[HN Gopher] Tired of note-taking apps
       Tired of note-taking apps
       Author : akkshu92
       Score  : 334 points
       Date   : 2020-07-19 12:12 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (akkshaya.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (akkshaya.blog)
       | [deleted]
       | melling wrote:
       | I like using Notability with the Apple Pencil on the iPad. Hoping
       | the text recognition in iOS 14 works with it.
       | GoodNotes is also nice. These pdf's were created with it.
       | https://github.com/melling/MathAndScienceNotes/tree/master/s...
       | I also use Bear for my Markdown notes. Having everything on my
       | iPhone and easily searchable is important for fast retrieval.
       | Apple Notes doesn't let you limit search to a folder/tag.
       | kontxt wrote:
       | Check out https://Kontxt.io. It's like Pocket, Genius, and Reddit
       | combined. There's personal features for note taking,
       | organization, and permission based sharing, and social features
       | to discover the best parts of the web.
       | djhworld wrote:
       | I gave up with the commercial and open source offerings and
       | instead just wrote my own solution.
       | All notes are markdown, stored in a SQLite DB with full text
       | search. It has a simple frontend and you can drag/drop images
       | onto the editor and it will upload them.
       | To facilitate quick note taking I wrote a FUSE driver for it and
       | have bound CMD+N to open a command line scratchpad window (I use
       | i3wm) where I can write and edit notes using conventional *nix
       | tooling.
       | It's not perfect, nor slick, but it works for me.
         | stepstop wrote:
         | > To facilitate quick note taking I wrote a FUSE driver for it
         | I didn't understand this part. Why can't you just write the
         | file and then either manually/automatically trigger an import
         | of the text into the SQLiteDB?
           | jasonjayr wrote:
           | The fuse FS (which, fuse not at all difficult to use, there
           | are many implementations of SQLite-backed fs) implements the
           | trigger that automatically imports it.
           | djhworld wrote:
           | The note taking service is on one of my raspberry pi's and
           | exposes a HTTP API which the fuse driver interacts with.
           | Could have used NFS or something to achieve what you've
           | suggested, but this is the path I went down and seems to work
           | ok for my needs.
       | Aperocky wrote:
       | The best note taking app is vim.
       | dvtrn wrote:
       | _the global note-taking management software market is estimated
       | to reach $1.35 billion by 2026_
       | That's an interesting indicator. Would anyone happen to know what
       | report the author is sourcing or have a link? I'm curious to read
       | more of these numbers in full.
         | kostarelo wrote:
         | I would like more info on that too.
         | akkshu92 wrote:
         | https://www.verifiedmarketresearch.com/product/note-
         | making-m....
         | Not sure if it's a trusted source. Let me link it to the
         | article though.
       | elongatedMusku wrote:
       | Well, if you are human, use a piece of paper. If you are an Emacs
       | user, there is Org mode.
       | wintermutestwin wrote:
       | Against my better judgement, I switched from apple notes to
       | notion for half of my note taking. I'm using Notion to document
       | the things I am learning, but not for anything personal. As most
       | of my learning includes a lot of URLs, the workflow I setup in
       | Notion is easy and speedy.
       | Overall though, I hate the idea of putting my thoughts on the
       | cloud (someone else's computer) and worry about the future when
       | tool "B" comes along and I want to move my data. I see a lot of
       | cut n paste in my future :(
       | pjot wrote:
       | Nothing has been as frictionless as nvALT[1].
       | Plain text, full text search, and point it at
       | iCloud/Dropbox/Drive and now you have your notes fully synced.
       | I've spent far more time than I care to admit trying out new note
       | applications...
       | [1]: https://brettterpstra.com/projects/nvalt/
         | rmkrmk wrote:
         | I hope they'll release nvUltra soon: https://nvultra.com
         | I use this as well, have all my stuff in a git repo and sync it
         | to my iOS device so I can edit it with apps like iA Writer or
         | 1Writer easily.
         | brandonmenc wrote:
         | Agree.
         | Hotkey popup, it's free, you own your data, and just enough of
         | a feature set to be useful without a learning curve.
         | lukasb wrote:
         | Yeah. It solves the "I forgot I already have a note on this"
         | problem too, by making search and creation the same UI.
         | J_tt wrote:
         | For windows I like resophnotes, the autosave is amazing and
         | outputting plain text means I can share with my co-workers
         | easily
       | cycomanic wrote:
       | I think the note taking market is due for a takeover by one of
       | the epaper writers, like the remarkable, the Sony epaper or the
       | onyx boox. I feel very similar to the author, at the same time
       | I've been using my Sony epaper for reading papers and taking
       | meeting notes which is much more convenient than using a
       | computer. If one of these companies would come up with a good
       | note taking app, preferably with some way of making easy cross-
       | reference and maybe ocr for search I'd move all my notes over to
       | handwriting again.
       | j0hnml wrote:
       | The biggest issue I have with note taking is not the medium or
       | app, it's the fact that I would often write something and never
       | look at the note again. This essentially made the act of note
       | writing, at least for me, futile since I rarely remember my notes
       | as I'm writing them.
       | The best solution for this, I've found, is to still take notes on
       | the bigger picture but then to add the smaller details,
       | definitions, concepts to Anki [1], which literally forces me to
       | review those smaller details again and again until they "stick".
       | Doing so then makes me want to revisit the notes to get the full
       | picture. As a result, my memorization of all kinds of things has
       | greatly improved, which makes future research and documentation
       | all the more better. It's a very good positive reinforcing
       | learning method and I recommend it to anyone who may have similar
       | issues.
       | [1] https://apps.ankiweb.net/
         | barrenko wrote:
         | For me the biggest point of writing is to remember and then
         | safely forget about stuff.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | Me too!!!
           | I find since I moved from Tomboy to OneNote that my memory is
           | significantly worse.
           | Tomboy didn't support pics so I was more tuned in to meetings
           | as I was actively processing info in order to note it down in
           | my own words.
           | Now in Outlook I often tune out when I feel something is less
           | relevant, and I lazily take screenshots "in case I need to
           | look at it later". Then, when something comes up that is more
           | relevant to me I'm tuned out and need to catch up. I also
           | remember information much less long because it never really
           | entered my brain at all.
           | So yeah it definitely helps for that purpose, at least for
           | me.
         | kaliszad wrote:
         | For me, if I have some more long-running projects or ideas I
         | might return to and e.g. give a presentation about them at some
         | point, I find using https://orgpad.com an alternative. It tries
         | to be a general tool that helps you connect the dots in a graph
         | and that helps structuring information more like your brain
         | does instead of forcing the linear approach of lists or longer
         | texts. It doesn't force a scheme or anything like that on you
         | and it can quite easily be turned into presentations e.g. like
         | this conference talk on Graph isomorphism:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu8P7UwHhAA Btw. Orgpad is also
         | a project, that is completely written in Clojure/
         | ClojureScript. (Full disclosure I have consulted and still
         | consult the developers on orgpad.com infrastructure.)
         | I the end, if you have the wrong tool or the wrong method for
         | anything you are going to have a bad time even if the tool or
         | method is useful in a different setting. An analogy: You can
         | hardly unscrew something using a hammer unless you want to have
         | more problems then before.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | Orgpad looks really good.
           | I always find this kind of mindmap stuff to go beyond my
           | screen size too quickly though.. I'd love to have something
           | like this in VR so I can walk around and write stuff
           | everywhere, move things etc, just like I have my walls
           | covered in stuff like those stalkers in horror movies :D
           | VR would be great for this I think. I might even make an app
           | like that.
       | cdnuzzo wrote:
       | my vote is for standardnotes.org
       | jjice wrote:
       | I searched far and wide for a good note taking app a few years
       | ago, only to find that the best solution for me was right in
       | front of me the entire time.                 git init fall2020
       | Git lets me keep track of everything, and I have free hosting at
       | multiple different websites, or my own server if I want to. It's
       | simple and customizable, and depending on what type of notes, I
       | have different scripts to automate new notes and searching.
       | Next semester, I'm going to run the above command and then make a
       | directory for each course I'm taking. In there, there will be a
       | series of markdown documents numbered 'nn.md' with a header at
       | the top of the file with the date and the subject. After that,
       | it's just plain markdown. I alternate between VS Code and Vim,
       | but both get the same job done. When I'm done, I just 'git add .
       | && git commit' and move about my day.
       | Since I currently use GitHub private repos for hosting, if I'm
       | walking to class, I can view the rendered Markdown right on my
       | phone. This is nice for getting a quick recap about what the last
       | class covered.
       | I also use a Git repo for my journal, but with different ways of
       | formatting entries. The entire thing is very extensible, but not
       | as friendly as some other note taking apps if you don't like
       | plain Markdown. Writing a web interface for this setup wouldn't
       | require much work, and it's something that's on my list of things
       | to do.
         | kevinslin wrote:
         | I've found that its hard to beat plaintext markdown notes with
         | git. been taking notes like this for the past ten years and now
         | have 20k+ markdown notes. just launched a markdown note taking
         | plugin built on top of vscode to help with this sort of
         | workflow: https://dendron.so
         | djhaskin987 wrote:
         | Even though it's restrictive, I find most of my notes of a
         | creative nature are all done and markdown and git. Another
         | commenter was saying how their best work was on pencil and
         | paper, and I agree, I'm very creative in that medium as well.
         | The only thing that comes close on the computer is markdown.
         | I do use OneNote at work, but it's a classic example of where
         | the tool molds the use case. Typically I will use OneNote to
         | track a problem, or gather notes and links from other sources.
         | It's a great way to put together a dossier on a problem so to
         | speak, but I don't really use my creative juices in OneNote.
         | cdperera wrote:
         | I augment this slightly by using Typora. It's nice for writing
         | inline and fenced math blocks (with LaTeX), which is pretty
         | invaluable for my maths subjects, I've found.
         | It's nice since it renders the markdown while you write it,
         | which I kinda need when writing LaTeX.
         | It's an offline tool, but I'm pretty much always near my
         | laptop, so that's not much of a big deal for me. Tbh, having it
         | offline was kinda a bonus for me.
         | No Vim support though, which is a bit frustrating.
         | branweb wrote:
         | I like this approach and used something similar for a while
         | myself. For me the main drawback was syncing between devices. I
         | had to remember to commit and push on one device and then pull
         | on another. Maybe not a big deal for lecture notes, but a
         | little fussy for just adding a book to a "to read" list.
         | Also in time I found I never really used any version control
         | features. Backing up to a remote was the only thing I needed.
         | JSavageOne wrote:
         | I use git as well to track my notes, I just haven't found a
         | good editor yet which is equally as important. Sublime Text or
         | any code editor works fine enough for Markdown, but I really
         | miss the ability to have hyperlinks in my notes. Markdown links
         | are just extremely ugly to look at and overly verbose.
           | andrewkdinh wrote:
           | Some good choices are Typora, Mark Text, and Zettlr. I'm
           | actually in the process of creating my own, inspired of each
           | of these.
       | swayson wrote:
       | https://github.com/foambubble/foam
       | Roam-like note taking app using VS Code. Still early days but has
       | momentum.
       | Been using it for a week for some project docs, and so far I like
       | it.
         | oldsj wrote:
         | Thanks for posting this! Been playing around with org-mode and
         | org-roam but setup is definitely more challenging and it does
         | feel like a bit of platform lock-in since the only useful org
         | editor is emacs.
       | oblib wrote:
       | Haven't we all made a note app by now?
       | I spent over a month at "TodoMVC.com" playing with frameworks.
       | After all that I couldn't decide which one I should use and ended
       | up deciding not to use any of them and then made my own.
       | And I don't use it much either :D
       | I do look at new ones still though. Some of them have so many
       | features that just the notion of spending the time learning how
       | to use them puts me off.
       | As I write this I'm looking at 4-5 sheets of paper scattered on
       | my desk with notes scribbled all over them.
       | bhauer wrote:
       | > _It's not because of limited choices. But it's the other way
       | around. There are so many note-taking apps you could try but end
       | up sticking to none. At least, that's my story. It's a perfect
       | example of the paradox of choice._
       | Either this is not a good example of the paradox of choice, or as
       | I am more inclined to believe, the paradox of choice is mostly
       | bunk.
       | While I don't discount that some consumers may be frustrated at
       | times by an abundance of choice and may naively think their life
       | would be better with fewer choices, I don't think reality would
       | bear that out. Maybe easier in the moment of the choice, but less
       | satisfactory in the experience of the outcome of that choice. I
       | know my life would be measurably less enjoyable with fewer
       | choices in all walks of life: fewer food options, fewer cities
       | and towns to live in, fewer computer manufacturers, and yes,
       | fewer note-taking apps. Fewer apps would _not_ make the apps
       | better. It would only remove some of the options that are
       | satisfying niche needs for other people. It 's a bit elitist to
       | say there should be fewer of any category, because it implies
       | that the subtlety of preference felt by others is unimportant.
