[HN Gopher] The Wrong Abstraction (2016)
       The Wrong Abstraction (2016)
       Author : mkchoi212
       Score  : 512 points
       Date   : 2020-07-05 15:54 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.sandimetz.com)
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       | jack_h wrote:
       | I would say that if developers are hacking on an abstraction that
       | is ill-suited to the task until the code base is a nightmare,
       | they will take this advice and duplicate code until it's a
       | nightmare.
       | The fact of the matter is every line of code that is written has
       | an associated cost. Developers all too often pay that cost by
       | incurring technical debt.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | This whole thing exists on a normalized/de-normalized spectrum.
       | The problem is that both ends have pros/cons.
       | On the normalized side, you have the benefit of single-point-of-
       | touch and enforcement of a standard implementation. This can make
       | code maintenance easier if used in the correct places. It can
       | make code maintenance a living nightmare if you try to normalize
       | too many contexts into one method. If you find yourself 10 layers
       | deep in a conditional statement trying to determine specific
       | context, you may be better off with some degree of de-
       | normalization (duplication).
       | On the de-normalized side, you have the benefit of specific,
       | scoped implementations. Models and logic pertain more
       | specifically to a particular domain or function. This can make
       | reasoning with complex logic much easier as you are able to deal
       | with specific business processes in isolation. You will likely
       | see fewer conditionals in de-normalized codesites. Obvious
       | downsides are that if you need to fix a bug with some piece of
       | logic and 100 different features implement that separately, you
       | can wind up with a nasty code maintenance session.
       | I find that a careful combination of both of these ideas results
       | in the most ideal application. Stateless common code abstractions
       | which cross-cut stateful, feature-specific code abstractions
       | seems to be the Goldilocks for our most complicated software.
       | djhaskin987 wrote:
       | Mods this article is old, should be labeled 2016.
       | tomphoolery wrote:
       | This again?? ;)
       | I love this post. A lot of wasted hours were spent in the past
       | trying to use abstractions that no longer made sense, but Sandi
       | encouraged me to go back and rethink a lot of that and now my
       | code is way easier to read. Thanks Sandi!
       | gumby wrote:
       | Early de duplication is the equivalent of early optimization: a
       | bad idea that boxes you in.
       | Duplicate code is a sign that there _could_ be a generalization
       | missing.
       | why-el wrote:
       | Rob Pike discusses similar points in this section of his talk on
       | Go Proverbs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAAkCSZUG1c&t=9m28s.
       | haolez wrote:
       | That's mostly how I matured as a developer: I find myself
       | abstracting less and writing less code today than I did 10 years
       | ago, but I'm more productive today, my code is cheaper to
       | maintain and has fewer bugs. Sometimes, I will literally copy
       | paste a small amount of logic just to avoid making a future
       | reader of this code to keep hunting around where the business
       | logic is actually implemented. "It's right here, my dear future
       | reader!".
       | Or maybe I was just a really bad programmer 10 years go :)
       | sheeshkebab wrote:
       | I'm not sure why this is #1... but since it is, both of these -
       | duplication and wrong abstractions - are otherwise known as
       | technical debt.
         | dasil003 wrote:
         | Not necessarily. Technical debt is when you do something quick
         | and dirty to get a feature out in the short-term knowing that
         | it won't be maintainable, scalable, etc, but you do it anyway
         | with the expectation that you'll fix it later. Some duplication
         | and wrong abstractions are caused by this, but definitely not
         | all.
           | hrhrhrd wrote:
           | No, technical debt is a very general category that includes
           | deliberate hacks, structural flaws, and small mistake bugs.
           | It's anything that over time will damage the code base,
           | duplications and wrong abstractions being very much included
           | in that
             | dasil003 wrote:
             | You're welcome to your own definitions, but personally I
             | keep bitrot, deferred maintenance, and "structural flaws"
             | (which can be subjective and dependent on use cases and
             | scale) out of the bucket of technical debt since it robs
             | the metaphor of a defining aspect: intentionality. Debt is
             | not something that happens passively as the world changes
             | around you, it's something which you sign up for.
               | quinnirill wrote:
               | If you unintentionally destroy property and have to pay
               | for it, you're in debt.
               | We even have a concept of life debt.
               | Some debt is intentional, some incidental.
               | Most technical debt I've seen was not intentional, just a
               | well meaning design that was created to serve a purpose
               | that eventually outgrew it, and that's when the interest
               | started to pile up.
               | And happening passively is exactly what it does, interest
               | rates change, your ability to make downpayments change.
               | All part of the very well functioning metaphor in this
               | context.
       | tarkin2 wrote:
       | "With C you can shoot your own foot. With C++ you can blow your
       | own leg off". I feel the same is true here.
       | The abstraction may be right at the time of writing, yet further
       | on it often becomes not only wrong, but a massive hindrance.
       | With time and effort, hacky code and be worked into shape. An
       | eventual wrong abstraction normally means a rewrite.
       | twirlock wrote:
       | cc my know-it-all coworker
       | random3 wrote:
       | This is so true, but so shallow too. I think the big mistake is
       | to treat the code as "the main thing" when in reality it's just a
       | model (a golem) mimicking some "other thing"
       | We're missing an entire set of code characterizations. Yes we
       | have a "pattern language" but there's not much to characterize it
       | structurally wrt "code distance" from one part of the code to the
       | other (e.g. in call stack depth as well as in breadth).
       | And again all of this needs to happen wrt the "abstraction" not
       | the code itself. Having 10 methods 90% duplicated in a single
       | file with 10% pecent difference is many times better than trying
       | to abstract it.
       | Having the same "unit conversion" function duplicated in 3 parts
       | of the code can be disastrous.
       | These two examples are very easy to see and understand, but in
       | reality you're always in a continuous state in between. And "code
       | smells" like passing too many parameters or doing "blast radius"
       | for certain code changes are only watching for side-effects of a
       | missing "code theory". An interesting book on the topic is "Your
       | code as a crime scene".
       | The bottom line is we're trying to fix these problems over and
       | over again without having a good understanding of what the real
       | problem is and this leads to too many rules too easy to
       | misinterpret unless you are already a "senior artist"
         | ijidak wrote:
         | > Having the same "unit conversion" function duplicated in 3
         | parts of the code can be disastrous.
         | This.
         | I feel like it's really about cognitive load to remember and
         | recognize the differences.
         | Duplication in 3 distant files, places a heavy load on the
         | developer to:
         | 1. Discover the duplication 2. To grasp the reason for the
         | differences in the 3 different locations. 3. Remember these
         | things
         | Whereas when the duplication is in the SAME file, #1, #2, and
         | #3 can become very manageable cognitively.
         | Now the question changes to..
         | Is the cognitive load of dealing with the different special
         | cases in a single de-duplicated method GREATER than simply
         | leaving them in separate methods?
         | Often the answer is duplication WITHIN a file is less of a
         | cognitive load.
         | Whereas duplication ACROSS files is a heavy cognitive load.
         | Minimizing cognitive load minimizes mistakes. And minimizes
         | developer fatigue. Thus boosting productivity.
         | At least, that's my development philosophy, even though I've
         | never seen it in a design pattern or a book.
         | It just seems to make sense.
       | bcrosby95 wrote:
       | I find it interesting that comments on these articles mainly
       | discuss 1 aspect about it. But rarely this part:
       | > Don't get trapped by the sunk cost fallacy.
       | In my experience, yes, programmers are hesitant to throw out an
       | abstraction. Why not work to change this, rather than telling
       | people not to abstract?
         | ben509 wrote:
         | I don't think it's a sunk cost fallacy. I think the hesitation
         | is more for social reasons, often not wanting to do a big pull
         | request that's going to be scrutinized.
           | Tainnor wrote:
           | "Big pull requests" that are unannounced are always
           | problematic because who wants to be the person saying "all of
           | this work you've done is wrong"?
           | In such situations, it's good to get buy-in from other people
           | before attempting to do such a thing. Make a proposal for a
           | big change and discuss it. There's still a chance that, in
           | the implementation it doesn't work as nicely as believed
           | initially, but at least now it's less likely that the idea
           | will be rejected wholesale during code review.
       | chiefalchemist wrote:
       | Why not simply duplicate the abstraction, refactor as needed, and
       | adjust the necessary caller(s)?
       | Having to know, find and maintain the individual duplications
       | feels dirty and its own way wrong.
       | Choose your wrongs wisely?
       | dfischer wrote:
       | Reminds me of this discussion:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12120752 (John Carmack on
       | inlined code).
       | Pxtl wrote:
       | Every Line Of Business codebase I've worked on has been the worst
       | "there I fixed it" copypasta spaghetti, and has never made it to
       | the point where "maybe we shouldn't add a parameter to this
       | existing, cleanly abstracted method to handle this new similar-
       | but-distinct use-case" was anywhere near my radar for
       | abstraction.
       | I would _love_ to have developers where my problem was  "maybe
       | you piggybacked on existing code _too much_ , in this case you
       | should've split out your own function".
         | misja111 wrote:
         | Every failed IT project that I have worked on in the last 20
         | years (except those where the cause was non-technical such as
         | bad planning/ bad requirements), failed because it used too
         | many layers of abstraction.
           | pkolaczk wrote:
           | Counter: Every failed IT project that I have worked on in the
           | last 20 years had too much code. Code is bad. Delete code
           | mercilessly.
           | Seriously though, the problem are bad abstractions, not just
           | abstractions. A total lack of abstractions is typically a
           | spaghetti you need to read fully to understand.
           | Ma8ee wrote:
           | I just had to debug code that had seven layers of classes on
           | top of dapper to call a stored procedure in SQL server.
           | IncRnd wrote:
           | Tnere is truth in this! I've also seen that some of the most
           | successful projects with the highest performers are the most
           | full of duplicate code.
           | The operating theory is to be first to market in order to
           | capture the largest market share and be the market leader.
           | Programs are just tools that can be rewritten later. That's
           | similar to any large tech company today that "innovates" then
           | apologizes later.
             | collyw wrote:
             | If a company has been running long enough to be making
             | money, chances are their codebase will be crap.
         | sagichmal wrote:
         | I have had exactly and overwhelmingly the opposite experience.
         | I wonder if it's a function of our fields, or what...
         | mlthoughts2018 wrote:
         | It's been the exact opposite for me. The spaghetti code has
         | always come from poorly conceived abstractions and the massive
         | problem of inverting an API to reimplement functionality
         | _through_ the API that should be extensible _within_ the API
         | (but fails to be because of poor choices in abstraction or
         | abstracting prematurely).
         | Later on that spaghetti code gets labeled as lacking
         | abstraction, similar to what you are saying, despite the actual
         | problem being _too much_ abstraction and poorly designed
         | abstraction that became load bearing in a way where everyone
         | decides that living with API inversion as a reality is the
         | lesser evil and figures they'll probably quit the company and
         | move on to greener pastures before it becomes their headache to
         | deal with.
