[HN Gopher] Face ID and Touch ID for the Web
       Face ID and Touch ID for the Web
       Author : gok
       Score  : 378 points
       Date   : 2020-06-24 18:00 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (developer.apple.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (developer.apple.com)
       | mtgp1000 wrote:
       | No way this biometric data could possibly be abused, right?
       | I'll stick to taping over my cameras, thanks.
         | empath75 wrote:
         | it never leaves your phone.
           | mtgp1000 wrote:
           | Yeah, and my personal data never left Equifax's servers
           | either.
           | You can't change your biometrics when they are inevitably
           | hacked. If you even find out.
             | orf wrote:
             | I quite rightly trust Apple more than I trust Equifax.
             | monocasa wrote:
             | For all Apple's faults, they're pretty open about how their
             | Secure Enclave works. I think they consider privacy to be a
             | key differentiator, particularly when compared to Android
             | and Windows. you can see this in how they didn't open a
             | phone even given an FBI request.
               | kohtatsu wrote:
               | They didn't develop the capability to backdoor phones at
               | the FBI's request.
               | They are generally happy to hand over iCloud backups,
               | which they did in that case and the FBI "lost" them IIRC.
               | It was also an iPhone 5c, the last iPhone without a
               | Secure Enclave, I believe they were able to get in with
               | GrayKey.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | > They are generally happy to hand over iCloud backups
               | That one they legally have to do when given a subpoena.
               | Dahoon wrote:
               | They could encrypt everything and not have the keys. So
               | not really.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | The whole point of the backup is that you'll be able to
               | access it even if you your device and it's keystore are
               | destroyed.
             | acdha wrote:
             | Watch the video where he shows the JavaScript APIs being
             | called: the website sees a standard public-key process
             | using WebAuthn. You can use anything which can perform that
             | protocol with zero change to the system -- if someone
             | steals your phone, you don't need to change your face since
             | the new phone will generate a new key and the biometric
             | data is only used to unlock that key.
             | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
             | PDF page 8:
             | https://manuals.info.apple.com/MANUALS/1000/MA1902/en_US/ap
             | p...
       | ixtli wrote:
       | Anonymous attestation is really interesting because, afaict,
       | there really isn't a way to do this right now if my application
       | wants to authenticate a "normal" user with a "normal" phone.
       | EGreg wrote:
       | What exactly does attestation do vs not having it? Can someone
       | here explain clearly?
         | tialaramex wrote:
         | The attestation is a signed (digital) document saying basically
         | "We are $manufacturer and we made this $product and we promise
         | it has these desirable security properties".
         | In WebAuthn the design is that a batch of (at least 1000 but
         | usually far more) authenticator products should have such a
         | document which Javascript can optionally request (together with
         | proof they didn't just knock it off from another authenticator)
         | when using the authenticator.
         | If you demand multi-factor and aren't willing to take my word
         | (as the user) that I'm using it, you could insist upon seeing
         | the attestation and reject authenticators unless you can see
         | the attestation and you like it. For example maybe Great
         | American Bank accepts Yubikeys, but rejects the Apple iPhone
         | because they believe Steve Jobs was Satan.
         | Most sites should not use attestation at all. Firefox in
         | particular can tell a site to fuck off when it asks for
         | attestation. I'm happy to use high security WebAuthn but I
         | don't want to have to tell you which products I use to do it.
         | If your site does not _require_ WebAuthn for every user then
         | almost by definition it makes no sense to demand attestation
         | from users who choose to enable it.
         | The use of "batches" is a privacy safeguard. If you permit
         | attestation a site might know you have a Mattel Barbie
         | Authenticator, but it won't know which one. If Mattel aren't
         | selling many they probably put the same batch on the Buzz
         | Lightyear Authenticator so a site can't even tell if you've got
         | a Barbie or Buzz Lightyear.
         | According to this video apparently (?) Apple thought that
         | wasn't safe enough and so it has decided to do something else
         | weird instead, but not yet. Whatever, for almost all web sites
         | you should refuse attestation if given the option. _Maybe_ my
         | bank needs to know I 'm doing MFA with a high quality product
         | but there's no reason Facebook or GMail or anybody like that
         | should ask.
         | jacobr1 wrote:
         | With passwords, the "proof" or "attestation" is that nobody
         | knows my secret password. In practice this tends to be weak.
         | Some reasons this is so includes:
         | - the password is low-entropy/complexity, so it is guessable or
         | brute-forcible. - the password is typed into the system, so
         | keyloggers might observe it - the password might be stored
         | insecurity by the server - the password is transmitted over the
         | network and might be intercepted - the password is transmitted
         | over the network, possibly to unintended recipients (like a
         | phishing site) and thus is intercepted.
         | One alternative is employing public-key/private-key crypto. The
         | server sends some random data to the user. The user signs that
         | data with their private key (this is the attestation part).
         | Only the signed data, which is generated for this single
         | authentication attempt is transmitted. And during registration
         | only the public key is transmitted. The public key is used by
         | the service to verify the attested data. The private key
         | remains secret the entire time. Likely it remains secret even
         | to the user's machine because it lives in separate hardware,
         | such as a yubikey or secure-enclave. The key is also something
         | that isn't going to be guessed because we are using modern
         | algos with large bit-sizes.
           | EGreg wrote:
           | Sure but how is that different from JUST logging in with
           | touchID or faceID? Without attestation?
       | tectec wrote:
       | Does anyone know if iOS devices support multiple users/bio
       | metrics per device and could log a specific user in when they are
       | using a shared device? I'm wondering if this could be used for a
       | shared iPad on a factory floor to log users into their own
       | account on our web app.
         | turdnagel wrote:
         | It's not really supported for Face ID - you can create an
         | "alternate appearance" for Face ID but it doesn't work well if
         | the people look very different. With TouchID you can register
         | fingers from different people and it works fairly well, but
         | again not really supported.
         | jacobr1 wrote:
         | Since we are really talking about WebAuthn and not just the iOS
         | implementation, You probably could use alternative hardware
         | (maybe android based) that supports the multiple-user biometric
         | use-case. From the server/web-app side it still would just be
         | WebAuthn.
         | Looks like you use a separate device like this:
         | https://www.ftsafe.com/Products/FIDO/Bio
         | That supports fido2, hooked to any tablet to make it work.
