[HN Gopher] Show HN: Aviary.sh - A tiny Bash alternative to Ansible
       Show HN: Aviary.sh - A tiny Bash alternative to Ansible
       Author : dxchester
       Score  : 178 points
       Date   : 2020-06-25 17:26 UTC (5 hours ago)
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       | nyxtom wrote:
       | Nice, I plan on using this
       | dheera wrote:
       | > Install from the command line, on a box to be managed by
       | aviary.sh:
       | It would be even cooler if I didn't need to do anything to do the
       | box besides install openssh-server. I should be able to:
       | $ sudo apt-get install aviary         $ aviary install my_server
       | # a fresh ubuntu 18.04 install
       | and everything else should just be magic from there.
       | freedomben wrote:
       | Really neat. I still need to evaluate it more, but this is the
       | kind of thing I've looking for for small infrastucture that isn't
       | likely to grow (like home services or small office, etc).
       | ansible wrote:
       | I do something sort of similar, also using git to maintain the
       | inventory of what to run on what machine.
       | In my case, I'm using docker-compose.yml files for each machine,
       | and then running:                 docker-compose pull
       | docker-compose up -d
       | We initially wanted to use Watchtower, but it didn't work well
       | for us.
         | xomodo wrote:
         | Try docker contexts: https://www.docker.com/blog/how-to-deploy-
         | on-remote-docker-h...
           | darkteflon wrote:
           | This is a great feature, introduced in Feb this year. It
           | addressees a substantial pain point with docker-compose.
           | Thanks for pointing this out.
             | ptrincr wrote:
             | Indeed this does look very useful.
             | I had a quick glance over this, but for contexts which are
             | defined as remote ssh hosts, I couldn't see where the
             | images are obtained. Are they being built remotely on the
             | host, or are they being downloaded from your local machine
             | over a tunnel or via a docker registry?
         | yonixw wrote:
         | Nitpicking: Why pull separately? it will pull if no image
         | stored locally or even if the `docker-compose.yml` changed.
           | randallsquared wrote:
           | Two reasons I've done this in my own Makefiles: predictable
           | start times, and separation of failure-prone steps.
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | Stale images can be a reason. If I specify `image:
           | foo:latest`, then push new versions, it won't automatically
           | pull new versions unless you do an explicit pull.
       | Hackbraten wrote:
       | I've been waiting for a tool like this.
         | dxchester wrote:
         | Here you go! Yeah, I've used a bunch of CM tools over the
         | years, and it always seems like you're learning a DSL of one
         | sort or another, just to have it translate into the bash that
         | you already know.
           | cloin wrote:
           | YAML is a standard for so many different tools now that I
           | don't think it's really considered a DSL.
           | cloin wrote:
           | And don't get me wrong, I love bash. I automated my first job
           | using bash. But relying on bash just relegates aviary to a
           | certain job description and thus just low value, domain
           | specific tasks. Seems like a neat way for a linux admin to
           | run a homelab, but not something that's easily adopted for
           | larger teams working across OS, network platforms or
           | integrating with external services.
       | mothsonasloth wrote:
       | Currently I do a fresh install of Ubuntu every time I do new work
       | (every 6months). Normally I spend about 6 hours getting my
       | machine configured up (installing softwarem configuring my
       | terminal, etc)
       | Will Aviary be able to solve this?
         | whycombagator wrote:
         | Maybe you have an involved set up and already do these things,
         | but surely you could just write a bash script that installs all
         | the software you need and store it with your dotfiles.
         | After a new Ubuntu install you can just pull down your dotfiles
         | and run your install script. Aside from some things like ssh
         | keys, gnome tweaks, etc. - this approach would likely get you
         | 90% of the way to set up and would take ~15 mins.
         | Arriving at this set up would take a little bit of time, and
         | require periodic maintenance, but given a weekend you could
         | have it set up and tested.
         | Here[0] is an interesting way to store dot files.
         | [0] https://www.anand-iyer.com/blog/2018/a-simpler-way-to-
         | manage...
       | simonw wrote:
       | This looks really promising. I've been wanting a very lightweight
       | solution for this which runs on a single host (no need for
       | another host just to run the scripts) and pulls its configuration
       | from a GitHub repository periodically.
       | I ended up writing my own - and hating that I had to do that -
       | because I couldn't figure out how to use any of the existing
       | options. Their documentation all seems to assume multiple hosts
       | and a separate machine that you run the scripts on.
       | "Each host periodically fetches the latest version of the
       | inventory to see what roles should it be performing" - that's
       | exactly what I want.
