[HN Gopher] Flutter for Linux
       Flutter for Linux
       Author : CSharpRon
       Score  : 262 points
       Date   : 2020-07-08 16:26 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | olingern wrote:
       | I haven't dug into this, but I wonder what compatibility this
       | will have with window managers, like i3
         | l3s2d wrote:
         | Just tested on sway, it draws the title bar, but otherwise
         | seems to work.
         | knotty66 wrote:
         | I've just tested on regular i3 (no Sway).
         | Works pretty well until you start moving or resizing the window
         | but once I did it crashed the app a couple of times.
         | I also couldn't start the app fullscreen on a 4K display - it
         | just displayed a small black rectangle. Other than that it felt
         | fast and smooth.
         | It is an alpha though, so I thought it was promising
         | nonetheless.
       | heavyset_go wrote:
       | Having recently chosen a Qt stack for cross-platform desktop
       | development over Electron, I'm happy to see that Flutter is now a
       | real contender in this space.
       | I'm curious about Flutter and Dart bindings and calling
       | interfaces for other languages. If you can integrate a Flutter
       | front end with a back end language of your choice, that would
       | change a lot of things for the better. The only reactive UI
       | offerings for cross-platform desktop development with multiple
       | language bindings are QML, which is great, or Electron with
       | React, which is not so great if you want to use anything but
       | JavaScript for your back end.
       | colesantiago wrote:
       | What is the off chance that Google will drop Flutter?
         | sudhirj wrote:
         | This matters only if Flutter is a closed source project - but
         | it's not. You can fork it on Github right now and continue
         | working on it even if Google pulls its engineers off. I'd
         | assume that those of us (and there seem be a lot of people)
         | invested in it will continue working on it.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | > This matters only if Flutter is a closed source project
           | Nonsense. Even though it is open source, if Google drops it
           | it will be effectively a dead project since the vast majority
           | of the work is done by Google, and Flutter still isn't a
           | mature project.
           | dathinab wrote:
           | It might make it even more interesting for some people ;-)
           | heavyset_go wrote:
           | > _This matters only if Flutter is a closed source project -
           | but it 's not_
           | It certainly matters. Without a team of dedicated developers
           | maintaining the project, the APIs it depends on will become
           | deprecated, and it'll slowly become unusable.
           | Flutter touches a lot of APIs across many platforms. It's a
           | complicated project that needs to support virtually every
           | popular operating system in a visually and behaviorally
           | consistent way.
           | Flutter also depends on Dart's maintenance, which is another
           | project without significant open-source contributor activity
           | outside of Google employees.
           | > _I 'd assume that those of us (and there seem be a lot of
           | people) invested in it will continue working on it._
           | Having contributed fixes to Flutter and Dart, Google does not
           | go out of their way to build an open-source contributor
           | community around the projects. I would be surprised to learn
           | that any significant support is provided by open-source
           | contributors to Flutter or Dart.
         | skc wrote:
         | Google not too long ago released Jetpack Compose which has some
         | overlap with flutter so it's anybody's guess.
         | https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose
           | ryuukk_ wrote:
           | compose is JAVA, and android only, since it's JVM, you'll
           | need a big and slow runtime
           | flutter is dart, and compiles to native, AOT and statically
           | linked tiny executable
           | flutter is the winner
         | cxr wrote:
         | If the Vala folks and Gnome in general could be convinced to
         | drop Vala in favor Dart, or move valac in the direction of
         | accepting a language that looks like (a subset or a complex
         | supersubset of) Dart, it could be an effective hedge against
         | Google pulling out. It would also be an instance of Gnome and
         | the various commercial vendors who rely on it being ahead of
         | the curve--particularly for mobile, while proprietary vendors
         | are still left dealing with the legacy of Android, Dalvik, and
         | Java.
           | dathinab wrote:
           | > Gnome in general could be convinced to drop Vala in favor
           | Dart
           | I would be _very_ surprised if that happens.
           | The last time I checked it seems that if anything changes
           | then that bit-by-bit _some_ components get replaced with new
           | ones written in rust.
           | Also I honestly would be very surprised if Gnome would move
           | from gtk-based UI to a flutter based UI interface.