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstraction_inversion
           | hesdeadjim wrote:
           | Absolutely this. I'd rather look at 200 lines of linear,
           | inline documented code then a spaghetti mess of "helper"
           | functions that do nothing better than obfuscate everything
           | going on.
           | I've had a strict rule with my team of "1, 2, N". I don't
           | want to see an abstraction until we've solved a problem
           | similarly at least two times, and even then an abstraction
           | may still be a poor idea.
           | Abstraction is an especially poor idea early in a project
           | because often you only half know what you're making (I'm in
           | games). Requirements change, or a special case needs to be
           | added, and all of a sudden you are trying to jam new behavior
           | into "generic" helpers without breaking the house of cards
           | built around them.
             | hackinthebochs wrote:
             | 200 lines of code means that you have to comprehend all 200
             | lines simultaneously since any line could potentially
             | interact with any other line in that code block. Using
             | functions where the state is passed as parameters limits
             | the potential for code interactions through functional
             | boundaries. The point of abstractions are to limit
             | complexity by limiting potential interactions. Helper
             | methods do a fine job of this.
               | hesdeadjim wrote:
               | That's a gross over-generalization to assume that 200
               | lines is always a self-referential mess. Functions
               | fundamentally transform data, and often that
               | transformation is a linear process. If it's not, sure,
               | break it up in a more sensible manner.
               | Regardless, helper methods have a significant cognitive
               | cost as well. It's nice to pretend that a four word
               | function name can entirely communicate the state
               | transformation it does, but in reality you need to know
               | what it does and mentally substitute that when reading
               | the function using it. No free lunch.
               | gav wrote:
               | I worked on a webapp that our team inherited which had
               | 400-800 line controllers (and one that was a little over
               | 1200 lines). When I first started looking at the code I
               | was horrified but then I realized that everything was
               | self contained and due to the linear flow, pretty easy to
               | understand. You just had to get used to scrolling a lot!
               | The issue that we started having is that pull requests,
               | code reviews, and anything that involved looking at diffs
               | was a lot of work. There were two main issues:
               | 1) Inadvertently creating a giant diff with a minor
               | change that affected indenting, such as adding or
               | removing an `if' statement.
               | 2) Creating diffs that had insufficient context to
               | understand: if your function is large enough, changes can
               | be separated with enough other lines of code to make the
               | diff not be standalone. You end up having to read a lot
               | of unchanged code to understand the significance of the
               | change (it would be an ideal way for a malicious
               | developer to sneak in security problems).
               | hackinthebochs wrote:
               | >That's a gross over-generalization to assume that 200
               | lines is always a self-referential mess.
               | The point is that you don't know this until you look. You
               | have to look at all 200 lines to understand the function
               | of even one line. When you leverage functional boundaries
               | you generally can ignore the complexity behind the
               | abstraction.
               | barrkel wrote:
               | You're fooling yourself, in a mature codebase, if you
               | think you can modify code and not look past function
               | boundaries.
               | That assertion would be more credible in a language that
               | captures side effects in the type system, but that's not
               | what most people use.
               | hackinthebochs wrote:
               | I'm not sure what point you're making. If you are just
               | assuming that functional boundaries tend to not be
               | maintained in practice then you're not contradicting
               | anything I have said. Whether or not functional
               | boundaries are easy/hard to observe depends on the
               | language and coding conventions.
             | nfw2 wrote:
             | I agree that over-engineered helper function hell can be a
             | real problem.
             | I disagree strongly with strictly enforcing the 3x rule.
             | The right abstraction can be helpful even if it is used
             | only once. The right abstraction will communicate its
             | purpose clearly and make it easier to reason about the
             | program, not harder. Obfuscating implementation details is
             | a feature not a bug, as long as the boundaries of the
             | abstraction are obvious. Another benefit is it makes it
             | easier to test the logical units of your codebase.
             | "It's nice to pretend that a four word function name can
             | entirely communicate the state transformation it does, but
             | in reality you need to know what it does." Are you
             | suggesting you are cognizant of every line of code of every
             | library you use in your work?
               | hesdeadjim wrote:
               | Actually yes, you should know to at least depth=1 what
               | your magic incantations are doing when you call them.
               | And that's part of my point, if you go that one level of
               | depth and find an excessive amount of DRY, you'll find it
               | that much harder to know what the hell is going on.
               | nfw2 wrote:
               | Yes, you should understand what a function does when you
               | call it. Not everyone who looks at a codebase is
               | modifying the codebase or adding new function calls. The
               | person referencing the code may already be 1-level deep
               | in parsing the implementation.
               | Not all abstractions will seem like a magic incantations
               | when you use them. Something like "convertToCamelCase"
               | conveys its purpose clearly enough that the reader can
               | assume what the low-level operations are. They don't need
               | to look at these operations every time they need to
               | reference the code.
         | captainmuon wrote:
         | So much this. I've encountered many codebases (in science and
         | in tech) where the coder did not even use basic abstractions.
         | In one case there was a lot of                   plot('graph1')
         | plot('graph2')         ....         plot('graph100')
         | because somebody didn't know how to create strings at runtime
         | in C++. Another codebase did complex vector calculations in
         | components, I was able to reduce a 500 lines function to 50
         | lines (including comments, and with bugs fixed).
         | I can sympathize with this a bit, I started programming with
         | BASIC - you could not return structs, you could not use
         | indirect variables (no pointers/references)... but at least you
         | had the FOR loop :-P
         | People get often called out for over abstracting (rightly so),
         | but I've rarely seen somebody critisized for copypasta or for
         | overly stupid code. Probably because we're too accidentially
         | afraid to imply somebody can't code.
           | alephnil wrote:
           | Code like you describe is of often the result when a program
           | is written by someone that does not have programming as their
           | main profession. I have seen code like you describe in code
           | written by scientists (in other disciplines than computer
           | science).
           | They may have very deep knowledge in their field, and have
           | written a program so solve some problem they have, but are
           | unfortunately not very good programmers. This often results
           | in quite naive code that still try to solve an advanced
           | problem.
           | In code written by professional programmers, I have seen the
           | pattern described in the article far more often than the
           | naive style you describe. After all, programmers are trained
           | to avoid duplication and finding abstractions, and will often
           | add one abstraction too much rather than one too little.
           | klyrs wrote:
           | plot('graph1')         plot('graph2')         ....
           | plot('graph100')
           | I've done a lot of that myself. What you might not be seeing
           | is the for loop in a scripting language that was used to
           | generate that text. It probably took less effort than looking
           | up and implementing it the "right" way. It might make _your_
           | eyes bleed but if you need to change  "plot" to another
           | function, that's just a find-and-replace-all away. Most
           | importantly, the code _works fine_ and doesn 't actually need
           | abstraction.
             | loopz wrote:
             | This is fine for code that belongs in the trash, ie. just
             | testing stuff, prototypes, debugging, learning the
             | language/framework, etc.
             | humbledrone wrote:
             | > the code works fine and doesn't actually need abstraction
             | Well, maybe it works fine. We didn't see the other 97 lines
             | to verify that they actually include all the integers from
             | 3-99 without skipping or duplicating any. (NB with a loop
             | this verification would be trivial.)
               | klyrs wrote:
               | Maybe they deleted 57 because it triggers an edge case.
               | Put it back if you dare. ;)
               | (no, that's the bad kind of tech debt that's
               | unfortunately common and I actually hate)
             | Sharlin wrote:
             | Yes, writing a for loop in _another language_ to generate
             | code instead of just writing the same loop in the language
             | you 're already using? Common technique, nothing wrong with
             | it whatsoever.
               | klyrs wrote:
               | Yes, a lot of scientists use their computers in ways that
               | horrify software developers. For example, learning
               | exactly enough of a compiled language to do some wicked
               | fast integer / floating point arithmetic, and not
               | bothering to waste time on the mundane crap you find
               | obvious. And that might mean falling back to a familiar
               | language that makes string formatting easy.
               | If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
               | zbentley wrote:
               | > If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
               | But scientific programming is _deeply broken_. Code
               | presented along with publications often doesn 't work, or
               | is an incomplete subpart/toy example that's supposed to
               | be invoked within some larger framework. That sounds
               | great until you realize that "some larger framework"
               | doesn't refer to a standardized tool, but some deeply
               | customized setup (a la the one you're responding to, that
               | uses e.g. ad hoc code generators across two--or sometimes
               | more--languages because the original authors didn't know
               | how to format a string in one of them).
               | Even if you do get lucky enough to find a paper with all
               | requisite code included, in many cases it was only ever
               | invoked on extensively customized, hand-configured
               | environments. And that configuration was done by non tech
               | folks with a "just get it to where I can run the damn
               | simulation" attitude, so configs are neither documented
               | nor automated. And when I say configs, I'm talking about
               | vital stuff--e.g. env vars that control whether real
               | arithmetic or floating point is used.