         | VWWHFSfQ wrote:
         | Sounds like you're looking for ansible-pull
         | miked85 wrote:
         | > which runs on a single host (no need for another host just to
         | run the scripts)
         | This isn't a limitation of Ansible, you can run playbooks
         | against localhost.
           | zhengyi13 wrote:
           | True, but I think OP's point at least in part was that an
           | awful lot of the tutorials out there start with the
           | assumption that the audience are sysads and SREs who want to
           | manage a fleet.
       | tony wrote:
       | If you like this - Fabric is awesome.
       | https://www.fabfile.org/
       | Use python over SSH. Super fast to begin, if you can ssh into the
       | server, you can run the equivalent of shell commands (subprocess
       | calls in python) remotely. With python, you can abstract and
       | reuse, with the scriptability of bash, but higher level niceties
       | of the language, libraries and toolchain (linting, formatting,
       | autocompletion, imports).
       | Can it pull the latest version of your app, build it on your
       | server? Yep. Restart daemons? Update libraries (npm, python,
       | etc)? Update system packages? All work fine.
       | Can it configure a vanilla server from scratch? Yes, it's helpful
       | to bring in a higher level reusable library like
       | https://github.com/fabtools/fabtools helps with that.
       | When does it hit limitations? More complex orchestration where
       | you have multiple servers (and variations of them) with
       | configuration to talk to each other over networks. Eventually you
       | get to the kind of setup where having a tool like Ansible / Salt
       | / Puppet / etc. makes sense.
       | For a basic PHP/python/ruby/node site that's just running on a
       | single cloud server? A declarative config manager would be
       | overkill for me.
         | darkteflon wrote:
         | What's the status of the fabtools project? It supports up to
         | Ubuntu 14.04 (as in, 2014) and has very little commit activity.
         | Without fabtools, fabric operates at a much lower level of
         | abstraction than Ansible.
         | linuxftw wrote:
         | > Use python over SSH. Super fast to begin, if you can ssh into
         | the server, you can run the equivalent of shell commands
         | (subprocess calls in python) remotely.
         | This literally describes ansible. In fact, ansible one-ups this
         | because you can specify raw commands if python is not installed
         | remotely [1].
         | Ansible provides lots of modules, you don't have to use any of
         | them. I have plenty of 1-off ansible playbooks that I don't
         | care about idempotency that are just a bunch of 'cmd'
         | statements. It's a very flexible tool.
         | 1:
         | https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/raw_module.h...
           | maxmalysh wrote:
           | Not really. Ansible is a complex DSL based on YAML. Fabric is
           | really simple and uses real Python.
         | strig wrote:
         | I really hate that fabric got rid of roles in the new version.
         | I want to be able to still do "fab task -R prod".
           | maxmalysh wrote:
           | Try fab-classic:
           | https://github.com/ploxiln/fab-classic
           | We decided that migrating to Fabric 2.0 doesn't worth it.
       | q3k wrote:
       | > bash is just fine (yes, it is)
       | No, it's not. It's 2020, we need to stop it with the stringly-
       | typed, footgun-filled madness that is bash scripting. We deserve
       | better than this.
       | Unless I'm missing something, this README example already
       | contains a bug:                   template $(dirname
       | $0)/motd.template > /etc/motd
       | This will fail if the script path contains a space.
         | dastx wrote:
         | Can't say anything about this tool, but compared to ansible,
         | bash is mostly fine. In my opinion ansible is a (and pardon my
         | language) clusterf __* of a tool compared to the alternatives.
         | Certainly, if bash had the likes of inventories, roles and
         | other features to make maintenance and reuse easier, I 'd
         | choose that over ansible.
           | p_l wrote:
           | Ansible is writing bash scripts in YAML, templates using
           | system that doesn't grok YAML and causes parsing errors due
           | to whitespace, interpreted by schizophrenic Python that might
           | be 2 or it might be 3.
           | ... I guess pure bash might be better.
             | pnutjam wrote:
             | you can run pure bash from ansible, either by copying a
             | script or using the shell module: examples: both with sudo
             | ansible all -m shell -a "hostname" -b
             | ansible all -m script -a "script=/home/user/myscript.sh" -b
             | I love to throw together a quick inventory list and run
             | adhoc ansible commands against a bunch of servers.
         | forty wrote:
         | With bash at least I don't have to read the documentation each
         | time I want to create a file or anything else...
         | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
         | Yes it is.
         | If you have two type systems and you don't want them to
         | interact, gluing them together with stringly typed bash is a
         | good way to keep their scope small. As a user interacting with
         | multiple programs by different authors, that's a very common
         | use case.
