[HN Gopher] Linux Mint drops Ubuntu Snap packages
       Linux Mint drops Ubuntu Snap packages
       Author : jonquark
       Score  : 668 points
       Date   : 2020-07-08 17:07 UTC (5 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (lwn.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (lwn.net)
       | red_admiral wrote:
       | Snap sounds to me like the latest of many decisions by Canonical
       | that are more like what you'd expect from a commercial vendor
       | than a FOSS one. This is Microsoft-level coercing people into
       | your own ecosystem.
       | I don't doubt for a moment that it makes business sense for
       | Canonical, but I really wonder whether there's a market for this
       | - the huge majority of people who don't care about this kind of
       | thing are on Windows or Mac, or even just working happily away on
       | their phones and tablets.
       | Linux' selling point for me was always that I was in control and
       | could make the system work the way I wanted to; people more
       | ideologically pure than me have slogans like "free as in freedom"
       | or "binary blobs are bad".
       | I really don't see the market for "linux, but with commercial
       | vendor practices". I switched from ubuntu to mint a while ago and
       | I'm really happy about that right now.
         | Miraste wrote:
         | I'm not sure I see how it even makes business sense. Trying to
         | compete with with Apple and Microsoft by eliminating your
         | strengths to focus on your weaknesses isn't a good play. Gnome
         | and Ubuntu are not and will never be as smooth and integrated
         | as MacOS, and that's okay because that's not why people use
         | them. Take away the openness and you have a slower, uglier Mac
         | with a worse app store.
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | I like the App Store functionality etc. It's good to have a
       | trusted store and all that. It's just that Snap packaged stuff is
       | slower to open than stuff otherwise. A user on lobste.rs[0]
       | showed what it was like and mine is just as bad
       | Also by `df` and `mount` are unusable with this stuff.
       | 0:
       | https://lobste.rs/s/aktv9k/problem_ubuntu_20_04_snaps_where_...
       | jefft255 wrote:
       | I wonder if it is finally time for me to give Arch a try. It's a
       | shame that all my lab's machines run Ubuntu; although I find it
       | solid, this sort of controlling behavior by Canonical seems
       | against the spirit of FOSS.
         | DarkCrusader2 wrote:
         | If the goal is to acquire and update to latest versions of your
         | favorite software, I would definitely recommend you to check
         | out nix package manager.
         | knowhy wrote:
         | You should do that. I did so in 2012 and I have never looked
         | back. Besides that ArchLinux just works better the ArchLinux
         | community understood that a good documentation is way more
         | important than a flashy gui.
         | bityard wrote:
         | You might like Linux Mint or Pop OS, both of which are re-spins
         | of Ubuntu without snaps.
         | Or for that matter, regular old Debian probably has 99% of what
         | you need.
           | justaguyhere wrote:
           | I'm running ubuntu, maybe it is time to try Pop OS. Hopefully
           | system76 doesn't pull shenanigans like Canonical.
           | kelnos wrote:
           | Adding a vote for regular old Debian. My strategy is to run
           | Debian testing, and then 6 months or so after it's promoted
           | to stable, switch back to the new testing branch. This way I
           | get a reasonably stable experience (Debian's view of
           | "testing" is at least as stable as many other distros' view
           | of "stable"), avoid the large churn in testing right after a
           | new stable series is released, and still get to use all the
           | newest stuff.
           | The only thing to watch for is testing isn't covered by the
           | Debian security team, so you need to pay attention to
           | security advisories and make a call to keep or uninstall if a
           | package you use has a security issue, as testing often
           | doesn't get security fixes until a week or so after stable
           | does.
             | slenk wrote:
             | Been using debian for a few years and loved it. Ubuntu
             | calling their own website on every shell login is a serious
             | problem
         | dTal wrote:
         | I would recommend anyone considering Arch to skip straight to
         | Void. It's "like Arch", but it addresses a number of pain
         | points - specifically, its binary repositories are much larger,
         | and its package manager won't let you break the system with
         | incomplete upgrades like pacman will (on Arch, anything short
         | of a complete system upgrade every time you install any package
         | is not guaranteed not to lead to breakage, whereas xbps tracks
         | shared libraries).
           | 1_player wrote:
           | I want to try Void Linux one day, but a distro that throws
           | away systemd because REASONS is completely anachronistic for
           | me.
           | Say what you want, systemd is here to stay. Everybody's free
           | to make a distro without it, but I wouldn't consider it for a
           | full time workstation, at all.
         | bhhaskin wrote:
         | I am honestly thinking the same thing. Still a bit hesitant as
         | I mainly use Linux for work.
           | 6AA4FD wrote:
           | I would try fedora or centos. They have good stability and
           | documentation. In my admittedly limited experience centos has
           | worked better for me than debian or ubuntu.
             | 1_player wrote:
             | I have returned to Linux after a few years on macOS, and
             | tried Fedora 32: it's interesting, but I did not like:
             | - The hassle you have to do to install "non-free" software.
             | - It's basically RHEL unstable: plenty of opinionated,
             | bleeding-edge software choices that are either unsupported
             | [1] or very much undocumented, unless you can find some
             | help on the actual RHEL guides.
             | - COPR (user packages) is worse than Ubuntu's PPA, both of
             | which are much worse than Arch Linux's AUR.
             | 1: Running Docker on Fedora 32 is non trivial because of
             | how firewalld is configured and because Fedora decided to
             | go all in on nftables. Sure, it's the future, but Docker
             | hasn't got the memo yet. Nor the memo about cgroups2.
           | jefft255 wrote:
           | Same for me. ROS in particular only supports Ubuntu
           | officially; although I know people can run it on Arch, it's
           | much more hacky and you have to build every package from
           | source.
             | knowhy wrote:
             | There are packages for ROS in the aur. And there are
             | wrappers for the commands needed to install packages from
             | AUR. To install ros on my system I just need to execute
             | pacaur -S ros-noetic-desktop-full In this case it will
             | indeed compile the package with cmake. But there are also
             | many binary packages on the aur. The user experience is not
             | like Gentoo. I have never had problems finding a package
             | with Arch.
               | jefft255 wrote:
               | I wasn't aware of that, thanks!
         | the_af wrote:
         | Aren't you changing more than just snaps by changing the
         | distro? It seems the philosophy of Arch is different to a
         | Debian based linux.
         | Can't you simply opt out of using snaps and keep using .deb
         | with Ubuntu, no matter what Canonical is pushing as their
         | preferred distribution?
         | lbruder wrote:
         | Try Manjaro. It's based on Arch, but with a little more stable
         | software, think Debian Testing instead of Sid. Simpler to
         | install and works like a charm.
         | 1_player wrote:
         | Everybody telling you to try something else than Arch.
         | There's a reason Arch is so famous and a meme: installation is
         | a challenging weekend project if you've never done it, but it's
         | the most stable distribution with the sanest ecosystem (AUR,
         | sane defaults like systemd, fastest package manager, rolling
         | releases, packages are kept as close to upstream as possible).
         | Once you go Arch you probably won't go back and you will just
         | grow the meme further.
       | Darmody wrote:
       | Just today I switched from Ubuntu to Pop_OS (I hate that name).
       | Unity was giving me some trouble as it's starting to conflict
       | with all the newer stuff so I had to make a decision.
       | I dislike Gnome Shell. It's clean and fast but the GUI is
       | "locked" to the main monitor and I can't even switch windows
       | without looking at it.
       | But I love how the distro is made focusing on a good user
       | experience. To give you an example, the shop (software center)
       | allows me to choose between deb packages and flatpak if
       | available. Sounds like something obvious, but after having snaps
       | shovelled down my throat when I was thinking I was installing deb
       | packages, this means I can finally trust my distro again.
       | Now the only thing I need is a good DE. Maybe the next decade.
         | dTal wrote:
         | https://support.system76.com/articles/desktop-environment/
         | I don't use Pop!_OS, but I recommend Plasma.
           | Darmody wrote:
           | I know Plasma, I can't stand the inconsistency and the
           | ugliness.
       | rootbear wrote:
       | I dislike how snap clutters up my df listings. I have to pipe
       | them through grep to get rid of the noise:                 df -h
       | | grep -v /snap
       | An option to ls to suppress all loopback mounts might be a nice
       | option.
         | Symbiote wrote:
         | alias df='df --exclude-type=tmpfs --exclude-type=devtmpfs
         | --exclude-type=squashfs'
           | mixmastamyk wrote:
           | sudo apt autoremove --purge snapd  # ;-)
       | nullc wrote:
       | To call Ubuntu snap a security disaster would be a tremendous
       | understatement.
       | [deleted]
       | ed25519FUUU wrote:
       | > _The Linux Mint project has made good on previous threats to
       | actively prevent Ubuntu Snap packages from being installed
       | through the APT package-management system without the user 's
       | consent. This move is the result of "major worries" from Linux
       | Mint on Snap's impact with regard to user choice and software
       | freedom. Ubuntu's parent company, Canonical, seems open to
       | finding a solution to satisfy the popular distribution's concerns
       | -- but it too has interests to consider._
       | An excellent and succinct summary of the issue in the first
       | paragraph. I have to hand it to LWN for excellent
       | synopsis/summary paragraphs in the articles. This is a lost art
       | in today's clickbait headline where the lede is buried in the
       | center of the Earth.
       | Spivak wrote:
       | Canonical's decision to abuse the power of apt packages to make
       | it some "universal installer" is kinda gross. I get the thought
       | but I would consider is surprising that, say, installing python-*
       | actually installed pip and ran pip install.
       | This is totally going to break Gnome Software's UI since it has
       | plugins for snap, flatpack, apt, dnf, pacman, etc.. and making it
       | so that Chromium from apt is doing a run-round with snap makes it
       | really confusing to the user.
         | rlpb wrote:
         | > Canonical's decision to abuse the power of apt packages to
         | make it some "universal installer" is kinda gross.
         | This is a mischaracterization. "chromium-browser" is a
         | transitional package that installs the chromium snap for one
         | reason: it is to provide an upgrade path for users of Chromium
         | in previous Ubuntu releases to the latest Ubuntu release
         | without breaking Chromium.
         | I use an example of where Debian does the same thing: on the
         | latest Debian release, install "mysql-server" and you'll get
         | MariaDB, not MySQL. Granted this doesn't bridge across from a
         | deb to a snap, but the mechanism is the same and the technical
         | reasoning is the same. It is to stop users from ending up with
         | a regression in available software following an upgrade.
         | There is no "to make it some "universal installer"" going on
         | here.
         | You may not like the decision, but please do not make it out to
         | be for reasons that do not exist - at least without providing
         | the facts to allow readers to decide for themselves.
         | (I work for Canonical but don't work in an area related to the
         | Chromium snap, Snap Store, this decision, etc. I speak for
         | myself, and not Canonical).
           | Avamander wrote:
           | > it is to provide an upgrade path for users of Chromium in
           | previous Ubuntu releases to the latest Ubuntu release without
           | breaking Chromium.
           | Are you seriously, unironically claiming this?
           | You broke a massive amount of native plugins. The snap auto-
           | update mechanism fucks up Chromium's data each time because
           | Chromium gets no warning that it suddenly can't write to the
           | disk. Its launch time is also way worse. On top of all that,
           | Chromium just vomits all over syslog due to incomplete/bad
           | confinement. You even made the damn switch when a massive CVE
           | was found in Chromium, delaying a __critical __security
           | update for a week due to the switch.
           | What a massive load of bullshit.
             | rlpb wrote:
             | > Are you seriously, unironically claiming this?
             | Yes - because when I say "without breaking Chromium", I
             | mean that Chromium wouldn't work at all because it wouldn't
             | be installed following an upgrade, as opposed to some
             | things you don't like about how the Chromium snap works but
             | don't apply to the majority of Chromium users.
             | Edit: you seem to be conflating your disagreement on
             | Ubuntu's choice to move to shipping Chromium as a snap with
             | a technical detail on how the upgrade path for users was
             | achieved. I understand you disagree with the former. The
             | claim that this is about "make it some "universal
             | installer"" is entirely false, and I'm simply pointing out
             | why. Downmodding me for disagreeing with the former is
             | doubly inappropriate here.
           | Spivak wrote:
           | Sorry, I should have been more explicit. I understand that it
           | follows the pattern of transitional packages and that this
           | was a practical decision to not break people's existing
           | setups.
           | But I don't necessarily agree with the decision because
           | "install Chromium via apt" now doesn't make any sense. It
           | really should be something like "Ubuntu doesn't package
           | Chromium anymore, but a Canonical supported package is
           | available in the Snap store." Because Chromium via snap isn't
           | a drop-in replacement: it automatically updates, it's not
           | versioned with the distro, the usual file paths you would
           | expect to exist aren't there anymore.
           | I use "universal installer" because Canonical has made apt do
           | something really unexpected. Canonically has effectively made
           | apt a frontend for snaps. I wouldn't expect that if I tried
           | to install a package what wasn't in Ubuntu's repos that it
           | would try to find some PPA that has that package,
           | automatically enable and trust it, and install it from there.
         | tssva wrote:
         | Canonical solution is to remove the Gnome Software store and
         | instead install the Snap Store which although based upon the
         | Gnome Software doesn't support plugins for apt, flatpak, etc.
       | pkaye wrote:
       | Why do they base it on Ubuntu instead of Debian anyway?
         | michaelmrose wrote:
         | To derive substantial value from software which is packaged
         | specifically for Ubuntu but not Debian?
         | To have relatively up to date software without running
         | unstable?
         | unixhero wrote:
         | They have a Debian base as well. Just incase Ubuntu
         | relationship goes sour. It's called LMDE.
       | ColanR wrote:
       | I've been putting off my next OS reinstallation, but I think I'll
       | be moving away from Ubuntu and over to Mint this time.
         | graton wrote:
         | I've been happily using Fedora for years. Just another option
         | to consider.
         | rocky1138 wrote:
         | Pop!_OS is another choice to consider. Apparently they are
         | sticking with Ubuntu but are stripping the Snap stuff before
         | pushing any updates.
           | bityard wrote:
           | Most notably, Pop OS (I'm doing the damn silly punctuation)
           | takes all of the stuff that Ubuntu has made snap-only and
           | builds them as debs. So it's basically Ubuntu de-snapified.
           | gavinray wrote:
           | Seconding Pop!_OS, utterly fantastic distro.
           | Based on Ubuntu but with a bunch of manual patches + tweaks
           | and driver support additions (particularly Nvidia). Really
           | solid stock UI, and it even comes with a tiling WM built in.
           | https://github.com/pop-os/shell
           | fullstop wrote:
           | I've been using Pop!_OS on a System76 laptop since February,
           | and like it quite a bit.
           | I use plasma desktop on all of my other systems, but left
           | this one with the defaults.. so far I really like it, but I
           | have a problem with gnome-shell leaking memory over time,
           | since I tend to not shut down or log out over long periods of
           | time. If I don't restart / log out, /usr/bin/gnome-shell eats
           | up more and more memory (as the gdm user). I let it get up to
           | about 7GB before I updated some firmware and rebooted the
           | laptop.
           | I mean, I put 32GB of RAM in the thing in an attempt to
           | future-proof it, but this is kind of bonkers.
           | DoofusOfDeath wrote:
           | Any reason to use Pop!_OS over Mint, or vice versa?
         | DrAwdeOccarim wrote:
         | I just switched from MacOS to Mint Xfce on a Razer Blade
         | Stealth 13. Really wonderful OS. Donated $50!
       | tom_devref wrote:
       | You can avoid snaps by using Synaptic Package Manager. I learned
       | this the hard way after installing Xubuntu 20.04 and finding
       | every piece of software I installed from Ubuntu Software Center
       | was either a slow, buggy or completely broken snap image.
       | jrockway wrote:
       | I've been kind of disappointed by Snap. It seemed like it was a
       | way to always have the latest version of software you care about
       | available, but in practice, nobody updates their Snaps. I used it
       | to get a newer version of Go, and while it is more recent than
       | what comes with Ubuntu, it's still not the latest version.
       | Apparently Some Guy updates it on a volunteer basis when he
       | remembers, so it's nearly useless.
       | Even if people do update the Snap, it's clear that it provides
       | too many features. It has some sort of isolation model... that
       | every Snap I've ever installed requires you to disable.
       | It's also surprisingly expensive to run something in a snap. For
       | example, getting the name of my current k8s context with "kubectl
       | config current-context":                   $ sudo execsnoop.bt
       | Attaching 2 probes...         TIME(ms)   PID   ARGS         7603
       | 29266 kubectl config current-context         7612       29272
       | /usr/sbin/apparmor_parser --preprocess         7614       29266
       | kubectl config current-context         7626       29280
       | /snap/core/9436/usr/lib/snapd/snap-seccomp version-info
       | 7630       29266 /snap/core/9436/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine
       | --classic snap.kubectl.kubectl
       | /snap/core/9436/usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec kubectl config current-
       | context         7632       29266
       | /snap/core/9436/usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec kubectl config current-
       | context         7634       29266 /snap/kubectl/1561/command-
       | kubectl.wrapper config current-context         7635       29266
       | /snap/kubectl/1561/kubectl config current-context
       | This adds 32ms of latency before the app runs for absolutely no
       | good reason.