               | Often as not, you hack your way to try to get something--
               | anything--running, and it either fails catastrophically
               | or produces the wrong result. Now you have to figure out
               | which of several situations you're in: is the research
               | bad? Were the authors just so non-technical they
               | accidentally omitted a vital piece of code? Was the
               | omission deliberate and profit-motivated (e.g. the PI
               | behind the paper plans on patenting some of the software
               | at some point, so didn't want to publish a special
               | sauce)? Was the omission deliberate and shame-motivated
               | (i.e. researchers didn't want to publish their insane
               | pile of hacks written to backfill an incomplete
               | understanding of the tools being used)? Is it an
               | environment-dependent thing?
               | And all of _that_ is just as pertains to code in
               | published work--usually the higher-quality stuff.
               | Assuming ownership of in-house code from other scientific
               | programmers is much, much worse.
               | This isn't abstract moaning about best practices. The
               | failure of labs, companies, publications, and
               | universities to combat this phenomenon has direct,
               | significant, and negative effects on the quality of
               | research and scientific advancement in many fields.
               | TL;dr it is "broke". When programmers complain about
               | reproducibility crises in soft-science fields, they're
               | throwing rocks from glass houses.
               | [deleted]
           | platz wrote:
           | > I've rarely seen somebody critisized for copypasta or for
           | overly stupid code.
           | Do you think that is in the realm of what the article is
           | concerned with?
           | toastal wrote:
           | This comes up very often and is probably a big part of the
           | distaste many people have for jQuery. You see so much
           | copypasta $(selector) that queries the entire DOM over and
           | over again instead of storing the intial query in a selector,
           | querying children based on a ParentNode, etc.. This
           | duplication is wasteful at best, and can hurt performance at
           | worst.
           | But as others noted, this is usually the sign that the
           | creator is either green, or puts little focus in furthering
           | their programming because they normally do other things--not
           | malice or carelessness.
             | jpxw wrote:
             | I saw a post on here recently about the "proportionality of
             | code" (I think this was the term used) - as in, how much
             | one line of code translates to in terms of work for the
             | machine. Python was used as an example, in contrast with Go
             | (list comprehensions vs Go's verbose syntax).
             | I think a similar line of thinking is applicable here. $
             | hides a lot of work behind short syntax. The syntax isn't
             | "proportional" to the work. Not only that, but the amount
             | of work depends on the argument. Perhaps it's better that
             | we're forced to put the effort in and type out
             | "document.getElementById" - it makes us think about what
             | we're doing.
         | nick-garfield wrote:
         | wow, just reading that term "line of business" makes me
         | anxious. I used to work on a global payments platform that
         | supported "multiple LOBs", and it was a nightmare of ifs and
         | switch statements all the way down. The situation was made more
         | difficult by the fact that our org couldn't standardize the
         | LOBs into a common enum.
         | mrfredward wrote:
         | The business codebase I'm working on now was written by OOP
         | crazy people who thought inheritance was the solution to every
         | line of duplicated code. When they hit roadblocks, they filled
         | the base class with things like if(this.GetType() ==
         | typeof(DerivedClass1)){...
         | I would do anything to have the duplication instead.
           | fauigerzigerk wrote:
           | If you're truly OOP crazy you will always find ways to avoid
           | resorting to branching on types or even avoid branching
           | altogether (just on the language level of course). "There's a
           | design pattern for that" :-)
           | pierrebai wrote:
           | Checking for the type is the exact opposite of OO.
           | The correct OO would be to think about what the check
           | represent, maybe abstract it in a base interface with pure
           | abstract methods and derive from that interface.
           | What you describe is what people without understanding of OO
           | do when they come from a language without OO.
           | goatlover wrote:
           | > they filled the base class with things like
           | if(this.GetType() == typeof(DerivedClass1)){
           | That defeats the purpose of polymorphism.
           | raverbashing wrote:
           | Very relatable. And they even have the guts to call this code
           | "SOLID"
           | BurningFrog wrote:
           | Once you ask what the class is you're no longer even "OOP
           | crazy".
           | You've just capitulated to the complexity and do whatever it
           | takes.
           | I don't want to sound (too) condescending. I know how easy
           | the best intentions can lead a project there. This job is
           | _hard_.
           | isbvhodnvemrwvn wrote:
           | Then the very same people learn that inheritance bad,
           | composition good, and they'll create abstractions with no
           | meaning on their own, which call 10 vague other abstractions
           | (but hey, no inheritance!). Figuring out what happens there
           | is even worse than with inheritance. Some people grow out of
           | it, fortunately (mostly after having to deal with shit like
           | that once or twice).
         | grey-area wrote:
         | In contrast, every junior developer I've ever worked with has
         | wanted to abstract too early and often, and been slow to
         | recognise that abstraction has costs too (often far higher over
         | time than is initially obvious).
         | There are costs to copying code, and costs to abstraction, and
         | there's a balance somewhere in between where the most resilient
         | and flexible code lives. The costs of both are paid later,
         | which makes it very hard to judge when starting out where that
         | balance lies, and hard to assign blame later on when problems
         | manifest. Was it too little abstraction, or too much, or the
         | wrong abstraction?
         | Note that the article claims that duplication is cheaper than
         | the _wrong_ abstraction. The problem is not abstraction in
         | itself, but that abstraction is very hard to get right and is
         | better done _after_ code has been written and used.
           | Pxtl wrote:
           | What I run into with juniors is that yes, they want to
           | abstract the new problem, and that's good... But they show
           | disinterest in learning the existing abstractions and the
           | existing problems and how their new code would fit into that.
           | Given that approach, you end up with a million individual
           | "frameworks", each only solving a single specific case of a
           | series of overlapping similar problems.
           | Because reading code is harder than writing it. And the only
           | thing worse than "there, I fixed it code" is "there, I fixed
           | it with this massive cool new framework I've built".
             | grey-area wrote:
             | _yes, they want to abstract the new problem, and that 's
             | good..._
             | I'm not sure that is good. I started off this way too, but
             | now I like to think carefully about abstractions and avoid
             | introducing them till I'm sure it will not hinder
             | understanding, hide changes/bugs, bury the actual behaviour
             | several layers deep, or worst of all make things hard that
             | should be easy later (the problem in the article).
             | Building abstractions is world-building; it's adding to the
             | complicated structure other developers (including your
             | future self) have to navigate and keep in their head before
             | they can understand the code. So perhaps because of your
             | second point (that people rarely like other people's
             | abstractions), it's better to keep abstractions simple and
             | limited.
         | dynamite-ready wrote:
         | Nothing I hate more than seeing two files or more, sharing 90%
         | of the same code. No matter what justification one attempts to
         | use, there's a mistake somewhere in the design / development
         | process.
         | I can see a case for what the OP is saying, but I feel it
         | should always be seen as a temporary measure.
       | naringas wrote:
       | sometimes it's better to copy and paste some code only to make
       | each copy diverge more and more over time (somewhat like a
       | starting template) as opposed to introduction an abstraction to
       | generalize some slightly different behaviors only to use said
       | abstraction twice.
       | this makes even more sense when the code will live on in
       | different programs
       | there's a point when incurring the cognitive overhead costs of
       | the abstraction become worthwhile, probably after the 3rd time.
       | but my point is that it's also important to consider that the
       | abstraction introduces some coupling between the parts of the
       | code.
       | cjfd wrote:
       | If there is one single article about programming that I hate it
       | is this one. It is completely the wrong message. One should
       | instead be very eager to eliminate duplication. To avoid the
       | pitfalls that the article notes one should create abstractions
       | that are the minimal ones required to remove the duplication to
       | avoid over-engineering. Also one should keep improving the
       | abstractions. That way one can turn the abstraction that turned
       | out to be wrong into the right one. It is the attitude of
       | constant improvement that will make one succeed as opposed to the
       | attitude of fear of changing something that this article seems to
       | encourage. When one does things one learns. When one is afraid to
       | try things everything will just calcify until it is no longer
       | possible to add any new features. What one does need to make the
       | refactoring work is automated tests.
         | Ensorceled wrote:
         | In 30 years, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number
         | of times I've encountered projects that were in trouble because
         | there was copy/pasted code everywhere and the team was not
         | abstracting out of fear of breaking the existing code.
         | What I have encountered is dozens of projects that had
         | essentially ground to a halt because of numerous deeply, and
         | incorrectly, abstracted systems, modules and libraries.
         | Correcting projects in this state has almost always been
         | refactoring into fewer abstractions; less complex, more
         | cohesive and less coupling.
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | > In 30 years, I can count on the fingers of one hand the
           | number of times I've encountered projects that were in
           | trouble because there was copy/pasted code everywhere and the
           | team was not abstracting out of fear of breaking the existing
           | code.
           | I think the level of experience where _underabstraction_ is
           | common as opposed to _overabstraction_ is so low that it 's
           | uncommon to find a team where that gets through, because even
           | if someone junior is at the level where it's common, they'll
           | get corrected before it becomes a widespread problem.
           | zbentley wrote:
           | I don't disagree and have seen the same thing.
           | However, I've also noticed in those cases that it's very hard
           | to get people to agree on what the problem actually is. One
           | person's incorrect over-abstraction is another person's
           | incompletely-DRYed-up code.
       | adamkl wrote:
       | Sandi mentions this during a talk she gave on refactoring a few
       | years ago. [0]
       | It's a great little video for showing junior developers how a
       | messy bit of code can be cleaned up with a few well chosen OOP
       | patterns (and a set of unit tests to cover your ass).
       | [0] https://youtu.be/8bZh5LMaSmE
         | voodoologic wrote:
         | I'm very partial to this talk about proper abstraction (and not
         | just for junior developers):
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMPfEXIlTVE
       | layer8 wrote:
       | The main takeaway from the article is that abstractions which
       | have become inadequate should be corrected (removed and/or
       | replaced by adequate ones) as soon as possible. A corollary is
       | that abstractions should be designed such that they can be
       | replaced or removed without too much difficulty. A common problem
       | in legacy code bases is not just that they contain many
       | inadequate abstractions, but that the abstractions are entangled
       | with each other such that changing one requires changing a dozen
       | others. You start pulling at one end and eventually realize that
       | it's all one large Gordian knot. One thing that I learned the
       | hard way over the years is to design abstractions as loosely
       | coupled and as independent from each other as possible. Then it
       | becomes more practical to replace them when needed.
