[HN Gopher] Advice to Young Web Developers
       Advice to Young Web Developers
       Author : EvanAnderson
       Score  : 97 points
       Date   : 2020-06-17 21:12 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (tumblr.beesbuzz.biz)
 (TXT) w3m dump (tumblr.beesbuzz.biz)
       | mroche wrote:
       | > _Browsers change. Relying on browser-specific behavior means
       | you're relying on that one browser at that one point in time.
       | Code to the standard, and test everywhere._
       | I wish this was listed at the top of the list, in the middle, and
       | at the end. It's super annoying when a site or application isn't
       | "supported" because it wasn't tested in a separate browser (i.e.
       | non-Chrome browsers).
       | I know it's not always easy with a fair amount of nuance which
       | the Chrome Compatibility post[0] touches on, but developing the
       | web platform should be done openly, with the browser vendors
       | working together to be compatible with each other and not
       | introduce developer or user inconvenience. Otherwise you end up
       | with web ownership and a fragmented platform.
       | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23563525
         | non-entity wrote:
         | Nothing pisses me off like getting a message that some website
         | only supports Chrome in 2020
           | jjoonathan wrote:
           | It's so sad that it became "acceptable" to not test in
           | Firefox (as estimated by the number of sites I randomly
           | encounter that don't work in FF but do in Chrome) right
           | around the time that Firefox Quantum happened and Firefox
           | became good again :(
           | cglace wrote:
           | The one that drives me crazy are websites that say they only
           | support safari on iOS... It's all safari under the hood.
             | speedgoose wrote:
             | Safari on iOs is a bit special. Some features are missing
             | compared to the Mac version. You also need quite a few
             | safari ios specific code if you want to build a web app.
             | But this is a bit broken since Apple wants you to publish
             | to the appstore and not release web apps anymore.
             | You also need a Mac to debug safari on iOs. I hate Safari.
               | robertoandred wrote:
               | If anything, the Mac version is missing features compared
               | to the iOS version...
               | jimmaswell wrote:
               | Special is right. It's full of non-standard behavior I've
               | had the pain of fixing because you need to target iOS,
               | e.g. needing Safari-specific attributes to capture
               | scrolling in a modal.
               | orev wrote:
               | The point being made is that if you use Chrome or Firefox
               | on IOS, it's still actually the Safari engine.
               | naugtur wrote:
               | Actually, it's less than that. Safari doesn't share some
               | of the features. IIRC one if them is service workers.
           | abjKT26nO8 wrote:
           | At work we're forced to use a service for exchanging files
           | where uploading a file is only possible in Chrome, but
           | downloading a file is sometimes only possible in Firefox.
           | Pinnacle of UX.
         | tobr wrote:
         | It's good advice (like most of the list!) but I'm not sure
         | expecting a beginner[1] to "code to the standard" is realistic.
         | The standard (i.e the spec) isn't beginner-friendly. You learn
         | by trying things out and seeing what happens.
         | 1: _Assuming they meant for the advice to apply to beginners
         | rather than young developers - what age they are seems
         | irrelevant._
           | at_a_remove wrote:
           | I don't know about that.
           | Okay, this was _long_ ago, but we had to roll out a new top-
           | level website. I decided to be a complete hardass about it.
           | Everything would validate, both for HTML and CSS. I would
           | follow ADA standards as well as I could understand them. I
           | dutifully tried things out in lynx. I even made some print
           | style sheets (a new concept at the time). However, I had
           | almost nothing to test on.
           | I got a lot of flak for being slow, we should hurry this up,
           | and so on. And yet the emails would come in later from the
           | higher ups, "Wow, this works on my Blackberry!" I had no
           | access to such a device, but plodding adherence to various
           | guidelines, as dull as they were, saved my bacon there. Even
           | the disability folks I could find seemed pleased.
           | It isn't "move fast and break things" but you can reap a few
           | benefits out of it.
       | vyuh wrote:
       | > _Even if you need to preserve client state between page loads
       | (for e.g. music or video playback) you can let the browser do
       | most of the heavy lifting by fetch()ing a new page and replacing
       | your content container at the DOM level._
       | Anyone knows of some easy to learn example of such DOM
       | replacement?
         | jimmaswell wrote:
         | Window load events fail to fire this way among other likely
         | problems. You'd have to specifically design around doing it, or
         | do something else like put the whole page in an iframe with
         | your video/music player staying floating outside, or put back
         | inside when it's loaded.
         | CameronNemo wrote:
         | Turbolinks does this from what I can tell.