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | > Some Guy updates it on a volunteer basis when he remembers
         | Blame repo culture. In saner worlds there is no requirement for
         | a middle man between developer and user, so users get the
         | software when the developer releases it to them. For various
         | reasons (only a few of which are technical), Linux has settled
         | on this middelmen-everywhere way of doing things, and because
         | it is FOSS all those middlemen are also _volunteers_ , and then
         | to top it all off there are dozens of repos and packaging
         | formats.
         | AppImage (and its predecessors) have been valiantly struggling
         | to undo this cultural brain damage.
           | anthk wrote:
           | >Linux has settled on this middelmen-everywhere way of doing
           | things,
           | BSD ports had it before. And before that, Irix machines had
           | the packages split in several CDs.
           | michaelmrose wrote:
           | It's not brain damage its a reaction to people being capable
           | developers but crap at system engineering.
           | I really don't want 187 system vulnerabilities from 12 apps
           | which use different versions of different outdated libraries.
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | This is a solvable problem. The vast majority of "shared"
             | libraries are used by exactly one application. Commonly
             | used libraries like the system interface, cryptography,
             | networking, and the widget set, should be provided by the
             | base system and their ABIs kept stable.
         | fractal618 wrote:
         | Some will argue that 32ms is negligible, but I don't believe it
         | is.
           | PNWChris wrote:
           | Agreed, that's 4 round trips to Google from my main box at
           | home! You can round-trip ping nearly halfway across the U.S.
           | in that kind of time.
           | skykooler wrote:
           | And that's just for command line programs. GUI programs
           | packages as snaps have much greater startup costs. It takes
           | the Ubuntu calculator 4-5 seconds to launch. It takes Mumble
           | 12 seconds to launch. The latter launches in 2 seconds as a
           | native package, and the former, well, is a calculator app - I
           | don't have access to a non-snap version of the Ubuntu
           | calculator anymore but is should launch virtually instantly.
         | eberkund wrote:
         | The Go snap looks up to date to me?
         | https://snapcraft.io/go
           | jrockway wrote:
           | Sure, but there hasn't been a release recently. It's
           | generally inconsistent, so I stopped looking a year ago.
       | mixmastamyk wrote:
       | It's interesting in that I quite like the idea of snap packages,
       | just not their implementation. I recently purged snaps from my
       | Ubuntu Mate machines after a few years of use because of the
       | realization of only using two:
       | 1. The micro terminal editor.
       | 2. Chromium, because it was forced.
       | Well, #1 was packaged for 20.04 so I didn't need it any longer.
       | That left Chromium. For that single package, I had to tolerate my
       | system being spammed all over:
       | - Multiple irrelevant loopbacks cluttering my mounts list
       | - Dedicated folders in filesystem: /snap ~/snap
       | - Very slow startup, for chromium.
       | - Lots of disk space taken
       | - An always running daemon! (Wasn't it root too? Can't remember).
       | apt doesn't need a daemon.
       | Sheesh! That's not even mentioning the store issues which others
       | have described already.
       | Sorry, but a few newer packages here and there are not worth all
       | that. I'll handle it myself, thanks. What snap does isn't
       | actually that hard. I'd keep it around if it wasn't so obnoxious
       | at putting itself in front and center of everything.
         | boring_twenties wrote:
         | ~/snap is really just wholly unacceptable, how did that even
         | become a thing? Do the people who develop this software never
         | use their own systems?
           | Avamander wrote:
           | I have no nice words about the person who thought that folder
           | is acceptable to use. Seriously, what the fuck even?
             | mixmastamyk wrote:
             | It's definitely irritating but I consider the root daemon
             | the primary offender. Kill it with fire!
             | Oh, forgot to mention: /var/cache/snapd/
             | ccmcarey wrote:
             | That and their utter refusal to permit controlling the
             | updates of snaps. They had an announcement where they noted
             | that the community wanted to control their own damn
             | machines, and their solution was something like permitting
             | delayed updates for up to a week.
             | What the heck is this, windows?
           | catalogia wrote:
           | > _Do the people who develop this software never use their
           | own systems?_
           | I've harbored this suspicion of GNOME developers for years.
           | It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a lot of Canonical devs
           | don't use Ubuntu at home.
         | nemetroid wrote:
         | I believe it's not even ~/snap, but specifically
         | /home/$LOGNAME/snap:
         | https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1620771
         | https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-can-i-use-snap-when-i-dont-...
       | marvinblum wrote:
       | Thanks god.
       | psanford wrote:
       | From the linked announcement: https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3906
       | > Applications in this store cannot be patched, or pinned. You
       | can't audit them, hold them, modify them or even point snap to a
       | different store. You've as much empowerment with this as if you
       | were using proprietary software, i.e. none. This is in effect
       | similar to a commercial proprietary solution, but with two major
       | differences: It runs as root, and it installs itself without
       | asking you.
       | This is a great summary of why people rightfully feel nervous
       | about Snap. People run linux because they want visibility and
       | control into what is happening on their systems. Canonical seems
       | to want to take away that visibility and control from their
       | users.
         | jonquark wrote:
         | I can see why Snap is like it is from Canonial's perspective -
         | but from the User perspective it seems like FlatPaks[1] are
         | much better and address the issues that this article raises
         | [1] https://flathub.org/home
         | (Disclaimer: I'm talking in a personal capacity but the company
         | I work for in my day job now owns Red Hat - I don't work on
         | Linux Operating Systems).
           | yellowapple wrote:
           | I feel like both Snappy and FlatPak are inferior to AppImage,
           | which IMO is much easier to use (it's a self-contained
           | executable) and doesn't rely on any fancy management daemons
           | or what have you.
           | Like, in terms of user experience it's about as close to the
           | Windows-style "download this .exe and run it" approach as one
           | could get, though it'd be interesting to see a macOS-style
           | "put this .app in your ~/Applications" approach as well
           | (which should be doable with a daemon watching such a folder
           | and generating e.g. menu entries and such, as an optional
           | component or perhaps a feature of the desktop environment
           | itself).
           | toyg wrote:
           | _> the company I work for in my day job now owns Red Hat_
           | That's the longest spelling I've ever seen for a three-letter
           | company.
             | DoofusOfDeath wrote:
             | I assume then that you don't speak German?
           | lawl wrote:
           | > but from the User perspective it seems like FlatPaks[1] are
           | much better and address the issues that this article raises
           | This is interesting, because the last few days I was actually
           | working on packaging an application of mine as a
           | snap/flatpak.
           | From my PoV, they both have their fair share of issues.
           | Snaps enforce a sandbox, which I think is actually a good
           | idea, because the desktop security model is somewhat broken.
           | If your application cannot run as a sandboxed app, you need
           | to be granted special permissions by canonical after manual
           | review (my app needs this), where they also discuss if they
           | can make a new permission in a safe way for your usecase that
           | everyone can use afterwards.
           | On one hand this sucks because I need to ask canonical for
           | permission to publish something, and there's no certainty
           | that I will get these permissions as a nobody for a new app
           | nobody ever heard of before. On the other hand, I think I
           | like that they're doing something about the desktop security
           | model.
           | The next problem is, if this is denied, how do I ship
           | updates? Provide a self updater? Easy to write, but if
           | everyone does that, we can just go full windows and abandon
           | package managers. Tell people to just curl | bash? That's not
           | more secure than a potentially shady snap.
           | But I do have to praise canonical for being very helpful in
           | IRC and the forums for helping me debug issues and file bugs
           | against snap stuff.
           | Now flatpak on the other hand, just feels kinda weird to me.
           | It sandboxes things, but every application can pretty much
           | grant itself access to everything. This is a completely
           | different philosophy, but if you rely on everyone tightly
           | sandboxing their applications without granting themselves
           | permissions for sandbox escape, I think something like
           | landlock[0] (when it lands) or pledge is _much_ more suited
           | for this, and baked into the application.
           | Then there is this weird thing where flatpaks force a runtime
           | on you. My application is a statically linked go binary. But
           | flatpaks pretty much want to force me to add an entire
           | freedesktop suite as a dependency, as you simply cannot
           | choose no runtime.
           | (Community-)Support for building flatpaks? Pretty much non-
           | existant.
           | So yeah, the entire linux upstream-packaging situation is
           | still quite depressing honestly. And with the time and energy
           | I have invested into this by now, I could have written a
           | simple but sufficient self-updater about 10 times over.
           | [0]: https://landlock.io/
             | 1_player wrote:
             | > Then there is this weird thing where flatpaks force a
             | runtime on you. My application is a statically linked go
             | binary. But flatpaks pretty much want to force me to add an
             | entire freedesktop suite as a dependency, as you simply
             | cannot choose no runtime.
             | That's a weird criticism to have of Flatpak. The
             | FreeDesktop dependency is the base set of libraries all
             | flatpaks have access to. You don't have to use it. In fact
             | Freedesktop is a great idea, to provide a base framework
             | applications can use that goes further than just libc. If
             | we want Linux on the desktop, we need a common desktop
             | framework interface.
             | It would be like being unhappy a static go binary on
             | Windows COULD access all of the win32 libraries.
             | Also, Flatpak currently is best suited to GUI apps. If your
             | go binary is a GUI app using either GTK or KDE, these will
             | need the freedesktop facilities (such as D-Bus) to actually
             | run properly.
             | kevincox wrote:
             | For sandboxing the user is supposed to decide if they will
             | give you access to the permissions that you requested. Now
             | in practice most FlatPak apps don't use sandboxing but
             | hopefully that will change and permissions are treated with
             | scrutiny.
             | [deleted]
             | inetknght wrote:
             | > _The next problem is ... how do I ship updates?_
             | ...why not make a new release and ship that? That 's the
             | way package managers _work_. Developer makes a package.
             | User installs the package. Then when developer fixes some
             | bug and releases a new version the user can install the new
             | version when the user decides it 's necessary.
             | The whole point about this is that it's user-centric.
             | That's good.
               | danielheath wrote:
               | It's largely a good thing but it's unreasonable not to
               | mention the "flood of bug reports about issues that have
               | since been fixed" effect that comes with manual updates.
               | This has burnt a few projects pretty badly (especially
               | where distros have packaged an old version and never
               | updated it).
             | d1plo1d wrote:
             | I'm in a similar boat with regards to launching a new,
             | unknown product in the snap store. As an interim solution
             | I'm planning to ask users to do use the beta flag: `snap
             | install my-app --beta` which gets me around the secure
             | sandbox requirements.
             | m4rtink wrote:
             | Flatpaks deduplicate _everything_ - all flatpak apps and
             | all flatpak runtimes installed on a machine agains each
             | other. So if you specify the basic freedesktop.org runtime,
             | it is effectively a no-op as pretty much everyone will have
             | it already installed, due to most of the other runtimes
             | being based on it and most flatpak apps needing a runtime.
             | As for sandboxing with Flatpal - AFAIK this is all
             | intentional for the time being. The authors have ckearly
             | statet their initial effort targets app dependency
             | isolation and app portability, not security just now. That
             | is much harder to do without severely limitting useful
             | applications in what they can do.
             | I have encountered incomplete sandboxing systems that
             | strived for security in past and it has not been a good
             | experience.
             | For example I had the onr and only official Ubuntu Touch
             | tablet, which used a predecessor of the Snap technology.
             | One day I wanted to show my friends a couple photos from a
             | micro SD card. I put it in to the tablet, bit no photo
             | viewing app could show photos from the card.
             | Why ? Because back then you could only open files from
             | outside of the apps sandbox one by one using a special
             | system controlled dialog. Not really usable for hundreds of
             | photos and forget about a text editor or an IDE.
             | This is where I like Flatpak - it gives you all the goodies
             | of app separation and portability without all the hassle of
             | a strict but unfinished secure sandbox. You only need to
             | make sure you are getting the software from thrusted
             | sources.
             | A I think that's something one should be doiny anyway, even
             | with a strct sandbox - if it can't support basic app use
             | cases, who knows what security holes have the authors left
             | in it...
             | still_grokking wrote:
             | As a user I don't like neither Snaps (that for sure as this
             | is Cannonical only) nor FlatPaks (as they seem conceptually
             | a "80% solution" which combines the problems of package
             | systems with the problems of self-contianed apps, but don't
             | improve on anything).
             | For me the only acceptable solution besides proper .debs
             | are AppImages. AppImage doesn't try to "replace" the
             | package management for desktop apps like the former two
             | candidates. It tries to complement package systems for some
             | special cases (like for example commercial software, or for
             | the cases where the user "just wants to try something out"
             | without "polluting" the whole system with a lot of
             | dependencies).
             | For my desktop needs AppImage is like "Docker, the good
             | parts". A simple self contained format that runs everywhere
             | without any further dependencies. Compared to that Snap and
             | FlatPak are bloated annoyances.
               | baldfat wrote:
               | FlatPack was made to address two things focused on
               | security:
               | 1) Application won't need root privileges
               | 2) Without compromising on the systems security
               | cies wrote:
               | Some kernels, e.g. Linux, were also made to do just (that
               | amoung other things).
               | I think fixing what we have in standard kernel/userland,
               | and leaving the containers for specialized
               | developer/devops deployed workloads may well be where
               | this (what will be known as the snap/flatpack saga)
               | started from, and will end as well.
               | saurik wrote:
               | Is "I just give you a tgz with small folder of files, one
               | of which is a binary; I managed to make it run just about
               | everywhere" worse than AppImage (notably, for a GUI app)?
               | yellowapple wrote:
               | That's basically what an AppImage is, except that an
               | AppImage goes one step further and slaps that tarball
               | onto an executable that opens its embedded tarball and
               | runs whatever's inside.
               | lawl wrote:
               | I tend to agree with you, but I really like updating all
               | my software with one click/command.
               | So out of curiosity:
               | My application is already self contained and statically
               | linked, so no AppImage needed, but it behaves like one,
               | you can just run download and run it everywhere. And so
               | what you're describing will be for sure an option for
               | those who like it (in fact currently it's the only option
               | in alpha).
               | How would you like to get updates for something like
               | this? Visit the website yourself occasionally to check
               | for updates? Have the application notify you a new
               | version is available? Have an integrated updater so the
               | binary can update itself?
