[HN Gopher] Playing around with the Fuchsia operating system
       Playing around with the Fuchsia operating system
       Author : tapper
       Score  : 280 points
       Date   : 2020-06-09 13:42 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.quarkslab.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.quarkslab.com)
       | ikeyany wrote:
       | I would love to see an interactive map of Zircon, similar to the
       | one of the (older) Linux kernel -
       | https://makelinux.github.io/kernel/map/
       | t43562 wrote:
       | C++....microkernel....reminds me of Symbian. :-)
       | snarfy wrote:
       | The technical reasons for Fuchsia to exist are debatable. The
       | real reason it exists is because Linux is GPL.
         | cxr wrote:
         | If that were true, then Google could have picked BSD or Linux's
         | progenitor Minix, like Apple and Intel did, instead of starting
         | from near-scratch.
           | aquabeagle wrote:
           | Google is king of NIH.
           | [deleted]
         | stronglikedan wrote:
         | Others seem to think the _real_ reason is DRM, which seems more
         | googlish to me than Linux being GPL.
       | malkia wrote:
       | I can't get fuchsia to work anymore on my Acer device. It used to
       | work just 10 days ago, hopefully gonna fixed soon :) -
       | https://ci.chromium.org/p/fuchsia/builders/global.ci/worksta...?
       | (e.g. I'm compiling for --release workstation.x64 --with-base ...
       | the kitchen-sink)
       | mlang23 wrote:
       | Spooky. I predicted the double descriptor read bug before
       | actually seeing the code. I am not an expert, and I definitely
       | haven't written my own USB stack. Still, I wonder why the
       | original code had this problem, given that this seems to be the
       | classical example of how to attack a USB stack. Somehow reminds
       | me what happened when Cisco started to ship a HTTP server with
       | some switches. One of the first bugs was a buffer overflow on
       | URLs longer then 255 bytes ...
       | pier25 wrote:
       | A couple of years ago it was believed that Fuchsia would replace
       | Android and ChromeOS. Then, IIRC, it was said in a Google IO that
       | it was just some sort of experiment to test new OS ideas.
       | What do you think is Google's masterplan for Fuchsia?
         | ensiferum wrote:
         | Sometimes one can just wonder how many of these decisions to do
         | something boil down to just one person being in the right place
         | of the totem pole in order to
         | a) sell the product to their superiors and get their buy-in
         | b) drive their own resume for "being the guy who created X"
         | rather than any technological reasons or valid business
         | reasons.
         | nightowl_games wrote:
         | > What do you think is Google's masterplan for Fuchsia?
         | I think they made it pretty clear that Fuchsia is not "an
         | experiment to test new OS ideas".
         | https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/concepts
         | Specifically:
         | > Fuchsia's goal is to power production devices and products
         | used for business-critical applications. As such, Fuchsia is
         | not a playground for experimental operating system concepts.
         | Instead, the platform roadmap is driven by practical use cases
         | arising from partner and product needs.
           | pier25 wrote:
           | Thanks for the info.
           | This totally contradicts what was said at Google IO's main
           | keynote. Unless I'm remembering this wrong...
         | kenforthewin wrote:
         | Like most of their products, I don't think there is a master
         | plan.
           | pier25 wrote:
           | I don't know. Fuchsia seems like a sufficiently massive
           | effort to at least have some goal other than experimentation.
           | jrsj wrote:
           | At the very least I expect to see it used in "IoT" devices
           | like Nest thermostats and stuff like that. Whether it ever
           | replaces ChromeOS or Android is impossible to determine at
           | this point though. Almost every attempt at running Android
           | apps on another platform for compatibility has been a
           | failure. Microsoft seems to have given up on it entirely.
             | sk0g wrote:
             | Wouldn't that be where Flutter could come in handy? If the
             | same codebase cross compiles to Android and Fuchsia (hell,
             | even iOS), lack of apps won't be an issue.
             | The Android team doesn't seem fond of Dart/ Flutter, but
             | that's not surprising. Who wants to voluntarily sign their
             | death certificate, so to speak?
               | pier25 wrote:
               | I could be wrong, but I imagine at least some people in
               | the Android team would like a fresh start.
         | arexxbifs wrote:
         | Avoiding GPLv2.
         | What Google says about their plans and what their plans
         | actually are does not necessarily have to converge.
         | rvz wrote:
         | > Then, IIRC, it was said in a Google IO that it was just some
         | sort of experiment to test new OS ideas.
         | That's a form of public denial on their side. Why would they
         | upstream Chromium, LLVM, Rust and Android ART support then? It
         | has first class support for Flutter as a way of running all
         | Flutter apps from day 0.
         | Don't be fooled too easily by that statement.
           | AgloeDreams wrote:
           | Totally agree, Steve Jobs bashed smartphones and making them
           | in the early 2000s, said that 7 inch tablets made no sense
           | then shipped the iPad Mini, MS bashed phones without physical
           | keyboards then shipped the Zune HD and WP7. Companies will
           | say anything as long as it gets the job done and the job is
           | to maintain sales.
             | tenebrisalietum wrote:
             | The 7 inch tablets didn't ship until after Steve Jobs died.
               | naasking wrote:
               | And even then, maybe they didn't make sense given the
               | technology of the time, but they could have made sense
               | later.
           | jayd16 wrote:
           | Its a thorough experiment, sure. I'm not sure that proves
           | secret master plans. That said, if it finds a market fit as
           | they go along I'm sure they'd use it.
         | dlojudice wrote:
         | I believe the idea behind could be the same for Mindori project
         | inside Microsoft years ago:
         | "Midori was a research/incubation project to explore ways of
         | innovating throughout Microsoft's software stack. This spanned
         | all aspects, including the programming language, compilers, OS,
         | its services, applications, and the overall programming models.
         | We had a heavy bias towards cloud, concurrency, and safety. The
         | project included novel "cultural" approaches too, being 100%
         | developers and very code-focused, looking more like the
         | Microsoft of today and hopefully tomorrow, than it did the
         | Microsoft of 8 years ago when the project began." [1]
         | Later some of this ideas became core features on Windows.
         | For a great overview about Mindori project: [1]
         | http://joeduffyblog.com/2015/11/03/blogging-about-midori/
           | sterlind wrote:
           | It never shipped. A lot of beautiful code and proven
           | concepts, and it just got tossed in the dustbin.
           | Hopefully Fuchsia doesn't succumb to the same second-system
           | effect.
             | Novukus wrote:
             | > It never shipped. A lot of beautiful code and proven
             | concepts, and it just got tossed in the dustbin.
             | It doesn't sound it was ever planned to be shipped? It was
             | for experimentation, research and development. And some of
             | that work made its way into Windows. Seems like a success
             | to me.
             | edit:
             | > Midori was the code name for a managed code operating
             | system being developed by Microsoft with joint effort of
             | Microsoft Research. It had been reported[2][3] to be a
             | possible commercial implementation of the Singularity
             | operating system, a research project started in 2003 to
             | build a highly dependable operating system in which the
             | kernel, device drivers, and applications are all written in
             | managed code. It was designed for concurrency, and could
             | run a program spread across multiple nodes at once.[4] It
             | also featured a security model that sandboxes applications
             | for increased security.[5] Microsoft had mapped out several
             | possible migration paths from Windows to Midori.[6] The
             | operating system was discontinued some time in 2015, though
             | many of its concepts were rolled into other Microsoft
             | projects.