       | partyboat1586 wrote:
       | Unfortunately I think it's going to be a long time before web
       | apps stop using dark patterns like infinite scroll. It's not good
       | for their bottom line.
         | inanutshellus wrote:
         | With infinite scroll, there is no bottom line. /s
           | theduder99 wrote:
           | lol thank you
       | jimmaswell wrote:
       | Why are infinite scrolls so demonized? I like them, especially if
       | they update the url so you can go back to the same spot. Everyone
       | loved it when Reddit Enhancement Suite did it way back in the
       | day, but now Facebook does it so it's evil.
       | lxe wrote:
       | There are two that stand out to me:
       | > Always validate your data server-side; anything that comes from
       | the client is suspect.
       | At least sanitize in a way that won't break the server but will
       | throw an error. For internal applications and side projects it's
       | ok to just respond with a 40X or a 50X and move on.
       | > To the developer, "isomorphic" code breaks down the barrier
       | between client and server.
       | "Breaks down the barrier" sounds great, but it's actually has
       | been rather detrimental. "Isomorphic" is confusing even to the
       | senior developers. Having a very clear delimiter of what runs in
       | the server and what runs in the client is essential, and it makes
       | your application much simpler to reason about. Take `isomorphic-
       | fetch` for example... a request from a server to another API
       | server has very different requirements and nuances than a request
       | from a browser to a server.
         | mattwad wrote:
         | OTOH, if you use Flow or Typescript, it is amazing to be able
         | to share type-safe interfaces across the stack (not code). I
         | suppose you could get this from any compiled-to-JS language
         | too.
         | [deleted]
         | SahAssar wrote:
         | > At least sanitize in a way that won't break the server but
         | will throw an error.
         | If you need to sanitize to avoid breaking the server then the
         | server is already broken. Also, never sanitize, validate on
         | input and escape/encode on output, but sanitization (meaning
         | removing/cleaning invalid input) is the wrong way.
       | lucasmullens wrote:
       | > To the developer, "isomorphic" code breaks down the barrier
       | between client and server. To a malicious client, it means they
       | have control over the server too.
       | Huh? I don't follow this. Sharing some helpful util functions
       | between the frontend and backend doesn't allow malicious clients
       | to control your server.
         | [deleted]
         | gwbas1c wrote:
         | Think of transpilers like GWT, where you write java that's
         | converted to in-browser Javascript; or the current trend of
         | server-side Javascript.
         | (For what it's worth, both are really really cool
         | technologies!)
         | Edit: But I also suspect this relates to a temptation to write
         | browser-side Javascript without thinking about the server-side
         | or database; IE, browser-side Javascript that just loads
         | objects willy-nilly via fetch / AJAX and creating lots of round
         | trips.
         | gt2 wrote:
         | Guessing he means when the code shared does important things
         | like validation.
         | kanobo wrote:
         | Maybe they are thinking of services like firebase where much of
         | the traditional server logic is now handled in the same js
         | libraries that the frontend uses? But I'm also not sure what
         | exactly the author is referring to.
       | baron816 wrote:
       | Sorry, it's not usually up to young web developers on whether to
       | use a SPA or not, nor whether to prioritize accessibility.
       | Advocating accessibility is nice though, so do try.
       | CM30 wrote:
       | Seems like a list of every web development ideal that gets
       | upvoted on Hacker News.
       | Still, I think the list can pretty much condensed down to one
       | point:
       | Use whatever technology is appropriate for this site or web app.
       | Because a lot of developers seem to have a 'when all you have is
       | a hammer' attitude towards web development. They learn
       | React/Vue/Angular/whatever, then seemingly decide everything they
       | will ever build will use that framework, regardless of whether
       | it's the right tool for the job.
       | A blog doesn't need to be an SPA. A static business site that
       | never gets updated and doesn't do anything remotely interesting
       | doesn't need to be an SPA. Your documentation doesn't need to be
       | an SPA.
       | It's like that guy who was recreating CPanel as a WordPress
       | plugin/install. Sure, you could do things that way, but may want
       | to rethink whether this is really the best architecture to build
       | a server control panel in.
         | paxys wrote:
         | > Your documentation doesn't need to be an SPA.
         | Disagree with this. Having the entire documentation site
         | working as normal on my browser when I have bad/no internet
         | connectivity is extremely useful.
           | dahfizz wrote:
           | It really speaks to modern web dev culture when you can't
           | imagine a way of viewing a document offline without running
           | JavaScript.
           | ogre_codes wrote:
           | Don't need a SPA for that. Local HTML based documentation was
           | a thing long before SPA was even a term.
             | paxys wrote:
             | How does that work exactly?
               | jand wrote:
               | No advertisment, just an example:
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxygen
               | ogre_codes wrote:
               | It's HTML, it's designed to link between URLs. Whether
               | the URL is a file on your filesystem or on the web is
               | irrelevant. If you keep all your resources in the same
               | set of subfolders you can use the same html/ images/ CSS
               | as the web and use relative links.
