[HN Gopher] Sampler for Mac Touchbars
       Sampler for Mac Touchbars
       Author : anigbrowl
       Score  : 125 points
       Date   : 2020-07-09 19:51 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.synthtopia.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.synthtopia.com)
       | crazygringo wrote:
       | This may be the first interesting/good use for the Touch Bar many
       | HN'ers have seen.
       | But the touchbar was designed primarily for AV professionals from
       | the beginning -- sliding controls for filmstrips, audio sliders,
       | colors, etc.
       | It's just that most developers have never needed to do any work
       | like that, and have never used the creative apps that expose
       | this, so don't see the point.
       | But it's genuinely for the "professional" part of Pro. Not
       | develop professionals, but creative professionals.
         | randomdata wrote:
         | _> This may be the first interesting /good use for the Touch
         | Bar many HN'ers have seen._
         | I've only recently started using a device with the TouchBar,
         | but as a developer I've really enjoyed having debugging
         | controls on it. It is nice being able to have the main screen
         | focused on the running application and having the secondary
         | debugging tools on the TouchBar.
           | misnome wrote:
           | How do you mean? More than the usual start stop step-in step-
           | over? With physical keys you can "home" your finger and press
           | without drifting or looking down at the bar, and I find that
           | much easier.
           | About the only thing I've found useful is when plugging in a
           | projector and getting the "mirror or extend" buttons directly
           | rather than having to remember which symbol it is. Every
           | other case it's felt inferior and gotten in the way (like
           | display/sound/volume access in an app that uses it)
         | pishpash wrote:
         | Lack of tactile feedback and fat finger issues (even while
         | typing) make this unlikely to be true.
       | dml2135 wrote:
       | Damn, too bad it requires Catalina. I've still been hanging on to
       | Mavericks for the 32-bit app support.
         | tolle wrote:
         | Mavericks? Do you mean Mojave? Because I don't even think
         | Mavericks runs on the Touch Bar MacBooks.
       | alfonsodev wrote:
       | this would have made a really cool demo the day the touchbar came
       | out.
         | toyg wrote:
         | Well, I remember one demo being a DJ scratching and so on. Not
         | that far off.
       | brian_herman__ wrote:
       | Nice! Thanks for making it free!
       | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
       | For those us without touchbars (or even an apple machine), but
       | who might have been wondering just how far you could go if you
       | really tried to make the mouse into an expressive musical
       | instrument:
       | DiN is Noise:
       | https://dinisnoise.org/?what=screenshots https://dinisnoise.org/
         | GordonS wrote:
         | An aside, but I always thought "din" was only a Scottish word -
         | does it mean noise/racket elsewhere?
           | [deleted]
           | pkage wrote:
           | Yes, it means noise/racket everywhere--though it is primarily
           | used in the UK/Ireland/Australia and fairly uncommon in the
           | US.
       | [deleted]
       | lasryaric wrote:
       | I did not know the touchbar was that capable. Great job.
       | jshaqaw wrote:
       | I'll probably get downvoted to Hades here but I finally upgraded
       | my mid 2012 retina MacBook Pro to the latest model and I quite
       | like the touch bar. Yes I know pure keyboard commands are more
       | efficient but at this point in life my available bandwidth for
       | memorizing too many app specific keyboard chords is limited. It's
       | nice to just tap "leave" when in a Zoom call or "pause" when
       | playing music.
         | tartoran wrote:
         | I just wish they left the F keys alone and added the touchbar
         | right above. It might be cool but i find it somewhat gimmicky
         | and redundant for a software developer. I guess apple always
         | pushed the limits. Lets see how this fares in the next 10 years
         | and whether it is adopted outside of apple
         | cactus2093 wrote:
         | That's the idea but IMO the major issue with it is that the
         | touchbar is dedicated to the currently in-focus application.
         | That's basically the opposite of what I want, if Zoom is
         | already in focus I can click to leave just as fast as I can use
         | the touchbar to leave. If I have switched over to a browser tab
         | for taking notes and zoom is in the background, that's when it
         | would be useful to be able to leave the zoom meeting from the
         | touchbar.
         | Edit: Music apps are somewhat privileged and play/pause can be
         | done more globally, but it's still multiple taps, and there are
         | other cases I would like to be able to use.
       | gorkish wrote:
       | Little apps like this demonstrate why the touchbar really is a
       | useful user interface for certain things.
       | Had Apple had the good sense to introduce it without removing an
       | entire row of keys used heavily by the developers tasked with
       | writing software for it it might have actually worked out.
         | melling wrote:
         | It took courage. ;-)
         | I only want the Escape key and it's back. I'll trade in my 2013
         | MBP for an ARM laptop next year.
         | stimpson_j_cat wrote:
         | Doesn't this demonstrate why the touchbar isn't very useful?
         | Every part of this UI would be better without it--physical keys
         | to play the samples, a big touchpad to use slider controls
         | with, the hi-def screen to see it all happen.
         | (It's a really neat demo)
           | pampa wrote:
           | Just a thought. Instead of replacing the f keys and escape,
           | they should have just replaced the whole area under the
           | keyboard where the trackpad is with a touch screen. It is a
           | win-win. Imagine a huge touch interface where we already
           | expect one, with haptic feedback AND visual feedback.
