[HN Gopher] Things I wish I'd known about CSS
       Things I wish I'd known about CSS
       Author : harshamv22
       Score  : 680 points
       Date   : 2020-07-17 08:17 UTC (14 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (cssfordesigners.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (cssfordesigners.com)
       | blue1 wrote:
       | IIRC, _vertical_ margins collapse, horizontal margins do not
         | nimrody wrote:
         | That is correct (https://codepen.io/nimrody/pen/dyGgBxW)
       | steve_adams_86 wrote:
       | I've always thought of ch as a unit intended for monospaced fonts
       | or languages with monospaced characters. Does anyone know of any
       | other practical uses?
         | memco wrote:
         | I personally feel it's a good spacer between labels and form
         | controls, icons and text and can also be useful for other
         | inline-like elements that should have a natural spacing.
         | Another possible use is in setting min and max widths for
         | content areas where ideal line-length for comfort of reading is
         | considered important.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | Yes. A good column width or grid card inline-sizes is between
         | 30ch and 45ch, generally you don't want text to exceed 90ch.
         | These numbers come from print design for magazine or journal
         | layouts. In general the `ch` unit is perfect for defining the
         | inline-size of text containers.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | That's useful.
       | Some time ago, I wrote up a series about CSS. It's still quite
       | relevant (but CSS has come quite a ways, since then).
       | The thing I've found that is often misunderstood, is specificity.
       | It's a fairly non-trivial concept:
       | https://littlegreenviper.com/miscellany/stylist/introduction...
       | bouncycastle wrote:
       | These would be great interview questions!
       | "So, you've been doing CSS since 1999. Please tell me how the
       | width/height of a box is calculated?"
         | Izkata wrote:
         | Me: "In which browser?"
           | bouncycastle wrote:
           | Ahh, yes.. who remembers "Quirksmode"?
           | Sadly, everything has to follow Webkit these days...
       | aliswe wrote:
       | A little secret opinion of mine is that I think the global usage
       | of rem instead of px is a fad. The only real argument I've heard
       | is that the mobile devices have their own definition of it, and
       | will thus optimize in their own way, but then again I see that
       | benefit as being nearly non-existant and definitely not
       | demonstrated.
         | interactivecode wrote:
         | Most designs and typography are referenced of a basic unit, the
         | body font size. Setting that size once and using rem makes it
         | easier to build out and change.
         | mellow2020 wrote:
         | Using relative units makes it very easy to scale things. If you
         | use pixels or other absolute units everywhere, you'd have to
         | edit every instance of that, which can range from an annoying
         | chore to being completely unfeasible.
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_...
         | jFriedensreich wrote:
         | strongly agree. this article sums the current state up
         | perfectly: https://medium.com/hackernoon/rems-and-ems-and-why-
         | you-proba...
         | partyboat1586 wrote:
         | I just use rem when it needs to be relative to the text size,
         | px everywhere else. This way when you scale the text for
         | accessibility you don't get any clipping.
         | symmitchry wrote:
         | When I read that section about rems and ems and ch and px it
         | made me think of Python's "There should be one-- and preferably
         | only one --obvious way to do it."
         | CSS and front-end browser work drives me up the wall.
         | rob74 wrote:
         | It's a fad nowadays, but if you remember the bad old days when
         | the "zoom" function in browsers was useless on most pages, that
         | was because the browsers did it "by the book": they only zoomed
         | elements with relative sizes, px units were always pixels. Then
         | browser makers just gave up and reimplemented the zoom function
         | to work with "broken" pages too (I think Chrome did it first
         | and the rest followed suit). Of course the advent of Hi-DPI
         | screens probably also played a part...
         | runarberg wrote:
         | The most relative units are calculated in turns of the font
         | size of the root element (usually 1rem = 16px). I find it a lot
         | easier to read and maintain units that are based on the font-
         | size of the current element (e.g. `em`, `ex`, and `ch`). "This
         | element has block margins 2 times the size of the font", as
         | opposed to some magic absolute `px` or `rem`. Also if margins
         | and paddings are defined relative to the font-size (e.g
         | `padding: 1ex 1em;`) resizing the entire element with `font-
         | size` is way more manageable.
       | pansa2 wrote:
       | > _If your CSS reset doesn't include this already, I'd suggest
       | adding the following rule: ..._
       | If I'm trying to build a site design from scratch (rather than
       | using Bootstrap or similar), is a CSS Reset a good place to
       | start? Is there one in particular that's recommended?
         | themodelplumber wrote:
         | It can be a very helpful start, but I'd review to make sure
         | you're learning from it as well, rather than building onto
         | something that could set you up for confusion later if you end
         | up working without it. Here's one that's popular, lightweight,
         | and helpful in my experience:
         | https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | I prefer a combination of reset/normalize, but because of
           | that I agree with your statement re: learning from what you
           | are using. Then you can make informed choices about how you
           | are using those things.
           | mikewhy wrote:
           | Definitely review multiple, because I find normalize.css to
           | be pretty useless as it doesn't set `box-sizing: border-
           | box;`, or `img { max-width: 100%; }`
         | earthboundkid wrote:
         | Yes. There are different philosophies for how to write CSS, but
         | assuming you're aiming at something like BEM (Block, Element,
         | Modifier) style, it's typical to start with a reset of the raw
         | elements into a standard form, and then follow that with the
         | CSS for you class components, and finally some !important
         | override utilities. Basically all the CSS philosophies agree
         | that you should never use #id selectors at all and use of
         | element selectors should be (mostly) limited to resets.
           | rimliu wrote:
           | Ignore all above is you are not keen to go the path of cargo-
           | culting. Most of those philosophies were brought to you by
           | people who were too lazy to learn CSS.
             | LocalPCGuy wrote:
             | Most are from very respected people to help others benefit
             | from their knowledge and to avoid the pitfalls they ran
             | into a various levels of scale. Do you need BEM for a
             | brochure-ware site, no, styling by IDs and tags would
             | probably work just fine. But a web app with 1000s of lines
             | of code, while I don't specifically endorse BEM, some sort
             | of pattern and methodology will save you a world of pain in
             | the long run.
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | If you're looking for world-class CSS knowledge, start with
       | https://every-layout.dev; if you build UI for a living and
       | haven't encountered axiomatic css and layout primitives, they're
       | likely to change your world.
         | icedchai wrote:
         | Thanks for the recommendation! I'm mainly a back end developer.
         | I can hack around with CSS, but have never been very good at
         | it.
         | Kiro wrote:
         | The ; in your link sends me to about:blank#blocked.
           | quietbritishjim wrote:
           | For the benefit of others: https://every-layout.dev
             | chrisweekly wrote:
             | Thanks! Wish I'd caught it in time to fix my 1st comment.
         | randompwd wrote:
         | To save clicks, it's $100, just covers page layouts.
           | chrisweekly wrote:
           | That's a radically misleading comment. It covers much more
           | than layout, and the free content on the site is incredibly
           | helpful and compelling. The full version more than justifies
           | its price. And they offer it for free to students or anyone
           | else for whom the cost is a problem (relying on the honor
           | system).
           | It's far and away the best resource on CSS I've encountered
           | in my 22-year career working with web technology for a
           | living.
           | No affiliation, just a grateful patron.
             | randompwd wrote:
             | not that the free thing is relevant but from https://every-
             | layout.dev/blog/you-pay/ "The honour system is now closed"
             | > That's a radically misleading comment. It covers much
             | more than layout
             | Given the site and all 3rd party reviews just mention
             | layout, how is it misleading? Cant find TOC anywhere?
             | Also, found working discount code 'BRANDEMIC' for 60% off
             | in my travels should any1 bite the bullet.
             | prev hn sub/182 comments:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20196061
       | Kiro wrote:
       | > But that won't provide a great user experience, particularly
       | for users who resize content at the browser level or zoom into
       | content.
       | What browsers zoom dynamically nowadays? When is this actually an
       | issue?
         | Kiro wrote:
         | What I mean is that browsers used to zoom in a way where all
         | the texts were automatically resized but nowadays the zoom
         | works pixel-by-pixel, removing this issue.
       | staycoolboy wrote:
       | I love reading these articles because it is a win-win:
       | 1. If I already know the tidbit, I give myself a pat on the back
       | 2. If I don't know the tidbit, yay, I learned something.
       | Someday I'll be 100% in the #1. What got me in this article "ch"
       | size.
       | Fact: the heigh/width calculation has changed over the years. It
       | is likely this article captures the final method, let's hope so.
       | JacobSeated wrote:
       | Very good. I skimmed through it, since I am busy with some work.
       | But, I still code most things by hand. I only use WYSIWYG when I
       | really have to. Most often I find it faster and easier to create
       | things with plain CSS.
       | wruza wrote:
       | Guys we need to talk. Are you capsbold serious? These are things
       | that you learn in a first week of doing web development
       | tutorials. I read this thread and it makes me think that I'm
       | delusional because of a heat wave. Margins collapse? :focus
       | exists? Me not getting a joke? I don't understand.
         | stimpson_j_cat wrote:
         | Yeah I thought this was going to be quirks with CSS Grid or
         | something.
         | The "CSS Zen Garden" from 1999 gets posted about every 3 months
         | and makes it to the front page...
         | runarberg wrote:
         | I think you are point on. The two existing sibling comments
         | have contradictory excuses for this:
         | 1. _New developers might know this, but standards change fast,
         | and it's hard to keep up_.
         | 2. _You can't expect people new to the craft to know everything
         | in the field_.
         | I personally found this article sub-basic. You could probably
         | learn more and better on MDN. I think CSS might be one of few
         | areas on HN where a sub-par article doesn't get the
         | constructive scrutiny it deserves in the top comments.
         | ggregoire wrote:
         | > These are things that you learn in a first week of doing web
         | development tutorials.
         | You meant CSS tutorials? Never read about "margins collapse" in
         | web development tutorials.
         | Web development tutorials I read (like 10 years ago) were
         | usually about having a web server renders some data queried
         | from a database into some basic HTML. And adding a form to
         | create/edit rows in the database. Then perhaps adding some
         | basic style like colors and paddings and some jQuery to
         | validate the form. Finally moving that page from localhost to
         | internet.
         | Let's be honest, web development covers a very large area of
         | knowledge and CSS is not the most interesting part (not saying
         | CSS is not interesting!). I guess most people just skip the CSS
         | documentation and learn it by inspecting other pages and
         | copying rules, and searching "how to do X in CSS" and reading
         | tutorials about their specific question.
         | nanna wrote:
         | I think you may be underestimating the fact that many people
         | have been writing CSS for well over a decade now, and that it
         | has evolved considerably since they first read a web
         | development tutorial. If you've not been paying close attention
         | (or not been able to), there are many things that will have
         | passed you by.
         | It's a blessing to learn css fresh today, in as much as it's a
         | curse to still have practices from ten years ago still lodged
         | in your memory.
           | Izkata wrote:
           | > and that it has evolved considerably
           | GP is pointing out the parts that haven't changed at all, and
           | are old (over two decades), simple, and common enough to be
           | considered basic knowledge. I had the same reaction to those
           | and one or two others.
           | Now if this was someone relatively new to CSS I'd understand,
           | but the opening paragraph establishes how long this person
           | was around. Padding-vs-margin in particular was necessary
           | knowledge to do good layouts back in those earlier days (less
           | so now only due to flex and grid, which aren't on here).
             | nanna wrote:
             | > GP is pointing out the parts that haven't changed at all
             | Doesn't read that way to me:
             | > These are things that you learn in a first week of doing
             | web development tutorials.
             | Sure, padding vs margin isn't exactly new, however
             | `display: inline-block`, ::before and ::after, rem, ch, and
             | :nth-child() certainly weren't in the old html4/xhtml and
             | css2 guidebook that got me into web development!
               | nanna wrote:
               | To add, I think another post by the same poster on this
               | HN post proves the point that they're not dismissing
               | individual parts, but rather disputing (or sorry but
               | trolling) the article as a whole:
               | > I think (hope, really) that gp is just one heavy "/s".
               | The knowledge presented in the article is so basic that
               | it is hard to believe that a person who does html for two
               | years and six figures doesn't know these. As for the
               | article, I fail to see any reason for it to exist beyond
               | cheap media presence. Or maybe I should start a blog,
               | because I'm not even halfway too.
         | LocalPCGuy wrote:
         | It's also good to remember that new devs make up something like
         | 50% of the developer population each year (I forget the exact
         | number, maybe it's every 2 years). So while this may be basic
         | information to someone who's been doing this for at least a few
         | years (and I'd argue it isn't, particularly since the site
         | isn't aimed at Front End Devs, per se, but others who have to
         | do front end development), it is valuable information for the
         | target audience.
       | c-smile wrote:
       | I believe that focal point of CSS understanding is that horrible
       | _display_ property. People just need to get that one as other
       | stuff is relatively trivial.
       | display:xxx on some elements defines three things ( sorry, that
       | is terrible architectural mistake authors of CSS have made
       | initially )
       | 1. display defines "sibling requirement" how that element wants
       | to be replaced among its neighbors. `div {display:inline-box}`
       | tells container to treat that div a single glyph placed inline
       | among other glyphs.
       | 2. In some cases it also defines "layout manager" of element's
       | content. E.g. display:table and display:inline-table tells the
       | renderer that content shall be treated as table having tbody ,
       | rows, cells, etc. Same thing for display:flexbox, grid, etc.
       | 3. In some cases it defines other things like display:none;
       | display:list-item; Note: there is still no display:inline-list-
       | item ...
       | Ideally we should have these instead:
       | 1. display: inline | block; - and just these two.
       | 2. flow: auto | text | table | vertical | horizontal | grid...; -
       | defines layout manager of element's content.
       | 3. visibility: visible | hidden | _none_ ; - Note:
       | visibility:none instead of display: none;
         | runarberg wrote:
         | Don't forget `display: contents` in which the element is
         | instructed not to generate a box at all (neither inline nor
         | block; I guess like `display: none` without hiding the
         | content).
         | But I think the spec maintainers are aware of this and CSS
         | Display Module 3[1] allows multi-keywords so you can do stuff
         | like:                   display: block grid;
         | or:                   display: run-in ruby;
         | or even:                   display: inline flow-root list-item;
         | 1: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display/#the-display-properties
           | c-smile wrote:
           | That is not a fix - just a cosmetic change that does not
           | solve anything.