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | It's literally just a folder full of perfectly normal
               | HTML files. You don't need Javascript or a SPA to double-
               | click one of those and look at it in a browser.
               | Even better, if your operating system has full-text file
               | indexing, it'll be able to search them normally.
               | paxys wrote:
               | Sure, but you also have to manually redownload the entire
               | site whenever there is a change.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | That's what rsync is for.
               | frenchyatwork wrote:
               | You would with a SPA as well.
               | Edit: incidentally, a common way for this to work is that
               | the documentation just comes with the software itself, so
               | it's just sitting there on you computer. If the software
               | updates, the documentation updates.
           | detaro wrote:
           | Many SPA examples will try load bits from the server and
           | fail. And a non-SPA site can easily be provided as a download
           | too, or use a service worker to provide offline access in the
           | browser.
         | heavyset_go wrote:
         | > _They learn React /Vue/Angular/whatever, then seemingly
         | decide everything they will ever build will use that framework,
         | regardless of whether it's the right tool for the job._
         | At least where I live, small businesses contract with agencies
         | that develop React sites for them, and suddenly these non-IT
         | companies are owners of expensive and hard to maintain websites
         | that they don't, and shouldn't need to, know the first thing
         | about maintaining. No one wants to work with the projects,
         | because they were written in, say 2015 React, back when React
         | used X feature that isn't cool anymore, so it gets rewritten by
         | another agency, and so on.
         | Meanwhile, WordPress on a managed host or a static site would
         | suit those businesses just fine. Then, they wouldn't have
         | trouble hiring to maintain it, or could even maintain it
         | themselves.
         | If you work for an agency or you're freelancing, please stop
         | burdening small businesses like this.
         | laurentdc wrote:
         | I can't count the times I've started to write some basic
         | internal tool with React only to rm -rf everything 1 hour later
         | and replace it with 20 lines of jQuery/vanilla js
         | willio58 wrote:
         | When I started at my current company I was shocked that they
         | were using Wordpress for 90% of client sites. Now 2yrs in, I'm
         | thankful we are using Wordpress for these sites. It keeps
         | things maintainable and simple. And for 90% of businesses,
         | that's exactly what they need.
       | flobosg wrote:
       | The source post (https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/2934-Advice-to-young-
       | web-developer...) is a bit more readable. The list looks like,
       | well, a list.
       | kanobo wrote:
       | People are motivated to learn and build what inspires them. Some
       | started web dev because they wanted to make the type of projects
       | they saw in chrome experiments that only run on the latest
       | version of Chrome. Some people see very complex SPA apps and are
       | inspired to make complex tools that can't just be done with HTML.
       | Some get into web dev because they had a passion for browser and
       | flash games. This list isn't wrong but also doesn't take into
       | account the huge variety of web developers.
       | Minor49er wrote:
       | Excellent list. I would add: sometimes it's tempting to rewrite
       | an entire site or application to get away from a world of
       | problems, but you could just as easily be walking into another
       | set of issues at the expense of lost time and existing code value
       | if you aren't careful.
       | kvetching wrote:
       | "Give people consistent but random stimulus and you will be
       | habit-forming. Getting people hooked on your product might seem
       | like a good idea, but the tobacco industry feels the same way."
       | DO NOT Listen to this. Make your site as addictive as possible.
       | It can only help you win at life. More users = more impact = more
       | money = better life. So long as it's not porn, your website won't
       | be as bad as tobacco.
       | gwbas1c wrote:
       | > The web is built around server-side rendering.
       | Grr... I read through the EmberJS tutorial and thought everything
       | was very cool; only to find out that the whole thing is rendered
       | with in-browser Javascript.
       | hpen wrote:
       | Why so much hate for infinite scrolls? What if your content is
       | "infinite". I can't see a better way to handle that.
         | jlokier wrote:
         | Infinite content can still be paginated, grouped, or whatever
         | you like. For example think of Google search results.