       | Choice is the consumer side of the innovation process. If
       | anything, the non-satisfaction with note-taking applications
       | shows that more exploration, more innovation, and yes, more
       | choices are in fact needed. Technology still has a ways to go
       | before we have a robust approximation of the free-flowing paper
       | and pencil note-taking, augmented seamlessly by the computer. We
       | see where we're heading with things like OneNote, but we're still
       | generations of innovation away.
         | chishaku wrote:
         | > Fewer apps would not make the apps better.
         | I don't think the author is saying this.
         | You can agree on the following simultaneously:
         | * More competition and innovation in this space might lead to
         | better tools and _possibly better_ individual outcomes.
         | * More options might lead to more exploration, experimentation
         | and high switching costs, paralysis by indecision,
         | procrastination via tinkering, and _possibly worse_ individual
         | outcomes.
         | The truly major innovations are behind us: language, writing,
         | writing instruments, paper, word processor.
         | Of course, _other tools_ could accelerate your process but
         | depending on what you 're working on, if you don't pick a
         | system and stick with it for a while, you might experience
         | worse outcomes.
         | > the non-satisfaction with note-taking applications shows ...
         | more choices are in fact needed.
         | Satisfaction is as much a function of our perspective as it is
         | of the tool.
         | You can ask
         | "What is the best tool?"
         | or you can ask
         | "What is good enough?"
       | darrmit wrote:
       | I've tried nearly every major app/service and always end up on
       | Standard Notes. It strikes the perfect balance for me between
       | privacy, ease of use, and functionality.
       | Prior to settling on SN I was a big fan of Simplenote and nvALT,
       | but the lack of even basic MFA for Simplenote drove me away.
       | Evernote, OneNote, etc just seem to be way too much for what I
       | need. And Apple Notes, while it has gotten a lot better, does not
       | make it easy to get your data back out.
       | yalogin wrote:
       | The main feature for note taking should be it's simplicity. I am
       | just writing down a list. All I need is a place to keep referring
       | to and may be search them. The problem comes when they try to
       | cram too much functionality in it. If I wanted more functionality
       | there are other apps like pages and numbers already available. I
       | would just start there. It's understandable though, Every company
       | wants to hoard all the enterprise functionality
       | mercacona wrote:
       | The best note app I found is a journal app. I've been using Day
       | One for more than a year now, and it's holding Evernote's promise
       | of remembering everything.
       | I do use Apple Notes too beside Day One for temp notes (email
       | drafting, edit texts, links to check & trash, etc), but it's on
       | my journals where my knowledge-notes reside.
       | What people like from real notebooks is that you don't have to
       | think about organization, you just start a note in the next blank
       | page. With Day One that's what I got (even by email), and then,
       | once I need to search for something in my personal log, I can
       | organize stuff with tags or backlinking notes.
       | The "On this day" function also helps, as you can prune old ideas
       | or notes that were a dead-end.
       | Personally, I'm sold.
         | andi999 wrote:
         | What i like about real notebooks is the 'flicking
         | through'search function.
         | abhiyerra wrote:
         | I am also an avid DayOne user. It is great. My process is to
         | have three journals in DayOne Todo, Done and Workouts. Every
         | time I have an idea I write it down in the Todo journal. Once a
         | week I do a GTD on that notebook. Any actionable tasks if it
         | follows the two minute rule I do immediately or if it a longer
         | task I move to the context specific locations in Notion,
         | GitHub, Gmail Tasks, the CRM, org-mode, etc. so I can get them
         | done when I am doing my context specific tasks (project
         | management, coding, email, sales, knowledge base, etc.) then I
         | then move the entry to the Done Journal.
         | Yes, it is a lot of processing things twice but I think it has
         | some benefits. Most things aren't actionable so it is just
         | great for refreshing my memory. It forces me to write
         | everything I think of down so I don't forget anything and
         | DayOne is great for that. I have nearly 10,000 entries. I don't
         | worry about note size. Some are "send contract to Ashley"
         | others are longer thought out ideas. I've been using this
         | system for the last few years and it has worked well.
         | One size fits all note apps never worked for me and I figured
         | the reason for that is that a lot of what we do are context
         | specific. We want the notes / todos for a particular type of
         | task to live where we do the task when we are doing the task.
         | biddlesby wrote:
         | Totally agree. Having to think about how I need to organise my
         | thoughts as the same time as coming up with the thoughts
         | themselves always seems like a burden!
           | cborenstein wrote:
           | Very much agree with this. The idea of separating the "dump"
           | phase from the "organize" or "refine" phase has been an
           | inspiration for what we're building at Bytebase:
           | https://medium.com/@bytebase/an-iterative-approach-to-
           | notes-....
       | jimnotgym wrote:
       | I use Microsoft Onenote. I use it because it is bundled with
       | Office 365. It suits me encourage the use of 365 rather than
       | another app, because my team then have less software to support.
       | It is good enough, and that's enough for me to not be bothered
       | with anything else.
       | c-smile wrote:
       | In fact original EverNote implementation (EverNote 2.0) used
       | physical notebook metaphor.
       | Notes appeared as an "endless tape":
       | https://www.phonearena.com/news/Two-thirds-of-app-users-in-U...
       | I think we (initial EverNote dev team [1]) were first who came up
       | with reasonable virtual list implementation for notes.
       | The metaphor of notes tape (a.k.a. "writing notes down") was
       | quite natural for most of people, that's why EverNote got so many
       | users initially. The key point was to add powerful search tools
       | (including OCR and image recognition) and categorization (tags)
       | on top of that tape.
       | Just in case: Sciter's SDK contains sample implementation[2] of
       | such virtual tape: https://quark.sciter.com/wp-
       | content/uploads/2020/05/vtape.pn...
       | [1] https://notes.sciter.com/2017/09/11/motivation-and-a-bit-
       | of-...
       | [2] https://github.com/c-smile/sciter-
       | sdk/tree/master/samples/%2...
         | da5is wrote:
         | Are there any note apps still around that take an endless tape
         | approach? It seems like everyone's gone away from it, but my
         | mind still works best with endless tape + tags + search.
       | kostarelo wrote:
       | How was the market size calculated? Where was sourced from?
       | fblp wrote:
       | Quick rant triggered by this... We have our
       | - Cloud document systems (Google docs, Dropbox paper, Notion)....
       | - Project management systems (Trello, Asana, Monday)
       | - Todo/task/notes management (Keep, Todoist, Evernote)
       | - Customer Ticketing systems (Zendesk, helpscout, freshdesk)
       | - Bug/issue tracking systems (Pivotal, Jira, Github)
       | - Crms (Salesforce, Hubspot, Streak)
       | - And then theres even specialized customer facing and internal
       | facing KnowledgeBase products (getguru, readme.io..)
       | Can you see the insanity? So many apps that are just different
       | ways of abstracting and sorting knowledge, relationships, time
       | and next steps.
       | A lot of progress has been made in enabling developers to
       | integrate customer (event) data accross apps over the past 5
       | years (segment, mparticle with their data layers). But what about
       | a standard data layer for the folder / project/tickets / tasks /
       | notes hierarchies that exists in all these apps. So our
       | information and knowledge isnt so siloed?
         | jkelleyrtp wrote:
         | You can full-send into Notion (or any one of these systems) for
         | a "jack of all trades, master of none." Obviously, not as good
         | as a single-purpose system, but there really needs to be a
         | space for unified data.
         | ZephyrBlu wrote:
         | I think that part of the reason there's so many options is
         | because there's no best approach and managing information is
         | hard.
       | tomduncalf wrote:
       | Personally I find Apple Notes the most convenient for quick
       | jotting down of ideas etc. It's not the most advanced in terms of
       | features but it loads instantly, is quick to use and is available
       | on all of my devices. Have tried numerous alternatives but
       | they've never stuck e.g. they're slow to start up or are fussy to
       | use or don't work well on one platform.
       | For deeper sketching out of ideas, diagrams etc I really like
       | Concepts on iPad with the Apple Pencil. It has an infinite canvas
       | and is all vector based, which is great for never worrying about
       | whether there's room to fit your idea on the page or whatever.
       | Previously I used Notability and it was good and a bit more
       | traditionally note based, but I miss the infinite canvas. The
       | text recognition and handwriting features in Apple Notes on iOS
       | 14 are pretty cool though, will be nice to see what third party
       | apps do with them.
         | justsomeuser wrote:
         | I like Apple Notes and would use it if it did not have the
         | following limitations:
         | - You cannot link between notes like a wiki (like Evernotes
         | evernote://$note-guid)
         | - You cannot export all your notes in a standardised format.
         | - You cannot store notebooks in specific offline only encrypted
         | disk images for privacy.
         | - Cannot change background (must use paper emulation)
           | submeta wrote:
           | > You cannot export all your notes in a standardised format.
           | This!
           | When I tried to export my notes I realized how hard to
           | impossible it was to get them out. An absolute no-go for me.
           | So I gave up on accumulating notes in this otherwise
           | beautiful and practical app.
             | Terretta wrote:
             | Exporting your Apple Notes to Markdown-style at ease:
             | https://medium.com/macoclock/exporting-your-apple-notes-
             | to-m...
           | Terretta wrote:
           | Workarounds / alternatives for the limitations:
           | 1. You _can_ link between Notes. On a note, click collaborate
           | icon, click add people, in share options tap icon for Copy
           | Link, and then dismiss the To: dialog with the "Copy Link"
           | text top right. Paste that link in another note. Now they're
           | cross-linked like a wiki. Instead of doing all this, create
           | /use a shortcut.
           | 2. Use Exporter:
           | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/exporter/id1099120373?mt=12
           | 3. Protect any given note with a key. The note data is
           | encrypted, and stored encrypted anywhere it is stored.
           | 4. Surely changing the background is an optional feature, not
           | a limitation? There are a ton of features Notes doesn't have,
           | but not having them may not be in the "limitation" category.
           | // FWIW, I mostly use Ulysses.
             | justsomeuser wrote:
             | 1. You can link to a note but it just seems like a second
             | class feature - you need to share the note with yourself.
             | Id like the ability to have off line only notebooks with
             | links.
             | 2. Thanks.
             | 3. Per note encryption is useful, but it would be nicer to
             | have the entire notebook stored off line on an encrypted
             | disk. E.g. If I share my computer with people its easy to
             | see what sets of files/notes are "open" by looking at
             | Finders mounted disks list. If the data does not get
             | transferred over the network it adds another layer of
             | security - I do not have to rely on Apples implementation.
             | 4. It is a limitation to me as reading/writing is the
             | primary feature and its a personal preference to have a
             | solid background. Same category as font size adjustment.
             | Minor inconvenience.
             | alt219 wrote:
             | Fantastic, thank you for #1. Earlier today I was bemoaning
             | the lack of wiki-like linking in Notes. Glad to learn
             | there's at least this workaround.
           | codq wrote:
           | Paper background is gone in iOS 14.
         | austinl wrote:
         | I have to agree with this. I was on Notion for a while, and
         | I've tried every other app out there, but found I was wasting
         | too much time thinking about the structure and features instead
         | of the _content_.
         | I've gone back back to Apple's Notes and other native apps
         | (Mail, Calendar). Yes, these apps are not perfect. Undoubtedly
         | there are things other apps do better. But they _fade into the
         | background_ , they're simple and unassuming. They integrate
         | into the OS well, are private, and will be around as long as
         | Apple.
         | tammer wrote:
         | I would argue that in a number of ways Apple Notes is one of
         | the most advanced in terms of features.
         | Yes, it doesn't bombard you with its functionality and at first
         | glance is a simple place to jot notes (perhaps its greatest
         | strength). But dig into the feature list, and perhaps help me
         | find a similar application that:
         | 1) can combine tables, rich text formatting, and in-line
         | sketches 2) can store any file type in-line 3) can encrypt
         | protect notes 4) can bulk share Notes + live edit 5) has a
         | built-in complex document scanner
         | I know there are some alternatives that cover most of these but
         | I think Apple Notes is king precisely because of these many
         | layers of functionality.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | Big minus: Only works on Apple platforms :(
           | I use macOS and iOS all the time but I also use Windows,
           | Android and Linux. So sadly most of Apple's services don't
           | work for me. Even though I know they're really good. I really
           | wish they'd expand their horizons a bit. Microsoft stuff
           | works on pretty much everything so why not theirs?
           | I had no idea it was that good though, because of the above
           | reason I never really used it.
             | m3kw9 wrote:
             | You could still access it from web. The interface isnt bad,
             | but it's web, so no native UI.
               | bronco21016 wrote:
               | The web version has an incredibly obnoxious bug when it
               | comes to using Enter.
               | On Firefox on Ubuntu 18.04 hitting Enter once will not go
               | to the next line. Hit Enter again and it will go down two
               | lines.
               | Works fine in Chromium but there's no reason I shouldn't
               | be able to use Firefox, especially when Apple pretends to
               | champion privacy...
               | 1123581321 wrote:
               | This drives me crazy too.
               | als0 wrote:
               | Sounds like it's a stone throw away from being packaged
               | by someone as an Electron app :)
           | Spooky23 wrote:
           | Totally agree.