           | display/flow MUST BE [1] different properties as they define
           | orthogonal concepts.
           | We should be able to define them separately.
           | main { display: block;  flow:grid; }             @media
           | handheld and (width < 100mm) {          main { flow:vertical;
           | }        }
           | Yet _none_ from _display_ shall go to visibility:none (as in
           | my Sciter [2]).
           | I've seen too many times errors like this:
           | main table { display:none; }         main.full table {
           | display:block; }
           | Which is obviously wrong, <table> element should have
           | display:table or display:inline-table;
           | [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119 [2]
           | https://sciter.com
         | megous wrote:
         | You can define those inisde/outside display styles separately,
         | like `display: inline grid` or `display: block flex`
       | xanathar wrote:
       | Ends up to a page saying "The page you requested does not exist".
       | ...which kinda reflects "things I wish about CSS", so 10/10.
         | harshamv22 wrote:
         | Its loading here. Try again :-)
           | xanathar wrote:
           | I know, I retried before and it worked.
           | But "it works differently every time I try" wouldn't have
           | made a good CSS joke. Oh, wait.
         | zero_iq wrote:
         | Page doesn't render correctly for me in Firefox/MacOS, so I had
         | a similar thought... there's probably a couple of things he
         | should add to his list! :D
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | Same here (and same browser/OS), it seems like some font is
           | missing?
       | dzink wrote:
       | 20 years ago knowing CSS's inheritance and tree traversal
       | structure was critical to finish sites that worked flawlessly
       | across all browsers. There was a lot of beauty in it, so much so
       | that borrowed some ideas from CSS models for the architecture of
       | the custom template system behind the CMS that powered CNN and a
       | number of other large media sites with many sub-properties.
       | leephillips wrote:
       | I don't thnk the author's recommendation to include
       | img {             display: block;          }
       | in your reset is generally a good idea. It will break some common
       | uses of images, for example to hold bits of math inline with the
       | text when you are not using mathjax. If you want a displayed
       | image, you should wrap it in a <figure> tag, which will give you
       | a block element.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | If you wrap an image in a figure, but leave the image still
         | inline, you'll probably get a few pixels of extra space at the
         | bottom of the image due to line-height and vertical-align.
         | People find that _really_ confusing. With how most people use
         | images, I agree that `img { display: block; }` is what you want
         | >99% of the time, and would rather people reverse it for the
         | rare occasion when they want something else. (BTW, doesn't
         | MathJax emit SVG? _Viz._ , not <img> anyway.)
           | runarberg wrote:
           | Something like this then:                   figure img {
           | display: block;         }              figure figcaption img
           | {           display: inline;         }
           | leephillips wrote:
           | I'm confused by your reply. Did your eye skip over the word
           | "not" in my comment?
             | chrismorgan wrote:
             | Sorry, you are correct. Drop the final parenthetical, then,
             | but I stand by the rest.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | Yes, your other point was something I hadn't thought
               | about. I guess his advice would be good for some people,
               | but I'm not sure about the 99%. It's not uncommon to use
               | small images as text-like elements, and when you do that,
               | if you have this reset, you will need to explicitly make
               | them inline. Not a huge deal, but people tend to copy and
               | paste their own CSS libraries between projects, and
               | redefining basic default semantics of elements may create
               | confusion and extra work down the line when things don't
               | behave the way that any documentation you may consult
               | assumes.
               | chrismorgan wrote:
               | I'm going to stick with the >99% figure. I think it _is_
               | uncommon, rare even. Other than chat systems with custom
               | emoji rendered as an img, I honestly can't think when I
               | last saw a site with inline  <img> tags. (I'd _guess_ it
               | to be within the last month, maybe even the last week,
               | but it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't.) Twenty years
               | ago, sure, but they've gone out of fashion stylistically
               | as well as technically. Technically, I suspect
               | background-image and icon fonts are both used more
               | commonly for small iconography.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | It depends on what kind of sites you tend to visit, I
               | guess. I see this several times per day. But I often
               | visit pages with math on them. Before mathjax became
               | standard, inline images was the only way to do it. And
               | visit any Wikipedia page with math: they use mathML and
               | have fallbacks, but the end result is, you are looking at
               | inline images. Also, I often see such things as
               | sparklines and similar things, also inline images. The
               | >99% may be true of what you consume, but without data I
               | am skeptical about the numbers.
               | Also, some people use CMSs that substitute inline images
               | for missing Unicode glyphs, and other things. If it's
               | done well, you may not even notice. You don't know if the
               | correct figure is 99% unless you have examined the source
               | of a sample of sites.
         | mikewhy wrote:
         | Yep, this stood out to me too. Drives me absolutely nuts when
         | an element you expect to be inline is now suddenly block.
         | Especially because the author's reasoning is "it can cause
         | confusion when trying to position them or add vertical
         | margins", after just explaining that with inline-block "you can
         | apply vertical margins to these".
       | larrik wrote:
       | > Notice how it's the odd-numbered rows with a background? Given
       | our selector (p:nth-child(even)), we might expect the even-
       | numbered rows to be highlighted instead.
       | OR it counts rows from zero instead of 1, rather than all this
       | about siblings...
         | dhosek wrote:
         | That was my thinking as well.
         | [deleted]
       | Brajeshwar wrote:
       | Wow! This is cool.
       | You got me at, "This was back in 1999, when we'd write things
       | like <font size="4" color="#000000"> and DHTML was a thing."
       | 'twas the time when understanding the CSS Box-model was the
       | graduation opportunity to be part of the CSS-Pros.
       | minikomi wrote:
       | nth-child is really useful, and it's worth playing around to get
       | a feel for how multipliers and offsets work:
       | https://css-tricks.com/examples/nth-child-tester/
       | eg. try 3n+1, 3n+2. 3n+3 and then different multipliers
       | ex3ndr wrote:
       | A lot of issues are simply solved by switching to flex.
       | have_faith wrote:
       | > block elements expand horizontally to take up a whole line
       | (like a heading).
       | Unless of course you set an input to display: block....
         | runarberg wrote:
         | Or anything for that matter with a non auto `width` other then
         | `100%`.
       | baxtr wrote:
       | Side note: that's a great marketing headline!
       | swyx wrote:
       | for people who want to go deeper on stuff like the box model and
       | specificity and selectors, i highly highly recommend Una Kravets
       | and Adam Argyle's The CSS podcast https://pod.link/thecsspodcast
       | - they are the two CSS devrels from google and they really break
       | it down in depth while explaining things in an accessible way. no
       | vested relationship, just a fan.
       | jitendrac wrote:
       | That is really useful.
       | I have been writing small html front-ends since 2008-09.
       | HTML5,CSS3 made many things easier like gradients, Round borders,
       | and many things that now developer do takes as granted. I clearly
       | remember, how boring and frustrating it was to slice borders and
       | corners from photoshop psd.
       | CSS3 and HTML5 made many good changes, but new css feature like
       | grid, Flex-box all are still confusing. I have to look at the
       | references every time I start new frontend work.
         | dgb23 wrote:
         | Have you ever taken some deliberate time to really ,,play" with
         | those?
         | My recommendation: take a calculator or spreadsheet and start
         | with some simple cases and build up your knowledge in a
         | exploratory manner. A few hours, a session for each feature
         | (flex, grid).
         | Its not only fun but also really helpful!
           | jitendrac wrote:
           | yes, I really did play with it multiple times. Its just
           | sometimes I require more revisions.
           | mellow2020 wrote:
           | > Have you ever taken some deliberate time to really ,,play"
           | with those?
           | I know just the thing!
           | https://flexboxfroggy.com/
           | https://codepip.com/games/grid-garden/
             | jitendrac wrote:
             | Thanks, froggy was on front page of HN so I knew it for
             | sure, grid garden is new one for me.
         | IggleSniggle wrote:
         | I felt the totally opposite about grid. I spent a little time
         | learning it, and now EVERYTHING is easy (except for things that
         | aren't, of course)
           | jitendrac wrote:
           | yes everything is easy now, except for things that aren't/
       | gklefnbkon wrote:
       | People really didn't know this? To be clear, I'm not criticizing
       | anyone for not knowing this stuff, as nobody can be expected to
       | know everything (and everyone was a beginner at one time). I'm
       | just surprised that within this community, where a lot of us are
       | employed to build websites, that the basics of CSS are still a
       | mystery to so many of us. And I don't think that's the fault of
       | any individual. But clearly our industry has a problem.
       | Granted, if you spend most of your time on the backend, and only
       | dabble in CSS a little bit, or you're new to web development,
       | it's completely understandable to be fuzzy on the specifics of
       | CSS. But that doesn't explain all the comments from designers and
       | front end people. So what's going on?
       | One possibility is that CSS is too difficult. Maybe? It certainly
       | has it's flaws. And it was harder to use in the past. But I don't
       | think there's a huge learning curve to understanding the
       | difference between padding and margin, or between block and
       | inline elements, is there? Don't we do that sort of thing in Word
       | documents regularly?
       | Another possibility, then, is that the mental model of a document
       | doesn't match the designer's expectations. But I don't think this
       | alone explains why so many of us struggle with CSS. It's true
       | that many of us are trying to make applications on a platform
       | meant for documents. It's also true that magazine-style page
       | layouts aren't a natural fit for a Word-like model of document
       | editing. But the features described in this article don't seem
       | related to that discrepancy - I can't see how ignorance about nth
       | child or rem units relates to the mental model of documents.
       | Here's what I think is happening: We spend too much time building
       | new tools and not enough time learning the tools we have. I've
       | seen this with javascript as well. There were some recent posts
       | here about vanilla javascript, and comments from React developers
       | were surprised by some of the things JS could do on it's own. Now
       | React has it's place of course, just like how CSS frameworks have
       | their place. But I see a lot of people using these things as a
       | boilerplate, instead of using them where appropriate. And thus,
       | we don't take the time to learn how to do stuff with just HTML,
       | CSS, and JS.
       | And granted, I don't think everyone needs to know that, just like
       | how not everyone needs to know assembly. But if not enough people
       | understand what's going underneath the hood, then the default
       | response to any limitation is "abstract more" and everything
       | grows more and more bloated.
       | I'm not sure how we solve this. I suspect the time pressures of
       | our industries incentivize building things quickly, which leads
       | to this problem. Another possibility is that the browsers take
       | too long to adopt new standards, which leads people to seek out
       | workarounds.
       | Has anyone here thought about this? Any ideas on what we should
       | do? I think the linked article is a good start. The explanations
       | of CSS properties is very clear, and I like the examples.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | I think the industry has an attitude problem towards the front
         | end stack. HTML and CSS is not what programmers do. Nobody
         | takes the time to learn it, everybody neglects it, managers
         | hand it over to their newest junior developer, project managers
         | are happy as long as it looks shiny, bootcamps don't teach it
         | properly, curriculums don't teach it properly. In the end we
         | have a bunch of people that don't know anything about the
         | craft, that accept poor craftsmanship as an industry standard.
         | I had a conversation about this with my partner--who is a
         | woodworker--this morning after reading this thread. I explained
         | my perception of the status of front-end within our industry as
         | such:
         | It's as if woodworking and carpentry were synonymous. There are
         | woodworkers that do cabinetry, but all of them learned
         | carpentry. At most they took a single course on cabinetry, but
         | that course probably used outdated methods, tools designed for
         | carpentry, and the teacher them self has build a couple of
         | chairs and a few tables in the past. Most of the people new to
         | the field of cabinetry would come for bootcamps that last for
         | maybe a month where they had to learn woodworking from scratch.
         | Good furniture makers are only expected to be good at
         | woodworking in general. Master carpenters are often expected to
         | be able to finish--or at least manage--furniture projects at
         | their job.
         | You can imagine the sloppy craftsmanship you would see in the
         | furniture building industry if that were the case. And yet, as
         | tech workers, here we are.
       | hellofunk wrote:
       | Yikes. I've been earning 6 figures as of about two years ago
       | doing mostly HTML and CSS UI design for a bank. And I still did
       | not know about many of these! I guess they are things I wish _I
       | 'd_ known about CSS! Better late than never I guess.
         | ChrisRR wrote:
         | Six figures? In the US?
         | Sometimes I wonder why companies even pay developers so much in
         | the US. I'm a specialised medical embedded software developer
         | in the UK and I'm not even halfway to six figures, and will
         | likely never hit it.
         | It astounds me that companies don't hire twice as many non-US
         | developers for the same price and get more work for their
         | money. Note, I'm not talking about outsourcing to the absolute
         | cheapest bottom of the barrel developers who cost 1/20 of the
         | price and the quality reflects the price. Just equally skilled
         | developers in non-US countries.
           | pjc50 wrote:
           | > Sometimes I wonder why companies even pay developers so
           | much in the US.
           | Presenteeism.
           | The office "has to" be in Silicon Valley. The employees "have
           | to" be in that office, in an open plan, so the manager can
           | physically see them working. Therefore they have to be paid
           | huge wages to compete against the other employers doing the
           | same.
             | amINeolib wrote:
             | Maybe it's a stereotype, but my Engineering counterparts in
             | Europe were apathetic/lazy.
             | Might have been a few bad Apples.
               | AdrianB1 wrote:
               | When they are taxed to death on lower base wager, it is
               | expected some to be apathetic. The saying is "they
               | pretend to pay us, we pretend to work".
           | bgroat wrote:
           | Serious questions.
           | Which countries would you suggest for this?
           | Just the UK?
             | benhurmarcel wrote:
             | The only European countries where costs are as high as the
             | US for tech salaries are basically Switzerland and Norway.
             | In the rest of Europe you have access to a very qualified
             | workforce for less money. But they also have more
             | protection than in the US (fewer unpaid hours, more
             | holidays, no cheap dismissal...).
             | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
             | All Europe?
           | runawaybottle wrote:
           | There is probably more to the story here. If you're only at
           | about 50k, you're making $24 an hour. There's even cheaper
           | labor than you. It's going to be a disgusting race to the
           | bottom if we start paying everyone 20, 18, 15 ... dollars an
           | hour.
