[HN Gopher] NimConf 2020 - Live now until 20:45 UTC [video]
       NimConf 2020 - Live now until 20:45 UTC [video]
       Author : dom96
       Score  : 106 points
       Date   : 2020-06-20 17:05 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (conf.nim-lang.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (conf.nim-lang.org)
       | mratsim wrote:
       | And just when "Why Figma Wins" is #1 on HN, we have Figma
       | integration in Nim via Fidget:
       | - https://github.com/treeform/fidget
       | - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB8Yt2dqZbo&list=PLxLdEZg8DR...
       | - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23584954
       | - https://kwokchain.com/2020/06/19/why-figma-wins/
       | planetis wrote:
       | I am hyped about the last talk "Introducing Enu, 3D live-coding
       | in Nim", can't find any information about it online. Seems like a
       | genuine reveal!
         | planetis wrote:
         | It was really cool actually, makes use of the nim godot
         | bindings to create a sandbox game with the nim compiler running
         | as a service and run NimScript (a subset of Nim, basically the
         | ffi missing) inside a live 3D environment!
         | Hope to see it expand further!
       | deckarep wrote:
       | Ok honest question I got really excited about Nim when I looked
       | into it about 1 year ago.
       | But I started looking at community projects on Github and found
       | nothing except for Nimlang itself. This is not meant to be
       | critical of what I think is an impressive language...just more of
       | a question of where are Nim open source projects to be found?
         | [deleted]
         | mratsim wrote:
         | I think the best is to go there:
         | - https://nimble.directory/
         | - https://github.com/Willyboar/awesome-nim
         | - https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Curated-Packages
         | What kind of packages are you looking for?
         | This also logs what is requested and what is being worked on by
         | the community.
         | https://github.com/nim-lang/needed-libraries/issues
         | planetis wrote:
         | I'm pretty sure a year ago there were hundreds of projects
         | using nim in github. Just use a custom query:
         | https://github.com/search?l=Nim&q=nim&type=Repositories
         | ggregoire wrote:
         | I got really excited about Nim 1 or 2 weeks ago and what
         | worried me a bit is the number of questions on StackOverflow.
         | In the "new question" section, the most recent one was from
         | hours ago, the second one from 1 or 2 days ago, the third one
         | from the previous week. It could just mean that the language is
         | straightforward and the documentation perfect. But it's still a
         | good metric to measure the popularity of a language. Also, it
         | makes me wonder, if I need to find "how to do X", would I find
         | an existing answer? If I need to ask a question, would someone
         | answer?
         | (still excited about Nim anyway, seems like the perfect
         | replacement for Python at my job)
           | mratsim wrote:
           | Personally I don't want to deal with StackOverflow elitism,
           | "closed duplicate", "you don't know what you want to do, what
           | you want to do is this", etc.
             | planetis wrote:
             | I was thinking the same, that StackOverflow has failed to
             | attract nim users that are able to answer the questions,
             | but afraid to sound too radical didn't express it. Myself
             | included won't login to stackoverflow, since i can't __even
             | __post an answer! Instead I help in the Nim forums.
           | planetis wrote:
           | People use irc #nim (bridged with gitter, discord, matrix) to
           | post simple questions or hangout. For more complex matters
           | forum.nim-lang.org is used. All are pretty active. Github
           | issues included ;) which gives you a good idea of how many
           | people are using Nim.
       | sidkshatriya wrote:
       | I am ... confused by Nim a bit. Nim on the surface has a dream
       | set of features: python like syntax, strong types, compilation to
       | C, good garbage collection, good metaprogramming...
       | OTOH there seems to be a rapid accumulation of features. The
       | language wants implement the "next shiny thing" (e.g. ownership
       | ala rust) or at least that is how it appears to me from the
       | outside.
       | For those people using Nim -- how do you cope with the ever
       | increasing scope of the language? Isn't there a possibility that
       | things aren't going to be well baked/abandoned?
       | I like the philosophy of evolving your language slowly and
       | consolidating before adding newer and newer features.
       | Do you think the pace of change in Nim is OK?
         | kbd wrote:
         | > OTOH there seems to be a rapid accumulation of features...
         | I think you're stretching your narrative a bit. They're working
         | on a new GC algorithm that (if you watch Rumpf's very
         | interesting presentation[1] on it from today) is a significant
         | performance improvement over their current GC.
         | What features are you referring to regarding the "ever
         | increasing scope of the language"?
         | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUJcYTnPWCg
           | pansa2 wrote:
           | > > OTOH there seems to be a rapid accumulation of
           | features...