       | supernova87a wrote:
       | So for the non-developer, is this basically as if any
       | participating website could send an 2FA request to your iPhone
       | (like the role of the SMS code but more secure), have the iPhone
       | verify you by face/touch, and then confirm back to the website
       | and let you in? (also like Google does with their app?). Or even
       | take the place of a password?
       | jacobr1 wrote:
       | This really is just bringing WebAuthn to Safari. I've been using
       | it via chrome w/ TouchID for our corporate okta SSO and it has
       | been working great.
       | WebAuthn is really just a way to make public-key/private-key
       | crypto scale. The user never really knows about or interacts with
       | the keys.
       | The website doesn't store a password, they store a public key.
       | The user doesn't know about the private key (paired to the public
       | key) they just know how to unlock the private key via the yubikey
       | or biometric device.
       | The site sends some data to the user to sign, and they do so with
       | the private key, then the site verifies the data was signed by
       | the private key, boom: authenticated.
         | sneak wrote:
         | To think we could have had this a decade+ ago with TLS client
         | certificates, if web browsers weren't perpetually stuck in the
         | past.
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | Client certificates suck in a bunch of ways that WebAuthn,
           | specifically designed to solve this problem, does not.
           | Example:
           | If the certificate used to sign into Hacker News as "sneak"
           | is also used to sign into PornHub then I can correlate that
           | to discern that "sneak" on HN uses PornHub. Whereas you can't
           | do that with WebAuthn credentials - a separate credential is
           | spun up for every single registration, it's completely
           | useless everywhere except the one site it was issued for and
           | can't be correlated to other credentials except via a
           | cryptographic attack on the underlying primitives (ie
           | breaking WebAuthn itself).
             | ryukafalz wrote:
             | There's no reason a browser couldn't have generated a new
             | self-signed client certificate for each site, though; the
             | fact that they don't offer that as an option is just a
             | browser design decision.
               | dividuum wrote:
               | There was actually a <keygen> html tag used within
               | <form>s to generate a keypair what was then supposed to
               | be signed by the server and finally returned to the
               | browser for local installation. At least that's how I
               | understand it. It's been deprecated for a while now.
               | ryukafalz wrote:
               | Oh wow, yeah - I didn't realize that existed, and now I'm
               | sad it never caught on. :(
               | sirn wrote:
               | ...which means a login is now tied to a browser, and you
               | have to come up with a way to securely export or sync
               | private key (bad idea?) or a way to link another browser
               | to a login. Also user losing access to all their websites
               | by accidentally uninstalling a browser doesn't sounds
               | very user friendly.
           | sirn wrote:
           | How would you do the signing part though? Given that most CA
           | don't do client certificate at all, nor it issue certificates
           | with signing flags.
           | Even if CA does sign client certificate, and website is
           | expected to store its public key, it expose some privacy
           | concerns since a public key is now Personally Identifiable.
           | If a website must provide its own self-signed CA and require
           | user to provide a CSR when registering for an account, then
           | it becomes a huge overhead for both website and user to just
           | login.
           | I work with enterprise and the requirement usually requires
           | client certificate. I never had a good experience setting it
           | up even with a limited number of parties.
             | snuxoll wrote:
             | You don't need a public CA to do client certificate
             | authentication. Hell, your computer doesn't even need to
             | trust the CA that signed the key - it's the server on the
             | other end that cares about that.
             | This is precisely how WebAuthN works - but we figured out
             | that we actually don't need to go through the headache of
             | getting CAs and signing involved at all. Just store a
             | public key attached to a user after they've signed in via
             | traditional means and let the browser/security token manage
             | the keys.
           | acdha wrote:
           | You have the blame misattributed: almost nobody used client
           | certificates because they cost money ($100+/year). That meant
           | there was little demand outside of a few spaces like
           | government and absent usage there was not much pressure on
           | the UI improvements.
           | Client certificates are also worse for privacy and phishing
           | resistance: with a certificate, if I can convince you to
           | click on a link I get your identity. From the site's
           | perspective, I don't have any way to tell whether the person
           | with the certificate is the same person I saw or the person
           | who compromised their computer or convinced a CA to issue a
           | cert for someone else. Requiring key storage to be on a
           | hardware enclave significantly reduces that risk, allows for
           | the stronger attestation requirements mentioned, and also
           | means that you're changing things from "trust anyone who can
           | get a CA certificate" to "trust anyone who can do signatures
           | from a previously-registered hardware key".
             | 0x0 wrote:
             | Cost money? Once upon a time, html had <keygen>
         | cactus2093 wrote:
         | How does this work if you need to sign in to a site on a
         | borrowed computer while traveling or something? Is the private
         | key derivable from a master password or something?
           | jacobr1 wrote:
           | A few options if you want to maintain MFA:
           | For my Okta account, they support push notification to their
           | app on my phone as an alternative authentication measure.
           | Another approach is a bluetooth (or NFC) enabled device (like
           | your phone) that actually caries the private key. When using
           | a borrowed computer, the signed attestation data is shared
           | with the borrowed system, but that can only be used once,
           | since the private key is never transmitted.
           | So basically you can either have a side-channel to another
           | MFA method, or a relay where you don't need to trust the
           | intermediary beyond the current session.
           | namanaggarwal wrote:
           | It's mentioned in the video as well that website should
           | always use this as faster sign in option with providing other
           | options alongside.
           | sirn wrote:
           | Similar to how you would sign in on devices/browsers without
           | WebAuthn support or don't have physical token (Yubikey/etc.)
           | with you: use a fallback method provided by a website. This
           | is usually TOTP or a scratch code. The website need to
           | implement it though.
           | One thing to keep in mind is this is not supposed to be the
           | only factor required to sign in. It should be used as a 2nd
           | factor in the similar way to TOTP (but with much better
           | usability).
             | Skunkleton wrote:
             | With Okta (since gp mentioned it), you would sign in with a
             | password, then click the "yes its me" button on your phone,
             | or you could use TOTP, or even a yubikey.
               | sirn wrote:
               | Okta is more of a SAML/OpenID Connect thing with built-in
               | multi factor authentication than a replacement for
               | WebAuthn, though. Okta could embrace WebAuthn Platform
               | Authenticator as one of their authenticating factor if
               | user is unwilling to install an app, but a website isn't
               | expected to use Okta as a second factor in their
               | authentication flow.
