[HN Gopher] Show HN: Instant search of 200K+ SVG logos from 100 ...
       Show HN: Instant search of 200K+ SVG logos from 100 sources
       Author : Fileformat
       Score  : 147 points
       Date   : 2020-06-14 13:07 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (logosear.ch)
 (TXT) w3m dump (logosear.ch)
       | chrisacky wrote:
       | This is so good. I'm currently working on about 100 pages worth
       | of content for our website and adding attribution+integrations to
       | our partners we work with. The headache I'm having just
       | Google'ing their SVG logos is about 2-3 minutes per logo. So
       | about 15 minutes per page just looking for logos. So far, the
       | last 5-6 I could remember were all included.
       | What's the source for these images? ie. None of our competitors
       | have their SVG logos indexed.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | Bare in mind that a lot of theses _aren 't_ the company's
         | logos. They're copies people have made, and got wrong. If your
         | parters are going to see their logo on whatever you're making
         | it's probably a good idea to make sure you're using their
         | actual company logo.
         | Fileformat wrote:
         | The images all link to their source. The complete list of
         | sources is https://logosear.ch/sources/index.html
       | ros86 wrote:
       | Wow. That's pretty cool! Bummer that nothing comes up when you
       | search for logosear.?ch ;-).
         | Fileformat wrote:
         | Recursion detected! Stack overflow. Core dumped.
       | lukevp wrote:
       | This is great, getting logos off sites is so tedious. What about
       | the legality of using the logos (for example, to use AWS logos
       | for certain purposes, you have to be a partner). Is that an issue
       | for you to host the logos?
         | Fileformat wrote:
         | That's the beauty of a search engine: I'm _not_ hosting the
         | logos. They are all hot-linked from the original source. Any
         | takedown requests need to be sent to the source, not to me.
         | And github, gitlab and wikipedia all allow hotlinking.
         | The sources (each images is hyperlinked to its source) have
         | their own licenses: the Wikipedia detail pages go into gory
         | detail. The git repos hopefully have a LICENSE file.
       | racl101 wrote:
       | One neat side use for this is if you want to check if a company
       | name is taken and how good is their logo.
       | formercoder wrote:
       | Logointern.com works pretty well too
       | impostervt wrote:
       | On a somewhat related topic: is anyone aware of an algorithm that
       | would let people find related/similar symbols? On the symbology
       | sub-reddit the most common question is "what is this symbol" and
       | it would be very helpful to provide a kind of search engine.
         | sansnomme wrote:
         | Neural network -> feature vectors.
         | tleb_ wrote:
         | Your comment made me think of [0], you might be able to find
         | out how it works.
         | [0]: https://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html
         | teddyh wrote:
         | Unicode symbol search: http://shapecatcher.com/
         | LaTeX symbol search: http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html
       | medmunds wrote:
       | Nice! I've needed something like this several times.
       | Two suggestions:
       | 1. Almost gave up on waiting for it to load... thought the blank
       | white page meant it was broken or getting the HN-hug-of-death.
       | Maybe add a loading indicator?
       | 2. There are "No matches for 'Logosear.ch'"
         | Fileformat wrote:
         | I'm hosting on Google Cloud Run, and I turned up the max
         | instances, so this is a good test. It seems to be handling it
         | okay (though not perfectly) at the moment...
       | onion2k wrote:
       | I searched for Twitter -
       | https://logosear.ch/search.html?q=twitter Literally none of those
       | are Twitter's actual logo. They're all subtly wrong (dimensions,
       | color, aspect ratio, etc). In a few cases they're _wildly_ off.
       | If I can 't trust this as a source I'd still have to look up the
       | real one. Maybe it's less of a problem for smaller companies
       | whose logos won't get cloned as much, but if I put any of those
       | Twitter logos in a presentation of a website I don't think I'd
       | impress anyone.
       | kilroy123 wrote:
       | Really fast! Nicely done.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | That's pretty useful!
       | I'm surprised you could get the domain.
       | soulchild77 wrote:
       | I wrote a Sketch plugin[1] to search and insert SVG logos.
       | [1] https://github.com/soulchild/sketch-logo-fetcher
       | Fileformat wrote:
       | I often need to find logos and was not impressed by the existing
       | logo search engines, so, in classic bikeshed mode, I built my
       | own. Because it makes total sense to try to compete with Google.
       | And Wikipedia. And countless others (some of which I list on the
       | alternatives page).
       | Why is mine better?                 - just logos       - instant
       | results       - only SVGs       - hyperlinked directly to the
       | source       - no right-click hijacking (or other dark patterns)
       | - totally awesome domain name
       | It is open source (AGPLv3), so you can see the tools I use and
       | how it works (and criticize my code). The sources have their own
       | licenses, so be sure to check there before using.