           | At this point in my life you would have to pay me around six
           | figures for me to do CSS seriously on a daily basis (and it's
           | likely I'll still burn out and leave). The cross browser and
           | device testing alone is so tedious and stress inducing that I
           | simply won't do the job below a certain price point (or I
           | will out of desperation but definitely will bounce ASAP). The
           | unsaid thing about doing heavy CSS work is that it doubles as
           | a QA job from all the testing required.
           | And again, I'm someone that's good at it. You can't pay me
           | enough to do it, not if I have choices.
             | ChrisRR wrote:
             | If you think CSS is tedious, then you've never dealt with
             | medical device regulations. cross browser testing will seem
             | like an absolute breeze. If a UK employer were paying PS90k
             | for CSS, absolutely everybody and their dog would be
             | applying for a job that pays double a typical dev salary.
             | I think we've already experienced the race to the bottom
             | and come out the other side, with $24 being fairly average
             | for the world and the US being on the high side. This all
             | happened years bacj when companies started outsourcing
             | development and IT to India at rock bottom prices, but then
             | received a lot of low-quality work (you get what you pay
             | for). I believe India has a much different approach to
             | software quality than many other countries.
             | It's taken many companies years to realise that mistake,
             | but I wouldn't call $24 a race to the bottom for skilled
             | labour as that will land you comfortably above average
             | income in the UK
               | runawaybottle wrote:
               | Should we go lower than 24 dollars? Sincere question.
               | If not, never ever show bitterness for your fellowship
               | that brought honor to the profession, wherever they are.
               | I hope never to see developers disrespected that way,
               | anywhere in the world.
           | lucozade wrote:
           | I think the important bit of info is that they work for a
           | bank, not that they write CSS.
           | If I look at the equivalent compensation for people who work
           | for me, the vast majority of developers in the UK and US earn
           | > $100k. Like for like the US employees earn more but that's
           | almost wholly swallowed up in other costs (basically
           | healthcare and our US healthcare plan isn't particularly
           | bad).
           | And the FAANGs and hedge funds, in my experience, have a
           | reasonably similar dynamic.
           | The simple fact is that we generally don't hire for PL
           | knowledge except in very specific circumstances (KDB for
           | example). If all we wanted was a coder, there are much more
           | cost effective options than hiring someone, regardless of
           | location.
           | [deleted]
           | christophilus wrote:
           | That is going to happen. Big corporations are finally waking
           | up to 1st class remote work, and that's the gateway to lower
           | US wages. I say this as a remote worker, and a huge fan of
           | remote work. But I do think the high US salaries are going to
           | mean revert a bit.
             | nanna wrote:
             | Sounds to me like tech workers in the US should join a
             | union, and quick!
               | indigochill wrote:
               | Now, admittedly I'm a skeptic of unions by default (in my
               | view they're mostly just another layer of
               | bureaucracy/waste), but isn't unionization of tech
               | workers in the US the quickest way to make themselves
               | even less desirable?
               | Why hire a US union member when you can hire an Eastern
               | European who both works for peanuts and doesn't have
               | union hang-ups? (Admittedly outsourcing has its own
               | problems, especially when there are language/cultural
               | barriers)
               | wirespot wrote:
               | EU has very strong employee rights, so that will come to
               | the same point as a union in the US. The lower pay is an
               | advantage but the time zone difference of 8-12 hours can
               | be a disadvantage. There are no language barriers in IT
               | between the US and Europe, by the time they graduate
               | college the average European has gone through more than a
               | decade of English courses. Cultural differences are
               | minor, management style is very similar (in the East) and
               | so is the communication culture.
               | So yes, lots of American companies already outsource to
               | East Europe. There are lots of "Silicon Valley"s across
               | EE thriving on Western outsourcing from companies who
               | aren't quite desperate or cheap enough to go to India.
               | cosmodisk wrote:
               | There are some phenomenal outsourced shops in EE. Those
               | that do pay 2-4 higher the going rate in the country.
               | These aren't wordpress sweatshops. These are usually
               | small teams and people work on interesting,specialised
               | projects. Management style is usually very pragmatic ( a
               | means a and let's cut the crap) .But the best part about
               | these is that people do get exposed to things,build
               | experience and eventually start on their own. 10-15 years
               | ago there was hardly any product driven company in my
               | country.Now the ones most worth working for do have
               | successful software product that are sold in western
               | markets.
           | speedgoose wrote:
           | The US salaries in IT are huge, but you need to take into
           | account that they have to pay a lot to have a quality of life
           | comparable to what a minimum wage worker is getting in west
           | Europe.
           | If you have a few kids, I would bet you are not that bad in
           | UK with one fewer digit.
             | amINeolib wrote:
             | In the United States, you can spend 6k on health insurance
             | and 12k out of pocket for unlimited family health care.
             | So as long as a US job pays 18k more, it's pretty similar.
             | People talk about vacation, but my job pays so much I'll
             | take months off between contracts. (Engineering)
             | Also it's hard to compare lifestyles in the US vs Europe.
             | Homes in the US are gigantic, often newish, and have Air
             | Conditioning. Cars in the United States are more feature
             | rich and have higher safety standards (when I was an airbag
             | engineer in 2015)
               | speedgoose wrote:
               | I'm sure in terms of money, working in the US as an IT
               | person is a good deal.
               | But you have to think not only about you but also the
               | others. I don't know whether you have children or
               | grandchildren , but if you do I'm sure knowing that they
               | will never have a bad situation is pretty nice. You can't
               | expect all your children and grandchildren to have a well
               | paid job and you can't finance all of them forever.
               | AdrianB1 wrote:
               | Workforce mobility means people can always move for a
               | system that makes more sense for them. If grandpa was a
               | good IT engineer and made some nice money in US, but the
               | grandchild is the village idiot then moving to Germany or
               | France is a solution. Germany has an open door policy to
               | foreigners (there are millions of Turkish descendants of
               | "guest workers" invited after WW2 for reconstruction),
               | East Europeans and now "refugees" from all over Middle
               | East and Africa. No idea how immigration works in France,
               | but there are huge Magrebian communities and lots of
               | other foreigners as well, so I think it is doable.
               | speedgoose wrote:
               | Well if your child can't make it in USA, s*he will not
               | make it in Europe either. You can't just land in France
               | and become a citizen without a job.
               | But do you want your child to immigrate because you live
               | in a country of selfish people? I'm sure you would find
               | the situation difficult.
               | By the way, the communities you are mentioning in France
               | are French since a few generations and not foreigners.
               | AdrianB1 wrote:
               | One can live in Western Europe on welfare. Most of my
               | colleagues in France are not born in France, they are
               | foreigners. The trend is growing in Germany too, in our
               | department there is no German in Germany but people from
               | Brazil, India or Eastern Europe.
               | pantaloony wrote:
               | > In the United States, you can spend 6k on health
               | insurance and 12k out of pocket for unlimited family
               | health care.
               | Where? How? I... this total is about what I'm seeing for
               | shit-tier covers-nothing insurance. Like, there are plans
               | out there that are HCA non-conforming and not _that_ far
               | under $18k /year just for the premiums. Who do I talk to
               | to get total max healthcare spending of $18,000 without
               | an employer-provided plan, in the US? Who's offering
               | $12,000 annual max-out-of-pocket family plans for $500/m?
               | kube-system wrote:
               | Just ran some rates in my area for an EPO with reasonable
               | copays and zero co-insurance:
               | $3,600/yr individual, $0 deductible, 8k OOPL
               | $9,600/yr self + spouse + kid, $0 deductible, 16K OOPL
               | $12,000/yr self + spouse + 2 kids, $0 deductible, 16K
               | OOPL
               | Although I don't really think it makes sense to compare
               | costs based on OOPLs. For most people, the deductibles,
               | coinsurance, and copays are much more relevant to actual
               | costs.
             | rusticpenn wrote:
             | Yes, This is the main difference. In Germany the education
             | is free and medical insurance not something to worry about
             | ( I have no idea about what deductables, deletables etc
             | mean). This is where the difference lies.
               | wirespot wrote:
               | As simple rule of thumb an employer in the EU has to pay
               | roughly double the net salary amount, so on top of the
               | salary pocketed by the employee yet another similar
               | amount goes to taxes. The education/insurance aren't
               | "free", they're just managed better and give more direct
               | benefits to the taxpayer.
               | rusticpenn wrote:
               | It depends. When I was a student, I did not have to spend
               | a penny on medical biils, my wife got paid by the
               | government for some courses (+ cost of rent etc) that
               | would have costed us around 20K EUR at that time. Now
               | that we are earning enough, I have no problem in paying
               | back, so that others who need it will be also be able to
               | achieve their dreams.
               | sushshshsh wrote:
               | Deductable is a scary word but a simple concept, it
               | represents the amount of money you must pay before your
               | insurance begins to pay bills for you :)
               | rusticpenn wrote:
               | That is scary. When my child had to stay in the hospital
               | for a month, the main costs for me were the parking
               | tickets.
             | ChrisRR wrote:
             | I know the difference to the cost of living in the US in
             | silicon valley, of course not everyone lives in areas like
             | that.
             | But I'm talking from the employer side, not the employee
             | and why they would employ US devs who cost twice as much
               | swebs wrote:
               | The employer pays roughly the same amount. It's just that
               | the employee sees much less in Europe due to all the
               | taxes.
           | mroset wrote:
           | For context: I'm an American who's currently working as a
           | software engineer in France (for a French company).
           | I agree that engineering salaries are much higher in the US
           | than in Europe and other non-US countries, however it's worth
           | considering that there are additional expenses to hiring in
           | other countries. My french salary is ~30-40% lower than I was
           | making in the US. However, my cost to my employer is nearly
           | as high. Employer taxes are much higher, my company is
           | required to reimburse my transit and all-but-obligated to
           | cover lunch as well. Certainly, many US software companies do
           | some/all of that, but not all.
           | And beyond those pure costs, there are more liabilities to
           | the employer. For instance, if they want to fire me, they're
           | legally on the hook for four months of severance. And, I get
           | ~7 weeks of combined vacation time and "comp time" (based on
           | the fact that I work more than 35 hours a week). In the US, I
           | got 2-3 weeks.
           | I don't have exact numbers, and I don't disagree that there
           | are potentially savings to be had, but I don't think it's
           | nearly as clear cut that you could get anything close to
           | twice as many developers.
             | benhurmarcel wrote:
             | Here is an official simulator for France: https://mon-
             | entreprise.fr/simulateurs/salaire-brut-net
             | It's not 100% accurate (the exact amounts depend on many
             | variables) but gives a good idea. For example, a cost to
             | the employer of USD 100k (87460EUR/year) gives a before-
             | taxes salary of USD 70.5k, and a salary after all taxes of
             | USD 47k.
               | [deleted]
               | dahfizz wrote:
               | > before-taxes salary of USD 70.5k, and a salary after
               | all taxes of USD 47k.
               | What!? That's over 30% of your income gone, and for a
               | relatively average income. That's not even counting VAT
               | and other taxes.... No wonder there's so much "free"
               | stuff in Europe.
               | pantaloony wrote:
               | Notably, I doubt you could get family healthcare coverage
               | in the US that reduced your financial risk as much as
               | France's does for under $25,000/yr. Even at that rate I
               | bet your exposure's still worse.
               | dahfizz wrote:
               | > I doubt you could get family healthcare coverage in the
               | US that reduced your financial risk as much as France's
               | does for under $25,000/yr.
               | I'm not so sure. It looks like the average liability for
               | a family (12 monthly premiums plus deductable) comes in
               | at just under $23k[1]. That's the max the average family
               | would pay. Obviously for just a single person total
               | liability is a lot lower.
               | So for a person like me who makes good money being an
               | engineer, I am still better off in America where I can
               | make a lot of money but also pay a little more in COL /
               | healthcare stuff.
               | [1]
               | https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/resources/individual-
               | and-fa...
               | pantaloony wrote:
               | Wow, that's... much cheaper than I've seen. In my non-
               | coastal middling-wealth state, you're looking at $1500/m
               | for an HSA family plan that still leaves you with tens of
               | thousands in risk per year, and reducing that risk gets
               | expensive fast (often it's even worse, and you end up
               | _guaranteed_ to pay more per year than you _might_ pay if
               | something goes wrong under one of the cheaper plans)
               | balfirevic wrote:
               | For fun, here are the figures for Croatia (yearly take-
               | home salary and total cost for employer, all in USD for
               | easier comparison):
               | Average salary (take-home): $11874
               | Average salary (total cost for employer): $19875
               | Median salary (take-home): $10225
               | Median salary (total cost for employer): $16526
               | Starting junior dev salary (take-home): $14800
               | Starting junior dev salary (total cost for employer):
               | $25800
               | Senior dev salary (they can go higher, but that's
               | relatively rare for local employers) (take-home): $27700
               | Senior dev salary (total cost for employer): $52000
               | VAT is 25%. Safety net is a joke. Health care is
               | universal, but not that good. Education is mediocre at
               | best.
               | benhurmarcel wrote:
               | EUR61k before taxes isn't really a relatively average
               | income in France. A junior engineer (with a Masters)
               | starts around EUR35k ($40k) before-taxes. Country-wide
               | median salary is EUR28k ($32k). But across all those
               | salaries it doesn't change the fact that around 45~55% of
               | the employer's cost isn't going to the employee.
               | And yes, taxes and cotisations are very high. On the
               | other hand they cover most higher costs and risks in life
               | (education, health, basic retirement...).
               | dahfizz wrote:
               | Isn't $70.5k USD around EUR61k EUR?
               | benhurmarcel wrote:
               | You're right, I mixed up. I edit it.
               | Still, EUR61k isn't an average salary. An engineer
               | reaches that after about 10-15 years (from personal
               | experience and some statistics I have access to). It's
               | double the national median.
               | dahfizz wrote:
               | Wow, that's just crazy to me. It makes sense with the
               | much stronger safety net, it's just a shock.
               | How does rent and food costs compare to America, do you
               | know?
               | benhurmarcel wrote:
               | Even with the stronger safety net, it doesn't make up for
               | the difference compared to the US for well-paid employees
               | (such as engineers, or tech in general). US employees are
               | much more well-off, there's no denying that. US levels
               | for engineers compare more to Swiss level of living.