           | I get the markdown thing but it just seems to add a layer of
           | complexity to a market crowded with productivity porn.
         | amelius wrote:
         | Does it integrate with Siri?
         | clairity wrote:
         | i liked apple notes on my ipad pro until i got bit badly by the
         | upgrade to ios 13, where all the previous pencil drawings were
         | flattened, and features like zoom and ruler (constant-interval
         | across zoom levels) were removed.
         | i used notes for personal design drawings/sketches, and it was
         | great for that purpose until the upgrade.
         | jkelleyrtp wrote:
         | Concepts is great! It's the best cross between note-taking and
         | drafting, with all sorts of interesting rulers and sketching
         | guides. You can even export as DXF to laser cut vector graphics
         | straight from a sketch or drawing.
         | sitkack wrote:
         | How do you backup Apple Notes? The PDF export loses fidelity. I
         | really like AN for the integrated camera, esp the document
         | scanner. Is there another application that allows for writing
         | as well as annotating media, video, photos and sound?
           | agustif wrote:
           | I remember I used some notes-cli tool to export notes from
           | Notes.app into txt or markdown files
           | Maybe it was this https://github.com/xwmx/notes-app-cli
             | bnj wrote:
             | I've been playing around with [0] recently, which has been
             | a good way to learn about how apple notes are structured on
             | the back end as well
             | [0]: https://github.com/threeplanetssoftware/apple_cloud_no
             | tes_pa...
           | lbotos wrote:
           | I loved apple notes, and have used it for years. I left (for
           | joplin) because there was no easy way to do an export/backup
           | without scripts or workarounds.
           | I don't use the document scanner tho :(
             | lalo2302 wrote:
             | You can save your notes as emails when you connect your
             | gmail account.
           | tomduncalf wrote:
           | Not something I had thought about actually. I'd always
           | assumed iCloud was "good enough" for my use, though some
           | interesting points raised below which would definitely be
           | important for more important notes. Most of mine are quite
           | throwaway to be honest.
           | dewey wrote:
           | It's a sqlite database so you could pull it from there:
           | https://www.swiftforensics.com/2018/02/reading-notes-
           | databas...
           | I haven't tried it with Notes but with Apple's Podcast app
           | it's a nice sqlite DB you can query.
           | aj7 wrote:
           | It's on iCloud.
             | sitkack wrote:
             | Is iCloud a backup or a coordination mechanism? If someone
             | steals an iDevice and starts nuking notes or deleting
             | videos, are they not gone?
               | kevindong wrote:
               | It's a tradeoff of convenience vs. security. If someone
               | steals my iPhone they would first have to get into it.
               | Assuming they can do that, I'd have much bigger problems
               | than my notes being tampered with.
               | Additionally, iOS devices can be locked remotely.
               | jurmous wrote:
               | All deleted notes go to a "recently deleted" folder in
               | which they will stay for 30 days. Although they could be
               | permanently deleted from there and then it is really
               | gone...
           | jliu70 wrote:
           | There's an app called "Exporter". http://falcon.star-
           | lord.me/exporter/.
           | I've used it and it works. Software developer also makes
           | Another note taking app Falcon http://falcon.star-
           | lord.me/#features
           | NOTE: Exporter works well, but it does NOT decrypt locked
           | notes, nor does it handle anything outside of text (e.g,
           | tables or images).
         | foobiekr wrote:
         | I agree with this and notes is what I use - apple notes with
         | cloud sync, especially on the phone. Every now and then, I move
         | it all out of notes into standalone text files in a directory
         | tree in Dropbox.
         | Why?
         | Because several times now I've lost notes due to Apple's cloud
         | "sync." On a few occasions, the note turned up in the trash
         | (with no action on my part) or simply disappeared.
         | Putting aside the spontaneous deletes, one thing that seems to
         | more frequently push things into the trash is editing the same
         | note on more than once device - the handling of this on the
         | icloud backend appears to be "hell, just delete it."
         | edit: I should note that this spontaneous delete thing was more
         | common a year ago, but then again, I've dramatically reduced
         | the number of notes I maintain, now down to like 30 or so as
         | opposed to the hundred+ I used to keep.
         | _the_inflator wrote:
         | Yes, same here. I found out, that oftentimes I just need to
         | vent something in a slightly structured way without any
         | distraction. Apple Notes opens in an instant in an expected
         | way, syncs and works across devices.
         | It is not so much a great workflow I need, it is simply
         | frictionless noting down immediately.
         | After that I can go to further elaborate on the idea with a
         | mightier tool. In my case it is GoodNotes.
         | After lots of attempts and frustration (Which features should I
         | use now to get this idea out?) I now use only Apple Notes and
         | GoodNotes.
         | balladeer wrote:
         | Other than a combination of fiddling inside ~/Library and some
         | more SQLite circus there's really no way to make Apple Notes
         | notes portable (across platforms) and even such circuitous
         | hacks might break in any update or upgrade. That's a big enough
         | no for me.
         | This is one of those instances when the _perceived_ Apple 's
         | walled garden convenience just falls flat. I personally prefer
         | FSNotes (it has a long way to go but it's FOSS) and Bear. I am
         | moving from Simplenote.
           | [deleted]
           | reaperducer wrote:
           | _there 's really no way to make Apple Notes notes portable
           | (across platforms)_
           | Apple Notes works fine on any platform that supports a modern
           | web browser at icloud.com.
           | Spooky23 wrote:
           | Escaping a walled garden into a subscription based text
           | editor seems like a pot/kettle scenario.
             | ksm1717 wrote:
             | I think you mean a frying pan/fire scenario
         | cborenstein wrote:
         | I agree - choosing a tool that makes jotting stuff down most
         | convenient is key.
         | I believe that there hasn't been enough innovation in the jot-
         | down phase of notes. Most people use Apple Notes, Google Keep,
         | or raw text files. They're convenient for jot-down. But painful
         | when it comes to organizing.
         | Notes are easier to organize when they're modular. You can add
         | modularity, without losing convenience or speed, by writing
         | notes like you're messaging yourself.
         | Fast jot-down + easy to organize in small steps = more likely
         | to stick with it.
         | (I'm one of the creators of the modular, messaging-like notes
         | tool bytebase.io)
         | divbzero wrote:
         | > _loads instantly_
         | This is a key feature for note-taking apps -- quick to load
         | wherever you are -- and is one reason why I also gravitate
         | toward Apple Notes for jotting down ideas. I can then
         | reorganize into documents or spreadsheets as needed when I'm
         | back at a desk.
         | wintermutestwin wrote:
         | The best thing about Apple notes is that I can dictate while I
         | am hiking. The problem is that it seems to require >2 bars of
         | service, which is a rarity when I actually need it.
           | 8ytecoder wrote:
           | Apple dictation works offline - at least with the latest
           | models. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208343
           | schuke wrote:
           | I've heard you can use local voice recognition by long-
           | pressing the dictation button.
             | yencabulator wrote:
             | That's one of the most ridiculous hidden UX'es I've heard
             | of in a long while. It always surprises me when people
             | think of Apple as somehow "user-friendly".
               | jeromegv wrote:
               | Did you actually check? Just tried on my phone and it's
               | not there. But if I turn on airplane mode is still works
               | so May be there's no need for a setting at all.
         | sneak wrote:
         | Apple Notes are not end to end encrypted. Thanks to programs
         | like PRISM, US military intelligence has realtime access to the
         | plaintext contents of much of the information you store in
         | iCloud (including notes and photos), without a court order.
         | That, for me, makes it a nonstarter.
           | diebeforei485 wrote:
           | Fair enough, but this applies to essentially any service that
           | you can access on the web (you can use Notes on iCloud.com)
           | fargo wrote:
           | Governing's harder
           | criddell wrote:
           | Are you saying that the connection to Apple servers that hold
           | the backups are not encrypted? That can't be... I'm almost
           | certain they use TLS.
             | sneak wrote:
             | No, I'm saying that the notes are not encrypted from
             | endpoint to endpoint. They are encrypted with TLS keys
             | known to Apple in transit, and they are encrypted with
             | storage keys known to Apple at rest in your iCloud account.
             | This means that Apple has the ability to decrypt them at
             | all times without your knowledge or involvement, and can
             | and does so via the PRISM program for US military
             | intelligence to access the plaintext data, the same as they
             | do for the CCP in iCloud users in China.
             | End to end encryption is not the same thing as transit
             | encryption.
             | For the record: PRISM is not "sniffing" or any other type
             | of bulk surveillance program that would be thwarted by TLS.
             | It's an API/app-driven program, run by and within large
             | tech companies, that permits the US military intelligence
             | organizations to pull the decrypted contents of the account
             | of anyone on the service, directly from the storage systems
             | of those tech companies. The _majority_ of the data that
             | the IC processes is the result of PRISM. I encourage you to
             | read Bart Gellman 's book Dark Mirror for more information
             | and specifics.
               | criddell wrote:
               | Okay, that makes more sense.
               | When I'm backing up to an Apple server, I think of the
               | two ends in the end-to-end encryption scheme as my
               | computer and Apple's computer.
               | sneak wrote:
               | No, the ends are the device from which the backup is
               | being taken, and the device to which the backup is
               | restored: the start and the endpoints of the entire
               | journey of the data.
               | When done properly, the places the data sits/transits in-
               | between have no ability to read or decrypt the
               | information; it's indistinguishable from random data to
               | those intermediate storage/relay services or nodes,
               | because they never have access to the keys to decrypt it.
             | Lammy wrote:
             | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-apple-fbi-icloud-
             | exclusiv...
           | kawfey wrote:
           | You must have some very interesting notes. I think for most
           | of us, the US government wouldn't be particularly interested
           | in our musings, but what do you suggest?
             | Lammy wrote:
             | It's amazing that people can witness POTUS 44-45 and still
             | make "well _I_ have nothing to hide " arguments :/
               | sneak wrote:
               | Regardless of any political situation, it's a rather
               | stark lack of imagination when one can not realize that
               | there are people who are doing things entirely legal and
               | reasonable that absolutely require _privacy from the
               | state_ for their own safety and success, such as labor
               | leaders, political organizers, civil rights leaders,
               | reporters researching state corruption, war crimes, or
               | human rights abuses by the state itself, et c.
               | csydas wrote:
               | Yes, but let's not conflate this specific use case with
               | every day usage.
               | I'm a gigantic privacy advocate and probably senselessly
               | cautious about tons of technologies, but that's the
               | result of a conscious choice. Set and forget encryption,
               | or programs that advertise they can skip the first step,
               | are dangerous in my opinion/experience. It can give the
               | wrong impression about security and lead to dangerous
               | decisions/actions or lack thereof.
               | The concept behind thoughtless encryption is noble, but
               | for all encryption models/schemes I know of, it has to be
               | a concentrated and intentional decision else you end up
               | with:
               | - Lost data due to key mismanagement (not a bad thing,
               | but extremely inconvenient)
               | - Incomplete or ineffective encryption
               | - Vehicles for intentional deception that allow bad
               | actors to get you to share sensitive/personal data under
               | the impression that it's protected
               | and much much more.
               | Steve Yegge said it best when he said that Security and
               | Usability are constantly at odds, and from my
               | perspective, this is a good thing to some degree. With so
               | many FUD apps that promise security, for the time being
               | is a very convenient litmus test for laypersons to know
               | "how much should I trust this app?"
               | I know that it's popular on HN to shit on Telegram, but
               | in my current country of residence, Telegram is the most
               | popular messenger program...for normal non-secretive
               | messaging. It is extremely well known not to trust TG for
               | secret conversations, illegal purchases or any other
               | illegal activities, and so on. Not even on the basis of
               | the security model of secret chats, but the
               | discoverability of them. Basically the thought is "If you
               | could find it without being a member of some ring of
               | trust, so can the police". It's one reason why the
               | conversations that frequently happen on HN about Telegram
               | feel so misguided to me -- those who have conversations
               | that may put themselves at risk __aren't using the app
               | for such conversations__. They're not using any such
               | apps, and either doing disposable communications (burner
               | phones, pen and paper convos, etc), or they're arranging
               | meetings in other ways.
               | Encryption/security has been commoditized by app and
               | platform creators and packaged into a marketing tool. I
               | wouldn't trust Telegram or Signal any more than I'd trust
               | WhatsApp, Messenger, Messages, or whatever Google's
               | monthly name for their chat app is to have such
               | conversations in most countries.
               | To wrap it back to the GP's comment, I get the complaint
               | about Apple Notes not being E2E encrypted -- but, if
               | you've got sensitive data that needs to be recorded, why
               | are you cloud-syncing it in the first place with a
               | company that has frequently been investigated/prodded by
               | the US Government, and even more frequently
               | probed/violated by data exfiltration companies that work
               | directly with the aforementioned government?
               | stu2b50 wrote:
               | They're not saying they have nothing to hide, they're
               | saying they're not joting down quick notes of anything
               | they have to hide.