           | > I think you're stretching your narrative a bit. They're
           | working on a new GC algorithm...
           | The thing is, according to the documentation [0], Nim already
           | has _six_ different garbage collectors.
           | [0] https://nim-lang.org/docs/gc.html
             | gmfawcett wrote:
             | Many languages have pluggable GCs. Modern Java VMs have at
             | least four (serial, parallel, CMS, G1). As long as they are
             | interchangeable, it's not really a language design issue.
             | kbd wrote:
             | Do those represent a "rapid accumulation of features" that
             | create an "ever-increasing scope of the language" as the OP
             | claims, or are they just tuning options? Keep in mind the
             | Nim team didn't create the Boehm or Go garbage collectors,
             | and the new arc/orc are the same, with orc having a cycle
             | detector. If anything, it's a testament to the design and
             | stability of the language that the GC algorithm is
             | swappable.
             | Edit: for comparison, Java has four different GC algorithms
             | to choose from[1] with a whole lot of options for
             | tuning[2]:
             | [1] https://www.baeldung.com/jvm-garbage-collectors
             | [2]
             | https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/vmoptions-
             | js...
           | sidkshatriya wrote:
           | It is an impression (possibly an unfounded/unfair one) and
           | the whole point of my question is for others to give me their
           | opinions.
           | Nim is certainly a feature-full language. Look at the left
           | sidebar on https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html and you will
           | see a lot of things listed! I wonder how many of those
           | features work well with others, how many work partially and
           | how many are somewhat abandoned.
           | I'm looking to add Nim to my arsenal in the future. I'm
           | positive on the language -- please don't misunderstand. I
           | just wanted some opinions!
             | planetis wrote:
             | Everything that is new or was causing problems, moved under
             | expiremental https://nim-
             | lang.org/docs/manual_experimental.html These are the
             | features you are describing, the ones needing more
             | refinement.
               | planetis wrote:
               | stuff like concepts and code reordering are planned to
               | eventually became stable. Nowadays everything is decided
               | in the RFCs repo https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues
               | before a PR hits the main repo.
             | kbd wrote:
             | > Look at the left sidebar...
             | Look at the Go language manual for comparison[1]. Go is
             | simple (some would argue, simplistic) and there's a lot
             | there too. Programming languages are complex beasts.
             | "Number of things in the sidebar of the manual" is a poor
             | way to judge a programming language.
             | > I like the philosophy of evolving your language slowly
             | and consolidating before adding newer and newer features.
             | The Nim book[2] came out in 2017 and the language has
             | maintained compatibility with it through their 1.0 release.
             | Nim seems pretty stable and "well baked" to me.
             | One of the awesome things about Nim is that many features
             | in the language can be implemented through macros. (AFAIK
             | their async/await feature is implemented in Nim itself
             | through macros.) So, I get the impression that Nim has a
             | very solid core and builds things on top of that core. The
             | fact that they can implement Rust-style move/borrow
             | semantics without significantly changing the language is a
             | really _good_ sign to me of the language 's power/design.
             | Personally, I wish Nim was what we were all using instead
             | of Go. Nim has all the strong typing features (like
             | generics) that Go is still working on, while also having
             | the equivalent of goroutines and channels (though I haven't
             | played with those in Nim myself yet), pleasant syntax,
             | strong metaprogramming features, very strong operator
             | overloading that helps make it suited for domains like data
             | science, can generate a static binary, and on and on. I'd
             | strongly recommend everyone take a look :)
             | I'm personally psyched that a repl (INim) is being worked
             | on (and works now), because a good repl is something I
             | really value in a language. There's a short presentation
             | about it from today's conference as well[3]. The fact that
             | the author keeps mentioning IPython gives me great hope for
             | it.
             | Edit: in fact, upon rewatching, that INim video would be a
             | great sales pitch for the language for you, as the author
             | details his trip through a bunch of different well-known
             | languages and why Nim meets the sweet spot of everything
             | he's looking for.
             | [1] https://golang.org/ref/spec
             | [2] https://www.manning.com/books/nim-in-action
             | [3] https://youtu.be/Qa_9vut4TzQ
         | arc776 wrote:
         | > Nim on the surface has a dream set of features
         | It's "too good to be true" is for real. The lack of friction
         | when developing in Nim is what makes it so fun to code in
         | (IMO). Metaprogramming in particular is just great in Nim and
         | give you a lot of scope for doing things that would otherwise
         | require new language features.
         | > how do you cope with the ever increasing scope of the
         | language?
         | I've been using Nim pretty intensively for several years. From
         | my perspective the language design has been very stable, even
         | since before 1.0. I don't feel like the scope is expanding, and
         | I don't think it really needs to either because the core
         | language is built to be expanded with metaprogramming.