               | yellowapple wrote:
               | > How would you like to get updates for something like
               | this? Visit the website yourself occasionally to check
               | for updates? Have the application notify you a new
               | version is available? Have an integrated updater so the
               | binary can update itself?
               | I've seen all three approaches with AppImage'd software.
               | There are also package managers specifically for
               | AppImage'd software, though it doesn't look like any of
               | 'em are particularly mature.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | Personally, I rarely think about updating my software
               | unless there's a new feature I need or a fix for a bug
               | that's been ruining my life, so just visiting the website
               | when to check for new versions is fine by me.
               | However, you could also include a facility to _manually_
               | check for updates and either self-update or just show the
               | changelog. Why manually?  "I know you're about to do this
               | thing real quick that needs to get done, but a new
               | version is available! Would you like to twiddle your
               | thumbs for 5 minutes while watching a progress bar?".
               | ric2b wrote:
               | > Why manually? "I know you're about to do this thing
               | real quick that needs to get done, but a new version is
               | available! Would you like to twiddle your thumbs for 5
               | minutes while watching a progress bar?".
               | That's a very Windows-centric point of view. Programs on
               | Linux can be updated without closing them. You get the
               | new version when you restart them.
               | dflock wrote:
               | most AppImages seem to auto-update themselves when you
               | run them, which is convenient, until it isn't.
               | I'd want it in an apt repo, really.
               | m4rtink wrote:
               | That actually sounds pretty dangerous - what is more
               | likely to get compromised and stay that for a long time -
               | a random developpers app image update service or distro
               | infrastructure ?
               | still_grokking wrote:
               | That's easy. It should be officially in Debian. ;-)
               | Stuff like AppImage, static binaries, Docker & Co are for
               | me at least a kind of "last resort". Even I'm using
               | Docker a lot[1] to try things out I first look for an
               | AppImage in those cases. But when I decide that some app
               | should become part of my system I will look for a proper
               | package. One source to rule them all...
               | [1] Docker is a _big_ problem on it 's own. But as I
               | can't avoid to have it installed because of work I
               | decided I could use it at least to "keep experiments
               | under control". Before I was forced to have Docker I've
               | used systemd-nspawn for that use-case.
               | petre wrote:
               | Debian has a lot of rules, some of which prevent
               | statically linked binaries, like Go programs, from being
               | packaged and shipped with it. A notable example is lxd.
               | Appimages are great but there's no sandboxing or updates.
               | But hey, we used to downlad debs and install them by hand
               | on Debian 1.3, before apt was a thing. Maybe appimages
               | could be signed and distributed in a similar fashion.
               | viraptor wrote:
               | > prevent statically linked binaries, like Go programs
               | What do you mean? There's debian go packaging team:
               | https://go-team.pages.debian.net/ as well as go packages
               | in stable (for example
               | https://packages.debian.org/buster/influxdb)
               | pantalaimon wrote:
               | Where can I find an up to date guide on how to package
               | software for Debian and what to do to get it included in
               | the repository?
               | I've often came across orphaned packages where Debian was
               | stuck with an old version, but didn't know what to do
               | about it other than installing from source. Or using a
               | PPA if I was lucky.
               | m4rtink wrote:
               | Appimage has its own issues though: - no update mechanism
               | - no sandboxing and only basic app isolation - no
               | deduplication (Flatpak automatically deduplicates
               | _everything_ it installs on a machine)
               | yellowapple wrote:
               | On the sandboxing front, it works great with Firejail:
               | https://firejail.wordpress.com/documentation-2/appimage-
               | supp...
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | AppImages do have an update mechanism:
               | https://docs.appimage.org/packaging-
               | guide/optional/updates.h...
               | m4rtink wrote:
               | Interesting! That must be something relatively new, as it
               | at least looked like there was nothing back then when I
               | looked up Appimage.
               | robotbikes wrote:
               | AppImage seems like the best replacement then. I've
               | loathed Snap since it first appeared on my horizon and I
               | installed LibreOffice with it and that snap image showed
               | up in my mounted drives forever. I was a big fan of
               | Canonical/Ubuntu for years and switching to Debian has
               | not been without pain points but at least I have more
               | control of my computer. Pop! OS and Linux Mint seem like
               | good Linux desktop alternatives to Ubuntu at this point
               | if you don't want to use Debian.
               | riku_iki wrote:
               | > Linux Mint seem like good Linux desktop alternatives to
               | Ubuntu at this point if you don't want to use Debian.
               | Mint also has Debian based distro.
               | rezonant wrote:
               | AppImage is the format I'm using for distributing Linux
               | apps as well, for many of the reasons you mention
         | red_admiral wrote:
         | I wonder how hard it would be, in theory, to write an open-
         | source "cracked" version of snap that lets you do these things.
           | commoner wrote:
           | The Snap server is closed source, so this would require
           | building an open source Snap server as well. At this point,
           | it would be much simpler to use Flatpak or some other
           | solution.
             | esclerofilo wrote:
             | I hate snap as much as anyone, but it may not be as hard as
             | you think: <https://ubuntu.com/blog/howto-host-your-own-
             | snap-store>
               | commoner wrote:
               | The difficult part is maintaining compatibility with
               | snapd.
               | > snapstore was a minimalist example of a "store" for
               | snaps, but is not compatible with the current snapd
               | implementation. As a result I have removed the contents
               | here to avoid further confusion.
               | https://github.com/noise/snapstore/
           | jhasse wrote:
           | Why not simply use Flatpak instead?
         | heavyset_go wrote:
         | My favorite anecdote about Snap is the development team's
         | opinion when it comes to users wishing to relocate their ~/snap
         | directory elsewhere.
         | It's a commonly requested feature and being able to move it
         | would follow the Freedesktop.org spec, but the developers don't
         | care.
           | etskinner wrote:
           | What's stopping someone from doing:
           | $ ln -s /somewhere-else ~/snap
             | jhasse wrote:
             | ~/snap would still exist then
             | hannasanarion wrote:
             | The problem isn't that the folder exists, the problem is
             | that software is being installed in a non-hidden folder in
             | the home directory. That's supposed to be a space for user
             | files, not system software.
             | If anything has to be installed in the home folder for some
             | reason, it is supposed to go into .local, so the user
             | doesn't see it among their documents and photos.
               | msclrhd wrote:
               | I've allocated a 5GiB partition to /home on my SSD, as it
               | does not need to be bigger. I don't want it filling up
               | with software or other things like ivy/maven caches.
             | sascha_sl wrote:
             | bind mounts
         | Quekid5 wrote:
         | You absolutely nailed it and this is why -- if I have any say
         | in this (and I do) -- we will be moving away from Ubuntu.
         | It's a completely insane stance for server systems. (I believe
         | it's still possible to run server systems without snaps with
         | various "workarounds" etc, but we can feel which way the wind
         | is blowing...)
         | curt15 wrote:
         | >You can't audit them, hold them, modify them or even point
         | snap to a different store.
         | In particular, it's easy to inspect the sources for apt
         | packages using "apt-get source". Snap seems to have no
         | equivalent command.
           | xav0989 wrote:
           | That is, as long as the package publisher distributes the
           | source. While it's the case for the some standard
           | repositories, packages in "restricted" (some of "multiverse"
           | too) and third-party apt repository can be published in
           | binary-only mode. You have no ability to at the source in
           | those circumstances, even if you apt-installed them.
           | IshKebab wrote:
           | Sure because Snap is designed to be able to distribute closed
           | source applications. Part of the reason Snap and Flatpak
           | exist is that distributing binaries on Linux is an enormous
           | pain.
             | wtetzner wrote:
             | So allow viewing sources for the open source packages. If
             | sources aren't available, then the user can easily opt not
             | to install the binary.
               | blablabla123 wrote:
               | Still it's an improvement over the current situation.
               | Using snap IMHO only makes sense with closed-source or
               | Open-source software that you don't want to self-compile
               | but at the same time there is only a package available
               | for a different distribution. So a typical installation
               | procedure might be to forcibly install it with dpkg while
               | ignoring the dependencies which cannot be resolved
               | automatically. (Or worse, convert rpm to deb and then
               | install it...) Of course the source is still
               | downloadable, on the other hand, reproducible builds are
               | anyway far from standard. I would prefer snap any time
               | over other more crude installation methods if compiling
               | is not viable.
             | NicolaiS wrote:
             | > distributing binaries on Linux is an enormous pain.
             | It doesn't have to. Packaging using FPM [0] allows many
             | targets (deb, rpm, etc) and using ELF2deb [1] (shameless
             | plug) allows packaging any files to a .deb with no effort.
             | [0] https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm
             | [1] https://github.com/NicolaiSoeborg/ELF2deb
           | glennpratt wrote:
           | You are not required to publish source packages, most of the
           | third party repos I use either don't have them or they are
           | surprisingly useless because I don't have the build
           | environment they were executed in.
             | CogitoCogito wrote:
             | I'm not sure how this is relevant. You're not required to
             | publish source debian package either, yet there is still a
             | nice command to use in case the source package exists.
         | paulcarroty wrote:
         | > Applications in this store cannot be patched, or pinned. You
         | can't audit them, hold them, modify them or even point snap to
         | a different store. You've as much empowerment with this as if
         | you were using proprietary software, i.e. none. This is in
         | effect similar to a commercial proprietary solution, but with
         | two major differences: It runs as root, and it installs itself
         | without asking you.
         | Short version: Canonical does classic _vendor lock-in_ with his
         | Snap Store. I 'm pretty sure 99.9% HN users knows what it means
         | :)
         | danudey wrote:
         | From an IT perspective:
         | I can set up an internal APT mirror for my users, servers, test
         | systems, etc., but I can't set up an internal snap mirror as
         | far as I can tell. This means that despite having an internal
         | repo that I can whitelist, some package installations will now
         | arbitrarily require internet access. I can no longer install
         | chromium on a system without access to the internet, and
         | package installation will fail as a result.
         | I'd rather have an older version than a snap version,
         | personally, but better would be two packages which Provides:
         | the same chromium-browser, chromium and chromium-snap.
         | The most irritating thing here is that they're using a package
         | distribution system which handles dependencies and updates
         | flawlessly, and has for decades, and using it to install things
         | using a package system which does not solve those problems, and
         | instead ships multiple copies of multiple libraries and
         | applications, which run slower, ignoring any settings I have in
         | APT.
         | So far, it's a maintenance nightmare, and I loathe it.
           | tankenmate wrote:
           | You might want to look at ungoogled-chromium,[0] there are
           | downloads for most non Windows platforms. Also packages are
           | available in repos for apt/deb, yum/rpm, etc.
           | [0] https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium
           | loopz wrote:
           | Snap can't seem to access my mounts. They're not very special
           | mounts, but it happens in linux that you mount something, but
           | snap just won't access. That made "no-go" a no-brainer.
         | rlpb wrote:
         | > Applications in this store cannot be patched, or pinned. You
         | can't audit them, hold them, modify them...
         | I think it should be noted that this generally applies to the
         | addition of "third party apt repositories" in general, use of
         | which is the problem that snaps fix[1]
         |  _Some_ snaps are built from Free Software and reproducible
         | sources, as are _some_ third party apt repositories.
         | In other words, if this criticism bothers you, then you should
         | never install from any third party apt repositories ever. If
         | some are acceptable to you, then so should some snaps.
         | If you don't want to use third party software ever, then you
         | can still use Ubuntu without snaps.
         | [1] Third party apt repositories often break users' systems.
           | pdonis wrote:
           | _> if this criticism bothers you, then you should never
           | install from any third party apt repositories ever._
           | This does not follow at all. Third-party apt repositories
           | work just like Ubuntu's apt repositories; you have just as
           | much ability to audit, hold, pin, etc. in both cases.
           | If there is a difference in reliability (software from third-
           | party repos is more likely to break your system--and, btw,
           | software from Canonical's repos has also broken systems in
           | the past, so "avoid third party repos" is not a guaranteed
           | way to avoid software breaking your system), using snaps to
           | install third-party software instead of third-party repos
           | does not fix that problem: the third-party provider is still
           | just as unreliable as before and their software is just as
           | likely to do something stupid.
             | rlpb wrote:
             | > audit, hold, pin
             | Originally you said audit, hold, modify.
             | You can audit snaps just as you can audit third party apt
             | repositories. Either the publisher ships the source such
             | that you can rebuild, or they don't.
             | You can hold snaps using this method:
             | https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/disabling-automatic-refresh-
             | for...
             | You can modify snaps just as you can modify what you get
             | from a third party apt repository. Either the publisher
             | ships the source such that you can modify and rebuild, or
             | they don't.
             | giovannibajo1 wrote:
             | Third-party apt repositories are a security nightmare: you
             | are giving a third party unrestricted semi-silent root
             | access to your computer. I can trust my distro provider
             | with this, but it should be strongly discouraged for third-
             | parties. Instead, installing PPAs to get updated builds of
             | standard packages seems considered "normal". At least, this
             | doesn't hold true for snaps.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> I can trust my distro provider with this, but it
               | should be strongly discouraged for third-parties._
               | Again, it all depends on how much you trust the third
               | party compared to how much you trust your distro
               | provider. I don't have many third party PPAs installed on
               | my computer because there aren't many third parties I
               | trust that much. But there aren't zero either.
               | Also, a big part of my trust of my distro provider is
               | based on having source code forced to be open, and
               | another big part is based on them not doing things behind
               | my back. Snaps significantly erode both of these aspects
               | of trust.
         | ncr100 wrote:
         | Is there no way to sandbox these packages - "have you cake and
         | eat it too?" I'm a noob to modern Linux.
         | Edit: Are snaps images? ...like containers?
         | Edit 2: answer:
         | > mounted dynamically by the host operating system, together
         | with declarative metadata that is interpreted by the snap
         | system to set up an appropriately shaped secure sandbox or
         | container for that application
           | solarkraft wrote:
           | The main (and better supported) competitor is Flatpak, which
           | at least doesn't have the terrible marketing.
             | ncr100 wrote:
             | Thank you - :)
             | Reading about the cons of Snap now - "auto-updates cannot
             | be turned off" -
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snap_(package_manager)
               | _jal wrote:
               | Yep. One of many reasons they're banned in our shop.
               | Even for client software it is bad - an app quitting out
               | from under me because it wants to update is functionally
               | equivalent to a crashing bug - but they're offering
               | daemons this way, which is just insane.
               | Who doesn't want all their containers randomly restarting
               | because someone up the distro chain decided when your
               | machine needed to upgrade?
               | https://snapcraft.io/lxd
               | tomponline wrote:
               | The containers do not restart when the snap package is
               | updated.
               | tssva wrote:
               | If snap decides to update lxd on the nodes of your lxd
               | cluster at the same time that a node has failed it is a
               | CF.
               | The cluster will not come up because your down node is
               | now not the same version as the other cluster nodes.
               | xet7 wrote:
               | Auto-updates of all Snap packages can be turned off at
               | /etc/hosts by adding a line:
               | api.snapcraft.io
               | nawgszy wrote:
               | Just what we all want on our production hosts.
               | entropicdrifter wrote:
               | Especially when they're being installed covertly through
               | APT
             | superkuh wrote:
             | All containerization is just the fever to the sickness that
             | is the futureshock from extremely fast rate of development
             | of major libs like c++$year, glibc (no matter what they say
             | about having stable endpoints), and the like. You can't run
             | a program written today on the system repo libraries from 5
             | years ago.
             | Containers try to mitigate this problem but like a fever
             | they often end up making things worse.
               | zentiggr wrote:
               | I don't run any APT based distribution right now but I
               | understand the issues... I think the biggest problem I
               | see is Canonical developing what looks like a very useful
               | tool but holding it proprietary.