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midori_(operating_system)
       | ThinkBeat wrote:
       | I fully welcome some more competiton on the operating system
       | front.
       | I am sad to see WindowsNT, Linux and macOS be the only dominant
       | operating systems.
       | My personal very perhaps unpopular view is that Windows NT has a
       | better technial implentation than Linux.
       | Linux does most things well, form small devices to big iron. That
       | is true now.
       | But when it started, it was as a learning experiment, and damn
       | good one too. An amazing achievement. A lot of work my haorsd of
       | people have since built on top of it, replaced things, epanded
       | things, hardening things, adding drivers, etc. And it has come a
       | long way, but to me as an operating system, technically it is not
       | that inspiring.
       | I wish we had maybe 10 competitve opearing systems, some brand
       | new off the presses.
       | I have run Linux in one form or another since the first Yggdrasil
       | release at the end of 1992. (not very early).
       | It was amazing. Running it on my PC at home and it was faster
       | than the terminals at school (well all shared a few servers so
       | always a lot going on, I am sure if you had it all to yourself it
       | would be faster. I guess that is why some people spent the nights
       | there is they had demanding tasks to run, but htye were not a
       | priority to get access to the better, newer and a lot more
       | dedicated hardware. (It was a complicated process).
       | I could do 90% of what was needed at home, woot.
       | I was very happy when I get my paws on the first WindowsNT
       | release back in 1994 I think. I had preordered it.
       | I cold not wait to install it.
       | processor-independent, multiprocessing and multi-user operating
       | system the end of 1992.
       | After having suffered through the pain that was Widows that had a
       | kinda sorts maybe a little multitasking. Finally an improvement.
       | OF course, a lot of my software refused to run on it, or it
       | refused to run it
       | The first Mac I had with macOS was also very cool, since then
       | OpenBSD, I had NextStep when they released it for Intel. Very
       | cool.
       | Anyways I have been waiting since to get a new operating system
       | that levels up the game, as much as WindowsNT did for Windows
       | 3.11, 95, 98, me.
       | I have not yet had that privilege.
       | I had good hopes for Plan9, QNX, a reimplementation fo BeOS that
       | is still ongoing. (I might have the wrong name on that one. I
       | remember a demo I had at the university of a BeBox with the BeOs
       | and how well it multitasked what backed then seemed like very CPU
       | intensive graphics manipulation while playing a video and some
       | other stuff -at the time-... I never got a BeBox and havent run
       | its OS)
       | There have been, and are some solid research OSs but they have
       | never made it out into the real world.
       | WindowsNT, Linux and macOS cannot be all we are given. What
       | replaces them?
       | Where is WindowsNTNT.
       | Will it take quantum computers to become the norm before we get
       | it? Maybe Linux already runs on that too.
       | (if quantum computers ever become viable or even a good fit for
       | everyday boring computer stuff).
       | Give me a new operating system, written from scratch, to
       | implement every secure feature it should have, harden it,
       | eliminate even the possibility of buffer overflows and assorted
       | tasks, or create them so that the elements that are exposed can
       | fail gracefully and non-destructbily and not leak data or allow
       | inputting of data.
       | I forgot about Qubes OS, that is very interesting. Maybe that is
       | it.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | 10 OSes would be really cumbersome in current toolchains. If we
         | got that far, hopefully there would easier ways to cross
         | compile code.
         | Even for the big three I'd like to see some shared container
         | runtime or something.
         | jcranmer wrote:
         | > My personal very perhaps unpopular view is that Windows NT
         | has a better technial implentation than Linux.
         | I actually don't think it's that uncommon to see people who
         | think the NT kernel is a superior implementation than the Linux
         | kernel. There does seem to be a sentiment that the Linux kernel
         | has a history of adopting features later than other OSes, and
         | often using a worse implementation (epoll is one of the more
         | infamous cases).
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | The BeOS "reimplementation" is called Haiku. It is a pretty
         | remarkably mature project, though unfortunately not what I'm
         | looking for in a new OS personally.
         | The reason we don't see new OSs is pretty simple: there is
         | entirely too much hardware you have to accommodate to be
         | usable. There are klocs of actual kernel code in Linux, and
         | Mlocs of driver code.
           | Koshkin wrote:
           | I think the answer is to have device drivers implemented as
           | part of device firmware.
             | giantrobot wrote:
             | That becomes extremely problematic as a lot of devices
             | anymore ship with bare minimum firmware to turn themselves
             | on and require the host to upload firmware to actually
             | work. The "drivers" on disk are then the modules required
             | by the OS and a big blob of firmware.
             | Other times devices are just a thin PHY interface and all
             | of the work is done in software inside the driver. There's
             | nothing on the device to even run onboard firmware.
             | So many devices _can 't_ store their own drivers for the
             | host to use, let alone store drivers for multiple operating
             | systems.
               | Koshkin wrote:
               | So the idea is similar to the one at the base of (the
               | original) OpenGL, i.e. that of a _hardware_ API that can
               | be used by any OS.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | Oh, like UEFI or openfirmware drivers? That's... a pretty
             | neat idea, actually. That would lower the barrier to entry,
             | certainly. About the only issue I see is then trusting
             | _those_ drivers (I don 't really trust hardware mfgs, and
             | you'd have to update them somehow), but that seems doable.
       | cletus wrote:
       | Ah, Fuchsia... another of Google's solutions looking for a
       | problem.
       | I remember hearing about it and immediately asking "what is the
       | market for this?" and not being satisfied with the answer.
       | On the one side you have Samsung, who are unhappy enough with
       | their dependence on Google that they'll not likely eat the cost
       | of moving from Android to something else that has no strategic
       | benefit to them (as far as I could tell, anyway).
       | So what does that leave? Google making its own devices. I don't
       | know this to be the case but I strongly suspect the intent was
       | for the Pixel line was (and may still be?) intended to be the
       | spark for Google being a vertically integrated first-party seller
       | of mobile devices. What I mean is these aren't just proof-of-
       | concept or developer devices.
       | The problem there is by doing that they'll hurt their
       | relationships with Android OEMs and it'd take a long time to fill
       | that void, if that's even possible.
       | So where else? The obvious answer is... Chromecast. This is a
       | hardware product Google has had a good amount of success with.
       | It's already first-party.
       | A recently leaked report [1] seems to indicate that the next
       | Chromecast will be Android TV. That is (IMHO) _bad_ news for
       | Fuchsia.
       | You have to also take into account that during the time Fuchsia
       | has been around (which must be 4+ years by now?) there's been a
       | change at the top with Sundar replacing Larry. That's always a
       | dangerous time for high-profile and high-cost (literally
       | $billions) projects with no customers. Sundar came from Chrome.
       | Fuchsia didn't. You have to ask questions about who was the
       | original (SVP+) cheerleader who got it off the ground and funded
       | it? Was larry on board? Is Sundar/ Does that sponsor enjoy the
       | same support under Sundar that they did under Larry?
       | I don't know the answer to these questions, just that they
       | matter. marissa Mayer's departure from Google was largely a
       | product of a change at the top as she enjoyed Eric's favour but
       | all signs pointed to Larry not being as big as a fan.
       | Fuchsia probably should've been called Graphene. Graphene can do
       | everything but leave the lab, after all.
       | [1]: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/06/googles-leaked-tv-
       | do...
         | rakoo wrote:
         | What was the market for Linux when it came out ? The thing was
         | a copy of an existing OS, made by a guy in his spare time.
         | What was the market for php when it came out ? It was just a
         | few helpers to write web pages, simpler to use than perl that
         | already existed at the time
         | What was the market for go when it came out ? Yes, it did have
         | a few modern things built-in, but there were already tons of
         | widely deployed languages.
         | And yet here we are. I don't need to tell you how successful
         | each of those is today. I don't mean to say that Fuchsia will
         | definitely be useful or deployed in any large fashion; just
         | that "there is no market" is not a valid counterpoint to the
         | development of a new project.
