[HN Gopher] Ways to make a web component
       Ways to make a web component
       Author : kjhughes
       Score  : 258 points
       Date   : 2020-07-17 15:11 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (webcomponents.dev)
 (TXT) w3m dump (webcomponents.dev)
       | clairity wrote:
       | is there any reason you can't write a web component with a
       | <style> block, a <script> block, and a bunch of html?
       | the wedging everything into js is messy, to say the least. it
       | seems the main benefit is being reusable and tightly scoped, but
       | with randomized class names, you could tightly scope the
       | aforementioned bundle as well. even better would be if html added
       | 'for' attributes to <style> and <script> tags, like labels have,
       | so you could target nodes in the dom by id.
       | perhaps being composable is a bigger challenge, but is it
       | insurmountable with this approach?
         | RivieraKid wrote:
         | That's what Svelte does. I can't recommend this framework
         | enough, it's easy to learn, simple, fast and small.
         | Ciantic wrote:
         | If you want single file components, you should look at the
         | Svelte ( https://svelte.dev/ ). It also compiles the framework
         | away, which is the reason it appears very high on that list
         | when it comes to size.
           | clairity wrote:
           | cool, i peeked at svelte when it was posted about on hn
           | before, and liked what i saw in the few minutes i spent on
           | it. i should take a deeper look.
         | edoceo wrote:
         | RiotJS does this too
         | werdnapk wrote:
         | See the svelte and vuejs examples for what you describe.
         | olex wrote:
         | This is exactly how vue.js "single file components" work - a
         | <template> with the "bunch of html", <script> and optional
         | <style> blocks.
           | clairity wrote:
           | that's pretty close to what i'm thinking of, but still has
           | some limitations (from https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/single-
           | file-components.html):
           | * Global definitions force unique names for every component
           | * String templates lack syntax highlighting and require ugly
           | slashes for multiline HTML
           | * No CSS support means that while HTML and JavaScript are
           | modularized into components, CSS is conspicuously left out
           | * No build step restricts us to HTML and ES5 JavaScript,
           | rather than preprocessors like Pug (formerly Jade) and Babel
         | c17r wrote:
         | Saw this idea on a previous HN comment thread and was intrigued
         | by the idea.
         | eeJah9to wrote:
         | You can, using the template element:
         | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/te...
         | I tried that for webcomponents, but I found more to my taste to
         | actually have everything in my javascript file rather than to
         | jump between files (it's not that messy if you keep your
         | components smalls).
           | clairity wrote:
           | neat, i remember running across that a while back, but
           | promptly forgot about it. thanks for the reminder!
         | rishav_sharan wrote:
         | I tried that using <template> <style> blocks, a few years ago.
         | my biggest problem was simply that I still had to add all my
         | templates to a single long html file. And that really feels
         | suboptimal. I had a scaffolded page structure at top. and then
         | dozens of template sections following it. and then as some
         | templates are supposed to call other templates (form inside
         | page section) there was a clear hierarchy but my html file was
         | flat and it was getting harder to reason about the structure of
         | my app the more templates I added. I finally threw it all away
         | and just did a vanillajs spa.
         | I really wanted to be able to breakup my html file into smaller
         | composable ones without having to do that in JS. but there is
         | no current solution for html importing other html files, and
         | the spec discussion around html import are pretty much dead in
         | the water (and have been since 2013)
           | clairity wrote:
           | thanks for sharing your experience, and agreed that being
           | able to compartmentalize in separate, composable files is a
           | desirable feature.
         | crooked-v wrote:
         | Two big points:
         | a. You can treat it as 'just Javascript' when dealing with
         | bundlers (both complicated stuff like Webpack and simple hacky
         | things like Gulp script concatenation).
         | b. For JSX and similar variants, because even the template part
         | is 'just Javascript' with semantic sugar for tags, you can
         | statically analyze it in a way that you can't with separate
         | HTML and script content.
         | ragerino wrote:
         | Problem here is CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. You might use
         | variables, functions or attributes, styles, tags, that would
         | interfere with other components.
         | That's why you want an additional layer like Angular2+ taking
         | care of that.
           | clairity wrote:
           | yes, that's the scoping issue i mentioned, which can be
           | solved other ways, like with admittedly-not-ideal randomized
           | classes (or 'for' attributes, perhaps with css-style
           | selectors rather than just for id's).
       | ragerino wrote:
       | When I was a young web-developer, I joined the WHATWG group. And
       | one of my few contributions was asking for custom HTML elements.
       | I actually developed a framework myself in LotusScript ;)
       | badsectoracula wrote:
       | I'm not into web development at all so this sounds very new to
       | me, but aren't components in general meant to be self-contained
       | so that they can be reused as "building blocks" for larger
       | applications (or pages, i guess)?
       | Doesn't using a framework in this case mean that you also have to
       | at least bundle that framework with the component? What happens
       | if you want 10 components that each use a different framework? Or
       | some of them use the same framework but different versions? What
       | about the same version, does that get duplicated for each
       | component or they get shared?
       | Also are these components meant to be "bundled" with your code or
       | you are supposed to source them from their "home" server? In the
       | latter case does that mean that a site using 10 components will
       | open connections to 10 different servers (one for each component,
       | assuming all components are from different developers)?
       | Or am i missing the point completely? TBH i think of "components"
       | as in Lazarus, Delphi, .NET, etc (where you have reusable
       | components like buttons, labels, input boxes, etc but also
       | nonvisual stuff like timers, imagelists, etc).
         | skratlo wrote:
         | Sums up "state of the art" web we're using right now = absolute
         | mess, bail out if you can, save yourself, stay sane
         | Vinnl wrote:
         | Right on the money. In fact, unless this changed recently, you
         | also can't use two components that both depend on different,
         | incompatible versions of the same third component.