         | None of my code breaks when updating versions (and I do a lot
         | of heavy metaprogramming). Nothing seems to be abandoned, only
         | refined, and there's a big effort towards backwards
         | compatability so breaking changes are exceedingly rare. The
         | only one I only remember was some time ago when seq (the
         | variable sized list type a la C++ vector) became not nil, so I
         | had to replace `if list != nil` with `if list.len > 0`, so a
         | good change IMO.
         | Most of the new things have been mechanical under the hood
         | improvements and ownership is one of those. As I understand it,
         | when using gc refs, you'll get free extra speed, better
         | multithreadding, and better compile-time checks. No code needs
         | to be changed, and when it's considered ready it will replace
         | the previous GC, and you can add extra annotations for
         | performance. It's refinement of the GC using ownership rules
         | rather than a whole new set of rules for your program.
         | The stdlib is very stable (at least from my experience), and
         | again great effort is spent on backwards compatability. Stdlib
         | focus is on being small and "essential", so there's a high bar
         | for stuff getting into it, and probably why it's rare for
         | anything to change API there.
         | So personally the pace of change has been great - basically my
         | code's just got free speed boosts when it's already fast enough
         | :)
           | codetrotter wrote:
           | > Metaprogramming in particular is just great in Nim and give
           | you a lot of scope for doing things that would otherwise
           | require new language features.
           | Metaprogramming is v alluring to me, but I've been wondering,
           | people that write code super heavy on the metaprogramming,
           | doesn't revisiting code and debugging become much more
           | taxing?
             | mratsim wrote:
             | You have multiple ways to print the macros either as AST
             | tree or even Nim code that can be copy-pasted to replace
             | the macro:
             | - dumpTree
             | - lisprRepr
             | - treeRepr
             | - toStrLit
             | This means that for debugging you can generate your code.
             | Replace the macro by regular code temporarily and
             | understand what's wrong and then fix the macros.
             | I don't think I have a single library without macro but I
             | try to keep them as reasonable as you can. But sometimes
             | you need to give a Python feel (for example to provide a
             | Numpy interface for a multidimensional array library) or
             | you have to do code transformation (implementing async or
             | multithreading as a library or autovectorizing high-
             | performance computing code or implementing a GPU or Audio
             | DSL) and there is no way around macros.
             | planetis wrote:
             | I have written a lot of metaprogramming myself, like 5/10
             | of my repos are macro libraries. And I share your concern.
             | Even the manual advices people to use the least "powerful"
             | tool for the job. These are proc/func<template<macro.
             | Macros are prefered for creating dsl like
             | https://github.com/treeform/fidget or
             | https://github.com/pragmagic/karax
             | Otherwise the advice is to use them when they "pull their
             | weight". The reason is they're a lot harder to write and
             | even "design" them right (how they function, what code they
             | write, etc) takes a lot of effort. And in most cases the
             | simpler "tools" will fit your needs.
           | Isomorpheus wrote:
           | Why does Nim have "nil"?
             | gmfawcett wrote:
             | To represent a null pointer. Nim is a systems language (or
             | at least can be used as one), and you need null/nil when
             | working at that level.
             | Even Haskell has null pointers, if you know where to look:
             | https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
             | i...
         | anaphor wrote:
         | A lot of the things you mention are pretty self-contained (you
         | have to enable specific compiler flags), or they're implemented
         | using the macro system or templates, and so in theory at least
         | it's not bloating the compiler.
         | Compared to something like Haskell (GHC), I think Nim is pretty
         | lightweight and not too bloated.
       | Willyboar wrote:
       | Great talks so far. More coming...
       | mratsim wrote:
       | Even as a speaker, I'm surprised by how wide the use cases are
       | being found for Nim:
       | - DSL for real-time audio processing
       | - Embedded programming with light switch
       | - Creating GBA games!
       | - Compiling to Android without Android Studio
       | - Game dev in 30min
       | - Promising REPL
       | treeform wrote:
       | The talk about the new garbage collector by the Nim's creator
       | Andreas Rumpf, is a must watch:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUJcYTnPWCg&list=PLxLdEZg8DR...
         | Willyboar wrote:
         | Personally I am waiting yours.
       | ddlsmurf wrote:
       | Very surprisingly wide range of subjects so far.
       | Tiberium wrote:
       | Talks are really nice, from embedded to web programming :) I'm
       | watching till the very start and will probably watch till the
       | very end. Nice to see so much people using Nim, it's certainly
       | gaining popularity.