           | khazhoux wrote:
           | > What was the market for Linux when it came out ? The thing
           | was a copy of an existing OS, made by a guy in his spare
           | time.
           | > What was the market for php when it came out ? It was just
           | a few helpers to write web pages, simpler to use than perl
           | that already existed at the time
           | The markets were _clearly_ there (and _huge_!) for a free
           | Unix-like OS and for a better replacement for CGI scripts.
           | The fact that some people didn 't see the potential for Linux
           | or PHP, is wholly separate from their market opportunities.
           | The question here remains: where is the market today for a
           | new micro-kernel OS? The likely answer would have to be
           | device-makers... but which ones can actually benefit from
           | Fushcia?
         | lima wrote:
         | > Sundar came from Chrome. Fuchsia didn't.
         | Fuchsia appears to be really close to Chrome/Chrome OS - they
         | even share the build system and many components.
         | deathgrips wrote:
         | The market is enforcing DRM at the operating system level. Look
         | it up in the documentation, search "DRM".
         | adrianmonk wrote:
         | I don't know if this is Google's intention, but I could
         | certainly see Fuchsia being used for IoT devices.
         | IoT devices have a big problem with software updates. The
         | people who make them are primarily interested in selling
         | hardware, not supporting it for the many years it will probably
         | be in your home. (You might replace a smartphone every two
         | years, but how often do you replace a light switch or
         | thermostat?)
         | Google says Fuchsia is built to be easy to update. Different
         | components are able to be upgraded independently. There is a
         | stable binary API for drivers.
         | Imagine a world where IoT devices are built to some Fuchsia-
         | based standard which allows them to continue to be updated even
         | when the manufacturer inevitably abandons the devices and their
         | users. You could get more out of the devices, and you could
         | worry less about security.
         | It wouldn't solve 100% of the problem, though, because there
         | would always be some device-specific code, including device
         | drivers and any software that enables unique capabilities of
         | the device.
           | atombender wrote:
           | Apparently Google is already running Fuchsia (or at least
           | Zircon) internally on several smart home devices, such as the
           | Home Hub. Here [1] is an article from last year, still
           | relevant.
           | [1] https://9to5google.com/2019/02/08/fuchsia-friday-home-
           | hub-ma...
             | pvarangot wrote:
             | Which several ones? The old puck shaped access points don't
             | run it, and the Hub is the only other device with a
             | processor that's capable or running it.
               | atombender wrote:
               | Internally. Not on any released products.
           | beckler wrote:
           | I don't see that... yet. It sounds like Fuschia doesn't
           | support ARM at the moment, and that would be a crucial first
           | step.
             | tbodt wrote:
             | *Fuchsia
             | monocasa wrote:
             | Not publicly, but there's a suspicious amount of arm
             | support up and down the stack. Like aarch64-fuchsia target
             | in upstreamed stable Rust.
         | apozem wrote:
         | Bloomberg, 2018:
         | > One person who has spoken to Fuchsia staff described the
         | effort simply: "It's a senior-engineer retention project."
         | https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-19/google-te...
         | Fuchsia's greatest value is letting senior devs solve fun
         | puzzles without the burden of shipping anything customers want.
           | m463 wrote:
           | Sounds like unix during the period when bell labs was
           | prohibited from entering the computer market by the consent
           | decree.
           | noobermin wrote:
           | People seem to forget this is Google. Yes, this take might be
           | a bit cynical but given Google's track record of projects
           | that sound great but then burn and die, how sure are we that
           | this won't be another one? Google working on something and it
           | becoming the next Chrome or Android isn't a sure bet given
           | history. It's more like a >60% probably it will become
           | abandoned at some point after enough careers from within the
           | company are advanced.
           | earthboundkid wrote:
           | Traditionally, large money-making companies liked having big,
           | obvious loss areas, so that when the hard times come, they
           | can just cut that and restore the illusion of growth on Wall
           | Street. It only buys you a couple of quarters of fake growth,
           | but for Wall Street, that's often enough.
             | nv-vn wrote:
             | People like to claim these things anecdotally but if you
             | sit down for a few minutes and think about it then it
             | doesn't really make sense. By doing something like that
             | you'd sacrifice current growth, and since money today is
             | worth more than money in the future cutting dead weight now
             | would be more valuable to the shareholders (not to mention
             | the fact that the losses accumulate each year as cash being
             | drained from your accounts).
             | The reality is probably that companies are making a bet on
             | some far fetched technology, so for example Fuschia or the
             | developers behind it could lead to something insanely
             | profitable, but there's only a 20% chance. If you're in a
             | good year then the investment is worthwhile because the
             | expected value is still positive. If you're in a bad year
             | you can't afford to wait for the investment to pan out (not
             | to mention your risk model goes totally out of whack; if
             | the market is doing poorly consumers won't shell out cash
             | for this new tech) so you have to cut costs in that area.
             | tomjakubowski wrote:
             | Ah, the corporate Speed-Up Loop.
             | https://thedailywtf.com/articles/The-Speedup-Loop
           | pvarangot wrote:
           | Ah, the "senior-engineer retention project". And when they
           | need those senior engineers, or they get bored and retire or
           | go to another company, only the senior engineers that were
           | not that good will keep on working on that thing. That's
           | usually when the useless by design project starts getting
           | pressure to show that's actually useful and when it's
           | surprisingly not it gets the axe.
           | And while that happens all the cream of the crop of the top
           | talent already left or leaves because of the bullshit that
           | comes with the pressure to show marketability for a research
           | project.
         | geodel wrote:
         | > On the one side you have Samsung, who are unhappy enough with
         | their dependence on Google that they'll not likely eat the cost
         | of moving from Android to something else...
         | Strange argument. Maybe they will move all their devices to
         | their own superior OS Tizen. Or maybe they tried and it did not
         | turn out very well.
         | So whichever side Samsung is it does not affect Google. There
         | are many phone makers not that many phone OS makes. And with
         | chinese manufacturers already pounding them they have no
         | leverage on Google.
           | close04 wrote:
           | > Maybe they will move all their devices to their own
           | superior OS Tizen. Or maybe they tried and it did not turn
           | out very well.
           | Google (via the Open Handset Alliance) managed to enforce the
           | current status quo. Manufacturers can't simultaneously ship
           | their own OS like forked versions of Android, or presumably
           | Tizen, and still be allowed to use Google Play Services. It's
           | all-Google or nothing. I don't know whether Tizen is superior
           | or not but one could assume it isn't simply due to the
           | lacking ecosystem. Windows Phone was a good OS. It was shot
           | in the foot by a weak app ecosystem.
           | > So whichever side Samsung is it does not affect Google.
           | Samsung has 20% of the market and a lot more of the high end
           | market. Going with "not Google" means a lot of users no
           | longer using Google Play Store and services. It most
           | certainly would "affect" Google.
             | notyourday wrote:
             | > Samsung has 20% of the market and a lot more of the high
             | end market. Going with "not Google" means a lot of users no
             | longer using Google Play Store and services. It most
             | certainly would "affect" Google.
             | That will make Samsung phones very pretty door stops. Users
             | do not care about phones. Users care about apps that run on
             | those phones. Samsung has no apps that users care about (
             | IG/Facebook/TikTok/Snapchat/Banking/News/Tinder/etc )
             | without Google Play.
               | close04 wrote:
               | That's the point I made in the comment. Having no apps
               | will shoot even good OSes in the foot. This being said
               | all Samsung needs is for an antitrust investigation to
               | break the exclusivity clause.