               | However the safety net is much more beneficial for less-
               | paid people, at a relatively low cost for them.
               | I only visited the US so others might be able to provide
               | a more detailed comparison. It seems to me that rent is
               | generally significantly higher in US cities (might be
               | different in lower CoL areas), and groceries and other
               | smaller budgets were slightly higher in France
               | (restaurants, tech purchases, cars...).
               | codpiece wrote:
               | I have worked in the US and Europe, and may give a direct
               | comparison.
               | US healthcare and education consume a vast portion of
               | your pay. We paid cash for our daughter's college
               | (biomedical engineering) at a total of over $300K. That
               | buys her freedom of choice when it comes time to take a
               | job, get an advanced degree, etc. Her colleagues will
               | have more than $500K USD debt hanging over their heads
               | when you factor interest payments.
               | The company pays for a portion of health insurance, but
               | much of the cost is picked up by the employee, either
               | though co-payments or deductibles.
               | We live modestly, drive low-end cars and don't dine out
               | often. We see our European friends taking great vacations
               | and their children bounce in and out of college programs.
               | We see free healthcare, mountain cottages, and other
               | perks unavailable to us.
               | cosmodisk wrote:
               | Without going into numbers all I can say about US vs
               | Europe: for people with low income,Europe is much much
               | better. For middle class, it boils down to some difficult
               | choices( kids, education, leisure) and is probably equal.
               | While upper middle class or highly paid professionals
               | have it better in the US.
               | LandR wrote:
               | I'm in Scotland, my salary is about PS45-PS48k. I take
               | home about PS31k.
               | The median salary here is about PS21k nationwide.
               | I bought my home for PS170k, now worth about PS230k. it's
               | a decent sized apartment in a nice area in the city where
               | I work. For an indication of size, my living room is
               | about 23ft by 28ft, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.
               | Some photos to show what I got for my money:
               | https://imgur.com/gallery/6oNLRtl
               | My outgoings each month average out to around PS1200k.
               | Mortgage is under PS450 a month.
               | Healthcare is all free, university is free, prescriptions
               | are free.
               | balfirevic wrote:
               | Did you have a large down payment? That looks like a
               | small monthly cost for such mortgage. Or maybe the
               | interest on such loan in Scotland is very small.
               | LandR wrote:
               | My down payment was PS70k, interest rate is 2.14%
               | When I renew at end of year it shoul be around 1.1%
               | balfirevic wrote:
               | Well damn, I don't think there is anything below 3.00%
               | (3.50% more common) where I live.
               | That's nominal - 3.5% - 4.0% is the effective interest
               | rate. I don't know much about mortgages, so not sure if
               | I'm missing something. Congrats on your place - it looks
               | great!
           | Tade0 wrote:
           | _Sometimes I wonder why companies even pay developers so much
           | in the US._
           | It boils down to real estate prices combined with some
           | companies really really really wanting those people to be on
           | site.
           | I had my highest rate ever during a brief, beautiful moment
           | in Switzerland where a studio apartment costs ~$2000 per
           | month.
           | I choose to think that this rate is how much our work is
           | actually worth - otherwise those companies couldn't afford
           | having people on site.
             | AdrianB1 wrote:
             | This is a catch 22, high wages make the rent increase
             | (demand and offer) and high rents demand high salaries,
             | it's a spiral going to a bubble.
               | Tade0 wrote:
               | Indeed, but eventually a ceiling is reached over which it
               | would be impossible to make a profit having on-site
               | employees.
               | I don't envy the locals though. I spent 2,5 months in
               | Zurich, during which I saved so much that in pre-corona
               | times it would be enough for the minimal allowed down
               | payment for an apartment.
               | The Swiss don't have a Switzerland of Switzerland where
               | they could pull off the same trick.
               | rrrrrrrrrrrryan wrote:
               | Housing supply is the variable that can act as a release
               | valve. If cities don't want to expand vertically, that's
               | fine, but they'll inevitably end up in a Bay Area type
               | rent spiral.
               | I think the real issue is that homeowners vote so much
               | more frequently than renters (who would love to have more
               | housing and lower rents), even though they're technically
               | outnumbered.
           | wruza wrote:
           | I think (hope, really) that gp is just one heavy "/s". The
           | knowledge presented in the article is so basic that it is
           | hard to believe that a person who does html for two years and
           | six figures doesn't know these. As for the article, I fail to
           | see any reason for it to exist beyond cheap media presence.
           | Or maybe I should start a blog, because I'm not even halfway
           | too.
         | porker wrote:
         | I've done CSS since 1999, none of this was new to me, and I've
         | never earned 6 figures for doing HTML and CSS. I moved my
         | career away from HTML/CSS in order to earn more.
           | davidmurdoch wrote:
           | Same here (but started in 2000), except I didn't know about
           | the ch unit. OP likely has some great soft skills and
           | negotiation prowess.
           | towb wrote:
           | I think we picked up a lot more of the basics back in the
           | days because doing CSS was much less forgiving than it is
           | now. And the whole struggle with pixel perfect between
           | browsers just forced you to spend hours on these tiny things.
             | rimliu wrote:
             | I was also waaay more limited. All those clever hacks to
             | get equal height columns, "sliding doors", workarounds for
             | IE5/6/7...
               | towb wrote:
               | Yep, for sure! It was a fun ride but I'm happy it's over,
               | though I don't enjoy CSS the same these days. Could be
               | age and all that, who knows.
         | miiiiiike wrote:
         | I've never been happy with a front-end dev that I've paid six-
         | figures to.
         | I once paid a senior front-end engineer far too much to do a
         | fairly involved layout. Three months, an uncountable number of
         | bugs, and one unusable tangle of Sass later I pulled the plug
         | and swore off ever hiring a "CSS Person" again.
         | I took the Linus+Git approach and said "I'm not writing another
         | line of Python until I understand CSS." After a few weeks of
         | study (I read CSS: The Definitive Guide cover-to-cover) I was
         | able to implement the layout in, and I'm not exaggerating, two
         | hours. No bugs, responsive, cross browser support, etc. Flat
         | out done.
         | I went back to the dev and asked why they tried to implement it
         | with over a thousand lines of Sass using Flexbox over a few
         | lines with CSS Grid.
         | It went like this:
         | Me: "Hey, why did you choose Flexbox over CSS Grid for feature
         | XYZ?"
         | Senior Front-End Dev (SFED): "I used a grid. Bootstrap's grid."
         | Me: "No, _CSS Grid_ "
         | SFED: "Like the 'display: grid' thing? I don't know how that
         | works."
         | I've never met a CSS Person who has read a book on CSS. Or one
         | that can do the arithmetic on a simple flex-grow/flex-
         | shrink/flex-basis combo.. Even with a cheat sheet.
         | I'm a back-end dev, I used to think that CSS was "garbage".
         | After learning the ins and outs I think it's a pretty
         | remarkable set of technologies. A true discipline. But, it's
         | hard to find someone who really understands it because it sits
         | at a weird level in the tech stack. Most developers feel it's
         | beneath them or that they "have the gist of it" and most CSS
         | specialists don't have a firm grip on it or keep up with
         | browser developments.
         | If you're going to work with, hire, or exist as a "CSS Person"
         | within 6-feet of me I'm going to require you to read "CSS: The
         | Definitive Guide" before I give your laptop charger back to
         | you.
         | This article is good, but it's barely the bare minimum that you
         | need to know about not knowing CSS.
         | Six-figures for a "CSS Person" who's read CSS:TDG is completely
         | worth it.
         | CSS and Sass are both worth mastering.
         | For CSS read: "CSS: The Definitive Guide"
         | (https://www.amazon.com/CSS-Definitive-Guide-Visual-
         | Presentat...)
         | For Sass read: "Pragmatic Guide to Sass 3"
         | (https://www.amazon.com/Pragmatic-Guide-Sass-Modern-
         | Style/dp/...)
           | PetahNZ wrote:
           | But when was this? CSS grid has only really been viable for a
           | few years in terms of significant browser support.
             | miiiiiike wrote:
             | Last year. Around November and 91% unprefixed usage
             | (https://caniuse.com/#search=display%3Agrid)
               | bigmanwalter wrote:
               | CSS Grid has only been widely supported for a couple
               | years now. Not so hard to believe a frontend dev was
               | still using bootstrap grid.
               | epicureanideal wrote:
               | I agree. It's fairly common for experienced front end
               | devs who have been bitten by browser incompatibilities in
               | the past to wait several years to adopt the latest CSS
               | techniques. The "old techniques" often work very well.
               | Most likely if you had asked me "why flexbox and not CSS
               | grid" I would have said "because flexbox is able to
               | perfectly well support this use case, and I'd rather not
               | introduce a dependency on a less well supported CSS
               | feature unless I need to".
               | I personally tend to prefer using the oldest (within
               | reason) CSS feature that lets me accomplish a task. Or
               | I'll pick the one that best conceptually maps to the task
               | I'm trying to accomplish, if there's a significant
               | difference.
               | tr1coder wrote:
               | The inexcusable fact here is that he said that he didn't
               | know how it works. A font-end developer not knowing grid
               | is not worth 6 figures.
               | epicureanideal wrote:
               | I disagree, as both an engineer and a manager.
               | CSS grid is only recently becoming a reasonable tool to
               | use in practice. I don't think any of the top 1% of front
               | end engineers I know would be able to use CSS grid
               | without looking at the documentation.
               | Based on experience, the kind of person who would be able
               | to use it from memory either 1) is very skilled AND had a
               | reason to use it recently, or 2) someone of medium skill
               | who just recently read the spec but in almost all other
               | ways is less skilled than the people I mentioned in the
               | first paragraph.
               | ibdf wrote:
               | Too bad you had a bad experience with your dev, but
               | seriously, you just picked up css, people have been
               | fighting it for years because of browser support. There's
               | a reason why there are css reset stylesheets, and
               | frameworks out there. If you are using it in one project
               | great, but when you do it for living you will ended up
               | building your own framework if you are not already using
               | one. SASS also saves you so much time in development.
               | epicureanideal wrote:
               | Yes, one of the issues with people who've recently
               | learned the 2020 version of JS/CSS/frameworkX is that
               | they assume what they've learned is the correct way to do
               | things according to "the best, latest standard". It's a
               | variation of Dunning-Kruger almost.
               | As you said, experienced engineers have been dealing with
               | CSS browser support issues for years, so as a habit try
               | to avoid using the latest shiny new features.
               | Also, experienced engineers do refresh their knowledge
               | from time to time, but you might have caught them between
               | refreshes. Remember that these engineers are also working
               | 40-60 hours per week producing work output in addition to
               | periodically refreshing their skillset. And depending on
               | the environment they've worked in previously they may not
               | have had the ability to use the latest features of
               | whatever technology. Maybe they were working on a legacy
               | app that didn't support ES6, for example. That would be
               | less common now in the days of Babel, but there was a
               | time a few years ago when it would have been reasonable
               | for a working JS engineer not to be familiar with every
               | detail of ES6, as an example.
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | Front end development is a craft, just like other crafts.
           | People need to treat it seriously if they expect to be taken
           | seriously and be paid accordingly. (BTW, if you still haven't
           | met a FE dev who's ever read a book on CSS, you have now. I
           | own quite a few AND have read them.)
           | I also think a lot of the value from a front end developer
           | comes from their ability to merge the technical requirements
           | with a designer's vision, and produce a product that is at
           | the same time usable, accessible and (bare minimum) meets the
           | technical requirements.
           | Not going to touch the CSS Grid except for two quick
           | comments:
           | - they absolutely should have been keeping up with CSS Grid,
           | where it was at, and when it was usable and when it isn't
           | - it is still an open question, because although the overall
           | numbers should 90+% available in browsers, you have to check
           | your own stats. For example, the stuff I work on is often
           | used in Enterprise environments, so IE11 is a requirement
           | (yes, we know our numbers, it is, it could literally cost us
           | 6 figure sales if we don't have support for it). We are using
           | CSS Grid, but we have to be very careful what we use it for
           | and to test those uses in IE to make sure the old Grid spec
           | in IE supports the things we do it with. Otherwise it's back
           | to Flex or other layout techniques. It's not a silver bullet,
           | but I also recognize that is becoming a more unique example
           | these days.
           | Those are the kinds of things a good FE dev should know
           | though, IMO, and be able to articulate.
           | Plus, FE devs also need to know HTML and semantics,
           | accessibility, and of course, Javascript. When you can put
           | that all together along with the skills earlier re: usability
           | and accessibility, then you can justify the higher salary
           | brackets.
           | commandlinefan wrote:
           | > I've never met a CSS Person who has read a book on CSS
           | I'm not a CSS person, but I've read three (including CSSTDG)
           | and I still can't do anything useful with CSS.
             | miiiiiike wrote:
             | Ha!
           | bobmaxup wrote:
           | I too have worked with many front-end developers that were
           | book and spec averse who preferred to gather lore from
           | various gurus in three paragraph blurbs.
           | [deleted]
           | egfx wrote:
           | You seem to be trivializing css as something static you just
           | have to deal with. This maybe true for 99% of websites but
           | css has had more innovation in the last few years than
           | anything else. And much of it hasn't reached textbooks. For
           | example css3 functions and now being able to mix these new
           | techniques in undiscovered ways. CSS requires a very nimble
           | and creative mindset. That maybe why backend devs usually are
           | very dismissive of it. By the way I became a frontend
           | developer after I spent many years as a backend dev. My
           | background is in Php and Perl.
             | IggleSniggle wrote:
             | Have you _looked_ at Definitive CSS? It 's up to date and a
             | massive 1000 page tomb of encyclopedic knowledge and
             | guidance. Anyone who digests that entire thing is not being
             | dismissive of CSS.
             | Digesting that is taking CSS more seriously than most
             | people take learning new programming languages...which is
             | appropriate! Because with CSS, you not only need to learn
             | the language, you are effectively learning something like a
             | language and a framework at the same time. Lots of folks
             | learn the language minimally, piecemeal, on an "as needed
             | basis," and end up wasting a lot of time because they
             | aren't aware of the larger features and how they can be fit
             | together.