               | Lammy wrote:
               | I would agree that self-censorship is one of the most
               | insidious effects of surveillance if that's what you mean
               | :)
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | I have to agree...
               | I'm very conscious of this now when I'm talking on the
               | phone. Not that I really have anything to hide, but I'm
               | always wondering how something would be perceived by
               | someone who is listening in.
               | It's not a nice feeling at all. This is one of the
               | reasons I hate mass-surveillance so much. Just that
               | feeling that everything I do or say is on the record.
               | lioeters wrote:
               | Sadly, I find myself thinking similar paranoiac thoughts
               | simply talking in person at home. We have a number of
               | devices with microphones, and when friends visit, they
               | bring their own devices with who knows what kind of
               | untrustworthy apps (looking at you, Facebook!).
               | Sure, we're normal citizens with "nothing to hide" - but
               | I've become wary of any possible channel of data
               | collection, regardless of whether the end consumers are
               | private parties or state agencies.
               | It's dystopian, that I'm having to consciously censor my
               | speech in case anyone is listening. Same with HN - I
               | doubt my comments are of any value to outsiders, but it's
               | possible that someone will associate my real-life
               | identity with this online account, and dig through (i.e.,
               | put the data through some extractive process) to assign
               | various values, for unknown consumers - probably
               | advertisers, but maybe even some "good citizen index".
               | Thankfully I live in the EU (oops, another data point
               | leaked), where there's at least some level of privacy
               | protected by law.
               | reaperducer wrote:
               | _It 's amazing that people can witness POTUS 44-45 and
               | still make "well I have nothing to hide" arguments :/_
               | Unless you have a really short memory, I think you mean
               | POTUS 39-45.
               | And while by a lot of measures POTUS 45 has been a
               | disaster, POTUS 44 did far more damage to privacy than 45
               | has (yet).
               | moneywoes wrote:
               | Can you elaborate on this please?
               | peruvian wrote:
               | It's not that complex. Our personal privacies have
               | deteriorated with either party in power for decades. Both
               | Dems and GOP have voted to extend the Patriot Act and
               | similar acts. Most of the NSA/PRISM drama happened under
               | Obama (PRISM in 2007 with Bush, to be fair) and I'm not
               | sure anything changed by 2016.
               | So singling out Trump isn't really relevant or even
               | useful.
               | Lammy wrote:
               | A Story In Two Headlines:
               | "NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution"
               | (2009) -- https://www.theregister.com/2009/02/12/nsa_offe
               | rs_billions_f...
               | "Microsoft Buys Skype for $8.5 Billion. Why, Exactly?"
               | (2011) -- https://www.wired.com/2011/05/microsoft-buys-
               | skype-2/
               | Lammy wrote:
               | I'm not talking about any specifics of either
               | administration, only about having them back-to-back with
               | polar-opposite reactions from most people. I hope that
               | would make anyone on any side think twice before handing
               | "their guy" some fun new weapon, but I probably hope for
               | too much.
             | balladeer wrote:
             | I'm afraid this came across as an unfortunate and
             | disingenuous response to someone's comment about privacy. A
             | feeble variation of "I have nothing to hide" I'd say.
             | For the last part: Standard Notes, Joplin, jrnl, FS Notes
             | (possibly), nvAlt (not actively developed) etc.
             | pwdisswordfish2 wrote:
             | Nobody's particularly interested in you taking a shit or
             | jerking off, either, but I'll bet you close the door when
             | you do.
             | perrohunter wrote:
             | The important question here is: What do they know? Who
             | decides what they do with that? Who decides who decides?
             | sneak wrote:
             | My notes do not have to be interesting for me to desire, or
             | deserve, personal privacy.
         | dutch3000 wrote:
         | i like using siri to add to apple notes, while ideas come to me
         | or something during walks etc. works well with airpods pro.
         | arendtio wrote:
         | Is there a way to use it on a different platform?
         | I like to use Linux systems and even though Microsoft sells
         | Windows, OneNote allows me to use it in a browser.
         | Apple still seems to favor their walled garden so that you have
         | to live with all their downsides in order to enjoy the good
         | parts.
           | cmroanirgo wrote:
           | It's actually saving using imap. So you can configure it to
           | use non iCloud and then use eg. 'imap notes' on Android.
           | The rub is that non iCloud is text only, so you lose
           | functionality.
           | boskop wrote:
           | Yes, you can use it on iCloud.com
             | arendtio wrote:
             | Thanks, I didn't know iCloud includes applications.
       | hardwaregeek wrote:
       | Personally I use Apple Notes or org mode. Whenever I see an
       | alternative, I refuse because it's not like my notes will all
       | magically migrate to Notion/Roam/whatever. No, I'll just append
       | on a name to the list of notetaking apps I use. That's not worth
       | it. Even for some fancy backlinking features that I'll definitely
       | bikeshed to hell.
       | What it'd take for me to move to a new note taking app (not that
       | I'm holding my breath for a new one) is that it would have to be
       | an information black hole. I wouldn't have to migrate notes
       | because it would automatically suck up everything. Of course
       | that's tricky and potentially privacy invading, so I'm not
       | expecting a solution anytime soon.
       | woadwarrior01 wrote:
       | I've tried Evernote, Apple Notes, the Remarkable Tablet, vimwiki,
       | and I keep going back to handwritten notes on paper.
       | My current workflow for notes is: I take notes on the notes app
       | on the iPhone or my Mac if I don't have my A4 Moleskin notebook
       | handy. And then I transcribe the notes on the Moleskin whenever I
       | can. Another recent addition I have to this workflow is a Brother
       | VC-500W label printer. I use it to print QRcode stickers for URLs
       | that I stick on my notebook.
         | _eigenfoo wrote:
         | Have you considered linking notes from one notebook to another?
         | E.g. if you named each notebook and numbered pages, you could
         | just point to "page X in notebook Y", and wouldn't need to
         | transcribe. Would this be something helpful to you?
         | grugagag wrote:
         | Yes! The act of transcribing allows for reorganization and
         | better recall. What i find amazing about plain paper/notebooks
         | is that we remember visually where to find info. Manually
         | searching by flipping through the pages also further helps
         | cement the information. Search functionality is useful in some
         | cases but for essential notes it is a bit overrated IMO
       | pvorb wrote:
       | I think some of the reasons why there are so many note taking
       | apps are that it's easy to start with, everybody has a use case
       | for it (easy dogfooding) and you don't need a business idea. If
       | you need an idea for your startup, it's just too easy to either
       | build a note taking app or a chat app.
         | Slartie wrote:
         | To do: add to-do-list apps to that list
       | [deleted]
       | joshstrange wrote:
       | I was a long-time nvAlt (macOS + SimpleNotes on iOS) user and
       | then used Drafts for the last 6 months which is a nice
       | replacement (I use about 1% of the features). I'm trying to get
       | into Notion for a few types of notes I take but it's too heavy
       | for quick notes so I feel like I'll probably settle into using
       | Drafts for quick notes/scratch-pad and then use Notion for
       | structured notes/knowledge base type stuff.
       | intended wrote:
       | Same - shifted to one note and then that made me start writing
       | notes on paper.
       | Unless the writing experience on the tablet improves to match the
       | real world, it's just not going to be good enough.
       | Procreate on the iPad has some of the best redo/undo gestures and
       | some excellent inking.
       | If they used that engine to run a note program, and allow a way
       | to sync across ecosystems - it would be the best written note
       | taking app bar paper.
         | rpastuszak wrote:
         | > Procreate on the iPad has some of the best redo/undo gestures
         | and some excellent inking.
         | Yes, same with Concepts (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/concepts
         | /id560586497)--(initial... it feels a tad less user-friendly
         | than procreate, but stores drawings as vectors and you can work
         | with an infinite canvas. Check it out if you like Procreate:)
         | It's great for im promptu diagrams and hand written notes.
         | Now, the three finger swipe gesture on iOS (Notes, annotations)
         | just pisses me off. It's slower, more error-prone and different
         | than any other App. I wish Apple followed Procreate/Concept on
         | that one.
           | intended wrote:
           | I have concepts ! It's pretty nice. But procreate has pretty
           | much demolished every other app.
           | I've been doodling on the iPad since the day they came out,
           | and procreate simply nailed the gestures.
           | Apple has a moat around them, so I don't see why they don't
           | take the gestures either.
       | htk wrote:
       | It's fashionable to say that the best note taking system is
       | pen&paper, but I think it ends up being a disservice to the idea
       | of registering knowledge. I think written and digital have
       | completely different pros and cons.
       | I love to physically write things down on a moleskine, but I
       | decided to not storage knowledge there, I just dump things from
       | my short term memory to act upon them in the short term. I tried
       | storing knowledge there but when I needed later I didn't have the
       | notepad with me, or it was in an old one etc.
       | Digital note taking has several disadvantages, but at least it's
       | always with me.
       | Like they say about cameras, the best one is the one that's with
       | you.
       | Having created several note taking apps (the latest being
       | Mindown), I'm deeply interested in the note taking problem, but
       | it seems to be impossible to create the ideal one. Sometimes we
       | want "simple", other times we want advanced features. This is the
       | first layer of challenge I see in the note taking world, but I
       | can peel this onion in almost endless layers...
         | mannschott wrote:
         | I'm familiar with this conundrum. I've been taking notes,
         | managing tasks and appointments on paper since 2015; before
         | that I took most notes in Emacs org-mode and managed some tasks
         | there, and some in OmniFocus.
         | Lack of search is a definite disadvantage of handwritten notes.
         | Here's what I've done to blunt that:
         | (1) Every notebook begins with a few pages for a table of
         | contents. (2) When a notebook is full, I scan it in as a PDF.
         | (3) I type up the table of contents to make it searchable and
         | add that to the PDF. (4) The PDFs are all available on my
         | phone.
         | I am generally able to find things this way, but it is not as
         | convenient as i-searching around a giant buffer in Emacs or
         | using something like deft.el. For the moment I am continuing in
         | this fashion, but I do periodically consider switching back to
         | using a computer for note taking. Perhaps some day I will.
           | Al-Khwarizmi wrote:
           | There are "smart notebooks" that make it relatively easy to
           | send your handwritten notes to the cloud. The problem is
           | that, at least when I checked a couple of years ago, they had
           | no OCR, and only uploaded images to which you could attach a
           | name, so they are not especially helpful when it comes to
           | search.
           | I hope in a few years, with good OCR, they will be a good
           | solution for those of us stuck in this dilemma.
       | flipjsio wrote:
       | I save my notes as text files (markdown format). It is universal
       | so its not dependent to any app. It is searchable and future-
       | proof. I save them in Apple iCloud so it auto-syncs to my iPhone
       | and use iA Writer app to read/write to it. I used to use GitHub
       | and git app (Working Copy app) on my phone to sync between
       | devices.
         | kevinslin wrote:
         | since you're using markdown, I would check out
         | https://dendron.so (disclaimer, I'm the author). its an open
         | source, markdown-based note taking app that works with markdown
         | notes on your file system. also supports back-links,
         | hierarchies, tagging, and more. its built as a plugin for
         | vscode so you also have access to vim keybindings and anything
         | else you might need with vscode extensions
         | ntnsndr wrote:
         | Same, except I use NextCloud to share across machines. And edit
         | in Emacs. I still have trouble seeing what I am missing by
         | using simple, universal files instead of some lock-in app. Any
         | extra feature seems to come at the cost of losing the benefits
         | of constraint.
       | grtehy wrote:
       | Just another opinion on the balanced note taking method:
       | I think org-mode solves almost all _offline_ note-taking
       | requirements
       | * org-roam makes it super-easy to link notes
       | * emacs as an editor is as usable as any other editor
       | * Rich media is possible and easy to do in org-mode. Attach a
       | snapshot, embed a video file
       | * Code with documentation is a feature not available in most
       | other note taking methods/apps. It's possible to run code
       | snippets and add comments, documentation about them in the same
       | space
       | * Latex support is advanced. Inline equations work seamlessly
       | * Search support is advanced
       | Drawbacks:
       | * One of the main drawbacks is that all your notes end up
       | offline. This was a deal-breaker for me. ox-hugo helps in
       | publishing your notes to a (private) static site where it can be
       | searched, viewed but _not edited_ on the fly
       | * Publishing through ox-hugo is separate from maintaining a
       | backup/sync of your notes in /org/ format. You'll have to do this
       | separately through Dropbox/GDrive/etc
       | * A backup of your org notes is not usable until you set up your
       | emacs environment and download all your notes
       | habosa wrote:
       | I'm a serious pen and paper person but the only note taking app
       | I've stuck with is Google Keep.
       | I think the constraints are a virtue. No hierarchy, no structure
       | more complex than a list. It imitates my paper workflow which is
       | a bunch of scattered post its and single sheets on my desk.
       | I do like Notion for more academic or deep work but it's not
       | something I'd fire up without a second thought.
       | semibeard wrote:
       | Samuel Suresh's YouTube video titled "How I Take Notes with My
       | iPad Pro in Lectures" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0ql-
       | yeY9u0) makes some pretty good points for taking handwritten
       | notes on a device.