         | Giving your type systems boundaries is a good idea. The
         | alternative tends towards one-type-system-to-rule-them-all, an
         | idea that Russell thoroughly explored in the early 1900's,
         | Godel proved to be unmaintainable in the 30's, and that
         | everybody except the Java and C# crowd has since abandoned as a
         | dead end.
           | woah wrote:
           | It is a pretty sloppy and archaic language. We need an
           | updated version that keeps the string typing and inline
           | execution of external binaries, but has modern syntax, plus a
           | few more conveniences and guardrails.
             | __MatrixMan__ wrote:
             | I was only taking issue with the objection to string
             | typing. I totally agree that the rest of bash requires a
             | bit of stockholm syndrome to love.
             | I haven't yet taken the time to play with it but I'm hoping
             | www.oilshell.org addresses some of the warts.
         | _jal wrote:
         | > No, it's not.
         | Then come up with something better.
         | It will need the same or better ease-of-use for non-
         | programmers, should function as a shell (so that their everyday
         | use also teaches them scripting), with the same flexibility
         | that lets people who don't care about typing or other fancy
         | programmer stuff and just need to get work done.
         | If your first instinct is to say "python", you don't understand
         | the problem.
           | benbristow wrote:
           | A Python script is (generally) easier to read, easier to
           | write, easier to modify/maintain, easier to debug and easier
           | to test.
           | Bash programming is not easy and full of loads of gotchas.
           | Useful for running multiple commands but when you start to
           | need to do programming things like
           | conditionals/loops/variables then using an actual programming
           | language makes more sense.
           | linuxftw wrote:
           | While I agree with the sentiment that bash is not the
           | solution for an ansible-like thing, I also agree with what
           | you're saying.
           | I consider myself an accomplished system engineer and
           | software developer. I use bash all the time. Not writing bash
           | scripts is like saying not to use the terminal, it's just
           | cacophony.
           | q3k wrote:
           | You are misunderstanding or misrepresenting what I said. If
           | it wasn't obvious, I meant that bash scripting is not okay
           | _for this sort of complex work/projects_.
             | _jal wrote:
             | I fail how to see how I could be doing either.
             | "[W]e need to stop it with the stringly-typed, footgun-
             | filled madness that is bash scripting" is pretty
             | categorical.
             | scrooched_moose wrote:
             | On paper I agree with you, but that has not been our
             | experience in practice.
             | Bash "just works" with some very well understood
             | limitations. Every one of these "better" solutions
             | introduces 10x the complexity with 10x the limitations
             | (always undocumented).
             | After spending dozens of hours configuring them thanks to
             | terrible documentation, generally taking multiple support
             | tickets (if there's anyone to talk to at all), we get it
             | working. Then, after using it for a period of time, they
             | fall flat on their face in far worse ways than bash.
             | Granted I'm only managing hundreds of servers, not
             | thousands or more, but more often than not a
             | for i in {000..199}; do ssh machine$i "some command"; done
             | is more reliable, with better error handling, than all of
             | the other solutions.
             | Edit: As long as linux/unix maintains the "everything is a
             | (plaintext) file" approach, I have trouble picturing a
             | better solution than text/string based interface like Bash.
             | You can build more front-end complexity on top of it, but
             | you're always going to end up back in the same place.
               | notyourday wrote:
               | > Granted I'm only managing hundreds of servers, not
               | thousands or more, but more often than not a
               | > for i in {000..199}; do ssh machine$i "some command";
               | done is more reliable, with better error handling, than
               | all of the other solutions.
               | This is absolutely not the case:
               | From the top of my head: there is a network error that
               | hits while running this against 5% of machines. What is
               | the state of those servers?
               | If one is managing more than a few machines, one should
               | absolutely use something like Puppet/Ansible/Salt/Chef
               | with a repo to ensure that nothing is ever lost.
             | rejatak wrote:
             | Hello
         | 0x8BADF00D wrote:
         | > No, it's not. It's 2020, we need to stop it with the
         | stringly-typed, footgun-filled madness that is bash scripting.
         | Ansible is written in Python. You could make the same argument.
           | sk0g wrote:
           | How? Python has an actual type system. A programming language
           | that does strings for everything would be, for example, PHP.
             | 0x8BADF00D wrote:
             | Python has dynamic typing, which can be equally dangerous.
             | In fact I'd argue it's more dangerous. You will not throw
             | errors until runtime, which will literally blow up in your
             | face.
               | pizza234 wrote:
               | > which can be equally dangerous
               | Bash is weakly typed, which is a different concept than
               | dynamic typing.