         | Pagination gives mental boundaries, navigation markers and
         | shortcuts to items.
         | Reading through infinite scrolling is psychologically addictive
         | for a few reasons.
         | Another complaint about infinite scrolling is more technical:
         | Implementations tend to forget your location, and/or
         | significantly change the data when you return to the page. So
         | if you leave an infinite-scrolling page and come back to it,
         | you often can't continue from where you branched off.
         | In addition to not remembering the position and state,
         | sometimes scrolling back down to where you were before takes a
         | very long time. I've had occasions where I've had to scroll for
         | ~20 minutes to reach an item I knew was there because I'd just
         | seen it a few minutes prior, and forgot to use the "open in new
         | tab" workaround when clicking on it.
         | My bank's phone app is bad for this. Scrolling through my
         | transaction history takes ages. If I want to look at last
         | month, no problem. If I want to check a transaction from last
         | year, I'll have to scroll down and wait for a bit more to load,
         | over and over and over.... Then if I click the transaction to
         | view details, then return back to the history to look at more,
         | I have to do the whole annoying scroll-and-repeatedly-wait
         | dance all over again. For every transaction I want to look at.
         | And that's a mobile app not a browser, so no option to "open in
         | a new tab". Mobile apps with all these flaws are horrible.
         | (Thank goodness browsers provide the "open in new tab"
         | workaround for webapps that have linkable items. Pity it's
         | broken by badly written webapps that don't make items
         | linkable.)
           | hpen wrote:
           | Sure, there are plenty of bad implementations out there, but
           | is that a reason to no use them at all?
           | A DB tool I made has infinite scroll plus pagination buttons.
           | It updates the pagination buttons while scrolling.
         | xemdetia wrote:
         | The infinite scroll problem I feel comes up most that if there
         | was a useful piece of information in the middle of an infinite
         | scroll it is likely impossible for you to return there with any
         | sort of reliability. You can't save the URL because it probably
         | doesn't encode anything useful about where you are in a most
         | cases. You can't logically organize 'where' this information is
         | because its location is pure happenstance. It is pointlessly
         | ephemeral. I can't start on page 5, I can't start on page 100.
         | I have to scroll and just pray I get to get lucky which is the
         | function of a slot machine, not someone who's trying to present
         | me information. If I _really_ wanted to get that much more
         | content I am more than happy to click the next button.
           | hpen wrote:
           | You can have infinite scroll + pagination buttons
         | Elof wrote:
         | My take is just because you can doesn't mean you should. It
         | seems like there is no such thing as infinite content, and if
         | you feel like you are in a case where there is adding
         | constraints will probably improve your product/ux
           | hpen wrote:
           | Any "online data" is virtually infinite. Online in the
           | algorithmic sense, not the internet. Think Instagram or
           | facebook
       | theandrewbailey wrote:
       | What about "don't mess with scrolling"?
       | hootbootscoot wrote:
       | This was a very nice article. It was one of the best web-related
       | articles I've read in a long time. I liked it.
       | hpen wrote:
       | I feel like posts like this are just somebody missing the web how
       | it used to be. I mean the Web IS an app platform now.
         | britch wrote:
         | I didn't get that sense from the post. I took that they were
         | advocating for basic HTML/JS when appropriate. A reminder that
         | it's still a valid way of doing things.
         | If you're building an app, yeah use React.
         | If you want to put some contact info on the internet, there's
         | no reason it can't be vanilla HTML.
         | Or at least that's how I read it.
           | hpen wrote:
           | Looking over the article again, I'd say your right. It was
           | the statement "The web is built around server-side
           | rendering." that made me feel that way. As a whole you're
           | right.
           | However, I didn't think everyone was out making landing pages
           | with React and VueJS. Maybe they are.
       | devcriollo wrote:
       | > If you must do an infinite scroll (and you don't), make sure
       | that there's nothing you need to reach at the bottom.
       | The most ignored
       | rickpmg wrote:
       | And make sure the back button works?
       | squid_demon wrote:
       | Advice: don't make everything slow as shit please. Note, this
       | most likely means writing your own trim left function and not
       | depending on zillions of libraries. If you can't write something
       | as simple as this, please don't! Just output a static web-page
       | that loads ultra fast. Thanks young web developers!