           | I mean besides political reasons the amount of rework you
           | would have to do is probably in a degree which makes it
           | unpractical.
           | And in context of libre5 and some other developments there
           | was a lot of effort to make gtk-based UI ready to be used
           | with handheld devices.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Gnome is already adopting Rust, and GJS has been the Vala
           | alternative for ages, so no luck for Dart.
           | Also Gnome has had multiple language bindings since the early
           | days, most of them have more use across Gnome apps than Vala.
             | cxr wrote:
             | > Gnome is already adopting Rust
             | That's not accurate. There are some Gnome contributors
             | opting for Rust. Gnome is not adopting Rust.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | GUADEC Rust meetings and the GStreamer improvements show
               | another picture.
             | [deleted]
         | dathinab wrote:
         | Only iff they drop Fuchisa.
         | And if they drop Fuchisa and flutter has enough (relevant) apps
         | using it in the Android Ecosystem they probably would keep it
         | still around.
         | But my guess is that one long play Google want's to keep open
         | for them is to start replacing Android with Fuchisa and push
         | for a ecosystem where they have control more similar to apple.
         | I.e. directly push updates to phones without the phone
         | manufacturer as middle man. As this is a source of a lot of
         | problems with Android making it less competitive against iOs.
           | mikece wrote:
           | "Only if they drop Fuchsia."
           | I hate to say it, but this is beginning to look like a real
           | possibility. It looks like Google has been implementing into
           | Android a lot of the modular, "make the system easier to
           | update" aspects of Fuchsia with each release of Android. I
           | think Oracle's continuing fight to make Google pay
           | financially for using Java is doing more to keep Fuchsia
           | alive anything else. If Oracle relents then it's possible
           | that Nest devices (the only Fuchsia-based products currently
           | shipping afaik) could eventually switch to an IoT version of
           | Android... but since Oracle is a litigation firm that also
           | happens to sell databases I don't see them ever stopping the
           | lawsuits.
             | The_rationalist wrote:
             | If Android switch to openjdk like everybody else, they'll
             | be lawsuit proof
               | kllrnohj wrote:
               | They did: https://arstechnica.com/tech-
               | policy/2016/01/android-n-switch...
               | The _runtime_ remains ART, though, but that wasn 't the
               | issue in the lawsuit.
               | The_rationalist wrote:
               | I had read that too and I do not understand at all. What
               | is openjdk beyond a runtime VM ? They do not use what
               | truly qualify as openjdk otherwise they would have C2 and
               | G1 and therefore true java 8+ support, for free.
         | plq wrote:
         | My hunch is that Google is trying to migrate away from Android.
         | Flutter is both the abstraction layer to do that and the new
         | SDK for the new platform.
         | If that's the case, it's higly unlikely.
           | dakna wrote:
           | I think Google realized they needed a compelling cross-
           | plattform solution because React Native started to gain so
           | much traction.
           | In terms of migrating away from Android, I think they will
           | use the newer AndroidX packages as the future abstraction
           | layer, which would enable them to replace the underlying
           | runtime with something more native for each platform. It
           | would be a compilation target for Kotlin as well as Dart. All
           | while not deprecating the massive amount of production code
           | out there. But, this is also just a guess.
             | izacus wrote:
             | That's a really wierd take if you actually look at what
             | AndroidX is - it's a set of utility libraries to complement
             | Android so it being some kind of abstraction layer is
             | rather nonsensical. It's like saying boost is an
             | abstraction layer for Linux and it allows its replacement.
             | It's an orthogonal thing that doesn't stand alone.
               | dakna wrote:
               | Yes, it's a set of libraries under one package name. With
               | Google's massive investment in refactoring it has a
               | pretty big surface already, from persistence to UI and
               | almost everything in between.
               | https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/packages
               | It's current implementation uses classes that are part of
               | the Android layer, mostly the old support library plus
               | some new abstractions like LiveData and Room and
               | Navigation. I see no reason why you could not use the
               | public interface of that library as a compatibility layer
               | for application level code and let it run on a different
               | platform.
               | Not today, but given the fact that you can't just kill
               | the worlds most used operating system, you either use
               | virtualization like Apple now does again for ARM (and
               | before when replacing Motorola with Intel) or you change
               | the underlying dependencies of the libraries used and
               | compile again.
