[HN Gopher] Godot 4.0 gets SDF based real-time global illumination
       Godot 4.0 gets SDF based real-time global illumination
       Author : stephdin
       Score  : 315 points
       Date   : 2020-06-28 14:29 UTC (8 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (godotengine.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (godotengine.org)
       | leetrout wrote:
       | > Tim Sweeney and Epic Games for their confidence in helping us
       | finance our research via Epic Megagrant.
       | That's interesting. Since this is all open source I guess Epic
       | could potentially benefit from this... It's nice to see they
       | funded another engine.
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | From a business perspective, Unreal doesn't really do 2D as per
         | se (Whereas Godot is very simple to use) so improving Godot
         | keeps people away from other tools like Unity which do have
         | features that compete with Unreal.
           | ngold wrote:
           | As a unity developer I'm drooling at godot. I can't wait to
           | jump ship to open source. Don't get me wrong unity is great,
           | but godot is super compelling.
             | capableweb wrote:
             | I'm someone who isn't at all knowledgeable about game
             | development nor its industry, so forgive my ignorance, but
             | what are you waiting for specifically?
               | darkteflon wrote:
               | Yes, why are you waiting for Godot?
               | Sorry, I'll get my coat.
               | colejohnson66 wrote:
               | One thing many of the big players do that Godot doesn't
               | is require telling the user they used that engine. If you
               | use Unity, you need to show the Unity splash screen
               | unless you pay the big bucks; Godot requires none of
               | that.
               | capableweb wrote:
               | So why would someone wait for that feature before
               | changing to Godot if that's already a feature?
               | adanto6840 wrote:
               | For Unity, the "big bucks" is $35/seat/month -- that gets
               | you the ability to make a build without a splash screen &
               | without showing any Unity logos, etc.
               | For small shops (ie low or no revenue), you only need to
               | pay that when you're ready to actually ship/make a build.
               | Note that the costs are higher if you're revenue is huge,
               | it goes up to like >$100/seat/month or similar IIRC, I
               | think that kicks in if you're in the 7-figures of annual
               | revenue.
               | It's not free, and it _can_ get expensive -- but you have
               | to do the math on what you get, how much each will cost
               | you monetarily  & in time / opportunity cost, etc. IMO
               | Unreal looks pretty compelling, and if they had C#
               | support we'd jump to it in a heartbeat; I really don't
               | want to write C++ on a day-to-day basis. If Godot keeps
               | it up, then it may be the answer, in another 18 months or
               | so -- but probably not wholly a commercially viable
               | option _quite_ yet, especially for mid-to-small shops.
             | RMPR wrote:
             | There's one thing that make me reluctant to use Godot
             | though and it's GDScript.
             | Edit: Seems like it's not a problem anymore, can't wait to
             | try again.
               | shmerl wrote:
               | Doesn't Godot allow binding with multiple languages? You
               | can even use Rust for that instead of GDScript.
               | krapp wrote:
               | The problem is few of those bindings are mature, nor can
               | they be expected to remain up to date. I don't know of
               | any games in Godot using anything but GDScript or C#.
               | This will probably change in the future (I hope it does,
               | and I really wish Godot just used WASM internally so any
               | language that already compiled to it would work) but as
               | of now it seems there's no point to using anything but
               | GDScript or C#.
               | shmerl wrote:
               | You mean bindings aren't stable and require reworking all
               | the time?
               | CraftThatBlock wrote:
               | There's C# and C++ support, with third-party bindings to
               | other languages (Rust, Python, etc)
               | glaberficken wrote:
               | GDScript is very "python like", never feels like a
               | hurdle.
             | mrfusion wrote:
             | Tell me more.
             | jbellis wrote:
             | You're not wrong, gdscript is pretty awful. It's only
             | python-like for someone who's never used python. No list
             | comprehensions, no tuples (which means no destructuring in
             | assignment or function parameters), no first class
             | functions, etc. It's like Python 1.x circa 1999, only
             | worse.
           | shmerl wrote:
           | Godot will get to the point of competing with Unreal, no
           | doubt about it. Especially since Epic do a poor job at making
           | Vulkan renderer in Unreal work well, and Godot invested in
           | Vulkan all the way.
         | nazgulsenpai wrote:
         | I may be naive but I think the coder in Sweeny likes to see
         | what Godot is doing, and the skeptic in me thinks that Sweeny
         | knows Godot would only ever really eat at Unity's marketshare.