               | Dynamically typed languages prevent bugs that weakly
               | typed languages don't, so from this point of view, the
               | latter are unambiguously "more dangerous" than the
               | former.
               | 0x8BADF00D wrote:
               | A dynamic type system is an incremental improvement over
               | a weakly typed type system, and still will not guard
               | against runtime errors. They are equally dangerous w.r.t
               | runtime errors.
               | ironmagma wrote:
               | So does Bash, though.
               | sk0g wrote:
               | And Bash does not support static typing at all, unlike
               | Python. Not sure what their argument even is.
               | 0x8BADF00D wrote:
               | Right, but Python gives you the illusion of safety. And
               | the person I was replying to was trying to dismiss this
               | interesting Ansible alternative because it was written in
               | a language he doesn't like.
               | ironmagma wrote:
               | Python with type annotations can actually be pretty safe.
               | There are also typechecked Python variants being
               | developed. At any rate, I'd say the defect rate in Bash
               | is incredibly higher than it is in Python, and 90% of
               | that is due to unquoted string expansion. Try putting
               | spaces in your paths and you'll quickly see how 75% of
               | the Unix stack breaks.
               | sk0g wrote:
               | It gives you the option to use static typing, if you so
               | desire.
               | I'm not sure how not having a type system is safer than
               | having a type system. What makes it feel more dangerous?
         | ufo wrote:
         | I don't really mind the string typing of Bash. Shell commands,
         | their arguments, and their outputs are all strings anyway so it
         | makes sense to give special treatment for strings.
         | That said, features such as word-splitting are terrible
         | footguns that only exist because of the burden of backwards
         | compatibility. Hackernews, what other languages do you suggest
         | as Bash replacements that doesn't have as many opportunities to
         | shoot yourself on the foot?
         | This is an area that I never found something I truly liked. A
         | lot of people suggest Python for this kind of task but when I
         | have a small script that is mostly doing pipelines and command
         | substitutions with "$()" then the python version with
         | subprocess is much more verbose.
           | acemarke wrote:
           | There's a wonderful library called `plumbum` [0] that lets
           | you execute external binaries and capture output using Bash-
           | like piping syntax, while preserving all the goodness of
           | Python's syntax and flow control. Highly recommended.
           | [0] https://plumbum.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
         | ThePhysicist wrote:
         | Ha, Ansible parses and 'executes' YAML files using Python, but
         | not before passing them (repeatedly?) through a template
         | library (Jinja2) originally designed to produce HTML pages.
         | They even came up with a way to write for loops in YAML... What
         | I'm trying to say is that sometimes great software is written
         | using (in some people's opinion) terrible technology. Not
         | everything needs to be written in idiomatic Haskell or Rust.
         | Personally I have to say that I started writing more bash
         | scripts again recently, I even wrote one that interfaces with
         | the GPIO ports on a Raspberry Pi. Works like a charm, is
         | concise and (I find) also quite readable:
         | https://gist.github.com/adewes/7a4c20a5a7379e19d78ba54521d3d...
         | But then again I'm also a person who enjoys Perl, so maybe it
         | is time for me to be banished to a lonely island :D
           | lux wrote:
           | Perl was great for encouraging that kind of thinking with the
           | old motto "there's more than one way to do it". I'm glad I
           | started with Perl because it's helped me think about
           | solutions I may have otherwise dismissed.
           | Bash is far from perfect, but it's readily available at many
           | people's fingertips, and it gets you to some solutions really
           | fast. This is cool.
             | [deleted]
           | the_mitsuhiko wrote:
           | > originally designed to produce HTML pages
           | Jinja2 can produce HTML pages, but it was never exclusively
           | designed for that. In fact one of the earliest uses of Jinja2
           | was generating LaTeX.
             | ThePhysicist wrote:
             | I stand corrected, didn't know that!
         | [deleted]
         | montroser wrote:
         | I think you are forgetting that serious operators do not have
         | spaces in their paths.
           | hk__2 wrote:
           | *People who are used to work with bad tools don't have spaces
           | in their paths.
             | tenebrisalietum wrote:
             | "C:\Documents and Settings" still hurts after all these
             | years.
               | linuxftw wrote:
               | "C:\Program Files(x86)". Who ok'd that?
               | oblio wrote:
               | It's a design decision and a good one, at that. Forcing 1
               | million developers to handle spaces properly while they
               | spend 1 billion hours developing their software is
               | preferable to 1 billion regular users having to remember
               | to not use space, a perfectly good separator, in their 1
               | billion billions hours of usage of said software.