       | Akkshaya Varkhedi says in the article a couple downsides to
       | handwriting notes on paper are:
       | 1. Can't add screenshots, images, links, etc. 2. can't easily
       | search for content.
       | Using something like Goodnotes addresses both of those items. You
       | can take screenshots, add images, and links, and even use the
       | devices camera to capture images (like the whiteboard/chalkboard
       | during lecture). And (depending on how good your handwriting is),
       | there is a search feature which searches the words you've written
       | --and those words can be converted to type if you want to add
       | them to a document without needing to re-type it.
       | Buying a tablet and stylus (like iPad and the Apple Pencil) to
       | solve the two points paper notes does not solve seems a bit
       | overkill--but in todays world, if you're a student going into
       | University and need to purchase a device, those tablets are
       | looking mighty attractive versus a standard laptop.
         | MH15 wrote:
         | Ohio State University gives all incoming freshman an iPad and
         | Apple Pencil [1]. I can say with confidence it works amazingly
         | well for taking notes in a classroom setting and for doing
         | homework. Copy-paste comes in handy for things like large math
         | problems of course.
         | However, I don't like using it for work/personal projects.
         | Still trying to figure out why.
         | [1] https://digitalflagship.osu.edu/students/technology
       | dmje wrote:
       | Funnily enough, I don't think there is a really good one. There's
       | lots that almost do it but not quite. - Evernote: no note linking
       | - Bear: lovely but no web or android version - OneNote: appalling
       | in the way only MS can be - SimpleNotes: too simple - Zoho: too
       | ...urgh - Keep: too Googley - Apple notes: too Appley - Standard
       | Notes: too buggy
       | I'm clearly a fussy sod. But really, just a nice, oss, local
       | files, ability to encrypt, x-platform apps: surely not too much
       | to ask....?
         | TedDoesntTalk wrote:
         | This is why I've come full circle and just use a small notepad
         | now. I still don't type writing by hand, though.
         | kevinslin wrote:
         | at the risk of doing some self promotion, I've had the same
         | problem and ended up creating my own tool. https://dendron.so,
         | is a new note taking tool (launched a week ago) that lets you
         | take local-first markdown notes and supports links like roam.
         | it's open source and built on top of vscode.
           | dmje wrote:
           | That looks pretty interesting - thanks, will give it a go!
         | rhamzeh wrote:
         | Have you tried [Joplin](https://joplinapp.org/)?
         | It's FOSS, works on local files, has encryption and supports
         | note linking.
         | It also has apps for several platforms.
           | johntash wrote:
           | > works on local files
           | This is only sort of true. You can import/export markdown(or
           | text) files, but the source of truth is in a sqlite database.
           | When you sync with webdav or another folder, that's also
           | markdown - but it's not recommended to edit those files
           | directly.
           | Other than that, Joplin is great. It's my main note taking
           | app outside of spacemacs/org-mode.
           | dmje wrote:
           | I have, and something about it didn't gel, but I'm gunna have
           | to go install it again to remind myself - or maybe discover
           | it's the holy grail :-)
         | rajesh-s wrote:
         | I see you didn't mention Markdown. My solution for the last
         | couple of years to this problem is to have all my notes
         | organized into folder and .md files. A couple of advantages: -
         | I can move around different IDEs/apps since there are a lot of
         | different solutions for every platform there. - Same goes for
         | search and links between folders. Rely on git for version
         | control of the files themselves. - It gives you the flexibility
         | of using plugins to turn into PDF or host as a gitbook private
         | site for example.
         | Knowledge base organization gets discussed frequently on HN. I
         | understand your frustration though, I've always longed to see a
         | one fit for all platforms though. Onenote sure shows a lot of
         | potential but is probably limited by the fact that MS wants to
         | keep it as close to their office suite as possible.
           | jorgekong wrote:
           | Same, I've settled with a multi-OS IDE for taking notes. The
           | main issue is trying to get shortcut keys for Markdown such
           | as toggling a list. I haven't found a good extension either
           | on JetBrains or VSCode ... maybe the only way is to
           | personally write the extension haha
         | nabilhat wrote:
         | I have the same frustration. The real split seems to be on
         | local files / encryption. I ran into a couple that had
         | encryption stapled on as an afterthought and handle the
         | encryption/decryption in storage, which misses the point. Some
         | use keepass for secure notes, also a clunky hack. The closest I
         | found was Tiddlywiki, which can encrypt local files (but only
         | if it's a single html file). I don't like Tiddlywiki, but
         | that's what I'm using.
         | jasonv wrote:
         | What I really don't understand about OneNote is the default to
         | a white-board-like free form placement mode for text blocks. If
         | you move it a little, accidentally, it's not aligned the same
         | as the other notes.
         | This _really_ put me off when I first started using it, and at
         | a client site, it 's really the only option. Otherwise, the
         | organization system is something I've come to like/live-with,
         | but still -- why the boxes that can be moved around? Is there a
         | "turn off free-form placement" mode that I haven't found?
           | linuxdaemon wrote:
           | That stupid placement thing is the "feature" I hate the most
           | about onenote. Sometimes that is a benefit and the kind of
           | note you'd want to make. But this seems like an easy fix of
           | having two note types and being able to pick a global option
           | of which way to default, and giving a drop-down option of
           | what kind of note you wish to create if you wanted a one-off
           | different than the default . Having it always be up to the
           | user to place text frame objects is annoying when most of the
           | time generic text notes is what you want.
           | I personally don't care for the skeuomorphic organization of
           | notebooks, tabs, and pages. But maybe that's just me :)
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | Yes and if you type one backspace too many it will delete the
           | whole box and place it at an off-centre location when you
           | click to make a new one.
           | There's a workaround though: Click on the title and then
           | press enter and it'll create one again in the right spot :)
           | But yeah OneNote is bloated, slow, has the typical MS UI
           | boneheadedness... But it's what I have to work with at work
           | :'(
             | jabroni_salad wrote:
             | As much as I hate onenote, the ease of just hitting
             | [super]+N to start a quick note is the lowest friction way
             | to go from 'i need to write' to 'i am writing'. I've tried
             | a few of the competitors but I guess I found my killer
             | feature.
         | McDev wrote:
         | Would you mind elaborating on why Standard Notes is too buggy?
         | Only thing that comes to mind is the use of React Native and
         | Electron (suboptimal performance / UX) but I've never had any
         | issues myself.
         | I'd like to hear of alternatives that apply the same e2e
         | encryption model.
           | glenstein wrote:
           | I also am on Standard Notes and haven't noticed it being
           | buggy. But I'm presently a free user and never switch
           | editors.
           | It was after buggy experiences on Simplenote that I had to
           | jump ship. I don't know if I just had too many notes, or
           | what, but it became slow, updated in weird ways that lost
           | things or copied the same line multiple times, jumped to the
           | top when I tried to scroll down, etc. Just all manner of
           | strange behaviors.
           | dmje wrote:
           | My main issue has been the editor(s). The model of having
           | multiple choices of editor should be great but I've found it
           | flaky when switching, particularly switching to mobile.
           | Sometimes my whole note seems to disappear, but is ok if I
           | flip back to simple editor, sometimes mobile shows html
           | preview rather than plaintext.
         | criddell wrote:
         | > Evernote: no note linking
         | What about this:
         | https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313588-How-to...
           | dmje wrote:
           | Yeh, it does that, but when you're in context writing a note,
           | you don't really want to jump out, trawl through all your
           | other notes, find the link, go back to original note and
           | apply... Really, you want a context menu, or the double
           | square bracket notation to bring up a list, or similar. See.
           | Said I was fussy :-)
       | iamwpj wrote:
       | I recommend not taking notes usually. Unless you're in a class or
       | lecture, I'm not sure I see why you're taking notes. If you're
       | learning a new technology you should be documenting that for use
       | as you go. If you're writing code you should be adding notes to
       | your code and readme. If you're troubleshooting, the details
       | should be in the ticket. I'm not against note taking by any
       | measure, but I don't see the function of it in a day to day
       | workflow.
         | marvinblum wrote:
         | I take notes for others (collaboration and knowledge sharing)
         | and to create a concept for problems I cannot keep in my head.
         | Additionally I use a note book for quick notes, drawings and so
         | on. Usually I will take pictures of parts that might be useful
         | later and add them to my digital notes.
       | dghughes wrote:
       | I find Google Keep convenient it's simple and quick.
       | Colour coding of notes, pinning notes, add a url to a note all
       | basic stuff I find useful.
       | The only missing feature is categories but I can do that
       | manually. I add a header like "Tip" for notes I may need for
       | work. Other categories I make up may be "Groceries " or what
       | context the not related to.
       | I prefer fast and simple over anything needlessly complex I mean
       | it's quick notes not a thesis.
       | timwis wrote:
       | I've tried a lot of note taking apps over the last 8 years. Over
       | the past few months I've become less fussed about the tools and
       | more focused on the process: I now have a file for each week (I
       | call it a journal or weekly notes), with a heading for each day
       | of the week, and a sub-heading for each
       | meeting/conversation/thing I'm thinking about. At the each week,
       | as part of my weekly review (GTD), I review the weekly notes
       | file. I scan my notes for each meeting/etc. and consider whether
       | I need to do anything with them: I often have to create a task;
       | sometimes I want to hang on to something so I move it into an
       | evergreen note [1] on the topic (at the moment, I have one for
       | work, and one for personal, but I expect I'll split these out as
       | they accumulate). But for most things in my weekly notes, no
       | action is necessary and I'll probably never look at them again
       | (unless I need to refer back to something someone said later,
       | which is easy to find if I wrote it).
       | So far it's working pretty well for me. I think the key is the
       | regular review/processing.
       | I think I could implement this in just about any tool, so long as
       | there's an easy way to quickly add an entry with a timestamp to
       | the current weekly note file. I happen to use org-mode in emacs
       | for this with org-journal (using doom emacs, only switched a
       | couple months ago) but other tools would work just as well I bet.
       | [1]:
       | https://notes.andymatuschak.org/z4SDCZQeRo4xFEQ8H4qrSqd68ucp...
         | amirkdv wrote:
         | > I've become less fussed about the tools and more focused on
         | the process
         | This has been my conclusion after years of trying different
         | tools or even trying to make my own. Once I started focusing on
         | the process I realized that not only I don't need a lot of
         | features from a tool, I'm actually better off without any
         | complex features.
         | I just use markdown, vim, and git. This specific choice of
         | tools for me is only guided by one thing: I don't want to waste
         | _any_ brain cycles on figuring out  / deciding how my note
         | taking tools should behave. For someone else this could've been
         | a Word doc and a folder structure. When you do that, then
         | taking notes becomes as trivial as writing with pen and paper,
         | except for the ability to edit and grep which is really all you
         | need.
         | Bonus: it's ridicuously easy to work with markdown (and
         | friends) with pandoc. I routinely convert all my markdown notes
         | to html and use < 100 loc of ad-hoc JS to give it a decent
         | browsing UI.
       | robotsquidward wrote:
       | I'm temperamental and have suffered the paralysis of a hundred
       | note apps/techniques. I have a notebook I handwrite in too, but
       | it's just one of the many approaches on the pile.
       | I was successful for a long time using GitHub Gists for notes, so
       | much so in fact that I wrote an iOS client that lets you take
       | markdown notes and saves them all directly to your Gists
       | (OctoNote on iOS
       | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/octonote/id1433164731) but since
       | then I've added probably 5+ notes apps to the list.
       | Just for fun, my feature list includes: * Markdown (ideally
       | compatibility + basic styling) * Project viewing (sidebar listing
       | out notes, representing folder structure) * Customizable
       | themes/fonts * Git integration (or other cloud backup) * Mac app
       | * iOS app
       | manigandham wrote:
       | After trying dozens of tools, I've come back to just using text
       | files. Easy to edit, sync instantly with dropbox, compatible with
       | everything. Images or other stuff just stored in folders.
       | Word/excel files for more complicated stuff. Nothing beats files
       | and folders.
       | Also use a physical notepad for writing ephemeral things down
       | because the tactile feeling of writing and crossing things off is
       | very satisfying.
         | mrmonkeyman wrote:
         | > After trying dozens of tools, I've come back to just using
         | text files.
         | One day all of you will learn the way of the Unix.
       | [deleted]
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | This is true for a certain class of apps. (I really like the
       | website too. Clean and readable.)
       | Having recently moved back to a Chromebook, I'll add one more to
       | the long list, one that you don't really hear about. Gitlab comes
       | with a very nice Web IDE. Create a new markdown file and start
       | typing away. You get all the beauty of version control without
       | having to use version control. Can even set it to automatically
       | build your own private site. All free of charge. I'd argue this
       | does stand out compared with, say, Evernote or OneNote.
       | therealmarv wrote:
       | I'm also tired. Now it's only a folder of Markdown files and
       | pictures, Google Drive and VScode. Nobody can take it away from
       | me. I'm in control.