       | allenu wrote:
       | In a large organization, the other thing you notice with trying
       | to fix duplicated code is, if you take on refactoring it all, you
       | are now responsible to make sure everything still works AND that
       | you do not inhibit any future work. You are now responsible for
       | more than you may have bargained for.
       | Coming up with the right abstraction takes some predicting of
       | future use-cases. It's more than just refactoring work to put it
       | all in one place.
       | goto11 wrote:
       | I'm skeptical because it is really easy to un-share code by
       | copying it into multiple places but it is very hard to unify
       | duplicated code. So I prefer to err on the side of sharing.
       | But yes, you should be ready to change sharing into duplication
       | if you realize the code is just "accidentally similar" and need
       | to evolve in separate directions.
       | In practice I have seen a lot more pain due to duplicate code
       | compared to the issue of over-abstracting code, because the
       | latter is much easier to fix.
         | joeframbach wrote:
         | On the other hand, it's really difficult to know who is using
         | that shared code. If you make an innocuous change in a shared
         | method, it could affect someone else you don't know.
           | dtech wrote:
           | Not in any modern language or IDE. Not to mention that would
           | indicate a hole in the test suite
           | bcrosby95 wrote:
           | It's a million times easier than figuring out if those minor
           | differences in duplicate code are accidental or on purpose.
           | As bad as a flag-laden method might be, you know the intent
           | of all callers.
           | mcintyre1994 wrote:
           | I find it much easier to find the call sites for a function
           | than to find code that's duplicating or a variant of the code
           | I just fixed a bug in so we can figure out if the same bug is
           | latent in the duplicates too.
           | TheCoelacanth wrote:
           | It's very easy with proper tooling.
           | BoiledCabbage wrote:
           | Outside of publishing a public API almost any modern language
           | and enviroment should make this easy.
         | kolinko wrote:
         | Depends on a specific codebase? I found exact opposite to be
         | true - very hard to reuse code that was abstracted too soon,
         | and abstracting copy&paste the right way is actually easier if
         | you have it in multiple cases and can see how it was used.
           | hackinthebochs wrote:
           | How is it harder to copy/paste the helper method and modify
           | as needed, vs tracking down and unifying multiple instances
           | of the same code written slightly differently?
             | amelius wrote:
             | Because the multiple instances are concrete while the
             | unified code is abstract.
             | In general it is more difficult to read abstract code than
             | concrete code.
             | Also code written using the wrong abstaction can get hairy
             | very quickly (lots of "if" statements for various cases).
               | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
               | In Java, when I hit a bad abstraction, I hit the inline
               | shortcut (command-alt-n) and then evaluate the resulting
               | code with git diff. Other languages may be more manual,
               | but, at worst, you just use ripgrep or similar to find
               | all the relevant use sites and then manually expand the
               | abstraction: this is only really a problem it the
               | function is used hundreds of time: but, in that case, you
               | can always duplicate the abstraction and rename.
           | sethammons wrote:
           | My experience lines up with yours. Working in overly and
           | poorly abstracted codebases dramatically hurts productivity.
           | Poorly duplicated code increases the chance for missed
           | patches, but poor duplication has, in my experience, been
           | vastly easier to fix. One codebase comes to mind. Twisted
           | Python. Multiple layers of inheritance, multiple mixins, and
           | major overloading of methods. Just navigating the code was
           | pain.
         | sagichmal wrote:
         | > it is really easy to un-share code by copying it into
         | multiple places but it is very hard to unify duplicated code
         | Code that already exists has a gravity, a presumption of
         | correctness. That presumption is very difficult to overcome,
         | especially for programmers new to the codebase. An abstraction
         | you think of as temporary will be, to those who come after you,
         | simply the way things are done; breaking it apart and re-
         | forming it is, for them, fraught with risk. It's good to keep
         | this in mind as you make commits.
           | goto11 wrote:
           | Then the same would be the case for code duplication which
           | really ought to be unified.
       | gorgoiler wrote:
       | Brilliant insight. Always remember: (1) make it work, (2) make it
       | right, (3) make it fast. 80% of projects get scrapped in between
       | (1) and (2) because you end up realizing you wanted something
       | completely different anyway.
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | On my projects code doesn't make it into the main branch until
         | it gets to at least (2).
         | willcipriano wrote:
         | > (1) make it work, (2) make it right, (3) make it fast.
         | I've always disagreed with this. In my view you should make it
         | a habit to write optimized code. This isn't agonizing over
         | minor implementation details but keeping in mind the time
         | complexity of whatever you are writing and working towards a
         | optimal solution from the start. You should know what
         | abstractions in your language are expensive and avoid them. You
         | should know roughly the purpose of a database table you create
         | and add the indexes that make sense even if you don't intend to
         | use them right away. You should know that thousands of method
         | lookups in a tight loop will be slow. You should have a feel
         | for "this is a problem someone else probably solved, is there a
         | optimal implementation I can find somewhere?". You should know
         | when you use a value often and cache it to start with. Over
         | time the gap between writing unoptimized and mostly optimized
         | code gets smaller and smaller just like practice improves any
         | skill.
           | criddell wrote:
           | > You should know that thousands of method lookups in a tight
           | loop will be slow.
           | That's not always the case. Modern compilers do a lot of
           | things like inlining and unrolling. These days I mostly try
           | to write code that is easy to understand.
             | willcipriano wrote:
             | > Modern compilers do a lot of things like inlining and
             | unrolling
             | Smart ones do, I've been writing Java lately and that
             | behavior tends to be unpredictable and rare[0]. I'd use a
             | inline keyword if I had one, or preprocessor directive of
             | some kind if I had that but I don't. I agree it's harder to
             | read but I feel like changing a JVM flag to get a behavior
             | that I want is more inscrutable than having a long method
             | with a comment noting that this in inlined for performance
             | reasons. With modern machines and the price of memory I
             | tend to lean hard to the memory side of the time-memory
             | tradeoff.
             | [0]"First, it uses counters to keep track of how many times
             | we invoke the method. When the method is called more than a
             | specific number of times, it becomes "hot". This threshold
             | is set to 10,000 by default, but we can configure it via
             | the JVM flag during Java startup. We definitely don't want
             | to inline everything since it would be time-consuming and
             | would produce a huge bytecode."
             | https://www.baeldung.com/jvm-method-inlining
           | sagichmal wrote:
           | > In my view you should make it a habit to write optimized
           | code.
           | It depends on your domain.
           | If you're writing for embedded, or games, or other things
           | where performance is table stakes, then sure.
           | If you're writing code to meet (always changing) business
           | requirements in a team with other people, writing optimized
           | code first is actively harmful. It inhibits understandability
           | and maintainability, which are the most important virtues of
           | this type of programming. And this is true even if
           | performance is important: optimizations, i.e. any
           | implementation other than the most obvious and idiomatic,
           | must always be justified with profiling.
             | Tainnor wrote:
             | You're mostly right, but even in typical LOB applications,
             | there are some low-hanging fruits you should really pay
             | attention to. One common example are N+1 queries.
             | And if you _do_ find yourself writing an algorithm
             | (something which happens more rarely in LOB applications,
             | but can still happen occasionally), it 's probably still
             | good to create algorithms that are of a lower complexity
             | class, provided they are not that much harder to understand
             | or don't have other significant drawbacks. I remember that
             | I once accidentally created an algorithm with a complexity
             | of O(n!).
       | ridaj wrote:
       | Previously discussed here:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17578714
         | arendtio wrote:
         | I find that first comment particularly insightful.
         | However, I am not sure about the order of state and coupling.
         | To me it seems to depend on the language, as for functional
         | languages, avoiding state is king and in object oriented
         | environments, coupling could be a more important factor.
       | ulisesrmzroche wrote:
       | "Premature optimization is the root of all evil"
       | Xlurker wrote:
       | I'd rather ctrl-f and change code in multiple places than deal
       | with abstraction hell.
       | jbmsf wrote:
       | One of the reasons duplication is used badly is that it is one of
       | the easiest abstractions to recognize.
       | One of the ways I've seen DRY go horribly wrong involves reusable
       | code units evolving into shared dependencies that often
       | interdepend in complex ways. Unfortunately, the problems of such
       | a system are observed much later than the original code
       | duplication and fewer people have the experience to see it
       | coming.
       | kolinko wrote:
       | I wish this article was available two years ago when I tried to
       | explain this to a bunch of juniors working for me...
         | nnutter wrote:
         | " Posted on January 20, 2016 by Sandi Metz."
           | kolinko wrote:
           | Damn, I wish I saw it back then :)
       | pierrebai wrote:
       | Counter: Refactoring is far, far, far cheaper than duplication or
       | wrong abstraction.
       | Duplication means you lose the wisdom that was gained when the
       | abstraction was written. It means that any bug or weird cases
       | will now only be fixed in one place and stay incorrect for all
       | the places you duplicated the code.
       | About the rule of three: I personally extract functions for
       | single-use cases all the time. The goal is to make the caller be
       | as close to pseudo-code as possible. Then if a slightly different
       | case comes up, I will write the slightly different case as
       | another function right next to the original one. Otherwise, the
       | fact that you have multiple similar cases will be lost.
         | fiddlerwoaroof wrote:
         | Yeah, the rule of three is misleading: having a name for three
         | lines of code that do "one thing" is almost always a win and
         | nothing prevents a future developer from either inlining that
         | function, if it was a bad idea, or duplicating and modifying
         | the function.
         | twirlock wrote:
         | Yes, everyone on the planet understands why duplication is not
         | ideal. Literally nobody entered the discussion not knowing
         | that. You clearly don't grasp what abstraction is fyi.
       | adrianmonk wrote:
       | Two questions (genuine, not rhetorical):
       | (1) How much of this is because it's _actually hard_ to back out
       | of the wrong abstraction and pivot to the correct one, and how
       | much of it is other causes?
