[HN Gopher] 3D Electron Orbitals of Hydrogen
       3D Electron Orbitals of Hydrogen
       Author : c0nrad
       Score  : 73 points
       Date   : 2020-06-30 16:11 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.c0nrad.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.c0nrad.io)
       | ur-whale wrote:
       | Very nice, but: what am I looking at? A probability density? And
       | what do the control represent? Some sort of energy level? An
       | isosurface of the modulus of the wave function? If so what does
       | the number mean from an intuitive perspective?
         | nsxwolf wrote:
         | Is this really what hydrogen "looks" like in space, or is this
         | just another impossible for the layperson to understand
         | abstraction?
         | I never even know how to ask the question I want to ask, just
         | like it's impossible to ask if the colors in the photograph of
         | a planet are "real" or not. I've just given up and decided that
         | all of space is in black and white except for Earth.
           | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
           | An excellent point (the first sentence I mean). I'd
           | appreciate a physicist's opinion.
             | antepodius wrote:
             | It's a data visualisation of a property of a model of
             | hydrogen. The dots are denser where the absolute value of
             | the 'wavefunction' (which is just a function that takes in
             | space and time coordinates and returns a complex value) is
             | higher.
             | It's not 'real' in the same way a simulation of a tennis
             | ball flying through the air, rendered with dots isn't, but
             | worse: that's a visualisation of a model, too, but if you
             | imagine it being a simulation of possible sensory data it
             | makes more sense- the world is set up so it's possible for
             | a tennis ball to be seen by a conscious being, but that
             | isn't true for a hydrogen atom.
             | In a model of a tennis ball, you might have a black screen,
             | and then draw a dot where the tennis ball is, according to
             | the model.
             | In this model of the hydrogen atom, you have a black
             | screen, and then you draw a cloud with denser and less
             | dense regions to represent where the electron 'is',
             | according to the model. The problem is that electrons
             | aren't point particles; in this model, an electron is a
             | cloud- it's described not by some vector describing its
             | position, but by the aforementioned wavefunction. It's a
             | cloud in space, (except every point is complex-valued-
             | they're taking the magnitude for this rendering) that
             | changes (or doesn't) over time.
             | There's layers here. To what degree is a simplified model
             | 'real'? To what degree is a visualisation of a model a
             | picture of a 'real' thing, even if that model were true and
             | complete?
               | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
               | I wasn't clear - sorry. It obviously can't be seen, and I
               | (just about) get it's a probability cloud. My question
               | is, is the underlying probability cloud real, in the
               | sense that we can think of it existing and in it's actual
               | peculiar shape, so if we could probe it we would indeed
               | find something shaped like that, or is it just an
               | abstraction/model 'that just works'?
               | It's not even an easy question to ask, come to think of
               | it.
               | throwaway_pdp09 wrote:
               | Well how about that, ask a difficult question of an
               | abstract domain, and get two clear yesses. Does not
               | happen often. Thanks @mncharity and @cinntaile.
               | cinntaile wrote:
               | Yes, the probability cloud tells you how the hydrogen
               | atom (H-O-H) will be shaped. The atoms will be repelled
               | by the electrons that create this probability cloud and
               | this will force the atoms into a geometry with minimal
               | energy (which is the shape you are probably familiar
               | with). Just remember that it's a probability so the shape
               | isn't set in stone, it's more like the most common shape.
               | A common way to learn this is by implementing the
               | Hartree-Fock algorithm.
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartree%E2%80%93Fock_method
               | mncharity wrote:
               | As commented elsewhere, the OP renders look perhaps not
               | quite right. But in general...
               | Atoms are little balls. With electron density that's
               | mostly spherically symmetric. It's very high at the
               | nucleus, and falls off exponentially outward. Down by
               | several orders of magnitude by the time you reach
               | distances at which atoms hang out together.
               | A 2D analogue might be a stereotypic volcano, if height
               | were density. I wish I knew of a better one. Few familiar
               | objects have this degree of fuzzy. Diffusing smells, but
               | you can't see those.
               | The common representations with a solidish surface at
               | some large distance from the nucleus is... useful when
               | doing chemistry, but badly misrepresents the physical
               | object.
               | Electron density manifests clearly and concretely. For
               | example, you can poke at it with the vibrating tip of an
               | Atomic Force Microscope.