               | Samsung doesn't need to drop Android, they need to be
               | able to sell phones with other OSes. Tizen probably fits
               | the bill for low-end, cheap phones. With the exclusivity
               | clause in place Samsung would have to bridge the canyon
               | between the current Tizen ecosystem and where Samsung
               | would want it in one step. Removing the limitation just
               | gives them the chance to take it one step at a time with
               | building their ecosystem (not a pleasant thought looking
               | at the state of their software but hey...).
               | notyourday wrote:
               | I would argue that it is not possible to slowly built
               | that ecosystem. Samsung apps are crap and popular apps
               | that people want create no motivation from developers to
               | support yet another platform.
               | That's why the Windows Phone failed -- even though
               | Microsoft offered shops with reasonably popular apps both
               | money and placement to make them available in their store
               | at the end the cost of supporting another platform was
               | too high.
             | CountSessine wrote:
             | _Samsung has 20% of the market and a lot more of the high
             | end market. Going with "not Google" means a lot of users no
             | longer using Google Play Store and services. It most
             | certainly would "affect" Google._
             | It's a game of chicken and one Samsung can't win, but
             | Google probably doesn't want to inflict on them. Look at
             | how well Huawei is doing outside China without google
             | services (they're dead in the water). Samsung doesn't want
             | that and can't build an app ecosystem on their own. If
             | Google pulls them and android and more importantly the
             | android SDKs and dev tools toward Fuschia, I guarantee you
             | that Samsung will follow.
             | At the same time I think Google would be foolish to
             | intentionally antagonize one of their most successful
             | partners. If Samsung's bungled reaction was to try to go it
             | alone with Tizen or hold out upgrading their phones to a
             | new android, it only helps Apple and iOS, and that's the
             | last thing google wants.
               | tbodt wrote:
               | *Fuchsia
               | close04 wrote:
               | > It's a game of chicken and one Samsung can't win
               | Indeed, they most likely can't (easily) make Tizen a
               | commercial success to rival Android, and even using an
               | Android fork would still be far from ideal without
               | Google's Play Services.
               | But Google probably can't legally sustain this position
               | for long and hold OEMs hostage, especially with all the
               | antitrust scrutiny they are facing now. Conditioning
               | access to the Play Services on using exclusively Google
               | on every device sounds like something that could be
               | considered anti-competitive.
       | sk0g wrote:
       | I thought it was going to be some boring material UI screenshots,
       | but this is so much more interesting! Susceptible to the usual C
       | bugs, albeit with minor impact. I thought they were switching
       | most of the kernel and drivers to Rust, for some reason.
       | Edit: not a Rust fanboy by any means, hell, I've never even
       | opened a Rust file.
         | est31 wrote:
         | > I thought they were switching most of the kernel and drivers
         | to Rust, for some reason.
         | Note that zircon itself is not allowed to contain any Rust [0].
         | It's not exactly specified what they mean by the kernel, but it
         | seems that this includes not just the microkernel but also
         | everything that lives in the zircon top level directory, which
         | is enough to boot the system. tokei says there is not a single
         | line of Rust in that entire directory (but about 1 million
         | lines of C/C++).
         | [0]:
         | https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/cb20372465f875ff4...
           | sk0g wrote:
           | I wonder what the ratio of C:C++ is. Sounds like they're
           | using C as a restricted C++ anyway, which is interesting.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | I know what it means to use C++ as a nicer C, but what does
             | it mean to use C as a restricted C++?
         | Q6T46nT668w6i3m wrote:
         | Zircon, the kernel, is written in C++. There's no programming
         | language requirement for components, e.g. the network component
         | is written in Rust.
       | miohtama wrote:
       | Assuming most (not all) vulnerabilities are C-style use after
       | free and buffer overflows. If kernel were written in Rust these
       | vulnerabilities would not be issues? Meaning microkernels only
       | make sense in C world. What am I missing?
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | As you implicitly note yourself; even if "most ( _not all_ )
         | vulnerabilities are C-style use after free and buffer
         | overflows" - well, if you reasonably can do something to defend
         | against the things that _aren 't_ memory issues, then that will
         | catch those. Also, even Rust lets you use "unsafe" code, and an
         | OS will probably contain some; even if it's minimal, even if
         | it's reviewed, you want any extra protections that you can get.
       | wackget wrote:
       | "Fuchsia is a new operating system developed by Google"- and I'm
       | out.
       | harryf wrote:
       | Didn't see the article address power management in the context of
       | things that might be running idle in the background. That would
       | seem to be to be a major incentive for an OS that's going be used
       | on mobile, which needs to respond to changes in environment on
       | the move (changing WLAN, network, beacons etc.)
       | Blackberry's QNX ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QNX ) is a
       | microkernel architecture and was designed with this in mind -
       | https://www.qnx.com/developers/docs/6.3.0SP3/neutrino/sys_ar...
       | ...
       | > Traditional power management (PM) is aimed at conserving the
       | power of computers that are usually left on. The general-purpose
       | approach to PM for desktop PCs -- or even for "mobile" PCs, such
       | as laptops -- doesn't take into account the specific demands of
       | embedded systems, which can be off (or on standby) much of the
       | time, yet must respond to external events in predictable ways.
       | I don't know if it's inherently more efficient to implement this
       | type of thing with a microkernel but given the iBeacons and
       | similar effectively "failed" (
       | https://venturebeat.com/2018/10/27/why-android-nearby-ibeaco...)
       | due to power and sensitivity, this could be a big enough
       | incentive to start a new OS
       | li4ick wrote:
       | Greg Kroah-Hartman told me it's 40 times slower than Linux, at
       | least that's what he told me 1 year ago. Wonder how that's
       | changed...
         | [deleted]
         | CyberDildonics wrote:
         | What does that even mean? What specifically was slower?
       | SV_BubbleTime wrote:
       | CTRL-F dart
       | No matches.
       | I wonder how many people can look past the kernel when discussing
       | what this is and how it's different from Android?
       | kyaghmour wrote:
       | This debate about monolithic vs. micro-kernels has been had many
       | times. Maybe this time the resolution is different, who knows.
       | But FWIW Linux didn't reach its success because someone made a
       | feature comparison between it and what else was out there in a
       | spreadsheet and somehow discovered how Linux was so much better.
       | Instead, Linux won (and continues to win) because it's the Rocky
       | Balboa of operating systems. It may loose the first round, but it
       | always come back. And the reason for that is that Linux's biggest
       | feature isn't necessarily technical. Rather, it's the community
       | of people around it, the fact that it can tolerate a healthy dose
       | of disagreement and infighting before eventually finding and
       | settling on whatever best solution solves the next immediate
       | problem, not some far-into-future idealistic goal. The downside
       | to that development model is that radical changes take several
       | iterations/years while in a centrally-managed OS development
       | model can be shoved in "atomically" -- ex: real-time, tracing,
       | etc. You can devise many a great OSes on paper and even implement
       | them. Bootstrapping an entire ecosystem and, effectively,
       | institutionalize a completely open and nimble development model
       | such as that of the Linux kernel is a whole other story.
         | weego wrote:
         | And here's me thinking it was just because shared hosting
         | providers didn't have to deal with insane and onerous licensing
         | costs and vm isolation problems
           | johannes1234321 wrote:
           | That also would have been true for BSD.
           | Linux probably also had good timing while the Unix wars were
           | fought.
             | dekhn wrote:
             | Yep. I remember choosing Linux in '93 because it had a huge
             | momentum behind it (the hacker literally asked me "Linux or
             | BSD" before handing me 4 floppies). I didn't really
             | understand the technical or legal differences at the time,
             | but it was clear that BSD wasn't as "hot".
             | In retrospect I really liked BSD for a lot of the ways it
             | did things (more stable, excellent long-term backwards
             | compatibility).
