[HN Gopher] Show HN: Grid.js - Advanced table library that works...
       Show HN: Grid.js - Advanced table library that works everywhere
       Author : afshinmeh
       Score  : 171 points
       Date   : 2020-06-04 18:33 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (gridjs.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (gridjs.io)
       | boromi wrote:
       | A similar product is https://datatables.net/
         | whycombagator wrote:
         | Unsure what differs between the two functionally, but it
         | appears that library is ~3x the size for js+css (~12kb vs
         | ~30kb) compared to Grid.js. It looks like it might use jQuery
         | too? Or at least, the CDN is "jquery.dataTables.min.js"
         | joaodlf wrote:
         | datatables uses jquery, though.
       | docuru wrote:
       | Are we just buy a domain for a library now?
       | seastonATccs wrote:
       | What benefits does it have over mat-table?
       | guggle wrote:
       | Good, I like framework agnostic components. I've been playing
       | with two other libraries recently: Dropzone js and Sortable js.
       | Grid js looks useful too.
       | Eduard wrote:
       | I'd say the claim "works everywhere" does not consider small
       | screens. I had a look at the examples with Android Chrome in
       | portrait viewport, and cell content gets either cut off with
       | ellipses on overflow, or breaks long words such as email
       | addresses unintelligibly over several lines.
       | In my opinion, scrollable-by-touch tables such as Bootstrap 's
       | "responsive tables" fix these issues. Add "scroll for more"
       | shadows for even better UX.
       | LukaszWiktor wrote:
       | Good job! Looks great.
       | What about performance? Have you tested how many rows can Gird.js
       | handle without a noticable lag?
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | Thank you!
         | With Grid.js you will be able to sort, search or process data
         | in a separate thread (Web Worker) and then pass the results to
         | the main thread to render.
         | I'm also thinking about lazy-loading the table rows. Both the
         | Web Worker bit and lazy-loading will be added in a week or two.
       | sliptype wrote:
       | This looks nice but much less configurable than ag-grid.
       | I've worked on projects that had very intense excel-level
       | requirements for their data grids and ag-grid was a dream.
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | Agreed. This is the first version of the library though. I will
         | definitely add more core plugins and configurations soon. Stay
         | tuned!
       | bubbab wrote:
       | How accessible is Grid.js? The main differentiator between table
       | libraries for me these days is accessibility. Many libraries and
       | frameworks out there do it poorly. The better ones are often tied
       | to company-specific frameworks.
       | From playing around a bit, I've at least noticed that sortable
       | headers have no focus indicator, the "sort column ascending" text
       | gets included in the column's accessible name, and un-sortable
       | column headers are read as clickable by screen readers.
       | I would LOVE a framework-agnostic table library that's both
       | lightweight and fully accessible. If there's a chance for Grid.js
       | to take this in its philosophy, I would be all in!
         | ipsum2 wrote:
         | It seems like you know a lot about accessibility, have you
         | considered contributing to the library?
         | nohuhu wrote:
         | > The better ones are often tied to company-specific
         | frameworks.
         | That is because to implement accessibility in a grid/tree
         | widget to a meaningful level, you need _a lot_ of underlying
         | code. Even in modern browsers. Source: implemented
         | accessibility in Ext JS framework.
         | One of the most often asked questions from users of Ext JS was:
         | hey, can we have the Grid widget without all the bloat? Sure,
         | and ~95% of the framework exists so that the Grid can have its
         | features and work reliably across all the browsers. You can
         | probably do without the rest 5%, no biggie.
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | That makes sense. thanks for the feedback.
         | I just created a ticket to work on this aspect of the library
         | soon. I'd appreciate if you add your comments to
         | https://github.com/grid-js/gridjs/issues/25 if you think there
         | is any specific components that needs immediate improvement.
       | afshinmeh wrote:
       | Hello folks :wave:
       | I'm Afshin, the creator of Grid.js.
       | Grid.js is an open-source table library written in TypeScript and
       | published under MIT license.
       | My goal is to develop a framework agnostic table library that:
       | - Works everywhere. You don't need a specific framework to use
       | Grid.js
       | - Lightweight and easy to use
       | - Fully documented and tested
       | - Developer friendly. Grid.js is written in TypeScript! Supports
       | all modern web browsers
       | Please take a look at the examples
       | (https://gridjs.io/docs/examples/hello-world) section and let us
       | know if you have any suggestions.