       | The article hints at this with, "Programmer B feels honor-bound
       | to retain the existing abstraction." Why do they feel this way,
       | and is the feeling legitimate? Do they lack the deep
       | understanding to make the change, or are they not rewarded for
       | it, or are they unwilling to take ownership, or is it some other
       | reason? I could see it going either way, but the point is to
       | understand whether you're really stuck with that abstraction or
       | not.
       | (2) How much of the wrong abstraction is because people lack up
       | front information to be able to know what the right abstraction
       | is, and how much of it is because choosing good abstractions (in
       | general and specifically ones that are resilient in the face of
       | changing requirements) is a skill that takes
       | work/time/experience/etc. to develop?
       | If it's due to being unable to predict the future, then it makes
       | sense to avoid abstractions. If it's due to not being as good as
       | you could be at creating abstractions, then maybe improving your
       | ability to do so would allow a third option: instead of choosing
       | between duplication and a bad abstraction, maybe you can choose a
       | good abstraction.
         | zbentley wrote:
         | > Why do they feel this way, and is the feeling legitimate?
         | In my experience, it's because the amount of diff (red or
         | green) in a change request is--consciously or subconsciously--
         | correlated with risk.
         | Even though we killed SLoC as a productivity metric years ago,
         | the idea that "change/risk is proportional to diff size" is
         | still pervasive.
         | I'm totally into YAGNI/"code volume is liability" school of
         | thought. But equating _change_ volume with liability is a
         | subtly different and very harmful pattern.
         | Adding a single conditional inside your typical 1200 line
         | mixed-concern business-critical horrorshow function may assume
         | a much greater liability (liability as in bug risk and
         | liability as in risk/difficulty of future changes) than e.g.
         | deleting a bunch of unused branches, or doing a function-
         | extraction refactor pass. Standard "change one thing at a time"
         | good engineering practices still apply of course.
         | nfw2 wrote:
         | 1.) I think political and interpersonal issues can play a role
         | here. People are often hesitant to suggest other people's code
         | needs to be rewritten. This is especially true if an
         | abstraction is heavily-used by the organization. If there are
         | many stakeholders using the abstraction, the motivation behind
         | the refactor (ie the perceived defects), would likely need to
         | be communicated widely to justify the effort the refactor
         | requires.
       | Tainnor wrote:
       | I feel some people here are misunderstanding the blog post.
       | Sandi Metz IMHO doesn't claim that the problem occurs at step 2
       | or 3. She doesn't claim that it's wrong to introduce abstraction
       | when there is duplication.
       | What she is saying instead is that the problem occurs from step 6
       | onwards: when you find yourself wanting to reuse an abstraction
       | that, regardless of whether it made sense in the first place or
       | not, has outlived its usefulness.
       | I think this is in agreement with other points that she often
       | makes, about being bold, but methodical about refactorings.
       | The whole discussion about "you should never abstract away code
       | before you see the third duplication" has little to do with the
       | article, and I'm also really not sure it's good advice.
         | BoiledCabbage wrote:
         | > What she is saying instead is that the problem occurs from
         | step 6 onwards: when you find yourself wanting to reuse an
         | abstraction that, regardless of whether it made sense in the
         | first place or not, has outlived its usefulness.
         | You're 100% correct in this. And what's even more amazing to me
         | is that even after you explicitly calling this out, the
         | majority of people replying to you (and presumably have read
         | the article) still think the problem is between 2 & 3.
         | The argument she is making is not "don't make abstractions
         | until you're 100% certain they are correct". She is essentially
         | saying make abstractions where appropriate. Some of these
         | abstractions will be wrong. When you start seeing yourself
         | making certain behaviors it's probably because it's the wrong
         | abstraction, so back it out and refactor.
         | Ultimately that abstraction seemed right based on the info
         | known at the time it was created, now that you know more don't
         | try to cling to it because it was already made. Be ok with
         | backing it out and refactoring.
           | qznc wrote:
           | If you see an abstraction does not fit, you have the choice
           | to consider it incomplete or unsuitable. If incomplete, you
           | can fix it (assuming write access). If unsuitable, you should
           | "back it out" as you say.
           | In my opinion this distinction is applicable and thus useful
           | in contrast to whining about leaky abstractions:
           | http://beza1e1.tuxen.de/leaky_abstractions.html
         | kwhitefoot wrote:
         | > Sandi Metz IMHO doesn't claim that the problem occurs at step
         | 2 or 3.
         | But the headline does.
         | I had to read quite a long way down the page to discover that
         | all she is advocating is what i have always done: deduplicate
         | when practical, undo the duplication when new requirements make
         | it incorrect and push the unique parts into the callers.
           | DougBTX wrote:
           | > But the headline does.
           | That's not really fair, it repeatedly says "wrong
           | abstraction", in the title and in the article. At steps 2 and
           | 3 it is still the right abstraction, duplication only becomes
           | better when it is the wrong abstraction.
         | tarsinge wrote:
         | That's not what I get from the article. The problem does indeed
         | occurs at step 2 and 3: leave duplication alone and don't
         | introduce abstraction if you are not sure about future
         | requirements.
           | Chris_Newton wrote:
           | Taken to its logical conclusion, doesn't that argument mean
           | we would almost never introduce any abstractions at all? That
           | doesn't seem very practical compared to the alternative of
           | introducing abstractions if they are useful at the time but
           | remaining willing to change or remove them again later if the
           | situation changes.
         | barrkel wrote:
         | I think you generally shouldn't create an abstraction until you
         | have at least three uses for it.
         | That's very generally. You might want to create abstractions
         | before then, but be prepared that they will be wrong, and don't
         | invest in e.g. lots of unit tests, because when you break the
         | abstraction you'll throw away that work. Some unit tests yes,
         | but more in semi-integration tests that verify the stack
         | sandwiching the under-proven abstraction.
         | pkulak wrote:
         | Not to take this on a huge tangent, but I really _do_ think
         | it's good advice. Unrolling complicated abstractions is a lot
         | of work. Keeping two pieces of nearly identical code in sync is
         | work too, but I've never found it all that onerous. But there's
         | obviously a continuum; on one side it's obvious that it's a
         | shared concept, and on the other, code just happens to be
         | similar almost by chance, and not for much longer. But lately
         | duplication has been turned into a code smell to be linted out,
         | causing a lot of people to get rid of all of it, at all cost.
           | Tainnor wrote:
           | I think there are a couple of things at play here.
           | One is the use of code quality tools like CodeClimate. It's
           | true that those can sometimes be extremely aggressive when it
           | comes to duplicate code to the point that I find their
           | complaints to be uselessely beside the point. This is
           | especially true if you have typical "structural" duplication
           | like "many controllers start with the same sequence of steps"
           | etc. or is even worse when you have to use configuration DSLs
           | etc.
           | OTOH, it has been my personal experience that many people, if
           | they use CodeClimate etc., routinely just ignore them for the
           | most part, so I'm not always sure what the point of them is.
           | But maybe other people have different experiences and some
           | people really are routinely overabstracting the most
           | coincidental of duplication in which case I agree that that
           | is not a very useful thing to do.
           | As for the advice itself: it is definitely problematic if it
           | is used as some sort of hard "rule". If it is taken as a
           | heuristic / "rule of thumb", then it might be ok as long as
           | you make sure people don't overemphasise it where
           | other/better rules of thumb would be appropriate.
           | For example, if I were to write some billing code and
           | somebody else just duplicated that code somewhere instead of
           | using a shared abstraction, I would probably find that to be
           | a serious code health issue as you really shouldn't perform
           | billing calculations in two separate places: this is
           | something that needs to be kept in sync across the code base;
           | one sibling (nephew?) comment is right in pointing out that
           | here you have to consider the cost of things that need to
           | stay in sync accidentally going out of sync.
           | There are many more examples which is why I think that if you
           | use "refactor on 3" as _one_ heuristic, it's fine, but if
           | it's the sole one, then less so.
           | lilyball wrote:
           | If you only have 2 instances but are spending effort keeping
           | them both in sync for changes then that might be a good time
           | to abstract anyway. The fact that you're keeping them in sync
           | means they aren't just coincidentally the same. But this is
           | very situational.
             | guenthert wrote:
             | The cost of maintaining two (or three ...) copies might
             | well be less than creating an abstraction. The danger
             | rather lies in situations where not _everyone potentially
             | modifying that code (now or later)_ is aware that there are
             | N copies (and where they are) which need to be maintained.
               | dynamite-ready wrote:
               | That's a big part of it for me. The abstraction would end
               | up being the best way to document the duplication, imo.
               | Far better than the likes of /* See also... */.
               | It depends of course, but I personally feel the work of
               | 'simplifying an abstraction', is easier than the problem
               | of 'tracking down anything that might need to be edited'.
               | watwut wrote:
               | Then such person needs better IDE, because finding
               | callers is one shortcut away.
             | tuatoru wrote:
             | That's an amazingly mechanical view of code.
             | If two blocks of code refer to exactly the same thing
             | (event, process, object, rule) _in the application domain_
             | , then the duplication can be eliminated.
             | You can't eliminate duplication without asking, "what does
             | this code _mean_ in this context? ".
         | qes wrote:
         | > you should never abstract away code before you see the third
         | duplication" has little to do with the article, and I'm also
         | really not sure it's good advice
         | Absolutes like that are rarely good advice.
           | Tainnor wrote:
           | Sure, but some comments on here are literally saying that.
           | Not as a rule of thumb (although such comments can be found
           | here too, which is ok), but as a "as an engineer I always
           | enforce this rule" thing.
           | lucbocahut wrote:
           | Abstractions have other purpose than deduplication. They make
           | it easier to reason about your code as well. It might be the
           | smartest thing sometimes to abstract away the first
           | occurrence in a method imho.
         | majormajor wrote:
         | I'm not sure it matters about applying "prefer duplication over
         | the wrong abstraction" at step 3 or step 6 nearly as much as
         | applying that advice _at some point_.
         | I often consider "is this abstraction going to be prone to
         | misuse" (regardless of if it's the second, third, fourth...