           | sbarre wrote:
           | I don't think there's anything naive about this take..
           | Why wouldn't a company like Epic, who is the dominant market
           | player by far, put some funding into smaller open source
           | research projects like this? Godot is no threat to them, and
           | quite the contrary brings positive contributions to the whole
           | industry.
           | Not only is it good PR, but as they say a rising tide lifts
           | all boats.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Because Unreal doesn't scale down like Unity does, by
             | improving Godot, they reduce Unity's attractiveness to the
             | small coding communities.
             | PavleMiha wrote:
             | Not sure what market you mean, Unity has a larger
             | marketshare. Can't find a good source for numbers but a lot
             | of places are quoting that Unity has 48% of the total
             | market and Unreal has 13%. Also not sure how this is being
             | measured, but in my experience Unity is more popular.
               | seelion wrote:
               | Numbers are misleading here. I don't have any stats but I
               | think Unreal games make more money.
               | barbecue_sauce wrote:
               | But the market here is game developers, not people who
               | buy the games that developers make.
               | philipov wrote:
               | I think the metric Epic would be interested in would be
               | the amount of royalties they would collect, so it would
               | include the number of developers scaled by the financial
               | success of their games. The financial success of the
               | developers whose market share you capture matters a lot.
               | Godot is more likely to be used by people whose games
               | wouldn't earn enough to cross the threshold where they
               | would owe money to Epic had they used UnrealEngine, so
               | keeping them away from Unity makes a lot of sense.
               | colejohnson66 wrote:
               | Somewhat true. While it doesn't matter to the end user
               | what engine is used if it looks and runs the same, it
               | does if one engine can't compete in polish. And I don't
               | know about you, but I _hate_ splash screens that just say
               | (for example) "built with Unity". (Yes, splash screens
               | hide loading, but as a user, I don't care what engine you
               | used)
               | SahAssar wrote:
               | Measured by number of games that might be true, but
               | measured by players I'd wager it's not.
         | ktrl wrote:
         | Godot is more likely to eat Unity's cake than Unreal Engine's
         | cake.
         | Unity is currently the dominating engine among mobile games and
         | 2D games.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | And if it is to believe their numbers, the large majority of
           | Switch games as well.
         | echelon wrote:
         | Why would Epic put money into an open source competitor?
         | I could see funding open source that is complementary or,
         | perhaps better, something your competitor makes money on. But
         | this?
         | I was looking into Unreal for my next project, but Godot looks
         | amazing. And they won't take a cut of my profits. It might do
         | everything I need.
           | chii wrote:
           | epic's biggest competitor is unity. Godot competes more with
           | unity than unreal engine, and therefore, it's a strategic
           | attack on unity.
           | imtringued wrote:
           | Unless you are selling millions of copies I don't think Epic
           | Games would care what engine you are using for your indie
           | game.
         | dr_zoidberg wrote:
         | Well, in the same paragraph it goes on to say:
         | > ...and Tim Sweeney and Epic Games for their confidence in
         | helping us finance our research via Epic Megagrant. This new
         | technique was developed entirely in the open and implemented
         | under MIT license, so anyone can take it for using in their own
         | engines and games.
         | So there you go. Whatever Godot devs do, it's MIT and anyone
         | can take. Epic gets an agile engine/team to do the research,
         | and once a viable implementation exists they can analyze it and
         | see it it's implementable within UE, should they want to.
         | Of course, I write this without knowing if Unreal Engine has
         | SDF Global Illumination. Maybe they already have it, but wanted
         | to finance a new alternative to compare against their own.
           | CyberDildonics wrote:
           | In general the unreal engine has had voxel based global
           | illumination for a long time and in fact was where it entered
           | the mainstream. It added signed distance field stuff a few
           | years ago as well.
         | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
         | An engine like UE which has decades and decades of work does
         | not care about what a small engine like Godot does.
         | The grant is more about avoiding monopoly claims, getting good
         | PR and attacking Unity.
       | [deleted]
       | arifmeticus wrote:
       | Is it possible to make a game that makes use of this new lighting
       | system at high graphical settings and regresses to something
       | simpler for low end computers?
       | adanto6840 wrote:
       | I get why Epic probably funds this, and I love to think how great
       | Godot could be in another year or so (and how they could surpass
       | Unity, etc). What I _don 't_ really understand, though: Why
       | wouldn't Unity just implement this now, too?!