       | Btw. I think git is too cumbersome for notes. I don't care about
       | history and git log and I don't want to push things manually for
       | notes.
       | leksak wrote:
       | I've used Keep extensively, but have been slowly migrating over
       | to Notion as I need more structure than what tags in Keep can
       | afford me.
       | The problem is probably me, I save a lot of stuff. But, Keep has
       | become sluggish as a result. I'm not great at utilising tags, so
       | oftentimes I'll just scroll through "everything" (sometimes
       | narrowed by say searching for "images") and I have pretty decent
       | visual memory so I'll readily find the thing I'm looking for just
       | because things have the right shape (even text).
       | Notion is sluggish with embeds. It doesn't deal with the visual
       | information I store very well either. This might be a Firefox
       | thing.
       | Have used Evernote too, in the past. The problem with that is
       | that it doesn't at all mirror my mental model of how things
       | relate to one another. Granted, neither does Notion nor Keep.
       | For me, things start out flat (Keep) and then they nest (Notion)
       | but I also have interrelationships, and need pointers between
       | things. Sometimes, I just want to explore the "web" of how things
       | connect but I've never encountered a system that affords me
       | different "cameras" to explore my curated content.
       | I do not have the energy to build it though.
         | akkshu92 wrote:
         | Hmm, that's an interesting take, and I agree with all your
         | points. Notion is decent, but it requires some learning curve
         | to begin with. I also feel that the apps that optimize for
         | taking notes in a structured, connected manner compromise on
         | the UX front. There's no one size fits all.
       | kirubakaran wrote:
       | "Note Taking" is the wrong approach, imho. _You_ are responsible
       | for putting things in and keeping it up to date, and of course
       | this is prone to fatigue.
       | An automatic knowledge base that is created from the signals you
       | already generate anyway would serve you the best, I think. This
       | is what I'm building with https://histre.com/
         | orthecreedence wrote:
         | Does it have e2e encryption? This is more or less a requirement
         | nowadays for me.
           | [deleted]
           | kirubakaran wrote:
           | From your profile: "Turtl a surveillance-resistant note-
           | taking app". Nice! Looks like you've built your own note
           | taking app. Of course you're not going to use mine :-)
       | happyweasel wrote:
       | ZIM desktop wiki (open source). For me, a real replacement for
       | OneNote. Desktop app, no finicky markup skills required. Saves
       | plain text files. Problem solved.
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | Note taking apps are stuck in a place similar to where "chat"
       | apps are stuck.
       | Competition between "chat" applications is driven by network
       | effects. You don't choose Zoom because it is the best, you choose
       | it because somebody else chose it for you. The overwhelming
       | pattern is "CUSeeMe used to be good but now we use PalTalk,
       | "Skype used to be good, but now everybody uses WebEx", or "WebEx
       | used to be good and now everybody uses Zoom", or "AOL Instant
       | Messenger used to be good and now everybody uses Facebook
       | Messenger". Despite a large advance in the underlying technology,
       | the functionality of these applications doesn't seem much better.
       | I worked at a startup where one of our problems was finding
       | documents in the 20 different cloud services we might put
       | documents. The usual answer people had was to add a new cloud
       | service, but that means you now have 21 places a document might
       | be and it is astonishing how far people will go down this road
       | without any insight into how it is an obvious dead end.
       | The obvious way out is to build some system that sucks in content
       | from places, a "note finding" app or "note organizing" app
       | instead of a "note taking".
       | What astonishes me is that so few people are working on that or
       | even believe that it is possible. Two factors are that
       | (1) People are intimidated by full text search. First people
       | think "you can't beat Google" and second if you look at Google
       | you see Google is not very good. That's depressing. The first
       | four volumes of TREC are depressing because people try all the
       | obvious things that should improve relevance. (in the 5th volume
       | they discover BM25, which nobody to this day since they don't
       | work to do the work to tune two numeric parameters to the data
       | set) Ask people how to make a scalable full text engine and they
       | say "Solr" and I say "are you kidding?" OpenText and ten thousand
       | imitators will boast about the hundreds of connectors they have
       | to the most enterprise-y data sources, but they will say very
       | little about relevance, in fact if they participated in TREC they
       | did it as an advertisement, not because they saw accuracy tuning
       | as a competitive differentiator. A breakthrough is possible, but
       | nobody believes it.
       | (2) The "app economy" itself is dependent on lock-in. If there
       | was "one ring to bind them all" in terms of the document spaces a
       | person uses, that's an existential threat to all of the programs
       | that want you to keep using them. So once you get some traction
       | in this area you are going to see frantic measures taken quickly
       | to cut off access -- like what happened with the Twitter API when
       | they put all the alternative clients out of business.
       | gexla wrote:
       | Taking notes is a process. If you're tired of the apps, then you
       | haven't put enough thought into the process. The available apps
       | are fine.
       | Picking a tool to solve a problem is the opposite approach to how
       | you solve the problem. You instead need to define the problem and
       | then find the tool which is the best fit. If you're frustrated
       | with the tool, then you might need to put more thought into the
       | problem.
         | ClikeX wrote:
         | I ran into a lot of issues with note apps over the years. Tried
         | many, but none really stuck. Until I realized that software
         | based note/planning tools just don't work for me. W
         | An app is hidden away on my phone, and I need to actively open
         | it to use it. But my bullet journal is always in my bag. It
         | serves as a physical reminder. And it oddly gives me way more
         | flexibility in how I structure it.
         | Being a software developer myself, the irony isn't lost me.
         | gukov wrote:
         | Premature optimization also plays a role. Everyone should start
         | with a notepad and a pencil and move up to something more
         | advanced once they outgrow the most basic method of note
         | taking. It's a bit like buying a top of line DSLR when you're
         | just starting to get into photography.
         | gexla wrote:
         | Also, many people like Journals and plain text because these
         | methods don't lend themselves to blaming the tool. They force
         | you to think about the problem rather than the tool.
         | Plain text doesn't fix note-taking any more than it can fix to-
         | do lists. Again, there's no tool to blame.
       | thomasjudge wrote:
       | obligatory xkcd https://xkcd.com/927/
       | boomskats wrote:
       | To add mine into the mix, I went through all the apps imaginable
       | before settling on Inkdrop. The electron-ness of it all annoys me
       | a bit, but aside from that it does everything I've ever wanted
       | (aside from inking) very very well.
         | jorgekong wrote:
         | Looks good. Do you use Inkdrop with cloud or can you store save
         | it locally?
           | AdamGibbins wrote:
           | It's cloud only, end-to-end encrypted. Usable offline. You
           | can host your own sync server if need be, its just CouchDB:
           | https://docs.inkdrop.app/manual/synchronizing-in-the-
           | cloud/#...
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | I just use whatever comes with the phone, never understood the
       | "market" of note taking apps.
         | criddell wrote:
         | Does Android ship with a note taking app?
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Kind of, either you have Google's or some other one provided
           | by the device manufacter.
           | For me that use them as digital paper replacement, more than
           | enough, just like on the Symbian days.
           | Before J2ME and Symbian, I would just use SMS drafts as quick
           | notes.
           | So I am not the target market, whatever it might be.
             | criddell wrote:
             | I don't believe Keep comes pre-installed on Android. AFAIK,
             | there's no default notes app other than email (and a lot of
             | people use their email client as a notes app).
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | My Nokia 7 plus had it pre-installed, and my former LG,
               | Asus and Samsung all had their own note taking apps pre-
               | installed.
       | hs86 wrote:
       | There is a lot of feature overlap between these note-taking apps,
       | but I always find one or two missing critical features. It seems
       | like most apps try to be a one-size-fits-all solution, and they
       | fail in doing so.
       | My new approach uses dedicated apps for each use case. I am
       | trying Raindrop.io (or Pinboard.in) as web clippers / persistent
       | bookmark managers, I am using Todoist to organize (and gamify) my
       | tasks, and I use VSCode for general note-taking. Especially
       | VSCode, with its vast extension marketplace, seems to be a
       | balanced solution for customizing the note-taking experience. I
       | can pick my preferred Markdown extension with LaTeX math support
       | and add additional comfort features like TabNine or Grammarly for
       | a better writing experience than whatever these one-size-fits-all
       | solutions such as Evernote or Notion can offer.
       | chrisbai wrote:
       | Easy cross-linking notes and the ability to categorize with tags
       | are essential to note taking apps. A fast and powerful search is
       | as much important. If the note taking app can be turned into a
       | Zettelkasten system, then you definitely should have a more
       | detailed look at the app. https://passfindr.com does exactly
       | this. Passfindr also lets one encrypt user generated content so
       | it can be used as a password/secrets store as well. It needs to
       | work on every internet enabled platform and devices. So your
       | choice must be the best maintained application: the web browser.
       | As an everyday user for my micro documents, articles, secrets and
       | all kind of resources and ideas, I'm definitely not tired of
       | Passfindr.
       | bobflorian wrote:
       | I agree with the sentiment, but it's a crowded market that if
       | there was an easy, elegant solution that met everyone's needs
       | we'd already have some leaders out there. Maybe we already do. My
       | person preference is Notion at the moment.
         | akkshu92 wrote:
         | That's nice. I used to like taking notes on Notion. But one
         | day, I got annoyed when I was not able to quickly search an old
         | note as it was nested under some other note. Took a while for
         | me to realize and make sense of that.
       | omarhaneef wrote:
       | I think the reason writing things down is stickier than the apps
       | is because they have a dedicated "always on" quality.
       | I wonder if you could get part of the way there by having an iPad
       | or remarkable tablet that is just always on and charged ready to
       | take notes.
         | m0xte wrote:
         | My go to is goodnotes on an iPad Pro with Apple Pencil. Has a
         | desktop app for macos as well. Literally I haven't touched a
         | physical notepad since. It is always ready, expressive and just
         | works. Plus I can split screen with PCalc to crunch some
         | numbers.
         | powersnail wrote:
         | Digital notes are too limiting in my opinion.
         | All digital note apps have the problem of making me work very
         | hard to fit my thought into their "organization" of things:
         | hyperlinks, a list of some arbitrary order, a tree,
         | synchronization quirks, and whatever.
         | It's very painful to work outside their envisioned use cases.
         | For instance, most open-source solutions focus on a plain text,
         | and if I do use plain text, they are reasonably good. They
         | problem is I need more than that. I need diagrams and tables.
         | Tables written with ascii characters are really hard to
         | maintain.
         | In the end, I went back to a notebook, and occasionally a stack
         | of sticky memos when I need to clean up some disorganized
         | thoughts. The benefit of the physical world is the freedom of
         | doing whatever I want to the medium: ordering, clustering,
         | rotating, clipping, pasting, etc.
         | I guess that the digital user experience just isn't there yet.
       | rs23296008n1 wrote:
       | I'm still using my old note app I wrote years ago back in 2003
       | and keep porting to every gadget I use. Its amusing to use such
       | an old ppc app under Windows 10.
       | ineedanaccount wrote:
       | Just use a piece of paper. What's so hard about that?
       | CareyB wrote:
       | I've tried many, many different apps, and approaches over the
       | years. On of my peeves is doing things twice, so here are, to my
       | mind, the important decision making factors:
       | 1. cross-device/platform support. Once I was entirely Apple, I
       | settled on Drafts (post processing when necessary), and Apple
       | Notes. If you have multiple OS's involved, the decision is harder
       | (Evernote). The logic is that I wanted some contextually
       | sensitive templates for field notes, and Drafts does that with
       | its version of 'macros'. Having the MacOS version makes writing
       | reports from my notes is dead easy.
       | If you're less concerned with re-typing, and/or transcribing, do
       | what you want.
         | groby_b wrote:
         | There is a non-zero chance you won't always be on the same
         | platform. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use the best app for
         | your platform, but it's worth to think about how you migrate
         | data out when that day comes.
         | I've spent roughly a decade or so on each platform I've been
         | on, and then moved on, because either the platform lost its
         | way, or I needed different things. I've learned the painful way
         | that you want data liberation.
           | sjellis wrote:
           | Yes, this is one of the reasons that I decided to use Joplin:
           | it's Open Source and cross-platform. I never want my notes to
           | be locked to one or two platforms.
       | paulcole wrote:
       | > helps me stay in touch with my handwriting
       | What does this even mean?
       | bt1a wrote:
       | I too am paralyzed by the number of choices available. I've found
       | that a simple todo.txt in Sublime with a Notes syntax
       | highlighting package is all that I need.
       | https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Notes
       | JSavageOne wrote:
       | I don't have a solution for mobile (not a big deal for me), but
       | at least on desktop I just use a git repository of markdown files
       | with Sublime Text.
       | My main complaint is that markdown hyperlinks are just extremely
       | ugly to look at in text form, so I wish there was a nice editor
       | or extension that supports hyperlinks. I've stuck with Sublime
       | Text for the note-taking simply because it loads so fast and the
       | keyboard shortcuts are great, but open to alternative editors
       | (ideally open source). Or maybe there's a good Markdown extension
       | for Sublime that I'm not aware of.
