[HN Gopher] Show HN: Random Roads
       Show HN: Random Roads
       Author : edwardc
       Score  : 120 points
       Date   : 2020-06-21 12:14 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (random-roads--edwardcunningh2.repl.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (random-roads--edwardcunningh2.repl.co)
       | Phithagoras wrote:
       | Would be cool to see a blog post explaining the simulation!
       | cardmagic wrote:
       | If you like this aesthetic and want to play a game that looks
       | like this and is super fun, try Railroad Ink:
       | https://ondras.github.io/rri/
       | kevsim wrote:
       | Seems to use the same approach used to design the road system in
       | Boston :)
       | A4ET8a8uTh0 wrote:
       | Oddly mesmerising. What did you use to do it?
         | edwardc wrote:
         | Thanks. It's plain JavaScript, rendering with an HTML canvas.
         | I did investigate JS 2D graphics libraries but decided in the
         | end that this was sufficiently simple to not warrant one. It
         | was harder than I expected to get the drag & zoom to work!
       | ArchieMaclean wrote:
       | The code is at https://repl.it/@EdwardCunningh2/Random-Roads
       | dusted wrote:
       | Wonderful little thing :) I was instantly reminded of substrate,
       | but the way this ends, each "run" looks like a minimalistic
       | artwork.
       | This would be great on A4 sized e-ink paper, mounted in a nice
       | frame and refreshing a few times a day.
       | sloreti wrote:
       | Generative Phoenix suburbs
       | winrid wrote:
       | Reminds me of the Wave Function Collapse algorithm, although
       | doesn't look to be that.
       | https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse
       | What algorithm is this using? Got a GitHub link?
         | shobith wrote:
         | It seems to be available in browser, see script.js it's not
         | minified.
       | kleer001 wrote:
       | I would love to see this combined with L-systems O_O
       | xwdv wrote:
       | Wouldn't call these roads really.
       | Roads without context are just paths. You need the roads to
       | provide useful destinations as efficiently as possible.
       | Many of these paths lead nowhere. In fact, all of them go
       | nowhere, I don't even think there's loops.
         | [deleted]
         | krthr wrote:
         | you must be the life of the parties
       | Cynddl wrote:
       | Thanks for sharing! Really like the minimal design and the
       | animations. Could you explain how you did this simulation?
         | edwardc wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback - the minimal look is pleasing to my
         | eye too!
         | I wrote a brief description in this comment:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23592538
         | Initially I had envisaged something a bit cleverer, but for an
         | art project keeping it simple seemed to do the trick.
       | abdulhaq wrote:
       | Some people see this and say 'how did you do it?'. Others say to
       | themselves, 'how would I do it?'. I'm in the second category...
         | jackdh wrote:
         | Alot of other people probably say 'Why did you do it?'
       | justinpombrio wrote:
       | This reminds me of the beautiful "substrate" screen saver:
       | http://www.complexification.net/gallery/machines/substrate/
         | cdaringe wrote:
         | Brilliant. Anyone know of an impl ready to roll for macos?
         | kqr wrote:
         | That is absolutely stunning. My favourite part of flying!
           | cpeterso wrote:
           | You might like Gregory Dicum's book "Window Seat: Reading the
           | Landscape from the Air". https://io9.gizmodo.com/how-to-read-
           | the-landscape-from-your-...
         | carapace wrote:
         | Ach! this reminds me of an artist who worked mostly with
         | Processing ( https://processing.org ) and either did this or
         | something very like it (and a bunch of other stuff.)
           | MattRix wrote:
           | Uh are you sure you're not thinking of Jared Tarbell, who
           | made this very piece in Processing?
             | carapace wrote:
             | Oh right! Derp.
         | californical wrote:
         | I just got it -- thanks for sharing this! Could watch it for
         | hours...
