[HN Gopher] Design Principles Behind Smalltalk (1981)
       Design Principles Behind Smalltalk (1981)
       Author : joubert
       Score  : 118 points
       Date   : 2020-06-12 07:07 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.cs.virginia.edu)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.cs.virginia.edu)
       | saadalem wrote:
       | What if all Smalltalk objects had an URL? It could provide simple
       | (and complex) network services to any computer on the Internet.
       | There is a profound lack of ambition around software and
       | Operating Systems.
       | jasim wrote:
       | If you're tired of hearing about the virtues of Smalltalk (like I
       | was at one point) and ask "if it is so good, why isn't it
       | popular?", then watch @deech's talk (Aditya Siram) - "What FP can
       | learn from SmallTalk" -
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baxtyeFVn3w
       | I think it is the most accessible explanation of the marvel of
       | Smalltalk, for those who were not lucky to work with it during
       | the late 80-90s.
       | Also I think Ruby is the mainstream language that is closest to
       | Smalltalk today, with the idea that everything is an object and
       | late-binding as much as possible.
       | One thing I can't help point out is that Smalltalk / Alan Kay's
       | vision of interconnected objects forming a recursive computing
       | system is not the only "true" vision of OO out there. From Simula
       | thru C++ and then Java and C# also are object-oriented (or class-
       | oriented for those who care about the distinction), but they are
       | statically typed. It is also OO because OO is a word, not a
       | mathematical definition, and when people talk about OO, there is
       | enough similarity between all these variations that we consider
       | all of them to be in the same camp. Plus with the growing move
       | towards strict static typing even in interpreted languages, which
       | I think is driven by actual industry needs and programmer
       | preferences than external marketing, it is becoming a disservice
       | to think of statically typed OO languages as being somehow
       | inferior to the true ideal of object-oriented programming.
         | cxr wrote:
         | At the risk of putting readers off by the title, there's a
         | video essay on YouTube called "Object-Oriented Programming is
         | Bad"[1]. It's both thoughtful and thought-provoking, although I
         | don't agree with the conclusion. Steve Naroff (from
         | Stepstone/NeXT/Apple) did a recent-ish set of interviews with
         | the Computer History Museum[2][3] and referenced that video a
         | bit (and extemporized about objects in small parts throughout).
         | Side note: Naroff and Brad Cox are set to present a paper on
         | Objective-C at this year's HOPL[4]. I wish it were as readily
         | available as Allen Wirfs-Brock's JS paper for the same
         | conference[5][6].
         | 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM1iUe6IofM
         | 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljx0Zh7eidE
         | 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrRCY6vwvbU
         | 4. https://hopl4.sigplan.org/track/hopl-4-papers#List-of-
         | Accept...
         | 5. http://www.wirfs-brock.com/allen/posts/866
         | 6. https://zenodo.org/record/3707008#.XtoRR-TEklQ
           | panic wrote:
           | The HOPL paper is available here:
           | https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3386332 (the PDF link even
           | works without an institutional login!)
             | cxr wrote:
             | Thanks a ton! Earlier this week it didn't look like it was
             | available. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23436517
             | Looks like there's another Smalltalk paper, too:
             | https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3386335
         | Konohamaru wrote:
         | OO was the best programming paradigm until people recognized
         | the power of concurrency. Even in the usecase of GUI
         | programming, where OO is supposed to shine the brightest, OO is
         | a failure because interactive programs are extremely
         | concurrent. Even back then when everything was executed in
         | serial GUI frameworks were designed concurrently in crummy
         | languages never designed to support concurrent programming such
         | as C. Or worse, C++.
         | And functional programming is no good __as a general
         | programming paradigm __because:
         | 1. Little of computing--almost nothing--is declarative. That
         | means functional programming's non-general by definition.
         | 2. Programming cannot be married to mathematics despite what
         | formal proof proponents and people who think naming their
         | language "Pascal" is a good idea think. It will always be an
         | arranged and sham marriage.
         | 3. Thinking being able to easily execute your declarative
         | programs in parallel means you'll never have to think
         | concurrently and can just outsource everything to Hadoop only
         | means you can't understand the difference between parallelism
         | and concurrency.