               | jackson1442 wrote:
               | OP is referring to how you already can sign in to Okta as
               | a website, not as an authentication mechanism. You can
               | create a sign in flow that goes like so:
               | username -> password -> [ WebAuthn | Okta Verify Push ]
               | This approach can be used on any website, just with a
               | regular TOTP code in place of the proprietary Okta Verify
               | Push.
               | sirn wrote:
               | Ah I didn't know you could do the Okta push without using
               | their whole SSO suite. Thank you! I guess in this
               | scenario Okta acts more like Authy proprietary OTP thing
               | then.
           | tomp wrote:
           | Apple already kind-of supports this for iClout login. If you
           | want to authenticate on a new device, you'll get a prompt on
           | one of your _already authenticated_ devices to confirm the
           | login. You still need the password, but it's really not
           | necessary... if there was also some additional "privilege"
           | system (i.e. that the same user account would have less
           | privileges if logged in through a less secure method) it
           | would be even safer.
         | bfulgham wrote:
         | You should pay special attention to the section about
         | attestation, which is not something that is done in a privacy-
         | focused way without an anonymous attestation authority (which
         | is part of the iOS 14 feature)
       | jiveturkey wrote:
       | This has been a very long time coming. Apple finally joined FIDO
       | in Feb of this year, so we knew it was right around the corner.
       | adamleithp wrote:
       | The keynote a few days ago failed to mention FaceID used to
       | opening your mac... and this video shows/mentions FaceID on a
       | macOS11 website?
       | Seems they missed a step here with rolling it out, or are
       | withholding the obvious. I'm assuming the latter.
         | JimDabell wrote:
         | This video shows Touch ID being used with a laptop, not Face
         | ID.
         | The interface is generic, so it should use Face ID on devices
         | that have Face ID hardware, and Touch ID on devices that have
         | Touch ID hardware.
         | sirn wrote:
         | Apple supports WebAuthn on iOS/iPadOS as well (since iOS/iPadOS
         | 13) so presumably FaceID part is referring to iOS/iPadOS.
       | paxys wrote:
       | Happy to see Apple following an established standard for once.
       | thowawaymom wrote:
       | Don't mean to sound harsh, but is it just me or the speaker was
       | borderline impossible to understand? What is that word again
       | "authontication"?
       | StavrosK wrote:
       | If anyone wants to deploy this server-side, I made a Django
       | library that's very easy to use:
       | https://gitlab.com/stavros/django-webauthin
       | You can see a demo login here: https://www.pastery.net/
       | It allows the user to log in without a username or a password
       | (untested on any Apple device as I don't have any, please file
       | bugs if it doesn't work).
       | xvector wrote:
       | I think it's pretty ridiculous that Apple pours time and effort
       | into stuff like this but apps have been able to steal from your
       | clipboard for years.
       | It reminds me of the phenomenon when researchers and engineers
       | don't work on something that's useful for everyday users, instead
       | prioritizing what they find exciting and cool. The security team
       | is so busy dealing with absurd edge cases like nation-states
       | attacking your enclave that they don't seem to care to address
       | egregious and obvious holes in the security model like this.
       | It's not that WebAuthn and passwordless isn't exciting or useful,
       | it's just that there are much bigger fish to fry (clipboard
       | paste, terrible permissions management, non-shitty VPN support,
       | trackers in apps) that Apple seems completely uninterested in
       | addressing.
       | There really is no excuse, at least not when you're tooting the
       | privacy/security horn so loudly, but let stuff like this pass by.
       | Edit: have y'all thought of an actual counterargument instead of
       | just downvoting? Is it really too much to ask security engineers
       | at Apple to focus on actual major privacy holes in their OS than
       | things like this?
         | _fzslm wrote:
         | i don't want to focus too much on why i think you're being
         | downvoted but i would say it's probably because your message
         | came across as quite reductive.
         | > engineers don't work on something that's useful for everyday
         | users, instead prioritizing what they find exciting and cool
         | i get this, to some extent. i really do. but i don't think
         | WebAuthn, sign in with apple, ios 14's recent microphone and
         | camera usage indicators, etc. are not huge steps forward in
         | terms of mobile privacy & security. (rough double negative. you
         | get me.)
         | i am pretty sure Apple knows about everything you stated, and
         | would wager they are developing, or at least R&D'ing,
         | effective, polished, "Apple" solutions to these problems.
         | clipboard is a bit of an obscure one, but is absolutely a
         | problem and must be addressed. but Apple is in the business of
         | juggling user experience and privacy. it's quite difficult,
         | because you don't want to get in the way of the user's intents
         | and make things way hard to do. but you also don't want to make
         | things so easy that bad actors can get away with bloody murder.
         | granted, they still can, if they really want, but it's way
         | harder. and slowly apple is killing the mice. it's a cat and
         | mouse game. i think they're doing exactly what they should be.
         | could they be doing more? hell yes. they should -always- strive
         | to do more. but right now, this is better than last year, and
         | the year before that, and the year... yknow.
       | apl002 wrote:
       | I miss touch id. Face ID is one of my least favorite things apple
       | has done
       | barbegal wrote:
       | This isn't that revolutionary: LastPass already allows you to use
       | biometric ID to authenticate and it works without any changes to
       | the website.
         | crispyporkbites wrote:
         | Right but Apple have done it and they have actual market share
         | and 100% control of the end to end device
         | jrockway wrote:
         | It also doesn't add any security. Your password can still be
         | guessed or phished. When authenticating with a cryptographic
         | token (U2F/WebAuthn), that vector goes away. (Even OTP can be
         | phished... the phishing site can just ask you for the code.)
         | Password managers do make it more difficult to get phished,
         | since they will not know what password to autofill on
         | phishing.example.com... but on the other hand, password manager
         | users are used to having to force-fill a password. I have to
         | take my password out of LastPass to log into Battle.net or
         | Fusion 360, and websites like the Wall Street Journal create
         | your account on dowjones.com but require you to log in on
         | wsj.com (or maybe it's the opposite, I forget).
         | With WebAuthn, more care is required for both the site operator
         | and the user (have more than one way of logging in in case you
         | lose your phone, make sure the enrollment and login origins are
         | the same), but you are then open to fewer attacks.