               | kakwa_ wrote:
               | If I recall correctly, at the time, BSD was stuck in a
               | lawsuit.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIX_System_Laboratories,_I
               | nc.....
               | I'm wondering if it had a detrimental effect on adoption
               | of *BSD, and thus increased Linux popularity at this
               | early and critical time.
               | dekhn wrote:
               | Many BSDheads I know from that time believe that was the
               | case (I was asked by them "why didn't you go with BSD"
               | and TBH I just liked the GPL license since I had recently
               | read the section about Stallman in Hackers).
               | I think another issue is that linux added new features
               | rapidly which probably helped adoption.
         | 762236 wrote:
         | That so many OS developers are working on Fuchsia and other
         | kernels suggests that the Linux community hasn't been very
         | successful with inclusion and handling disagreement and
         | infighting.
         | panpanna wrote:
         | I agree with you on the first part: Linux's best weapon is its
         | community and strong leadership.
         | But in my opinion, the second most important feature of Linux
         | is in fact its ability to change large parts of the kernel when
         | and if needed. And do it very very quickly.
         | And this something microkernels cannot do. They are just slower
         | when doing major changes that touch many parts of there OS.
           | surajrmal wrote:
           | Isn't this more so related to having all relevant code in the
           | same repo rather than about being a monolithic kernel? As
           | long as an OS's out of tree contract with out of tree users
           | is well defined, refactoring code within the repo shouldn't
           | be any more difficult. The fact that Linux's contract is the
           | very obvious division between kernel and userspace doesn't
           | much matter.
             | panpanna wrote:
             | I am sure having all code in the same repo helps but I was
             | mainly thinking about how changes across multiple services
             | is often very time consuming in microkernel designs and
             | requires very careful analysis.
         | atombender wrote:
         | Fuchsia/Zircon claims not to be a microkernel. It definitely
         | isn't a _classic_ microkernel like Mach or L4; Zircon is still
         | responsible for a very large number of syscalls.
         | However, core components such as graphics, file systems,
         | hardware devices, etc. are moved into userland, so in that
         | sense it follows the microkernel idea of putting as little as
         | possible in the kernel itself.
         | Personally, I love the design, and hope it takes off. We really
         | need to get away from letting kernels and devices have elevated
         | privileges in an OS.
         | As far as I'm concerned, Tanenbaum won the monolith/microkernel
         | debate -- Minix 3 is a true microkernel, and is currently a
         | popular niche OS -- and the success of Linux does not diminish
         | the argument. (The infamous failure of GNU Hurd doesn't,
         | either.)
           | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
           | > Minix 3 is a true microkernel, and is currently a popular
           | niche OS
           | Isn't it the most widely deployed operating system in the
           | world? It's embedded in basically every Intel CPU
             | teho wrote:
             | This keeps getting repeated, but I don't understand how
             | that would lead to it being the most popular OS there is.
             | There is way more embedded systems than there is Intel CPUs
             | on the market and they often run Linux. Android phones are
             | sold more than four times the amount of PCs a year. I'd
             | assume that most Intel CPUs are deployed in the data
             | centers... that run Linux.
               | atombender wrote:
               | But they said "widely deployed", not "popular". No one is
               | claiming Minix is the most popular OS in the world.
               | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
               | but the cpus deployed in datacenters also run minix. even
               | the ones running linux. or windows
               | teho wrote:
               | Yeah, but the point was that there is without a doubt
               | more Linux instances running on ARM than there is Intel
               | CPUs in total. Then even from the Intel processors that
               | do have Minix, a sizable amount is running Linux.
               | Therefore Minix can't be nearly as widely used as Linux.
               | ardacinar wrote:
               | What about the ones that are on fridges?
             | zucker42 wrote:
             | There are far more phones than desktops, and far more
             | desktops than servers, so I doubt it. Especially if you
             | count by OS instance (counting VMs) rather than by machine.
             | atombender wrote:
             | True!
         | quicklime wrote:
         | I think it's a bit early to declare Linux's market victory
         | here.
         | The obvious thing for Google to do is to use this in Android,
         | and this will solve a number of big problems for them
         | (specifically, binary-only drivers and a better security
         | model). They might even have some success in the server or
         | desktop spaces as well.
         | I worry a bit that Linux will be the next Firefox.
           | cycloptic wrote:
           | >binary-only drivers
           | If by this you're referring to their promises of a stable
           | driver ABI, I can't understand what problem this is supposed
           | to solve compared to Linux. There are plenty of binary
           | drivers already shipped on Linux. IOT device vendors don't
           | care about a stable ABI because they just pin to their kernel
           | version. Android device vendors don't care because either way
           | they will stop updating their kernels after a number of
           | years. Enterprise users don't care because they also pin to a
           | kernel version and backport what fixes they want.
           | It also does not seem to solve any problem for Google because
           | they still have to make the same stability/support promises
           | and deal with the same accumulation of legacy code either
           | way. Yes, this is necessary to stop fragmentation but the
           | problem is nothing really changes here compared to what they
           | would do if they were going to take on the cost of
           | backporting Linux kernel fixes. The only realistic cost
           | saving for them I could see is if the greater stability came
           | from reducing the total amount of hardware that is supported
           | compared to Linux. Which makes sense for them but at the same
           | time completely eliminates the possibility of them ever
           | seriously touting this as a Linux replacement.
             | quicklime wrote:
             | > Android device vendors don't care because either way they
             | will stop updating their kernels after a number of years
             | This one seems like a big problem to me. Maybe the handset
             | manufacturer doesn't care because they already made their
             | profit, but this pushes the support burden onto app
             | developers (including Google itself) who have to maintain
             | support for these old Android devices that the
             | manufacturers don't care about.
             | This seems like a real issue to me, is there something I'm
             | missing?
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | I agree that is a real issue. By my point is that the
               | proposed solution is now that Google itself is now going
               | to have to maintain support for old Fuschia devices
               | because the burden is now on them to maintain this stable
               | ABI. How is this going to solve anything compared to just
               | making a support promise about a particular Linux
               | version? Nothing here seems like it would improve for the
               | app developers.
               | tbodt wrote:
               | *Fuchsia
         | jfb wrote:
         | Keep in mind, too, that path dependence plays a huge role here.
         | Linux took off when the alternatives were Windows NT, Novell
         | Netware, or commercial Unixes running on underpowered RISC
         | hardware.
           | p_l wrote:
           | Late 1990s,a huge amount of linux installs in the business
           | happened because of Samba and Apache
             | jfb wrote:
             | Right! It takes nothing away from the Linux developers to
             | acknowledge the enormous role of contingency in Linux'
             | initial adoption.
           | wbl wrote:
           | BSD was around!
             | messe wrote:
             | It was, but it was in legal limbo.
               | cesarb wrote:
               | I have also read that, back then, Linux was better at
               | supporting common hardware than the BSDs
               | (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21420338). My
               | personal experience at the time is that I didn't even
               | consider the BSDs; Linux had UMSDOS, which allowed me to
               | try it out without having to repartition and/or reformat
               | (then later I noticed that I was nearly always on Linux,
               | so I reformatted a whole partition as ext2 and dedicated
               | it exclusively to Linux).
               | setpatchaddress wrote:
               | Linux also had a very clear story for access to source
               | code and a clear structure for accepting/rejecting
               | contributions.
               | rst wrote:
               | After the legal limbo came a whole bunch of fractious
               | disputes within and between multiple core teams --
               | initially FreeBSD (concentrating on PC-derived platforms)
               | and NetBSD (cross-platform), both having some roots in
               | the earlier, troubled 386BSD project led by Bill Jolitz,
               | with some later forks from each group (most notably
               | OpenBSD). Those persisted long after the legal issues
               | were effectively settled, and really hindered the BSDs in
               | general from keeping up with Linux-based OS
               | distributions.
