[HN Gopher] Birth of BASIC (2014) [video]
       Birth of BASIC (2014) [video]
       Author : AlexeyBrin
       Score  : 29 points
       Date   : 2020-07-14 10:12 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.youtube.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.youtube.com)
       | sergius wrote:
       | Imagine if they had put a Forth interpreter instead? That would
       | have been real genius... but alas we got a crappy BASIC because
       | everyone else had one.
         | nickt wrote:
         | Like the Jupiter Ace?
         | http://www.jupiter-ace.co.uk/
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | To be clear, BASIC came out in 1964 versus 1970 for Forth. I'm
         | not sure how the creators of BASIC could've used Forth instead.
       | simonh wrote:
       | I think what was great about BASIC back in the day on early home
       | computers was that it gave direct access to the hardware. You
       | could PEEK or POKE to any address in memory and write programs
       | that could manipulate any of the features of any attached
       | hardware at the lowest level with individual commands. You didn't
       | even have to write a program, but could just invoke commands
       | imperatively. It was an incredible learning environment. I
       | remember hacking a BBC Micro so that it mapped system memory
       | directly into the video display, so the colour of each pixel on
       | the screen represented a byte of memory, which changed in
       | realtime. Learning Pascal on a Prime minicomputer was fine, but
       | never had the same fun factor.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | The feedback loop with BASIC was faster. You could execute the
         | program directly from the editor (if not from an interactive
         | prompt, our computer, a Tandy 1000 circa 1988/1989, didn't have
         | that though). Even without the prompt, it was very close to the
         | REPL experience (write a line or two, hit F5 to run it, see the
         | result, edit, repeat). I didn't come to other languages until
         | later, but even so the feedback loop was just slower: bring up
         | editor, write code, save, compile, run, repeat. That extra bit
         | of friction is noticeable after a while. And then there's just
         | what makes a minimum viable program. In C it's something like:
         | #include <stdio.h>       int main(void) {
         | printf("Hello, World!");         return 0;       }
         | In BASIC it's:                 10 PRINT "Hello, World!"
         | 4 extra lines don't seem like much, but to the novice it can be
         | a massive difference. Especially when all that other stuff
         | seems like magic, versus the BASIC program which just gets to
         | the point ("I want to print something, so I tell it to print
         | and it does.").
       | cgh wrote:
       | One of the advantages of the Commodore 64 was its crappy BASIC
       | dialect. To do anything with graphics or sound, you had to pretty
       | much learn assembly. I'm pretty sure that whoever decided to
       | stick Commodore BASIC v2 in that thing had no idea they were
       | creating an entire generation of assembly programmers.
         | jbperry wrote:
         | Agreed. The limitations of the C-64 lead me to learn a whole
         | lot more about the internal workings of computers than I think
         | I ever would have learned using something more advanced.
         | Unfortunately(?) that has been the only assembly that I really
         | ever used extensively. Still, it was a great initial
         | foundation.
         | wvenable wrote:
         | I wish as a kid I had more resources to learn assembly back
         | when I had a Commodore 64. I effectively maxed out what I could
         | do with the machine; I had made it as far as redefining the
         | character set to make games but I still working in BASIC.
         | But I never had the tools or instructions to do assembly -- it
         | wasn't until I got a PC and had BBS resources that I did any
         | advanced programming.
       | DannyB2 wrote:
       | 20 GOSUB 10
       | 30 PROFIT
         | AnimalMuppet wrote:
         | Captain Nitpick here. That will eventually run out of memory
         | and crash, because of GOSUB instead of GOTO.
         | Clever, though...
           | DannyB2 wrote:
           | Eventually, when it reaches the obvious RETURN statement, it
           | should then get to the PROFIT.
           | And memory? Memory is unlimited! This is Java! Oh, wait, it's
           | BASIC, memory isn't unlimited. Nevermind.
       | vanilla-almond wrote:
       | Something I've wanted to asked ask for a while: who is
       | programming in Basic today?
       | The language has evolved substantially from its early days and
       | there are many dialects. But it's rare to hear someone admit they
       | program in Basic (at least on this forum). Programmers can be
       | quite judgemental about choice of programming language.
       | Does anyone want to share their reason for using Basic? It is by
       | choice or by necessity (e.g. maintaining a legacy codebase)?
       | Are there modern incarnations of the language that you feel are
       | overlooked? (For example, I recently came across _Pure Basic_ , a
       | cross-platform compiler that lets you build self-contained
       | binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux).
         | kjs3 wrote:
         | You can still get a supported, paid version of BBC Basic for
         | Windows at http://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcwin/bbcwin.html.
         | A couple of years ago a shop I was at had a dev that used it to
         | construct test frameworks for the apps he was working on. Said
         | he'd been using it since the 80s and it worked for him. The dev
         | leads said OK and the tests were apparently extremely well
         | done. Got bought by IBM, so I don't know if they're still doing
         | testing that way :-).
         | 32bitkid wrote:
         | QB64: https://www.qb64.org/portal/
         | And
         | Color Maximite 1/2: http://geoffg.net/maximite.html
         | Are two interesting takes on modern BASIC
         | foobarian wrote:
         | I feel like a lot of the attraction of the early micro BASICs
         | was: 1) Flip on power switch 2) Computer shows "READY" 0.5s
         | later.
         | With a modern Windows PC a 7 yro has to learn to use the mouse,
         | to click, press icons, the concept of windows, etc. Which, she
         | somehow picked up in about 1 month time frame and is now able
         | to launch games and play PC Minecraft. But anyway...
         | simonh wrote:
         | My kids do their Computer Science course at school in VB.NET
         | here in the UK. I understand it's also possible to do it in
         | Python, but they don't offer that at their school.
       (page generated 2020-07-14 23:01 UTC)