           | discreteevent wrote:
           | OO has had most success in GUI programming. As for
           | concurrency, Erlang seems to do ok and its creator called it
           | "possibly the only object-oriented language"
           | jcelerier wrote:
           | > Even in the usecase of GUI programming, where OO is
           | supposed to shine the brightest, OO is a failure because
           | interactive programs are extremely concurrent. Even back then
           | when everything was executed in serial GUI frameworks were
           | designed concurrently in crummy languages never designed to
           | support concurrent programming such as C. Or worse, C++.
           | I must say that I have trouble reconciling this with the fact
           | that every single GUI program running on my computer right
           | now is written mostly in C++ with a bit in C for my WM and a
           | bit of Rust for Firefox.
           | jbverschoor wrote:
           | Messagepassing and poking around in objects is awesome.
           | But more from a user developer point of view. Power user..
           | power users aren't here anymore
           | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
           | > OO was the best programming paradigm
           | No, it depends on what you're doing. Always does, always
           | will.
           | > Even in ... GUI programming, ... OO is a failure because
           | interactive programs are extremely concurrent
           | Seems to work well for me on windows. What's the problem
           | precisely?
           | > And functional programming is no good as a general
           | programming paradigm because ... Little of computing--almost
           | nothing--is declarative
           | That's just wrong.
           | > Programming cannot be married to mathematics...
           | You give no evidence despite it being a long association.
           | > Thinking being able to easily execute your declarative
           | programs in parallel means you'll never have to think
           | concurrently
           | Yes, because concurrency only becomes an obvious issue when
           | state is involved. So FP sidesteps that by not having
           | interacting state. I have some criticisms of FP but this is
           | plain silly.
           | You're just dissing stuff here. It's annoying.
             | Konohamaru wrote:
             | > Little of computing--almost nothing--is declarative...
             | That's just wrong.
             | * Artificial general intelligence * Operating systems *
             | Video games * Emulators for hardware * Interpreters *
             | Debuggers * Word editors * Image editors * Graphical user
             | interfaces * Robotics * Web browsers * Servers
             | Basically everything that makes computing interesting is
             | non-declarative and concurrent. Financial math on K street,
             | parser combinators, and SQL queries are the declarative
             | segment of programming.
               | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
               | OK, good comeback. It's forcing me to be precise.
               | Declarative/imperative are models, not necessarily
               | implementations (although they often are treated as model
               | x = implementation x). You need to separate the two
               | conceptually, but in implementation you can do both.
               | Anything you can do declaratively you can do imperatively
               | and the reverse.
               | As such it makes it meaningless to say that almost
               | nothing is declarative because how you choose to create
               | it is a choice. How well it runs is another matter
               | because real hardware is relentlessly state-y, but that's
               | an implementation issue. And that's fine, and sometimes
               | imperative stuff is just cleaner.
               | But you can write a web browser or a GUI or whatever
               | declaratively, but underneath it will be imperative
               | because that's hardware.
               | Declarative vs imperative is a choice, not necessarily a
               | 'natural' thing, (depending on the problem, I'd say a web
               | page renderer is distinctly stateless - take some static
               | HTNL, render it, where's the state?). A web server can be
               | stateless too, a request comes in, a web page goes out. I
               | need someone else to speak for others, pretty sure
               | stateless GUIs have been written.
               | Any big data cruncher that works on petabytes, purely
               | with output coming from input deterministically is
               | effectively stateless.
               | jolux wrote:
               | Nothing _is_ declarative or imperative outside of a
               | certain implementation of a solution. All of the things
               | named trivially have declarative solutions because of
               | Turing completeness. Whether or not a paradigm lends
               | itself easily to something is a bit of a different
               | question, but I think a lot of people tend to say "oh,
               | that's obviously stateful and imperative" merely because
               | they haven't thought about the problem in a different
               | way.
               | Konohamaru wrote:
               | Turing machines only model mathematical functions. They
               | cannot model anything on my list. That's why computer
               | scientists invented I/O automata in an attempt to build a
               | theoretical model that handles some of those items on my
               | list.
               | > "oh, that's obviously stateful and imperative" merely
               | because they haven't thought about the problem in a
               | different way.
               | No I am not a conventionalist.
               | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
               | > Turing machines only model mathematical functions. They
               | cannot model anything on my list.
               | Since turing machines are turing complete, and existing
               | general purpose CPUs are turing complete, this is
               | trivially incorrect.
               | > That's why computer scientists invented I/O automata
               | ... those items on my list
               | wat?
         | nextos wrote:
         | Ruby is a joy to use and relatively close to Smalltalk in many
         | many ways.