       | Although Grid.js is currently designed to work with web-browsers,
       | I'm actively thinking and working on adding other integrations
       | like React Native (see https://gridjs.io/docs/philosophy)
       | Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments. Happy
       | hacking! :computer:
         | simonw wrote:
         | I'm playing around with it in an Observable notebook here:
         | https://observablehq.com/@simonw/grid-js-with-datasette
         | Any idea why the columns aren't displaying correctly for wider
         | tables? Take a look at this example:
         | https://observablehq.com/@simonw/grid-js-with-datasette?url=...
           | afshinmeh wrote:
           | Oh great! I guess the columns are not properly rendered
           | because there are a lot of columns. That looks like a bug to
           | me. I just created two issues and will release a bug fix
           | soon.
           | Thanks!
             | simonw wrote:
             | Awesome :)
             | robertlagrant wrote:
             | > Oh great!
             | The correct response :-)
           | nightski wrote:
           | I took a look at it appears the observable notebook has a
           | stylesheet defined with a table element style that sets a
           | table's max-width to 640px. That is why it is not expanding
           | to fill the width. (I am not associated with the project)
         | fbnlsr wrote:
         | Definitely going to try this. I've been using Datatables with
         | Vue but it's not the most user friendly. Thanks for your work!
           | afshinmeh wrote:
           | Cheers!
         | w-ll wrote:
         | It looks like sorting / pagination is all down client side
         | which forces a download of all the rows, how well does this
         | support tables with 10s or 100s of thousands of rows?
           | afshinmeh wrote:
           | Correct. I have a PR ready which integrates the sort, search
           | and pagination with the server-side module. Currently, there
           | is a Server Side module that pulls data from the server
           | (https://gridjs.io/docs/examples/server).
         | hn_1234 wrote:
         | Is there any load testing benchmark results available. if so
         | can you share ?
           | afshinmeh wrote:
           | I haven't created a performance report yet but I will
           | definitely create one and add it to the docs. Good point.
         | XCSme wrote:
         | Your documentation is really cool, what did you use to make it?
           | cj wrote:
           | https://github.com/grid-js/website
           | Looks like it's made with Facebook's Docusaurus.
             | afshinmeh wrote:
             | Yes!
         | pea wrote:
         | Great work - really clean documentation, and it looks
         | beautiful!
         | We currently use `react-table`, which is good in that it can
         | support some reasonably large datasets (for instance, here's 2
         | million rows on the client-side -
         | https://datapane.com/leo/reports/table-test/ - a bit laggy with
         | sorting, but passable). This may not be the use-case you're
         | going after at all, but have you run any benchmarks for how big
         | a dataset you can support?
           | afshinmeh wrote:
           | Thanks! Appreciate your feedback.
           | Well, it is on our roadmap! With Grid.js you will be able to
           | sort, search or process data in a separate thread (Web
           | Worker) and then pass the results to the main thread to
           | render.
           | I'm also thinking about lazy-loading the table rows. Both the
           | Web Worker bit and lazy-loading will be added in a week or
           | two.
             | pea wrote:
             | Cool! Have you checked out
             | https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized too? Might be
             | totally useless to you, but I think they've done a lot
             | under the hood to optimise table loading.
             | Congrats again on a beautiful product.
               | craigching wrote:
               | I've used react-virtualized to render hundreds of
               | thousands of rows, it's a great library. React-window
               | from the same developer is also worth checking out if you
               | don't want all the bells and whistles.
       | silviogutierrez wrote:
       | Looks great! Any plans to support SSR in say, the React use case?
       | useEffect won't run on the server and obviously you don't have
       | the DOM.
       | I'd love to use this for the table to come rendered from the
       | server then hydrate on the frontend and enable AJAX pagination,
       | etc.
       | Completely understand if you can't, after all, you'd likely need
       | to more tightly integrate with ReactDOMServer.
       | danseagrave wrote:
       | Has anyone tried Tabulator[1]?
       | [1] http://www.tabulator.info/
         | btzll wrote:
         | I have, it's amazing. The only thing it's missing is drag and
         | drop to outside divs. Other than that, it's feature rich, very
         | customizable and the best from all other js grids I tried.
         | joaodlf wrote:
         | Yes! Tabulator is amazing.
         | thrownaway954 wrote:
         | doesn't have the styling pizzazz, but man is this thing feature
         | rich! thank you for posting.
       | Bishonen88 wrote:
       | Good effort! I'm not sure how 'advanced' it is though. I'd even
       | go as far as call it 'simple'?
       | E.g. the following features would be required to make it advanced
       | (list not complete):
       | - Export data (csv)
       | - Align columns based on their content
       | - Tree data (parent/child rows)
       | - Total rows
       | - Formatting applied based on data type (currency, numerical
       | etc.)