         | adonese wrote:
         | I think being used with Fuschia is a good sign
       | sgt wrote:
       | Does this work well on RPi 4?
       | me551ah wrote:
       | The future of cross platform desktop development looks bright.
       | Microsoft is coming up with .NET 6 and Google has flutter. I just
       | hope that these frameworks can replace bulky electron apps.
         | k__ wrote:
         | Revery also looks nice.
         | I wish they had more funding, tho. I find Reason/OCaml more
         | compelling than Dart.
           | thomasfortes wrote:
           | There's a guy that managed to compile and run revery on
           | android, I would love to have that as an option since I'm
           | already familiar with ocaml/reason and only barely literate
           | in Dart (and also prefer functional languages over object
           | oriented ones)...
           | https://github.com/EduardoRFS/reason-mobile
             | k__ wrote:
             | Pretty cool!
             | They have mobile platforms on their roadmap for quite some
             | time now, but somehow the project doesn't seem to get much
             | traction.
             | I guess, Dart would be dead by now, if it wasn't for Google
             | pushing it with Flutter.
           | sly010 wrote:
           | How is OCaml's multithreading story? Google says it's
           | basically GIL-ed.
             | blandflakes wrote:
             | Simultaneously in a state of having-been vaporware and
             | making real progress towards being merged to master:
             | https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/multicore-ocaml-june-2020/6047
         | WorldMaker wrote:
         | The "Next" and "Next + 1" versions of React Native are starting
         | to look quite exciting too. The Microsoft-backed full C++/WinRT
         | rewrite of the Windows desktop support seems to be making good
         | progress. With the Office team supposedly backing React Native
         | as their preferred cross-platform toolkit moving forward,
         | Microsoft looks like they'll be investing in RN for the long
         | haul.
         | It seems good for everybody that Microsoft seems to be putting
         | so much work into cross-platform dev in both .NET 6 and RN.
       | awill wrote:
       | Google needs to release desktop apps in Flutter (Youtube Music,
       | Chat, Meet etc..). a Webapp is fine for occasional use, but
       | Google Chat can't compete with Slack without a real app.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | Totally. You definitely can't compete against Slack's desktop
         | app with web technologies: https://slack.engineering/building-
         | hybrid-applications-with-...
           | dahfizz wrote:
           | Personally I can't tell the difference between the slack app
           | and slack open in my browser. It is literally identical. In
           | Firefox, I can even go "full screen" but still control the
           | size and location of the window, so I don't have to look at
           | the tab bar. Side by side, I can't tell them apart visually
           | or functionally.
           | Maybe the Linux version of electron is neutered in some way?
           | I read article you linked and I don't know what bouncing the
           | dock means, maybe that's an important native feature for mac
           | users?
             | jeffbee wrote:
             | Slack in the browser is visibly superior to the slack app.
             | When I close the tab it's really dead. Great feature.
             | The slack "app" is just their web site and a web browser
             | zipped together in such a way that it doesn't actually quit
             | when you tell it to quit. Why anyone wants that I cannot
             | begin to imagine.
         | kelnos wrote:
         | I uninstalled Slack's desktop "app" a long time ago and never
         | looked back. The browser version is much better, and doesn't
         | require me to have an extra (often buggy, in my experience)
         | browser instance open in order to use it.
         | Calling it an "app" is somewhat laughable, since it's just
         | their website packaged up in a standalone web browser, plus a
         | minimal amount of platform-specific glue.
         | judge2020 wrote:
         | Their focus seems to be full-on installable PWAs for
         | everything, which YT Music and YT TV already having them (and
         | PWAs are only marginally better than Electron since they all
         | share the same parent chrome process).
       | thomascgalvin wrote:
       | Does Flutter have a native HTML widget yet? It didn't when I
       | first started poking around with Flutter, and a quick Google
       | doesn't reveal anything first-party.
         | grizzles wrote:
         | WebView is such a _core_ component.
         | In the interests of completeness, Flutter.dev really ought to
         | bundle an android-like webview component in the core libs.
         | It really breaks the WORA value prop if you need to if-elif
         | your way around platform specific impls.