         | weaksauce wrote:
         | > Doesn't using a framework in this case mean that you also
         | have to at least bundle that framework with the component?
         | yes something like react would be the main framework on the
         | page. i guess this is showing how much overhead there is in
         | each of the different of frontend frameworks and also what the
         | code to do a relatively simple but not trivial example looks
         | like.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | > Doesn't using a framework in this case mean that you also
         | have to at least bundle that framework with the component?
         | You should depend on any dependencies (including frameworks),
         | but you shouldn't bundle them, exactly so that when an app is
         | bundled it can do the efficient thing and share dependencies.
         | > What happens if you want 10 components that each use a
         | different framework?
         | One reason to now use frameworks, but use smaller modern
         | rendering libraries, or none at all. In a large application
         | it's probably not a big deal to use a couple of 3KB libraries -
         | you'd still be far under a typical framework in weight.
         | > Or some of them use the same framework but different
         | versions?
         | That should be fine and is a huge reason to use web components.
         | When you have a stable component boundary you can upgrade
         | libraries a component at a time, rather than needing to upgrade
         | the whole application at once. Yes, you might have some
         | overhead during the transition, but at least you aren't stuck.
         | You might not even deploy during the transition, but at least
         | you could. Framework transitions are super tough in monolithic
         | frameworks and I've worked with teams that use web components
         | specially to get around that.
         | > What about the same version, does that get duplicated for
         | each component or they get shared?
         | Again, components should be distributed unbundled so that
         | bundlers do the right thing. It's similar to not bundling React
         | with every React component, or jQuery, etc.
           | sequoia wrote:
           | I downvoted this because these are (in my opinion) entirely
           | theoretical and not practical answers. This reminds me of the
           | "React is better than Angular(js) because look how compact
           | and clean the API is compared to Angular!" type arguments.
           | This implies that "React apps" are going to be less complex
           | than Angularjs apps but the reality is anything but: large
           | React applications tend to be just as heavyweight and hard to
           | understand as Angular ones once you need a router, state
           | manager, and 20 or 30 other "compact" libraries to do what
           | you're trying to do.
           | Likewise "When you have a stable component boundary you can
           | upgrade libraries a component at a time, rather than needing
           | to upgrade the whole application at once. Yes, you might have
           | some overhead during the transition" I'll believe this when I
           | see it, but I suspect you're making this sound way less
           | painful than it actually would be. More likely each dev adds
           | a new framework, they all move on to other teams/companies,
           | no one is interested in painstakingly updating everything,
           | and you have perpetual lock-in until you do the "JavaScript
           | Shuffle" i.e. scrap it and rewrite in a new framework.
           | I'd love what you're saying to be true but my experiences
           | tell me it probably is not.
             | allover wrote:
             | > large React applications tend to be just as heavyweight
             | and hard to understand as Angular ones once you need a
             | router, state manager, and 20 or 30 other "compact"
             | libraries to do what you're trying to do.
             | I largely disagree with the comment you're replying to in
             | its oversimplification of things, however, this simply
             | isn't true. 'Create React App' plus 'React-Router' is
             | literally all you need for the vast majority of
             | applications.
             | And you don't need "20 or 30 other compact libraries",
             | unless what you're doing is specialised and requires them.
             | The idea you need "a state manager" is an unfortunate
             | fallacy, due to React/Facebook's history by accidentally
             | implying a Flux-like solution should be added to augment
             | React, when in fact so much more could be achieved by
             | simply following React's component model, and React's
             | built-in mechanisms for managing state.
             | spankalee wrote:
             | I've worked with a ton of apps migration frameworks in my
             | career. From GWT, jQuery, Angular 1, and several non-OSS
             | ones. The only successful incremental migrations I've ever
             | seen have been via web components.
             | I'm working with one now that rather than convert from
             | Angular 1 to Angular 9 in one shot is converting component-
             | by-component to web components and working on features as
             | they go. They'd have to stop features for at least 6 months
             | otherwise.
         | tashoecraft wrote:
         | So for the angular implementation, the compiler will only
         | include the necessary parts of the framework with the web
         | component. So you're only including the bits you need for the
         | component to be usable.
         | There are ways you can coordinate the components and their
         | dependencies to rely on the same versions, but this will
         | probably assume they are your components.
         | Svelte does something kind of similar where it doesn't share
         | the same bits between components, but according to the creator
         | it the theoretical point at where it would be more beneficial
         | to have share is so far off to be pointless. So presumably if
         | you have something that efficient you won't have to worry so
         | much, I think we are a ways away
         | sillysaurusx wrote:
         | Nope, your thoughts are all essentially correct. The answer is
         | "yes" to all of them; even the ones where it seems that "yes"
         | would be contradictory.
         | Bundle everything? Yep. Self contained? Yep. 10 components that
         | open connections to 10 different severs? Yep.
         | The web is so massive that there is a way for pretty much
         | everything (though for some reason webdevs try not to admit
         | this).
           | bobthepanda wrote:
           | > though for some reason webdevs try not to admit this
           | This is mostly because if you can keep development paradigms
           | consistent within your job, that is one less thing to whack-
           | a-mole in the fun game of "with permutation X of the endless
           | combination of browser (and version), OS (and version), etc.
           | why isn't the thing working?"
           | staycoolboy wrote:
           | Except for the pure HTML5 solutions, everything else uses a
           | JS framework.
             | golemiprague wrote:
             | While they use a JS framework it doesn't mean the framework
             | is used also in run time, in pre compiled frameworks like
             | svelte the generated components are just vanilla JS and can
             | be used later in any webpage.
         | allover wrote:
         | > Or am i missing the point completely
         | Sort of. These are ways you can built web components _today_
         | with modern conveniences that some of these _libraries_ (not
         | frameworks), might lend you.