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | Ironically, it uses tumblr, so the damn back button is captured
       | (try getting back here).
       | This is my fave:
       |  _> Infinite scrolls are inhumane. People need to be able to
       | reach "the end." There are forms of eternal torment described in
       | religious texts that are less mean._
       | mooneater wrote:
       | If you step back from modern fullstack web development, it is
       | stunning how much accidental complexity is needed to accomplish
       | anything at all.
       | [deleted]
       | ithrow wrote:
       | This sounded more like a anti-SPA post. Maybe the title should be
       | "Reasons for not building a SPA".
         | austincheney wrote:
         | The most common reasons for building a SPA:
         | * That is the design pattern dictated by your large framework.
         | * Maintaining state is absurdly simple, but it requires
         | original code if not using a big framework.
         | * The browser provides a simple standard API for interacting
         | with HTML, but your framework provides abstractions you didn't
         | know you could live without.
         | That's it. Developers twist themselves in knots trying to
         | qualify their opinions as anything more valid than what sounds
         | like incompetence, but with any level of informed discussion
         | it's clearly about competence (or insecurity).
           | osrec wrote:
           | Another big reason is that developers want to deliver a
           | specific user experience that is simply not possible with the
           | default page loading functionality of most browsers.
             | chipotle_coyote wrote:
             | That's arguably the _best_ reason to develop an SPA. But I
             | don't think the linked article is arguing against that as
             | much as arguing against using "SPA think" in places where
             | the user experience really doesn't require it. There are
             | web sites which are basically magazines /blogs whose
             | _reading_ functionality relies on JavaScript. Building a
             | web site like it's an app may give some advantages to the
             | developers, but it's almost always a slower, and sometimes
             | more fragile, experience compared to just delivering HTML.
             | masa331 wrote:
             | You mean the specific experience when back buttons aren't
             | working? Or when urls don't make sense? Or when you can't
             | just share the content by copying the url because it no
             | longer identifies the conten? Or when you can't say if
             | something is loading, missing, or broken?
             | This is my user experience with SPAs regarding navigation.
               | robertoandred wrote:
               | Use better SPAs.
               | osrec wrote:
               | Agree. There are a lot of bad SPAs out there, but that's
               | a testament to how easy they are to get started with and
               | their popularity.
               | That doesn't mean good SPAs don't exist - many do!
               | ehutch79 wrote:
               | If an spa is behaving like that, the coders have failed
               | at their job.
           | nepeckman wrote:
           | I'll offer up another reason, which I feel is a little more
           | accurate:
           | * Your web app requires heavily interactive bits, such as
           | smart forms, smart tables, previews, content editing, etc. To
           | deliver such functionality in a maintainable way, you use a
           | framework. (As a side note, yes it is possible to deliver
           | this functionality in vanilla JS, but to make it maintainable
           | one must essentially build an ad hoc framework.) Because most
           | frameworks push users towards a SPA, you end up following the
           | path of least resistance and developing a SPA.
             | austincheney wrote:
             | I would argue most websites never require any of those.
             | When any of those are required they don't need a giant
             | framework to achieve maintainability. All that's needed to
             | achieve maintainability is a competent developer who values
             | both simplicity and written documentation.
               | nepeckman wrote:
               | This sentiment frustrates me. The majority of web
               | developers today are application developers. I've spent
               | the past 5 years delivering business applications via the
               | web as a platform. The web has a lot of advantage as a
               | platform: no install, cross platform, networked by
               | default. But the web was not designed as an application
               | platform, so making it into one is complex. Business
               | applications have inherent complexity as well, and
               | managing all that complexity is a non trivial task.
               | Posts like this frustrate me because you seem to be
               | suggesting complexity in the web domain is largely
               | incidental.
           | Scarbutt wrote:
           | What's a big framework to you? is React one?
         | timw4mail wrote:
         | SPAs are an anti-pattern.
         | Let's rebuild html rendering, navigation history, forms, etc,
         | all with Javascript, because it's the hip thing to do.
           | yagodragon wrote:
           | I also love when i visit a website with a simple markup and
           | minimal js. Not everything should be a react/graphql
           | isomorphic SPA, but have you checked NotionHQ[0]? The whole
           | thing is a single page react app. People use it to build
           | wikis, manage projects and even create blogs and job
           | postings. All that using client-side rendering. It doesn't
           | load as fast as hackernews but most people seem to love it
           | either way.
           | [0] https://www.notion.so/
             | Nextgrid wrote:
             | I've had the displeasure to use this once at a client and I
             | was amazed that they managed to make _text editing_ lag.
           | Kaze404 wrote:
           | There are very clear reasons for SPAs to exist.