           | treebornfrog wrote:
           | What happens in the instance that one wants to move away from
           | webauthn?
           | barbegal wrote:
           | Security seems roughly equivalent, there is always a fallback
           | method of authentication in case the user changes their
           | device or forgets their password. Even biometrics on an
           | iPhone can fall back to a 4 digit pin code.
           | I agree there are advantages to using public key crypto but
           | the reality is that it's more difficult to get right (and
           | therefore not implemented) compared to a simple hashing
           | function for a password.
           | amluto wrote:
           | WebAuthn is less phishing resistant than it should be. The
           | original intent was that WebAuthn + token binding would
           | ensure that, even if an attacker obtained a fraudulent
           | certificate for a victim site and had an MITM position on the
           | network, the attacker still couldn't steal a WebAuthn
           | protected session. Alas, Chrome removes its token binding
           | implementation, and WebAuthn no longer has this property. If
           | you authenticate with WebAuthn, and there is a MITM, the MITM
           | gets your session.
           | (Conventional phishing is still prevented. If you go to, say,
           | g00gle.com, the owner of g00gle.com can't reuse your
           | authentication to authenticate to google.com. But this relies
           | on your browser actually knowing what domain it's looking at,
           | which relies on the CA system.)
             | jacobr1 wrote:
             | This is true, but it does prevent replay.
             | So you are vulnerable to an active MITM, but they don't
             | actually acquire any private secrets to be used to create
             | their own sessions. MITM with passwords OTOH, gives the
             | attacker your password.
               | amluto wrote:
               | That depends on how the site works. On most sites, when I
               | authenticate with WebAuthn (or by any other means), I get
               | a bearer token good for several weeks. So a single
               | spoofed WebAuthn session gets the attacker access for
               | quite a while.
       | zuhayeer wrote:
       | Interesting, Apple is letting you change your default web browser
       | with this new iOS version, but also adding Face ID and Touch ID
       | to Safari.
       | Why would anyone want to build these features if they're so
       | platform / browser specific? Does anyone know if these auth
       | features might work on other browsers on iPhone?
         | vbezhenar wrote:
         | Last time I checked, efficient ad blocking worked only in
         | Safari. If that did not change, it's another reason to stay on
         | Safari.
         | jchw wrote:
         | It appears to be the WebAuthn standard (based on a quick look
         | at the video so far) and so implementing it would enable you to
         | leverage other Webauthn targets as well, not just on iPhone but
         | on Windows devices and more.
         | [deleted]
         | aaomidi wrote:
         | There isn't a reason it wouldn't work - the browsers all use
         | the same engine anyway.
           | abrowne wrote:
           | If Apple lets other browsers using the engine have access to
           | this feature.
           | throw03172019 wrote:
           | There are some differences between Safari and WKWebView. Some
           | features are blocked.
             | mathisonturing wrote:
             | It's funny how much bashing Google gets for monopoly with
             | Android, pushing users to use Chrome, Play Store and
             | whatnot. While all of that is relevant, Apple's
             | stranglehold seems much more and worse.
               | naringas wrote:
               | at least apple never pretended like iOS was open source
               | jodrellblank wrote:
               | Apple sells between 10-20% of smartphones per quarter[1],
               | that implies Android makes up 80+% and Windows/Blackberry
               | a neglible amount.
               | How can Apple be a monopolist from such a small position,
               | or have a "stranglehold" when they are outsold 4-8x by
               | the competition?
               | [1] https://www.statista.com/statistics/216459/global-
               | market-sha...
               | Dahoon wrote:
               | So you are comparing Android vs iOS. You cannot see how
               | that is Apples Vs Oranges? Just because something is
               | based on Android doesn't make Everything Android vs iOS a
               | direct comparison. Try Google Phones Vs Apple phones or
               | Huawei vs Apple.
               | azinman2 wrote:
               | Sure it does. If what I want is not to be blocked by an
               | OS that won't let me write my own JIT, then any android
               | phone will work. And in that case, there's a ton of
               | competition to chose from, and the JIT I write can
               | (theoretically) work on any of them.
               | jsight wrote:
               | You are exactly right. I wish both platforms were more
               | open.
           | playpause wrote:
           | This isn't really true any more. Apple requires their
           | competitors' browser apps to use a 'webview' to display
           | websites, and Safari does not use this. The iOS webview may
           | share a layout/paint engine with Safari, but it is heavily
           | restricted in other ways. Apps with webviews (like Chrome for
           | iOS) can't have extensions, for example. But the subtlest,
           | cleverest restriction is that webviews are forced to use an
           | older and slower JavaScript engine. This ensures that
           | websites feel a little slower in Apple's competitors'
           | browsers. Another major upshot of this is non-Apple browsers
           | can't offer the same modern JavaScript APIs to websites as
           | Safari can. For example, last time I checked, 'getUserMedia'
           | was not available on iOS outside Safari, meaning non-Apple
           | browsers can't support web-based video conferencing tools
           | like Jitsi. This also implies that websites running in non-
           | Apple browsers won't necessarily have access to the APIs
           | necessary request Face ID sign-in, unless Apple decides it is
           | in their interests to make this available to webviews.
             | untog wrote:
             | > But the subtlest, cleverest restriction is that webviews
             | are forced to use an older and slower JavaScript engine.
             | AFAIK that hasn't been true for years. WKWebView (as
             | opposed to the old UIWebView) lets you use the full speed
             | JS engine.
               | playpause wrote:
               | Ah, just googled it, you're right, they did eventually
               | make the Nitro engine available in webviews. But my main
               | point is that it's not exactly the same, they restrict
               | certain features, and so it should never be expected that
               | modern functionality will work in webviews just because
               | it works in Safari.
         | devmunchies wrote:
         | An example is the in-app browser that you see when clicking on
         | a link in instagram, that goes to my online store. The browser
         | is still in the instagram app, so they aren't already logged in
         | to their account on my store. That person can quickly login
         | without typing in an email and password.
       | irrational wrote:
       | My company recently started using Okta. This is the first time
       | I've heard of webAuthn. Is there any relationship between Okta
       | and WebAuthn?
         | lukeramsden wrote:
         | Not as far as I'm aware, WebAuthn is a standard, and Okta is an
         | authn provider. You can use WebAuthn with many other things,
         | like the Yubikey.