         | The site isn't claiming these different approaches can all be
         | used together on one page in a practical way.
         | Technically you could, but it would have the obvious downsides
         | you mention. This is just the reality of the limitations in the
         | standards today.
         | manjalyc wrote:
         | I've just heard about it, but Shoelace [1] is a component
         | library designed to work with any and all frameworks. To quote
         | from their website, web components address these problems:
         | Unfortunately, framework-specific components fail us in a
         | number of ways:         - You can only use them in the
         | framework they're designed for          - Their lifespan is
         | limited to that of the framework's [?]         - New framework
         | versions can lead to breaking changes, requiring substantial
         | effort to update components
         | There's another discussion on the frontpage [2] about Shoelace
         | that addresses some of your questions.
         | [1] https://shoelace.style/
         | [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23866894
       | rishav_sharan wrote:
       | It infuriates me that the concept of composable web pages using
       | small templates/components is not baked into the html spec and
       | supported by browsers.
       | Every bit of code that we write in any programming language is
       | made of composable bits which can be imported into other bits of
       | code.
       | But we cannot do anything similar with html. every time any
       | attempt at having composable component based html is made, it
       | gets mired down in arguments, and we end up with Frankenstein
       | monsters like Web Components, Shadow DOMS etc.
       | Web shouldn't be this hard. but the html governing bodies and the
       | browsers have done a horrible of taking it forward.
         | pierrebeaucamp wrote:
         | You're looking for XHTML
           | bdcravens wrote:
           | I don't recall components being in the XHTML spec.
             | pierrebeaucamp wrote:
             | Not in the 1.0 spec, but 1.1 brought modules. For example,
             | MathML can be used as an XHTML module.
             | Mind you, there isn't exactly a 1:1 mapping between modules
             | & web-components, with the former being 20 years old at
             | this point.
         | Existenceblinks wrote:
         | It was different way of thinking though. It started with just a
         | bunch of text lines. And then SGML is about to tag those text
         | with .. tags. It's content-first layout.
         | Now we think about layout first, then putting text in it. Html
         | is so old back then when browsers did not even have sense of
         | having standard. Html tag is already good though, we now see it
         | as sort of function, attributes are params. Turns out it
         | started with really good design, but different way of thinking.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | Your frustration is understandable, but so too is why they
         | never were -- HTML was never intended to be a programming
         | language or component-based.
         | HTML was originally meant to be page-based. And pretty much
         | everything added to it (CSS, JavaScript) is scoped to the page.
         | (Some data storage like cookies is scoped to the domain.)
         | So shoehorning a "component" model to what is fundamentally
         | page-based is essentially an impossible task to do elegantly.
         | Either you wall components off in sandboxes and break the
         | entire premise of the page having control ("why can't I modify
         | the style of my component anymore with the page's CSS?!"), or
         | your components are extremely leaky and accidentally stop
         | working because of page-level CSS and JavaScript interfering.
         | So we have a ton of different component models that use
         | different tradeoffs.
         | Obviously if HTML/CSS/JavaScript were being built from scratch
         | today as a platform for apps, it would probably be designed
         | _extremely_ differently, very much around contained components.
         | But that 's not what it grew out of historically.
           | frozenlettuce wrote:
           | The sad thing about HTML is that its original markup was
           | designed for academic texts (h1,h2, p), but now it is unused
           | because every publisher uses PDF for that end
           | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
           | This is not true. It does not matter that HTML is page-based
           | to be able to provide an abstraction for components of
           | _elements_ of the page.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | The web components set of specs and proposals includes HTML
         | Modules, Declarative Custom Elements, and Template
         | Instantiation, the combination of which would give you
         | _exactly_ what you 're asking for.
           | jhk4 wrote:
           | HTML Modules never shipped which is the biggest hole in the
           | current Custom Elements ecosystem.
             | spankalee wrote:
             | HTML, CSS, and JSON Modules are currently blocked by Import
             | Conditions, which is going for stage 3 at the next TC39.
               | jhk4 wrote:
               | TIL, that's awesome. I was under the impression they'd
               | stalled out entirely.
         | non-entity wrote:
         | I could have sworn several years ago, before React, Vue,
         | Angular X started to pick up, that WebComponents were supposed
         | to be that. That people were talking about how browsers would
         | have built-in support for WebclComponents. I could be
         | remembering wrong though.
           | spankalee wrote:
           | Browsers _do_ have built-in support for web components. You
           | can extend HTMLElement in every current major browser.
             | jfkebwjsbx wrote:
             | And such extension is a major PITA to do. The API is
             | atrocious, like most of the DOM API is.
         | deergomoo wrote:
         | I would 100% be in favour of an alternative to the DOM designed
         | specifically for building rich application UIs. With upcoming
         | features like portals it could even be embedded within existing
         | HTML documents, or vice versa.
         | I've griped about this before, but I firmly believe that the
         | trope of JavaScript developers needing a million dependencies
         | and constantly reinventing the wheel stems from the fact that
         | you have to do every damn thing yourself (else install a
         | package or 50). The platform provides almost nothing (except,
         | of course, the most remarkable distribution platform we've ever
         | seen). The amount of hoops we all jump through to make building
         | web app UIs tolerable is insane.
         | Want a filterable select that doesn't make you type the first
         | exact n characters really fast to find what you're looking for?
         | Gotta build it yourself. Hope you remembered to make it
         | accessible and responsive!
         | There isn't even an in-built option for pop-out menus, a
         | feature of GUIs as old as GUIs themselves.
         | At the end of day the web is now as much an application
         | platform as it is a hypermedia platform. We need better tools.
           | temp42 wrote:
           | Not that it diminishes your general point, but are you aware
           | of the datalist element? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
           | US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/da...