               | Electron states, orbitals, seem less often encountered
               | that directly. Rather than at one step remove - seeing
               | density, or some other phenomena, and explaining it with
               | states.
               | Though there's a fun STM image I'm just now failing to
               | quickly find. An STM scans a tip across a sample,
               | measuring and mapping the tunneling current between them.
               | Usually with a boringly symmetric ball of a tip, so the
               | interestingness is all sample. In this case however, the
               | sample had a grid of boring s states, and tip conduction
               | was through a tilted f state. So the sample repeatedly
               | mapped the tip. The image is thus a grid of little images
               | of the tip's f state, laid out like rows of little buoys.
               | EDIT: Maybe this is it: https://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-
               | mat/0305103.pdf fig 6 page 12 (though it doesn't entirely
               | match what I'm remembering).
               | Just to be clear, representing density by dots, rather
               | than say by a color gradient on voxels, is purely a data-
               | visualization rendering choice. Like old newspapers using
               | halftone images. Which I mention only because there are
               | misconceptions around the individual dots themselves
               | representing something about the electron.
           | ars wrote:
           | The concept of "look" doesn't apply to hydrogen. It doesn't
           | have a fixed, defined, shape.
           | To define "look" you must say "look how", i.e. with what
           | sense are you looking.
           | For atoms you can use gravity to look at them, or the
           | electromagnetic force, or the strong force. And the atoms
           | will look different each way.
           | I suppose you could define look as "how strongly will this
           | test particle interact with the atom at this distance, using
           | this force". But notice "how strongly" - there is no fixed
           | boundary, the interaction just gets weaker (or less likely)
           | as things get farther.
             | 8bitsrule wrote:
             | Heisenberg (1958): "What we observe is not nature itself,
             | but nature exposed to our method of questioning."
         | ypcx wrote:
         | Seems like the relevant blog entry is here:
         | https://blog.c0nrad.io/posts/hydrogen-pt2/
         | Edit: the Reddit discussion has more info:
         | https://www.reddit.com/r/Physics/comments/gt1set/interactive...
         | plus wrote:
         | What's being plotted is the amplitude of a "hydrogenic"
         | orbitals Ps_{n,l,m}(x, y, z)^2. Hydrogenic orbitals are the
         | eigenfunctions (wavefunctions) of the 1-electron 1-nucleus
         | Hamiltonian (many-electron wavefunctions are visually similar
         | to this but due to electron-electron correlation become waaaaay
         | more mathematically complex).
         | This is a nice system because the result is analytic (ignoring
         | relativistic effects and assuming a point-like nucleus).
         | Specifically, Ps_{n,l,m}(r, th, ph) = L_n(r) * Y_l^m(th, ph),
         | where L_n(r) is the n-th order Laguerre polynomial and
         | Y_l^m(th, ph) is the m-th spherical harmonic with angular
         | momentum l.
         | From a chemical perspective, n indicates which electron "shell"
         | you are in, l indicates which type of orbital (l=0 is an
         | s-orbital, l=1 is a p-orbital, l=2 is a d-orbital, etc.), and m
         | indicates which of the different orbitals within that shell
         | having that angular momentum (e.g. p_x vs p_y vs p_z).
           | ur-whale wrote:
           | I think you misunderstood my question:
           | 1. The fact that the function is easy to compute because
           | there is an analytical solution to the ODE when the atom is
           | simple enough tells precious little about what the picture
           | actually represents.
           | 2. The fact that the function you talk about has _6_
           | parameters and this is a 3D visualization (3 degrees of
           | freedom) is confusing.
           | 3. The chemistry lesson about orbitals is also an interesting
           | fact but still not properly correlated to the interactive
           | depiction. Notoriously missing: where are m,n,l actually
           | depicted in the story? Am I looking at one specific choice
           | for those? What are the menu entries?
           | I think there is something that would truly help: if one
           | would take a volume integral over a infinitesimal cube of the
           | 3D interactive representation, what physical units would the
           | result be in?
             | antepodius wrote:
             | The 3-d space shown is just physical space.
             | n,l,m are the triplet of numbers you can select in the top
             | right. They're called quantum numbers, and they describe
             | the state of this particular system, in particular the
             | state of the electron.