       | elwell wrote:
       | 1Password users can already have effectively the same experience.
         | acdha wrote:
         | Not as securely or cheaply: using 1Password this way either
         | requires less secure TOTP codes (which are easily phished) or a
         | separate token.
         | Having this available to every Apple user on the web is huge,
         | especially when you look at the network benefits of the Apple
         | feature pushing all of the slackers (hi, every large financial
         | company!) to implement secure MFA.
         | toomuchtodo wrote:
         | Apple users will get this natively without having to acquire
         | 1Password. If you've bought into the Apple ecosystem and don't
         | have needs outside of it (Windows, Linux), you can eliminate
         | the need for a separate password manager. Similar to how iCloud
         | Files is moving towards (but likely won't meet, while not
         | needing to) Dropbox parity.
         | This is making a friendly version of Yubikeys (using Apple
         | devices) and password vaults for Apple users.
           | WA wrote:
           | For interested readers: 1Password does a few more things. For
           | example, you can add 2FA to 1Password logins, so that
           | 1Password replaces Google Authenticator with the immense
           | advantage that you don't have to setup 2FA again if you get a
           | new device.
           | Just a happy 1Password user, nut related to them in any way.
             | jdeibele wrote:
             | I use LastPass for passwords and Authy for 2FA. I like the
             | idea that two different programs have to be attacked to get
             | access to Google, Facebook, etc. There's a little bit more
             | friction than having both in one program but that's the
             | point.
             | bjelkeman-again wrote:
             | Thanks I didn't know this.
             | sygma wrote:
             | Is it really 2FA if your password and your token are on the
             | same device?
               | Skunkleton wrote:
               | Yes. 2FA protects, among other things, against
               | compromised passwords. Having both on the same device
               | does not reduce this protection.
               | sirn wrote:
               | One could argue that authenticating via 1Password is
               | already multi factor in itself e.g. Master Password is
               | Something You Know as the first factor and access to a
               | 1Password Vault is Something You Have as a second factor
               | (since you cannot login to 1Password with just username
               | and password, but also requires a Secret Key that can
               | only be acquired from a device that already logged in).
               | In this case TOTP acts more like an insecure one-time
               | session key.
           | bdcravens wrote:
           | I'm more of a fan of buy-in without lock-in.
           | chanmad29 wrote:
           | so one more instance of Apple effectively rendering a third
           | party app useless. As an apple user, I love that I do not
           | need to install an additional app but something does not feel
           | right from an ethical standpoint. Or maybe I'm just being too
           | touchy.
             | lwhi wrote:
             | You feel that way because it's ethically corrupt behaviour
             | on the part of Apple. They are aggressively pushing out
             | others.
             | toomuchtodo wrote:
             | I would rather have a native UX versus Bitwarden,
             | especially if there's no additional cost (I have to pay for
             | Bitwarden annually or spend time running a server) and an
             | easy way to share creds with my partner (for delegation in
             | the event of my passing).
             | Competition and a free market has perils. May the best
             | solution win.
               | MetallicCloud wrote:
               | You can use Bitwarden for free while using their servers.
               | toomuchtodo wrote:
               | Not for family plans, unless something has changed in the
               | last year.
               | Big fan of these feature being native client side. These
               | are features, not products. We should all be a fan of
               | improved security delivered to as many people as
               | possible, with as little effort on their part.
       | echeese wrote:
       | I got a Yubikey earlier this year and was disappointed by Apple's
       | implementation of WebAuthn it (doesn't work if there's a PIN on
       | the device) but it looks like they're fixing that as well in iOS
       | 14
         | 0xCMP wrote:
         | I'm hoping it works with NFC and not just the lightning one.
         | Would be nice to have Yubikey replace my password and then
         | allow me to enroll FaceID so I can keep signing back in.
           | echeese wrote:
           | The current Yubikey works with NFC on iOS, it just doesn't
           | work if you add a PIN to it (which Windows Hello requires).
           | They mention that they added PIN support in the changelog
       | theboat wrote:
       | If the web migrates to biometric sensors for authentication, I
       | hope this won't suffer from vendor lock-in. When every new device
       | ships with facial recognition and/or a fingerprint reader, it
       | will be nice to login using my face/fingerprint irrespective of
       | the device I'm on.
         | munchbunny wrote:
         | This looks like a WebAuthn implementation, in which case it's
         | an established standard and lots of vendors have
         | interchangeable implementations. For example, Windows Hello has
         | been WebAuthn compatible (FIDO2) for a while for sites
         | configured to accept on-device authenticators.
         | acdha wrote:
         | This isn't biometric authentication: it's WebAuthn, which is a
         | public-key based system implemented by all major browsers
         | (https://webauthn.io/). This particular implementation uses
         | biometrics to unlock it but other implementations use a contact
         | sensor (Yubikeys) or PIN, and the target website doesn't need
         | to know anything about which particular mechanism was used to
         | unlock the keystore.
         | cgb223 wrote:
         | We'd need to have a standard HTML element like <facial-rec> or
         | something and let the browser handle mapping it to whatever
         | specific hardware the device is using
           | rovr138 wrote:
           | The issue is that it's just a token that would simply say
           | Passed/Fail. So it's trusting the client/browser.
             | crispyporkbites wrote:
             | If the token is signed you could validate it with Apple (or
             | the vendor that implemented the face recognition on the
             | device, eg Samsung, Nokia, pinephone etc).
             | You just need an open standard, you could even embed the
             | url of the validating api in the token, so anyone could
             | create their own Face ID provider.
             | duskwuff wrote:
             | It's more than that -- from what I'm seeing, it looks like
             | it's a cryptographic token, presumably signed by a
             | certificate that's embedded somewhere inaccessible in the
             | device (probably in the secure element).
         | Spivak wrote:
         | I don't see how this could ever be something not vendor-
         | specific because without this being tied to "Log in with Apple"
         | you're just saying "trust the client."
         | Maybe that's fine if all you want is to "lock" a sensitive page
         | to people who aren't the device owner but that's pretty limited
         | compared to FaceID to actually log in.