         | hutzlibu wrote:
         | Doing this with Adobe's Flex, was very easy. And at least for
         | some time, fully integrated in their Flex Builder.
         | But flash died, so did flex. (that means, the apache foundation
         | still tries to reanimate flex with a js/html exporter, but I
         | doubt it ever gets stable)
         | staticvar wrote:
         | I appreciate how Web Components are not opinionated meanwhile
         | Component libraries are free to innovate and build on the Web
         | Component foundation.
           | staticvar wrote:
           | There are also simpler ways to write vanilla Web Components.
           | Here's an example of the counter component written in what I
           | find a simpler fashion. https://gist.github.com/rjsteinert/77
           | 9d94dfc886723c2967a6f5f...
             | no_wizard wrote:
             | I like that this illustrates how easy it is to make a web
             | component.
             | What I don't like is this also shows (via the render
             | method) how you can foot gun yourself if you aren't
             | careful. Just slabbing in everything via `this.innerHTML`
             | will lead to gross performance problems, among other
             | things. There's also no real diffing (only matters on more
             | complex concerns, in a way) so you're replacing everything
             | just to update the count.
             | I know we're all suppose to know better (I doubt you did
             | this except for the express purpose of showing just how
             | simple the Web Component API can be), but I've seen example
             | code end up in production more times than I can count, from
             | all over the web, so be forewarned stewards!
             | akersten wrote:
             | Wow, that's so much cleaner - why don't they just do it
             | like this in the example? I'd be much happier learning
             | standard web components if they were all a breath of fresh
             | air like this.
             | Personally I'd miss the JSX syntax, but this more than
             | makes up for it by removing the entire whacky state vs.
             | props thing. Although- how do you represent custom props
             | here - arguments to the constructor? That'd be really
             | elegant.
             | Do those styles and query selectors leak out of the
             | component? I'm assuming they don't since that's the entire
             | point of the idea of a component, but just want to be sure.
               | baddox wrote:
               | This probably works fine for a simple leaf component like
               | this, but this won't compose well either, right? If every
               | render completely overrides innerHTML then won't all DOM
               | state of child components get wiped? My understand is
               | that this is a primary reason for e.g. React's virtual
               | DOM.
               | allover wrote:
               | Exactly - the innerHTML approach doesn't work for
               | component composition and it completely fails for things
               | like forms, where you will blow away form input
               | focus/cursor state etc.
               | This was a stumbling-block of the fairly simplistic
               | predecessors to the React/Angular generation - like in
               | Backbone.js if you chose to implement 'render()' in such
               | a naive way.
             | fuubi wrote:
             | That looks very clean - cool! I applied the redux pattern
             | to WebComponents a while ago
             | https://gitlab.com/f.parrillo/web-
             | components/-/tree/master/s... .
               | wolco wrote:
               | Is gitlabs down?
             | rishav_sharan wrote:
             | Is there no Shadow DOM involved? love your way btw. Here is
             | my no-class implementation from the vanillajs spa that I am
             | working on
             | https://github.com/rishavs/Verdin/blob/master/src/views/com
             | p...
             | I just wish that one of these days I will get off my ass
             | and actually finish something that I start :D
           | georges_gomes wrote:
           | I also love this aspect. You can experiment new things on
           | some components without affecting the entire application.
             | georges_gomes wrote:
             | https://webcomponents.dev is actually partly build with
             | Vanilla WCs, LitElement and StencilJS. No big deals ;)
         | blitmap wrote:
         | SVG has the concept of re-usable components.
         | Maybe in 10 years we can replace HTML with SVG.
         |  _hides_
         | I'm sure that would make it much, much harder for people with
         | accessible needs.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Reusing SVG elements isn't as easy as they claim either, and
           | they seem to have taken some of the options away in SVG 2.0
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | Also SVG has also some very ugly things in the spec. And
             | you would have to build up every UI-Element by yourself. It
             | would have nothing to do with SVG, if it would be like
             | HTML.
           | paulryanrogers wrote:
           | Accessibility is key IMO. And why it's sad the standard
           | components don't get more love. Like why in 2020 can't select
           | dropdowns do basic matching on any part of optiond instead of
           | only leading characters? Or show filtered results as one
           | types?
         | [deleted]
         | unabst wrote:
         | In other words, HTML is unabstractable. I've been wishing to be
         | able to type this since 1997.
         | <let mytag> <p>my tag!</p> </let>
         | <mytag/>
         | Same with css. There are workarounds we use because abstraction
         | is a requirement to code. Somehow the web components spec even
         | seems like a workaround, for which we have many workarounds...
         | and around and around we go :)
       | mshenfield wrote:
       | First contentful paint (FCP) is basically the same (+-10ms) from
       | React down to a raw HTMLElement. I guess at some point appending
       | elements to the DOM is the bottleneck, rather than the overhead
       | of parsing JS and the efficiency of said JS.
       | To get a faster FCP, statically rendering the component to HTML
       | and re-hydrating it in the client (using Gatsby, for example)
       | seems like it will have a bigger impact than the WebComponent
       | library used. Unless the client is bandwidth constrained of
       | course.
         | georges_gomes wrote:
         | Co-author of the blog post here.
         | My mistake is to call it FCP. This local benchmark only shows
         | the performance of: - parsing the javascript code - creating
         | the DOM node
         | That was the only goal.
         | We should have network simulation for the next update of the
         | blog post to show some additional color. Good idea :thumbsup:
         | Static + re-hydrating is actually built in Web Components
         | (technically). "Only" tooling like Gatsby or Next.js is missing
         | to make it more developer friendly.
           | mshenfield wrote:
           | Thanks for clarifying! That's a fair point about web
           | components having the capacity to be statically rendered and
           | re-hydrated.