           | 1) Prevent reloading of the page every time the user clicks a
           | link, reducing the overhead of fetching common content
           | between pages multiple times (headers, menus, etc) and
           | providing a more seamless experience to the user.
           | 2) Better emulate the feel of mobile applications, for users
           | who spend most of their time on their phones and don't often
           | or have never interacted with a computer. Yes, those exist.
           | 3) Improved network performance (by sacrificing initial load
           | time). Once the browser downloads and caches the bundle on
           | initial load, the user can revisit the page on regardless of
           | their connection stability or speed.
           | This isn't to say SPAs are a perfect choice in all cases
           | (they also have just as clear drawbacks), but saying "it's
           | what everyone does" is the only reason they exist is
           | downright false.
             | randompwd wrote:
             | > Prevent reloading of the page every time the user clicks
             | a link,
             | You don't need a SPA for that. And page load/render times
             | are much shorter when html is delivered straight to browser
             | fr most applications
             | > Better emulate the feel of mobile applications,
             | That's pretty weak defense.
             | > Once the browser downloads and caches the bundle on
             | initial load, the user can revisit the page
             | Giving we're now in the world of Continuous Deployment, I
             | doubt the cache lasts long.
             | All 3 of those reasons sound very reaching to me.
             | And here's the kicker - doing a SPA well enough to be
             | seamless and performant is hard enough that most sites suck
             | if they're delivering a SPA.
             | Also, if, for example, you do your payments or other
             | sensitive pages in a SPA, you're still running 3rd party
             | scripts on those pages for no reason. Let me know when
             | unloading scripts(&their in mem code) is doable.
               | Kaze404 wrote:
               | Few things annoy me more in this world than when someone
               | "responds" to arguments by quoting half of them to
               | construct and attack a strawman instead of the argument
               | they're supposedly discussing.
               | Please don't dilude conversations like this, it doesn't
               | do anyone any favors.
           | merb wrote:
           | I've never heard that somebody disliked vmware vsphere as an
           | spa. the older flash one however...
           | Scarbutt wrote:
           | You still need js for interactive apps, SPAs avoid the
           | spaghetti mix of html rendering and rendering client side.
           | osrec wrote:
           | The way in which we consume and deliver via internet has
           | moved on from the early days of the web. It's no longer just
           | text, images and links. There's much more to it now, and SPAs
           | are a reasonable step forward to providing richer experiences
           | online with more functionality.
           | Not sure you could ever call them an anti-pattern.
             | timw4mail wrote:
             | > It's no longer just text, images and links.
             | Assuming you add video, 99% of the web is just
             | text,images,links,forms, and video. None of these things
             | even require Javascript.
               | osrec wrote:
               | I'd say a big part of the web is gaming, chatting,
               | interacting. A lot of that content updates every few
               | seconds. Without JS, websockets, ajax requests etc, do
               | you suggest users load the entire page again whenever
               | they want to see an updated view?!
               | Or is your opinion that it should only be possible to do
               | those things in native, purpose-built apps? Because in
               | that case, how do you justify using an operating system?
               | Perhaps we should exclusively use purpose-built assembly
               | code that you flash to some writable media every time you
               | want to run a particular program!
               | timw4mail wrote:
               | As another poster said: The right tool for the right job.
               | Also, a SPA is not the only option with Javascript.
             | chipotle_coyote wrote:
             | How would the site we're communicating on right now be
             | improved if it were rebuilt as an SPA?
               | osrec wrote:
               | Threading could be clearer. Less data would need to be
               | loaded on each page load. I can imagine that a
               | lightweight SPA to handle the a few standard views (e.g.
               | listItems, itemDetails, profile, changePassword, submit)
               | would cut down data transfer by a significant margin
               | (20-30%, maybe more). The UI could also be much better on
               | mobile, and we could give users the option to cache
               | certain pieces of content offline.
           | Grimm1 wrote:
           | You're not using that word correctly, since this is not a
           | pattern it's an architecture.
           | Please don't misuse words, especially in a negative context
           | to mean "something I don't like", it cheapens the word in
           | legitimate cases.
           | No comment on whether SPAs are worth anything though, I
           | reserve my opinion.
             | timw4mail wrote:
             | So, it's an anti-pattern of an architecture.
         | jmchuster wrote:
         | It's already in the name Single Page _App_. If you're not
         | building an app, you probably aren't best served using an app
         | framework.
       | torartc wrote:
       | I personally don't think this is great advice, but this is
       | exactly the type of advice that will get upvoted here.
       (page generated 2020-06-18 23:00 UTC)