               | If Canonical provided the snap creation and hosting tools
               | to the community I imagine it would be judged on its
               | technical merits.
               | As it is, I see more and more reports that Canonical is
               | trying to gain more and more control and that's exactly
               | what I don't like to see.
               | Would have tried Ubuntu but they've poisoned that well.
               | I'll have to recalculate.
               | xav0989 wrote:
               | As far as I can tell, snapcraft[0], the tool that allows
               | the creation of snaps is open-source and on github.
               | However the hosting server-side code is closed source.
               | [0]: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft
               | drewg123 wrote:
               | Wouldn't it just be simpler to statically link apps then?
             | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
             | Depending on the qualities your after, AppImage is also
             | really great. Advantages over Flatpak are that they are
             | completely portable (you can store them anywhere and run
             | them from anywhere), and they don't require a special
             | runtime or package management infrastructure of any kind.
           | entropicdrifter wrote:
           | If you need this kind of packaging but want to retain
           | freedom, just use an alternative solution like flatpak, which
           | sandboxes from the get-go and lets you control what parts of
           | your system the application can access
             | DoofusOfDeath wrote:
             | > just use an alternative solution like flatpak
             | Saying " _just_ use an alternative " seems overly
             | dismissive of the complications that entails.
             | IIUC, the only options for that are (a) abandon Ubuntu, or
             | (b) actively circumvent Ubuntu's software distribution
             | infrastructure, reminiscent of dealing with Windows 10
             | forced updates.
             | IMHO this somewhat erodes Ubuntu's value proposition.
               | zentiggr wrote:
               | I have a laptop that I'm planning on rebuilding from a
               | failed NTFS/Win10 system to Linux something.
               | Now I know it's not going to be Ubuntu or anything else
               | derived from Canonical.
               | Endeavourist wrote:
               | Why not EndeavourOS? It's based on Arch Linux, with
               | minimal numbers of external packages; quite unlike
               | Manjaro actually. You can just treat it as a standard
               | Arch install, and even use the ISO to boot with wi-fi
               | drivers and all and install Arch plainly, without the
               | non-wifi and other regrets. EndeavourOS is pretty great;
               | I personally use it as a live-ISO (XFCE environment) and
               | just install Arch from within the live EndeavourOS booted
               | iso. Just throwing it out there.
               | zentiggr wrote:
               | Hadn't heard the name but glad I did. I was going to look
               | for a live CD distro with good NTFS read support for the
               | old drive recovery. This sounds good.
               | DoofusOfDeath wrote:
               | > Now I know it's not going to be Ubuntu or anything else
               | derived from Canonical.
               | Why avoid Ubuntu derivates like Mint or Pop!_OS, though?
               | They're doing the heavy lifting of fighting Canonical on
               | this issue. Maybe using one of those distros instead of
               | vanilla Ubuntu actually _strengthens_ the pressure that
               | Canonical feels on this topic.
               | zentiggr wrote:
               | Fair point, but honestly I'm in the "don't have enough
               | time to Gentoo this build" category.
               | If I know I can avoid Snap crap by changing distros for
               | now, that's what I have a timeslice for.
               | xet7 wrote:
               | AFAIK Ubuntu does not force reboot like Windows 10.
               | entropicdrifter wrote:
               | I agree that this erodes Ubuntu's value proposition. I
               | run Manjaro with KDE, personally.
             | ncr100 wrote:
             | Neat - "permissions that are defined by the maintainer of
             | the Flatpak and can be controlled (added or removed) by
             | users on their system" -
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatpak
             | I'm wondering now if Wikipedia would be appropriate to host
             | a linux sandboxed app packaging comparison chart in the
             | form of https://linuxhint.com/snap_vs_flatpak_vs_appimage/
             | - and it would be extensible ...since Wikipedia.
           | michaelmrose wrote:
           | Sandboxing addresses AN issue but does not address any of the
           | issues discussed in this article.
           | Also sandboxing and running apps under reduced permissions
           | makes a lot of sense but should be seen as a tool to increase
           | security not an answer outright as poorly used any tool can
           | be less effective or even harmful.
           | Historically locking down increasingly effectively often
           | leads to impeding things the user actually wants to do which
           | leads to apps asking for and granting permissions with the
           | net effect of training users click yes to enable whatever the
           | app wants to do.
           | It ends up being not just a technical challenge but a
           | psychological one as well and its less easily resolved once
           | you start having to deal with real users.
           | ex_amazon_sde wrote:
           | You can easily create very strong sandboxes for daemons using
           | unit files and packaging them as native OS packages.
           | blablabla123 wrote:
           | It seems to incorporate some novel ideas despite its obvious
           | shortcomings.
           | I also think that so far Linux distributions have done very
           | poorly when it came to cross-distribution/forward/backward
           | compatibility of packages. This is a non-issue for popular
           | Opensource packages since they can be easily packaged by the
           | distributors. But not so popular packages sometimes need to
           | be installed in a hacky way when they are not available for
           | the target distribution. Even worse when dealing with
           | commercial software, it can happen that it degrades with each
           | distribution update.
           | Also I think that probably the package format will improve
           | over time and add additional features, that would allow
           | auditing for instance. Also with proper de-duplication
           | (perhaps even on filesystem level) it should be possible to
           | also deal with waste of space.
         | arexxbifs wrote:
         | "Linux on the desktop" is apparently a lot like having sex in a
         | greenhouse: fucking close to Windows.
         | craftinator wrote:
         | All that, and it takes Ubuntu's default calculator program 4
         | full wall clock seconds to open on my laptop. Nothing grows in
         | this desert.
         | simion314 wrote:
         | But Mint are too lazy to build their own packages so they use
         | Ubuntu binaries that are installed as root, this is IMO a PR
         | move and a hypocrisy, if you don't trust Canonical don't use
         | Mint use Debian or some distribution that has the capacity to
         | host and build their binaries.
           | Daishiman wrote:
           | As long as you can audit the source and build chain what's
           | the problem?
             | simion314 wrote:
             | >As long as you can audit the source and build chain what's
             | the problem?
             | As long as Linux Mint developers are not doing that how it
             | helps you? you don't trust Canonical binaries but you trust
             | the deb binaries, you could be honest and claim that you
             | don't like snap but you still trust the deb binaries.
               | Daishiman wrote:
               | The point isn't that the devs are the ones doing the
               | auditing, even though pretty much everything that lives
               | in DEB and RPM repos has maintainers which do.
               | The point is that _you_ can audit without having to
               | depend on a third party. Nobody 's claiming audits are
               | free or that they're assumed. The point is that you have
               | the option to choose to trust as much or as little of the
               | build chain, from the compiler to the target code to the
               | artifacts.
               | simion314 wrote:
               | let me clear some things up and tell me if I am wrong,
               | link me to the correction and I will apologize.
               | - Mint uses Ubuntu repositories
               | - Canonical pushes the changes they want into this repos,
               | this changes are probably done by scripts that build
               | source code on Canonical servers.
               | - the Ubuntu repos also contain binary blobs
               | - when a Mint user does an update he gets the binary
               | directly from Canonical servers, there is no Mint dev or
               | Mint script that does any check to see if for example the
               | evil Canonical modified the NVIDIA driver and added even
               | more evil in it then already is
               | Now explain to me if all the above is true why would
               | someone that does not trust Canonical would use Mint?
               | There is no safety checks to prevent evil Canonical
               | people do evil things.
               | My conclusion is if you don't trust Canonical don't use
               | Mint. Maybe Mint is working on addressing this and soon
               | we will see an PR campaign that announces they are
               | finally able to self host but until then I would stop the
               | hypocrisy about not trusting Canonical. (Btw there are
               | many smaller distros that can host their own repos, not
               | sure why Mint is not doing it)
               | Daishiman wrote:
               | The differences are the following:
               | * Nonfree software is generally demarcated as such. There
               | is nonfree software that has available source (in the
               | case of some codecs), other that comes as blobs.
               | * The Chromium package is open source, and in most
               | distros comes as binary built from the toolchain set up
               | by the package maintainers. In all free software distros
               | if you don't want to download the binary, you can
               | download the source and build locally with the provided
               | build scripts (in the case of most APT packages in
               | Debian/ubuntu).
               | * Serving Chromium binaries with Snap removes the option
               | of downloading, inspecting, and running the build chain
               | locally
               | * Serving a different version of Chromium, or replacing
               | the stock version with a different variety, cannot be
               | done without creating a new Snap repository. Downstream
               | distros like Mint need to replace some of the stock
               | Ubuntu stuff, just like Ubuntu changes stock Debian
               | packages
               | * Because there is no open source Snap repository
               | software, Mint is unable to set up an alternative repo
               | that could work around some of the objections they have
               | with Ubuntu.
               | simion314 wrote:
               | You are making my point, the "trust" is not the issue ,
               | the issue is "control". Canonical has the control on the
               | snap store and Mint can insert their customization on
               | top.
               | Again, if Canonical is evil and can't be trusted why I
               | would run Mint? Do the developers run any scripts to
               | alert me if Canonical slips some bad thing in a binary?
               | I think is fine if they remove snaps but IMO is stupid to
               | accuse Canonical to be evil and not trustworthy while you
               | blindly trust their repos.
               | 8bitsrule wrote:
               | >when a Mint user does an update he gets the binary
               | directly from Canonical servers
               | When I update Mint binaries, I get them from one of about
               | 30 mirrors which Mint enables me to choose. (Or it will
               | decide for me based on speed.) Do the mirrors at
               | Clarkson, Harvard, Purdue, UW, etc belong to Canonical? I
               | think not. Nor does most of the code the binaries are
               | built from.
               | Canonical has made its choice, Clem's made his.
       | whalesalad wrote:
       | One of the first things I do on any Ubuntu-based box is remove
       | snap completely.
       | aphexairlines wrote:
       | This seems like a problem:
       | > Snap packages are effectively black-boxes; they cannot be
       | reproduced independently as the packaging data is controlled by
       | the package maker alone.
       | One of the nice properties of debian packages is the ability to
       | `apt-get source` and build it locally. Would be a shame to lose
       | that.
       | Maybe Nix and Guix can provide the best of both worlds here:
       | self-contained software but reproducible builds too.
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | > Would be a shame to lose that.
         | So don't lose that. Use Debian (or Devuan), or one of its
         | properly-FOSS derivative distributions.
         | Dormeno wrote:
         | > One of the nice properties of debian packages is the ability
         | to `apt-get source` and build it locally.
         | You don't get that for a lot of third party apt repos actually,
         | no deb-src repo.
         | superkuh wrote:
         | Any distro where you have to write a little haskell-ish 30 line
         | script to set up an environment just to be able to start
         | compiling (or even running!) things is not going to be widely
         | popular for desktop use.
           | andrewla wrote:
           | It's definitely going to take some work. I have set up my
           | first NixOS install, and the functionality is very
           | impressive, but usability-wise it is a mess.
           | I think Nix/Guix is going to be the bridge to the post-POSIX
           | world where we can move away from the trend of a globally
           | visible filesystem and into much stronger container-based
           | approach. But it can't be in its current form; the Nix
           | language and Guix's Guile/Scheme are too difficult and not
           | declarative enough.
             | nicoty wrote:
             | Theres https://github.com/andrewchambers/hermes which uses
             | Janet instead. Not sure if that's closure to what you're
             | looking for.
           | 6AA4FD wrote:
           | `nix-shell -p ghc` does it for me.
           | ghostwriter wrote:
           | For desktop use, any shortcut icon on a desktop would just be
           | a wrapper script for `nix-shell -p <package> --run <package-
           | binary>`
             | superkuh wrote:
             | I was thinking more things you find on the internet and
             | then do a bit of ./autogen or mkdir build;cd build;cmake
             | ../;make; and the like. Without a file system you really do
             | have to write that script and manually pull in the relevant
             | libraries, and you have to figure out what those are. No
             | autotools will be capable of doing it automatically because
             | no global filesystem exists.
           | abathur wrote:
           | Nix throws sparks, but I'm still cautious about who I
           | recommend it to and how.
           | I understand why there's consternation about usability (and a
           | steady stream of requests focused on helping novices get it
           | up and running), but I'm not sure the project(s)/ecosystem
           | are ready for the stress of getting strapped to a growth
           | rocket that brings in many new non-developer general-
           | computing users who can't reasonably contribute back.
           | I don't mean this in an elitist RTFM way. More users of any
           | stripe just inevitably exert support pressure in all sorts of
           | directions. The community is perpetually iterating on
           | tools/automation/process issues to try and stay on the right
           | side of the wave. I sympathize with everyone who has a tough
           | time finding their legs, but for the near term I think it is
           | probably a net good if ergonomics issues filter out people
           | for whom most distros are effectively fungible.
           | Shared404 wrote:
           | Indeed. I am however curious to see if there will be a Nix
           | made easy type distro, similar to Ubuntu's relation to
           | Debian.
         | rlpb wrote:
         | This doesn't have to be true. It's perfectly possible to
         | produce a reproducible-build snap, and many Free Software snaps
         | _are_ reproducible from source. It 's established convention to
         | do it this way.
         | The capability is necessary because snaps can also ship
         | proprietary software (eg. Spotify, Skype, etc). So one wouldn't
         | expect this to be a property of (binary) snaps, just as it
         | isn't for binary debs. apt/deb comes with "source package
         | building tooling" (dpkg-source, dpkg-buildpackage, policy
         | around debian/rules, etc) and so do snaps (snapcraft).
       | osd5 wrote:
       | Installed ubuntu 18.04, purged snapd. It was back after `do-
       | release-upgrade` to 20.04
         | the_af wrote:
         | I installed 18.04 a couple of weeks ago, after software I
         | needed didn't work for 16.04. I don't need snaps and want to
         | continue using .debs (which so far I'm doing, but some snap
         | apps come preinstaled).
         | What is the cleanest way of ditch the snap system and its
         | preinstalled apps? I'm assuming this won't break anything
         | important.
         | PS: I'm not planning on installing 20.04 any time soon. At
         | least not until the dust really settles. I don't see the point
         | of running the absolutely latest version until there is a
         | strong, evidence-backed consensus on its strong and weak
         | points.
           | lioeters wrote:
           | sudo rm -rf /var/cache/snapd/
           | sudo apt autoremove --purge snapd gnome-software-plugin-snap
           | rm -fr ~/snap
           | From: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1035915/how-to-remove-
           | snap-s...
           | ---
           | ..Or..
           | sudo apt purge snapd
           | rm -vrf ~/snap
           | # following may not be required as apt purge already removes
           | them
           | sudo rm -vrf /snap /var/snap /var/lib/snapd /var/cache/snapd
           | /usr/lib/snapd
           | # trying to install some package like chromium-browser will
           | bring back snapd
           | # make sure snapd is not installed as a dependency anymore
           | # downside is that some package installation might fail
           | because of dependecy on snapd
           | sudo apt-mark hold snapd
           | From: https://www.kevin-custer.com/blog/disabling-snaps-in-
           | ubuntu-...
         | DoofusOfDeath wrote:
         | I think it's reasonable that the installer for a new LTS
         | release would go with the default package-management scheme.
         | Especially if the people authoring the do-release-upgrade
         | scripts weren't aware of this being a hot-button issue.
         | andrewshadura wrote:
         | You need to write a bit of config to prevent it from being
         | installed. See the apt_preferences manpage.
       | emerongi wrote:
       | Snaps are super laggy. GNOME calculator on Ubuntu runs in a snap
       | and it is baffling that whoever made the decision to package it
       | in a snap by default was OK with the fact that it takes 2 seconds
       | to launch a basic calculator on a 2017 laptop (edit: re-tested,
       | it took 5 seconds).