             | Basically: n is how much energy the electron has (the
             | higher, the further from the nucleus). l and m further
             | describe which orbital the electron is in; l is related to
             | the electron's angular momentum, m is related to its angle
             | to the x-y plane in this visualisation. Only certain
             | combinations of these numbers are allowed by physics
             | (angular momentum, l, has to be smaller than energy, n, for
             | example). n,l,m together describe the state of the electron
             | inside the hydrogen atom.
             | So what are the dots? Basically, they're meant to represent
             | a cloud. Where the cloud is denser, the electron has more
             | measure; the electron is more there than in other places.
             | Practically speaking, if you made a measurement to see
             | where the electron was, your results would
             | probabilistically correlate with the density of the cloud.
             | The process whereby the electron goes from being a
             | probabilistic cloud to a point particle interacting with
             | your test particle back to a probabilistic cloud is called
             | 'wave function collapse' in the Copenhagen interpretation,
             | or, more generally, 'magic'.
             | (Or it's just how the universal wavefunction's branches
             | look from the inside.)
             | A volume integral would be unitless, by definition: the
             | value of the square-absolute-value of the wavefunction at
             | any point (what's represented by this graph) is the
             | probability of finding the electron at that point per cubic
             | metre. A volume integral from negative to positive infinity
             | in x, y, and z gives 1 (no units).
               | plus wrote:
               | > n is how much energy the electron has (the higher, the
               | further from the nucleus)
               | I disagree with this description. It is true that higher
               | values of n correspond to wave functions with higher
               | energy, but higher values of l also correspond to wave
               | functions with higher energy. n indicates the number of
               | _radial nodes_.
               | > A volume integral would be unitless
               | The volume integral has units of "number of electrons".
               | Calling this unitless is unnecessarily misleading I feel,
               | even if it is technically correct, since in physics we
               | tend not to give units to quantities like this.
             | plus wrote:
             | It is not a 6-parameter function, it is a family of
             | 3d-functions each characterized by 3 parameters. Those
             | parameters can be modified using the dropdown in the top-
             | right corner of the page.
             | The Hamiltonian is an operator that describes the energy of
             | a system. Eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian are quantum
             | states, referred to as wave functions. The squared
             | amplitude of a wave function is a probability distribution
             | function. When discussing the wave functions of electrons,
             | the probability amplitude is sometimes referred to as the
             | electron density. You are looking at a sampling from the
             | electron density of the wave functions of the 1-electron
             | 1-nucleus Hamiltonian operator. There are different wave
             | functions (different entries in the dropdown box at the
             | top-right corner of the screen) because the Hamiltonian
             | operator has more than one eigenfunction. Each
             | eigenfunction is characterized by the 3 "quantum numbers":
             | n, l, and m. "n" indicates the number of radial nodes --
             | areas of a given distance from the nucleus where the
             | electron density is 0. "l" indicates the number of angular
             | nodes -- areas arranged in a certain angular pattern around
             | the nucleus where the electron density is 0.
             | > I think there is something that would truly help: if one
             | would take a volume integral over a infinitesimal cube of
             | the 3D interactive representation, what physical units
             | would the result be in?
             | Number of electrons (possibly fractional, if you aren't
             | sampling the whole space). For this particular Hamiltonian,
             | the integral over all space should be numerically 1 for any
             | given eigenfunction, since we are looking at the 1-electron
             | Hamiltonian.
               | ur-whale wrote:
               | > It is not a 6-parameter function, it is a family of
               | 3d-functions each characterized by 3 parameters. Those
               | parameters can be modified using the dropdown in the top-
               | right corner of the page.
               | Sorry to be pedantic, but these two things are the exact
               | same thing.
               | plus wrote:
               | You were asking how it is to be interpreted, and it is as
               | I said: a family of 3D functions each characterized by 3
               | parameters. What you are saying is technically correct,
               | but misses the point of what I was trying to convey.
               | Edit: also, three of the parameter (x, y, z or r, th, ph
               | depending on whether you are using a Cartesian or
               | spherical coordinate system) are continuous, real, and
               | unbounded (well, unbounded in a Cartesian sense anyway).
               | In contrast, n, l, and m are discrete integer-valued
               | quantum coefficients that obey the relations n > 0, 0 <=
               | l < n, -l <= m <= l.
             | _Microft wrote:
             | > 2. The fact that the function you talk about has 6
             | parameters and this is a 3D visualization (3 degrees of
             | freedom) is confusing.
             | Why is that a problem?