         | mnazim wrote:
         | A number of packages provide webview, which can be used to
         | render html pages.
           | ellsthrow wrote:
           | These still aren't "production" ready yet though
           | unfortunately e.g. they don't currently support keyboard
           | input
       | armytricks wrote:
       | Having used Flutter extensively since I was first introduced to
       | it 9 months ago, I can say that it is an absolute joy to use and
       | build interfaces with. An easier way to install the Flutter SDK
       | on linux is only good news and I hope it gets more developers to
       | adopt it.
         | programmarchy wrote:
         | Agree, Flutter is top notch. I've had trouble pitching it as a
         | technical solution, though. For one, I think word is out that
         | Google will kill projects mercilessly, and there's an odd
         | dynamic between the promotion Flutter and Kotlin/AndroidX.
         | Generally, Kotlin comes out on top as the "safer" choice.
         | It's a shame, though, because the primary advantage I see with
         | Flutter is its superior UI framework. It's leagues better than
         | the AndroidX compatibility lasagna, in terms of architecture
         | and DX. So it really stands out as a cross platform solution
         | not just across iOS and Android, but especially across the
         | Android ecosystem itself.
           | threatofrain wrote:
           | Google has been timid in promoting Flutter, so it's clear
           | that Google's not ready to put the weight of their brand
           | behind it yet.
       | kelnos wrote:
       | > _Canonical is making it very easy for application developers to
       | publish their apps for Linux users via the Snap Store, the app
       | store for Linux._
       | Ugh. No, Canonical, no matter how much you'd like it to be, the
       | Snap Store is not, and will never be, "the app store for Linux".
       | The last thing the Linux community wants or needs is a closed-
       | source[0], walled-garden approach to distributing applications.
       | [0] For the pedants out there: yes, you can create Snaps with
       | open tools, but the only Snap server implementation is closed.
       | fungos wrote:
       | Flutter: yay!
       | Snap: nope!
       | Anyway, hopefully this will cause a push for flutter support on
       | other distros that are snap free.
         | Andrex wrote:
         | I'm still excited because when Canonical backtracks on Snap in
         | a few years (like they seem to always do when trying to push
         | some homegrown aspect of Linux), their Flutter work will still
         | be there and will have seen years of improvements.
         | timsneath wrote:
         | It's worth noting that Ubuntu support and Snap support are
         | orthogonal. The Flutter work here generates standard ELF
         | binaries that can be distributed outside of Snap, and
         | Canonical's contributions to create a high-quality desktop
         | embedder for Linux are applicable across all distros.
       | etse wrote:
       | What are some high quality non-Material, non-Cupertino themes
       | that any Flutter (mobile) developers can recommend?
       | Material is well done, except I really don't like the actual
       | design. Cupertino looks more like iOS 7 than iOS 14 and lacks
       | something...
       | reddotX wrote:
       | flutter on Ubuntu 20.04
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnXKtwKNAB4
       | flutter create flutter run
       | done
       | avilesj wrote:
       | I'm excited to have another contender on multi platform apps
       | space but in the case of Flutter for desktop I just wonder about
       | the RAM consumption compared to Electron.
         | programmarchy wrote:
         | Dart compiles to native machine code, so unlike Electron
         | doesn't need to host an interpreter, which tends to
         | aggressively allocate memory. Should be much friendlier on RAM.
       | skratlo wrote:
       | Yay, Macromedia Flash for desktop is here, made in Google, Dart
       | instead of ActionScript, wow, just wow.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | I assume that this is meant as a criticism, but Flash was quite
         | good at easy-to-make portable graphical apps; they had massive
         | security issues and some lack of polish, but there's a reason
         | why Flash dominated its era. (Also, "Macromedia Flash for
         | desktop" was already a thing, no?) So yeah, "Flash but modern
         | and safe" would be a pretty strong selling point.
           | Apocryphon wrote:
           | There was just a thread bemoaning the lost art of Flash games
           | last week:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23705174
         | akie wrote:
         | You're not wrong.
           | Spivak wrote:
           | I think they're mostly wrong. I think we put too much stock
           | into the default UI toolkits on each platform since this
           | really isn't much different than how GTK and QT work. They
           | have their own rendering engines and have to draw all their
           | widgets from scratch just like this. The only difference is
           | that GTK and QT are blessed.