       | - Reordering columns
       | - Resizing columns
       | - Hiding columns
       | - Optional filter field for every column
       | - Conditional formatting
       | - Tripple Sorting & Multiple sorting (sort by more than 1 column
       | at a time)
       | - ... more
       | In the react world, I found this to be a good foundation for an
       | 'advanced' table. Since it's rather inconsistently developed, I
       | ended up forking it for myself and working on my own copy,
       | removing unneeded elements and enhancing with everything else I
       | do need.
       | https://material-table.com/
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | Thanks for your feedback.
         | I agree that Grid.js is not a full-featured plugin _yet_ and
         | it's still missing essential features, like those that you
         | mentioned but please bear in mind that:
         | - I have only released the first version of the library.
         | - I have been focusing on fundamental blocks of a lightweight
         | _data processing_ library (see: https://github.com/grid-
         | js/gridjs/tree/master/src/pipeline). That's what took most of
         | my time.
         | - Grid.js is framework agnostic which is a bit different
         | compared to other libs
         | The pipeline is very easy to extend and I'm confident that most
         | of those features will be added soon.
           | Bishonen88 wrote:
           | I don't doubt that you can and possibly will make this a
           | great library. It seems like a nice and clean foundation for
           | one. I just commented on the word 'advanced' in the title.
           | You admitted yourself that it's missing essential features,
           | so advanced might be an adjective you'd want to use for
           | release 2.0 ;)
       | codegladiator wrote:
       | What's the "Advanced" part in this ? Vue/quasar tables already
       | provide extensive functionality and I am sure there are react and
       | angular alternatives.
       | I don't think there is a need for a library to work across
       | vue/react/angular at the same time because no single person is
       | going to use those in a single project.
       | I appreciate the project since I am frequently looking for js
       | grid implementations but what the differentiator here ? Is it
       | performance or styling or flexibility or just variety of
       | frameworks ?
         | spiderfarmer wrote:
         | There absolutely are advantages to libraries that work
         | independent from, or across multiple frameworks. Most webdevs
         | have experience with multiple frameworks. It's nice knowing you
         | can use a library in whatever project you're working on.
           | afshinmeh wrote:
           | ^^
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | Grid.js is a bit different, let me explain.
         | Grid.js has an internal pipeline library which takes care of
         | pulling the data, adding data processing layers, caching each
         | layer when it's possible (e.g. you search for a keyword and
         | then you navigate between pages) and running the steps to
         | refine the data.
         | The `pipeline.process()` can be executed in a different thread
         | than the main browser thread (e.g. Web Worker) which is super
         | useful to perform the CPU consuming bits.
         | My main focus has been designing the pipeline and will continue
         | to improve it. Also, the pipeline can be extended easily (see
         | https://github.com/grid-js/gridjs/tree/master/src/pipeline) and
         | steps are pure functions.
       | Sembiance wrote:
       | I thought this was about CSS Grid, but nope, nothing at all to do
       | with that.
         | shmelvin512 wrote:
         | Maybe read the welcome message again:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/newswelcome.html
         | It could help you construct a more thoughtful comment next
         | time. It's the most important principle and really simple to
         | pursue.
       | wnevets wrote:
       | On a related note, I glad to see unpkg.com offically supported.
       | Being able to avoid npm install is just nice sometimes.
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | Awesome!
       | colesantiago wrote:
       | I disabled JavaScript and it doesn't load the table.
         | boromi wrote:
         | I unplugged my toaster, but it doesn't work?
           | colesantiago wrote:
           | Sure, except the major point is this, Progressive Enhancement
           | [0].
           | This table is useless if it doesn't load without JS,
           | especially if it is a table that claims to work _everywhere_.
           | [0] https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/technology/using-
           | progressi...
             | baddox wrote:
             | If you don't use software that parses and displays HTML,
             | then plain HTML tables won't work either.
         | runawaybottle wrote:
         | It's an enhanced data table.
         | But, I guess that could be a feature to allow your data tables
         | to fall back to some static table.
           | colesantiago wrote:
           | That would be a good idea for this table. Privacy conscious
           | people like me would welcome this.
         | nawgszy wrote:
         | This is surely a satirical comment?
           | colesantiago wrote:
           | Nope, many people (sadly technical people) browse the web
           | without JS turned on.
           | It makes the web a whole lot faster with no scripts running.
           | (especially on mobile)
       | babaganoosh89 wrote:
       | I'd suggest doing the up/down arrows in css instead of images,
       | the images look a bit blurry on retina screens
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | Good point. I will definitely change that part.
       | rootcage wrote:
       | Out of curiosity how is this better than current Grid/Table
       | implementations?