       | agquick wrote:
       | Our company had been looking to move our project away from
       | Knockout.JS and on to Vue/React. I started playing around with
       | native Web Components just because I like the idea of not being
       | locked into a single framework.
       | However, I also wanted to keep using observables/computeds so I
       | wrote a quick library that ties MobX with Native Web components,
       | but has a Vue-like binding syntax.
       | Yes I know it's yet another library, but it mainly just provides
       | for a simple way to use MobX (an established library) with Web
       | Components (a browser standard), _and nothing else_. It's still
       | very new but it works and I'd love feedback.
       | Example fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/agquick/d0tsqar6/ Github:
       | https://github.com/agquick/elemx.js
         | georges_gomes wrote:
         | I love this creativity :) We should have you in the next update
         | of the blog post!
           | agquick wrote:
           | Thanks, that would be awesome! It really makes state
           | management within custom elements a breeze. I'm hoping others
           | who appreciate observables/mobx will take interest and help
           | me grow/maintain it :)
         | alex7o wrote:
         | You might not have to replace knockout.js the solid framework
         | author actually has implemented a html rendering lib that has
         | bindings for both knockout.js and mobx. You might find it
         | useful https://github.com/ryansolid/dom-expressions.
       | sunseb wrote:
       | It's too complicated.
       | Just look at how Svelte is doing components. It's way better and
       | easier.
       | Blackthorn wrote:
       | I saw at least one that uses "style scoped", which I still can't
       | believe is deprecated.
       | [deleted]
       | eeJah9to wrote:
       | I've rewrote the frontend of one of my personal apps from react
       | to webcomponents lately. For me, the most interesting aspect was
       | that it's part of standards, requiring no dependency, so it means
       | that I can use this app for decades without having to maintain
       | it.
       | For the same reason, only the first example in this page would do
       | for me (the one based on standard without using any library). But
       | I suppose that for actually publishing something, such library
       | would be needed, if anything for polyfills for older browsers
       | (but then again, we don't expect published work to stand for
       | decades without changes, so maybe the call for standardized
       | technology is not as strong there).
         | k__ wrote:
         | Did they improve the SSR story lately?
         | aylmao wrote:
         | > For me, the most interesting aspect was that it's part of
         | standards, requiring no dependency, so it means that I can use
         | this app for decades without having to maintain it.
         | I mean, you can also do that with React. Just don't update the
         | library. The reason a web-component for decades without
         | maintenance is because you won't be using all the new
         | features-- same thing.
           | georges_gomes wrote:
           | I think the difference is that when you design a full React
           | app, everything sit on the same "React base". If you want to
           | move to upgrade to a new React version everything needs to
           | upgrade. And if you need to migrate to Vue or Ember or
           | Svelte... everything needs to migrate (or move to some sort
           | of microfrontend strategy. But given the javascript cost of
           | some of these frameworks, it's not cheap to go this route).
           | Web Components have a longer life span as they can be used in
           | another app or another version with another technology
           | without been migrated. Makes more sense for expensive
           | component that have been battle tested. You don't want to
           | rewrite them.
         | the-dude wrote:
         | > so it means that I can use this app for decades without
         | having to maintain it.
         | That seems highly optimistic to me.
           | mekkkkkk wrote:
           | Considering all mothballed APIs still supported in modern
           | browsers I'd say it's accurate.
         | ohmaigad wrote:
         | > For me, the most interesting aspect was that it's part of
         | standards, requiring no dependency, so it means that I can use
         | this app for decades without having to maintain it.
         | Doesn't really make sense because for JS frameworks and for the
         | "pure" component the dependency is the same - browser. If i
         | don't have to maintain a project i can just pick whatever is
         | the current version of React/Vue/Other and have the project
         | running as long as the browser doesn't break/change something.
         | infinityplus1 wrote:
         | Isn't React itself still basically written using standard
         | JavaScript? Why won't it run in the future?
       | georges_gomes wrote:
       | co-author of the blog post here. Thank you @kjhughes for sharing
       | our work here :pray: I don't know you but I love you already
       | :heart: :)
       | I'm trying to comment where I have something to bring. If you
       | have questions or maybe a list of things that you would like to
       | see in the next update, please shoot at me!
       | Many thanks
         | Joeri wrote:
         | Many thanks for this, it's an excellent resource.
         | A suggestion for a next iteration: it would be nice to see
         | which approaches work in IE11 / legacy edge. From looking into
         | web components it seems those browsers are the major stumbling
         | blocks, and I know stencil has an ability to polyfill things on
         | those browsers, but I don't know about the other solutions.
           | georges_gomes wrote:
           | Thanks for the nice words :thumbsup: I'm adding
           | polyfills/IE11 analysis in the TODO list! Great idea.
       | srameshc wrote:
       | I love the simplicity of StencilJS. Not sure why it's adoption is
       | so low but those guys have put a lot of work. Much better than
       | what Google is doing with Lit Element.
         | marvindanig wrote:
         | 'cuz Facebook spent a bazillion dollars to push the developer
         | community towards React? They are really good at--how should I
         | say this--controlling the 'community direction and sentiments'.
         | Even countries for that matter.
         | hitekker wrote:
         | Curious: how does Stencil compare to Lit Element?
           | georges_gomes wrote:
           | The link should give you some answers on code style and
           | performance. What else are you looking for?
         | yesimahuman wrote:
         | Thanks! I wouldn't say Stencil's option is low. It's being used
         | in some pretty major apps today, like Apple Music, Amazon
         | music, and powering the next version of AWS Amplify components.
         | Not to mention powering every Ionic Framework component which
         | is upwards of 15% of the app stores (not all use latest w/ WCs
         | however). One downside to that is npm stats won't show
         | dependency network effects with stencil because it is compiled
         | out for component collections like framework.