         | copy) and try to head it off with either strict typing or
         | comments or internal visibility - to try to do step 3 without
         | opening up as big of a door to step 6, but the important thing
         | is less when to do stuff like this but just _to try to avoid
         | things reaching step 7_.
         | foobiekr wrote:
         | I think it's fair to say that abstractions should have to prove
         | themselves as a necessity and that we make things abstract way
         | too early. Most really good abstractions in an app fall out of
         | well-written code to solve a specific problem.
         | In day to day life as an engineer, I find that we have very few
         | _enduring_ abstractions - there are very deep ones, like the
         | concept of streams, things like filesystems and related ideas,
         | the concept of a virtual machine in the process sense, and so
         | on - and a lot of faddish abstractions that have a pretty wide
         | blast radius when they start to go wrong. A lot of the good
         | ones (networking has a _lot_ of these, such as the abstractions
         | above and below the model of an interface in professionally-
         | written network device code) are focused on layering.
           | Tainnor wrote:
           | I disagree, and this is one of the things where it's really
           | hard to get to a shared understanding because I don't know
           | what kind of problems you've worked on and what kind of code
           | you've seen and vice versa.
           | But in my daily work, I routinely see abstractions just come
           | up very naturally all the time. Sometimes they turn out to be
           | slightly wrong, but often also not. I need to perform some
           | calculation (e.g. for billing)? That can be abstracted away.
           | I need to parse some unstructured user request into something
           | structured? That's an abstraction. And so on. A lot of these
           | things are clear to me even before I start writing code.
           | I also tend to use (at least some amount of) DDD, to write
           | small, composable functions with few side effects and to be
           | as declarative as possible. All of this might help with
           | coming up with lasting abstractions.
           | But I'm not denying that I'm running into lots of situations
           | in my daily work where it turns out some abstraction was
           | wrong. Just that I find that many more of them actually turn
           | out to be correct or at least correct for the most part (it
           | might be that something needs to receive an additional
           | parameter or to returns some slightly different structure to
           | account for error conditions or so, but it's still basically
           | the same abstraction).
             | barrkel wrote:
             | I sometimes review PRs where people are encouraged (by
             | other reviewers) to create new methods because there's a
             | _single line of code_ duplicated between two other methods.
             | I don 't think that rate of abstraction construction - and
             | every method is another abstraction - is helpful for the
             | health of the code, or its readability.
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | I can't judge that without more context. If this is just
               | accidental duplication, it's pointless to abstract it
               | away. But if it's a line of code that is necessary to
               | deal with some gotcha of a particular library etc., it's
               | probably good to extract and add an explanatory comment.
               | jiofih wrote:
               | If that line of code deals with a particular piece of
               | business logic, that should be consistent within the
               | application, it's a good thing.
             | Chris_Newton wrote:
             | Does it make sense to characterise abstractions as "right"
             | and "wrong" in the first place? This feels too absolute to
             | me.
             | Abstraction is just hiding some complexity in
             | implementation details behind a simpler interface. It
             | offers benefits from reducing the need to deal with the
             | full complexity everywhere else. It also has costs. The
             | interface establishes a new concept, albeit a simpler one,
             | that must also be understood and maintained wherever client
             | code uses the abstraction. Moreover, if you need to
             | understand or modify the detailed implementation later,
             | there is now a barrier to doing so.
             | When we define an abstraction, hopefully we do so because
             | the benefits outweigh the costs at that time. The simpler
             | the interface relative to the complexity of the
             | implementation it hides, the more likely this is to be
             | true. However, that balance is inevitably subject to change
             | as a program evolves and the relevance of the hidden
             | details to different parts of the system changes.
             | So it feels like abstractions might be better characterised
             | by whether they represent good value under the current
             | circumstances. It is perfectly reasonable for an
             | abstraction to be cost-effective at the time it is added,
             | but to become more or less so as the context evolves. If it
             | reaches a point where it is no longer cost-effective, it
             | should be removed. Either the relevant parts of its
             | implementation can then be inlined at each place that
             | previously used it, or some new abstraction(s) can be
             | defined that better reflect the relevance of different
             | implementation details at that time.
             | betenoire wrote:
             | Why are your two examples in the second paragraph
             | necessarily "abstractions"?
               | Tainnor wrote:
               | Because "calculate_vat" is more abstract than the exact
               | sequence of calculations performed?
         | dpc_pw wrote:
         | We humans just can't help ourselves, but to invent mental
         | shortcuts. Making a judgment "is this really a good abstraction
         | or am I just mindlessly deduplicating code" is context-
         | dependent, nuanced and requires some mental effort - much more
         | work than "do I have it repeating 2 or 3 times already" which
         | is mindless and mechanical.
       | hackinthebochs wrote:
       | I couldn't disagree more. There is no such thing as abstracting
       | too early (this does not go for structural abstractions like
       | factories, singletons, etc). The best code is code you don't have
       | to read because of strong, well-named functional boundaries.
       | brandonmenc wrote:
       | Junior programmers duplicate everything.
       | Intermediate programmers try to abstract away absolutely every
       | line that occurs more than once.
       | Expert programmers know when to abstract and when to just let it
       | be and duplicate.
         | leafboi wrote:
         | The master never duplicates and all his abstractions are
         | intuitive, readable and flexible.
       | kristo wrote:
       | There should be a code tool to re-inline code from an abstraction
       | kevsim wrote:
       | Relevant post from earlier today
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23735991
       | vxNsr wrote:
       | I want to thank everyone here, I've been stuck for about a week
       | now on an issue that is entirely germane to this topic and the
       | whole conversation here really helped me flesh out what was wrong
       | and allowed me to understand a path forward. I'm honestly holding
       | myself back from popping onto my computer right now to start
       | working on it.
       | leto_ii wrote:
       | As I gain more and more experience (I would now call myself more
       | or less a mid-level developer), I find that the distinction that
       | matters is not abstraction vs duplication, but the one between
       | developer mindsets.
       | I have many times met/worked with people who think the main task
       | of the developer is to 'get shit done'. Regardless of their level
       | of experience, these developers will churn out code and close
       | tickets quite fast, with very little regard for abstraction,
       | design, code reuse etc.
       | Conversely, the approach that I feel more and more is the correct
       | one is to treat development as primarily a mental task. Something
       | that you first think about for a while and try to design a
       | little. The actual typing will in this case be a secondary
       | activity. Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't iterate on
       | your design if during execution problems come up. Just that the
       | 'thinking' part should come before the 'doing'.
       | My feeling is that with this second approach the
       | abstraction/duplication trade-off will not matter so much
       | anymore. With enough experience you will figure out what you can
       | duplicate and what you can design. And when you design you will
       | develop an understanding of how far you should go.
       | Approaching development as a task of simple execution I think
       | inevitably leads to illegible spaghetti down the line.
         | Tainnor wrote:
         | I agree that many issues with bad code could really be avoided
         | by first thinking about the solution a bit, of which the code
         | is just an expression.
         | I'm not advocating weeks of architecture astronauting without
         | code feedback - because practical considerations (e.g. the
         | compiler can't deal with this kind of code due to some
         | limitations) matter - but some people seem overeager to just
         | start writing some code "and see what happens".
       | amelius wrote:
       | A manager once asked me: please reuse as much code as you
       | possibly can.
       | This reminded me of that.
       | klyrs wrote:
       | I use DRY in two ways. The first is that I'm happy to make 2 or 3
       | copies of a snippet before promoting that to a new function.
       | The second is when I find a bug in a duplicated snippet. I'll
       | mend the snippet and its duplicates, once or twice before
       | promoting it to a function.
       | In the rarer (in my line of work) instance that a common snippet
       | gets used with several intrusive variations, I usually document
       | the pattern. It's tempting to use templates, lambda functions,
       | closures, coroutines, etc but far simpler to duplicate the code.
       | But again, if a bug (or refactor) crops up and I need to fix it
       | in many places, then I'll spend some time thinking about
       | abstraction and weigh the options with the benefit of hindsight.
       | worik wrote:
       | Really this is stating the obvious.
       | The social problem at step 6, 7, and 8 is a social and economic
       | one. Having the time, resources, and skill to do a job properly
       | is very important. But there are social and economic pressures to
       | "just get it done".
       | This is a specific formulation of a general problem.
       | jpswade wrote:
       | You can't plan for what you don't know.
       | This is why I like the "Rule of three"[1]. Only once you've done
       | it three times will you truly begin to understand what the
       | abstraction might need to look like.
       | 1. https://wade.be/2019/12/10/rule-of-three.html
         | nbardy wrote:
         | The rule of three helped me get get over my initial abstraction
         | issues, but I leaned much more towards a rule of 5 or 6. Around
         | three you finally find an abstraction, but around six uses
         | there is a good chance it breaks down. Making an abstraction
         | saves you from having to make the same change to the code you
         | copied multiple times. But the cost of repeating yourself is so
         | low. With good keyboard mechanic repeating a change in four to
         | five place take just a bit longer than doing it once since most
         | of the upfront cost is in deciding on the correct change. It
         | does feel a bit like drudgery, but it's also very freeing to
         | not think about abstractions and just make progress at all
         | costs. It's strategy can bite you if you don't take the time to
         | look back and make a refactor later, but I find the approach of
         | churn out code and letting the patterns emerge then
         | restructuring with hindsight much more fruitful than pausing
         | frequently to think about it abstractions. They are really two
         | different mindsets and best left for different sessions of
         | work.
         | geophile wrote:
         | Exactly. With experience, you learn not to abstract too soon.
           | hesdeadjim wrote:
           | Seems so counterintuitive, but it's one of the most important
           | lessons I've learned in 15 years of development experience.
         | [deleted]
         | ed312 wrote:
         | Any advice on teaching this to junior engineers? Seems like
         | folks with 3-5 years of experience keep trying to not only
         | over-abstract but also keep re-inventing the wheel with
         | abstractions (vs looking for existing libraries).
           | ben509 wrote:
           | I think there are two parts to it. First, you want to push
           | them to get into the habit of solving problems by expressing
           | the question clearly enough that the answer falls naturally
           | from it. That's so fundamental that every aspect of
           | engineering benefits from it, but it's particularly important
           | as a first step in writing code.
