[HN Gopher] Facebook changes algorithm to boost original reporting
       Facebook changes algorithm to boost original reporting
       Author : jbegley
       Score  : 55 points
       Date   : 2020-06-30 13:23 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.axios.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.axios.com)
       | tumetab1 wrote:
       | It seems these days opaque machine learning models means
       | transparency.
       | I would prefer they would say that they're down grading their
       | preference for user engagement, and time on platform, for what
       | the trained model says it's original reporting.
       | r721 wrote:
       | >In conjunction with those changes, Facebook will also begin to
       | down-rank news in its algorithm that doesn't have bylines, or
       | present information about the company's editorial staff on the
       | publishers' website.
       | Will they down-rank The Economist, I wonder? :)
         | mc32 wrote:
         | I imagine they can whitelist known trustworthy entities that
         | follow some modicum of rules.
       | mgraczyk wrote:
       | This is the actual press release. Shame on axios for not linking
       | to it.
       | https://about.fb.com/news/2020/06/prioritizing-original-news...
         | djohnston wrote:
         | is this irony?
       | caiobegotti wrote:
       | This is a critical bit that won't address the problem worldwide:
       |  _For now, the tech giant is focusing on stories in English. It
       | hopes to expand to other languages in the future._
         | chillacy wrote:
         | It's pretty typical for companies to start with English and
         | expand from there. Siri had a similar arc, now it supports
         | 20ish and continues to grow.
       | rmrk wrote:
       | "it will use artificial intelligence to analyze groups of
       | articles on a particular story topic and identify the ones most
       | often cited as the original source."
       | and
       | "Facebook will also begin to down-rank news in its algorithm that
       | doesn't have bylines, or present information about the company's
       | editorial staff on the publishers' website."
       | Okay those are the new requirements for content mills and fake
       | propaganda outlets. How long before they adapt?
       | Actually vetting reporters, reportage and news outlets is really
       | hard for a team of smart humans editors to do. Even the premiere
       | organizations like the NYT and Washington Post with their armies
       | of editors has failed at this from time to time. Algorithms are
       | not ready for this task yet.
         | chillacy wrote:
         | > Google said last year that it adjusted its algorithms and the
         | guidelines used by the people that rate its search results to
         | elevate original reporting.
         | Have we seen these adaptations yet? It's been half a year since
         | Google announced their intentions too.
         | mgraczyk wrote:
         | The ranking algorithm does not do the vetting. The algorithm
         | just chooses how to weight the vetting outcome to rank the
         | content.
         | ksk wrote:
         | Fair point, but its likely very hard if not impossible to
         | create AI algorithms for automatic/guided content
         | curation/classification without deploying them in a real-world
         | use-case.
           | rmrk wrote:
           | For me this is the crux of the issue with The Platforms
           | giving rise to "fake news".
           | We as a society have decided that rampant mis-information and
           | propaganda is only worth solving if we can automate it. If we
           | actually have to pay real people real money to fix it on an
           | ongoing basis, that's just too expensive.
           | Sure there are problems having Humans doing this work too,
           | but they are still way ahead of AI in this problem space.
           | How long do we wait for automated solutions while these
           | problems impose real costs to society?
             | luckylion wrote:
             | I have doubts that you can do it without heavy automation.
             | Sure, eventually some human can decide whether something is
             | "factual-ish" or not. But producing content is much easier
             | and can be automated, so the attackers can flood the
             | system.
             | If you want humans involved, you end up with a gate keeper,
             | which essentially means "unless you're an accredited media
             | organization, your content is considered fake", because you
             | can't vet individual pieces.
               | rmrk wrote:
               | I agree with you. It'd take a huge company with tons of
               | resources at its disposal to do something like this if
               | it's possible at all. But if anyone could hire and train
               | the army necessary to do it, it'd be google or facebook.
               | (Apple already does it. Apple News is edited by real
               | apple-employed humans but its far smaller in scope).
               | I think real solutions are gonna require us to break out
               | of our tech-focused approaches and find ways to get
               | Google, Facebook, Twitter to really start to care about
               | fixing this stuff. Unfortunately I think that means it'll
               | have to start costing them.
         | rhizome wrote:
         | > _" it will use artificial intelligence to analyze groups of
         | articles on a particular story topic and identify the ones most
         | often cited as the original source."_
         | Great idea, they should give it a snappy name, maybe something
         | that rhymes with "stage tank." Of course this does nothing WRT
         | organizations that tend not to cite earlier reportage when it
         | originates outside of the company.
         | > _How long before they adapt?_
         | Why, that would require creating a staff of fake names, so in a
         | lot of cases it'll probably be completed sometime around close
         | of business today. Maybe the end of the week.
           | basch wrote:
           | Deduping blogspam and re-reporting of AP/Reuters, and using
           | that redundancy to uprank the original source, is something
           | Facebook should have been doing a decade ago.
           | It should be more akin to https://techmeme.com (or hn for
           | that matter) where they editorially try and choose the first
           | or best source. If a better source becomes available they
           | swap. Facebook could benefit from this dynamicness, where a
           | story can bump and replace an existing post.
       | zitterbewegung wrote:
       | Well this is the next logical step for AdTech. Since all of the
       | newspapers and other media outlets have been disrupted by the
       | rest of the AdTech industry the next step would be to allow for
       | people to create content on the platform and then you keep your
       | moat.
       (page generated 2020-06-30 23:01 UTC)