         | sylens wrote:
         | Check out Bear. You can write notes in Markdown format but with
         | some QoL features from traditional note taking apps, including
         | a nicer hyperlink experience
           | JSavageOne wrote:
           | Sad that it's Mac/iPad/iPhone only :\
       | dageshi wrote:
       | Roam Research was the one I settled on. It melds exactly with how
       | my mind works. I think it's probably doubled my productivity.
         | msamwald wrote:
         | I got very motivated to use Roam, but then settled for
         | Dynalist. It's more polished, cheaper, and they recently added
         | backlinks as well.
           | dageshi wrote:
           | Opposite way around for me interestingly, I used dynalist
           | (and paid for it) last year before moving to roam. The thing
           | I really like about roam other than the graph is the auto
           | generated daily todo pages, so you've always got somewhere to
           | immediately start writing. And the TODO overview page, which
           | lets you see all the todos you added across all notes. The
           | two are really powerful, you can organically write out
           | whatever is in your head, leaving todo's as breadcrumbs to
           | regain context later.
         | appleflaxen wrote:
         | If it matters to you: athens research is an open source
         | alternative
         | https://github.com/athensresearch/athens
       | DigitallyFidget wrote:
       | I actually use GIMP for taking notes and save as both an xcf and
       | pdf. GIMP is basically a simplified and free Photoshop. I can
       | doodle concepts that can't be explained clearly with text alone
       | unless I do a bunch of formatting and ASCII art.
         | unixhero wrote:
         | Radical!
       | tmsh wrote:
       | I find the Things.app very convenient (and worth the one time
       | cost for macOS and iOS since I use it 10-100 times per day).
       | The key part of using inbox-oriented task apps is to have a
       | process to review the inbox and fold it into some shallow
       | hierarchy of "folders" or "projects" etc. I didn't realize this
       | was the key part of all systems like bullet journaling or GTD (or
       | the different org mode flows or NV as I understand them).
       | It's basic data structures. But after a certain point it's not
       | efficient to access things linearly, so you need to introduce
       | some sort of tree.
       | Recently I took the time to go through my almost 1000 inbox notes
       | and fold them into 'promo notes' or 'startup ideas' or 'startup
       | resources'. All of which can be usually grouped into one more
       | level for even faster access ('no code resources', 'design
       | resources', etc).
       | It all comes down to caches being fast for writing and reading
       | but then there needs to be maintenance to preserve access speed.
       | It took me three years (and 1000 unfinished notes) to realize
       | this. But you just need that process to organize periodically and
       | then the structure in place is there (now I daily just move
       | things to the right project/area; and assess whether to create
       | new projects / refactor maybe once a month).
       | thallukrish wrote:
       | I write a lot of notes in a notebook with pen. But I never see
       | them. Very rarely I may revisit something. And I have often found
       | that even if I read them they don't seem to matter to me now. So
       | is all the hype of taking notes justified I wonder?
       | WalterBright wrote:
       | "I've finally resorted to the most personal and easy alternative
       | -- writing things down."
       | Haha, we've come full circle! I have a $.79 spiral notebook on my
       | desk for notes. When it fills up, I scan it in, and buy another
       | one.
       | greenhacker wrote:
       | Because of many of your noted downfalls of popular note-taking
       | apps, I spent a few years developing MinimaList Outline: a nested
       | list mobile app for Android.
       | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.toadlybrood...
       | I use it everyday as it easily helps me organize huge amounts of
       | data in a clean hierarchical manner. Give it a try, let me know
       | what you think!
       | wb14123 wrote:
       | I use QOwnNote with NextCloud. It has a lot of features and is
       | very enjoyable to use. It doesn't lock you down with a specific
       | format. It just adds an additional database for tags. You have
       | the raw files with txt or markdown format organized perfectly in
       | your folders. And with the ability to host the sync server by
       | yourself, you don't need to give the sensitive information to
       | third-party organization.
       | mihaaly wrote:
       | I am not tired of my notepad.exe
       | jp42 wrote:
       | I had same issue of using several apps and not sticking to
       | anyone. Now I forced myself to stick to apple notes and its
       | working fine. plain text + cloud sync worked out for me.
       | MH15 wrote:
       | I've been using Google Keep for temporary things, e.g. grocery
       | lists or ideas I'll need to expand upon later; and I use
       | notebooks to brainstorm/document my ideas as I actually go in
       | depth. This is what works for me for software engineering and my
       | general life.
       | anonymousse1234 wrote:
       | I'm using Pilot Custom 74 fountain pen with my favourite inks on
       | high quality paper notebooks. It makes me want to take notes due
       | to the whole experience and does't restrict me in any way the
       | computer does . For longer text/programming related stuff nothing
       | beats pure text and files in common directory.
       | unixhero wrote:
       | Simplenote for the win. Used it for 4 years, absolutely no fuzz.
       | https://simplenote.com/
         | jan_Inkepa wrote:
         | I used it for a long time - really liked how no frills it is,
         | but the fact that notes aren't stored encrypted in the cloud
         | (by design) was a deal-breaker for me in the end. I use the
         | notes as a brain backup and they're absolutely unfiltered
         | thoughts, which need to be stored securely. In the end I
         | switched to standard notes, which has functioned perfectly well
         | for me since then (a bit over a year I think).
       | tonymet wrote:
       | If you do a feature by feature comparison , including data
       | retention , uptime , throughput , graphics support ( writing
       | enables unlimited diagramming ) , power requirements ,
       | reliability -- Pen and paper come out on top every time .
       | I recommend getting into fountain pens. They are the mechanical
       | keyboards of the writing world . And the ink flow is cathartic
         | tonymet wrote:
         | also environmental impact.
       | nojito wrote:
       | The amount of notion spam on the internet is pretty remarkable.
       | Every year...there's a new FOTM note taking app, but this post
       | hit the nail on the head....they are all absolutely awful and
       | cater to serial movers.
       | dade_ wrote:
       | My concern is usability and not being locked into proprietary
       | formats, also I use NextCloud for syncing. So, no single app does
       | the trick, but this is working well for me here days:
       | For had written notes, sketches, Daily journal & learning (graph
       | paper with straight lines and snapping) - Write by Stylus Labs,
       | works on iPad, Android, Window, etc. Files in svg/svgz. App opens
       | nearly instant.
       | Joplin for Tasks, Notes, recipes, web clippings. Markdown with
       | proprietary indexed folders, but easy import/export. Local
       | storage on my phone, so instant access to my information with
       | search.
       | QOwnnotes for long form, journal, blog entries. Markdown in
       | regular file structure. For iPad I use Writemator.
       | andylynch wrote:
       | I think this post almost touches on an interesting point - note
       | taking apps & software are also competing against pen and paper,
       | which are many ways stronger.
       | As a product for example, Moleskine (arguably the brand leader)
       | most recently reports nearly EUR 175M in sales - nearly double
       | that of Evernote, and you have many good alternatives in any
       | stationer for just a few dollars.
         | djhworld wrote:
         | > software are also competing against pen and paper, which are
         | many ways stronger.
         | for scratchy notes that you don't care about sure, but if you
         | want to search, copy/paste, erase etc. physical notebooks are
         | the worst.
         | I was an advocate for moleskine books at one time, but got sick
         | of trying to remember where I wrote something
         | agustif wrote:
         | Hopefully evernote (or any software vs physical) has a better
         | margin?
       | 100-xyz wrote:
       | I use beastnotes and like it. I like the way it's organized into
       | books and chapters.
       | Errancer wrote:
       | I started doing my notes in ms access database and it's currently
       | working really well for me. I'm doing zettelkasten inspired
       | system and right now it's having only 3 columns - notes, sources
       | and tags. The ability to fully modify the relation between them
       | is something I find infinitely more valuable than anything an app
       | can provide.
       | zeckalpha wrote:
       | > add screenshots/images, links, etc
       | A printer and a url shortened would replace these
       | Maha-pudma wrote:
       | I used both.
       | If I'm learning I will write notes with a pencil and paper
       | (pencil over pen every time). This means I have to think more
       | about what I'm writing and for me is more flexible. I use an A4
       | squared pad with an index at the front, each page is split
       | similar to the Cornell note taking system which is good for
       | summarising and adding tags for quickly finding information. My
       | notes are scribbled and messy. I will then transcribe these onto
       | a computer using text files and folders for structure. You can't
       | beat text files. As a front end for this I use Zim Desktop Wiki.
       | Cross platform, portable, and easy to use with a simple markup
       | syntax. It offers many excellent features, including a journal,
       | tasks, diagrams, spell checking, interlinking, back links,
       | searching, tags, images, tables, version control, and many
       | others. Drop the notes into Dropbox and you have syncing.
       | If the worse comes and Zim disappears it's all just text files
       | and folders. Pandoc can convert Zim to markdown or whatever you
       | like.
       | For other quick notes I use a reporters jotter. I will transcribe
       | them onto the computer if they are important. But generally these
       | notes are throw away.
         | jcelerier wrote:
         | vouching for zim too
           | Maha-pudma wrote:
           | The way Zim organises the notes really makes sense to me. I
           | know you could do what Zim does manually and use built in
           | Linux tools to accomplish most if not all its features but
           | it's nice to have it all in one package.
       | techntoke wrote:
       | Markdown and similar markup languages is the perfect note taking
       | solution.
       | mechhacker wrote:
       | I've been really happy with combining both Nebo and Evernote
       | Nebo has great handwriting/math/schematic recognition and I can
       | export as recognized text to Evernote. That way both the original
       | handwriting and the text are stored in two different places.
       | rosywoozlechan wrote:
       | Author hasn't prioritized note taking as an important part of her
       | daily life, so she writes a blog post blaming apps for it. If you
       | want your life to be better, _you_ have to make it better.
       | This the same rant I went on a rant about with exercise apps
       | recently. These apps aren't going to do anything for you that you
       | wouldn't already do for yourself if they didn't exist.
       | If a pen and notebook didn't get you into daily note taking, then
       | an app one either, just like it wont get you fit. You have to
       | change yourself. You have to take responsibility for your
       | behavior and your actions, and that's how you drive change. Not
       | by waiting for whizbang app features.
       | douglaswlance wrote:
       | Nothing beats plaintext.
         | grugagag wrote:
         | I learned that a while ago and settled on notepad++ to organize
         | my daily work. Every new tab opens and without needing to be
         | saved is persisted even if computer restarts. That is a perfect
         | scratchpad for ideas.
         | What I want to keep gets named and is then classified. For is
         | no longer useful the tab gets closed and not saved.
         | Notepad++ allows for searching all documents within folders as
         | well.
         | Another great option is moving lines up and down for
         | prioritizing lists for which there is a shortcut
         | ctrl+alt+up/down arrows.
           | mxuribe wrote:
           | I absolutely love notepad++; for many reaosns including but
           | not limited to: beinglightweight, fast, quite featureful even
           | before resorting to the many plugins, etc. The only downside
           | is it is for windows only. For my dayjob i'm forced to use
           | windows, so can enjoy notepad++ for everything (from dev. to
           | basic notetaking, to journaling)...but all my personal
           | machines run linx OS...so no notepad++. I love the choice of
           | note-taking apps on linux - kwrite, leafpad, etc. - but i
           | wish notepad++ would exist for linux distros. If anyone could
           | recommend a notepad++ clone but for linux, would greatly
           | appreciate it!
           | Also, yeah, I've learned so long ago that plain text -
           | regardless of which actual app i use - is awesome (flexible,
           | scriptable, readable far off into the future, no system lock-
           | in, etc.).
             | douglaswlance wrote:
             | VSCode can support most any plaintext workflow, as long as
             | you're ok with the electron overhead.
               | mxuribe wrote:
               | I tried to give VSCode a decent shot...and it is not bad
               | at all; actually pretty good. I do like its
               | customizability, the plugins, etc...and it does check the
               | box of being available on the major operating systems
               | that i use (windows for work, linux for personal)...but
               | it can get quite heavy on resources. I'm on the fence
               | about anything electron-related: great to be able to roll
               | out on numerous OS/platforms, but heavy on resources.
               | Ultimately, because of the heavy overhead - in my mind -
               | i've put vscode as only a second-best text editor to my
               | preferred notepad++. Thank you very much, though, for the
               | recommendation!!
               | p.s. - Because of some comments here, I'm actually trying
               | Geany (seems lightweight, cross-platform, etc.)...we'll
               | see if it can replace notepad++ for me.
       | LoveMortuus wrote:
       | I agree with y'all there is magic when writing on paper. When
       | you're actually writing. That's why Sony's DPT-RP1 (DPT-S1, DPT-
       | CP1) feel like magic and future for note taking the only downside
       | is the price and the availability of replacements pen tips. While
       | there is, of course, a lot that could be improved, I was moved by
       | the core idea itself, virtually infinite notebook. Imagine how
       | much different your experience through schools and life would be
       | of all of your notes from elementary school until now we're
       | always in one place, always available to you. So much
       | potential... Makes me quite excited for the future. (There are of
       | course other 'digital paper' devices (remarkable, ...), but
       | DPT-S1 was my first love, although we never got to meet, I did,
       | for a week, own DPT-RP1 before I returned it to Amazon, because
       | at the time I couldn't afford a ~700-900EUR device)
       | dilandau wrote:
       | Creating a note-taking app and/or a Todo list are effectively
       | rites of passage. There's something aspirational both in the
       | creation of the app and the creation of a more orderly daily
       | existence.