       | It is still a work in progress and there are some glitches (I
       | mean, who would use a percent sign in a file name? And I'd love
       | to try to fix the Wikipedia redirected images if I could only
       | find the source...), but I want to see if people find it useful.
       | So let me know what you think! And I'm always looking for more
       | sources!
         | dfee wrote:
         | Did not find a logo for Logosear.ch though!
           | Fileformat wrote:
           | Heh. You got me! That'll be an easy one to fix though
         | the_duke wrote:
         | Looks useful.
         | Feedback: the result rendering is very "jumpy" due to logos
         | loading in one at a time.
         | You could either render sized wrapper containers for each logo,
         | or load them in in the background and only show them once ready
         | (with a loading indicator somewhere).
           | Fileformat wrote:
           | I have tried various solutions, but nothing that works better
           | than what's there now.
           | I only force the height for the logos, not the width, so
           | wrapping doesn't really improve things.
           | Waiting to display until they are all loaded kills the
           | "instant" tagline. I'm hotlinking the images, so some images
           | can take awhile.
             | whoisjuan wrote:
             | In theory you should be able to get the natural height and
             | width of the image before loading it. Not exactly sure if
             | it works with SVGs but it does work with PNGs
             | EmilStenstrom wrote:
             | Yeah, you could get the size of the images at indexing
             | time, and return that in the search result.
               | Fileformat wrote:
               | You are assuming that I actually load the image at index
               | time: I'm really only indexing the file name.
               | And getting the width/height of a minimized SVG requires
               | rendering it (or at least more SVG mojo than I possess).
               | setr wrote:
               | He's suggesting your index store the filename, height &
               | width, and retrieve all 3 on search
         | airstrike wrote:
         | Thanks for building this! I actually obsess about having high
         | quality logos for companies in the pitchbooks I write, so have
         | built a personal collection over time... it's not big, but it
         | has the companies I care about.
         | Some things I thought I'd share from that experience:
         | * The hardest thing is knowing which logo is actually the most
         | recent and therefore correct. Searching logosear.ch for, say,
         | IBM, yields countless logos that are virtually identical, as
         | well as some of their products (which is fine) but also many
         | old logos like this[0], which I don't think is what your user
         | would want to find 9 out of 10 times (i.e. as a user, if I'm
         | looking for a niche / ancient logo, I don't mind doing the
         | research on my own and understand it will take a while. But
         | when I want "the right logo", I'll consider visiting a
         | specialized logo search engine to get the right result and get
         | it _fast_ )
         | * In my experience, The best sources for finding the company
         | logo in SVG format are:
         | - company website header (hit or miss as SVG adoption at first
         | was slow, but it's increasingly good for S&P 500 type companies
         | and tech-savvy firms... anything outside of that venn diagram
         | is pretty bad)
         | - Wikipedia page either in English or in the language matching
         | the company's headquarter (i.e. better luck with German
         | companies in de.wikipedia.org)
         | - For large companies where both of the above fail, I search
         | for "company name filetype:pdf" and look for vector logos
         | embedded into those files, then use Adobe Acrobat to extract
         | them in a very manual and ugly process by deleting unnecessary
         | pages / content and cropping, and then visiting
         | cloudconvert.com to generate a SVG (hey, it works...)
         | * One final comment is PowerPoint doesn't take SVG files, so I
         | always have to convert them to .emf or .wmf before dropping
         | them in, so maybe you should consider exporting your SVG file
         | in other formats too, though probably not limited to just those
         | two
         | ----------
         | 0.
         | https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IBM_Logo_1956_1972.s...
         | alessioalex wrote:
         | You were not kidding about the 'instant results' part. I like
         | that, as well as the domain name.
       | cryptoalex wrote:
       | Nicely done!
       | I've spot-checked few logos that I need at the moment, and most
       | of them are already there. However, I've noticed that there is no
       | IndieHackers logo in the database.
       | I wonder if it is possible to come up with the tool where you
       | would enter the Home Page Url and the tool would then output an
       | SVG file of round or square shape that could be used as an SVG
       | icon to represent links to that site (from my site).
       | The tool could try to detect the logo image on the home page of
       | the target site, vectorize and normalize it into square or
       | circle. Or it could try to locate a Favicon in SVG format, if
       | present. Or, if nothing else works, it could fall into some
       | default case when the SVG icon would be created from the most
       | dominant color (of the target site) and 1 or 2 letters of the
       | site name.
       | Do you guys know of any such tool? Thanks!
         | Fileformat wrote:
         | There are a few sites that do this, though none with SVGs.
         | Search for "logo api" finds ClearBit and RiteKit, among others.
       (page generated 2020-06-14 23:00 UTC)