             | Most folks do the equivalent of learning about goto
             | statements, variable declarations, and arithmetic
             | operators, and figuring you have everything you need to do
             | good programming work.
             | Technically, you do have everything you need. And with a
             | decade of work under your belt using those things, you can
             | build some amazing and good robust systems. It's also easy
             | to build total junk that nobody can understand but you.
             | Perl, of course, is also infamous for having this quality.
               | egfx wrote:
               | > Technically, you do have everything you need. And with
               | a decade of work under your belt using those things, you
               | can build some amazing and good robust systems. It's also
               | easy to build total junk that nobody can understand but
               | you.
               | This is what's beautiful about the frontend. It's "magic"
               | and underneath in code speak it may be ugly but the work
               | speaks for itself. Arguably that is only if you own it
               | and maintain it.
               | > Lots of folks learn the language minimally, piecemeal,
               | on an "as needed basis," and end up wasting a lot of time
               | because they aren't aware of the larger features and how
               | they can be fit together.
               | The way I see it, learning about all the ingredients in a
               | recipe will not teach you how to cook. In css techniques
               | are unearthed by a small handful of css artisans and it's
               | not about learning css itself in 99% of the cases. It's
               | about digging and finding the best ideas on GitHub, stack
               | and codepen. And hacker news.
               | IggleSniggle wrote:
               | Or, you know, using a well vetted, well organized
               | resource that has already done all the digging and
               | collating of techniques and organized into a well
               | structured Definitive Guide.
               | megous wrote:
               | > Have you looked at Definitive CSS? It's up to date ...
               | Not really, it doesn't talk about custom properties,
               | inline svg, how to style them, etc. All very useful these
               | days, if you want to allow color theming for your web app
               | and not use hacks like custom fonts for icons...
               | And custom properties are around since 2014 at the very
               | least.
           | dahfizz wrote:
           | I think this is a culture problem in fornt end dev in
           | general. Front end devs learn frameworks, not technologies.
           | It's very much focused on getting started as quick as
           | possible instead of taking the time to read and understand
           | the tech they are working with. Even though, as your story
           | shows, you can get things done quicker when you know what's
           | going on.
           | nefitty wrote:
           | This might be one of the most helpful book recommendations
           | I've ever read.
             | miiiiiike wrote:
             | Thanks. If you'd like some more book and video suggestions
             | I sent this to a friend back when she was looking to get
             | into front-end development a few months ago:
             | Here are some book and video links (with Amazon affiliate
             | tags snuck in). I've read all of these books cover-to-cover
             | save for the RxJS one. They approach front-end as a set of
             | technologies that should be understood and mastered rather
             | than the "CsS hAckS to GET YoU pAiD!" style of most web
             | tutorials.
             | Not sure where to point you with React but if you decide to
             | use Angular or Vue I have some suggestions.
             | CSS/Sass:
             | "CSS: The Definitive Guide": https://www.amazon.com/CSS-
             | Definitive-Guide-Visual-Presentat...
             | "Pragmatic Guide to Sass 3: Tame the Modern Style Sheet":
             | https://www.amazon.com/Pragmatic-Guide-Sass-Modern-
             | Style/dp/...
             | This Sass book has the best structure of any introductory
             | tech book I've ever read.
             | "TypeScript":
             | Mastering TypeScript 3: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-
             | TypeScript-enterprise-ready...
             | "Programming TypeScript":
             | https://www.amazon.com/Programming-TypeScript-Making-
             | JavaScr...
             | RxJS: Reactive programming the most significant development
             | in UI technology in 20 years. Once you get the hang of it
             | managing asynchronous events (user generated, network
             | generated, time based, etc) become a breeze.
             | "Build Reactive Websites with RxJS: Master Observables and
             | Wrangle Events": https://www.amazon.com/Build-Reactive-
             | Websites-RxJS-Observab...
             | RxMarbles - Interactive RxJS visulizations:
             | https://rxmarbles.com/
             | Angular:
             | "Angular Development with TypeScript":
             | https://www.amazon.com/Angular-Development-Typescript-
             | Yakov-...
             | "Architecting Angular Applications with Redux, RxJS, and
             | NgRx: Learn to build Redux style high-performing
             | applications with Angular 6":
             | https://www.amazon.com/Architecting-Angular-Applications-
             | Red...
             | Videos:
             | I watched most of the Layout Land videos when I was getting
             | a grip on the state of CSS. Jen Simmons is a developer
             | advocate at Mozilla and has the best overviews I've seen.
             | Basics of CSS Grid: The Big Picture:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEnRpy9Xfes
             | Using Flexbox + CSS Grid Together: Easy Gallery Layout:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQHtT47eH0M
       | divan wrote:
       | - One of the biggest traps for smart engineers is optimizing a
       | thing that shouldn't exist.
       | (c) Elon Musk, speaking about CSS (maybe)
       | amanzi wrote:
       | This is great! I've been hacking away at CSS for years and
       | learned heaps from this. Also, reminded me to look up the
       | differences between `rem` and `em`, which I've been meaning to do
       | for ages!
       | https://j.eremy.net/confused-about-rem-and-em/
       | techbubble wrote:
       | This was a great article and I learned a few new tricks.
       | I learned CSS over the years by gradually solving problems I
       | encountered building apps. Compare this to people learning CSS
       | now as evidenced by the #100DaysOfCode tag on Twitter. The
       | learning technique is comprised primarily of using gradient-
       | heavy, absolutely positioned HTML elements to create a photo-
       | realistic, 3D rendering of objects.
       | The results are pretty amazing, but I have my doubts about
       | whether these skills are easily translatable for building an
       | interactive, responsive UI. Some examples:
       | https://twitter.com/bauervadim/status/1282264611912327169
       | https://twitter.com/mercyoncode/status/1282449080132804609
       | https://twitter.com/ellie_html/status/1276177277315932161
       | https://twitter.com/thecoffeejesus/status/128204582508278169...
       | https://twitter.com/alyd789/status/1271200537988431873
         | umaar wrote:
         | I learnt CSS in a similar way. I'd take Photoshop designs and
         | try to recreate them in vanilla HTML + CSS:
         | https://jsfiddle.net/umaar/YNA5V/
         | https://jsfiddle.net/umaar/fu4TT/
         | I'd even make 3d graphics of things like the HTML5 logo:
         | https://i.imgur.com/kuEYpSV.png
         | I posted this all to a community called "Forrst" (think of it
         | like twitter, but curated for developers and designers).
         | I spent time giving feedback on other peoples work, I tried to
         | ask insightful questions
         | https://twitter.com/umaar/status/823915022917271552 to have an
         | open discussion, I spent hours replying to comments every few
         | days.
         | Then one day, Forrst got acquired by Zurb
         | https://zurb.com/blog/zurb-acquires-forrst and later on it got
         | shut down, and with that, I lost access to huge amounts of my
         | work which I hadn't stored anywhere else (some stuff has been
         | archived online, but not everything).
         | When it comes to web development tips, I now self-host on my
         | own website and it's a really good feeling knowing that it'll
         | be preserved: https://umaar.com/dev-tips/
           | techbubble wrote:
           | I like what you have done with the site -- very simple and
           | easy to check out the tips. I subscribed.
             | umaar wrote:
             | Hey thanks for that appreciate it. Yes not spending time on
             | fancy things/random enhancements let's me actually focus on
             | creating new content.
         | dwd wrote:
         | Some pseudo elements, a gradient and some transforms and you
         | can do some really cool stuff. Highly recommend learning how to
         | use these effectively:
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/background-...
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform-o...
         | peruvian wrote:
         | A lot of people make games or fun projects for #100DaysOfCode
         | when their job might be updating a CRUD MVC app using Y
         | framework. I think as long as it puts them in the "coding"
         | mindset it's worthwhile.
           | techbubble wrote:
           | I agree with that 100% -- if it isn't fun, it's work. And if
           | you build enough knowledge about how CSS works in general,
           | when it comes to implementing specific layout or responsive
           | design techniques you have a good understanding of the basics
           | to build upon.
         | cosmodisk wrote:
         | I looked at the one with glass and lemon and I want to cry.
         | It's just crazy how much some people push things. I wonder how
         | long it took though..
       | continuational wrote:
       | > Using pixels (px) is tempting because they're simple to
       | understand: declare font-size: 24px and the text will be 24px.
       | But that won't provide a great user experience, particularly for
       | users who resize content at the browser level or zoom into
       | content.
       | Pixels (px) in CSS are relative as well, and scale with zoom.
       | What is the benefit of em/rem?
         | wackget wrote:
         | Yeah I came here to ask this. Using relative units for layout
         | seems like a terrible idea. If you want to make your text a
         | little bigger, your entire layout changes too. That's fine if
         | it's something like text padding or paragraph margins, but
         | stuff like border width, or dimensions of boxes? That seems
         | weird.
         | Browsers have been able to zoom pixel widths for years.
         | rimliu wrote:
         | "Relative" and "Absolute" have their own definitions and by
         | that definition "px" is indeed an absolute unit.
           | matsemann wrote:
           | Not anymore, as most px units now is based on a reference px,
           | a size determined based on screen density and viewing
           | distance. That's why something rendered at 600px on an iphone
           | takes almost all the width, even though the screen has more
           | than double that in pixels. And when zooming, the reference
           | px is zoomed. So the old reason for not using px and instead
           | use rem doesn't apply.
           | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/CSS_pixel
         | chmod775 wrote:
         | >What is the benefit of em/rem?
         | They (em*) scale with the element's font size, and if you set
         | an elements font-size itself in em, that will be relative to
         | the parent element's font size.
         | For example:                   body { font-size: 18px }
         | .something { border: 0.1em solid black; }         .something >
         | .inner { font-size: 1.5em }
         | If you change the font-size on body, everything on that page
         | will re-scale seamlessly. This is most useful for things like
         | buttons/icons that are supposed to flow properly with text. So
         | now even if you use them once in big text, and once in a small
         | footnote, they'll still fit perfectly within the line.
         | The biggest limitation to this approach is that you can easily
         | end up with computed values that are weird fractions of pixels,
         | so you have to be a bit smart and pick an easily divisible
         | number for your base font-size if you're aiming for something
         | pixel-perfect.
           | onion2k wrote:
           | The challenge with em units is that if you modify a parent
           | element's size it changes the children as well. In your
           | example, if you put 'font-size: 2.0em' on the .something
           | class then the .inner would end up changing to 3.0em. That's
           | rarely what you actually want to happen (especially in a web
           | app). If you just want to control the overall font scaling of
           | everything on the page using rem is preferable, because then
           | they'd ignore the parent and scale based on the root element
           | size.
             | bbx wrote:
             | The key is to use rem for font-size and em or unitless for
             | all other properties: padding, border-width, margin, line-
             | height. That way the size of the element is independent of
             | the context.
           | continuational wrote:
           | Ok, I can kinda see the value of that - e.g. if you put a
           | "tag button" inside some text, it will have the right size in
           | relation to that text.
         | Izkata wrote:
         | There's no date on the article, and this was the entry that
         | made me wonder if it's 5+ years old, back when text zoom was
         | more prevalent. When full zoom became the default, em/rem
         | became less necessary, and at least to me appear to be falling
         | out of favor as extra unnecessary complexity.
         | (Quick edit: Mentioned but not really given much focus is that
         | em/rem can be used on, say, image width and margin, as well -
         | making it adjustable in a text-zoom world. That's mainly what I
         | have in mind here.)
         | (Even aside from affecting non-text, in the newly popular
         | component-oriented design, you typically don't want relative
         | font sizing to leak between components.)
       | jb3689 wrote:
       | CSS is such a weird abstraction. Who thinks in blocks and inline
       | blocks? Who thinks in paddings and margins? Floats, etc? I know
       | these are more flexible, but I've always found grid-based
       | frameworks to be far more intuitive
         | Sharlin wrote:
         | CSS is a very reasonable abstraction for the job it was
         | originally designed for: layouting of mostly textual documents.
         | As such it borrows its concepts from the desktop publishing
         | world. Margin and padding make absolute sense when you think in
         | terms of headings and paragraphs. Float is an established term
         | for having text flow by an image or other rectangular
         | insertion. And so on. You have to remember the context in which
         | CSS was first conceived. The Web looked quite different then.
           | runarberg wrote:
           | CSS has very much caught up for layouting and styling web
           | applications. If you don't believe me, take a look at CSS
           | grids.
             | Sharlin wrote:
             | Yes, I know. But the OP was talking about the classic
             | stuff.
         | IggleSniggle wrote:
         | Dear lord it's 2020 CSS has its own grid system, it's CSS Grid,
         | and it's both easier to understand and more flexible than
         | adopting the old frameworks. It also has variables, pseudo-
         | selectors (which, like with html elements, you can invent new
         | ones to suit your purposes), and more.
           | benrbray wrote:
           | Is creating your own pseudo-selectors really possible? I like
           | to think I'm pretty up to date on modern CSS but I've never
           | heard of this.
             | runarberg wrote:
             | I might be wrong but I think GP is talking about shadow
             | parts[1]                   my-element::part(custom-
             | selector) {           /* ... */         }
             | 1: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::part
               | [deleted]
             | IggleSniggle wrote:
             | Well, I wouldn't recommend it, but certainly you can
             | programmatically apply a pseudo-element or pseudo-class and
             | programmatically define behavior around those things.
         | tenuousemphasis wrote:
         | You can construct a grid based system based on a block system,
         | but wouldn't the reverse be much more difficult?
         | robertoandred wrote:
         | An off-the-shelf grid system is too inflexible, and you spend
         | more time customizing it or fighting it to get the result you
         | need than you would have just building what you need.
       | z3t4 wrote:
       | Specificity and cascade.
       | geewee wrote:
       | This is actually really nice. I've worked with CSS for a long
       | while with the "Stackoverflow it until it works" philosophy, so
       | some of these things (e.g. margin collapses) I had no idea about.
       | Phillips126 wrote:
       | Good stuff here, I certainly learned a few new tricks.