         | jhoechtl wrote:
         | Linux won because of Steve Ballmer trying to torpede it in any
         | conceivable manner. Those brave people contributing to and
         | using into developed a kind of Robin Hood mentality.
         | Without a hate figure like Steve Ballmer net relative momentum
         | will decline. It just happens that so many other big players
         | joined the band wagon and contribute, that you don't notice
         | that relative decline.
           | brmgb wrote:
           | No, when Ballmer decided to torpedo Linux, it was starting to
           | make inroads into the server markets. Momentum had been there
           | for some times already.
       | 6gvONxR4sf7o wrote:
       | Would an OS like this mean really really tough DRM?
       | jcun4128 wrote:
       | Hmm I was looking at this expecting GUI screenshots, but
       | interesting non-the less/beyond me my scope at this time but neat
       | to read about.
       | SeanFerree wrote:
       | Love it!!
       | bsaul wrote:
       | I'm both very excited someone is taking a shot at trying
       | something new on kernel side. But i can't help wonder about what
       | would a future look like where 90% of hardware run on a Google-
       | owned operating system.
         | logicprog wrote:
         | Would that really ever happen? Microsoft - a company so
         | dominant it got an antitrust lawsuit - hasn't even been able to
         | get 90% of the market share. No operating system since the very
         | early days of computing has.
         | Not only that, but other older operating systems are always
         | going to have an advantage here anyway: they'll have support,
         | ecosystems, documentation, and people with years of experience
         | with them.
         | Google isn't even a monopoly in _search_ for heaven 's sake!
         | Only 87% of people use Google Search. If they can't get a
         | monopoly there - and you really can't get a monopoly in almost
         | any industry without government help - what makes you think
         | they can get a near-monopoly in operating systems?
           | Mediterraneo10 wrote:
           | > Only 87% of people use Google Search.
           | Note that some ostensible competitors like Startpage are
           | still powered by Google under the hood.
             | logicprog wrote:
             | Ah, interesting.
           | ocdtrekkie wrote:
           | 87% of the market is a monopoly by any legal definition.
             | 2OEH8eoCRo0 wrote:
             | The legal definition mentions market share? I find that
             | hard to believe.
             | mrep wrote:
             | A monopoly is the sole supplier of a product or service and
             | the fact that bing exists makes search not a monopoly. In
             | the concept of antitrust, the United States Department of
             | Justice does not use that term directly and instead talks
             | about power and the Supreme Court has defined market power
             | as "the ability to raise prices above those that would be
             | charged in a competitive market," and monopoly power as
             | "the power to control prices or exclude competition" [0].
             | Google does not posses monopoly power over search as they
             | do not exclude you from using bing, nor do they control
             | prices (bing in fact sets a lower price than Googles free
             | in that they will pay you to use their search engine). They
             | do have market power though.
             | [0]: https://www.justice.gov/atr/competition-and-monopoly-
             | single-...
               | asah wrote:
               | bing has under 3% marketshare vs 92.06% for google. As an
               | advertiser or app/publisher, google has "the power to
               | control prices or exclude competition."
               | https://www.google.com/search?q=bing+market+share
               | mrep wrote:
               | From Section IV of the Justice Departments article:
               | The Supreme Court has noted the crucial role that
               | defining the relevant market plays in section 2
               | monopolization and attempt cases. The market-definition
               | requirement brings discipline and structure to the
               | monopoly-power inquiry, thereby reducing the risks and
               | costs of error. The relevant product market in a section
               | 2 case, as elsewhere in antitrust, "is composed of
               | products that have reasonable interchangeability for the
               | purposes for which they are produced--price, use and
               | qualities considered." Thus, the market is defined with
               | regard to demand substitution, which focuses on buyers'
               | views of which products are acceptable substitutes or
               | alternatives.
               | For search advertising, they will likely find other forms
               | of advertising such as Facebook as a good enough
               | substitute and thus the market definition will include
               | other forms of advertising and not just search. For app
               | publishing, you can publish your app for android yourself
               | which Fortnite did.
               | iOS distribution on the other hand can probably be argued
               | for that and in fact they are getting sued for their
               | "abusive monopoly in iOS app/in-app distribution
               | services" [0].
               | [0] (PDF):
               | https://www.hbsslaw.com/uploads/case_downloads/apple-
               | dev/201...
               | bsaul wrote:
               | "For search advertising, they will likely find other
               | forms of advertising such as Facebook as a good enough
               | substitute and thus the market definition will include
               | other forms of advertising and not just search."
               | Nope, they won't. because 92% of people search the web on
               | google.
               | [deleted]
               | logicprog wrote:
               | I don't understand why people think monopoly means "big
               | company," especially when size is contingent on
               | continuing to serve customers better than competitors.
               | ocdtrekkie wrote:
               | This is fundamentally untrue. Monopoly has nothing to do
               | with product or service quality. This is proven by
               | Google, which both has bad products and terrible service.
               | Monopoly is built by using network effects and illegal
               | business arrangements to gut competitors such that a
               | better product cannot win in the market.
         | dkersten wrote:
         | Yeah, I'm really happy someone with enough clout to possibly
         | make it reality is doing it, but I don't really want a future
         | where everything runs on google stuff (like with android, now)
         | justaguyhere wrote:
         | Maybe Google will take a bit out of Windows marketshare? It
         | really sucks that we only have three options now - windows, mac
         | and Linux. Two of these are owned by mega corps and the last
         | one isn't as user friendly as the others
           | ForHackernews wrote:
           | So is a world with 4 options, 3 owned by megacorps, that much
           | better? I guess you could argue competition is always good
           | for consumers, but it starts to just be an oligopoly rather
           | than real competition.
             | themacguffinman wrote:
             | No one except megacorps is going to build and maintain any
             | alternative. Yes, it'd be much better than maintaining the
             | status quo where the two user-friendly operating systems
             | are either hardware-locked or riddled with bugs,
             | vulnerabilities, and Candy Crush.
       | modeless wrote:
       | It seems such a waste to spend all the effort to write a whole
       | new OS and all these drivers with the same old buffer overflow
       | bugs we've been fighting since the dawn of time. It doesn't have
       | to be this way anymore!
         | logicprog wrote:
         | Indeed. I wonder why they didn't go with Rust? They seem to be
         | trying to make the perfect architecture from scratch without
         | worries about complexity or how experimental it is or even how
         | long it'll take, and yet they don't go with a language that'll
         | solve a whole other class of problems? Seems like an odd
         | choice.
         | Maybe they're just making use of the existing C++ talent pool
         | at Google.