           | The second part is building the intuition for the
           | abstractions themselves. That's tricky as they have to teach
           | themselves. They need to build coherency in their internal
           | mental langauge of abstraction, and the only way to do that
           | is to work directly on real code, and work through the
           | consequences of doing it one way vs. another.
           | That means you have to let them commit code you don't like.
           | By all means, explain what your concerns are, but then let
           | them see how it evolves and as it becomes more untenable,
           | that's when you go back to rethinking it and trying to state
           | the problem clearly.
           | Likewise, when they do it well, you can highlight that,
           | especially drawing attention to changes to their code that
           | worked nicely.
           | cjhanks wrote:
           | Teach them about cyclomatic complexity and then review their
           | work in these terms. It gives them something concrete to
           | target rather than trying to accomplish some ethereal notion
           | of "proper abstraction".
           | [deleted]
           | tarsinge wrote:
           | Bring the idea that abstraction has a cost, like technical
           | debt. It's not something to be proud of, on the contrary, it
           | must be justified and serve a true purpose and not be only an
           | intellectual satisfaction.
           | ozim wrote:
           | My favorite example of really bad abstraction is add/edit
           | crammed into single popup/model. You know edit is basically a
           | copy paste of add so "ding ding ding here goes DRY!" in a
           | junior mind. But quickly enough it shows up that some
           | properties can be set in add, whereas in edit they have to be
           | read only. Quite often you get also other business rules that
           | can be applied only on edit or make sense only when adding
           | new entity. But when you create first version they look a lot
           | like the same code that should be reused.
           | For me this is really good example of how similar looking
           | code is not the same because it has different use case.
             | dgb23 wrote:
             | I just had a case of this last week in a web-app I'm
             | writing.
             | In the frontend code I decided to use an abstraction and
             | parametrization in the backend code I kept the logic
             | separated.
             | It really depends on context. Specifically on the layer you
             | are operating on.
             | gridlockd wrote:
             | > But quickly enough it shows up that some properties can
             | be set in add, whereas in edit they have to be read only.
             | So? Just put in some conditionals.
             | What is the alternative? Duplicate most of the code with
             | minor, non-explicit differences? What's the benefit? You
             | just _moved_ complexity around, you didn 't get rid of it.
             | The drawback is that now anything you have to add, you have
             | to add _and_ maintain it in two places. And since your
             | "add" and "edit" are probably 90% the same, it's going to
             | happen 90% of the time. It's very annoying during
             | development and you're likely to fuck it up at some point.
               | bonestormii_ wrote:
               | This is a good example of how this overall topic gets
               | reduced to "How much abstraction?" instead of "In what
               | ways should something be abstracted?"
               | Obviously an Add/Edit field are operating on the same
               | record in a hypothetical database, so it makes little
               | sense to duplicate the model.
               | On the other hand, if the conditionals within the
               | abstracted version become too complex or keep referencing
               | some notion of a mode of operation (like, ` if type(self)
               | == EditType && last_name != null` lines of thinking),
               | that is sometimes another type of smell.
               | But say you make some kind of abstract base class that
               | validates all fields in memory before committing to the
               | database, and then place all of your checking logic in a
               | validate() method. That sounds like pretty clean
               | abstractions to me.
               | And moreover, this is probably provided by an ORM system
               | and documented by that system anyway--so that's a
               | publicly documented and likely very common abstraction
               | that you see even between different ORMs. That, I think,
               | is the very best kind of abstraction, at least assuming
               | you are already working in such an environment as a high-
               | level language and ORM. Making raw SQL queries from C
               | programs still contain their own levels of abstractions
               | of course without buying whole sale into the many-layered
               | abstraction that is a web framework or something.
               | This question becomes more important when you aren't just
               | updating a database though. If you're writing some novel
               | method with a very detailed algorithm, over abstraction
               | through OOP can really obscure the algorithm. In such a
               | case, I try to identify logical tangents within the
               | algorithm, and prune/abstract them away into some
               | property or function call, but retain a single function
               | for the main algorithm itself.
               | The main algorithm gets its definition moved to the base
               | class, and the logical tangents get some kind of
               | stub/virtual method thingy in the base class so that they
               | have to be defined by subclasses. The more nested
               | tangents are frequently where detailed differences
               | between use cases emerge, which makes logical sense. It's
               | not just that it's abstract, but the logic is
               | categorically separated.
               | It's a very general pattern supported by many languages,
               | so you see it all over the place. That organization and
               | consistency in itself helps you to understand new code.
               | In that way, it also becomes a kind of "idiom" which in a
               | sense is one more layer of abstraction, helping you to
               | manage complexity.
               | As a counter of that, you see code where `a + x * y - b`
               | becomes self.minus(self.xy_add(a), b). More abstract, but
               | not more logical; not categorically separating; not
               | conforming to common idioms; obscuring the algorithm; and
               | so on...
               | And then there is performance! Let's not talk about the
               | performance of runtime abstractions.
               | vxNsr wrote:
               | I mean, aren't we just bikeshedding inheritance at this
               | point?
             | abraae wrote:
             | Each to his own. If I found that a junior had created two
             | separate popups, one for add and one for edit, I'd want to
             | look into the code with them to understand if that was a
             | good choice, because usually it wouldn't be for anything
             | with more that one or two properties.
           | leafboi wrote:
           | It's largely because they're dealing with an area with no
           | theoretical tools. Any time you hit an area that are full of
           | people "Designing" solutions/abstractions rather then
           | "Calculating" an optimal solution/abstraction you know you've
           | hit an area where there's very little theoretical knowledge
           | and most people are just sort of wandering chaotically in
           | circles trying to find an "optimal" solution/abstraction
           | without even a formal definition of what "optimal" is.... I
           | mean what is the exact definition of the "perfect
           | abstraction"? What is bad about duplication what is a bad
           | over abstraction and what is this "cheaper" cost that the
           | title is talking about? It's all a bunch of words with fuzzy
           | meanings injected with peoples biased opinions.
           | That being said theories on abstractions do exist. If you
           | learn it you'll be at the top of your game; but it's really
           | really hard to master. If you do master it, you'll be part of
           | a select group of unrecognized elites in a world of
           | programmers that largely turn to "design" while eschewing
           | theory.
           | Here are two resources to get you started:
           | The Algebra of Programming:
           | https://themattchan.com/docs/algprog.pdf
           | Program Design by Calculation:
           | http://www4.di.uminho.pt/~jno/ps/pdbc.pdf
           | You will note that both of these resources talk about
           | functional programming at its core which should indicate to
           | you that the path to the most optimal abstraction lies with
           | the functional style.
         | goto11 wrote:
         | I dislike any programming rule which includes a number.
         | The issue is whether sections of similar code implement the
         | same idea or just happen to be accidentally similar. The number
         | of instances does not really matter. If you have 100 lines of
         | code which are almost the same two places in the program, then
         | you should unify sooner rather than later, before they are
         | allowed to diverge.
           | jpswade wrote:
           | Rules are great because they can be broken, if you know when
           | to do so.
       | seanalltogether wrote:
       | This quote from John Carmack speaks very succinctly to the
       | problems that many abstractions in a code base can cause, and
       | it's a constant reminder for me when building out business logic.
       | > "A large fraction of the flaws in software development are due
       | to programmers not fully understanding all the possible states
       | their code may execute in."
       | https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/169296/Indepth_Functiona...
         | hackinthebochs wrote:
         | But abstractions reduce possible state and allows you to
         | specify that state in obvious ways, e.g. on function
         | parameters. Do not underestimate the power of functional
         | boundaries.
           | ben509 wrote:
           | They also tend to impose a degree of discipline. I've often
           | found myself wanting to shove a parameter in somewhere and
           | realized I didn't _need_ the damned thing.
         | hesdeadjim wrote:
         | This is one reason I love working in the Unity ECS framework.
         | Your data is public and state can't hide. Your systems are
         | still free to contain a plethora of bugs, but they are easier
         | to track down due to the functional nature of a system.
         | In the regular Unity OOP land, developers inevitably sprinkle
         | state everywhere. Coroutines are by far one of the worst
         | offenders. Good luck seeing the current executing state of your
         | game when it's hidden in local variables inside a persistent
         | function body...
         | jonnycat wrote:
         | Reading that article and the context of the quote, it appears
         | that Carmack is using that statement to extol the benefits of
         | functional programming styles, not commenting on abstraction.
           | seanalltogether wrote:
           | To me the quote speaks to the general problem of juggling
           | state in your head when writing code. If an abstraction is an
           | attempt to funnel a bunch of code through common logic, it
           | can be hard to understand know what the state of your app
           | will look like when someone else modifies that common logic.
       | thinkloop wrote:
       | A related problem: duplication is not equality. If two things
       | happen to be the same right now, it doesn't mean they are
       | intrinsically the same thing. If you have multiple products
       | selling for $59.99 they shouldn't share a function to generate
       | the "duplicate" price. Abstractions needs to be driven by
       | conceptual equivalence, not value equivalence, where duplication
       | is a good hint for a potential candidate of abstraction, but not
       | the complete answer alone.
       | scrozart wrote:
       | DRY gets abused regularly in my experience. It doesn't stop at
       | method/class abstractions either; I've seen entire microservices
       | & plugins developed to ensure each app doesn't have that one
       | chunk of auth code, for instance, even though they each may have
       | subtly different requirements (those extra params again). The
       | logical end to this sort of thing is infinitely flexible/generic
       | multipurpose code, when the solution is really, probably
       | increased specificity. DRY is probably the lowest-hanging fruit
       | for practices/patterns, and I think this leads to a
       | disproportionate focus on it.
         | hesdeadjim wrote:
         | It's also easy compared to solving new problems, so it can be
         | an emotionally safe way of feeling productive. Failure is
         | difficult to measure until the abstraction falls flat on its
         | face months later, at which point it can be chalked up to the
         | demons of "changing requirements".