           | I think there's a case to be made for sticking to the
           | defaults for consistency's sake but Flutter is just as native
           | as any other UI toolkit on Linux.
       | topspin wrote:
       | Interesting that Flutter "Desktop support" exists for macOS and
       | Linux, but not Windows.
         | kjksf wrote:
         | It does exist for Windows (i.e. I compiled and ran Flutter app
         | on Windows).
         | It's just slightly behind macOS and Linux in maturity.
         | In general desktop support is "early alpha" quality.
         | I'm hoping that in a year or two Flutter will be a solid option
         | for mac/linux/windows desktop apps.
         | For now we have to accept that it's an alpha quality software.
       | Dowwie wrote:
       | see the flutter-rust ffi: https://github.com/brickpop/flutter-
       | rust-ffi
       | Is anyone considering writing flutter + rust desktop apps in
       | linux?
       | oaiey wrote:
       | Microsoft really has to speed up the Xamarin.Forms / Maui
       | development. The omission of Linux is a really a pity.
         | [deleted]
         | ryuukk_ wrote:
         | MAUI sucks, it is xamarin bis, uses 654654 different renderers,
         | uses C# and compiles with a JIT, enjoy your 100mb MINIMUM apps,
         | even for hello world
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | They said they'll have a preview by the end of the year. I'm
         | excited to see it but I'd rather they do it right instead of
         | right now.
           | CSharpRon wrote:
           | TIL about Maui. From my light researching, it looks like any
           | Linux implementation of Maui will be community-led instead of
           | Microsoft led like the Windows and MacOS implementations.
           | https://github.com/dotnet/maui
       | CSharpRon wrote:
       | Great news for sure. There's a React Native application that I am
       | maintaining; it's not too complex but I would love to give a
       | rewrite a try with Flutter and see how it does on Ubuntu.
       | mixmastamyk wrote:
       | Good to see. I've been wanting to use Flutter for a Linux-based
       | appliance but it still needed a lot of work on that front until
       | recently. If there was a bittorrent library in Dart as well I'd
       | be off to the races.
       | Up until this time I've been using Kivy for the application, but
       | it has a ton of issues and doesn't seem to receive much
       | investment or support, even if you wave money around.
       | axegon_ wrote:
       | I'm actually a great fan of flutter and imo it is the best cross-
       | platform solution out there. Probably except for web: though it
       | produces very good result performance-wise, the end result is
       | never really "web" and doesn't act like traditional web. As for
       | desktop applications(whether it be windows, linux or mac), it
       | seems like it's too mobile-oriented. I see great potential for
       | simple solutions like self-service operations where you need a
       | basic UI and it would be great if it could easily target
       | platforms like raspberry pi (arm processors running Linux). But
       | at the moment, while possible, it is a very painful thing to
       | tackle and I wouldn't rely on something like that for an end
       | product. I would assume that this is why google is working on
       | fuchsia but way too few devices are supported. And neither of
       | them is cheap(which is what could be a game changer, going back
       | to the raspberry pi).
         | RivieraKid wrote:
         | I've been using Flutter in the last few months and agree. It's
         | the best multi-platform solution for _mobile_ , although it
         | still doesn't match native behavior and performance, it only
         | gets close.
         | On the web it's DOA for most use cases - it's just a canvas, so
         | scrolling, text selection, shadow rendering, etc. is custom,
         | doesn't feel native and must be downloaded and compiled.
         | It can have a future on desktop. One "cultural" obstacle is
         | that the de facto default widget system is Material, which is
         | simply a wrong approach to desktop UI.
           | bepvte wrote:
           | Flutter only falls back on the canvas, it avoids using
           | anything but html elements if it can. Fancy animations tend
           | to resort to the canvas
           | akerro wrote:
           | >It's the best multi-platform solution for mobile
           | They announced beta version for Windows in the last few
           | weeks, so what to expect? I've been using it on linux desktop
           | for 4 months so far, there were many problems, but it's
           | absolutely the best framework so far. It's miles ahead of Qt
           | (which I've been programming in since 2010). Dart and flutter
           | are just years ahead of Java, C#, Qt and React Native in
           | terms of positive programmer experience, productivity, good
           | looking UI. There are so many bad things to say too, but all
           | I can think about are only due to immature ecosystem, but
           | that's changing literally daily.