         | I wish Ruby had taken Python's spot. When Rails exploded ~2006,
         | I thought it'd become a mainstream language. But sadly it has
         | never been very popular for non-web things, if we exclude
         | Japan.
         | One reason is probably that the standard Ruby implementation
         | (MRI) was really slow till recently. Smalltalk, on the other
         | hand, had extremely good VMs that served as embryo for the JVM.
         | I've used Ruby for many big projects (but never used Rails!)
         | and it has scaled really well for large and exotic things such
         | as abstract interpreters.
           | codetrotter wrote:
           | Speaking of Ruby, there is this book that I read a few years
           | ago (five years ago, in fact - time flies), that was using
           | Ruby when explaining the things it was talking about.
           | Personally I don't use Ruby and prefer Python instead, but
           | the book was very enjoyable nonetheless so I would recommend
           | that book to anyone, even to people like me who don't really
           | like Ruby in general and don't really want to read or write
           | Ruby in general.
           | Stuart, T., 2013. Understanding Computation: From Simple
           | Machines To Impossible Programs. O'Reilly.
           | Book website: https://computationbook.com/
             | joshhogg wrote:
             | This books looks super interesting. Did you find any of it
             | applicable to particular problems you are working on or was
             | it good general knowledge?
               | codetrotter wrote:
               | As good general knowledge yes
             | AdieuToLogic wrote:
             | Another good "non-rails" Ruby book is "Enterprise
             | Integration with Ruby"[0]. Unfortunately, it's a bit dated
             | (2006), so I am sure some of what Schmidt details is no
             | longer supported/valid. Still, a cool book IMHO.
             | 0 - https://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-Integration-Ruby-
             | Maik-Schm...
         | radiowave wrote:
         | Smalltalk prizes interactivity, in the manner that arises from
         | being able to make small, incremental adjustments to code while
         | it (and it's state) remain in memory.
         | Its rejection of static typing is not axiomatic, merely an
         | expedient way of achieving those interactivity goals. Could the
         | two things be reconciled? I don't know, but I think at least
         | that it shouldn't be _unthinkable_.
         | As an aside, static type systems which can be mutated during
         | runtime are astonishingly commonplace. They're very crude, and
         | tend to be called "relational databases", and doing those
         | mutations is a major pain because in spite of all that's
         | elegant about relational algebra, actual SQL is a fucking
         | abomination. (And this is coming from a full-on Postgres
         | fanboy.)
         | On your comment about the similarity of Ruby, I know what you
         | mean, and yet I regard Ruby as being basically _nothing_ at all
         | like Smalltalk. That 's because I'm principally thinking in
         | terms of the development culture, tools, and working practices,
         | and _not_ thinking in terms of the implementation of the VM or
         | the object model, or the names of certain methods.
         | So similarity between languages is a tricky thing to nail down,
         | not least because in the case of a gestalt system like
         | Smalltalk, "programming language" is actually a tricky thing to
         | nail down.
         | AdmiralAsshat wrote:
         | I'd be much happier if someone could instead just provide a
         | version of Smalltalk that everyone can agree on.
         | "Use Squeak!"
         | "No, Squeak is old! Use Pharo!"
         | "Pharo doesn't adhere to the Smalltalk standard. Just use gnu-
         | smalltalk in a terminal!"
         | Never have I seen such a self-defeating community. If the
         | Smalltalk community wants it to be anything more than a
         | historical curiosity, I beg it to form some kind of standards
         | committee and agree on a common implementation so that I can
         | _learn_ Smalltalk without worrying that I 'm studying a dialect
         | that is not mutually intelligible to the other implementations.
           | radiowave wrote:
           | Ah, you mean like a version of Python that everyone can agree
           | on!
           | Joking aside, it's an entirely understandable sentiment, but
           | Smalltalk is not only an old language, but also one that
           | lives in a symbiotic relationship with its tools (which defy
           | the normal notions of language standardisation).
           | As things stand, if you want a standard, what you're likely
           | to get is a time-capsule. Pharo in particular does _not_ want
           | to be a time-capsule, and while it 's certainly been a source
           | of frustration to me that Pharo has existed in such a state
           | of flux for so much of its life, I understand that the change
           | is necessary, and I remain cautiously hopefuly about the
           | direction they're taking.
           | I'm not a daily user of Pharo, so while I have a rough idea
           | that it _is_ becomming more settled as time passes, I 'm not
           | an authority here.
