[HN Gopher] Guide to Linux System Calls (2016)
       Guide to Linux System Calls (2016)
       Author : crunchbang123
       Score  : 98 points
       Date   : 2020-06-28 11:56 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.packagecloud.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.packagecloud.io)
       | loopz wrote:
       | I guess not many actually need to call linux kernel system calls
       | directly bypassing proper measures, but how many fondly remembers
       | int 21h?
         | jeffreygoesto wrote:
         | _raising hand_ Plus of course int13 for BIOS...
         | stevekemp wrote:
         | I fondly remember INT 21h, and reading the 40Hex magazine along
         | with Ralph Brown's interrupt list.
         | I was recently working on generating some assembly language
         | output and I added the ability to generate a breakpoint at the
         | start of my executable.
         | It took me an embarassingly long time to realize that the
         | reason my executables were crashing, not dropping into the
         | debugger, was that "INT3" was assembled differently than "INT
         | 03h" - I knew I needed 0x03, and I knew it was the one-byte
         | form of the instruction (0xCC) rather than (0xCD 0xNN), to ease
         | patching, but .. yeah.
       | saagarjha wrote:
       | > Calling system calls by crafting your own assembly is generally
       | a bad idea as the ABI may break underneath you.
       | syscall should have a stable ABI at the very least, because this
       | would otherwise break all statically linked code.
         | kyberias wrote:
         | Yes, that doesn't make much sense. Linux syscall interface is
         | stable whether or not you use glibc or not.
         | josephcsible wrote:
         | Yep, that's wrong. There's no way Linus would ever let such a
         | change get merged.
         | ufo wrote:
         | That is true for Linux but might not be true for other
         | operating systems though.
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | It is absolutely not true on many (most?) operating systems;
           | Linux is actually an outlier, and we mostly forget that it's
           | the odd one out because it's so popular. Off the top of my
           | head, I believe both NT and Solaris define libc as the stable
           | interface that userspace uses; I don't recall exactly what
           | the BSDs do, but I suspect that they at least _strongly
           | encourage_ using libc and not trying to talk to the kernel
           | yourself (IIRC OpenBSD does this because some of their
           | security measures are managed by libc). Go has hit this a few
           | times because they don 't want to depend on libc if they can
           | avoid it, but on a lot of systems they really can't avoid it.
           | Ah, here we go: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36435
           | > Upcoming changes to the OpenBSD kernel will prevent system
           | calls from being made unless they are coming from libc.so
           | (with some exceptions, for example, a static binary). There
           | are also likely to be changes to the APIs used for system
           | calls. As such, the Go runtime (and other packages) need to
           | stop using direct syscalls, rather calling into libc
           | functions instead (as has always been done for Solaris and
           | now also for macOS).
           | (and the "with some exceptions" is why I say "strongly
           | encouraged")
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Only UNIX based OSes use libc as part of the stable
             | interface, which on UNIXes case actually means ISO C +
             | POSIX.
             | On non-POSIX OSes like NT and plenty of others, libc is
             | part of whatever compiler one decides to use and as such
             | not part of any OS interface as such.
             | On NT the stable OS APIs are provided via the OS
             | personalities, meaning OS/2 (dead now), the old POSIX one
             | (also dead and replaced by WSL), and Win32 (actually User,
             | Kernel, GDI as the main ones), which as of Windows 8 and
             | MinWin refactoring is split into redirection dlls know as
             | API sets, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
             | us/windows/win32/apiindex/wind....
             | Which is why on code that never intends to be portable, you
             | will see calls like ZeroMemory instead of memset.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | Oh, interesting; I'd assumed that NT was just using libc
               | as its stable ABI, but on further reading it looks more
               | like ntdll.dll (probably just for that personality?).
               | Similar concept, slightly different place. Still, my
               | point was that under the "Windows" personalities, you
               | talk to a library, never directly to the kernel.
               | EDIT: Found https://web.archive.org/web/20121224002314/ht
               | tp://netcode.cz... which if I'm reading right indicates
               | that ntdll is indeed the bottom-layer library that's
               | allowed to actually talk to the kernel.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Yes, ntdll is the lowest level, but you aren't supposed
               | to use it directly, and if you do, well no one is going
               | to help when a patch Tuesday or something like that
               | breaks the application.
               | The personality DLLs are the applications entry point
               | with the kernel.
               | monocasa wrote:
               | Most of ntdll.dll is officially sanctioned at this point.
               | It's officially documented, and obviously plays into the
               | backwards compat choices they make.
               | ChrisSD wrote:
               | Sort of. Many NT functions are officially documented. But
               | they're also officially documented as unstable. They
               | probably won't break many of the oldest functions but
               | they reserve the right to do so at some point.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | macOS, in some sense a BSD (at least nominally), would like
             | you to not make system calls yourself as well. Actually,
             | not linking against libc has a number of hilarious
             | consequences, one of which is that you bypass the platform
             | sandbox because apparently the engineers thought it
             | couldn't be possible to write a program without it :P
               | khrbtxyz wrote:
               | Is there an example somewhere on how to link without libc
               | and make my own syscalls? I tried this a while ago (can't
               | remember which version of macOS it was), fiddling with
               | Csu, nasm etc. but couldn't quite figure it out.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | -static -nostdlib, and make sure you have an entry point
               | set.
               | [deleted]
           | kyberias wrote:
           | The article is specifically about _Linux_ system calls.
       | krackers wrote:
       | If you're interested in more detail:
       | https://0xax.gitbooks.io/linux-insides/content/SysCall/linux...
       (page generated 2020-06-28 23:00 UTC)