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | It has no relationship to "Log in with Apple". It's a
           | WebAuthn authenticator.
           | Almost all web sites should just implement WebAuthn. On a
           | suitable iPhone or Mac users will be able to sign in by
           | touching the sensor or looking at the camera, while on my
           | Pixel phone I touch the fingerprint sensor, on this Linux
           | desktop I touch a Yubico Security Key.
           |  _If_ your site is paranoid that some crazy user will choose
           | a bad WebAuthn authenticator, or deliberately sabotage their
           | own security for some reason, then you can use WebAuthn
           | Attestation to obtain a signed document from the
           | authenticator (yes, over the Web) which proves that it is,
           | for example, an Apple iPhone 25 Super Mega Plus. I don 't
           | think you should bother doing that, but you can.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | This is an implementation of the Web Authentication API, and is
         | exposed as a platform authenticator. There is no vendor lock-
         | in.
       | nimbius wrote:
       | I dont see a problem with this as part of MFA, but here in the US
       | our fifth amendment protections are pretty lax, and only cover
       | passwords (sometimes). If the police wanted to force your
       | fingerprint or face ID to log into a website (say, maybe a
       | protest message board), they can do it just the same as they can
       | force your blood draw during a DUI with a warrant from a judge.
       | BiteCode_dev wrote:
       | Giving my finger and face prints to the browser, the software
       | with the biggest attack surface in the world, connected to
       | internet no less, feels off to me.
         | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
         | You're not giving them to the browser!
         | https://manuals.info.apple.com/MANUALS/1000/MA1902/en_US/app...
         | lemoncucumber wrote:
         | Native apps have long been able to use TouchID/FaceID and have
         | never been able to access the actual finger/face print data.
         | There's no way that iOS exposes your actual finger or face
         | print to websites.
         | brandonhorst wrote:
         | All of that is managed by the Secure Enclave in exactly the
         | same way that it is for all over auth on Apple devices. The
         | browser doesn't touch it at all.
           | thowawaymom wrote:
           | Oh the almighty Secure Enclave, bow down to the Enclave...
           | Do you even know what the heck an enclave is and how does it
           | work? It's nuts that when a figure of authority uses a fancy
           | shiny new word to describe some magic black box and the
           | masses follow with no questions asked.
             | nicky0 wrote:
             | The concept has been around for years now, it is well
             | understood.
             | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
             | PDF page 8:
             | https://manuals.info.apple.com/MANUALS/1000/MA1902/en_US/ap
             | p...
             | pgoggijr wrote:
             | pretty straightforward to understand:
             | https://support.apple.com/guide/security/secure-enclave-
             | over...
             | orf wrote:
             | Do _you_ know how it works?
               | thowawaymom wrote:
               | That's the _point_ , not many do
               | buzzerbetrayed wrote:
               | K, but that doesn't mean the person you responded to
               | doesn't know how it works. You are the one that doesn't
               | know how it works, so why are you expecting people to
               | listen to your opinion about the Secure Enclave?
               | sosborn wrote:
               | This might help: https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-16/mate
               | rials/us-16-Mandt-De...
         | KMnO4 wrote:
         | They're not giving your fingerprint or face image to the
         | browser. They're simply providing the ability to authenticate
         | using iOS hardware.
         | anon102010 wrote:
         | That's not how this works on apple. Basically your fingerprint
         | scan is not sent to the browser, just the authenticated result
         | of the scan (ie, yes, the fingerprint was so and so's).
         | There have been some past complaints here about how Apple used
         | to tie their fingerprint sensor into the secure element (third
         | party folks couldn't substitute them). I actually liked that
         | rule from a security standpoint, but obviously unpopular here.
         | Same approach with faceid / touchID for the web.
       | noodlesUK wrote:
       | One of the reasons this is so important is that it makes it far
       | harder to phish people. The webauthn APIs include the web origin
       | in the authentication process, so it's not possible to use
       | something like modlishka to phish people. If we use magic links
       | or something similar like a QR code for adding new devices, or
       | more users also have roaming authenticators with PINs, webauthn
       | will massively massively reduce phishing success where it's
       | implemented, as it's pretty easy to make website that doesn't
       | have phishable credentials at all.
       | motohagiography wrote:
       | Linking biometrics to cryptographic authentication is difficult.
       | When I worked on this problem about 5-6 years ago somewhere else,
       | it came down to adding a separate applet for the biometric
       | verification to the secure element, which then authenticated
       | itself to the user authN applet, which was then authorized to
       | generate the user authentication cryptogram.
       | Biometrics are probabilistic samples of data, where cryptographic
       | verification requires deterministic inputs. They are
       | apples/oranges and that's what made this hard, so you need a
       | connector for them. The attack on such a scheme means spoofing
       | the biometric authenticator's validation message to the
       | cryptographic authenticator, which, if this all occurs between
       | applets on the same secure element, raises the bar for attacks.
       | theogravity wrote:
       | I wonder what part of the Web Auth APIs does iOS Safari support
       | since MDN says most of the APIs are not supported.
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Authent...
         | jedieaston wrote:
         | I think that this is coming in the next release of Safari, so
         | MDN is correct, it's not currently supported.
       | gorgoiler wrote:
       | Isn't this a classic example of the fragility of biometrics?
       | If I move to a new device, iOS should be required to give up
       | whatever secret key my face translates to, so I can log into
       | websites.
       | Simplistically, if iOS silently turned my face into the web
       | password "g0rG0il3r", when I eventually migrate from iOS to
       | something new, I'll have to be able take my face password with
       | me, thus exposing that my face was only ever equivalent to a
       | password in the first place?
         | snuxoll wrote:
         | WebAuthN is not supposed to be the only way you log into a
         | service. The credentials are permanently tied to your
         | Authenticator of choice, which can be lost or stolen at any
         | time.
         | If you change devices you just provision the new one for your
         | account after signing in with a traditional
         | username/password(/2nd-factor).
           | GoMonad wrote:
           | FIDO/WebAuthn has been designed to be first factor
           | authentication (passwordless) as well as 2FA.
           | Though, I agree lost and stolen devices are a problem whose
           | solution space needs more exploring than simply multiple auth
           | devices.
             | bfulgham wrote:
             | This is, of course, an active thread of discussion in the
             | WebAuthentication working group.
       | zaroth wrote:
       | Apple is considering this to be multi-factor authentication all
       | in one click, the something you have (the phone) and the
       | something you are (FaceID or TouchID). For the site perspective,
       | if you ask for attestation then you will have cryptographic
       | evidence of this. No more SMS 2FA!