             | rowanG077 wrote:
             | Dart is the reason I don't like flutter.
             | Why do you feel C# is worse then Dart?
               | satvikpendem wrote:
               | Dart is...fine. The real value comes in its code
               | generation features, which enable packages to add
               | whatever language features they want even if the language
               | maintainers don't (yet), such as algebraic data types,
               | functional programming features, etc. You can argue this
               | as being good or bad for future maintenance but it's nice
               | to have the ability to add to the language.
             | brnt wrote:
             | Hoe is it ahead of Qt (on desktop)?
           | muth02446 wrote:
           | I wish the dart/flutter team would focus on improving dart
           | for web (e.g. by updating/fixing the JS bindings) instead of
           | chasing flutter for web which seems like a long shot and
           | rather hacky (referring to using the canvas for rendering
           | content)
             | vesinisa wrote:
             | > using the canvas for rendering content
             | This sounds like Flash all over again. Let me guess - no
             | native text select, copy & paste supported? Scrolling is
             | "wrong" in a subtle way?
               | timsneath wrote:
               | We haven't reached perfection yet (that's why we're still
               | in beta), but our goal is to be _very_ different to Flash
               | in these kinds of areas.
               | Here's an example of text fields:
               | https://gallery.flutter.dev/#/demo/text-field
               | Right-click and you have access to the browser context
               | menu; choose Inspect and you can see a <textarea> or
               | <input> control.
               | spiderfarmer wrote:
               | Tie it in with AMP and you have the webdev cocktail from
               | hell.
         | blandflakes wrote:
         | Dart actually has a lot of characteristics that make it
         | appealing for a lot of the areas I'd have (begrudgingly) used
         | Go - command-line tools or local utilities. It "can" be
         | scripted, but also AOT compiles, has a saneish type system with
         | generics, and doesn't have pointers to deal with. It's hard for
         | me to want to use it on the web, but I keep watching it and
         | wishing good things for it.
           | wstrange wrote:
           | Dart produces surprisingly small docker images for server
           | code. I recently created small Cloud Run web service with
           | Dart - the docker image is 5.2MB compressed, 12.9 MB as
           | reported by docker.
           | I'm not even sure Go would do better on image size. Tree
           | shaking does wonders here.
             | [deleted]
           | vetinari wrote:
           | > command-line tools or local utilities.
           | FFI is quite a PITA, though. Soomer or later you will have to
           | interface some platform libraries, and Dart doesn't make that
           | easy.
             | timsneath wrote:
             | Curious what platforms you're interested in integrating
             | with. We're experimenting here and looking for feedback. As
             | a fun demonstration of the effectiveness of FFI, you can
             | now build Petzold-style native Windows code with Dart: http
             | s://github.com/timsneath/win32/blob/master/example/hello...
             | And here's a 500-line version of the Kilo console text
             | editor built with Dart: https://github.com/timsneath/dart_c
             | onsole/blob/master/exampl...
             | Unlike the original, it runs on both Windows and UNIX-based
             | operating systems.
               | malkia wrote:
               | Tim, it should be possible that the main .exe (or binary
               | on linux/osx) to export functions, and they can be found
               | back through the flutter_engine.dll/.so, right? (At least
               | on windows it's possible for the exe to
               | __declspec(dllexport) things, not sure on Linux).
               | But even if not, if there is a way to (given might be
               | slow and tedious) to compile what would've been
               | flutter_engine.dll statically linked to your main (host)
               | app, and maybe somewhat hinting here is how to find the
               | "GetProcAddr/dlsym/etc." functions - if one is to look
               | for them.
               | Further on, the generated from dart .so file can be
               | embded (as resource? or slapped at the end of the
               | binary/.exe?) + slapping all other resource - resulting
               | in single app :)
               | I know it's possible, just not so easy to support it (I
               | guess). It's similar to have java/python can be packed
               | into one executable with all C/C++ ffi functions they
               | call (at cost of some build time and effort to achieve
               | so).