               | GrinningFool wrote:
               | I haven't looked in a while, but last I checked you could
               | also still get to it via C:\PROGRA~1? (This was years
               | ago, that might have been 'fixed'?)
               | joombaga wrote:
               | These are called 8.3 filenames. They're a filesystem
               | feature. They're still created by default in Windows 10
               | on NTFS, but can be disabled or stripped using `fsutil`.
               | einarin wrote:
               | Speculation, but I suspect that Microsoft explicitly put
               | both user data and programs in paths with long filenames
               | and spaces to help force software to support those
               | things. That always seemed like a good thing to me, it's
               | ridiculous that we still have software that breaks on
               | paths with spaces.
               | jedieaston wrote:
               | It still hurts today, because Microsoft puts a space
               | between your first and last name in your profile if you
               | are using a local account but not for a domain account,
               | which causes all kinds of weird issues if you ever have
               | to use cmd.exe...
             | jdxcode wrote:
             | _cough_ make _cough_
           | ironmagma wrote:
           | That's just objectively false.
           | jdxcode wrote:
           | "Serious operators" never want to put their files into iCloud
           | Drive? They must be using butterflies then
           | https://xkcd.com/378/
             | paulchap wrote:
             | "Serious operators" probably use a cloud storage solution
             | that supports WebDAV/FTP/SFTP, like box.com or Google Drive
             | - "real operators", on the other hand, have a self-hosted
             | solution (-; And IMHO relying on iCloud for essential data
             | storage probably isn't a good idea.
               | jdxcode wrote:
               | I find iCloud much better than Google Cloud and I'm
               | pretty sure I qualify as a "serious/real operator" any
               | way you want to call it. I have no time or interest in
               | hosting a custom solution. And I _certainly_ have no need
               | for FTP.
               | But even if I wasn't experienced, quit this gatekeeping
               | crap. Let people use the tools that work for them. It
               | does not in any way reflect on how "serious/real" they
               | are.
               | paulchap wrote:
               | > "Serious operators" probably use a cloud storage
               | solution that supports WebDAV/FTP/SFTP, like box.com or
               | Google Drive - "real operators", on the other hand, have
               | a self-hosted solution (-;
               | I didn't mean to discredit you for using iCloud - if it
               | came across that way, I apologize. My original comment
               | was meant to be tongue in cheek. I've got to admit that
               | I'm a bit gob-smacked by your reaction... After all, my
               | comment was similar in structure to yours. I even quote
               | unquoted the terms, and the "real operator" part was a
               | reference to the editor war xkcd you mentioned. Taking
               | your post literally, I could accuse you of doing the same
               | thing by assuming that real operators were Mac users. And
               | I'm sure there are many use cases where hosting your own
               | cloud storage would be absurd. But, re-reading my
               | comment, it didn't read like a flame war instigating
               | piece of propaganda "Calling all real sysops to arms
               | against the user threat. Grab your cattle prod, fellow
               | comrades, and crank up the voltage!"
               | > And IMHO relying on iCloud for essential data storage
               | probably isn't a good idea.
               | I don't condone gatekeeping (although, to be perfectly
               | honest, I don't see how my comment could be interpreted
               | as elitist. It's not like the learning curve for GDrive
               | or any other solution with a better cross platform
               | support is _that_ high), but I don't see a reason why I
               | shouldn't voice my opinion on a tool, even if responding
               | to something obviously meant as a joke. Of course you're
               | free to use iCloud. Personally, I wouldn't feel
               | comfortable with the thought of my critical data being
               | stored on a platform that, historically, hasn't always
               | been known for being extremely stable. Maybe I'm just
               | biased. If you feel comfortable using it, then use it. I
               | won't stand in your way.
               | jdxcode wrote:
               | I genuinely apologize as I think I misunderstood. Of
               | course I'm fine with a bit of jokes about tech but I
               | think I didn't catch any intended sarcasm in your comment
               | --in fact I think I took the direct opposite intention.
               | I'm admittedly sensitive to gatekeeping. I do think it's
               | one of the biggest reasons the tech industry is the
               | monoculture it is.
               | Anyhow, I appreciate you clarifying and hope I didn't
               | offend too much.
               | paulchap wrote:
               | No problem. The subtleties of human speech don't carry
               | over to text very well ;-)
               | pnutjam wrote:
               | rsync or btrfsync for the win
           | teddyh wrote:
           | On the contrary, serious operators write programs to handle
           | spaces in the paths.
         | tempodox wrote:
         | When I open `av` in vim, shellcheck spits out 167 warnings.
         | This is not written robustly.
           | xyzzy_plugh wrote:
           | FWIW shellcheck complains about many false positives.