             | It's no different than defining a family of linear
             | functions _f_a,b(x) = a x + b_ and then letting the user
             | pick values for the parameters _a_ and _b_ before plotting
             | it onto the xy - plane.
             | o_v_o wrote:
             | 2. Basically it has six parameters because the wave
             | function changes based on the first three parameters
             | (n,l,m) and can then be solved w.r.t. x, y, and z, though
             | it'll be easier to do in spherical coordinates.
             | 3. This hydrogen atom has a nucleus and one electron. Think
             | of n as the energy level of that electron - electrons have
             | discrete energy levels, so as n increases the electron
             | occupies the next discrete energy available to it.
             | l is another quantized value which corresponds to what we
             | call the orbital angular momentum of the electron, which
             | partially determines the shape of the orbital. This is a
             | big part of the visualization you see - as you change the
             | value of l, we see different shapes, and if you increase
             | the number of particles in the visualization, you get
             | changes in those shapes. These different shells have names
             | - s, p, d, etc - that correspond to the integer value of l
             | - 0, 1, 2, etc.
             | Importantly, what's being graphed in the visualization is a
             | solution to the specified wave function. It's a 3D
             | probability map, effectively. Where there is a higher
             | chance of the electron being located, the particles are
             | more concentrated, whereas lower chance regions have lower
             | populations of particles.
             | m is called the magnetic quantum number and can have
             | integer values from -l to +l, and further specifies the
             | particular state of the electron in its "shell" - s, p, d,
             | etc again. If the wave function has n=2 and l=2, then it's
             | in the d shell, and can have values of m from -2 to +2. The
             | actual value of m determines the final "shape" of the
             | orbital, again depicted as a probability map - every dot
             | you see plotted can be a location of the electron, so
             | plotting a lot of them based on the probability
             | distribution gives you a visualization of the regions
             | available to that electron.
             | So the menu entries are just values of n,l,m that aren't
             | separated by commas.
             | I hope that clarifies some things!
       | steerablesafe wrote:
       | If this is supposed to be the probability density then it looks
       | way off. I suspect that there is a mistake in calculating the
       | absolute value of the wave function.
       | Edit: In this base the absolute value of the wave function is
       | supposed to be rotational symmetric around the z axis.
         | raverbashing wrote:
         | Why? The PDE should be Psi^2 no? (which is what it's being
         | plotted)
         | > In this base the absolute value of the wave function is
         | supposed to be rotational symmetric around the z axis.
         | For the D orbital?
           | evanb wrote:
           | If the wavefunction is supposed to have n,l,m quantum numbers
           | (as suggested by the interface) then yes, it should be
           | rotationally symmetric around the z axis.
           | steerablesafe wrote:
           | The phi-dependence of the wave-functions are exp(i m phi), it
           | has magnitude 1. |Psi|^2 = conj(Psi)*Psi, the phi-dependency
           | cancels out.
         | Denvercoder9 wrote:
         | Yes, judging from a quick look at the code (and not being
         | familiar with the GiNaC library used) this seems to square the
         | wave function instead of squaring the absolute value.
         | [1]
         | https://github.com/c0nrad/hydrogen/blob/master/hydrogen.cpp#...
         | ssivark wrote:
         | At a first glance, there seems to be something wonky with the
         | quantum numbers: http://hyperphysics.phy-
         | astr.gsu.edu/hbase/qunoh.html
       | mncharity wrote:
       | Some similar work: https://www.willusher.io/webgl-volume-
       | raycaster/#Hydrogen%20... , though caveat, that while labeled
       | "Hydrogen Atom", the density shown is of just one state of the
       | electron;
       | http://phelafel.technion.ac.il/~orcohen/DFTVisualize.html .
       | There are many more visualizations that show total electron
       | density rather than individual states. Though arguably far far
       | too few, given how pervasively unsuccessfully these topics are
       | taught.
       | If you'd like to explore, GPAW https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/
       | can be useful. Here's a random example of use:
       | https://www.brown.edu/Departments/Engineering/Labs/Peterson/...
       | supernova87a wrote:
       | It's a great visualization --
       | I would suggest, though, that some contour lines (or translucent
       | shells?) might help make the point more apparent to someone
       | trying to learn about the shapes (which I suppose is the point).
       | After all, the point is to grasp something visual about it, and
       | just vaguely discernible clouds of points don't probably convey
       | that sufficiently, although they are accurate of course.