         | If anyone else wants to download the screensaver, you can get
         | it for linux/osx/ios/android: https://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/
         | . Most in the collection aren't great (unless you're in an
         | early-2000s aesthetic mood), but I just installed the substrate
         | one :)
           | kinduff wrote:
           | Looks like the author is redirecting the link lol
         | teddyh wrote:
         | As seen in XScreenSaver:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCCVgBOVD0E
       | Kiro wrote:
       | I feel I'm missing something when people ask what algorithm this
       | is using. I'm imagining it as a bunch of Math.random and If
       | statements. In fact, I don't think I've ever googled for a
       | specific algorithm or implemented one. Am I doing programming
       | wrong?
         | djmips wrote:
         | Looked at the code. You were right! It was random and some
         | rules. Almost like an algorithm.
       | djmips wrote:
       | Have you seen this one!!! https://random-roads--
       | edwardcunningh2.repl.co/#1592751582695
       | kuroguro wrote:
       | Had a weird bug where the whole page was flickering while it was
       | drawing. A reload fixed it. On latest FF/Win. Not sure what the
       | cause was.
       | gb wrote:
       | Really nice. I tried something like this many years ago in Flash,
       | but the results this can produce are far more impressive!
       | cocktailpeanuts wrote:
       | great execution!
       | jk563 wrote:
       | Being able to see the random seed used in the console and use it
       | in the hash is a nice touch. I found a few large ones and one
       | with a single path between two points (1592751582695)
         | edwardc wrote:
         | Well spotted!
         | I enjoy the large ones (eg. https://random-roads--
         | edwardcunningh2.repl.co/#1589058113269) where I imagine the
         | gaps left in the middle to be parks.
           | blattimwind wrote:
           | There are some very small ones, too.
       | nostoc wrote:
       | Interesting.
       | this one seems to show the boundaries of the display plane :
       | https://random-roads--edwardcunningh2.repl.co/#1592753917190
         | edwardc wrote:
         | Good one! Yes, you've hit the bottom there.
         | It is artificially limited to a 1001 x 1001 grid - just to stop
         | it from growing forever (which could get quite slow on lower
         | end devices). In practice I rarely encounter maps that go that
         | far.
       | cinntaile wrote:
       | It looks like an auto-generated PCB to me. Cool stuff.
       | dfxt8 wrote:
       | Hey, good work! What algorithm did you use?
         | KineticLensman wrote:
         | Not the author, but the algorithm is at
         | https://random-roads--edwardcunningh2.repl.co/script.js
         | edwardc wrote:
         | Thanks! You can see the code here:
         | https://repl.it/@EdwardCunningh2/Random-Roads
         | It's not especially clever:
         | 1. I define a set of possible moves (eg. straight ahead, left
         | turn, junction, etc). One possible move is a dead-end, which
         | looks a bit like a house in my interpretation.
         | 2. Each move is assigned a relative weight (eg. continuing
         | straight ahead 10x more likely than turning left).
         | 3. Each iteration, for each of the roads under construction, a
         | random move is selected. Some moves are impossible (based on
         | other roads already drawn on the map) and so it will ensure not
         | to select one that would result in a collision. At worst, it
         | will terminate the road with a dead-end.
         | 4. Repeat forever, until every road has terminated in a dead-
         | end.
         | Most of the script itself is dealing with the rendering logic.
         | To avoid collisions I maintain a 2D array of all visited
         | points.
           | winrid wrote:
           | Nice! My first page load I got a single line that stopped at
           | the first point. Is that just able to happen?
             | edwardc wrote:
             | Yes, there's nothing to prevent very small maps like what
             | you saw - even ones that terminate with a dead-end before a
             | road has been drawn (eg. https://random-roads--
             | edwardcunningh2.repl.co/#1592758760947).
             | I considered adding logic to prevent this, but have decided
             | to embrace it as a feature rather than a bug.
             | I quite like some of the small-ish maps, like this:
             | https://random-roads--
             | edwardcunningh2.repl.co/#1592759118928
           | y42 wrote:
           | Kind of reminds me of the algorithm to create a maze:
           | https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-create-a-maze-with-
           | javascript...
       (page generated 2020-06-21 23:00 UTC)