC1.
               | anaisbetts wrote:
               | The QR code that it initially displays is invalid, type
               | any text into the SSID/pass fields and it will work
           | superhuzza wrote:
           | I have an S8, the camera reads QR codes fine. It looks like
           | you may have to enable a setting the first time you read a QR
           | code, after that it will do automatically and ask if you want
           | to follow the link.
           | https://www.samsung.com/au/support/mobile-devices/samsung-
           | qr...
         | BiteCode_dev wrote:
         | Also, android will display such QR code if you go to your wifi
         | settings so you can connect other devices easily.
           | londons_explore wrote:
           | What android version?
           | It was my understanding that the android security model
           | doesn't allow this - specifically the settings permission
           | let's you connect to a new network, but not to get the
           | password back for an already saved network.
             | BiteCode_dev wrote:
             | Whatever is currently on the OnePlus 6 does it.
             | dudus wrote:
             | At last my Pixel 3a have that option. On the network
             | settings you can click "share" and it will give you a qr
             | code as well as show the password in cleartext in the
             | screen. It does require you to enter your password or scan
             | your digital to go there.
             | wazzaps wrote:
             | My Pocophone F1 has a button to generate a QR code from a
             | network in the settings app, I guess they added a special
             | permission for it.
       | thephyber wrote:
       | Neat. I investigated doing something like this a few weeks ago,
       | but it turned out there's a site that has a variety of QR code
       | tools:
       | https://www.qr-code-generator.com/
       | (not trying to advertise the site, just saying it wasn't worth my
       | time to reinvent something)
       | lucb1e wrote:
       | I like the interface and that it doesn't need a server to
       | generate the QR image, but it doesn't work for my network
       | -\\_(tsu)_/-
       | Edit: perhaps I should clarify that that's my network's name. In
       | the qr code reader it shows up as -_(tsu)_/- and it's stored in
       | wpa_supplicant.conf as c2af5f28e38384295f2fc2af (indeed missing
       | the backslash).
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | Hah, I noticed the lack of escaping when skimming the code (see
         | my comment--workaround until fixed will be for you to double
         | the backslash yourself) but didn't expect it to actually
         | _affect_ anyone. Don't think I've never seen a backslash,
         | semicolon, comma or colon in an SSID. Or non-ASCII!
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | Since finding out SSIDs are not limited to 7-bit ASCII or
           | something, my networks have never been the same.
             | chrismorgan wrote:
             | Hmm, but it looks like under WPA-Personal keys _are_ still
             | limited to printable ASCII?
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-05-31 23:01 UTC)