       | To top it off, a couple months ago my calculator disappeared. For
       | some reason I have been having problems with snap applications
       | disappearing for a while now, even though I have made no
       | configuration changes. How fun it is to discover that such a
       | basic tool just no longer exists on your machine, way to fuck up
       | a morning.
       | I get that snaps make application distribution easier, but please
       | don't do it at the expense of the user. I've had more success
       | with Flatpak and AppImages, but not enough experience with any of
       | them to judge which is best.
         | CSDude wrote:
         | I think it's because they extract compressed rootfs tar each
         | time to be mounted in LXC container. Even with a beefy
         | computer, it takes considerable time.
           | emerongi wrote:
           | What is weird to me is that apparently there has not been
           | someone in a position of power in this project that would go
           | "Wait guys, this is not good. Any other ideas? How can we
           | improve?"
           | No, just roll on with it.
           | There was a period of time, around 2010-2015 when I really
           | felt that computers were fast. SSDs were getting more
           | affordable and that was a huge improvement, every action was
           | immediately responsive. In 2020, that has somehow been
           | undone. It takes 5 seconds to launch a calculator. Software
           | guys really like to undo all the advances that the hardware
           | guys are doing.
             | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
             | In that period, computers made a significant leap forward,
             | and it took developers some time to catch up and fully
             | utilize surplus performance.
         | clktmr wrote:
         | This is exactly my experience. On top of that snap creates
         | visible directories in $HOME, f-up my loop devices and snap
         | applications can't even access /tmp. Never had any problems
         | with flatpak and appimage. I will however use it solely for
         | proprietary software.
         | aritmo wrote:
         | I think gnome-calculator was just an experiment for Ubuntu
         | 18.04 to test snap packages. In 20.04 it has been switched
         | back.
       | trashburger wrote:
       | It's very funny that this article is two places above the article
       | about how Canonical is bringing Flutter to Linux via the Snap
       | Store. Some choice quotes from that article:
       | > Flutter's native cross-platform story is growing rapidly and
       | Canonical wanted to be at the vanguard.
       | > By making Linux a first class Flutter platform, Canonical is
       | inviting application developers to publish their apps to millions
       | of Linux users and broaden the availability of high quality
       | applications available to them.
       | > Canonical will continue to collaborate with Google to further
       | improve Linux support and maintain feature parity with the other
       | supported platforms.
       | [deleted]
       | mastrsushi wrote:
       | Can someone explain the need for Linux Mint? It's derived from
       | Ubuntu which is derived from Debian which just sounds ridiculous.
       | Is Ubuntu considered difficult to install? Does it not support
       | older hardware as well as Mint? Wouldn't Ubuntu be more supported
       | if they just ended Mint and jumped aboard?
         | indymike wrote:
         | Originally, it was user interface.
       | kd913 wrote:
       | The reason for why the backend for the snap store hasn't been
       | opensourced has been explained multiple times. Namely that it
       | would be expensive to open source it with little benefit in
       | return.
       | Canonical already spent a large amount of investment opensourcing
       | launchpad and nobody other than them operate it. Mainly because
       | the majority of the costs are for operating an instance which
       | most other distros aren't willing to spend. Not even Mint operate
       | run or operate their own launchpad infrastructure. They
       | experienced large backlash back then, open sourced it and nobody
       | contributed.
       | The same problem applies here. Snap store specifically from what
       | I gather is a bunch of operational machinery that doesn't make
       | sense without also operating launchpad. Such a cost operating
       | would benefit nobody but Canonical because nobody else is
       | bothering footing the bill to run an instance.
       | Second aspect that they wanted to avoid was the same pitfalls
       | that they experienced previously with ppas and now being
       | experienced with flatpak. Namely they want one location to find
       | software, and one location to serve software. If users have to
       | use the command line to add a external repo that has unfetted
       | access, then that defeats any usability gains. That and the whole
       | aspects of malware/trust goes out the window.
       | I will remind people that the most popular PPA to this day is a
       | Java PPA being run by some 3rd party that doesn't offer Java.
       | That PPA has root access to thousands of machines.
         | blendergeek wrote:
         | > Namely that it would be expensive to open source it with
         | little benefit in return.
         | Would you describe exactly what will be expensive in releasing
         | the source code to software that was developed in house? Does
         | it have lots of dependencies on proprietary software? If so,
         | why?
         | > Namely they want one location to find software, and one
         | location to serve software.
         | And this, is the killer. This is exactly what the people at
         | Linux Mint do _not_ want. This is why F-Droid exists on
         | Android. Yes, free software can be distributed on the snap
         | store or on Google Play, but ultimately these are proprietary
         | platforms controlled by one corporate entity whose interests
         | may not be aligned with those of the community. Users of
         | community Linux distros demand choice in where they obtain
         | software.
         | > That and the whole aspects of malware/trust goes out the
         | window.
         | Malware has already been successfully pushed to the Snap Store.
         | The idea of "trust" here is also antithetical to open-source
         | and software freedom. Rather than trusting software because it
         | has verifiable source code, we now trust software because it
         | came from a store that removes well known malware.
           | tyree731 wrote:
           | > Would you describe exactly what will be expensive in
           | releasing the source code to software that was developed in
           | house? Does it have lots of dependencies on proprietary
           | software? If so, why?
           | If all you're doing is taking an internal repository and
           | hosting it externally, then it takes no time. But if you make
           | sure licenses are being used correctly throughout the code,
           | audit to make sure no internal secrets accidentally made
           | their way into the internal repository (this happens as much
           | in closed source as it does in open source), and you try to
           | remove any problematic code, commit messages or references
           | from the code, it takes time.
             | kemayo wrote:
             | Isn't it a bad look for Canonical, a major open source
             | company, to not have developed core software for their
             | major open source product in an open source friendly
             | manner?
               | Andrew_nenakhov wrote:
               | Why should they do everything open source? To keep happy
               | a few bored FOSS maximalists, who have neither real
               | interest, nor use for the code?
               | We develop open source applications ourselves, and the
               | amount of jerks who drop in from time to time and teach
               | us how to do what (without contributing any code or
               | donations, of course) is overwhelming. They don't care
               | how you pay your bills and how much effort it takes to
               | make things happen.
               | bananamerica wrote:
               | IDK where you work but isn't it possible that many FOSS
               | has significantly less resources than Canonical?
           | kd913 wrote:
           | >Would you describe exactly what will be expensive in
           | releasing the source code to software that was developed in
           | house? Does it have lots of dependencies on proprietary
           | software? If so, why?
           | Im not too sure as I don't work for Canonical. However, from
           | an external perspective having worked with bzr and launchpad,
           | I wouldn't be surprised if there is a bunch of aspects there
           | that would make opensourcing a nightmare.
           | Things like potentially giving some mechanism that could
           | enable a user to sign/publish on behalf of Canonical
           | snaps/packages for example. That kind of thing would probably
           | need to be removed. Deep integration between CI/operational
           | infrastructure for things like building images. I can imagine
           | after Canonical's experience of launchpad that they probably
           | did hardcode aspects and it isn't some modular thing you can
           | just spin up on docker.
           | >And this, is the killer. This is exactly what the people at
           | Linux Mint do not want. This is why F-Droid exists on
           | Android. Yes, free software can be distributed on the snap
           | store or on Google Play, but ultimately these are proprietary
           | platforms controlled by one corporate entity whose interests
           | may not be aligned with those of the community. Users of
           | community Linux distros demand choice in where they obtain
           | software.
           | Snaps I checked aren't there to replace apt. They don't
           | prevent the install of flatpak, appimages or any alternative.
           | Canonical has no agreement that prevents parties like
           | Mozilla/KDE from only publishing on the snap store.
           | >Malware has already been successfully pushed to the Snap
           | Store. We now trust software because it came from a store
           | that removes well known malware.
           | There was one case of a snap bundled with a cryptominer. That
           | was settled within 3 days and addressed to the community in a
           | blog. Since then, it has been deliberately looked for. As
           | someone who has published on the snap store, yes there are
           | some checks present to ensure malicious software isn't being
           | pushed.
           | >The idea of "trust" here is also antithetical to open-source
           | and software freedom. Rather than trusting software because
           | it has verifiable source code,
           | It is really easy for me to see exactly what is being
           | run/executed on the snaps that I install. In fact I have
           | built/used snaps successfully without even the snap store all
           | together.
             | commoner wrote:
             | > However, from an external perspective having worked with
             | bzr and launchpad, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a
             | bunch of aspects there that would make opensourcing a
             | nightmare.
             | If Canonical, as a Linux company, is not willing to spend
             | the effort to open source their software, then Snap can
             | continue to be rejected by Linux distributions. Canonical's
             | most obvious reason for keeping the Snap server closed
             | source is to lock its users into a proprietary and
             | centralized system that it has full control over. This
             | strategy is no different from Apple disallowing
             | installations outside of the App Store on iOS, and Google
             | disallowing alternative app stores in Google Play.
               | kd913 wrote:
               | You haven't really at all explained any justifiable
               | reason for Canonical to open source it. You still haven't
               | argued at all the resource aspects which are I think the
               | primary motivator here.
               | Canonical has done this experiment precisely in the past,
               | and we see the results of nobody operating their own
               | launchpad instance. Nobody contributing back. That
               | experience probably trumps all of this goodwill and
               | opinions from the community.
               | Canonical is more importantly getting users, publishers
               | and numbers behind them. A discussion I remember reading
               | was that every snap has 10x more installs than the
               | corresponding flatpak. That and they have 1st party
               | support from major publishers like Google, Microsoft,
               | Amazon, Spotify, Mozilla, Jetbrains, KDE etc....
               | Those aspects are more important for usability for the
               | average user.
               | commoner wrote:
               | > You haven't really at all explained any justifiable
               | reason for Canonical to open source it.
               | I've explained why it would be in the users' interest for
               | Canonical to open source the Snap store: it reduces
               | vendor lock-in and allows the users to enjoy the benefits
               | of open source software (the ability to use, study,
               | share, and improve the software with no restrictions).
               | Whether open sourcing the Snap server benefits Canonical
               | is irrelevant to the users.
               | kd913 wrote:
               | No you think it would be in the users' interest but it
               | absolutely isn't. I'm willing to bet money you haven't
               | looked at launchpad's source code at all. Nor have you or
               | anyone else considered operating their own. That is how
               | most of the Ubuntu based distros right now are already
               | getting their software.
               | If Canonical goes down, a huge part of the usable linux
               | market goes down with it. Possibly Linux Mint too, unless
               | im mistaken.
               | >vendor lock-in
               | You are not vendor locked in. You can install flatpak,
               | install via apt, appimages etc... Canonical doesn't ban
               | the removal of snapd from ubuntu distros.
               | In fact, from a Linux dev I would argue that half the
               | fragmentation for pointless nonsense like packaging and
               | distributions has harmed the community far more. Namely
               | because it's increased the cost of development for these
               | things to a degree that companies won't even bother
               | developing/publishing software on Linux. That has been
               | the primary problem for Linux so far.
               | Canonical is actually getting first party support from
               | major publishers and people still lampoon them. This
               | includes publishers in the past who never would have
               | considered publishing for Linux before.
               | commoner wrote:
               | > No you think it would be in the users' interest but it
               | absolutely isn't.
               | If you don't understand the value of free and open source
               | software, you're not obligated to use it. The maintainers
               | of Linux Mint and other Linux distributions do
               | understand, and that is one of the reasons they have
               | rejected Snap.
               | > I'm willing to bet money you haven't looked at
               | launchpad's source code at all. Nor have you or anyone
               | else considered operating their own.
               | Your assumption is wrong and you've lost the bet.
               | Additionally, Flatpak is available and Flatpak servers
               | are already being hosted independently:
               | https://www.google.com/search?q=%22our%20flatpak%20repo%2
               | 2
               | > You are not vendor locked in. You can install flatpak,
               | install via apt, appimages etc... Canonical doesn't ban
               | the removal of snapd from ubuntu distros.
               | Canonical has already transformed apt installs of
               | Chromium into Snap installs, which motivated Linux Mint
               | to reject Snap. Vendor lock-in is not black and white.
               | For example, Android users can also install F-Droid or a
               | variety of third-party app stores, but considering Google
               | Play's default status on Android, most users are
               | effectively locked in. The same applies to Canonical's
               | handling of Chromium, and the Linux community is opposing
               | this to discourage Canonical from continuing this dark
               | pattern.
               | > half the fragmentation for pointless nonsense like
               | packaging and distributions has harmed the community far
               | more
               | Snap increases the fragmentation, and is more hostile to
               | the FOSS community than all of the other options because
               | its server is closed source.
               | kd913 wrote:
               | >If you don't understand the value of open source
               | software, you're not obligated to use it. The maintainers
               | of Linux Mint and other Linux distributions do
               | understand, and that is one of the reasons they have
               | rejected Snap.
               | I understand the value of open source software. I work
               | for the industry building open source drivers and
               | contributed back. But providing/producing and maintaining
               | software isn't free and that is precisely the main
               | motivator that you don't seem to pay attention to.
               | It's all good using a 100% FOSS stack, but that is
               | irrelevant for the average user who wants to use things
               | like Office, Steam and Spotify. The lack of usable
               | software holds back Linux Desktop. So does your almost
               | Stallman esque attitude to this.
               | >Your assumption is wrong and you've lost the bet.
               | Additionally, Flatpak is available and Flatpak servers
               | are already being hosted independently:
               | So you are hosting your own launchpad instance? Please do
               | show me, that and all the wonderful contributions you
               | have made to Canonical to have justified the massive
               | resources they undertook by open sourcing it.
               | >Additionally, Flatpak is available and Flatpak servers
               | are already being hosted independently:
               | That is a negative which I have argued multiple times.
               | Multiple locations to have to find software which makes
               | finding useful software harder. The user has to trust
               | random third parties which breaks security.
               | Yea, Canonical had all those experiences with PPAs and
               | how much of a nightmare that has been.
               | >Canonical has already transformed apt installs of
               | Chromium into Snap installs, which motivated Linux Mint
               | to reject Snap. Vendor lock-in is not black and white.
               | For example, Android users can also install F-Droid or a
               | variety of third-party app stores, but considering Google
               | Play's default status on Android, most users are
               | effectively locked in. The same applies to Canonical's
               | handling of Chromium, and the Linux community is opposing
               | this to discourage Canonical from continuing this dark
               | pattern.
               | Funny you are saying this and advocating OpenSource and
               | all this nonsense. Do you know why Canonical moved the
               | chromium binary to snap? It's because maintenance costs
               | were ridiculous. They had to backport their compiler and
               | support versions from 14.04 to 19.10 at the time. They
               | couldn't backport the compiler, and because chromium is a
               | browser, users must be on the latest version for security
               | reasons. It also deeply integrates with the OS via the
               | Linux specific sandboxes which do not work the same from
               | 14.04 to 19.10.
               | This they were maintaining for FREE. They didn't even
               | have to do this because the officially supported browser
               | is Firefox.
               | They didn't want to burden the cost for this nonsense and
               | rightfully moved it to snap.
               | Where is Mint here providing the maintenance costs/burden
               | for providing chromium as a deb here.
               | Canonical explained it clearly here.
               | https://ubuntu.com/blog/chromium-in-ubuntu-deb-to-snap-
               | trans...
               | >For example, Android users can also install F-Droid or a
               | variety of third-party app stores, but considering Google
               | Play's default status on Android, most users are
               | effectively locked in.
               | You are delusional if you think the situation is anywhere
               | near the closed wall aspects of Android. Canonical
               | doesn't operate it's own safety net or attestation that
               | bans F-Droid or any other distribution. They don't have
               | any controls or inhibitions in place for how users
               | install/distrubte software unlike Android.
