[HN Gopher] Identity Beyond Usernames
       Identity Beyond Usernames
       Author : polm23
       Score  : 52 points
       Date   : 2020-07-08 06:09 UTC (16 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lord.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lord.io)
       | tsimionescu wrote:
       | The author's solution is to shift the problem of uniqueness of
       | usernames to email, as if email is less likely to change than a
       | site-specific username.
       | The opposite is actually true - there are many reasons to change
       | your email, while changing your username on the vast majority of
       | websites is simply unnecessary (e.g. anything without a social
       | component, such as banks, shops, Healthcare providers etc.).
       | Not to mention, if you don't have a system for ensuring unique
       | usernames, you also shift the burden of ensuring identity to your
       | other users, who now have to understand how to distinguish
       | different users with the same name.
         | gcbw3 wrote:
         | to me it seems the suggestion is to allow aliases (nicknames,
         | images, utf, qr-code, text) and stick with numerical ids (or
         | whatever you use as the true primary key, which can be email or
         | phone number i guess, but hope not).
         | Even hints that for directories, etc at the end.
           | crooked-v wrote:
           | Discord and Blizzard both use a unique numerical ID as the
           | true source of identity (your name displays like "Mr.
           | Bob#1234", but only the "1234" part is actually important),
           | while using email for logging in. The email and the display
           | name can both be changed at any time.
             | csande17 wrote:
             | I'm pretty sure the ID that Discord and Blizzard use as the
             | "true" source of identity (as in, the key they store in the
             | database to keep track of who's on your buddy list) is
             | different from the "#1234" number used to disambiguate
             | people with the same username.
             | In particular, that number is only four base-10 digits
             | long, and I'm pretty sure there are more than 10,000 people
             | in the world who have ever played Hearthstone.
             | tonyarkles wrote:
             | And ICQ! While AIM was letting people choose usernames, ICQ
             | looked deep into your soul and assigned you an ID based on
             | the order in which you joined :)
               | mey wrote:
               | Still remember my ICQ number even though it got account
               | hijacked LONG ago.
       | miki123211 wrote:
       | If you want to learn how to do accessibility, specifically alt
       | texts, properly, this guy does it exactly right.
       | I'm a screen reader user and don't encounter those often. There's
       | even some fun in those alt texts, i.e.
       | "screenshot of unicode character inspector revealing "epic" to
       | actually be "eris". of course you, a screen reader user, aren't
       | fooled."
       | Btw, most people would just label that "screenshot", which is
       | extremely infuriating.
       | memexy wrote:
       | > This even allows them to have fully-Unicode usernames; username
       | phishing is less of a problem when users expect duplicate
       | usernames, and none of your systems depend on username
       | uniqueness.
       | It's surprising but providing an extra degree of freedom makes
       | the system more robust. Username phishing is a real problem on
       | Twitter because people expect unique names associated with each
       | person they interact with but if usernames can not be assumed to
       | be unique then using the name as a heuristic for identity is no
       | longer a viable shortcut so people have to develop other ways of
       | making sure they're talking to who they think they're talking to.
       | On a related note, keybase (keybase.io) proofs never made sense
       | to me until I started thinking about how I would prove to people
       | that I am indeed who I say I am. Keybase provides a cryptographic
       | basis for trust, which is much better than what most social media
       | systems currently support with their verification mechanisms. I
       | personally trust cryptographic signatures over whatever
       | verification mechanism Twitter is using to provide blue check
       | marks to verified accounts.
       | [deleted]
       | akersten wrote:
       | It's fairly long and winding but the main point seems to be that
       | because Unicode exists, and Unicode supports characters that are
       | problematic for the concept of a unique identity, then it is the
       | concept of a unique identity that is the problem.
       | It also presents a front-end solution (fuzzy-text matching for
       | @'ing someone's display name in a Slack channel) but does nothing
       | to address the ever-present back-end need to actually validate
       | that a client is who they say they are.
       | There's a _good_ reason you can 't make your bank username the
       | king , and it's not "because developers are anglo-centric and
       | intrinsically against all the wonderful individual expression and
       | identity that Unicode could bring us."
       | Since the article mentioned Punycode, I actually think the
       | current implementation is an elegant solution to a real problem.
       | Of course we should enable folks from anywhere around the world
       | to experience the Internet in their native language. That's the
       | reason the Chrome algorithm to determine whether to show Punycode
       | is so complex - it has to carefully balance the desire to show
       | text the way it was intended while considering that it might be a
       | malicious attempt to phish someone using characters outside their
       | typical locale. In this case, the front-end solution of asking
       | the user "which google.com from this list of two identical-
       | looking google.com's is the one you want" just won't fly.
         | JoshTriplett wrote:
         | Your bank doesn't _need_ the concept of a username. A service
         | may need a username if it 's going to have social features,
         | public content, or other ways in which users interact with each
         | other. If people just log in and use the service, let them use
         | an email address as their login (which is already unique), and
         | don't make them pick a username at all.
           | akersten wrote:
           | In that case, the email is the username, and the problem
           | remains: are josh@gmail.com and josh@gmail.com the same user?
           | To the system, of course they're different - it's just
           | looking at the bytes. Problem comes when a human interacts
           | with the account. Maybe they see the email on the account and
           | manually type it in to another system. Or records are printed
           | as part of a lawsuit and has to be transcribed.