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | Lots of the userland pieces are in Rust. I don't think Rust
           | gives you much advantage for kernel code (esp. in a
           | microkernel), because most of it is unsafe anyway. And Rust
           | has some missing pieces for this kind of code (for example,
           | using custom allocators on a per-data structure basis is
           | still difficult).
             | modeless wrote:
             | I've heard this kind of argument a lot and it's getting
             | tiresome when we just keep seeing the same old preventable
             | bugs being a problem time and time again. Yes, a kernel
             | written in a safe language will still have security bugs.
             | But it would absolutely have a very large positive impact.
             | And any problems with safe languages can be worked around
             | with a bit of imagination, especially with the level of
             | effort already required to write a whole OS with a large
             | number of hardware drivers.
               | [deleted]
               | naasking wrote:
               | Rust would help with drivers, not so much with the kernel
               | itself. Drivers run in user space in Fuschia, so you
               | should be able to use any language you want.
               | tbodt wrote:
               | *Fuchsia
               | fragmede wrote:
               | If you turn off all the safety checks, is Rust still
               | safe?
               | It seems a microkernel architecture allows for the kernel
               | to be as small as possible, with the scheduler and
               | drivers and everything written in a safe language in
               | user-space. In that case, it is anything other than
               | vanity that says the kernel is better off being written
               | in a "safe" language with all the safeties turned off,
               | compared to a unsafe language?
               | modeless wrote:
               | 1. Fuchsia is not a microkernel, according to themselves.
               | [1]
               | 2. You don't have to turn off safety checks in all of the
               | code. Only having to audit the unsafe code is still a
               | huge win. You're vastly overstating the amount of code
               | that can't be safe.
               | 3. Fuchsia has many components outside of the kernel that
               | should have been written in safe languages but weren't.
               | 4. It's funny that you use the word vanity. I think it
               | perfectly describes the attitude that you're smart enough
               | to write a nontrivial project in C/C++ without any of the
               | many classes of preventable bugs that safe languages fix.
               | Or that a few parts of your code requiring unsafe
               | behavior somehow elevate the whole project into an elite
               | class that doesn't need safety.
               | [1] https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/concepts
             | Iolaum wrote:
             | I wonder if that's true for RedoxOS microkernel [0]? I m
             | not technical enough to make the comparison myself.
             | [0]: https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/kernel
               | qchris wrote:
               | I'm not a developer on it, but I've been following the
               | development pretty closely for a while. IIRC, the lead
               | developer Jeremy Soller states that even though the
               | kernel code does require unsafe blocks, it's actually
               | less common than you might think.
               | I can't find the source, but for some reason I have it in
               | my head that the percent of Redox kernel code that is
               | unsafe sits at somewhere around 30%, which especially
               | considering the actual LoC of the microkernel vs. a
               | monolith, means much easier code coverage. Again, the
               | exact number might be wrong, but I do know that the
               | kernel is significantly less that 100% unsafe code.
             | zepto wrote:
             | Seems like it would be trivial for them to have extended
             | rust, given the resources they are applying to this.
         | phkahler wrote:
         | There is an OS kernel being written in Rust.
         | dkersten wrote:
         | Sure, but if people don't make any serious attempts at creating
         | something completely new, how do we know we're not stuck in a
         | local minimum in terms of what OS tech we could have?
         | Or do you mean in terms of not using a "safer" language like
         | Rust? I assume its because its not what the devs working on it
         | know.
         | Leherenn wrote:
         | It started at least 4/5 years ago, Rust 1.0 had just been
         | released.
         | I don't think it made sense to use Rust back when they started.
         | It wasn't mature enough for such a big project.
       | RivieraKid wrote:
       | I'm more excited about the possibility of a high quality desktop
       | OS rather than the kernel. The Linux kernel is great but a great
       | open-source desktop OS doesn't exist today.
       | Specifically, this product doesn't exist today:
       | - Desktop environment that matches or surpasses Mac OS in
       | quality, performance and UX design.
       | - It includes seamless synchronization between devices.
       | - Apps are sandboxed, similarly to Android or iOS.
       | - There is a clearly defined platform / SDK, like in Android or
       | iOS. If it works in your development environment, it's guaranteed
       | to work everywhere.
       | - You can easily make a commercial product, like in Android or
       | iOS.
       | - It has 10% on the market (or software creators believe it's on
       | the trajectory to get there).
       | I don't understand why Google hasn't done this yet. Of course,
       | the answer could be that such project just doesn't have the
       | required ROI.
         | notyourday wrote:
         | Has Google ever created any non-web product that it supported
         | for more than a token amount of time, that it continued to re-
         | iterate on for years that was not linked to Google properties?
           | scythe wrote:
           | Golang would qualify, but it's not really a "product" from
           | the perspective of most users.
           | zingermc wrote:
           | Android, Maps, Chrome?
         | heavyset_go wrote:
         | > _Desktop environment that matches or surpasses Mac OS in
         | quality, performance and UX design._
         | I've got Plasma setup to take advantage of a decade of Mac
         | muscle memory, and think it does "macOS" better than macOS
         | itself.
         | > _Apps are sandboxed, similarly to Android or iOS_
         | Install firejail, and its wrapper scripts. The wrapper will
         | automatically wrap common commands and apps in a sandbox, and
         | you can use the firejail CLI to launch apps that it doesn't
         | wrap.
         | I agree with your other points, however I lament that BSD-style
         | licensing will prevent a lot of cool things from having their
         | sources see the light of day or be upstreamed.
         | [deleted]
         | moron4hire wrote:
         | You just described UWP apps on Windows 10.
         | Developers flat out rejected it _because_ of the smartphone-
         | like sandboxing.
           | BubRoss wrote:
           | I don't think anyone rejected it because of sandboxing. It is
           | a new API that would only work on windows with that
           | installed. Learning something completely new for a niche
           | target is not very enticing. Also, if you can write something
           | to be sandboxed, there is a good chance it can be a web page
           | instead.
           | Sandboxing also needs to come from the other direction.
           | Having programs be made to be sandboxed defeats the purpose.
           | What is needed is the ability to do contain all of a
           | program's files in one place and isolate the access to the
           | file system with permissions for other resources.
           | themacguffinman wrote:
           | I don't think that's very true. Smartphone-like sandboxing is
           | widely praised for its security and stability benefits, UWP
           | failed due to a lot of other factors (eg. Windows 10 Store,
           | lack of Windows 7 support, etc.)
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Which is why Microsoft went around and is incrementally
           | merging Win32 and UWP, including sandboxing for Win32.
           | Don't cry victory as you would be quite surprised how Windows
           | will look like in 5 years or so.
           | monadic2 wrote:
           | Can you elaborate? What is UWP and why did devs not like it?
           | All the critique i see with a quick google comes from game
           | devs.
             | [deleted]
             | vezycash wrote:
             | Developer push back first started with windows 8 with fears
             | of lockdown. Valve's CEO was the most vocal because it
             | looked like MS's end game would be to crush steam.
             | Microsoft didn't help matters with the 99 dollars developer
             | fee - not high per se but in an existing free for all
             | operating, pushbacks would happen.
             | Microsoft basically said to use this shiny new crippled
             | toy, you must use our store and pay money.
             | Microsoft also fanned the fire when they announced that
             | only one metro browser was allowed. That is you could only
             | use the metro browser of your default desktop browser.
             | Others would be disabled
             | For me as a user I hated/hate, UWP, metro and all it's
             | incarnations because:
             | UWP apps are slower than regular apps. In the early days
             | they crashed a lot. They wasted desktop real estate with
             | too much whitespace. Initially they were not resizable like
             | normal windows application. Oh... The hidden settings menu
             | sucked.
             | Microsoft also consistently undermined the new format by
             | limiting UWP to the latest operating system. Metro apps
             | couldn't run on Windows 7. Most Universal apps made for
             | Windows 10 won't work on Windows 8.1 and lower. Some
             | wouldn't even work on some Windows 10 versions.
             | For developers, having to maintain multiple versions
             | written with different API's for "one operating system" is
             | crazy.
             | UWP apps are basically unusable without mouse or touch
             | screen. Almost all the shortcuts we know and love don't
             | work.
             | This flat UI nonsense that makes it difficult for users to
             | detect the active menu or even clickable items was started
             | by Microsoft with windows 8. Google and Apple take the
             | credit cos Microsoft failed with mobile.
         | ForHackernews wrote:
         | I really doubt Google has any interest in building a "great
         | open-source desktop OS". Everything they've done with Android
         | suggests they'll throw releases over the wall, but keep any
         | interesting or useful bits proprietary & closely tied to Google
         | cloud services.