       | It's open-source & MIT-licensed; if it's better than Unity's GI
       | -- and it _IS_ better, because Unity does not currently have
       | _ANY_ realtime-GI solution in their latest versions (they stopped
       | licensing Enlighten for current /2020.x+ versions) -- so why
       | wouldn't Unity just implement this, too?
       | There's nothing that appears to be stopping them from doing so,
       | other than pride perhaps; part of me really, really hope that
       | they'll do exactly that, though I've yet to dive into the code to
       | see how viable it may or may not be given Unity's current SRP
       | situation(s).
         | DizzyDoo wrote:
         | Surely the current SRP situation is exactly the reason. It's a
         | bit of a mess right now with many basic features missing, like
         | the absence of Ambient Occlusion out-of-the-box with URP.
       | anigbrowl wrote:
       | Re-upping this blog post (sadly overlooked when first posted to
       | HN) which asks the reasonable question 'why not just use Godot
       | for general-purpose applications?'
       | https://medium.com/swlh/what-makes-godot-engine-great-for-ad...
         | codegladiator wrote:
         | Yes please I have always wondered why is this not a thing
           | krapp wrote:
           | Because of Electron.
           | blargmaster33 wrote:
           | WPF already exist.
           | jayd16 wrote:
           | I can't read the linked article without logging in but in my
           | experience its not ideal for several reasons.
           | Game engines are designed around game loops executing code
           | every frame and not around power efficient layout caching.
           | Orthrographic hierarchies are how UIs are usually laid out
           | and its a mild pain to move to a system that's depth sorted,
           | with custom shaders etc. You can do more but you need to
           | think about more and its harder for the UI system to know
           | what parts of the screen can be redrawn. Games usually just
           | draw it all every frame.
           | Specifically for a game engines, they usually don't do things
           | like OS integration for accessibility, subpixel font
           | rendering, that sort of thing. In theory they could but
           | usually game engines seem to roll their own system for this.
         | Jasper_ wrote:
         | There's a lot of functionality that a general purpose UI
         | library has that Godot will likely never approach, like support
         | for input methods in text editing.
         | Productive applications require _extremely_ robust text
         | editing, something that game engines don 't spend a lot of time
         | with. Stuff like selection, text input for non-English
         | keyboards, IME popups, that sort of thing. Even RTL text
         | display is usually minimally unsupported.
         | I also don't know of any game engine that supports multi-window
         | display in any coherent way.
           | divingdragon wrote:
           | IME do have some uses for games, like for in-game text chat.
           | I think it is reasonable to ask for at least some IME input
           | capabilities in a game engine UI library. It is a must if one
           | wants to make a multiplayer game targeting CJK markets.
           | alfalfasprout wrote:
           | Godot is open source. There's nothing stopping people from
           | adding this functionality.
             | Jasper_ wrote:
             | I'd argue multi-window would require a substantial redesign
             | of the graphics layer, so much that the maintainers would
             | be uninterested in supporting it, and consider it out of
             | scope.
             | I can imagine IME support being integrated, but a giant
             | pain, due to the wide variety of APIs across platforms, the
             | fundamental disconnect in how text input is done in games
             | vs. elsewhere, not to mention the "Linux wars": will you
             | support ibus or fcitx?
             | So it requires someone to step up and do the work, and
             | don't be fooled: it's a _lot_ of work.
               | ForLoveOfCats wrote:
               | Godot 4.0 recently acquired multiple window support for
               | the editor (which is built with Godot's UI and rendering
               | system) and APIs for applying it to your own games
           | robertely wrote:
           | The Godot editor has a pretty good IDE. It's not VScode/Atom
           | levels of functionality but it's improving steadily.
           | Looking at the github issues they seem to have made a lot of
           | progress with non-English inputs. Again, not perfect but
           | improving.
           | Godot 4 is adding multi window support. I would hesitate to
           | judge it until it stabilizes but there's some hope there. It
           | looks good from what we have seen so far.
           | The rate this engine is improving is incredible, i'm finding
           | a lot of reasons to be optimistic.
             | benologist wrote:
             | The parent poster is referring to accessibility of the
             | applications produced with Godot, not the accessibility of
             | the IDE. Edit: it's not .NET it's C++.
               | cdash wrote:
               | I don't understand, the IDE for Godot is created with
               | Godot.
           | cdash wrote:
           | So you think that the Godot IDE which allows code editing
           | will not support robust text editing? I don't know how robust
           | it is currently but there is no reason why it wouldn't
           | possibly support that in the future.