             | gravitas wrote:
             | But in this case, their code is comparing strings to ints
             | like on line 126:                   while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]];
             | do
             | Spot checking code for basic bash mistakes like this tends
             | to tell me the quality of the code overall, as these are
             | basic mistakes. $0.02
               | abathur wrote:
               | Is this actually a shellcheck error? It just evaluates to
               | the integer number of arguments in $@, so I doubt it is
               | (and I doubt it matters whether it's quoted? unless
               | there's a bash back-compat issue here?)
               | dougwbrunton wrote:
               | Is there a bug in the command line parsing there? I can't
               | see it.
               | hk__2 wrote:
               | If $# is a number, aren't "$#" and $# exactly the same in
               | Bash? Enclosing things in double quotes doesn't change
               | their type, since everything is already treated as a
               | string.
               | https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Double
               | -Qu...
               | gravitas wrote:
               | While the other reply to you is correct, the actual
               | answer to your question is No -- bash interprets leading
               | 0s (zeros) in the C sense, it indicates octal not
               | decimal. So this very small bash will fail for you:
               | X="08"         if [[ "$X" -eq 8 ]]; then           echo Y
               | fi
               | Use `bash -x` to run it in debug mode:
               | $ bash -x test.sh          + X=08         + [[ 08 -eq 8
               | ]]         test.sh: line 2: [[: 08: value too great for
               | base (error token is "08")
               | This comes into play if you're dealing with things like
               | IPv4 address, where it is _technically_ allowable to have
               | leading zeros, however by convention it 's never done
               | because of code traps which see those leading zeros as
               | octal mode, not decimal.
               | pizza234 wrote:
               | It's true, but you're semantically overloading the
               | variable syntax (by hinting that it's treated as string).
               | Plus, left and single operands, in bash conditions, don't
               | require quoting, so a lean style is actually not to use
               | them at all.
             | pizza234 wrote:
             | Do you refer to shellcheck in general or in this specific
             | case?
             | I do a non-trivial amount of shell scripting, and there is
             | only one warning I disable in shellcheck on a general basis
             | (SC2016).
             | The author of this script clearly doesn't like quoting
             | where the underlying value is guaranteed not to include
             | special characters (or space), although this is somewhat
             | inconsistent with the fact that he's using quotes in
             | several patterns where it's not needed (eg. left or single
             | operands in bash conditionals, or in variables
             | initialization).
             | On can consider always quoting a defensive practice. In a
             | fragile language like Bash, I personally think defensive
             | practices are very important, so the first impression I get
             | from a Bash program not adopting them is "not great".
       | markstos wrote:
       | I'm all for trying simpler approaches and have written some
       | tooling in bash myself, but at this point Python is pre-installed
       | on many servers like bash is, a large benefit of Ansible is the
       | VAST number of modules already written for Ansible.
       | Imagine if this grew to support all of Ansibles features and
       | modules, but did so in bash.
       |  _shudders_
       | arminiusreturns wrote:
       | Now this is something I can get behind! Very cool work. I think
       | bash gets a bit of a bad rap and it's very popular to bandwagon
       | hate on it, but it's one of my favorite tools ever.
       | drinchev wrote:
       | > Installation
       | > curl https://aviary.sh/install | sudo bash
       | I would really try to avoid this, especially when it's targeted
       | for sysadmins ( I guess DevOps nowadays ).
       | What's the big deal of having this instead :
       | > $ wget
       | https://gitlab.com/dchester/aviary.sh/-/archive/1.3.2/aviary...
       | > ./aviary-install.sh
         | nerdponx wrote:
         | Better still:                   wget
         | https://gitlab.com/dchester/aviary.sh/-/archive/1.3.2/aviary-
         | install.sh         less aviary-install.sh         ./aviary-
         | install.sh
         | _frkl wrote:
         | I like having the option, tbh. I usually self host the install
         | scripts, which removes most of the potential issues.
       | efrecon wrote:
       | I have been working lately on something a bit similar, but in
       | pure POSIX sh. It's called primer,
       | https://github.com/efrecon/primer, has no agent, cannot work on
       | remote host but supports amalgamation for easy remote
       | installation and operation. Primer is very much docker oriented
       | in the sense that it seeks to automate the installation of all
       | tools before a docker project, then supposes you run docker-
       | compose for the rest of your projects, or orchestrate in any
       | other way.
       | easterncalculus wrote:
       | Very nice! Ansible can be a little heavyweight for some of the
       | things that me and a lot of people do. I'll definitely be taking
       | a look at this.