               | Then you'll have killer platform for video conferencing
               | (zoom, bluejeans, etc.), messaging (slack, etc.) - and
               | just single binary to deploy.
               | (Oh, on top of that slap a web server into it, and make
               | it that if called with specific command-line option, now
               | it acts as web-server, and the app is visible through the
               | web).
               | vetinari wrote:
               | I'm actually more interested in Linux side of things.
               | That doesn't prevent me from looking how things are done
               | on Windows, of course.
               | To be fair, last time I looked into dart, the idea of FFI
               | was ports, which was too overcomplicated and
               | undercapable, if you needed something like Gtk or Vulkan.
               | Looking into it now, I see the dart:ffi package is
               | shaping up nicely, so I will have another look at dart
               | again.
             | jamil7 wrote:
             | > FFI is quite a PITA
             | This is what made me nope out of it last time I
             | experimented with a Flutter module in my app. I'm still
             | watching it closely though as it could be a great fit for
             | other projects.
               | kjksf wrote:
               | This might be outdated opinion (hard to tell without OP
               | explaining what he finds "a PITA").
               | dart:ffi (https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/c-interop) is
               | a recent addition to Dart and from where I stand it's a
               | decent FFI system.
               | Maybe not as good as PInvoke in C# or ffi in luajit but
               | better than, say, jni in Java (and any other FFI system
               | that requires you to write glue code in C i.e. python,
               | ruby, nodejs).
         | mikece wrote:
         | Flutter's ability to "compile to web" was something that
         | confused me at first as well, but on second thought it's
         | genius. It makes it easier to ease managers into selecting
         | Flutter since deployments and updates are done via a web
         | browser. If that works for them then maybe there's never a need
         | to go fully native though that option exists if they want to --
         | and the ability to go back to compiling for web gives managers
         | a sense of "this isn't a one-way, I'm screwed if something goes
         | wrong" journey.
           | anonms-coward wrote:
           | > and the ability to go back to compiling for web gives
           | managers a sense of "this isn't a one-way, I'm screwed if
           | something goes wrong" journey
           | It wouldn't be a good idea to believe that though. Flutter
           | website are just canvas paintings, and have nothing to do
           | with the web. You can't add new html or js to it easily.
           | can't make much use of new improvements in the web world.
           | Most importantly, if you are running a business, flutter web
           | isn't really accessible, so please don't use it for any non
           | internal tools
         | kllrnohj wrote:
         | My experience with Flutter was that making the UI itself was
         | pretty great. But making the rest of the app sucked. FFI
         | support is bad. Platform channels are miserable. Doing it all
         | in Dart is awful because there's no cheap concurrency - it's
         | the same multi-heap with expensive "IPC" shittiness that you
         | get with webworkers, but way less justified since you're nearly
         | always on platforms with native threads. It's a huge pain to
         | try and migrate piecemeal too, so if you have an existing
         | app/codebase you're looking at a re-write.
         | UI performance was fine (not any better than native though),
         | but RAM usage was pretty bad, a lot higher than native.
         | Really fantastic iteration workflow, though.
       | eklavya wrote:
       | I am so excited about flutter ecosystem. Hopefully linux gets
       | first class beautiful native apps now. I also hope against hope
       | that qt is officially supported as a backend so KDE is not left
       | out.
         | andrepd wrote:
         | Judging by the example in TFA, we must have very different
         | conceptions of what "beautiful" means. That is an atrocious
         | application.
         | * Ungodly amounts of whitespace (seriously, look at that
         | sidebar, look at that search bar. WHY? too much optimisation
         | for what "looks good on a screenshot", maybe?)
         | * Undecipherable symbols where there's _plenty of f#cking space
         | to write labels god damn it_
         | * I bet bad/nonexistant keyboard support (remember alt-* to
         | navigate menus?)
         | * Ugly to look at (subjective)
           | Spivak wrote:
           | You do know that none of that is really do do with Flutter,
           | right? Like you're just taking it out on the designers of
           | Flock.
             | ocdtrekkie wrote:
             | This isn't true: Google preloads their design conceptions,
             | namely Material, into Flutter at the ground level, and
             | Material is a terrible set of UI patterns, such as the ones
             | the parent comment was complaining about.