         | postalrat wrote:
         | I wouldn't consider Stencil simple. lit-html and lit element
         | are simple, stencil is not.
       | nonbirithm wrote:
       | "Compare coding style, bundle size and performance of 33
       | different ways to make a Web Component."
       | I thought this was a joke at first.
       | But it suddenly made sense in the context of modern web
       | frameworks and micropackages and all these different ways of
       | doing the same thing.
       | But wait, I thought. Surely it was a typo and they meant to type
       | "3" and fat-fingered it instead?
       | But no. It really is 33.
       | Which one of those 33 would be the best way of doing things for
       | me? How much time would I have to spend evaluating enough of
       | them?
       | I'm going back to HTML 4.
         | portroyal wrote:
         | Use Svelte and be happy.
       | notJim wrote:
       | Can't wait for 2-5 years from now when most of these have failed,
       | and the One True Way emerges.
         | squeral wrote:
         | Don't bother waiting. By that time there will be another set of
         | frameworks.
           | notJim wrote:
           | I kinda disagree, I think people are more pessimistic about
           | fracturing than is warranted. For greenfield work, it seems
           | like people have mostly converged on React and Vue, which are
           | conceptually fairly similar. State libs have changed, but
           | again the concepts translate pretty well. Similarly, webpack
           | is the lingua franca. Years ago, we had a new build tool
           | every week, and multiple competing frameworks (backbone,
           | angular, and ember) with very different approaches.
             | wishinghand wrote:
             | I don't think any One True Way will emerge. Svelte is
             | coming out to challenge React and Vue, Alpine+Laravel
             | LiveWire/Phoenix LiveView challenges the concept of needing
             | a front end framework, WASM is challenging needing
             | Javascript at all, and Snowpack/Parcel/Rollup are coming
             | for Webpack's crown.
       | aylmao wrote:
       | Note: if you're building your whole page on top of a library, a
       | larger library isn't necessarily bad.
       | If a library is larger because it does more, useful things, and
       | this means you have to write less and/or smaller components, in a
       | complex app the tradeoff is probably worth it.
       | martini333 wrote:
       | Why would you ever have the logic in methods in Vue? Just keep it
       | simple
       | <button @click="count--"> <button @click="count++">
         | preommr wrote:
         | Because templates should be declarative.
         | Error checking code becomes much more difficult because of the
         | ambiguity and special parsing that has to be done. Its not just
         | the loader, but things like the ide extensions used.
         | Allowing small bits of logic like this makes for very nice one-
         | liners and demos, but in the long term its well worth it to
         | make the template as declarative as possible - ideally just a
         | method name.
       | sequoia wrote:
       | Web components to me represent the architecture I'd _like_ to
       | have. I think a good arch could be:
       | 1. Build a rails/django type site, make everything work vanilla
       | http+html etc.
       | 2. Create standalone web components for the places you need some
       | more interactivity, like type-ahead search box, "click to add"
       | type thing, or a datatable
       | So _most_ of your performance stuff could be handled /improved on
       | the server, focus on aggressive caching etc. and most of the
       | complexity would be on the server with small stand-alone parts on
       | the client (ideally without a lot of interconnection, i.e.
       | without a big client side state manager). This would not allow
       | full-spa but I am not convinced SPA is the answer in many/most of
       | the cases it's used.
         | edisonywh wrote:
         | Have you heard about Phoenix LiveView? Sounds like what you
         | want.
         | It's a Rails-like framework written in Elixir (piggyback-ing
         | off 30 years of BEAM), and LiveView changes the game by
         | allowing you to build rich front-end application from your
         | backend.
         | The way it works is that it serves you static HTML on initial
         | load (yay SEO), and then it establishes a websocket connection
         | to the server (very efficient thanks for BEAM), and every
         | subsequent user interaction sends a event_name which you handle
         | on the backend, and the backend respond with only the changed
         | data (Phoenix can intelligently track your changes so it only
         | sends what has actually changed), and then morphdom on the
         | browser side patches things onto front-end.
         | You get the full power of interactivity but you barely have to
         | touch any front end at all (and if you really do, it plays
         | super well with AlpineJS, so you still get that escape hatch).
         | All in all, LiveView is amazing (and the surrounding
         | technology), I just wish more people know about it!
           | jiofih wrote:
           | While not nearly as efficient, Turbolinks (and Stimulus for
           | interactivity) is pretty popular.
           | nona wrote:
           | Another one worth a mention is StimulusReflex
           | https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/
           | Real-time stimulus + rails.
       | alfonsodev wrote:
       | It is very interesting that it includes the build size including
       | compressed size, it makes me thing that one of the reasons that
       | we don't have a popular repository of interchangable
       | Webcomponents yet, is that if you commit to a framework to make
       | things easier, then the size of the bundle is easier to justify
       | if you keep all the components made within the same framework.
       | Importing components that have been made with different framework
       | come with their extra bunde overhead, at least that what looks to
       | me at first glance.
         | slim wrote:
         | unless you use HTMLElement
         | spankalee wrote:
         | This is a fine state to be in now. The first priority of web
         | components is to make components interoperable, so that at
         | least you _can_ use components built with different libraries
         | together.
         | Meanwhile, the size of modern rendering libraries has dropped
         | significantly, an order-of-magnitude less than React/Angular.
         | This will continue as JS and web platform APIs advance.
         | Proposals like Template Instantiation would finally give the
         | DOM a good pattern for fast updates and reduce sizes even
         | further.
       | bob1029 wrote:
       | I have a server-side rendering approach that can get
       | instantaneous paint of arbitrarily-complex views after pulling
       | down index.html and exchanging a single pair of websocket
       | messages. Once the initial page is loaded, redraws are as fast as
       | you can get packets between the machines plus 2-3ms for decoding.