           | jecel wrote:
           | The Smalltalk community is an artifact of the pre-Internet
           | days. See Forth or Lisp for the same result. Communication
           | was slow, in the form of publications and you couldn't get
           | your hands on actual code (which probably wouldn't run on any
           | of your machines anyway).
           | See the many Unix clones before Linux. The difference is that
           | Linux came along when you had GNU code to avoid having to
           | implement ls, ps, etc yourself, you had many people with 386
           | PCs and you had the Internet to work together without having
           | to be all in the same room (not to mention not having to set
           | up a company to sell CD-ROMs, though other people did that
           | for Linux).
           | By the time languages like Python and Ruby came along it was
           | a different world and they could be more Linux-like in terms
           | of community and less
           | QNX/Coherent/Idris/BSD/Irix/AIX/Solaris/...
           | Putting a splintered community back together is not an easy
           | task.
           | Note that Squeak, Pharo and Cuis deviate from the ANSI
           | Smalltalk standard in the same ways (Traits, {....} syntax
           | for runtime collections).
       | Viliam1234 wrote:
       | > No component in a complex system should depend on the internal
       | details of any other component.
       | Unfortunately, the internal details of other components are
       | important for performance. It is not enough to know that
       | something is e.g. an ordered collection; I also need to know
       | whether accessing items randomly has an O(1) or O(n) cost.
       | Increasing the complexity from linear to quadratic is not a minor
       | detail that a faster processor would solve.
       | But when you start caring about performance, suddenly you don't
       | deal with ordered collections, but with arrays, linked lists,
       | red-black trees, and whatever. Then you also get unspecified
       | ordered collections returned from other modules, and you wonder
       | whether it is okay to use them as they are, or whether you should
       | pay a one-time price to convert them to a more efficient
       | collection. And somewhere, a new programmer is crying: "I just
       | wanted to create a list containing dozen numbers, why do I have
       | to deal with all this complexity?"
       | jbverschoor wrote:
       | What I miss these days is interaction with applications. Yes,
       | rest-APIs are fun and all. And both Apple and Microsoft have
       | their component model out there, but other developers don't take
       | the time.
       | That, combined with the Superbad tools of patching things
       | together make it almost useless these days.
       | It's unfortunate, because there's so much you can do with good
       | interoperability.
       | madmaniak wrote:
       | Principle 1 "If a system is to serve the creative spirit, it must
       | be entirely comprehensible to a single individual."
       | Globally we go in every aspect against this principle going into
       | narrow specialisations. Such a movement is made on a purpose by
       | the flow of money of central printers/powers, and the result is
       | according to the principle - luck of creative spirit of single
       | individuals. The tools which we are learning and the way we are
       | trained is against creativity.
       | In last 10y perspective is visible how the industry is mislead in
       | wrong directions by the biggest players. So don't ask why we
       | don't use Smalltak-like technology in 40y.
         | coliveira wrote:
         | To expand on your comment, the reason why we don't use simple
         | and understandable tools like Smalltalk is that the industry is
         | not interested on this kind of simplicity. For them it is much
         | better to pay thousands of people to work on different,
         | unrelated things and them put these things together at all
         | levels: hardware, OS, software, etc. The resulting system is
         | impossible to understand by a single person, and works only
         | because of the continuous struggle of thousands of people to
         | make it work. But this is positive for the industry behind this
         | architecture: every year they will create new components to fix
         | flaws, introduce new ones, and keep the wheel of the technology
         | industry running.
         | carapace wrote:
         | VPRI (Alan Kay's research institute) had a project called STEPS
         | that's worth looking into. "From the desktop to the metal in
         | 20,000 lines of code." They pretty much did it.
       | coliveira wrote:
       | Smalltalk can be described concisely as a graphical UNIX: a small
       | set of computational mechanisms, designed to be general and
       | interoperate for the construction of larger systems.
       | Unfortunately, the GUI industry was inspired but never decided to
       | use smalltalk itself as its foundation since C/UNIX already
       | existed, providing higher performance for the hardware available
       | at the time.
       | d3ckard wrote:
       | Very interesting read, though it hurts me to see optimism in this
       | paper mostly unwarranted from today's perspective.
         | shawnz wrote:
         | Was it unwarranted?
         | > While the presentation frequently touches on Smalltalk
         | "motherhood", the principles themselves are more general and
         | should prove useful in evaluating other systems and in guiding
         | future work.
         | Indeed the principles of Smalltalk went on to guide the design
         | of many future languages
       | mucholove wrote:
       | The best Smalltalk is Objective-Smalltalk.