       | I've been doing web development since around 2005 and to me, CSS
       | and HTML has become far easier to use (although that could also
       | be from experience). I took a web development course in college
       | and found it interesting, later joining a small marketing company
       | as an intern. My internship was unique, the company would travel
       | to local businesses and sell them on advertising. They'd record a
       | small ~2 minute commercial showcasing their business and then I'd
       | build an application that compiled all of this data into a "local
       | tourism" application. The real kicker - we didn't host the
       | content, we burned it onto CDs and distributed the discs (think
       | AOL). The company didn't profit well, but it was small and able
       | to survive on what income it did make. I'm actually surprised to
       | see it still around today - however, it seems they've moved on to
       | actual hosted web development and graphic design work now. During
       | this time we mostly used a combination of Tables and Photoshop
       | "slices" to do layout (yuck!).
       | Today I use CSS/HTML/JavaScript daily building internal
       | applications (and a few external). There is certainly more things
       | to worry about such as building applications that are responsive
       | now that mobile devices are so prevalent, however my arsenal has
       | improved dramatically over the years with the addition of Flex
       | and Grid (and many others). I actually enjoy the challenge of
       | creating something beautiful and functional.
       | daiyanze wrote:
       | Hi, all! I'm author on pitayan.com. It's about front end
       | development.
       | Link: https://pitayan.com
       | gorgoiler wrote:
       | It feels like HTML and CSS could be useful for print layout, but
       | I've rarely seen a high quality PDF renderer.
       | I know Atom's markdown preview uses headless chrome under the
       | hood. These are hugely heavyweight tools but the output is very
       | high quality.
       | Are there any other recommended tools for going an HTML route,
       | for typesetting? I'd much rather design pages that way than use
       | InDesign, PDF scripting, or TeX.
         | mkayokay wrote:
         | I have been using Python with Jinja2 templates and
         | Weasyprint[1] for PDF creation for a side project of mine. The
         | libary does have its css limitations but the PDFs it produces
         | look good enough for me.
         | [1] https://weasyprint.org/
           | elondaits wrote:
           | Yes, I was going to recommend WeasyPrint as well.
         | vraylle wrote:
         | We use WKHTMLTOPDF (https://wkhtmltopdf.org/). In our case it's
         | in the Rotativa package (.NET MVC). There are a few caveats; it
         | uses an older headless WebKit engine that doesn't support
         | everything. We use the QT Web Browser (http://www.qtweb.net) to
         | test/debug when needed. We do design pages to be specific
         | "paper" sizes and lean on SVG a lot for anything fancy. We have
         | some JS that breaks long tables into multiple tables, etc. But
         | the resulting output looks flawless.
         | werdnapk wrote:
         | I use wkhtmltopdf without much issue. Sure, it has some
         | limitations and is built around an older html rendering engine,
         | but it works well for a free tool.
         | I use it mainly via the wicked_pdf ruby gem and I'm sure there
         | are wrappers available for other languages too.
         | PetahNZ wrote:
         | Although not exactly what you want, my day job is basically
         | implementing systems that take SVG's produced in design tools,
         | pipe them through to a customer UI for designing print books,
         | posters etc, then renders high res images server side with
         | Chrome headless and finally sending them off to the printer.
         | SVG does a great job, but still requires a lot of coding for
         | laying out the text, line breaks, pages, etc.
         | blauditore wrote:
         | > but I've rarely seen a high quality PDF renderer
         | What exactly do you mean by this? That HTML-to-PDF converters
         | mess up the layout, or similar?
         | You might be aware of this, but it's still worth pointing out
         | that you can specify a different stylesheet for the print
         | version of an HTML page than the default one. I've used this in
         | the past for websites where the customer wanted to use a
         | product description page directly for generating PDFs, without
         | having to do the work twice. We also used some Java-based HTML-
         | to-PDF renderer, which was not perfect but had full support of
         | CSS 2.1 and some support of CSS 3 (and this was several years
         | ago). I think the library was Flying Saucer (based on itext).
         | erichurkman wrote:
         | A true CSS+HTML-powered print renderer is PrinceXML.
         | https://www.princexml.com/samples/
         | Having used it for over a decade, it's a wonderful tool.
           | Someone1234 wrote:
           | That product's license tiers are a complete non-starter,
           | unprofessional, and they "call for pricing" on the only
           | potentially usable license (but don't provide a copy of the
           | CSO License for review before calling).
           | > A Prince Server License can be installed on a single server
           | to produce PDF documents for company-internal use, or
           | documents that are made available to everyone free of charge.
           | They never define what "company-internal use" means, even in
           | the actual terms[0]. This was clearly written by a non-
           | lawyer, and any company worth its salt wouldn't touch this
           | (the "FAQ" isn't a legally binding document, and even that is
           | incredibly vague/unhelpful).
           | > You many not use Prince to generate documents that are part
           | of a Commerial Service, for example invoices and monthly
           | statements.
           | So "company-internal use" doesn't include
           | order/remittance/invoice/receipt to your company's
           | suppliers/vendors? That's just bizarre, the whole licensing
           | is. The "Service License" feels like a Honey Trap.
           | [0] https://www.princexml.com/license/
         | leephillips wrote:
         | Modern CSS technologies such as grid are convenient for laying
         | out webpages. But there can be no "high quality PDF renderer"
         | from HTML/CSS. The result will always look as crude as a web
         | page. In order to produce a high quality document, you need a
         | sophisticated line breaking algorithm such as that deployed by
         | TeX or some other software.
       | acqq wrote:
       | Apart from the course promoted (which sounds really good!), does
       | anybody know a really good book that already presents this kind
       | of material about CSS use in a similar "logical" way and is not
       | being written the style "margin defines the margin" (how
       | insightful)?
       | I'm also searching for the material that is specifically oriented
       | on:
       | - depending on the features existing in all browsers since the
       | last 3-4 years, also mentioning how to make the features "usable"
       | with the older vendor prefixes, but not depending on the
       | JavaScript "fixes" for older browsers, and then showing the
       | examples with minimal number of lines.
       | - demonstrating all the functionality that can be achieved with
       | CSS only, no JavaScript
       | - addressing the real-life problems encountered during the design
       | of the modern looking pages, and the goal to use all the power of
       | the commonly available CSS features.
       | maweki wrote:
       | I think a better understanding between inline and block is, that
       | inline-elements do not generate a block. The idea of a block
       | breaks down for inline elements, especially when they go over
       | multiple lines. It's not just a horizontal expansion.
       | So understand what creating a block means. Inline-elements don't.
         | swyx wrote:
         | how does this help explain inline-block? your explanation must
         | accommodate the holes.
           | aflag wrote:
           | In his explanation inline-blocks do generate a block. It's
           | just a block that doesn't fill the entire horizontal space,
           | but expands with the inner element.
       | c-smile wrote:
       | There are couple of things that author still don't get.
       | display:inline means that element does not establish a box. Such
       | element is rather a collection of individual content boxes (e.g.
       | glyphs). These boxes can be placed on different lines (text
       | wrapping) and so on. As no element box as no margins and paddings
       | applied to such elements.
       | img element (and input and other replaced(^) elements for that
       | matter) is not a display:inline but rather display:inline-block.
       | Even you will define them as display:inline they will be treated
       | as display:inline-block and so e.g. margins will apply to them.
       | (^) representation of replaced elements
       | (img,input,textarea,iframe,etc.) is outside the scope of CSS -
       | they are always treated as solid boxes.
       | paozac wrote:
       | Useful article. Getting started with CSS must be harder these
       | days than it was 15-20 years ago. Not only for mobile-
       | friendliness, but also because of the coexistence of
       | flexbox/grid/traditional layouts. I'm wondering if the standard
       | will ever been simplified, instead of being added more and more
       | features.
         | dwd wrote:
         | https://xkcd.com/927/
         | Backwards compatibility support will always require adding on
         | new ways to do things and not removing stuff.
         | I personally find flexboxes frustrating at times and tend to
         | limit my usage to non-grid spacing (footer columns, horizontal
         | menus) and responsive vertical alignment.
         | CSS grids are pretty cool, and maybe if you were just starting
         | out it would be easier to pick up fresh than having to unlearn
         | floating divs.
         | Funny thing is that if you go back 25 years (pre-table layout
         | era), everything was not only mobile compatible but your target
         | viewport was 800x600 which I find the painful part of mobile
         | compatibility these days - it's that ugly zone in-between a
         | nice mobile/cell phone layout and having the whole desktop to
         | work with.
         | perardi wrote:
         | "Getting started with CSS must be harder these days than it was
         | 15-20 years ago."
         | Not like I'm teaching anyone these days, but I'm not sure about
         | that. Yes, there's just more now. Grid and flexbox and
         | transforms and on and on.
         | But if you were totally starting from scratch, certain stuff is
         | just way easier now, or at least, not a pile of hacks upon
         | hacks. Basic beginner stuff that comes to mind...
         | * How can I center something vertically and horizontally
         | without having to explicitly know the size of the container and
         | object to be centered?
         | * What is all this float stuff, how do I just make a grid of
         | icons?
         | * Wait, borders fundamentally change the size of my div? What?
         | * I have to do what now to have a drop shadow?
         | * How do I keep my branding colors consistent without having to
         | make really sure I plug in the right hex values in every little
         | color declaration?
           | the_other wrote:
           | The whole float-based layout thing was a hack. Floats make
           | perfect sense if you only ever use them as floats: box-outs
           | to run text around.
           | The fact you could use them to build all sorts of
           | header/column/footer layouts was both very helpful and
           | entirely confusing.
           | It became the default way to use CSS, for good reason. Yet, I
           | always felt it was a shame it wasn't often described as the
           | hack it was.
         | k3liutZu wrote:
         | I started around 2006 and there are definitively more standards
         | -- as in more ways to achieve the same thing. And yes, you have
         | mobile -- though we did fluid and "responsive" layouts back
         | then as well.
         | One thing that is better is the browsers adherence to
         | standards. I spent my first years learning all IE6 rendering
         | bugs and how to overcome them.
         | _the_inflator wrote:
         | CSS and HTML are constantly evolving, and so its demands.
         | However for me CSS is way more straight-forward than in the
         | 90th and 00th.
         | The standards addressed a lot of the pains and struggles we had
         | with floats/clearfix etc. This was challenging but nothing im
         | comparison to supporting IE 6-9, FF, Safari, Opra etc. at the
         | time. Also hacking in JavaScript added to the complexity.
         | Nowadays I can do with 10 lines of grid and flex what great CSS
         | frameworks like Bootstrap abstracted away behind 1000th of
         | lines of code.
         | Also testing is way easier, since browser vendors follow
         | standards and there is chromium everywhere.
         | Earlier we did a lot of div soup, I remember fondly CSS zen
         | garden as well as OneDiv.
         | Awesome times to be a web dev, you work on products (PWAs!) not
         | on browser hacks.
         | My 2 cents.
           | techbubble wrote:
           | "div soup" - I like that.
           | The present-day CSS frameworks use "class soup."
           | For example, tailwind (which I like):                 <button
           | class="bg-teal-500 hover:bg-teal-600 focus:outline-none
           | focus:shadow-outline">
             | runarberg wrote:
             | This sort of class soup brakes the principal of DRY. Much
             | better to use CSS to style.                   button {
             | --background: teal;           --focus-ring:             2px
             | 2px 5px skyblue,             -2px -2px 5px skyblue;
             | background: var(--background);           box-shadow: none;
             | }              button:hover {           --background:
             | wheat;         }              button:focus-visible,
             | button:focus:not(:focus-visible) {           outline: none;
             | }              button:focus-visible {           box-shadow:
             | var(--focus-ring);         }
             | Now you will never forget to add that `hover:bg-teal-600`
             | class to your buttons.
             | epicureanideal wrote:
             | I avoid Tailwind-style CSS frameworks. I prefer SCSS and,
             | if needed, mixins. Meaningful class names are much better,
             | IMO.
           | rimliu wrote:
           | Btw, there is an effort to have modern-day CSS zen garden:
           | https://stylestage.dev
         | rimliu wrote:
         | CSS is way easier now when it was 15-20 years ago (source: 24
         | years with frontend, 22 professionaly). Alas, that's probably
         | one of the reasons why people do not spend any effort learning
         | it. I'd argue that 15 years ago was the golden age for CSS
         | innovation and web standards in general. Technologies are much
         | more powerfull now, but the attitude of those using them could
         | use some improvement.
         | madeofpalk wrote:
         | 15-20 years ago it was exceptionally more complicated to have
         | rounded corners on things.
         | The complexity has just shifted. While previously you could
         | easily start using floats, you might run into issues down the
         | road with them, or with browser compatibility
         | Now, you might struggle a bit more trying to understand Gris
         | syntax and how to use it, but once you do you're probably set.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | Just use flexbox (and grid if you need to control both
         | dimensions at once). You can ignore all of the old ways of
         | doing layout. Flexbox is supported back to IE11.
           | Someone1234 wrote:
           | > Flexbox is supported back to IE11.
           | Nope.
           | An incompatible and broken version of Flexbox is supported in
           | IE11. Therefore, layouts look completely different (and
           | broken) when rendered in it.
           | Only people who recommend Flexbox in IE11 haven't tried using
           | it in IE11. I might via a library that did the heavy lifting
           | for me, but there's just too many bugs to recommend anyone
           | write Flexbox and expect it to just work -- it won't/doesn't.
           | PS - I'd link all the IE11 Flexbox bugs but Microsoft took
           | them offline with Microsoft Connect's retirement.
             | onion2k wrote:
             | I write a fairly substantiate app (60,000 DOM elements...)
             | that uses flexbox and SVG for all the rendering and it's
             | fine in IE11. The layout problems are more often SVG
             | related. That said, if you don't need to support IE11 it's
             | much easier not to.
               | the_other wrote:
               | Did you use AutoPrefixer/PostCSS?
           | tzs wrote:
           | As an occasional CSS user, I second that. Every time I have
           | had to use CSS for anything more complicated than diddling
           | item appearance has led to a lot of time on Stack Overflow
           | trying to find answers to questions like "why did my height
           | change work on this element but not that element?" or "how
           | can I center this text vertically in this space?".
           | I don't use CSS frequently enough to not forget these things
           | by the next time I need it.
           | I'll still probably forget parts of Flexbox between the times
           | I need to use CSS, but it will be things like forgetting like
           | what spacing modes are available, which is easy to quickly
           | look up.
           | Flexbox is now my turtle [1]. Well flexbox and grid.
           | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtles_all_the_way_down
       | thrownaway954 wrote:
       | here is the greatest thing i learned about css just last week:
       | .container { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; }
       | OMG!!! where have you been my whole life you little flex darling
       | :)
       | you have no idea how much trouble and pain it is to align
       | elements that are table cells.
       | https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/a/align-items/
       | yakshaving_jgt wrote:
       | Cached URL since the server is apparently over capacity:
       | https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:jcSTVF...
         | rapnie wrote:
         | Now on http://archive.is/AiECQ
         | peter_retief wrote:
         | Thanks, clearly many people want to have a look.
       | christiansakai wrote:
       | Very nice. I know most of these but then occasionally forget,
       | this website is a good reminder.
       | seanalltogether wrote:
       | I wish the author had gone a bit further into em vs rem. I'm
       | reading other articles on the topic but they're simply technical
       | explanations and I'm still not clear on what features of the page
       | are best designed using em or rem.
         | pabue wrote:
         | Generally you want to use rem for setting the font-size of the
         | elements and to controll overall spacing.
         | em is often used for the padding of elements. For example
         | buttons that exist in different sizes.
         | agloeregrets wrote:
         | From an overall perspective,
         | em: unit based on the font size of the element it is querying.
         | rem: unit based on the font size of the body element.
         | rem is helpful if you want to make an entire page scale
         | uniformly if you change the base font size (imagine
         | accessibility settings) while keeping the same proportions with
         | padding to font size.
         | em is great for things like buttons where you may want to make
         | one class for `button.cool-button{ padding: 1em; font-size:
         | 14px; &.xl{ font-size: 20px; }}` and then you can change the
         | font size by setting the `.xl` Class on that button and the
         | padding will go from 14px to 20px. One button, shared
         | proportions.
           | chrismorgan wrote:
           | Correction: rem is relative to the font size of the _root_
           | element, which in HTML is  <html>, not <body>.
         | chrismorgan wrote:
         | Just to mess with your mind: in media queries and in the root
         | element's font-size declaration, em and rem mean the same
         | thing, being the browser's default font size, which is 16px in
         | most browsers by default, but customisable in some browsers and
         | different by default in some environments (e.g. I seem to
         | recall Kindle using 19px). I call this unit the "browser em",
         | or _bem_. No one else really talks about it. One thing I
         | _haven't_ investigated and probably should: does this unit
         | depend on the _language_ the document is specified in? (Because
         | you can define different default fonts and sizes for different
         | languages in at least Firefox.)
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | I would guess it does matter about the language, but likely
           | because as the language changes the font itself may actually
           | change. And different fonts would have different relative
           | font sizes. But like you, I haven't investigated it enough to
           | make a definitive statement about it.
       | christophilus wrote:
       | Margin collapse was new to me, and I've been doing this web thing
       | a very long time. Over all, that's a great article. Nice and
       | readable, too.
       | k__ wrote:
       | It always helped me to do an absolute basic concepts course on a
       | new technology I learn.
       | Like, sure I can play around in Photoshop or Eclipse or CSS or
       | JavaScript and find most things.
       | But a good 101 course is worth so much saved time.
       | Most of the stuff in that article was mentioned in a CSS box
       | model course I did 10 years ago.
       | People were always baffled how I learned all this. Well, I read
       | the docs!
       | They always assume every one learned like them, by trying stuff
       | out all of the time, until they got something working. Then they
       | iterate from project to project, until they sorted out the bad
       | ideas and kept the good ones. With that approach, learning CSS
       | would probably have taken me 10 times as long.
       | Sure this doesn't teach you everything or makes you a pro in a
       | week, but I always have the feeling people just cobble around for
       | too long and should instead take at least a few days for a more
       | structured learning approach.
       | What I didn't learn about CSS in a basic course and what cost me
       | multiple weeks to fix, was `pointer-events: none`. Keep this in
       | mind when your clicks stop working after you pulled some new CSS
       | ;)
         | nharmonia wrote:
         | I have tried both approaches a fair amount, and realized that
         | every time I try the cobbler approach I end up getting blocked
         | on some major thing and thus having to rewrite everything
         | because of some basic things that could have been avoided.
         | I feel like it's getting both better and worse now with docs
         | getting better in general(no of times I end up on stackoverflow
         | has gone down significantly), however a lot of times I end up
         | on medium posts with a list of steps and absolutely zero reason
         | why. Whenever I try cobbling from those articles, I end up very
         | frustrated
         | theelous3 wrote:
         | Cobbler here, currently cobbling a frontend (am a backend dev
         | by trade).
         | The issue for me is the format these courses and resources
         | take. CSS is the most jam packed with non-intuitive technology
         | I've met. How many dozens of pages or segments of video would I
         | have to go through in a course to learn what the author in OP
         | summarised in two or three sentences? Any time I've considered
         | the structured approach for something like CSS, the material
         | drones on and on with technically correct explanations and
         | example code, but somehow against the odds, almost nothing of
         | substance.
         | Worse yet are the top google result reference resources. Look
         | no further than the top result for "css grid" if you're in the
         | mood to claw your brain from its stem, and flush it down the
         | toilet.
         | Link: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/
         | Behold, 8 zillion words and symbols across 7 trillion seemingly
         | randomly organised boxes full of both all of the information,
         | and simultaneously none of the information, about css grids.
         | Which brings me to where I am now, cobbling. It's more
         | effective for me to cobble, than to spend an entire day
         | figuring out css grids "the right way". If the going gets tough
         | I'll just use some grid tool, or look up some sandbox examples,
         | and be on my way.
         | If there was more material like the OP, and someone organised
         | it well, well, I'd actually get around to learning it rather
         | than cobbling. It's the best bit of writing I've ever seen on
         | CSS. This is shocking. Not that there is anything wrong with
         | the writing, but it's very, very simple. What on earth have all
         | of the other CSS wizards with basic writing skills been doing?
         | Confusing the issue, that's what.
         | Which leads me to a sort of meta frustration with learning CSS.
         | I know it's not hard, I know that if someone just wrote about
         | it even half decently it would take only a moment to digest
         | each concept, but watching learner-disconnected authors create
         | resources I can tell have lost sight of what it's like to
         | learn, turns me off.
           | soperj wrote:
           | > Behold, 8 zillion words and symbols across 7 trillion
           | seemingly randomly organised boxes full of both all of the
           | information, and simultaneously none of the information,
           | about css grids.
           | It's interesting, because that's my go to resource for CSS
           | Grid. I find it super handy when I forget something.
           | Although, I'm not learning grid, I'm using it.
             | wrycoder wrote:
             | Reference books aren't the same as textbooks.
             | And, typically, there are several levels of textbook. e.g.
             | high school, then freshman physics, undergrad
             | electrodynamics, then Jackson, then specialist references.
             | My point is you go over the subject completely several
             | times, at increasing levels of sophistication.
             | chrismorgan wrote:
             | > _Although, I 'm not learning grid, I'm using it._
             |  _Precisely._ What CSS-Tricks calls a guide is actually
             | almost entirely a reference. It makes a tolerable reference
             | if you already know what you're looking for. It's a poor
             | reference if you don't know what you're looking for because
             | it's insufficiently structured and takes waaaaay too much
             | scrolling to explore. (It used to be more manageable--it
             | used to _be_ more a guide. It has been allowed to grow far
             | beyond a healthy point.) And it's _atrocious_ as a guide.
           | k__ wrote:
           | Yes, web technology is overloaded, because of the history,
           | backwards compatible stuff etc. pp.
           | cosmodisk wrote:
           | Couldn't agree more. I had less issues learning multiple
           | programming languages,some challenging concepts around them
           | and yet when it comes to CSS, most resources aren't very
           | useful. You do something and it doesn't work. You check
           | documentation and it show exactly the same thing that does
           | work. 5 hours later it turns out it was some overriding
           | property+ browser incompatibility+ weird undocumented
           | exception. Very few books do deliver on their promise either.
           | I don't know,maybe it's just me but the whole ecosystem is a
           | bit weird.
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | " but the whole ecosystem is a bit weird."
             | It absolutely is.
             | The web was meant for static documents and some link magic.
             | Now allmost every complex programm can run in the browser
             | with web technologies. And in the time between you had lots
             | of powerful organisations with their own agenda, as well as
             | millions of single developers with a agenda and a loud
             | voice. How could a sane, clear spec be made, under these
             | circumstances?
             | Besides, it would be very hard, to make a clean spec that
             | satisfies the needs of the whole population. So by now I
             | say, all in all, it works pretty good.
           | runarberg wrote:
           | Your evaluation is problematic.
           | I am a front-end dev by trade and I could really easily say
           | similar things about the tech stack you work with daily.
           | If you want a good reference and a learning guide start with
           | this: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS it is
           | what us professional use.
           | For us professionals that use CSS in our jobs, that have put
           | the same amount of hours into front end technology as you
           | have done for back-end, CSS is a perfectly cromulent
           | technology. It is easy to work with, it is intuitive, it is
           | easy to find a good reference (go to MDN not random blog
           | posts from people that are admittedly not masters of the
           | craft).
           | If I try to cobble together a back-end I expect to be
           | frustrated with it, I expect not to be able to do everything,
           | I expect I'd need to find poor example and try to hammer them
           | in to fit my needs, I don't expect to be able to understand
           | all the example snippets. Why are you on your high horse
           | judging my tech stack this way?
           | If you need a good well crafted front-end for your project,
           | you should hire a professional front-end developer. Or find a
           | friend who is one that is willing to it in their spare time.
           | Or spend a few thousand hours learning and mastering the
           | craft. Alternatively you can cobble together a good-enough
           | front-end that works, just don't complain about how hard it
           | is because "technology hard wheee wheee". Us professionals
           | use it every day and are fine with it.
             | theelous3 wrote:
             | "here I am, at the end of the maze, telling people at the
             | beginning how straight forward it is" is basically all I'm
             | getting here - and you call my eval problematic.
             | Multiple accounts of people not in your position telling
             | you a problem exists. Ok, great, you worked through it.
             | Doesn't mean it's as good as it should be.
               | runarberg wrote:
               | Well you come across as an outsider telling us that the
               | tools that we use--and do a fine job with--are no good,
               | and that our literature sucks.
               | I am here to argue that this sort of attitude is
               | problematic. If you browse through this thread you will
               | find no shortage of comments describing how absolutely
               | basic this article is (and a little void of insight, and
               | a little out dated), and that there are people in the
               | industry getting six figures while not knowing this
               | stuff. Frankly it is a little insulting. And I think the
               | attitude that you presented above is part of the problem.
               | There definitely exists a lack of respect for the craft
               | of front-end development within our industry. This sort
               | of attitude is not helping.
           | mslm wrote:
           | I had the same perspective on these frontend technologies as
           | a backend/ops guy, and it all finally clicked when it came to
           | me that I just couldn't find a justification for why CSS was
           | the way it was.
           | This was solved trivially by just reading the history of CSS.
           | It was shocking to finally have made clear all of the quirks
           | and weird aspects of CSS that always made it difficult for me
           | to connect the dots and feel myself lost in a messy tangled
           | up language.
           | By far the best source I went through was found here:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22215931 - it's a long
           | read, but extremely enlightening!
           | https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS20/history.html was also useful.
             | _jal wrote:
             | This is a great comment. I expect it only applies to some
             | folks depending on how they learn, but it resonates a lot
             | with me.
             | I find it very difficult to learn the whats and hows of a
             | new thing without the whys. I tend to construct mental
             | frameworks of things, revising the inaccurate bits as I go,
             | until theory starts meeting practice. (I always did poorly
             | with math "teachers" whose method was, "doesn't matter,
             | just do it." But it did take a while to realize that they
             | were failing, not me.)
             | So when I encounter complicated, new things with a history,
             | I usually try to start with at least a bit of the history.
         | vivekseth wrote:
         | 100% agree. I found this to be a good guide:
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS
         | After spending a few hours reading up on topics I thought would
         | be relevant, I find that I am significantly more productive
         | with CSS. Instead of trying to find answers on google, I find
         | that I'm better equipped to build things and diagnose issues on
         | my own.
         | kccqzy wrote:
         | I totally agree. A good _book_ that introduces CSS in a
         | methodical perspective is a must. I personally cut my teeth on
         | CSS with the book _Web Design in a Nutshell_ , a 2006 book. I
         | remember having written CSS in a haphazard try-and-see fashion
         | before that, which utterly confused me, and then reading an
         | actual book made everything clear. This is an investment worth
         | making. Many years later I'm still almost always "the guy" on
         | my team to go to when there's a weird CSS issue.
           | commandlinefan wrote:
           | > A good _book_
           | One under-appreciated value that actual books have over
           | online documentation is that you know immediately what order
           | you're supposed to read them in.
         | wilsmex wrote:
         | I built my first site in the 90's too (before CSS)! I've been
         | in higher education lately, but have a YouTube channel with
         | mostly CSS related content (both beginner & advanced). Check
         | that out if you're interested in some great starter learning
         | content for CSS and you prefer video format:
         | https://www.youtube.com/followandrew
         | im3w1l wrote:
         | I'm kinda curious how the long term viability of these
         | strategies look. Intuitively I think that reading the docs will
         | become less and less viable as there are more and more
         | available technologies and they become more and more featured.
         | But I'm not fully convinced. Maybe it can keep working by only
         | teaching the most important subset.
           | theelous3 wrote:
           | Learning by course is generally good (rust book!), but
           | "overlearning" certainly exists in all technologies. I've
           | been hanging out in freenode's ##learnpython for years
           | helping noobs, and I can't count how many times I've met the
           | scenario of a new programmer working their way methodically
           | and studiously through a 2k page book, stuck on page 1643,
           | because they haven't actually grasped concepts from page 20.
           | They'll be all kinds of worried about how to correctly use
           | slots and metaclasses, when they can't write even basic
           | functions.
           | CSS suffers massively from this info overload.
           | What I tell every new programmer who will listen, is that
           | they should first grasp the absolute basic building blocks,
           | and then learn to read the docs. That's really all you need.
           | Unless the particular language or technology their are using
           | sucks, you can essentially compose anything from the basics.