       | salasrod wrote:
       | > But it's too funky you say. Well, yes, bash can have its
       | quirks. But we need some funk every now and then. Let's just
       | embrace it!
       | My god, no, stop. Funkyness in production equals outages.
         | ironmagma wrote:
         | As bad as Ruby is, it's still better than Bash and you can do
         | all the same effortless execution of random commands in your
         | script like you would in bash. If one can't be bothered to
         | write it in a real language like Rust or even Python, you could
         | at least do Ruby.
           | cortesoft wrote:
           | What makes python more of a real language than ruby?
             | ironmagma wrote:
             | It's more mainstream for tools like this.
               | rad_gruchalski wrote:
               | Please explain. Have you heard of chef? That is ruby and
               | it can be beautiful. Chef > Ansible. Chef server is meh.
               | ironmagma wrote:
               | The point wasn't that Python is better than Ruby, they
               | are about the same IMO. The point was they are both
               | better than Bash, and Ruby actually makes it super
               | convenient to write bash-like scripts, so there's no
               | excuse to not be using Ruby.
               | e12e wrote:
               | Eh.. Puppet? [ed: and chef..]
               | ironmagma wrote:
               | Python and Ruby are both functionally equivalent in my
               | book. The difference is prevalence; for systems tools,
               | Python is more common because it comes installed by
               | default with more Linux distros and in my experience
               | anyways, is faster to respond to breaking upstream issues
               | and build failures, which is almost certainly just due to
               | more widespread usage. I have nothing against Ruby, it's
               | a pretty language and does what you need and has good
               | metaprogramming support. Just saying for a tool you want
               | lots of people to adopt, it's more mainstream to choose
               | Python.
           | easygenes wrote:
           | Ruby has fallen by the wayside in recent years largely
           | because its lunch has been eaten by Python and JavaScript,
           | but mostly by happenstance, not as a result of the merits of
           | the language itself. Ruby has comparable speed and arguably
           | more robust niceties for building complex software vs.
           | Python. See, e.g., https://leanpub.com/combinators
           | https://computationbook.com/
           | https://www.toptal.com/ruby/ruby-metaprogramming-cooler-
           | than...
         | logie17 wrote:
         | I'm not sure how bash is considered funky, it's nearly first
         | class on all boxes. Nice thing about this tool you just use
         | `script` type out your commands, copy it your modules and your
         | done.
       | nodesocket wrote:
       | Typically I use Packer + Terraform and it works generally well
       | (if you going with the immutable servers philosophy). However,
       | often times immutable servers is hard to actually do in practice.
       | If Hashicorp added a new product similar to Ansible / Aviary.sh /
       | Fabric I think it would complete the entire DevOps loop under a
       | single ecosystem.
         | llama052 wrote:
         | You can hook ansible roles into your Packer process pretty
         | easily. That's what I do at least.
         | raffraffraff wrote:
         | If you're sticking with hashicorp tools and use consul, then
         | something like consul-template should work. Your packer builds
         | would just have to copy consul-template configs and template
         | files for the things you want to manage. Each template watches
         | the consul kv store for matching keys, and rewrites the target
         | config file using their values. You can instantly rewrite
         | configs and execute follow up actions across your fleet by
         | updating a consul key value.
           | nodesocket wrote:
           | Agree Consul is an elegant solution for managing files, what
           | about running commands?
             | moondev wrote:
             | cloud-init?
       | ahnick wrote:
       | If you need a simple way to inject secrets into your aviary
       | variables you may find encpass.sh
       | (https://github.com/plyint/encpass.sh) a convenient choice.
         | logie17 wrote:
         | That's a pretty cool project. It also is written in bash as
         | well!
       | trynewideas wrote:
       | it requires an agent, so it's a tiny Bash alternative to Puppet,
       | but that doesn't sound remotely as cool
         | stevekemp wrote:
         | I mentioned it above already, but I've been experimenting with
         | an agentless puppet-lite:
         | https://github.com/skx/marionette/
         | Early days, but the primitives are enough to do useful things
         | on my own systems..
       | ggregoire wrote:
       | Ansible is agentless tho. That's a pretty big difference.
         | gjulianm wrote:
         | Yeah, it was the thing that made me choose it instead of other
         | alternatives. I manage machines in heterogeneous client
         | networks without direct Internet access most of the time and
         | agents for managing infrastructure are not useful at all.
       | xbryanx wrote:
       | I'm not sure if I am understanding this (aviary.sh) correctly,
       | but it looks like this requires an agent to run on the configured
       | hosts.
       | One of the things that I love about Ansible's model is that we
       | never need an agent on the host. Once you configure something
       | with Ansible, there's no artifact of the configuration left on
       | the machine.