               | >Snap increases the fragmentation, and is more hostile to
               | the FOSS community than all of the other options because
               | its server is closed source.
               | You seem more hostile to the goals of the FOSS community
               | than they are in my eyes. The person who is preventing
               | Steam Games, WINE, Adobe software etc.. from coming to
               | Linux is people like you.
               | They can reject snap all they want.
               | suby wrote:
               | Linux Mint maintains a Debian derivative
               | (https://linuxmint.com/download_lmde.php) so that they
               | can continue operating should something happen to make
               | the Ubuntu derivative unfeasible.
               | Also, for what it's worth, I remain entirely unconvinced
               | by your argument that this is fine from a users point of
               | view. If they want to stop the push back, they need to
               | ensure that they are not the only one with the ability to
               | host a Snap store similar to how Flatpak does it. You can
               | claim that this is irrelevant as it won't be used, and I
               | suspect that you're right about that, but they will not
               | be trusted until this happens.
           | rlpb wrote:
           | > Does it have lots of dependencies on proprietary software?
           | Not so much proprietary software (those dependencies would be
           | owned by Canonical and therefore released in the same lot)
           | but I understand there is considerable dependency on
           | deployment machinery. Documentation for that machinery will
           | need to be split out into private (contains secrets,
           | references to customers, etc) and public (consumable by
           | someone looking to replicate a Snap store deployment) and so
           | on.
           | > Rather than trusting software because it has verifiable
           | source code, we now trust software because it came from a
           | store that removes well known malware.
           | The world has moved to that. I don't like it. I would prefer
           | to install only distribution-curated software. However that
           | doesn't help me get a bunch of software that isn't available
           | that way. Where it is (and at the version I need), I use it.
           | Note that this particular statement of yours applies equally
           | to AppImage, Flatpak and everything else that isn't
           | distribution-curated. It's not just an argument against
           | Snaps.
             | jancsika wrote:
             | > The world has moved to that.
             | The world has also moved to casually clicking links to
             | "install" arbitrary apps (which in turn call stacks of
             | arbitrary libraries and frameworks the dev probably found
             | by casually clicking links).
             | You could give Debian and Ubuntu another decade to work on
             | their packaging infrastructure and they still wouldn't
             | reach parity with what we get through the web with the
             | current browser security model.
         | einpoklum wrote:
         | > Namely that it would be expensive to open source it with
         | little benefit in return.
         | Ok, so the whole technology is irrelevant and should not be
         | used then.
         | > Canonical already spent a large amount of investment
         | opensourcing launchpad
         | Why develop it as non-open-source to begin with?
         | madeofpalk wrote:
         | > The reason for why the backend for the snap store hasn't been
         | opensourced has been explained multiple times.
         | I just think it's weird that a supposedly open source company
         | like Canonical would build close source infrastructure. Like,
         | just develop it in the open to begin with?
           | berkes wrote:
           | Better even: design it to be self-hostable from scratch.
           | Edit: by making it a self-contained executable, a .deb or
           | even a set of ansible scripts.
           | I understand that some complex interconnected ball-of-
           | spaghetti of microservices makes little sense to open-source,
           | b/c no-one can run it.
           | But that is essentially saying: we never wanted people to run
           | it themselves, and now we are at a point that no-one can run
           | it, so why bother?
             | madeofpalk wrote:
             | Sure, there's "even better" ways to go above what they did,
             | but it seems to be than an open source company would at
             | least by default develop open source software.
             | They had to have actively chosen to build this closed-
             | source software, no.
         | johannes1234321 wrote:
         | > Canonical already spent a large amount of investment
         | opensourcing launchpad and nobody other than them operate it.
         | Launchpad has a weird user experience and was for a long time
         | too much focussed on bazaar when git won.
         | At work we used bazaar and lp for a while, but still I always
         | have to search for the right path for getting to a project's
         | code. The bug tracker was more useful than GitHub's but that
         | didn't help ...
         | Aside from that there are the legal implications of AfferoGPL
         | which prevent many people from touching it.
         | But yes, doing infrastructures is hard. I however don't know
         | how complicated hosting is and how well it's packaged. For
         | software starting for in-house use this often is a mess ...
         | ocdtrekkie wrote:
         | > Canonical already spent a large amount of investment
         | opensourcing launchpad and nobody other than them operate it.
         | I posit that this doesn't matter.
         | Presumably Ubuntu's infrastructure should be open source so
         | that it can be inspected if necessary, for security reasons. It
         | shouldn't matter if nobody else is actually hosting an
         | alternative copy... it is still important that their copy be
         | open source.
         | dilandau wrote:
         | >snapd not open-source.
         | Red herring. The Linux Mint teams' _main_ complaints have to do
         | with issues around the way snap wrests control from the user.
         | >I will remind people that the most popular PPA to this day is
         | a Java PPA being run by some 3rd party that doesn't offer Java.
         | That PPA has root access to thousands of machines.
         | Imagine strawman-ing this hard.
           | kd913 wrote:
           | >Red herring. The Linux Mint teams' main complaints have to
           | do with issues around the way snap wrests control from the
           | user.
           | Like Linux Mint is doing the same? There is no control being
           | lost by using Ubuntu versus Mint. I could remove snapd there
           | without people making that decision for me.
           | Worse would be Mint's decision of removing the only FOSS
           | built version of chromium without offering an alternative in
           | place. Canonical only installed the chromium snap because
           | they did not have the resources to support a deb version
           | instead.
           | >Imagine strawman-ing this hard.
           | It isn't a strawman. It is precisely what their reasoning was
           | and it makes perfect sense. The snap store has already seen
           | people attempt to install cryptominers. There is no way in
           | Flatpak of banning known malicious flathub repos.
             | the_af wrote:
             | > _Like Linux Mint is doing the same? There is no control
             | being lost by using Ubuntu versus Mint._
             | If I understood the issue correctly (and I may very well be
             | mistaken!) the problem Mint has with Canonical is that
             | Ubuntu has "hijacked" (for lack of a better term) some apt
             | packages so that they now actually install snapd and the
             | snap. So you think you're opting out of snap, but when you
             | use apt to install Chromium you end up using snap anyway.
             |  _If I understand correctly_ , this is Mint's main
             | complaint: that Ubuntu seems to be hijacking apt packages
             | with snap.
               | kd913 wrote:
               | There is no apt package with Chromium.
               | https://ubuntu.com/blog/chromium-in-ubuntu-deb-to-snap-
               | trans...
               | Canonical couldn't afford the maintenance costs for it.
               | On Ubuntu distributions it's either the snap or you have
               | to create some weird frankendeb aspect by pulling from
               | Debian.
               | They explained it better than I would.
               | In other cases, I don't think of a case where apt
               | installs snaps over apt. I think the only priority for
               | the decision choice was based on most recent version.
               | Although this aspect I am slightly unclear.
               | dilandau wrote:
               | And yet they have all the time in the world to spend on
               | an invasive daemon that pulls updates OTA without user
               | consent. Plus all the other bullshit they've tried (Mir,
               | unity, juju or whatever it's called). Thankfully Debian
               | is still true to the game.
               | the_af wrote:
               | Oh. If there is no Chromium apt package, isn't the
               | following from TFA (lwn) misleading?
               | > _The problem was the decision to change the Ubuntu
               | chromium-browser APT package itself upstream in Ubuntu.
               | Previously, that package would simply install Chromium
               | directly. With the change, it would instead install the
               | Snap package-management tools first and then install the
               | Snap equivalent of the Chromium package -- without making
               | it clear to the user what was happening._
             | hannasanarion wrote:
             | > Canonical only installed the chromium snap because they
             | did not have the resources to support a deb version instead
             | So Canonical has the resources to make an entire DE, an
             | init system, a mobile OS, a new display server (all of
             | which were dumped on the roadside), and then going all in
             | on a brand new sandboxing/package management system
             | developed from scratch, but merely _compiling_ a web
             | browser officially supported by google and used by nearly
             | every single one of their users is too much work?
             | dilandau wrote:
             | Another red herring, and also moving the goalposts.
             | Quit shilling.
         | stonogo wrote:
         | None of these arguments are convincing.
         | > Namely that it would be expensive to open source it with
         | little benefit in return.
         | I don't think that's the real reason; I think it's that
         | Canonical wants to maintain control. Their dream of being the
         | App Store of linux isn't working out.
         | > Canonical already spent a large amount of investment
         | opensourcing launchpad
         | If their development practices make open-source development
         | expensive, that's Canonical's problem, not anyone else's.
         | Nobody else uses Launchpad because Launchpad is not a
         | compelling platform. It's still tied to bazaar, which frankly
         | lost the version-control wars. Treating git as a second-class
         | citizen is not how to engender contributors.
         | > Snap store specifically from what I gather is a bunch of
         | operational machinery that doesn't make sense without also
         | operating launchpad.
         | Another example of having to choose: did Canonical engineer
         | themselves into a corner, causing all of Launchpad to become
         | technical debt from under which Snap cannot escape? Or was it a
         | deliberate business decision to try to maintain control of the
         | store? An affirmative conclusion _in either case_ doesn 't look
         | good for Snap.
         | > Namely they want one location to find software, and one
         | location to serve software. If users have to use the command
         | line to add a external repo that has unfetted access, then that
         | defeats any usability gains.
         | Users pretty clearly do not want this. Many people use Ubuntu
         | expressly because of the PPA system; I'd argue that it directly
         | caused Fedora's COPR system to exist because of the user
         | demand. There's no mandate that PPA installation require
         | command-line configuration; it would be trivial to create a
         | bespoke per-PPA using e.g. Vala. Synaptic already allows
         | configuration of PPAs via GUI. It's total non-issue.
         | > That and the whole aspects of malware/trust goes out the
         | window.
         | They're already out the window. Snap packages are not reviewed
         | for content and anyone can just cram software into it from
         | random GitHub repositories. Wouldn't it be nice if it were
         | possible to set up a 'curated' Snap store with strong promises
         | of software quality and review? We can't, because it's
         | apparently too hard to run. Another drag on Snap.
         | I'll not bother to respond to the whataboutism regarding PPAs.
         | Literally the only difference between "a giant PPA that
         | Canonical hosts" and the Snap store is that anyone can upload
         | to the Snap store.
         | None of the problems Snap store purports to solve are
         | compelling, so these explanations don't really further the
         | cause.
           | Grimm665 wrote:
           | > Users pretty clearly do not want this. Many people use
           | Ubuntu expressly because of the PPA system
           | Agreed. This is one feature of Ubuntu I miss sorely after
           | leaving it behind for other distros.
         | michaelmrose wrote:
         | Nearly every packaging system is able to successfully divorce
         | building of software from offering artifacts for download let
         | alone ops. This is arguing that having failed to design their
         | system appropriately we ought to accept the fruits of that bad
         | design instead of dumping Ubuntu. Compare this with apt.
         | Second what you describe as a defect. There being multiple
         | sources of software is a plus it means the power is in the
         | hands of the user to decide whom to trust. What you don't want
         | is a situation where people must configure additional sources
         | just to have commonly needed software. The example you provide
         | about the Java PPA is apt, pun intended, ideally commonly
         | required software would be provided by the vendor instead of
         | siloed in a third party source. Of course the vendor and the
         | license must make this possible.
         | agentx3r wrote:
         | Disclaimer, I like the snap packaging format, and I'm not
         | familiar with the history of launchpad.
         | Operationally:
         | - I can trivially host and control my own apt repository,
         | either as a mirror of some upstream repository, or with bespoke
         | packages.
         | - I can't do the same with snaps.
         | So launchpad and snap store isn't quite apples-to-apples. It
         | would help of course if a snap store could be statically hosted
         | or re-implemented, but the full API is quite complex.
         | rdschouw wrote:
         | I do not think anyone disputes Ubuntu's goals or intentions.
         | The problem is that the snap store is managed by Ubuntu without
         | any community oversight.
         | By not releasing source code to the store, other distributions
         | cannot create their own.
         | These are the reasons what is holding snap back for broader
         | adoption.
           | kd913 wrote:
           | >The problem is that the snap store is managed by Ubuntu
           | without any community oversight.
           | That is already the case for most repos/launchpad on Ubuntu
           | but people don't really have too much problems with that.
           | >By not releasing source code to the store, other
           | distributions cannot create their own.
           | Other distributions wouldn't because the operational cost of
           | operating it is too high.
           | >These are the reasons what is holding snap back for broader
           | adoption.
           | Snap isn't being held back by adoption. It has more first
           | party publisher support and more installs.
         | commoner wrote:
         | There is no downside to Flatpak's support for multiple
         | repositories and ability to self-host repositories. GNOME
         | Software and KDE Discover both set Flathub as the default
         | repository, which serves as the primary software source, and
         | users can optionally add more repositories if they choose to do
         | so. Users who don't want additional repositories can simply
         | stay with Flathub without having to do anything.
         | The Snap server's closed-source nature is not a benefit to
         | users, and there is no excuse that can justify this from the
         | users' perspective.
           | kd913 wrote:
           | >There is no downside to Flatpak's support for multiple
           | repositories and ability to self-host repositories.
           | There are always tradeoffs. I would argue there are
           | advantages for having a trusted party vetting my software
           | repos. It's why I even use Ubuntu because I trust Canonical
           | to make some sane decisions when vetting their repositories.
           | You give multiple repository support and suddenly users have
           | to one find a way to add another repo, and second there is no
           | way of removing software from those repositories if they do
           | end up malicious.
           | Which is why I brought up the webupd8 java instance having
           | root access to thousands of machines.
           | >users can optionally add more repositories if they choose to
           | do so.
           | Ubuntu is the version of Linux designed to be used by your
           | grandmother. They want to make it as easy as possible for
           | users to install trusted/safe software from both
           | proprietary/free vendors.
           | It's kind of telling that Mozilla/Microsoft/Spotify/Jetbrains
           | released software as a snap long before it is even possible
           | on flatpak but nevermind that. I don't think you can even get
           | VSCode, Spotify or Intellij on Flatpak.
             | kelnos wrote:
             | > _They want to make it as easy as possible for users to
             | install trusted /safe software from both proprietary/free
             | vendors._
             | Canonical deciding that Ubuntu won't allow third-party Snap
             | repositories is completely orthogonal to open sourcing
             | their Snap server and/or making it easy for people to
             | develop alternatives. They can perfectly well do both.
             | commoner wrote:
             | > You give multiple repository support and suddenly users
             | have to one find a way to add another repo, and second
             | there is no way of removing software from those
             | repositories if they do end up malicious.
             | > Ubuntu is the version of Linux designed to be used by
             | your grandmother. They want to make it as easy as possible
             | for users to install trusted/safe software from both
             | proprietary/free vendors.
             | By default, GNOME Software and KDE Discover only use the
             | Flathub repository. Your grandmother won't be adding other
             | repositories to the Flatpak client. Users who don't add any
             | extra repositories will use Flathub, which is a trusted
             | source of software that runs on an open source server.
             | > It's kind of telling that
             | Mozilla/Microsoft/Spotify/Jetbrains released software as a
             | snap long before it is even possible on flatpak but
             | nevermind that. I don't think you can even get VSCode,
             | Spotify or Intellij on Flatpak.
             | https://www.flathub.org/apps/details/com.visualstudio.code
             | https://www.flathub.org/apps/details/com.spotify.Client
             | https://www.flathub.org/apps/details/com.jetbrains.IntelliJ
             | -...
               | kd913 wrote:
               | None of those 3 links are provided by Microsoft, Spotify
               | or Jetbrains. Yes they are there, but they are published
               | from 3rd parties. Why exactly do you think that is?