       | It's a beautiful way to go up and down the ladder of inference.
       | Basically--Objective-Smalltalk is based on Objective-C which is a
       | superset of C. It's like having the two worlds coming together at
       | the same time.
       | Does it miss some of the beauty of a totally integrated system
       | like Squeak? Sure. But that's kind of the beauty too. Can we make
       | an Objective-Smalltalk takeover?
       | http://objective.st
         | cxr wrote:
         | I was recently re-watching the old demo of 280 North's Atlas,
         | an Interface Builder-inspired tool. And when I think about it,
         | it also seems a little strange that object lovers and all
         | today's disaffected Mac fans could pick up the pieces of
         | GNUStep and start building out a usable replacement for
         | themselves as a reaction against the deterioration and
         | inevitable demise of the Mac, but that isn't materializing.
         | There's something, I think, in the Mac developer psyche that
         | says they're responsible for building their own discrete little
         | apps and doing a lot of polishing on them, but they're
         | completely uninvolved in shaping or otherwise working on the
         | environment/platform itself. This is the difference between Mac
         | folks and Smalltalkers.
         | https://vimeo.com/11486446
           | mucholove wrote:
           | Necessity is the mother of invention! If the demise of the
           | Mac / Cocoa API's is nigh--expect there to be some work on
           | it.
           | This guy is doing some interesting work: https://mulle-
           | objc.github.io
           | One more factor: my guess is that GNUstep picked the LGPL--
           | which although more permissive than the GPL--turns away the
           | money / status seeking Mac folks.
             | cxr wrote:
             | GNUstep being LGPL has as much adverse impact on developers
             | as Apple's implementation being proprietary. (I.e., none.)
             | It's the _LGPL_ after all, not the GPL.
             | GNUstep has also moved to GitHub and seems to favor the the
             | MIT license nowadays where possible (e.g., libobjc2)[1][2].
             | 1. https://github.com/gnustep/libobjc2
             | 2. http://etoileos.com/dev/licensing/
       | e12e wrote:
       | Always thought the ideas behind lively kernel was interesting -
       | web browser/js engine as the run time, webdav as the persistence
       | layer.
       | https://lively-kernel.org/
       | Looks like they are on the third iteration now:
       | https://github.com/LivelyKernel/lively4-core
       | https://lively-kernel.org/lively4/lively4-core/start.html
       | Apparently now using git for persistence.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | Smalltalk became Objective-C.
       | Objective-C has informed Swift.
       | Long live Smalltalk.
         | wool_gather wrote:
         | If Swift didn't have a non-negotiable -- because of its
         | deployment on Apple platforms -- requirement for strong interop
         | with ObjC, I firmly believe it would have been even more like
         | Rust than it already is.
         | The flexibility that's enabled directly by ObjC's simplicity is
         | just not a goal for Swift.
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | I've never encountered a language as flexible as Swift.
         | ibiza wrote:
         | Each link in this lineage is tenuous. Objective-C took
         | Smalltalk's call syntax, its class def (in a sense?), and its
         | late fn binding, but little else. It certainly didn't take what
         | made Smalltalk, Smalltalk. Full disclosure: I really like
         | _both_ languages.
         | I struggle to find the mapping between Objective-C and Swift,
         | other than "same company" and must preserve backwards
         | compatibility.
         | Smalltalk became Squeak. Long live Squeak. :)
           | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
           | I think that Swift got a lot of its "philosophical" structure
           | from ObjC.
           | After Swift was released, I understood why ObjC 2.0 was
           | written the way that it was. It was modified to allow the
           | standard libraries and SDKs to transition to Swift.
           | I remember coming from C++ (CodeWarrior/PowerPlant), and
           | encountering ObjC, and going "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?".
           | After a while, though, I got used to it, and actually started
           | to enjoy ObjC, in a way that C++ never got me.
           | I enjoy Swift, even more.
           | After years of writing code in languages I didn't really like
           | (C++/PHP), Swift is something that I actually enjoy. I
           | suspect that Smalltalk, and its affect, are responsible for
           | the "enjoyment" factor of Swift.
           | I consider most of the lineage to be "in spirit," more than
           | "in detail."
           | It's quite easy to shoot holes, if we get particular.
         | superdisk wrote:
         | Swift basically stripped out what was left of Smalltalk from
         | Objective C.
       (page generated 2020-06-13 23:00 UTC)