       | impbox wrote:
       | So many interesting talks, DSP, games, deep internals, embedded
       | stuff. I did a quick talk on making games in it. Hopefully do a
       | Nim Games Miniconf in the future seeing as there was a lot of
       | interest.
         | arc776 wrote:
         | > Nim Games Miniconf
         | I'd be interested in that! From my perspective Nim is ideal as
         | an indie gamedev language since it's so fast to
         | iterate/prototype with and get good performance, and has mega
         | easy FFI to C/C++/JS to reuse anything in those ecosystems.
       | dom96 wrote:
       | At time of writing, we've had 9 talk premieres so far. You can
       | watch them using this playlist[1] or watch the latest talk
       | premiere live here[2].
       | 1 -
       | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxLdEZg8DRwTIEzUpfaIc...
       | 2 -
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOAI2wH9Cf0&list=PLxLdEZg8DR...
       | elcritch wrote:
       | Fun talks so far! The esp8266 one is a good example of running
       | Nim on embedded targets. I've been happy with Nim in iterating on
       | a hardware product with an esp32, despite being more of an
       | embedded Linux guy. Hoping to expand it out once async is ARC
       | ready. If others are interested in esp32 support, I was able to
       | create an initial PR to target for the ESP-IDF, which is a fork
       | of FreeRTOS and LwIP. It supports much of the basic POSIX api's,
       | including `select` which is crucial for efficient servers.
       | Freertos tasks and inter-task queues need Nim-ified, but I'm not
       | an expert in FreeRTOS. :/ The Nim library code is surprisingly
       | easy to hack on!
         | GeorgeTirebiter wrote:
         | I'd love to be able to easily write Nim with the esp32 as
         | target; please, say more!
           | elcritch wrote:
           | Can do! I've got the basic OS target as `freertos`, so in
           | theory any FreeRTOS device could work! FreeRTOS has a decent
           | amount of POSIX API's but you'll want the `newlib` and/or
           | `devfs` extra components for `select` (or using uart's with
           | socket api's). The other big piece is `LwIP`, which has
           | slightly different structs for IP addresses than standard
           | *NIXes. Between FreeRTOS/LwIP you could cover a lot of
           | embedded development and chips...
           | Here's an example esp-idf project with a README describing
           | the build and setup: https://github.com/elcritch/esp32_nim_ne
           | t_example/blob/maste...
           | Here's the Nim Forum thread, if you want to chime in and
           | discuss/help out! https://forum.nim-lang.org/t/6345
           | It's pretty rough, but it surprisingly stable. Nim wraps
           | enough OS level concepts you could easily use Nim only
           | wrappers without needing specific RTOS idea's except when you
           | want. Wrapping vTask's with Nim's thread api would be
           | awesome. I don't know FreeRTOS hardly at all though.
           | When Nim's async works with ARC, I wonder if it'd be possible
           | to port LwIP or rewrite it in Nim. LwIP seems somewhat buggy.
           | :-)
       | filleokus wrote:
       | Is there any usage of Nim in "production"? How is the performance
       | of the compiled code (and also the compiler)?
       | (NB: I love a fun new language to play with as much as the next
       | guy, just curious)
         | mratsim wrote:
         | As the resident Nim optimizer, if you can reach some
         | performance in C, you can reach it in Nim.
         | With some work you can even reach the performance of code which
         | is 95% assembly and has been tuned for years (i.e. matrix
         | multiplication):
         | - Reaching C Quake code speed in Nim: https://forum.nim-
         | lang.org/t/5124#32241
         | - Reaching and going beyond OpenBLAS + OpenMP performance
         | (almost pure Assembly):
         | https://github.com/mratsim/weave/issues/68#issuecomment-5717...
         | - Faster than C++ on Raytracing bench:
         | https://github.com/mratsim/weave/tree/9f0c384f/demos/raytrac...
         | - Faster than C++ on another Raytracing implementation:
         | https://github.com/mratsim/trace-of-radiance/tree/v0.2.0
         | Also Nim is easy to integrate with Intel VTune, Apple
         | Instruments and perf. You have full control on the data layout,
         | prefetching and the same control as C over cache and memory
         | usage if you so wish it (i.e. the GC is not a hindrance, you
         | have easy escape hatches).
         | planetis wrote:
         | Short answer yes. See: https://github.com/nim-
         | lang/Nim/wiki/Companies-using-Nim
         | People usually announce this stuff in the forum before this
         | page is edited so you might want to search there as well.
           | Isomorpheus wrote:
           | 2/12 of those are dead links
       (page generated 2020-06-20 23:00 UTC)