       | It involves some very unorthodox methodologies and has latency
       | constraints (similar to Google Stadia hosting model), but there
       | are serious upsides. Including completely untouchable load &
       | response times.
       | I strongly believe we are stuck in a Malthusian Trap regarding
       | the use of HTML/iOS/UWP/Android for clients and then an entirely
       | separate stack of things for the server -
       | Go/.NET/Rust/Python/C++/etc. This separation adds such a huge
       | burden to the development and maintenance of any application. I
       | argue that if we must have some division between client & server,
       | lets move as much of the complexity to the server as we possibly
       | can. It's so much more manageable when you have all of your state
       | in 1 domain like that. If the client doesn't have to track state
       | or reason about its views, the application implementation for
       | each device can be trivial.
       | I don't think that HTML/JS/CSS/JSON APIs represent a good
       | boundary layer. I think final rasterized views, viewport
       | dimensions and client events do. JPEG/MPEG can be decoded
       | incredibly quickly on most mobile client devices due to
       | availability of hardware acceleration. You will never be able to
       | write a website in the traditional sense that can outperform the
       | speed at which you could decode a full-screen JPEG image and
       | display it. Server hardware is also getting insanely powerful
       | with the new generations of AMD CPUs rolling out. Encoding JPEGs
       | using something like LibJpegTurbo on TR/Epyc is ridiculously
       | fast. This is also a type of application that does trivially
       | parallelize across many cores. As bandwidth becomes ever more
       | ubiquitous, and services more geographically-distributed, there
       | is a good chance something like this could become practical in
       | the general case.
       | For now, this is all just a crazy experimental thing that only
       | works for a narrow range of applications. But, I would strongly
       | encourage other developers to start thinking outside of the box.
       | As networks get faster and latency gets lower, we will begin to
       | encounter new "step function" opportunities that fundamentally
       | shift how we do business.
         | MH15 wrote:
         | I'd be very interested in hearing more about your work on this
         | technology.
         | xiaq wrote:
         | That sounds a bit like Vaadin: https://vaadin.com/
         | appleflaxen wrote:
         | > as fast as you can get packets between the machines
         | This seems like a really big limitation
       | nend wrote:
       | Alternate title: The fractured state of web UI design explained
       | using a simple counter.
       | I say that only slightly in jest, as it is a neat way to show all
       | (or most) of your options.
       | Although it doesn't have my at-the-moment favorite way to make
       | web components, blazor/web assembly. For me, it's made front-end
       | development fun again, which I haven't enjoyed in a long time.
         | bob1029 wrote:
         | Blazor is fantastic. We've been using Blazor server-side for
         | about 8 months now. The part that still hurts my brain is when
         | I realize I am basically done with a new feature after I finish
         | writing my business service. I can just inject & call it from
         | the blazor component and directly draw whatever data without
         | any mapping layer required.
         | I may have forgotten how to write controllers and juggle
         | headers/query strings... It's really nice. Remember, every hour
         | you spend writing some controllers or debugging query
         | strings/serialization/status codes/et.al. is an hour not spent
         | on your core business features.
         | georges_gomes wrote:
         | Hi nend, co-author of the blog post here. I had
         | blazor/webassembly in mind for quite some time, we will try to
         | have it in on the next update :thumbsup:
         | IMHO Web Component is the opposite of fractured because
         | whatever "helper" you use to make a Web Components, they sit on
         | the same Custom Element standard. Somehow it's more convergence
         | then having components in Vue and components in React that
         | can't (without massive cost) be used together.
         | kgwxd wrote:
         | I've been working on project with Blazor for a few months. I
         | still find myself feeling a little dread when I need to start
         | work on a new big component and then I remember, not only will
         | it not be painful, it will be pleasantly supersizing how easy
         | it was compared to the 5 other time I built something similar
         | in various JS frameworks over the years.
         | Only Clojure(Script) with Reagent gives me a similar good
         | feeling, better actually, but I've never had a chance to use it
         | at work. If Razor markup could somehow also be C# instead of
         | HTML, like how Reagent markup is just Clojure, that would be
         | neat, but I'm not sure that could be done in a pleasant way.
         | spankalee wrote:
         | This isn't a collection of ways to "build components for the
         | web" though, it's a set of ways to build "web components" the
         | W3C component standard that ships natively in all modern
         | browsers.
         | Even those these components are built with different libraries,
         | they are all interoperable and require no framework to use
         | them, so I'd say this points to the defragmented future of web
         | development.
           | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
           | Edit: D'oh, I misread it, sorry.
           | You misread this post. The left panel has all the different
           | popular libraries and frameworks that can be used to build a
           | web component, including things like React, Svelte, Vue, etc.
             | spankalee wrote:
             | I actually helped contribute to this list. If you look at
             | the React, Svelte, and Vue, examples, they are specifically
             | being wrapped as standard web components.
         | [deleted]
           | ceo_tim_crook wrote:
           | https://fsbolero.io
         | afarrell wrote:
         | > fractured
         | Compared to the myriad ways for different cultures to make
         | chicken with rice, this is nothing.
           | [deleted]
       | asutekku wrote:
       | Super cool, thanks for this!
       | Now regarding the results: Are there any actual usecases where
       | one would choose Angular over some other library?
       | From what i've seen from before and now this, i am not aware of a
       | single reason why would anyone choose to use it, if they are not
       | constrained by legacy codebase or if there are no stubborn
       | developers who swear by it.
         | Kuinox wrote:
         | Vue is great to make small webapp. Also wikipedia chose Vue to
         | remake their UI IIRC. React is even simpler, but I really hate
         | it for technical reasons.