         | RivieraKid wrote:
         | I wouldn't call Material UI on the desktop beautiful. Mac OS is
         | beautiful. Gnome 2 too relative to other Linux DEs. It won't
         | use Qt but Skia.
       | rst wrote:
       | So, this makes Flutter apps available through Canonical's Snap
       | store... which is Ubuntu-mostly right now, and controversial
       | enough that the top item on the HN front page as I write is about
       | an Ubuntu derivative (Linux Mint) explicitly dropping support for
       | it. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23771847
         | topspin wrote:
         | "Canonical's Snap store"
         | Correction: it's "the app store for Linux".
         | /s
         | simosx wrote:
         | Other distributions also use the Snap Store.
         | See the stats for the Skype snap package for the range of Linux
         | distributions, https://snapcraft.io/skype
         | canada_dry wrote:
         | Until SNAP gives me full control (and not just: you can opt-
         | out) over updates/upgrades they're a non-starter.
           | kelvie wrote:
           | Also it's ridiculously annoying debugging issues with them,
           | or finding out what source code compiled into a particular
           | snap.
           | Even with docker hub I can find the sourcecode easily linked
           | 99% of the time.
           | lallysingh wrote:
           | Does snap not let you manually do those?
             | ric2b wrote:
             | No, it updates by itself, sort of like Windows 10.
           | timClicks wrote:
           | Many snaps provide channels so that you an pin your locally
           | installed version to a specific upstream version. That way
           | you have full control over when you upgrade.
       | haolez wrote:
       | For my usage, Flutter is a no-go for web development for the same
       | reason as Qt: it's just a canvas, so text selection,
       | accessibility, etc doesn't work nicely or at all.
       | paulcarroty wrote:
       | Good news, but all depends how much Google interested in Linux
       | desktop support in Flutter. I'm highly skeptical due to their
       | "hyper activity" in Linux desktop niche.
       | harikb wrote:
       | I have a request for all the Flutter folks/fans - it would be
       | great if you all can say something about how you can get over /
       | stay sane with the staircase looking nesting of code blocks and
       | how you manage to keep it all in your head to navigate the code
       | base.
       | I started my career writing single threaded Palm OS apps (64k
       | limit) - there was like 10 possible widgets with 5 possible
       | events on each widget and rest of it was application code. Mobile
       | app development is a different beast now. Yes, I sound like old-
       | man-yelling-at-cloud. Is this table-stakes for all UI and App
       | development?
         | Lionga wrote:
         | You just don't throw everything in a big build method, but make
         | small functions for every logical unit instead. Simple, easy,
         | clean and maintainable.
         | gladimdim wrote:
         | You can also use Flutter Inspector - a UI tree representing
         | your runtime layout. It allows to quickly jump between widgets
         | liquidise wrote:
         | I have [self-diagnosed] Code Style OCD. Like you, the Flutter
         | nesting levels was a major fear entering the space. It feels
         | both ugly and inelegant.
         | I found i was over this fear in days if not hours, and
         | continued to improve with my ongoing discovery of helpful UI
         | components. Furthermore, defining your own components and
         | breaking out inline functions into proper functions in your UI
         | classes goes a long way, too.
         | Android Studio, if you use it (i didn't), auto-appends closing
         | bracket comments to keep you visually aware of your nesting.
         | For the reasons i stated, i don't think it is as important as
         | you might think.
         | If you haven't tried Flutter, particularly for syntactical
         | reasons, i would urge you dip your toes in.
         | heavyset_go wrote:
         | > _it would be great if you all can say something about how you
         | can get over / stay sane with the staircase looking nesting of
         | code blocks and how you manage to keep it all in your head to
         | navigate the code base._
         | The same way you would in any other code base, with the ample
         | use of names and modules, and breaking nested components and
         | logic into their own classes and functions.
         | The problem is that it requires discipline, or at least a
         | standard style guide, to adhere to. It's similar to JavaScript
         | in that regard, where bad practices can seemingly be ignored or
         | even encouraged.
         | tarkin2 wrote:
         | Smaller staircases. Split your component into functions.
         | I've seen some horribly large components that would be much
         | better if split up.
         | Google should really advise this.
       (page generated 2020-07-08 23:00 UTC)