             | dmitriid wrote:
             | We can already imagine that. Apple increased the size of
             | the touchpad for no good reason. And palm rejection
             | constantly fails causing the cursor to jump as you're
             | typing or pressing key shortcuts.
         | makecheck wrote:
         | Even if Apple could demonstrate clear value for certain niche
         | applications, those applications could have been served by a
         | successful add-on USB peripheral (not unlike replacing an in-
         | box device with a better mouse or keyboard).
         | Instead, they saddled every one of their users with this thing,
         | where it has remained _at best_ in limbo between "occasionally
         | useful" and "worse than the original". I can say without a
         | doubt that the _only_ reason I finally broke down and bought a
         | new laptop is because (1) they finally came to their senses
         | with the physical Esc key, and (2) BetterTouchTool exists.
         | stronglikedan wrote:
         | I don't own a Mac, but I've heard of the touchbar. I just never
         | imagined it _replaced_ the function keys. That 's insanity!
         | (But I'm _still_ stewing over modern keyboards removing the
         | right Win key, so I can 't lock my workstation with one hand
         | any more, so don't mind me.)
           | FriendlyNormie wrote:
           | You've "heard of" the Touch Bar and you felt like you had a
           | valuable contribution to make to this thread?
           | l2p wrote:
           | Right hand thumb to win key + pinky to "L" as I am getting up
           | to walk away still works for me.
             | stronglikedan wrote:
             | My hands are pretty big, but I can only do that on non-
             | full-sized keyboards. And to make matters worse I need an
             | ergonomic split keyboard due to issues with my hands
       | donatj wrote:
       | It's interesting to me that this is the first really interesting
       | use of the touch bar I've seen in the years I've owned a laptop
       | with one.
       | I'm also sad that it requires Catilina, I'm stuck on Mojave for
       | the time being thanks to a number of 32 bit apps I depend on.
         | intopieces wrote:
         | If you're a fan of customization, BTT-GoldenChaos [0] has made
         | the Touch Bar indispensable for me; I don't like using a laptop
         | without a Touch Bar because of this app.
         | [0]https://community.folivora.ai/t/goldenchaos-btt-the-
         | complete...
       | eksu wrote:
       | Site has been hugged by HN; here is the video that is embedded on
       | the page.
       | https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fMlmzTBF_LE
       | dep_b wrote:
       | The Touch Bar should have been right below the screen, where I
       | actually see it. Otherwise I need to interrupt my flow by looking
       | at it. I've made it somewhat more useful with Pock (using
       | negative spacing) but still not blown away by it.
       | This kind of application and many other uses would be so much
       | better if it was like a part of the screen instead of the
       | keyboard.
         | GloriousKoji wrote:
         | If it was on the screen the screen itself would slowly get
         | pushed back with each interaction.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | > The Touch Bar should have been right below the screen
         | So...an extension of the screen? :P
       | below43 wrote:
       | I've just started using a 2020 MacBook Pro. I was previously very
       | apprehensive about the touchbar (in fact, it was a key reason for
       | me avoiding getting one for some time).
       | A few days in, I'm super impressed with it, and think it is able
       | to offer subtle but effective workflow improvements within
       | applications. (I think I'd find it frustrating if I had an older
       | version with no hardware escape key though).
         | hobs wrote:
         | I still just press it randomly and issue commands to
         | applications constantly that I dont want, and that's after
         | disabling half of it because I touched it too much :\
           | throwaway744678 wrote:
           | I regularly fat-finger the paste key on the touchbar (eg in
           | Office apps, it sits just above the [3] key) when typing a
           | key on the number row. Since you get no tactile feedback, it
           | took me a few days to understand why random bits of text
           | appeared spontaneously under my cursor!
       | baggy_trough wrote:
       | Will pay money for next Mac to have no touch bar. It's awful.
         | FriendlyNormie wrote:
         | Everyone who downvoted you should be tied to a board and cut in
         | half with a chainsaw.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | Question for someone who works in music/audio: is this actually
       | useful as a workflow tool, or is it just a cool tech demo/toy?
         | alfonsodev wrote:
         | I'm not a proffesional, but I use Garabe band to brainstorm
         | ideas for songs, and often I use the software piano keyboard
         | and it's annoying because you can hit other keys that are not
         | assigned to notes but to shortcuts, and you have to show/hide
         | the piano window that ocuppies space, so I can see having a
         | piano in the touch bar (and other plugins for that matter)
         | being super useful.
         | colecut wrote:
         | From the article: Alonso describes the app as "a demo of Samplr
         | for the MacBook Touch Bar."
         | Samplr is Alonso's full featured iPad app.
         | From the website: *This free app is distributed as is. No
         | support is provided and no future updates are planned.
         | That said, I'm sure a talented and adventurous person could off
         | pull using this. You define your limits =)
         | brandonmenc wrote:
         | Professionals actually do use the Touch Bar. Oak Felder seen
         | here using it back in 2018 to produce on the go:
         | https://youtu.be/FUHcYX1-9Y8?t=178
       (page generated 2020-07-09 23:00 UTC)