       | Apple is promising to do something extra with their attestation
       | process which they call "Apple Anonymous Attestation" to mitigate
       | the issue where attestation allows tracking the same device
       | across different websites even if they are using different
       | usernames. Not included in the current release, but "coming
       | soon".
       | The process of enrolling an authenticator is presented as a "one
       | and done" event, but of course the devil is in the details.
       | Shared accounts would need multiple authenticators, and what
       | happens when you upgrade your phone or lose your phone? I guess
       | this gets handled like a password reset. You probably will want
       | users to be able to add/remove authenticators, which means also
       | having to name them.
       | The enrollment process in this video highlights the upgrade path
       | from a password login to a FaceID/TouchID login, but doesn't give
       | us the UI flow of a new login. It seems like sites would need to
       | implement a standard registration page and then perhaps swap out
       | the password field with a Next button which would prompt for the
       | FaceID/TouchID enrollment. Makes me wonder how does this compete
       | with or tie into the 'Signin with Apple' if a site wants to offer
       | one-click registration?
       | Will my Mac and iOS devices automatically and securely sync the
       | private keys between their respective Secure Enclaves so that I
       | can signin from any of my devices after enrolling on just one?
       | Lastly, how about the case when returning to a site where the
       | user is on their enrolled device, but there isn't a cookie
       | present. It looks like the site can detect that the device
       | supports Webauthn, but I'm not sure if it can automatically
       | detect that the device already has an account enrolled with the
       | site?
       | The call to 'credentials.get' includes the 'credentialIdBuffer'
       | which is a value provided by the platform authenticator and saved
       | during registration. But in the video they make it sound like
       | 'credentialIdBuffer' is actually optional? It's not even clear to
       | me in the official WebAuthn spec [1] if this value is required,
       | or if the authenticator will just use the RP domain to present
       | the user a list of available credentials? Ultimately I'm
       | wondering if a user without a cookie will still have to type in
       | their username before the site can prompt them for FaceID/TouchID
       | authentication.
       | [1] - https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#dom-
       | publickeycredentialreque...
       | EGreg wrote:
       | Just to state the obvious...
       | Biometric data must always stay on your personal device in order
       | to be secure from replay attacks, not to mention finding out more
       | about you.
       | https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/04/smile-to-pay-c...
       | Of course, in Apple's implementation, the data never leaves the
       | device. Which is far better than, say, how facial recognition is
       | used in China for payment where the merchant is the one operating
       | the machine which scans your face.
         | marinhero wrote:
         | The video mentions the data never leaves the device and that
         | the transaction is performed in the secure enclave of the
         | phone.
       | aarongray wrote:
       | A fingerprint can be a personal password or it can be a
       | government ID, but it can't be both. Since the U.S. government
       | already has something like 200 million fingerprints on file, and
       | many foreign governments collect fingerprints whenever you
       | travel, these fingerprints are sometimes leaked en masse (https:/
       | /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Personnel_Management...), and
       | because they can never be changed, biometrics aren't my personal
       | choice for a secure method of authentication.
         | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
         | But I think you missed the point about the second factor,
         | because there are really 2 factors here:
         | 1. Something you have (e.g. your phone, in this case the Secure
         | Enclave that stores the private key).
         | 2. Something you 'know', e.g. your fingerprint.
         | Just having the fingerprint itself is not sufficient.
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | So roughly speaking this is WebAuthn for a web site, with the
       | iphone acting as the dongle.
       | It's a really good idea. I can see there being a big demand for
       | just simplifying signin - I can easily see a time where it is
       | worth not having the hassle of managing multiple signin processes
       | and just choosing webauth or nothing.
       | Edit: to be clear this won't affect B2C sites whose monetisation
       | is based on getting as many people as possible. But imagine a
       | saas business charging upwards of 100 bucks a month - they have
       | something valuable to protect, and the security story just got a
       | lot easier
         | masklinn wrote:
         | Is it webauthn or is it once again proprietary tech?
           | sirn wrote:
           | The video explicitly mentioned it is WebAuthn Platform
           | Authenticator (1:54)[1].
           | [1]: https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#platform-authenticators
           | monocasa wrote:
           | It's webauthn from what I can see.
         | BillinghamJ wrote:
         | It'd be really nice to see this working with iCloud Keychain at
         | some point too - so you can have FIDO working as a secure
         | platform thing but with syncing and dealing with the problem of
         | effectively losing your keys over time etc
           | lstamour wrote:
           | WebAuthn is generally about device authentication with
           | credentials that can't leave the device, though that could
           | change depending on where and how the hardware gets/stores
           | it's tokens. Or if you rely on a third-party, like Apple, to
           | store the tokens for you and use OAuth with an mfa indicator
           | in the attestation?
           | General advice: If worried about losing a device, try to
           | register more than one. Even iCloud Keychain requires other
           | hardware for authentication... same problem applies.
           | Only way out is having a backup like taking ID to an Apple
           | Store as a way to regain access... that varies right now by
           | provider, but who knows. Maybe Login with Apple will go
           | WebAuthn-compatible in future? (Haven't watched this video
           | yet.)
           | If you're an enterprise and worried about key authenticity or
           | varying WebAuthN standards, you can look for specific types
           | of keys or even request specific serial numbers of FIDO2
           | dongles from the web browser, etc.
             | BillinghamJ wrote:
             | Not really a problem for me - I keep a set of six CTAP2
             | keys registered on everything with careful labelling etc.
             | But for normal people, we do need to get more of the
             | balance into the usability side I think. The thing with
             | iCloud Keychain is it can comfortably be recovered without
             | breaking the end-to-end encryption with only a single
             | remaining device, and many Apple users have as many as 3-4
             | devices in the circle of trust
             | It seems ideally some kind of "roaming platform" additional
             | option would be good in the webauthn standard
               | lstamour wrote:
               | I agree, but it sounds like we're trying to get the web
               | browser to simplify and implement OAuth2 and OpenID
               | Connect via WebAuthn ... If we already have OpenID
               | Connect, the only advantage to end users under that
               | scenario is a login-with-Apple ease-of-use improvement.
               | Seems more likely that we'll continue using OAuth2 and
               | OIDC server side for this, for now... but maybe we'll end
               | up standardizing the ways MFA is requested and presented
               | by providers...