               | The microsoft, spotify and Jetbrains software comes
               | directly from their respective publishers. Problems are
               | supported and debugged directly. That is a major
               | difference.
               | cosmojg wrote:
               | > Why exactly do you think that is?
               | Canonical very publicly collaborated with these companies
               | to get their software on the Snap store while Flathub has
               | been handled in a more free-for-all manner. If you build
               | it, they will come, and all that. Moreover, I'm not so
               | sure Red Hat is _as_ explicitly interested in
               | monopolizing the Linux application ecosystem as
               | Canonical, especially since their acquisition by IBM.
               | Maybe IBM has other ideas, but we likely won 't see
               | similar marketing efforts on that front in the near
               | future.
             | michaelmrose wrote:
             | Can we not pretend that the single source nature is
             | anything other than a money grab? It's pretty clear that
             | all you have to do to ensure grandma doesn't add sources is
             | make adding it require the cli.
               | kd913 wrote:
               | You can watch the discussions from Popey, Martin Wimpress
               | etc... It's pretty clear from their perspective that they
               | built the tech from users/devs first approach.
               | Do you really think Canonical is looking for money over
               | here? If so do please precisely explain in the short-term
               | how exactly you think they are gonna achieve that.
               | Do you think they are suddenly going to be able to
               | dominate the entire 100% Linux desktop software market
               | and charge 30%? Do you think a company like
               | Microsoft/Spotify/Jetbrains would just roll over with
               | that? I don't imagine they can do that considering Red
               | Hat/Suse market position. Nor do I see the total Linux
               | Desktop applications being a blip at all on their revenue
               | streams.
               | Last I checked, they are still providing infrastructure
               | to the Linux community for free. They still have more
               | market share then the rest of the Linux distros combined.
               | That and without them, Linux Mint wouldn't be operating
               | as they do now.
               | Frankly they don't deserve the hatred the FOSS community
               | throws at them and you are being somewhat disingenuous by
               | presenting them as such.
               | commoner wrote:
               | The FOSS community opposes Snap because its server is
               | closed source and forces vendor lock-in to Canonical,
               | among other reasons. This is fairly simple to understand
               | and not "disingenuous".
               | kd913 wrote:
               | You haven't even explained how it's vendor lock-in.
               | Canonical has no way designed their approach to ban the
               | use of apt, rpm, deb, flatpak or appimages. They are in
               | no way of a position to dominate the market in the way
               | Google does with Android and it's stupid to even think
               | that is their aim.
               | It should be pretty obvious to you why they aren't
               | exactly going to claim 30% commission on nothing from
               | users who are as cost averse as possible. It should be
               | plainly obvious to you also how they don't have the clout
               | to bully software vendors to publish for them.
               | They have already plenty of evidence that profitability
               | of distribution of linux software isn't exactly a
               | lucrative market like Google or Apple. The fact that you
               | think that is their aim or that it is feasible in the
               | FOSS Linux community with large scale players like
               | Google/Microsoft/IBM is ludicrous. Canonical tries to
               | attempt to get such vendor lock-in and they would lose so
               | much marketshare apps on their store instantaneously.
               | They aren't even in a position like
               | Apple/Google/Microsoft here who charge money to publish
               | apps.
               | I have already explained how that argument is complete
               | nonsense.
               | commoner wrote:
               | There are degrees to vendor lock-in, and it's not black
               | and white as you portray it to be. Flatpak and apt
               | exhibit minimal lock-in, because they are decentralized
               | and fully open source. Snap, on the other hand, has a
               | closed source server that is controlled solely by
               | Canonical. Since the Snap Store is the only preinstalled
               | app store on Ubuntu, this results in a greater degree of
               | lock-in than Flatpak and apt.
               | The backlash from Linux Mint and other distributions was
               | partly caused by Canonical using Snap for Chromium when
               | the user intended to install it through apt. This sleight
               | of hand is not as extreme as a 30% commission, but it's a
               | step in the wrong direction. The FOSS community is able
               | to reject moves toward vendor lock-in even if the closed
               | source Snap server does not mandate a 30% commission.
               | kd913 wrote:
               | >There are degrees to vendor lock-in, and it's not black
               | and white as you portray it to be. Flatpak and apt
               | exhibit minimal lock-in, because they are decentralized
               | and fully open source. Snap, on the other hand, has a
               | closed source server that is controlled solely by
               | Canonical. Since the Snap Store is the only preinstalled
               | app store on Ubuntu, this results in a greater degree of
               | lock-in than Flatpak and apt.
               | You keep repeating yourself. Having a default mechanism
               | for installing software installed on Ubuntu distros that
               | is using Ubuntu based infrastructure does not constitute
               | vendor lock in. Guess what, Ubuntu uses apt rather than
               | yum. That isn't vendor lock in either.
               | Having a proprietary back end does not constitute vendor
               | lock in.
               | What you are saying is the equivalent of using spotify is
               | vendor lock in. That or using Firefox. Heck Canonical's
               | model here is practically no different from Firefox with
               | their addon store.
               | A developer can choose to ignore snap all together and
               | still distribute on Ubuntu. A user can choose to ignore
               | snap all together and still install software on Ubuntu.
               | They will have to face the consequence of not having to
               | use chromium because nobody is willing to maintain it
               | other than Canonical. What is this nonsense that you are
               | spouting.
               | >The backlash from Linux Mint and other distributions was
               | partly caused by Canonical using Snap for Chromium when
               | the user intended to install it through apt. This sleight
               | of hand is not as extreme as a 30% commission, but it's a
               | step in the wrong direction. The FOSS community is able
               | to reject moves toward vendor lock-in even if the closed
               | source Snap server does not mandate a 30% commission.
               | Because any move that you or Mint disagrees with is a
               | 'step' in the wrong direction? So be it, I and probably
               | Canonical would rather be wrong.
               | Snap has 10x the install base for each snap compared to
               | flatpak. It also has more first party software support.
               | ryukafalz wrote:
               | > Guess what, Ubuntu uses apt rather than yum. That isn't
               | vendor lock in either.
               | Apt and yum both support configuring multiple repos,
               | their protocols are well-documented, there are an
               | abundance of repo implementations, etc. If apt only
               | supported a single upstream repo and Debian kept the
               | source proprietary, do you think Ubuntu would exist?
               | jcastro wrote:
               | > The FOSS community opposes Snap because its server is
               | closed source
               | If this was true FOSS projects wouldn't be publishing
               | things on the snap store (they are, and they publish on
               | google play, winget, and other closed app stores).
               | No one can claim they speak for whatever you think "the
               | FOSS community" is, let alone what it opposes or
               | supports.
             | addicted wrote:
             | Your first argument is an argument against using Linux at
             | all.
         | ufo wrote:
         | I'm curious... what is that Java PPA that you are talking
         | about? I tried searching for it but I couldn't find anywhere
         | that had a list of the most downloaded PPAs.
           | kd913 wrote:
           | This is the PPA.
           | https://launchpad.net/%7Ewebupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java
           | For years it has been recommended as the mechanism for
           | installing Java on Ubuntu installs.
             | andrewshadura wrote:
             | Why would anyone use this instead of distro packages?
               | boring_twenties wrote:
               | Distros (at least Debian and Ubuntu) don't package Oracle
               | Java AFAIK.
               | kd913 wrote:
               | Because SO/Google told them in 2012 to do it that way.
               | Suddenly the sysadmins in charge have forgotten they used
               | this mechanism to install it on their ancient linux
               | boxes.
               | alyandon wrote:
               | The short story is - developers typically need to target
               | more than one version of Java and the long lifetime of
               | LTS releases don't line of up very well with that.
               | Canonical historically provided a single "system" version
               | of Java (meaning any system packages that depends on Java
               | depended on this package) which meant that that was the
               | version of Java that you got with Ubuntu XX.XX - even for
               | LTS releases which had a 5 year lifespan.
               | Ubuntu 16.04 - which is still in support came with
               | openjdk-7 and Canonical refused to provide an openjdk-8
               | package for it despite Java 8 being the prevalent
               | development platform from late 2016 onwards and despite
               | numerous requests to do so. No one was expecting
               | Canonical to replace openjdk-7 with openjdk-8 - they only
               | wanted to be able to install openjdk-8 along side the
               | existing openjdk-7 system Java.
               | Ubuntu 18.04 - slightly different scenario but still the
               | same problem - openjdk-8 and openjdk-11 are available but
               | that still doesn't cover all development use cases.
               | Thus, people add the PPA and install the openjdk from
               | there because someone currently is doing the work of
               | keeping the PPA up to date.
               | vips7L wrote:
               | Most people I know seem to use sdkman, jenv, or jabba for
               | managing multiple jdk installs rather than rely on the
               | system one.
         | curt15 wrote:
         | >The reason for why the backend for the snap store hasn't been
         | opensourced has been explained multiple times. Namely that it
         | would be expensive to open source it with little benefit in
         | return.
         | Perhaps a business reason left unsaid is that an open source
         | snap store would undermine Canonical's paid "enterprise
         | edition" snap store. Why would an organization pay $30000
         | (https://ubuntu.com/internet-of-things) for a private app store
         | if they could easily set up their own snap store?
           | BruiseLee wrote:
           | And that is exactly why it would be very expensive to open
           | source it. All this revenue ($30000 * number of paying
           | organizations) would then be gone.
       | darksoulzz wrote:
       | Great
       | falcrist wrote:
       | From the July 2 Mint blog post:
       | https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3766
       | > When Flatpak came out it immediately allowed anyone to create
       | stores. The Flatpak client can talk to multiple stores. Spotify
       | is on Flathub and they can push towards it. If tomorrow they have
       | an argument with Flathub they can create their own store and the
       | very same Flatpak client will still work with it. When Snap came
       | out, it was only a client. The server was behind closed doors and
       | the client couldn't talk to multiple servers.
       | and
       | > Ubuntu is planning to replace the Chromium repository package
       | with an empty package which installs the Chromium snap. In other
       | words, as you install APT updates, Snap becomes a requirement for
       | you to continue to use Chromium and installs itself behind your
       | back.
       | Yea that seems to me to be a problem.
       | From the June 1st Mint blog post:
       | https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=3906
       | > ...in the Ubuntu 20.04 package base, the Chromium package is
       | indeed empty and acting, without your consent, as a backdoor by
       | connecting your computer to the Ubuntu Store. Applications in
       | this store cannot be patched, or pinned. You can't audit them,
       | hold them, modify them or even point snap to a different store.
       | You've as much empowerment with this as if you were using
       | proprietary software, i.e. none. This is in effect similar to a
       | commercial proprietary solution, but with two major differences:
       | It runs as root, and it installs itself without asking you.
       | If I'm reading this right, Snap is basically trying to fix the
       | problem of software dependencies on older packages by bundling
       | things together (a la flatpack)... but it ALSO replaces the
       | various repositories in different distributions of linux with a
       | closed-source, centralized repository that points towards
       | cannonical, and advertises ubuntu to people using other distros
       | and potentially gives cannonical control over the distribution of
       | sotfware in the linux ecosystem. AND it can do this behind the
       | scenes without the knowledge of the users, who may think they're
       | still using their normal repo system.
       | The whole scheme seems completely antithetical to the principles
       | of FOSS. You don't have to go full Stallman to see this as a bad
       | thing IMO. From that perspective, Mint's decision to drop support
       | for Snap makes a LOT of sense.
       | Also, one of the reasons I enjoy running linux (I dual-boot with
       | windows) is that it does what I tell it to do, and ONLY what I
       | tell it to do. There's no BS like Cortana auto-installing or
       | onedrive automatically uploading a bunch of my pictures to the
       | cloud (yes that actually happened). I already have a linux distro
       | that takes that benefit away, but I accept that (for now),
       | because it's a phone. I'm not ok with losing that on my desktop.
       | CrankyBear wrote:
       | Ancient news. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23433794
       | dzonga wrote:
       | snap vs flatpak vs appimages once again shows the fragmentation
       | within the linux desktop ecosystem. as a user, it makes me sad,
       | cz I can't have one good solid experience. snap, updates might
       | break, flatpak is not fully supported.
       | And my strong belief, is Microsoft is going to eat Linux Desktop.
       | WSL to run your server apps and coding environment. windows for
       | user apps. as someone who hasn't used windows in over 10 years,
       | day by day seems windows is gonna be the future. sad to say, but
       | true.
       | unethical_ban wrote:
       | I haven't used Snap much, but I would like to add this: The
       | Ubuntu Software Center (and debian packaging in general) is not
       | gen-pop friendly. There are library packages, support packages,
       | metapackages, and when you search, the results are shaky, non-
       | existent, or overwhelmed by results no end-user would be
       | interested in installing standalone.
       | There is also the issue of dependencies, and there is some
       | elegance in the design philosophy of "package everything for a
       | program and install it standalone" vs. having shared libraries.
       | So I see the benefit in an app-store. Someone below said "snap is
       | horrible" because it's lock in. It isn't! Ubuntu hasn't taken
       | away apt.
       | But simple, easy package distribution to nontechnical users, for
       | the benefit of stability and ease of use, is a noble one.
       | fractal618 wrote:
       | I am hoping that they switch over to Clear Linux. I just switched
       | over on my personal laptop, and it's been terrific.
       | pjfin123 wrote:
       | If desktop Linux is ever going to be mainstream there needs to be
       | an easy to use "app store" where users can use a GUI to install
       | apps which need to be sandboxed like on a mobile phone with
       | defined permissions. Snapcraft is way ahead of Flatpak on this
       | and the current Ubuntu setup works well. On Ubuntu you can go to
       | the Ubuntu software app (gui) search for software and it blends
       | apt results with snap results. This really seems like the best
       | way to do things, common packages can be installed through a
       | traditional package manager while more niche ones can be
       | installed with snap. A lot of people are mad at Canonical for not
       | open sourcing the backend but no one seems to be offering to
       | build one. Anyways the really important part of snap is having a
       | unified executable for Linux (which Canonical has made open
       | source).Snap makes it really easy for developers to target Linux
       | with a unified executable which they won't do otherwise due to
       | Desktop Linux's small market share.
         | fullstop wrote:
         | Pop!_OS integrates flathub into their "app store" [0]
         | [0] https://blog.system76.com/post/616861064165031936/whats-
         | new-...
         | commoner wrote:
         | > On Ubuntu you can go to the Ubuntu software app (gui) search
         | for software and it blends apt results with snap results.
         | GNOME Software and KDE Discover support both Flatpak and the
         | distribution's native package manager together. For example
         | implementations on Ubuntu-based distributions that work out of
         | the box, see the elementaryOS AppCenter and the Pop!_OS
         | Pop!_Shop:
         | https://github.com/elementary/appcenter
         | https://github.com/pop-os/shop
           | qchris wrote:
           | Just wanted to +1 Pop's Pop!_Shop. I have machines running
           | both Ubuntu and Pop!_OS, and for some reason (not sure if
           | it's because of the underlying tech/architecture differences,
           | System76 curation, or what), the Pop package management has
           | always been a better experience than Ubuntu's.
         | gjs278 wrote:
         | people used windows without an app store just fine. I don't
         | even use an app store on macs, I download straight from the
         | publishers
         | sleavey wrote:
         | Is the best solution then (in terms of what current Linux users
         | probably want) to introduce permissions to existing repository
         | applications? Best of both worlds: reuse of system libraries,
         | security updates to upstream packages without having to update
         | the application itself, and pseudo-sandboxing for extra
         | security.
         | maweki wrote:
         | You missed the point where Canonical brought their own apt-get
         | that just installs the snap anyways. So no, you can't install
         | stuff through your traditional package manager.
         | driverdan wrote:
         | > If desktop Linux is ever going to be mainstream there needs
         | to be an easy to use "app store"
         | Why? Desktop computers worked just fine for 35 or so years
         | before app stores showed up. It's completely unnecessary.
