[HN Gopher] Flintstoning your way around hard technical challenges
       Flintstoning your way around hard technical challenges
       Author : scrollinondubs
       Score  : 52 points
       Date   : 2020-06-09 12:17 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (grid7.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (grid7.com)
       | karmakaze wrote:
       | There's another aspect to this. Sometimes that human isn't 'in'
       | the system but can be the user of it.
       | I recently made a script to document the code paths from any
       | GraphQL or REST endpoint to code lines taking a database lock. It
       | was a hack with false positives. I 'fixed' it by making it an
       | interactive app instead of a script.
       | gkop wrote:
       | "Wizard of Oz prototyping" is a better name for this idea.
       | lqet wrote:
       | I have seen this pattern multiple times: (1) tell client
       | completely underdefined problem can be solved automatically, (2)
       | tell developer to implement it, (3) developer spends months
       | trying to automate it, (4) days before the deadline the code does
       | something that would barely count as acceptable, (5) an intern is
       | hired last-minute to solve the problem manually, (6) "we will do
       | it by hand until we have fixed the code".
       | The client will never know (5). The intern will eventually do it
       | manually full-time. The code is of course never fixed.
       | Months later, the developer finally has enough understanding of
       | the problem to find out that it has been a research topic for
       | decades, with no satisfying results so far.
         | m463 wrote:
         | There's that xkcd...
         | https://xkcd.com/1425/
         | They're going to have to update the comic, since the GPS tech
         | tree that enabled the first one can not be combined with the AI
         | tech tree to make the second one simple.
           | TheSpiceIsLife wrote:
           | The simplest solution to the problem presented in xkcd 1425
           | is to assume every photo is a photo of a bird, and just let
           | billions of users be mildly annoyed / extremely frustrated by
           | that assumption.
           | Then we can write thousands of blogs posts titled like _"
           | Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Photos"_.
             | m463 wrote:
             | So you're saying "everything is a bird" +
             | https://xkcd.com/386/ = training data :)
               | TheSpiceIsLife wrote:
               | I'm not a software developer by any stretch of the
               | imagination, but from an outsiders perspective:
               | That does appear to be the AI / Machine Learning approach
               | ;)
         | [deleted]
       | jasimmonsv wrote:
       | I have always heard this as to "mechanical turk the problem"
         | jacinabox wrote:
         | Yeah right, mechanical turk it, that's easy enough to say, then
         | you have to find yourself a dwarf.
           | Finnucane wrote:
           | Hand me the pliers.
       | 1propionyl wrote:
       | This is referred to as the "Wizard of Oz" method (or
       | "experimenter-in-the-loop"). It's very common in HCI research, as
       | well as in product prototyping in various industries.
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_of_Oz_experiment
       | A variation of the technique is also common in CS user studies,
       | where the novel tool under study works, but is too
       | computationally intensive (i.e. slow) to actually use in the
       | study. In this variation, the tool's results are precomputed, and
       | the tool's interface is mocked up so that it just retrieves
       | precomputed results (or it delegates to a human researcher
       | playing the "wizard").
       | jimmaswell wrote:
       | How hard can a script to delete documents based on timestamp
       | possibly be?
         | stagger87 wrote:
         | The saying "can't see the forest for the trees" comes to mind
         | here.
         | joshribakoff wrote:
         | Regardless, the website may change, so the script may also
         | require upkeep
       | cardiffspaceman wrote:
       | There was some research at IBM, which I have tried to find a
       | reference for, that tested: "What if we wanted to build a better
       | word processor, after having completely solved speech
       | recognition?" They devised an experiment where the subject, given
       | the task of say creating a document, would speak and "the system"
       | would respond by entering text and the usual things that word
       | processors do. "The system" was a CRT and a human confederate
       | behind a curtain who would type stuff and otherwise respond to
       | the subject's commands.
         | [deleted]
       | diablo1 wrote:
       | There's an XKCD for this: https://xkcd.com/1319/
       | Also, anecdotally, I literally automate to prevent RSI[0].
       | There's only so much the human body can manually do with a
       | computer
       | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury
         | chrisweekly wrote:
         | classic xkcd, one of my faves. esp the alt-text.
       | Scarblac wrote:
       | We have a website where customers of our company can upload data
       | sets for various domain-specific modelling software, and we can
       | do various integrity and quality checks on the data for them.
       | If it gains traction we'll maybe automate parts of it some day,
       | but for now it's lovingly referred to as AaaS, or Arnold-as-a-
       | service.
         | gowld wrote:
         | Or as it's called in the industry, "AI/ML".
           | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-06-09 23:01 UTC)