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | - Grid.js is a data-processing pipeline (see
         | https://github.com/grid-js/gridjs/tree/master/src/pipeline)
         | which enables you to easily extend the library - It's framework
         | agnostic! - It is written in TypeScript - Fully tested and
         | documented
         | Also please take a look at https://gridjs.io/docs/philosophy.
       | mason55 wrote:
       | One of the issues we find is that as the number of rows/columns
       | in a table grows, the performance of native browser tables just
       | craters and you have to fallback to your own rendering engine
       | using <canvas> elements.
       | Have you pushed the rendering performance at all to see how far
       | you can get without scrolling getting painful or seeing tearing
       | artifacts?
         | mstade wrote:
         | How many columns/rows can you realistically fit in screen?
         | Isn't this practically solved for most use cases by just having
         | as many as needed for rendering and replacing contents as
         | necessary?
         | I've worked in financial institutions for going on a decade at
         | this points and there are grids everywhere. I've learned a
         | thing or two about them in these years and that's:
         | - everyone wants to implement their own, for reasons
         | - they'll mostly do a decent but not quite good job at it,
         | because it's complicated and oh hey let's just all forget about
         | accessibility (traders love keyboard navigation!)
         | - performance is always a problem till someone reinvents
         | virtualized row rendering
         | - excel beats your thing anyway and everyone knows it so if you
         | just have decent excel import or even just good paste handling
         | you'll do fine
         | - 99% of grids people actually use never show more than two
         | dozen rows or so, and then implements pagination and just like
         | with google no one ever goes to page 2 of the results
         | If you have a pressing need to handle thousands/millions of
         | rows, it's likely not for display but for editing, in which
         | case:
         | 1. Just use excel
         | 2. Virtualized rows still has your back, ain't no screen
         | showing more than maybe a hundred rows or so anyway, and even
         | if it did no one reads that far
         | Grids really feel to me like a rite of passage for front end
         | developers, along with a basic charting library and mildly
         | interesting application framework. Incidentally, this is also
         | how I've landed most of my jobs, so maybe I'm biased.
         | EDIT: This is by no means a dig at the author and I'm sorry if
         | it may come across as such! This library looks like a fine
         | piece and I wish you every success!
           | at-fates-hands wrote:
           | >> Grids really feel to me like a rite of passage for front
           | end developers,
           | Agreed!
           | The last two jobs I interviewed for the code challenge was a)
           | hit this API endpoint, b) pull the data and put into a table
           | and c) make said table responsive and accessible.
           | The majority of front-end work these days is either forms or
           | tables. Get good at both and you'll have steady work forever.
             | mstade wrote:
             | You're right, I forgot about forms - good shout!
           | SloopJon wrote:
           | > How many columns/rows can you realistically fit in screen?
           | I don't know why you think many rows is an indication that
           | you're editing. Tables are the first resort for reports, and
           | reports tend to have lots of data (i.e., rows).
           | While I'm not a fan of horizontal scrollbars, I absolutely
           | prefer to render thousands of rows with a vertical scrollbar
           | than use pagination. Give me a sort key or two, a filter box,
           | and I'll whittle it down to what I'm interested in.
           | I've seen Airtable show up on some sites lately, and its
           | scrolling performance is abysmal. None of the examples for
           | Grid.js has more than a handful or rows, so I won't take its
           | performance on faith. So far, DataTables has been my go-to
           | option for web tables, but I'd happily switch to something
           | else if it performed as well.
             | mstade wrote:
             | > Give me a sort key or two, a filter box, and I'll whittle
             | it down to what I'm interested in.
             | This is also editing, albeit of the view of the data, maybe
             | I should've made clear that that's what I meant (primarily,
             | anyway.) Thanks for challenging!
             | Grids with massive amounts of data are - in my experience -
             | only used to build models, i.e. sort, filter, aggregate. No
             | one cares tho read more than a couple dozen or so rows, but
             | they do like the ability to chuck a ton of data into the
             | grid and then edit the view by applying various
             | combinations of functions to sort, filter and aggregate the
             | data into something that is more fit for purpose. You don't
             | need a grid to apply functions to data, it just happens to
             | be a pretty effective interface to do so. But it's only
             | effective if rendering is fast, and that means someone
             | somewhere will again reinvent virtualized rows. Or you
             | know, just use excel.
       | ng12 wrote:
       | Do the cell values have to be primitives? Embedding pure JS
       | inside a React app is easy but using React inside pure JS is
       | usually where the trouble is.
         | afshinmeh wrote:
         | They don't have to be. I will definitely test this particular
         | case.
       (page generated 2020-06-04 23:00 UTC)