           | sgillen wrote:
           | Yes but I believe that most causal non techy users just wont
           | put up with it or at least would much prefer a GUI.
             | old-gregg wrote:
             | With gadgets similar to iPhones and iPads I think we'd be
             | better off designating general purpose computers for
             | professional use, and not having to worry about
             | hypothetical "grandpas" installing malware while checking
             | the weather, especially on Linux.
               | sgillen wrote:
               | Yeah I actually agree with you. If the goal was to get
               | more people to use desktop linux / PCs making them more
               | like and iPhone would be good. But I don't think that's a
               | good goal to have.
         | kelnos wrote:
         | > _If desktop Linux is ever going to be mainstream there needs
         | to be an easy to use "app store" where users can use a GUI to
         | install apps which need to be sandboxed like on a mobile phone
         | with defined permissions._
         | Curious... do you think that the world has moved on from the
         | "download from website and run installer" model? Obviously that
         | has serious drawbacks from a security perspective, but up until
         | less than a decade ago, that was the only way to get software
         | on Windows and macOS, and they were perfectly mainstream.
         | I think the majority of users out there don't understand
         | sandboxing or permissions models or why they are useful. While
         | I think those are the users that probably benefit from them the
         | most, it doesn't follow that we need these things before
         | average users will embrace a particular platform.
         | > _A lot of people are mad at Canonical for not open sourcing
         | the backend but no one seems to be offering to build one._
         | You mention Flatpak and then two sentences later claim this?
         | I think maybe you're just missing the point. I have been using
         | Linux as my daily driver for a good two decades now. I don't
         | care one bit about Linux being a mainstream desktop distro.
         | Sure, if it was, new (and even not-so-new) hardware would get
         | better support, and that would be a win. But getting that is
         | not a fair trade off if what we have to accept in return is a
         | closed-source, walled-garden software delivery model. Hard
         | pass, no thanks.
         | For the most part, the only people who _really_ care about
         | "the year of the Linux desktop" are people trying to build a
         | business around desktop Linux. Those aren't the sorts of people
         | I want making decisions like this, but, unfortunately, they're
         | often the kinds of people who have the ability to force these
         | things on the community.
           | throwaway8941 wrote:
           | >For the most part, the only people who really care about
           | "the year of the Linux desktop" are people trying to build a
           | business around desktop Linux
           | As another long time Linux guy, I have a feeling most of
           | those obsessed with Linux becoming a mainstream desktop
           | platform are Mac or Windows users.
             | mad182 wrote:
             | Same. I'm running Linux as my primary desktop and server
             | operating system for ~16 years, and I don't really care if
             | it's becoming more mainstream on desktops anymore. It's
             | already working perfectly fine for my needs, so I don't
             | even want it to change much.
               | MarcellusDrum wrote:
               | But it should at least continue to grow on the same rate
               | as Windows and Mac. Losing market share is gonna be
               | disastrous, as it would mean less software supported, and
               | companies give less time to ensure quality of software
               | supported.
             | wmil wrote:
             | There are a lot of web developers who aren't thrilled with
             | Apple's current lineup.
             | They just want to get Chrome and VSCode running without any
             | headaches.
           | pjfin123 wrote:
           | No one is offering to build an alternate store for snaps,
           | Flatpak is building an entirely different executable.
             | blendergeek wrote:
             | Why would anyone offer an alternate store for snaps?
             | Ubuntu seems to have made clear that the snap client will
             | not be able to connect to alternative stores. What is the
             | point of building an alternative store.
             | Further snap is controlled by one company. Canonical has a
             | history of developing groundbreaking new things for the
             | Linux community before unceremoniously killing them off.
             | * Ubuntu One * Unity Desktop * Ubuntu Touch * Upstart Init
             | system
             | Do you see a trend here? There is a reason the community is
             | skeptical of something completely controlled by Canonical.
             | thekyle wrote:
             | I believe that the Canonical Snap server is hardcoded into
             | snapd, so even if someone did implement their own you would
             | need to recompile snapd to even use it.
         | mschuetz wrote:
         | I wish every OS had comprehensive sandboxing so that you could
         | just run any untrusted and potentially mallicious executable
         | from the web and enable and disable features at will.
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | > If desktop Linux is ever going to be mainstream there needs
         | to be an easy to use "app store" where users can use a GUI to
         | install apps which need to be sandboxed like on a mobile phone
         | with defined permissions
         | If this is what you're looking for out of a computer, then why
         | not just use a phone, tablet, or something like ChromeOS?
           | esclerofilo wrote:
           | Because there are lots of things a computer can do
           | comfortably that a phone, tablet or chromebook can't.
           | Sometimes there can be tradeoffs between convenience and
           | security, but in the case of an app store the convenience
           | actually enhances the security, because it diminishes the
           | chance of people running random harmful commands from the
           | Web.
         | trabant00 wrote:
         | > If desktop Linux is ever going to be mainstream
         | I do not want that to be the target. Going mainstream never
         | helped with the quality of anything. Quite the contrary:
         | mainstream means lowest common denominator.
         | If you want to compromise on how much you control of your
         | desktop os for more vendor support you already have windows and
         | macos.
       | lifeisstillgood wrote:
       | should I just give up and go back to FreeBSD ?
       | seemslegit wrote:
       | Canonical was overdue for cancellation ever since they pulled the
       | "Amazon shopping lens" crap.
       | fractal618 wrote:
       | I'm hoping they will switch their base to Clear Linux. I have
       | been using Clear Linux on my personal laptop, and it's been a
       | fantastic experience so far.
         | pyrophane wrote:
         | What's been fantastic about it? I'm genuinely interested. My
         | only real familiarity with Clear is that I see it dominating
         | those Phoronix benchmarks, but I didn't know it was a complete
         | end-user distro.
         | entropicdrifter wrote:
         | Isn't Clear Linux an Intel project? Kinda defeats the purpose
         | if you're trying to reduce the influence of one corporation by
         | replacing it with an even bigger, more monopolistic one
         | Shared404 wrote:
         | Why would they switch to Clear Linux? They already have a
         | Debian edition for those who don't want an Ubuntu base.
         | I personally don't see the issue with using Ubuntu as a base,
         | _if_ you remove all of the offensive bits. iirc one of the
         | Pop!_OS dev's was asked if they were going to rebase on Debian.
         | The response was something akin to "We already change
         | everything on the end user facing side, so there's not really a
         | need."
       | chimen wrote:
       | The fact that you have to post on a forum and argue with people
       | why you need permission X for your snap package was enough for me
       | to abort publishing on this platform. I should ask permissions
       | from the users not from the platform publishers on a forum post.
         | simosx wrote:
         | By default you ask your users for these permissions, if you do
         | not want to get them from the Snap Store.
         | That is, create your snap package and publish it on the Snap
         | Store. Do not request to pre-approve any permissions. Arrange
         | with your users to enable those permissions on demand.
         | donmcronald wrote:
         | This is exactly the issue I have with it. It feels like an
         | attempt to control app distribution on Linux. No thanks.
         | I'm so sick of the app store model. The app stores usurp
         | control of distribution from developers which adds risk which
         | reduces willingness to invest and the result is that app stores
         | attract low effort, low value apps unless they're coming from a
         | huge company. Everyone loses except the app store owners, big
         | platforms like Facebook and Spotify, and spammers / scammers.
         | The app store model is one of the worst things to happen to
         | tech in my lifetime.
       | Animats wrote:
       | Is it time to switch from Ubuntu to Mint? Does Mint have enough
       | repositories that work? I'm at Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 20
       | seems to have a host of unwanted Canonical-oriented features. I'd
       | appreciate comments.
         | opdahl wrote:
         | Well since Mint is also a Debian distro you can basically run
         | anything that you can run on Ubuntu. I've used it for 3 years
         | and still haven't come across any situation where this isn't
         | the case.
       | addicted wrote:
       | I usually go with Ubuntu on cloud platforms because it's one of
       | the defaults.
       | Any suggestions on what's a good alternative distributor go with
       | that is widely supported and easily available on the variety of
       | cloud platforms?
         | john-shaffer wrote:
         | I'm very happy with Debian. I mostly like Ubuntu, but I can't
         | have snapd restarting things whenever it feels like it.
         | TekMol wrote:
         | Debian
       | suff wrote:
       | 'efficiency' over community? Fine. Looks like Ubuntu gets kicked
       | out of the community. There's the door, Ken VanDine. Bye bye.
       | flavor8 wrote:
       | I haven't been impressed with snap as a user.
       | The jetbrains stuff keeps several versions around by default,
       | which eats disk space. I'm sure there's a way to change that, but
       | I haven't cared enough to dig.
       | The other day I ran `apt install chromium-browser` on a brand new
       | install; it chose to install via snap (grr) and then snapd
       | promptly crashed ("Waiting for restart" --
       | https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/installing-the-chromium-snap-in...),
       | but apt's wrapper wasn't notified. I ended up ctrl-Cing, which
       | left dkpg (somehow involved) in an inconsistent state. Took
       | several iterations of dkpg reconfigure and apt update to recover.
       | I've been on linux for 20 years, so not a big deal for me, but my
       | experience has been that snap is less newbie friendly than apt.
         | rlpb wrote:
         | > The jetbrains stuff keeps several versions around by default,
         | which eats disk space. I'm sure there's a way to change that,
         | but I haven't cared enough to dig.
         | See "refresh.retain" from https://snapcraft.io/docs/keeping-
         | snaps-up-to-date - the point is that you can revert an update
         | instantly.
           | flavor8 wrote:
           | I mean I get it. I don't think the defaults are right though.
           | It could be smarter - automatic purge 7 days after user has
           | used new version, or something along those lines. Keeping 3
           | versions just in case doesn't sound like anybody's ideal.
         | simosx wrote:
         | By default, snapd keeps three copies of older versions of a
         | snap package. It does so, so that you can revert easily to a
         | previous version if the latest version does not work. You can
         | disable this feature by setting the appropriate key to `1`.
         | There is a negative sentiment around snap packages. Even if you
         | are an experienced Linux user, you fall into that negative
         | sentiment and even if an issue is small, it is a deal-breaker
         | for you.
         | The "chromium" issue has been explained in 2019. Ubuntu 20.04
         | does not plan to package "chromium" as a deb package (too
         | difficult to maintain properly), therefore there was a need for
         | a backup plan if users were trying to install it.
           | flavor8 wrote:
           | > Even if you are an experienced Linux user, you fall into
           | that negative sentiment and even if an issue is small, it is
           | a deal-breaker for you.
           | I don't think that's fair. Apt/deb is solid, battle tested,
           | and works. Introducing snap with this kind of instability is
           | the source of the negativity.
           | > The "chromium" issue has been explained in 2019.
           | And the fact that it still crashes in 2020, on a flagship
           | package on a modern laptop, is really really bad. In fact I
           | had the same crash happen during a dist-upgrade on another
           | laptop(!) which locked up the entire dist-upgrade.
           | If apt is going to call snap, it needs to be rock solid.
       | [deleted]
       | Swastikadb wrote:
       | Great
       | pyrophane wrote:
       | I immediately thought of Linux Mint Debian Edition when I saw
       | this. They describe it as something they are developing just in
       | case, you know, "Ubuntu was ever to disappear." Well, excepting
       | for some kind of Microsoft acquisition of Canonical ("we will be
       | shifting our focus to developing Ubuntu for WSL"), I don't think
       | Ubuntu will disappear, but it certainly might become so
       | unfriendly to downstream distros that they have to move off of
       | it.
       | jwlake wrote:
       | I'm unclear why ubuntu needs the chromium package in apt. Seems
       | like they should just stop publishing apt packages for chromium,
       | only publish in snap, and steer users into using snap for
       | installs and not apt. Seems less confusing and wins or loses on
       | its merit.
         | berkes wrote:
         | On latest LTS (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) the apt version is simply a
         | transitional package. It installs the snap for you.
         | It says so on the description directly next to the name:
         | "Transitional package - chromium-browser -> chromium snap"
         | There only for people upgrading, so they are not suddenly
         | surprised seeing their browser gone.
           | jwlake wrote:
           | Just seems like an unintended consequences confusing
           | situation. I think a pretty rational policy would to _never_
           | have an apt package install a snap package. Moving to snap is
           | a breaking change, effectively, so you have to bite the
           | bullet at some point.
           | Mixing your distribution systems with references to each
           | other seems like a recipe for confusion and anger. And it
           | looks like they got the expected outcome.
             | berkes wrote:
             | > seems like a recipe for confusion and anger.
             | People where "suddenly Chrome is gone" will be angry too.
             | Just imagine the outrage of a title like "The update to
             | Catalina wiped all mac users' browsers with all their
             | bookmarks and history. Forever".
             | And those are the people that cannot easily solve it. The
             | person being able to know what a "Transitional package" or
             | the difference between snap and apt is, is also the person
             | who knows how (to google for) to move the old
             | ~/.config/chrome/ directory into the snap.
             | This is also the person being enraged that Ubuntu offers a
             | mechanism for all the people who cannot do that themselves.
             | That sounds quite selfish to me.
             | rlpb wrote:
             | I believe the reasoning is that Ubuntu users do not care
             | about the technical mechanism used to ship the software
             | that comes with Ubuntu.
             | I mean: clearly some people do care, given that that this
             | thread exists. I think you'll find that they aren't your
             | typical Ubuntu user though.
             | Users who do care are quite capable of adjusting their
             | configuration, and Ubuntu doesn't get in the way of that
             | (configure apt not to install snapd ever, and it won't).
             | This is only an issue for users who want to push their
             | political opinions on to other Ubuntu users.
             | yxhuvud wrote:
             | Then people get stuck on old insecure versions of chromium.
             | Or it simply disappears. Do you really think that doesn't
             | create confusion and anger?
         | simosx wrote:
         | Chromium is very complicated in terms of packaging, and
         | packaging it as a deb package is too tough. Because when a new
         | version appears, you need to do lots of work to get it updated
         | quickly.
         | For Ubuntu 20.04, it has been explained (in 2019!) that
         | Chromium will be only available as a snap package. To help
         | users transition, the command `sudo apt install chromium-
         | browser` would install the snap package. It is better than
         | "package not found".
         | It is so simple, but if you are stuck in a negative sentiment
         | on snaps (read this thread), you get crazy.
       | hamandcheese wrote:
       | My only brief experience with Snap packages was installing golang
       | (on Ubuntu). I was just dabbling, and the snap package seemed to
       | be a lot more recent than the apt version, so I went for it.
       | A week or so later, I guess the snap package auto-updated itself,
       | because my go installation broke with an error about how the go
       | tool version no longer matches the currently running version of
       | go.
       | That pretty much ruined Snap in my mind, particularly for system
       | software.
       | einpoklum wrote:
       | This snap business is what we get when commercial interests try
       | to warp the concept of FOSS distributions. That's what we get for
       | letting companies such as Canonical and Red Hat control so much
       | of the distribution space (and I mention Red Hat because of
       | systemd, which has made its inroads much more successfully).
       | And snap is bad not just because you can't patch, or pin, or set
       | up a snap mirror etc. The whole concept is bad.
       | That
       | williesleg wrote:
       | Bravo! I switched from Ubuntu to Debian to escape the Snap Crap.
       | speakspokespok wrote:
       | Suse has been around just as long as RedHat, put out a great
       | suite of products, went for-profit, and seems to do well in the
       | EU market. They've never generated as much buzz - good or bad -
       | though. Is that just my perspective from being in the American
       | linux bubble? Centos, RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch even; I hear
       | about those players all the time.
       (page generated 2020-07-08 23:00 UTC)