         | pampa wrote:
         | That is not entirely true. Ansible needs python installed on
         | the target host, and a lot of modules (plugins?) require
         | additional python libraries on the target.
           | soco wrote:
           | It doesn't need any python. Ansible opens a regular ssh
           | session and can run anything from it - including python if
           | available.
             | dfinninger wrote:
             | Only with the "raw" module... which is what you use to
             | ensure Python is installed on a machine managed by Ansible.
           | cloin wrote:
           | If python is considered an agent, isn't bash now an agent?
           | divbzero wrote:
           | The av agent that GP refers to is a script that runs
           | periodically on target hosts to _pull_ the latest
           | configuration using Git. Ansible has a Python dependency but
           | no agent running on target hosts, instead relying on SSH to
           | _push_ configuration changes.
           | Ideally, I'd like to see a configuration tool that uses
           | Ansible's SSH _push_ model but without the Python dependency.
           | pnutjam wrote:
           | you can use the "raw" module without python.
         | thr0w3345 wrote:
         | The agent approach is mostly ok, it tends however to suffer
         | when you have more than a few hundred machines (I've found,
         | anyway) that your ansible code rots a bit. Say for that one
         | server, you know the one, the weird etl thing bi uses, was run
         | once and during a prod problem you suddenly have to start
         | fixing the ansible code to rebuild it.
         | With an agent, it's applying all the time and this doesn't
         | happen.
         | We actually moved to salt from ansible and we're happy..
         | pnutjam wrote:
         | Ansible does create a bunch of temp files. I've even had issues
         | where my ansible barfed because my uid changed and the old temp
         | files couldn't be accessed anymore.
       | stevekemp wrote:
       | I've been working on a localhost-only system for automation
       | myself, inspired by puppet but with far fewer modules:
       | https://github.com/skx/marionette/
       | As of this week it can now pull down docker-images from dockhub,
       | which was something I'd been needing to rebuild my own systems.
       | Early days, and it is as much proof-of-concept as anything else,
       | but it seems robust and reliable in my own use.
       | Of course I need to add "written in go" to advertise properly!
         | ahnick wrote:
         | Does this save time in writing your own personal automation or
         | make that personal automation less error prone? How would you
         | compare it to just writing your own bash scripts or using
         | something like Bashible (https://github.com/mig1984/bashible)?
         | dastx wrote:
         | On first glance this looks awesome. Certainly will be better
         | than the bunch of scripts I've written to provision my laptops.
           | stevekemp wrote:
           | Fingers crossed it will work for you, and others!
           | It replaces a simpler alternative I wrote in the past which
           | used ssh/scp to upload files and run commands:
           | https://github.com/skx/deployr
           | Right now I have a git-repository containing per-host config.
           | So I can run something like this via cron:
           | cd /srv/config/$(hostname --fqdn)/          marionette
           | main.in
           | I should document that, and the inclusion-facility
           | explicitly. But otherwise feel free to file bug-
           | reports/feature-requests if you have ideas for modules that
           | would be useful.
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | I think there is an Genuine Enterprise Need explosion at certain
       | scales. It is not box ticking exercises or empire building but
       | sometime after (my guess) 1,000 units of _anything_ (users,
       | servers, customers, whatever) you start finding that  "simple as
       | possible" does not help that much anymore. LDAP support becomes
       | useful and so on.
       | Maybe, I hope maybe, it's not a real portal that we pass through,
       | but it does seem so.
       | MINIMAN10000 wrote:
       | Unfortunately all I could think of was "that sounds cool but I'd
       | want to stick to dash instead of bash"
       | Also didn't realize it wasn't agentless which is pretty critical
       | imo
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | > Unfortunately all I could think of was "that sounds cool but
         | I'd want to stick to dash instead of bash"
         | Well, POSIX sh, ideally. That way you get free portability to
         | ~everything; it's not a great burden to install bash or dash on
         | ex. NetBSD or AIX, but sh is as close to universally
         | preinstalled as you're going to get.
         | > Also didn't realize it wasn't agentless which is pretty
         | critical imo
         | Ouch, yeah that outright disqualifies it for me.
       | t0astbread wrote:
       | This looks really effective! I do something similar to keep track
       | of what's on my workstations: I just have one large idempotent
       | shell script to set up all the software I use. To help myself not
       | loose track of updating it I have a little helper script to
       | detect packages that aren't tracked in the config. I've recently
       | thought about breaking it up into smaller "module-style" scripts.
       | Maybe this could be a good fit (with minor adoptions)!
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