           | zbentley wrote:
           | That is a very, very important point; well put.
           | The "of course it sucks: changing requirements!" boogeyman
           | means one of two things: "the code was written to do the
           | wrong thing because requirements changed/weren't
           | communicated" or "the code was _hard to change_ when it
           | needed to do a new thing ".
           | Figuring out which of those two is in play is very important.
       | [deleted]
       | pps43 wrote:
       | Related to http://yosefk.com/blog/redundancy-vs-dependencies-
       | which-is-w...
       | [deleted]
       | memexy wrote:
       | > Re-introduce duplication by inlining the abstracted code back
       | into every caller.
       | Ideally this type of workflow would be supported by the code
       | editor. I've done this manually a few times and it's not fun.
       | avodonosov wrote:
       | > they alter the code to take a parameter, and then add logic to
       | conditionally do the right thing based on the value of that
       | parameter
       | But that's a textbook example of bad code, competent coders don't
       | do this.
       | Update: for example see Thinking Forth chapter "Factoring
       | Techniques", around the tip "Don't pass control flags downward.".
       | Page 174 in the onscreen PDF downloadable from sourceforge.
       | And there is no need for duplication. The bigger function can be
       | split into several parts so that instead of one call with flag
       | everyone calls needed set of smaller functions.
         | dragonwriter wrote:
         | Competent coders do suboptimal things all the time, especially
         | when there is delivery pressure; competent doesn't mean
         | infallible or perfect.
         | There's also not a clear boundary between what is a single
         | appropriate abstraction and two (or _N_ ) distinct but
         | superficially related concepts.
         | zbentley wrote:
         | > that's a textbook example of bad code, competent coders don't
         | do this.
         | That's reductive and dismissive.
         | There's a ton of subtlety in even defining the terms for that
         | "best practice". What counts as a control flag versus a
         | necessary choice that must be made by callers? Are you still
         | passing control flags if you combine them into a settings
         | object? What if you use a builder pattern to configure flags
         | before invoking the business logic--is that better/worse/the
         | same? What if you capture settings inside a closure and pass
         | that around as a callback? How far "downward" is too far? How
         | far is not far enough (e.g. all callers are inlining every
         | decision point)?
         | The answer to all of those is, of course, "it depends on a lot
         | of things".
         | And that's before you even get into the reality (which a
         | sibling comment pointed out) that even if we grant that this is
         | inherently bad code, that doesn't imply anything about the
         | competence of the coder--some folks aren't put in positions
         | where they can do a good job.
         | Unrelated aside: Thinking Forth is an excellent book! Easy to
         | jump into/out of in a "bite size" way, applicable to all sorts
         | of programming, not just Forth programming.
       | nbardy wrote:
       | This has been one of the hardest fought lessons I've learned it
       | my programming career, but also one of the most fruitful. I am to
       | make my abstractions too late rather than too early. My rule of
       | thumb tends to me copy things six to seven times before you try
       | to build an abstraction for it.
       | SkyPuncher wrote:
       | I think there's a big cultural challenge with adopting
       | duplication. It goes against most people's career growth
       | objectives.
       | Being able to effectively create clean, re-usable abstractions is
       | a measure of being a "senior" engineer at many places. In other
       | words, to be viewed as senior, you need to be able to effectively
       | write abstraction frequently. It's hard to measure an abstraction
       | in the moment, so a lot of people assume that the senior simply
       | knows better.
       | I find this extends to a lot of programming. Seniors will often
       | use unnecessary tricks or paradigms simply because they can. It
       | can make it extremely difficult for junior developers to grok
       | code. Often this re-enforces seniority. "If only the seniors can
       | work on a section of code, then they are senior". Likewise, there
       | are so many books on crazy architectures and patterns. It's
       | really neat to understand, but I've determined those books are
       | pretty much self-serving.
       | ----
       | I've found that my work is often far more limited by the
       | domain/business logic than any sort of programming logic. I'll
       | happily write code that looks really basic - because I know
       | ANYBODY can come in and work with that code. If I write code that
       | a junior needs to ask me questions like "what is this pattern?"
       | or "what does this mean?", I've written bad code.
       | -----
       | With all that being said, every single job interview I've ever
       | had expects me to write code at the level of complexity that my
       | title will be at. They'd much rather see me build some sort of
       | abstract/brittle concept than using some constants and switch
       | statements. The prior looks cool, the latter looks normal.
         | leto_ii wrote:
         | > I think there's a big cultural challenge with adopting
         | duplication. It goes against most people's career growth
         | objectives.
         | My experience is the complete opposite :D. What I've noticed is
         | that the people who 'deliver' quickly (without much regard for
         | what might be called code quality) and fulfill business
         | requirements without much questioning are perceived as more
         | valuable.
         | > I've found that my work is often far more limited by the
         | domain/business logic than any sort of programming logic.
         | I broadly agree with this statement. However, just like a good
         | carpenter knows how to properly build a bookcase, a table, a
         | roof etc. a good developer should understand the programming
         | logic and know how to apply it. Business requirements need to
         | be fulfilled, but it's up to us to decide how to do that. More
         | so, I think it's up to us to push back when we feel business
         | requirements don't make sense from a technical point of view,
         | or even from a business point of view.
         | Tainnor wrote:
         | I find statements such as this to be profoundly anti-
         | intellectual. It suggests that we can't become better at what
         | we do and need to be stuck at the level of "a beginner can
         | understand that".
         | Now, I agree that simplicity is a virtue and that some people
         | go overboard with crazy stuff just because they find it cool.
         | But, as Rich Hickey says, there is a difference between simple
         | and easy. If a junior dev doesn't understand "map", then we
         | should explain them what "map" is, instead of going to back to
         | writing everything with for loops.
       | kureikain wrote:
       | I think one of the cool thing about pattern matching or
       | language(In my case, it's Elixir) that support function operator
       | is we can have same method with different argument sigunatures.
       | So we don't have to duplicate or inherit whatever and still share
       | some common method.
       | hota_mazi wrote:
       | > prefer duplication over the wrong abstraction
       | Such a strange advice.
       | If you're able to recognize the wrong abstraction right away,
       | surely you would not use it, right?
         | allenu wrote:
         | I think the intent was to communicate that abstractions aren't
         | always right.
         | Some people might think that because there's duplicate code and
         | that the abstracted code maps to the duplicated code 1 to 1 and
         | leads to fewer lines in total, it's a good abstraction, not
         | realizing that there are costs to doing this that may not be
         | aware of.
         | mrkeen wrote:
         | The reason is that you won't know it's the wrong abstraction
         | until it's time to modify it or add new features.
       | preommr wrote:
       | I strongly dislike this article because the title is much broader
       | than most of the substance of the article.
       | Advising not to overextend an abstraction is inarguable.
       | The actual title "Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong
       | abstraction", and the thing that people will really discuss, is a
       | loaded statement that's going to need a lot of caveats.
         | [deleted]
       | gm wrote:
       | This advice just _feels_ very wrong. After thinking about it and
       | seeing the other comments, some remarks:
       | 1) It's fine to go back and duplicate code after you correct the
       | abstraction. But it should be the _first_ phase in doing a larger
       | pass to refactor code to fit the current business requirements.
       | If you forgo the _second_ step, which should be to search for
       | suitable abstractions again, you are absolutely guaranteed to be
       | left with shit code that breaks in this situation, but not that
       | other one, and no one knows why. I would absolutely only
       | duplicate code as the prequel to deduplicating it again with
       | updated abstractions.
       | 2) If you do any of this without thorough unit tests you're
       | insane. Keep the wrongly-abstracted code unless you have time to
       | thoroughly fix the mess you will have made when you duplicate
       | code again and introduce bugs (you're human, after all).
       | 2a) If you are going to do this and there are no unit tests,
       | create those unit tests before you touch the code initially
       | (before the duplication).
       | 3) Some of the comments saying you should wait until you
       | implement something two or three times before creating an
       | abstraction seem like comp sci 101 rules of thumb. It's way too
       | simplistic a rule, way too general. Prematurely abstracted
       | (haha!). The type of project and the type of company/industry
       | will tell you what the right tradeoff is.
       | That is all.
         | haolez wrote:
         | You are assuming that the code is a moving target. Not every
         | software project behaves that way. Sometimes, the software gets
         | done as is.
       | crazygringo wrote:
       | Another tip is: if you're duplicating, and they're not lines of
       | code that are visually obviously next to each other, then leave a
       | comment next to both instances mentioning the existence of the
       | other.
       | There's nothing inherently wrong with duplication, except that if
       | you change or fix a bug in one, you need to not forget about the
       | other. Creating a single function solves this... but at the
       | potential cost of creating the wrong abstraction.
       | When you're at only 1 or 2 extra instances of the code, just
       | maintaining a "pointer" to the other case(s) with a comment
       | serves the same purpose.
       | (Of course, this requires discipline to always include the
       | comments, and to always follow them when making a change.)
         | stormdennis wrote:
         | Would the risk forgetting to update the comments not be a
         | reason for creating a wrapper method that handled calls to both
         | and contained the relevant advice?
       | zarathustreal wrote:
       | I've seen this "hot take" a few times before and even see
       | developers that I would have considered very good agree with it.
       | Consider that all code is computation, this is the point of a
       | computer: to compute. Consider that abstraction doesn't seem
       | valuable -to you- for a multitude of reasons. Perhaps you're
       | using a flawed paradigm that emphasizes objects over computation.
       | This would obviously mean abstraction -increases- the difficulty
       | of reasoning about your code. Perhaps you don't have a mental map
       | of appropriate abstractions due to a lack of education or
       | knowledge gap, this could lead you down the path of creating
       | abstractions which reduce duplicate characters or lines of text
       | but are not logically sound ("leaky abstractions.") All of these
       | things come together in a modern "enterprise" software
       | environment in just the right way such that abstraction starts to
       | seem like a bad idea. Do not fall into this line of thinking.
       | Study functional programming. Study algebraic structures.
       | Eventually the computer science will start to make sense.
       | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-07-05 23:00 UTC)