           | Once you've done that, the sortcuts and sugar you learn
           | naturally actually make sense, rather than appear before you
           | as spooky magic boxes and incantations.
           |  _My_ ideal CSS course would just be the absolute basics of
           | syntax and concepts, a primer on understanding and
           | incorporating information from the docs, and then an index of
           | well organised resources, such as the OP 's.
           | This way, it's impossible to overload, and I'm left in a
           | state where I can expand at my own personal rate. Anything
           | that tries to set the pace _for_ you is going to be
           | suboptimal for 99% of readers.
           | Furthermore, anything that flows easily and without extremely
           | CHAPTER, will lead to overload. You can't overload if you
           | don't provide the information one can overload with. Simply
           | ending your course after the basics and docs, absolutely
           | guarantees against this problem. "Leave the learner in a
           | known good state", would be my rule of thumb.
         | jrumbut wrote:
         | Once I got the basic concepts of CSS I came to realize that of
         | the trio of HTML, CSS, and JS (and SVG for that matter), CSS is
         | the one you really miss when you have to make something using
         | another system.
         | The amount of suffering I've endured in Latex, PDF, different
         | native layout systems, or even React Native's slightly
         | restricted version of CSS that would have been resolved by a
         | stylesheet is immense.
         | thiht wrote:
         | I completely relate. Other things I learnt "formally":
         | - regexps (this is a big one, being able to write a complex
         | regexp without thinking about it is amazing)
         | - Git
         | - basic JS when it was mainly used to add snow on your page
         | Taking the time to properly learn things is extremely valuable.
         | nwallin wrote:
         | > I always have the feeling people just cobble around for too
         | long and should instead take at least a few days for a more
         | structured learning approach.
         | There are two kinds of documentation: there's a list of all the
         | individual things you can do, and there's a "The fundamental
         | abstraction is _this_ ". The second is rare, and rarely done
         | correctly, and _much_ more important.
         | A lot of people assume that X is like Y, but with Z, and they
         | know Y, so they just need to learn about Z. A lot of time that
         | isn't true, the fundamentals are different. The natural way do
         | perform W in Y might be profoundly wrong in X. Examples:
         | * git is like subversion, but distributed.
         | * C++ is like C, but with classes.
         | * C++ is like Java, but you have to remember to delete stuff.
         | I love git. I love C++. I think these things are the bee's
         | knees. They're so simple and elegant. But I totally understand
         | how people think they're arcane eldritch horrors when you're
         | holding the sword by the pointy end.
           | commandlinefan wrote:
           | > there's a "The fundamental abstraction is this"
           | In most cases, I'd settle for "what problem this is trying to
           | solve" (although this is obvious for CSS, it isn't nearly as
           | obvious for things like React and Vue).
       | jyriand wrote:
       | It's amazing how software engineers can get things done without
       | actually knowing the tools they are using. CSS is one of these
       | tools that i never bothered to learn properly but instead hack it
       | until it works as expected.
       | cookiengineer wrote:
       | Meanwhile, this is, oh so damn outdated. (I'm not kidding)
       | Most people don't know that the flow model totally changed
       | meanwhile, and something like "display: inline-block" actually
       | means "display: inline flow-root", everything that came after
       | flexbox kind of had an influence to the meanwhile borderline
       | insane display model as a result.
       | Everything related to inset, margin and padding has gotten an
       | overhaul that is ready for ltr and rtl content where they switch
       | x/y flow based on "direction: ltr (or) rtl" whereas e.g. "margin-
       | inline" and "margin-block" are the newer properties for the
       | updated margin.
       | A lot of stuff has changed for the better, too.
       | CSS transforms are now specified in a cleaner way, with a
       | predictable way to render them (e.g. translate rotate will not be
       | different than rotate translate). So all CSS transforms have
       | gotten their own properties like "rotate: 90deg" or "scale:
       | 1.23".
       | I learned a lot when I read through the actual CSS
       | specifications, because I am implementing my own parser (for my
       | Browser [1] project).
       | Also, did you know that @media, @supports and @viewport queries
       | can be nested in any order? The media queries 4 [2] spec is kind
       | of insane from an implementor's view.
       | [1] https://github.com/cookiengineer/stealth and
       | https://github.com/cookiengineer/stealth/blob/X0/FEATURES.md
       | [2] https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | I'm a layout implementor for Planimeter's Grid Engine.
         | Implementing a naive subset of the algorithm for calculating
         | the box sizes in the visual formatting model and calculating
         | layout for normal flow, relative positioning, and absolute
         | positioning is far easier to implement than flexbox.[1] There's
         | nothing insane about this. And you'll learn even more when
         | trying to draw to the screen.
         | Normal flow also doesn't require multiple passes, whereas
         | flexbox does.[2] Even Yoga doesn't implement a conforming
         | model.[3] I'd even speculate that flexbox performs slower than
         | the standard visual formatting model just because of the
         | differences in the algorithm.
         | Transform order absolutely matters. Any attempts to coerce
         | order into a standardized sequence means developers have to
         | account for this information.[4]
         | [1]: https://github.com/Planimeter/grid-
         | sdk/blob/master/engine/cl... [2]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-
         | flexbox-1/#resolve-flexible-length... [3]:
         | https://github.com/facebook/yoga/blob/master/yoga/Yoga.cpp#L...
         | [4]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
         | us/dotnet/framework/winforms/a...
           | irrational wrote:
           | What are your thoughts on CSS Grid? Does it require multiple
           | passes?
             | andrewmcwatters wrote:
             | I have not made any website or UI designs which require it,
             | so I'm not experienced enough with it to say. As a result,
             | I also have not made attempts to implement it.
             | c-smile is a well known implementor in the space, and his
             | comments are valuable as well.
             | c-smile wrote:
             | If the question is about layout computation then CSS Grid
             | layout (and ideally <table> layout) is a typical LP task
             | [1].
             | And there are known way of solving these things, e.g.
             | simplex methods or Cassowary constraint solver (CCS)[2]
             | will work.
             | In fact flexbox layout is a particular case of LP task and
             | also can be solved by CCS efficiently.
             | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming [2]
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassowary_(software)
           | cookiengineer wrote:
           | > Implementing a naive subset of the algorithm
           | ... and suddenly, a wild "overflow" and "text-overflow"
           | appeared.
           | > Transform order absolutely matters. Any attempts to coerce
           | order into a standardized sequence means developers have to
           | account for this information.
           | What I meant is that the CSS specification for the new CSS
           | transforms Level 2 has a fixed transformation matrix and
           | order in which the properties are applied - whereas legacy
           | "transform: rotate() scale() translate() ..." did not do
           | this, and therefore was overly complicated.
           | In the new specification the transform order does not matter,
           | because the order in which "translate: ...", "rotate: ...",
           | "scale: ..." and "offset: ..." are applied is specified and
           | cannot be changed. See [1]
           | PS: I'm talking about CSS transforms level 2, not level 1. I
           | assume you are talking about level 1. "translate: 13% 37%" is
           | a property whereas "transform: translate(13%, 37%)" was the
           | legacy method.
           | Personally, I prefer CSS transforms level 2, because they are
           | implementable in an easy manner. Having to write a complex
           | compositor isn't an easy task, especially on mobile.
           | [1] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-transforms-2/#ctm
             | andrewmcwatters wrote:
             | Overflow is easy enough to deal with, text-overflow
             | requires more work because it actually requires you have a
             | model that matches the W3C specification understanding of
             | generating boxes, instead of matching elements 1:1 which is
             | what most naive implementations do. The same can be said
             | about the white-space property.
             | Both are easy to implement; in one version, you parse then
             | push the exact order of the parsed statements to matrix
             | transformations. In level 2, you coerce them into the
             | standardized order.
             | That being said, if you wanted to do anything based off of
             | developer-specified transforms, you _have_ to use level 1
             | 's style of applying the transformations. I would expect
             | that GSAP and other such libraries rely on this behavior.
             | Anyone familiar with shader-based transform code will be
             | thinking in this manner anyway.
             | I'm not sure why anyone would want to use the level 2
             | manner of specifying transforms if you know what you're
             | doing, because presumably, you immediately lose the ability
             | to push additional transforms to the transform stack.
       | andi999 wrote:
       | Anybody knows a good book on CSS for ppl with a solid programming
       | background? Every couple of years I try something and fail.
       | Somehow the tutorial rave about the cascading on and on, and when
       | it comes how to strategically design a good SAP working on
       | different devices the stuff gets mute quickly.
         | noir_lord wrote:
         | Not a book but https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS
         | is my go-to for all things CSS, I love mdn it's a fabulous
         | resource.
         | Also zeal (dash on Mac which is paid or you can build zeal
         | yourself like I did) has docsets for CSS which are good.
           | dwd wrote:
           | https://caniuse.com/ is also invaluable to check whether the
           | cool CSS feature is actually supported. it's very much
           | today's quirksmode.com.
           | Once upon a time I would have recommended Eric Meyer's CSS
           | Definitive Guide without hesitation (I think I still have my
           | 1st Edition copy) and it looks like he's re-released with
           | updates for flexboxes and grids.
         | lrmunoz wrote:
         | Best resource I've found to learn the foundation of HTML/CSS is
         | Shay Howe's guides [1]. I think it doesn't cover Flexbox and
         | more advanced layouts, but it's totally worth a read. I still
         | go back to it as reference from time to time.
         | [1] https://learn.shayhowe.com/
         | nanna wrote:
         | Can't recommend Andy Bell and Heydon Pickering's Everyday
         | Layout enough. It's a wonderful resource for learning (and re-
         | learning) contemporary best practice CSS.
         | https://every-layout.dev/
           | httpsterio wrote:
           | I have every book written by Heydon and am currently doing
           | Andy's 11ty course. They're both stellar teachers and some of
           | the most knowledgeable programmers when it comes to HTML and
           | CSS. Every Layout is amazing. Strong recommend.
         | bbx wrote:
         | I've written a small CSS ebook if that interests you. [1] It
         | teaches you how to build a webpage from scratch.
         | I'm currently writing my second one, which will be more
         | theoretical and cover things like this blog post actually. I'd
         | be interested to know what kind of problems you're facing in
         | CSS, so feel free to drop me an email.
         | [1] https://jgthms.com/css-in-44-minutes-ebook/
           | jventura wrote:
           | I'm curious about your book, as it seems small enough for the
           | kind of things I write as well [1]. Can I ask if it earns you
           | enough for anything?
           | Sorry for coming out of nowhere, but I have lots of small
           | tutorials I could use (I teach in a local college) which I
           | could make small ebooks out of them.. Looking for some side
           | money..
           | [1] https://github.com/joaoventura/full-speed-python
             | bbx wrote:
             | I've been earning a bit on a regular basis since I
             | published it 1 year and a half ago. Not enough for
             | replacing a salary, but enough as side pocket money. I'm
             | lucky to have a decent following, so I didn't have to
             | market it a lot. I'm currently writing a second one which
             | is longer and more advanced, so hopefully it will earn me a
             | bit more.
               | jventura wrote:
               | Thanks for the reply! Do you have any practical tips you
               | may want to share? Maybe how did you grow your audience,
               | how you wrote your book (technologies, etc.)?
               | bbx wrote:
               | Well I grew my audience on Twitter by building open
               | source projects. [1] I didn't really plan or aim for
               | anything. It mostly happened.
               | As for technologies, I just wrote the book in markdown
               | using Sublime Text. Then I used a markdown-to-pdf library
               | from GitHub to generate my ebook, and voila. Nothing
               | fancy really.
               | [1]: https://twitter.com/jgthms
       | superasn wrote:
       | This is content marketing done right. I really don't mind that
       | this article is there to promote the book when it actually offers
       | some value to the reader (I actually learned a new thing, nth-
       | child and nth-of-type)
       | jraph wrote:
       | An element that has:                   display: inline-block
       | is inline outside, block inside.
       | That is, the element is inline for the containing block, but its
       | children feel like they are in a block.
       | An inline-block element can be vertically aligned with respect to
       | the baseline: it acts a bit like a character in a paragraph.
       | That's why you can vertically center things using vertical-
       | align:center on an inline-block element.
       | At least, this is my intuition of inline-block, this comment is
       | far from being normative.
         | runarberg wrote:
         | To be even more pedantic: It is inline outside and _flow-root_
         | inside. From MDN:
         | > The element generates a block element box that establishes a
         | new block formatting context, defining where the formatting
         | root lies.
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/display-ins...
           | jraph wrote:
           | Ah but then it does not work as a mnemonic anymore!
           | I'm kidding. Thanks, TIL I learned that with now have
           | display-inside and display-outside (and flow[-root]). This
           | makes perfect sense. Finally, even, I'd say. Having a
           | property that defines both the behaviors of an element
           | outside and inside without being able to define these
           | behaviors separately was both strange and limiting. I'm happy
           | I even used the terms that have been chosen to speak about
           | these notions in CSS by chance.
           | How do you track all these useful additions to CSS
           | conveniently though? I can't rely on random comments on HN to
           | learn about them by chance (no offense intended to your
           | valuable comment btw, being random is perfectly fine). I also
           | can't possibly systematically learn about each and every
           | addition neither. Are there resources addressing this?
             | runarberg wrote:
             | I recommend taking the State of CSS[1] survey, it is a nice
             | way of keeping up with the latest features. Other then that
             | I use PostCSS with the postcss-preset-env[2] plugin. There
             | you can enable various future features of the language and
             | have it compile down to a more supported version. If your
             | _really_ want to dive into the future of CSS you can read
             | the issue board for the CSSWG[3] (beware, it can suck hours
             | out of your days). Smashing Magazine[4] and A List Apart[5]
             | also sometimes have articles about a new(ish) or upcoming
             | features.
             | But the CSS community could _really_ benefit from the spec
             | maintainers having more active bloggers among them (e.g.
             | like Rachel Andrew[6]) and provide a regular update of the
             | language like 2ality does for JavaScript[7].
             | 1: https://stateofcss.com/
             | 2: https://preset-env.cssdb.org/
             | 3: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts
             | 4: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/
             | 5: https://alistapart.com/
             | 6: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/
             | 7: https://2ality.com/2019/12/ecmascript-2020.html
       (page generated 2020-07-17 23:00 UTC)