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | It's interesting. Can you easily deploy a Godot ui to the web?
           | worble wrote:
           | It supports web as an export target, although there are some
           | limitations:
           | """
           | Unimplemented functionality
           | The following functionality is currently unavailable on the
           | HTML5 platform:
           | - Threads
           | - GDNative
           | - C#
           | - Clipboard synchronization between engine and operating
           | system
           | - Networking other than HTTPClient and WebSocketClient
           | """
           | https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting_started/workf.
           | ..
             | Lerc wrote:
             | Much of these are not limitations of the export but of the
             | platform. Web workers don't rise to the functionality of
             | threads (wasm will surely grow decent thread support one
             | day)
             | GDNative by definition is for native.
             | My game using C# exports to web fine, So that's working.
             | Still a fairly huge download for a web game though, not
             | really any worse than the Unity ones though.
         | ttgo wrote:
         | We often hear saying game engines redraw every frame so it is
         | not appropriate for UIs.
         | In Godot, you can set an option to redraw only when something
         | change like in UI libs (for e.g Godot Editor use this option)
         | However , I think one main aspect missing from UI libs is
         | damage tracking (=redraw only the part of the screen that
         | changed and tell the compositor to also only redraw that part).
         | In terms of architecture, Godot is all I want. I wish I could
         | build general purpose apps with it. Everything is a node & just
         | simple trees. Abstraction of everything you need over all
         | platforms. GDNative let you access everything from any
         | language.
         | I really wish I could build everything with Godot. I enjoy it
         | so much more than web dev or android dev even for UI
           | krapp wrote:
           | >I wish I could build general purpose apps with it.
           | Why can't you?
           | I mentioned this in the previous thread about this, people
           | build general purpose apps in Unity all the time. And Godot's
           | own UI is a Godot application. There may be some edge cases
           | where it doesn't work, but considering the current standard
           | for native applications is to wrap webapps in individual
           | Chrome instances, I can't see Godot being subpar.
         | cercatrova wrote:
         | You can. This is exactly what Flutter does, as I've commented
         | on that thread you refer to on HN. It uses the Skia renderer
         | that is like a 2d game engine to draw all the elements on the
         | screen. They've had to reimplement everything though, like text
         | fields and accessibility, so perhaps this is why it's not done
         | more often.
           | The_rationalist wrote:
           | Any electron app is also a skia app and writing an app with
           | skia only is needlessly too low level.
         | dang wrote:
         | I'll put https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23308303 in the
         | pool for inviting a repost.
       | mrfusion wrote:
       | So if I wanted to make a simple 2d game, should I go with godot,
       | pygame, or a JavaScript game engine?
         | mrlala wrote:
         | Asking the same question myself right now.. I was playing
         | around with Gamemaker Studio yesterday and it seemed ok at
         | first for something simple, but suddenly realized just how
         | stupidly simple it is.. seems like it will be a pain to have
         | any real control and do anything even a little bit complicated.
           | Trasmatta wrote:
           | Yeah, I've heard stories from a number of gamedevs who have
           | said that using Gamemaker for anything other than non trivial
           | projects can get really difficult and messy really fast.
           | Godot is a much more robust engine, while still being pretty
           | beginner friendly.
         | krapp wrote:
         | Godot.
         | The sprite, tilemap and animation blending functionality alone
         | are worth it, just grit your teeth and put up with gdscript
         | (edit - or use C#). And it exports to the web anyway.
           | tomtheelder wrote:
           | You don't have to use GDScript, C# support is very strong at
           | this point.
             | krapp wrote:
             | Fair point.
             | Unfortunately for me anyway, I'm using the Steam version
             | which doesn't support C#.
               | mrlala wrote:
               | Why can't you just download Godot yourself
               | https://godotengine.org/download/windows and grab the
               | 64-bit mono c# version?
               | krapp wrote:
               | I can, I just like using Steam to manage it. I'll
               | probably change in the future, though.
         | IggleSniggle wrote:
         | If it's _really_ simple and you want a community of like-minded
         | individuals, PICO-8 and similar are super fun:
         | https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
         | Definitely more for hobbyist projects, it shares lots of the
         | features that got me into programming in general.
         | Features:
         | - the .png image aka "cartridge" also contains all the code to
         | run the game.
         | - built-in tools for editing code, music, sound, sprites, maps
         | - community of shared games where all the assets of the game
         | are immediately editable by the players. A game hacker's
         | platform.