           | Allowing indistinguishable characters in unique tokens
           | creates confusion at best. Broadly I agree that we should
           | reduce our reliance on unique identifiers, and I don't have a
           | good answer for the right approach, but certainly we can't
           | abandon the concept of a unique identifier altogether: it
           | predates computers and the character encoding mess we made,
           | by a long time.
             | inetknght wrote:
             | > _are josh@gmail.com and josh@gmail.com the same user?_
             | I like to think I have a keen eye and pay attention to
             | subtle details. I don't think I see a difference between
             | the two addresses. Your message seems to state they're
             | different though. Did HN normalize the differences? Did my
             | browser?
             | In a blaze of stupidity, I decided to to copy and paste
             | into my terminal and pipe it through a hex dump [0].
             | * The character difference doesn't show up in the viewport
             | in Firefox; of course, it's rendered.
             | * The character difference doesn't show up in the HTML
             | editor; of course, it's showing the "raw text" and the "raw
             | text" is valid unicode.
             | * It doesn't show up in the browser's network inspection of
             | the response payload. That's the scariest part in Firefox
             | IMO.
             | * It doesn't show up in my Terminal either. Why shouldn't
             | it? We've fought long and hard for terminals to support
             | Unicode.
             | Of course, then there's the fact that I decided to copy and
             | paste from a browser into my terminal even though I already
             | knew I shouldn't [1]. What _else_ could be hidden in
             | unicode? An entire bash script starting with `sudo`,
             | perhaps? Websites can already inject their shitware into
             | the clipboard with clipboard events [1].
             | [0]: https://knightoftheinter.net/img/hacker%20news%20id%20
             | 237743...
             | [1]: https://security.stackexchange.com/q/39118/47800
             | [deleted]
           | msla wrote:
           | There's a problem with using email addresses as IDs which has
           | nothing to do with Unicode: Is frobozz@example.com the same
           | as frobozz@example.com? Don't bother comparing bytes: What's
           | changed is the time, and who owns the frobozz@example.com
           | email account. Names need to have some kind of stability over
           | time to be useful, and need to have some mechanism whereby
           | they can be changed gracefully if they need to be. Email
           | addresses have neither of those properties.
           | Mailing addresses have the same problems to some extent, but
           | at least most mail systems should have some concept of
           | forwarding addresses by now. Email is never going to.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | I don't see this as a problem so long as you don't treat
             | the email as the permanent source of truth of the account
             | identity and instead have it be the email you happen to
             | have associated with the account at that time.
             | We have abstracted the notion of passwords as "a collection
             | of authenticators defined by the user", no reason your
             | account can't have a collection of identifiers as well.
           | mc32 wrote:
           | Some banks don't have a "username" to log in but insist on
           | "account number". Which works but is not something I remember
           | easily and forced me to use a PWD manager, which I guess is a
           | good thing.
             | inetknght wrote:
             | > _forced me to use a PWD manager, which I guess is a good
             | thing._
             | Just as long as you aren't copying those bank credentials
             | into your clipboard :)
               | Red_Leaves_Flyy wrote:
               | There should only be to features exposed from the
               | clipboard API.
               | 1. Push. Add a new item to the clipboard.
               | 2. For apps, with an opt in permission. Delete items
               | added by the app. Good for password managers.
               | Also, it's basically impossible to use a password manager
               | without using the clipboard. At the one I use will
               | automatically remove the items it sets after a timeout I
               | can configure.
       | ryukafalz wrote:
       | I like the petname approach that GNS[0] takes - there _are_
       | stable identifiers (they 're public keys) but users are meant to
       | refer to identifiers using local names (or names that their
       | contacts have set).
       | [0] https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-schanzen-gns-01.html
         | memexy wrote:
         | Generally, using cryptography or associated cryptographic
         | functions is the way to go when trying to make robust systems.
         | Joe Armstrong has a great talk where he outlines how to create
         | a content addressable store for storing and working with
         | knowledge/data. He suggests using SHA256 content hashing
         | because giving items of data unique names is a hard problem so
         | we might as well name pieces of data by their content hashes
         | and then have a human readable pointer.
         | --
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKXe3HUG2l4
       | User23 wrote:
       | This is why I like hexl-mode[1].
       | [1] https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HexlMode
       | notJim wrote:
       | GDPR adds an interesting wrinkle in all this. GDPR requires both
       | the right of removal (removing @-mentions) and the right of
       | rectification (updating them.) So if I change my name from notJim
       | to notJohn, GDPR requires* services to update previous @-mentions
       | from notJim to notJohn, and similarly requires services to remove
       | old mentions of notJim if I request removal. Using an identifier
       | behind the scenes greatly simplifies this, because instead of
       | dealing with text, you fetch the appropriate display name at
       | render time.
       | * IANAL, etc, and I'm sure requirements and interpretations of
       | GDPR vary, but I do know that my company invested quite a lot
       | into systems to fix this @-mentioning issue, so at least some
       | people thinks it requires this and are willing to spend probably
       | millions of dollars of engineering time to comply with said
       | requirement. Personally, I support this provision.
       (page generated 2020-07-08 23:00 UTC)