           | EGreg wrote:
           | We are working to document Q.js out of our entire platform
           | becauss it can be used to make much simpler to understand web
           | components, which work seamlessly with SPA pages, events and
           | more:
           | https://qbix.com/platform/guide/tools
           | https://github.com/Qbix/Platform
         | yitianjian wrote:
         | 1) These are benchmarks just using a counter - a lot of
         | libraries perform really well using these minimal POCs but fail
         | complete in real world applications (whether due to library
         | performance, missing features, etc.)
         | 2) This is sticking Angular inside a WebComponent with the
         | minimal amount to make a counter - but you wouldn't take a
         | heavy library to make a counter. Imagine React + Redux + Redux-
         | Observables + StyledComponents just to make a counter. It's
         | like hitting a nail with a ICBM.
       | dpweb wrote:
       | Been working on this off and on for the last 15 years. Pretty
       | much ended up where I started. Except the newer JS syntax is
       | nicer than in 2005.
       | Control:                 controls.hello = e =>
       | e.innerHTML = `Hello ${e.getAtttribute('x-who')}`
       | <hello x-who='world' />
       | "Framework" just cycles thru the dom and calls control def with
       | the element as the param.
       | To handle data, there's a window.data object, which is global
       | data for the app. Its a proxy object. So when window.data is
       | changed, for instance from the results of a fetch, any controls
       | that specify that key - their set() function is called.
       | <button onclick='data.count++'>Click me</button>       <counter
       | x-datafield='count'></counter>            data.count = 0
       | controls.counter = e =>         e.set = () => e.innerHTML =
       | data.count
       | CivBase wrote:
       | This is neat, but I wish there were more examples than just a
       | counter. I would never use something like Angular, React, or Vue
       | to implement something so trivial.
         | illumanaughty wrote:
         | This distills the differences into the simplest possible
         | example, which given the number of examples is incredibly
         | useful.
         | Also if you're in a React project, yes, you would use it for a
         | counter. Obviously you wouldn't use React for _just_ a counter,
         | but it 's a great way to show the basics of working with each
         | option.
           | M2Ys4U wrote:
           | >Obviously you wouldn't use React for just a counter
           | You probably shouldn't, but there are a _lot_ of people who
           | reach for a React component to do _anything_ on the web.
         | georges_gomes wrote:
         | Yes, the counter is simple.
         | One reason is obviously that writing something in 30+ different
         | framework that you need to "learn" is quite some work :) (10x
         | more that I initially thought :D)
         | The other reason is that a simple component actually amplify
         | the cost of the framework. And if you think about it, with a
         | more complex component, what you have is more HTML, more CSS
         | and more JS but they are essentially always the same. Only the
         | binding are different from one framework to another. So in the
         | end, the counter is actually a good representation of the cost
         | related to the technology.
         | This been said, to be correct, the benchmark component should
         | use more capabilities like slots and events to really cover the
         | wide range of capabilities.
         | This is something we have in mind for a future update of the
         | blog post...
           | jerf wrote:
           | "One reason is obviously that writing something in 30+
           | different framework that you need to "learn" is quite some
           | work :)"
           | Ah, this is where you can use the Internet to your advantage.
           | If you ask for help in advance, you generally won't get it,
           | but if you post something broken or dodgy people will come
           | out of the woodwork to _correct_ you. So you don 't need to
           | work so hard to be correct. Just post something. Anything.
           | If that still isn't enough for some particular framework,
           | just post something less than entirely complimentary about it
           | ("I'm not entirely sure this framework is the best thing
           | since sliced bread") and you'll be _sure_ to get support,
           | with a side helping of flamewar impugnment of your motives,
           | intelligence, and ancestry, along with pithy observations
           | about your obvious inability to recognize sliced bread if it
           | was placed directly on your face. If you can ignore the
           | latter you can get a lot of cross-framework comparisons done
           | with surprisingly little effort on your part.
             | georges_gomes wrote:
             | It's amazing but you are probably right :D
         | spankalee wrote:
         | Yeah, the example is far too simple to exercise the libraries
         | and would be much better implemented without a library at all.
         | But then, this is a great part about web components: you can
         | implement a single component however you want, including with
         | no dependencies, and still use it like you would have if you
         | built it with a full-featured library. You can use it in
         | Angular or React even.
       | sillysaurusx wrote:
       | GPT-3 has an interesting contribution to this:
       | https://twitter.com/sharifshameem/status/1284095222939451393...
       | Tell it what you want in plain English, then it builds you a web
       | component in a random language that happens to be React.
       | I wonder if in the future we'll be comparing the size of
       | components generated by an ML model...
         | Bjartr wrote:
         | It's not random, it would have been part of the prompt, like
         | his earlier prototype
         | https://twitter.com/sharifshameem/status/1282692481608331265...
       | staycoolboy wrote:
       | It would be great to include metrics on:
       | 1. size of framework javascript required to load first
       | 2. tooling to compile. For example, the Vue.js works without
       | tooling, but the React w/Class requires command line tools to
       | build before the site is ready. That's a HUGE difference, IMHO.
         | georges_gomes wrote:
         | co-author here.
         | 1. The bundle size barcharts shows the component size (in light
         | blue) and the framwwork size (darrk blue)
         | 2. The Bundle Analysis chapter contains a description of the
         | build tooling use for each component.
         | Vue can be used without build tooling if you choose to use the
         | Vue lib with the compiler included but we use the pre-compiled
         | way for max performance and smaller Vue runtime (without
         | compiler).
           | aylmao wrote:
           | > Vue can be used without build tooling if you choose to use
           | the Vue lib with the compiler included but we use the pre-
           | compiled way for max performance and smaller Vue runtime
           | (without compiler).
           | +1. And likewise, you can use React without a build step too,
           | though of course it is slower. [1]
           | [1] https://shinglyu.com/web/2018/02/08/minimal-react-js-
           | without...
       (page generated 2020-07-17 23:00 UTC)