       | phonon wrote:
       | https://daugerresearch.com/orbitals/index.shtml is a much nicer
       | (and I believe more accurate) visualization.
       | vertbhrtn wrote:
       | Is there a way to make these shapes evolve with time?
         | ars wrote:
         | They don't. They exist in all the shapes at the same time,
         | which is what the plot is showing, a sort of combination of all
         | the shapes, with more dots where the electron "exists" more
         | often.
           | plus wrote:
           | It's possible to simulate the time-evolution of the electron
           | density using the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. That
           | said, if the initial state is chosen to be an eigenfunction
           | of the Hamiltonian (read: any of the things being plotted on
           | this page), there will be no time dependence -- the electron
           | density will remain static. However, if the initial state is
           | chosen as a superposition of states (read: any configuration
           | that is _not_ given by the square amplitude of an
           | eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian), you can simulate the time
           | evolution.
       | dnautics wrote:
       | a bit of lay-hn-reader explanation from a chemistry/math major-
       | now-dev (my physics might be a bit wrong, apologies in advance).
       | These diagrams show the probability density of the electrons
       | around a hydrogen nucleus, which is the simplest (and a pretty
       | good in general) model for how electrons live around atom nuclei.
       | The more dots, the denser the probability, aka: how likely or not
       | one might find an electron in this particular position.
       | In the upper right corner, there's the psi(n, l, m) selector
       | which lets you pick the geometry.
       | n is the "principal quantum number" which corresponds to "the
       | gross energy level/frequency" of electron. The way to think about
       | this (I think) is this: If you are plucking a string on a guitar,
       | or play a wind instrument, the more nodes that it has, the higher
       | the energy of the vibration. Similarly for electrons around
       | atoms. As you pick diagrams with a higher n, you'll see more
       | nodes (internal regions with zero density) in the distribution.
       | These are also higher energy states. Generally, if you look
       | carefully you should be able to find (n - 1) surfaces, though for
       | the (n, 0, 0) diagrams some of these node surfaces are tiny
       | spheres close to the nucleus, so you might not see them.
       | l is the angular quantum number. This number determines how many
       | of those nodal surfaces are "not spherical". So in a (n, 1, X)
       | diagram, you should eventually see a plane cutting through if you
       | play around with the orientation; In an (n, 2, x) you should see
       | two intersecting planes cutting through, or in some cases a cone
       | (more on that later).
       | m is the magnetic quantum number, and presumes that the atom is
       | sitting in a nonzero magnetic field, and selects for different
       | energies that relative orientations in that magnetic field have.
       | This splits the different possibilities based on direction
       | relative to magnetic field, and not curve qualities (number of
       | nodes; shape of nodes).
       | There's another quantum number, which is the "spin quantum
       | number" that has to do with the Pauli Exclusion principle, that
       | two electrons can share an orbit simultaneously. This doesn't
       | really change the shape of the orbital, so I presume that's why
       | it's not there.
       | (1, 0, 0) is possible, but probably not shown because it's
       | boring.
       | As for why you could have a "plane" or a "cone"; the display
       | coordinate systems are somewhat arbitrary, and as with most
       | quantum mechanics, "reality" is actually a weighted linear sum
       | (superposition) of all of these possibilities; so a "plane" and a
       | "cone" are roughly equivalently "surfaces", but the cone is a
       | linear combination of a bunch of planes rotated around a line but
       | is selected because it's a convenient and easy basis component
       | with the other "planes" to generate coverage of the vector space
       | of all possibilities. To really butcher the explanation: It turns
       | out that you have to play that "rotate trick" because the space
       | of "all possible probability distributions" has a fixed
       | dimension, and you run out of ways to chop up three dimensional
       | spaces with planes, so you have to mash them together to get
       | correct coverage of the space of distributions.
       | How this corresponds to the periodic table. The S block (left
       | side) elements are mostly filling their (row, 0, 0) orbitals,
       | then P block (right side) elements are filling their (row - 1, 1,
       | _) orbitals. The transition metals are filling their (row - 2, 2,
       | _) orbitals, and the inner transition metals are filling their
       | (row - 3, 3, _) orbitals . Although it seems elegant, reasoning
       | for the "row - X" and not "row" is a bit complicated, empirical
       | and not theoretical, and if you'd like to understand why, look up
       | "aufbau principle".
       (page generated 2020-06-30 23:00 UTC)