         | monocasa wrote:
         | Webauthn actually fully supports this model as "platform
         | authenticators", ie hardware security modules built into the
         | client system. You see this on the windows side too where
         | "Windows Hello" integrates with the TPM and acts as a platform
         | authenticator as well.
         | No need to speak roughly.
           | judge2020 wrote:
           | * you don't need the TPM for Windows Hello to act as your
           | security key. I can't enable BitLocker because there's no TPM
           | yet I have Hello enrolled as a key for GH.
           | tialaramex wrote:
           | Yup. A site can even say "I want a platform authenticator" or
           | "I specifically don't want a platform authenticator" during
           | registration using the Javascript API.
           | Most sites should just not care, but it's an option if you've
           | determined there's a specific reason it matters in your
           | application.
         | philsnow wrote:
         | ios/macos already let you copy/paste between them if you have
         | bluetooth enabled on both sides and are signed in the same
         | icloud account on both. I wonder if they're planning to let me
         | authenticate/webauthn on macos using my phone as a platform
         | authenticator?
         | mc32 wrote:
         | Does this mean integration with SaaS IDPs?
         | the_gipsy wrote:
         | FYI, fingerprint for WebAuthn already worked on Android, I
         | tried it with my pixel phone.
       | thowawaymom wrote:
       | Oh the almighty Secure Enclave, bow down to the Enclave...
       | I see so many comments mentioning Secure Enclave to any security
       | objection as if it's a panacea. Do you even know what the heck an
       | enclave is and how does it work? It's nuts that when a figure of
       | authority uses a fancy shiny new word to describe some magic
       | black box and the masses follow with no questions asked.
         | ThePowerOfFuet wrote:
         | PDF page 8:
         | https://manuals.info.apple.com/MANUALS/1000/MA1902/en_US/app...
         | derefr wrote:
         | > Do you even know what the heck an enclave is and how does it
         | work?
         | It's a isolated smart-card-like KMS core within the SoC, that
         | has most smart-card guarantees (e.g. no side-channel attacks;
         | tamper-resistance.)
         | acdha wrote:
         | Please don't spam the same comment
           | thowawaymom wrote:
           | I literally mentioned it one other time as a reply to a
           | comment, that's hardly spam (the m stands for mass, fyi)
         | monocasa wrote:
         | They've been fairly open about how it works, and since then the
         | binaries have been disassembled and backed up what they were
         | saying.
         | It's a pretty modified L4 (I want to say L4::Pistachio off the
         | top of my head) that for some reason has had Mach-O support
         | added and pretty much just acts as a keystore with a secure but
         | upgradable boot sequence.
         | acdha wrote:
         | You may not know what it is but it's been well documented for
         | years detailing what it is, what it's used for, and the built-
         | in tamper-resistance features:
         | https://support.apple.com/guide/security/secure-enclave-over...
         | https://www.apple.com/lae/business/docs/site/iOS_Security_Gu...
       | LockAndLol wrote:
       | The last I read, if you wanted security then Face ID and Touch ID
       | definitely weren't the way to go. I'd rather see Apple pick up
       | something like SQRL[0] than continue down this path of pseudo-
       | security. They work, but it's like having a half-blind doorman
       | who can't tell if you're wearing a mask or if it's your real
       | face.
       | 0: https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm
         | jmull wrote:
         | > The last I read, if you wanted security then Face ID and
         | Touch ID definitely weren't the way to go.
         | Sounds vague and overly general. I don't think anyone can take
         | this seriously without some more information.
           | LockAndLol wrote:
           | You are but a duck-search away
           | Face ID defeated with glasses and tape
           | https://appleinsider.com/articles/19/08/08/face-id-
           | security-...
           | Touch ID defeated by lifted fingerprints
           | 2013: https://arstechnica.com/information-
           | technology/2013/09/defea...
           | 2016: https://appleinsider.com/articles/13/09/22/apples-
           | touch-id-a...
           | 2019: https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2019/11/02/sma
           | rtpho...
           | Biometric "security" on phones is a gimmick.
       | _jal wrote:
       | Going to have to give serious thought to where I will and won't
       | use this.
       | There are a lot of implications - no ability to automate and
       | giving others data on you were provably in front of some machine
       | are two big ones.
         | duskwuff wrote:
         | That's a really interesting point. If this really does allow a
         | web user to prove that a human interacted with the computer,
         | it'd make for a really nice CAPTCHA replacement.
           | jiveturkey wrote:
           | it doesn't do that, since there's no attestation.
             | bfulgham wrote:
             | Yes there is. The video covers this clearly.
             | Tepix wrote:
             | Did you watch the video?
               | jiveturkey wrote:
               | where he says it is "not included"? (because the Apple
               | secure enclave does not attest keys.)
               | also where he falsely alludes to other attestations being
               | identifying? sure, they can be, but they generally
               | aren't.
         | thephyber wrote:
         | From the server side, isn't this just a WebAuth integration?
         | How does the server know for sure if the client is on an iOS
         | Safari browser on an iPhone with FaceID or a custom browser on
         | any OS and any non-locked-down hardware being run with
         | Selenium?
           | jacobr1 wrote:
           | The question is more along the lines of: does this provide
           | more security than passwords for real users?
           | Stealing a password is probably more easily done than
           | stealing a private key that is never transmitted. The primary
           | threat model is protecting the credentials of real users
           | rather than protecting against fraudulent users (though some
           | considerations have been made for that too).
             | thephyber wrote:
             | While what you say is true, it doesn't seem relevant to
             | this thread.
           | blintz wrote:
           | Attestation. If a website requests it, the device will
           | provide cryptographic proof that you used a specific vendor's
           | device to store the resident credential. The proof is a
           | certificate signed with a vendor's secret attestation key.
             | Siira wrote:
             | Can't the key get stolen if it's on the client?
               | amluto wrote:
               | Yes, but it's probably stored in the Secure Enclave, so
               | it'll be hard work.
               | bfulgham wrote:
               | Correct. The key material is stored in the Secure
               | Enclave.
             | [deleted]
         | 0xCMP wrote:
         | It won't be the only sign in method unless the point is to only
         | allow _that specific device_ to connect.
       (page generated 2020-06-24 23:00 UTC)