           | mav3rick wrote:
           | All of Chrome OS is open.
             | gvjddbnvdrbv wrote:
             | Android was a lot more open at first.
         | hellcow wrote:
         | You just described ChromeOS.
           | jayd16 wrote:
           | I use chromeOS as my daily driver but even with Linux and
           | Android app support it doesn't work as a dev machine. The
           | hardware isn't there and its just not positioned well enough
           | for vendors to take it seriously.
           | RivieraKid wrote:
           | ChromeOS has some pretty serious limitations that make it DOA
           | as a Mac OS / Windows / Linux alternative.
             | krn wrote:
             | I believe Linux (Beta) for ChromeOS[1] should eliminate
             | most of these limitations.
             | There is also Fedora Silverblue[2], which is an immutable
             | desktop OS.
             | [1]
             | https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/9145439?hl=en
             | [2] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/
               | RivieraKid wrote:
               | But that would basically make it an awkward Linux
               | distribution that doesn't have much benefits over the
               | existing ones. It seems like an afterthought, a second
               | class citizen.
               | Where's the documentation for Chrome OS SDK (for native
               | apps)?
               | krn wrote:
               | > But that would basically make it an awkward Linux
               | distribution that doesn't have much benefits over the
               | existing ones.
               | The main benefits of Chrome OS are immutability and zero-
               | maintenance.
               | If Chrome OS added a native support for flatpak[1], it
               | would cover most of the desktop use cases without losing
               | any of its benefits.
               | [1] https://flatpak.org/
               | WanderPanda wrote:
               | What about battery life? This seems to be a big
               | disadvantage for most Linux distros
               | mav3rick wrote:
               | Linux Files and Apps are first party citizens in the OS.
               | They appear in all menus and settings. You'd develop apps
               | as usual for a Debian distribution. Nothing needs to
               | change.
               | dfasdjlf wrote:
               | > Where's the documentation for Chrome OS SDK (for native
               | apps)?
               | https://developer.android.com/topic/arc
         | monadic2 wrote:
         | > Desktop environment that matches or surpasses Mac OS in
         | quality, performance and UX design.
         | Is there any evidence google can pull this off or wants to? I'd
         | think they would want you in a browser.
         | scythe wrote:
         | >I don't understand why Google hasn't done this yet.
         | If Google or some similar company were to make a desktop OS, it
         | would probably be packed with so many monetization "features"
         | that the free software community wouldn't be very interested
         | and may even see it as a threat. Chrome OS already demonstrated
         | most of this pattern.
         | The elementary project has done some great work with their UI,
         | but the limitations of a decentralized funding model mean that
         | it just isn't as complete as the major OSes. Meanwhile the
         | jousting between Red Hat and Canonical over control of the
         | GNOME ecosystem alienates a lot of users. Meanwhile corporate
         | control of Qt has limited KDE's popularity. In all three cases
         | the organizational problems associated with developing a truly
         | freedom-preserving OS in a profit-oriented world crop up in
         | different ways. Google taking over doesn't sound like a
         | solution to me.
         | Some kind of alliance between free software developers and
         | hardware manufacturers has long been dreamt about but hasn't
         | materialized over the last two decades. All too often, Linux
         | OEMs attach a half-baked homegrown distribution and their
         | hardware tries to rely on it. We've also hoped that democratic
         | countries will decide that a free and open-source operating
         | system would be good for national security and fund
         | development. In practice, interest has mostly come from Russia
         | and China, with user freedom off the priority list.
         | Google isn't a deity. They don't exist to serve humanity but
         | rather their investors. The organization problem continues to
         | be difficult.
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | Hear hear. It seems to me that any such effort either has to be
         | built on the Linux kernel (forgoing much of the horrid
         | userland) or rely on a something like Fuchsia that's backed by
         | a large corporate entity becoming so widely used as to have
         | significant driver buy-in from hardware manufacturers.
         | Unfortunately, I don't believe that relying on a for-profit
         | third party entity like Google is a good idea due to the
         | conflict of interest, even if their OS is FOSS. Just look at
         | what Google has done throwing its weight around as the big-man
         | in browsers, even though the browser engine is FOSS.
         | Incidentally, this might be of interest to you:
         | https://github.com/probonopd/hello
         | Not much there yet, but I believe Probonopd's intent is to
         | gather a community of people like ourselves.
         | StreamBright wrote:
         | > I don't understand why Google hasn't done this yet
         | What would be the financial incentive?
         | sly010 wrote:
         | > There is a clearly defined platform / SDK, like in Android or
         | iOS. If it works in your development environment, it's
         | guaranteed to work everywhere.
         | Are iOS/Android SDKs good examples of stable platforms? They
         | are just as much a moving target as anything else and the only
         | thing certain about them is that they _will_ require
         | maintenance.
           | zerkten wrote:
           | I think the poster means consistent, rather than stable, or
           | backwards compatible.
         | jpab wrote:
         | Do you mean Chrome OS?
         | Google is a web company; they want people to use the web. They
         | made a laptop/desktop operating system built around their web
         | browser, because they want everything to be on the web. It does
         | most of the things you list, including synchronizing between
         | devices since your data is all "in the Cloud".
         | As for market share, I'm not sure what power you think Google
         | has, but getting 10% of the desktop OS market has got to be
         | pretty difficult for anyone. I do not know what share of the
         | market Chrome OS has.
           | RivieraKid wrote:
           | No. I mean a full-fledged alternative to the major operating
           | systems. Do people in charge of Chrome OS say "In 5 years, we
           | want developers, designers and project managers at Google use
           | this OS"? I don't think so - it's not their ambition to
           | compete with Mac OS or Linux.
             | kgersen wrote:
             | why 5 years? They can already if they want to.
               | [deleted]
             | Guest0918231 wrote:
             | They don't say that, because that's not their goal. Google
             | makes money from consumers being online, searching,
             | browsing the internet, and using Google apps. It doesn't
             | matter if that person is using Windows, Mac, Linux, or some
             | imaginative Google OS to connect to the internet. They
             | profit either way.
             | skybrian wrote:
             | It's already the case that ChromeOS can run a Linux
             | environment in a VM. The question is whether this is enough
             | for most developers?
             | mav3rick wrote:
             | Developers , PMs already use Chrome OS at Google. Designers
             | can / will also happen.
             | [deleted]
           | pwdisswordfish2 wrote:
           | Do you mean Chromium OS?
           | Chrome OS is not 100% open source and the bits that are not
           | in Chromium OS are significant. It is also effectively tied
           | to certain hardware. Users cannot easily install it on
           | whatever hardware they choose.
           | The Chromium OS FAQ contains no link to download the source
           | code and contains this little gem:
           | "Keep in mind that Chromium OS is not for general consumer
           | use."
           | https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/chromium-os-faq
         | idoby wrote:
         | If something works in your Android dev environment, it is
         | absolutely not guaranteed to work everywhere, or work the same
         | everywhere. Differences exist between vendors, and every
         | between different models by the same vendor.
         | csomar wrote:
         | A good functioning Desktop experience for Linux is impossible.
         | - It requires a massive centralized investment.
         | Microsoft/Apple/Google can do that. But Linux is run by
         | amateurs (not talking about skills but rather guys who are not
         | on a payroll).
         | - Linux is for people who have rather weird setups. Apple uses
         | limited hardware (ie: You have few Macbook Pros, etc...).
         | Windows is supported by manufactures because it is the standard
         | of Desktop computing for most of the world (and still can be a
         | mess). Linux, on the other hand, has to do all that work alone.
         | - Linux professional and profitable market is still in
         | servers/deployment where you don't need a desktop space.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-06-09 23:00 UTC)