         | That last point can't be overstated. Hear some music you like
         | in a game? You can modify the score and add it to your game.
         | Playing a game but somethings not quite right? You might be
         | able to do the necessary edits with your game controller. Want
         | to "cheat" your way past that last boss? Edit the boss.
         | It's the sweet spot between playing games and making.
         | The more serious answer is that it heavily depends on your
         | skills, the goals of your game, and your constraints. Knowing
         | nothing about any of those, Godot seems like the clear winner.
       | cdbattags wrote:
       | Now someone please ELI5 how this compares to the algorithm Unreal
       | Engine employs?
       | Fraterkes wrote:
       | This looks really cool and impressive of course, but I still feel
       | the easiest way for most indies (which Godot is aimed at) to
       | stand out is to get away from photo-realism.
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | Outside of photorealism, realistic lighting can really help
         | immerse people in the world.
         | Look at the quake RTX demo, there's something different about
         | it compared to even a modern game with the approximated
         | lighting.
         | partyboat1586 wrote:
         | Good lighting can make simple stylized shapes and colours look
         | better.
         | m12k wrote:
         | Global illumination is orthogonal to photo realism. In fact, GI
         | and lighting in general can help indies get away with
         | untextured and/or low-poly models and still achieve a pleasant
         | look (check out The Witness or Superhot for some examples.
           | mortenjorck wrote:
           | Exactly. There are many aspects to photorealism, and any
           | subset of them can yield interesting, stylized effects. The
           | Witness is a great example of stylized textures and geometry
           | + hyper-realistic lighting; nothing else looks quite like it.
           | kgwxd wrote:
           | Superhot is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!
         | sbarre wrote:
         | Most 3D games that aren't photo-realistic still need semi-
         | realistic lighting to look good..
         | brundolf wrote:
         | It's possible to have photo-realistic lighting without photo-
         | realistic art. For example see the Link's Awakening remake:
         | https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/assets/editorial/2019/...
         | Even the Final Fantasy 7 Remake arguably doesn't have a
         | photorealistic style. Everything is very exaggerated and it has
         | a distinctive art style despite using very physical rendering
       | gh123man wrote:
       | This is super interesting. The first video on the page sheds some
       | light on how this actually works. It seems like they convert the
       | scene into shapes that can be represented via SDF's and smooth
       | min (https://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/smin/smin.htm) them
       | to blend into an approximation of the actual scene. While also
       | capturing some general texture color data to apply and blend into
       | the shapes. I assume the shader ray marches the scene to compute
       | the lighting reflections and bounces. I am curious how the
       | probes/nodes come into play and how they extract the light data
       | from the shader output to apply it to the scene geometry (is it
       | simply added in screen space?) I would be very interested in
       | reading more detail on how this is actually implemented!
         | wetmore wrote:
         | Probably related to
         | http://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://dl.acm.org...
           | wetmore wrote:
           | In video form: https://youtu.be/FkVlF5OzLcM
         | oconnor663 wrote:
         | > sheds some light
         | hellofunk wrote:
         | They explicitly say in the article that it does not involve ray
         | racing, of which ray marching is a subset.
           | klodolph wrote:
           | It's possible that "it does not require ray tracing" means
           | that it does not require extensions like RTX. Perhaps it uses
           | voxel cone tracing, which you may say is technically not ray
           | tracing, but if you called it ray tracing you wouldn't
           | exactly be _wrong_ either.
             | gh123man wrote:
             | This was my interpretation. If you want to get technical,
             | Ray tracing != path tracing != ray marching. However people
             | often use them interchangeably.
             | Rusky wrote:
             | The article contrasts this approach with voxel cone
             | tracing, so it's not that either.
               | dcanelhas wrote:
               | I would call it Sphere Tracing since that's what it's
               | called in "Hart, John, C; Sphere Tracing: A Geometric
               | Method for the Antialiased Ray Tracing of Implicit
               | Surfaces; The Visual Computer-1995"
           | Jasper_ wrote:
           | It ray-marches the SDF when integrating them into the probes.
           | You can see that here: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/b
           | lob/481151be09108a3000...
         | Jasper_ wrote:
         | SDFs are computed on the GPU using a jump flood algorithm (
         | https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~tants/jfa/i3d06.pdf ) from a
         | series of voxels, storing color at each point.
         | From this, a regular grid of probes are placed and integrated
         | using the data from the SDF, using ray-marching. Material
         | shading reads from the probes.
           | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-06-28 23:00 UTC)