       | Looked at this way, I think we can explain both the proliferation
       | for, and the dissatisfaction with note taking apps.
       | RMPR wrote:
       | Emacs org-mode (Desktop) + syncthing + Orgzly (mobile)
       | And I have pretty much everything to take a note when I want to +
       | it's plain text so I don't even need the apps to write, very
       | convenient if for one reason or another I don't have access to
       | one of my devices.
       | 13415 wrote:
       | I'm using Leuchtturm 1917 Notebooks with enumerated pages and a
       | table of contents. I've tried many electronic notetaking
       | solutions but none of them have the flexibility, especially not
       | with regards to formulas and diagrams.
       | aftergibson wrote:
       | I'm liking PARA with Notion right now. I make pretty heavy use of
       | linked databases to keep track of things day to day and I can get
       | a high level view of what I've got going on/completed for
       | reviews/1:1s/when people ask what I did 2 quarters ago. I can
       | throw a bunch of varied data formats into Notion too, which is
       | great.
       | This is all only for work-life however, normal-life doesn't fit
       | into this approach or more specifially I don't want to ruin life
       | outside work with this approach(believe me I tried, it's a great
       | way to feel like a constant failure). I have yet to find anything
       | useful for non-work insights. Nothing fits, but maybe it doesn't
       | matter?
       | Firehawke wrote:
       | I get that these aren't for everyone, but I'd rather have too
       | many choices than not enough. Finding the precise tool that does
       | exactly what one needs is a challenge even with the number of
       | note-taking apps out there.
       | In my case, I've recently switched to using Trilium Notes which
       | ALMOST meets my needs, but I still need OneNote as well for
       | sketch-based notes for the time being.
       | GuB-42 wrote:
       | My note taking app or choice is Squid/Papyrus. Works best with a
       | stylus.
       | It is essentially virtual paper, it replaces a notebook, no more,
       | no less.
       | But the thing it has that I've seen nowhere else is that it is
       | vector based, with an unlimited size canevas and high zoom
       | (10%-1000%).
       | It sounds so obvious as a feature. I mean, if you have a stylus,
       | besides drawing, taking notes is the most obvious thing you can
       | do with it. And what can a screen do and paper cannot? Scrolling
       | and zooming. And because smartphones are powerful computers and
       | we have good algorithms, there is no reason to limit canevas size
       | artificially.
       | So I went in and looked at the most popular note taking apps,
       | thinking: these are made by many-million dollar companies they
       | must have that. And no. All I found was cloud-synchronized text
       | files. None took advantage of the drawing capabilities of
       | smartphones, or they did it in a half-assed way. The S-Note app
       | (I have a Galaxy Note 4) is nice, but it is bitmap and with a
       | limited canevas size, why? Can't Samsung do better?
       | Only one app did it right and that's Squid (previously Papyrus).
       | And it is a little known one compared to the likes of Evernote.
       | It isn't even mentioned in the article even though it is the
       | closest thing to the "writing things down" solution it
       | recommends, so I suspect the author doesn't know its existence.
       | Otherwise I think he would have mentioned it, even if it is just
       | to talk about how it doesn't fit his needs.
       | AJRF wrote:
       | Yes this is self promotion, but its also under a thread about
       | people frustrated with note taking apps so I think it is ok - I
       | made NitroNotes[0] because I was annoyed at even the slow startup
       | speed of Apple Notes.
       | You have 7 Dots, each one corresponding to a separate note. You
       | swipe between each note (or on macOS you can Click Cmd+1, 2,
       | etc).
       | The app is less than a MB on iOS, and just over a MB on macOS.
       | It syncs using your iCloud account between macOS, iOS & iPadOS.
       | Its like the Sticky Notes app for Mac, but cross platform and
       | with zero-friction sync.
       | Email me @ adam@adamfallon.com if you can't afford the $4.99 and
       | I will send you over a promo code.
       | [0] - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/nitronotes/id1502080216
         | simonebrunozzi wrote:
         | US apple store, for the ones in the US [0]. Just made me
         | discover that the Apple App ID is the same. Only difference is
         | :s/GB/US/g
         | [0]: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nitronotes/id1502080216
           | AJRF wrote:
           | Thank you for that.
       | buybackoff wrote:
       | I used emails to self for notes. Tried Evernote, OneNote, Keep.
       | The problem always was: it is a separate app/page, more actions
       | are needed than just writing an email.
       | But since Google added three buttons and panel at the right of
       | GMail web interface with tasks, calendar and Keep - that problem
       | is gone. It's also possible to attach an email to a task or note,
       | and tasks with notifications go automatically to the calendar.
       | I still miss some features from Keep, e.g. richer formatting or
       | markgown would be nice, but the main friction is gone and I use
       | tasks and Keep quite regularly.
       | For work I use StickyNotes in Windows, one per projects. Before
       | that it was just notepad, but StickyNotes have richer formatting
       | (than nothing) and autosave.
       | Hippocrates wrote:
       | Notes on iOS/OSX/iPad is the only one I use. Plenty of formatting
       | and media features, search (and from spotlight) sync between
       | devices, sharing/collab, and on iPad I can hand-write and it will
       | transcribe and index my handwriting.
       | Nothing else has come close for me and it's free.
       | leonroy wrote:
       | The title of this blog post strikes a chord although whilst I
       | love writing with a fountain pen, transcribing my notes to
       | computer later is a royal pain.
       | It's also irritating to have bunches of notes in Apple's Notes
       | app, in Confluence, in Notion, in Google Docs and goodness knows
       | where else.
       | The movement to cloud has driven a coach and horses through the
       | whole reasoning behind the EU/US push to get Microsoft to be more
       | open and not hold institutions to ransom with data locked within
       | a proprietary vendor's platform:
       | https://www.infoworld.com/article/2618153/how-microsoft-was-...
       | Now we've gone full tilt towards a world of proprietary clouds
       | where we don't even have custody of our own data and instead
       | entrust it to a MongoDB cluster somewhere managed by the latest
       | hot, new note taking startup.
       | Where are the regulators when you need them to ensure we can get
       | our data in and out of these platforms?
       | As for me, I find vim or Sublime and Markdown synced via Dropbox
       | work tolerably well. I keep toying with the idea of writing an
       | open source Markdown syncing solution with open source clients
       | for note taking...
       | That aside the proprietary nature of the cloud and especially how
       | it pertains to note taking (and todo apps) is a real step
       | backwards. The regulators who forced Microsoft to submit in the
       | past would be gnashing their teeth at the situation we have
       | today.
       | SllX wrote:
       | It's easy to be overwhelmed by choice, but consider all of the
       | different ways that people have recorded paper notes, and you can
       | figure that there will be at least as much diversity in
       | electronic notes. What we're seeing today is just the tip of the
       | iceberg, we'll probably keep inventing new note taking software
       | for as long as we have interesting computers to do so with.
       | jillesvangurp wrote:
       | Not so much tired of it as extremely indifferent. I'm simply not
       | the type of person that uses tools like this; at all. I know
       | plenty of people that take notes, use post its, etc. I can't even
       | read my own handwriting and wielding a pen is physically painful
       | for me. So not a thing in my life.
       | I tend to treat written notes as short lived and transient. I'll
       | literally create a new tab in whatever editor, write or paste
       | something there and typically never even bother to save it.
       | Either I act on it or it's a form of documentation that ends up
       | in a more permanent place like a README, issue report, article,
       | code comment, etc.
         | antisthenes wrote:
         | I'm in the same boat.
         | Every minute I spend taking notes on something is probably
         | better spent doing the actual thing. I have tabs open until I
         | do the thing, then I just archive them and close them.
         | Same goes for any to-do list.
           | stevedonovan wrote:
           | Except for written dialog with my inner Rubber Duck. But then
           | it's all about process, and the result is not important after
           | a few days.
       | mstngl wrote:
       | After this thread became a discussion of competing, sometimes
       | extreme approaches, I want to add one alternative. Markdown
       | files, organized in folder hierarchy and synchronized by the
       | service of choice are fine for me - for notes and knowledge
       | collection. Recently I started to add the superpower of tags and
       | links to other files by using Apps like Obsidian[1] and Zettlr[2]
       | which are very similar. The great advantage is, that you just
       | show these apps the par of your notes folder and are not
       | maintaining notes in an app-specific environment. The syntax for
       | tags and links is simple and will not disturb massively even if
       | opening the files in a text editor.
       | This approach merges the simplicity of plain text, the power of
       | tags and links and keep this independent of the of
       | synchronization, backup or future development of these apps or
       | anything in this stack of tools.
       | [1] https://obsidian.md/ [2] https://www.zettlr.com/
         | kevinslin wrote:
         | if you are looking for an open source version of
         | obsidian/zettlr, I would check out https://dendron.so
         | (disclaimer, I'm the author). supports all the same features
         | and built on top of vscode. use it to manage my personal
         | knowledge base of 20k md files
         | BoysenberryPi wrote:
         | Obsidian's licensing makes it immediate non-starter for me and
         | I would imagine the same for most people who would want to use
         | it for work, side projects, or anything they hope to make money
         | off of.
       | simonebrunozzi wrote:
       | TL;DR: I decided to write things down, because no single note-
       | taking app convinced me so far.
       | Well, obvious. I use Notion (and love/hate it), and write things
       | down a lot. What a surprise.
       | koheripbal wrote:
       | I've tried many different systems, and the one I settled on is a
       | single simple doc. It's the only method I've used for over a
       | year.
       | You can do google doc or office doc, but the key for me was
       | having one doc that I just keep prepending to.
       | Each day i'll add the date yyyy-mm-dd (dow) in bold and then list
       | my work for the day... I use hyperlinks to dedicated docs or
       | online guides for more involved projects (quick ctrl-k), and add
       | a little check mark when it's done.
       | By adding days in the future, I am able to schedule work or set
       | reminders, and with ctrl-f I can search the doc for anything I've
       | done previously as it also acts as a journal.
       | I often used to get lost in the minutia of catagorization, and
       | having list sorting help me determine priority, but I've come to
       | realize that I already know what needs to be done, and roughly in
       | which order. ... my bottleneck was always focus. Excessive task
       | structure can be a procrastination in itself.
       | Going back to paper as op suggests seems like a step back.
       | It's not perfect, but it works. I do still wish I could add some
       | sort of hierarchy to line items and also be able to zoom out to
       | see the bigger picture, but for now that just sits in another
       | dedicated doc that I schedule myself to look at now and again.
       | Hitting 18 months now on this system. Have never felt so
       | organized.
         | tedmiston wrote:
         | An outliner app like WorkFlowy (YC S10) or TaskPaper is nice
         | for adding nesting and the ability to zoom in and out.
         | You can also directly link to any node, at least in WorkFlowy.
         | My approach is similar to yours except it's one hierarchical
         | entry per day.
         | https://workflowy.com/
         | https://www.taskpaper.com/
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outliner
           | submeta wrote:
           | +1 for TaskPaper.
           | Markdown for notes and Taskpaper for tasks, projects and
           | outlines. It is a format and a Mac app, that is extremely
           | well made. Super fast keyboard navigation, customizable
           | styles and scriptable in JavaScript. Love it.
           | lukebyear wrote:
           | I've landed on the same approach, in WorkFlowy. I'll tag
           | lines #todo for tasks, or a project-specific hashtag, so it's
           | really easy to see everything I've written about a subject.
           | Only two months in but it's great and very low-friction.
           | Using RocketBook to merge in handwritten notes I make in the
           | mornings and evenings sometimes.
           | dicytea wrote:
           | I'm sad there's still no good offline and native clone of
           | Workflowy/Dynalist after all these years. I've tried many
           | other outliner-like note-taking software, but I haven't found
           | anything that is more comfortable to use than the outliner
           | system in Workflowy/Dynalist. To paraphrase a quote I've
           | heard online, "it fits my brain like a glove."
             | msamwald wrote:
             | Dynalist has an offline app (which syncs with the server
             | when online). See https://dynalist.io/download . It's the
             | same interface as on the web (so not 'native'), though.
         | DougWebb wrote:
         | I've ended up in the same place, but I use a text file. After
         | years of trying to use time tracking systems, TODO systems, and
         | journaling systems, I could never get past their data-entry-
         | inefficiency compared to just opening a text file in vim and
         | typing.
         | I do need a better way to view and report my data though, so
         | what I've done is write a read-only reporting GUI that can
         | parse my text file, give me daily/weekly/per-task/per-client
         | reporting on my time tracking, per-day views of any journal
         | entries, and a TODO list. It can even export the current week's
         | entries in a format that pastes into my invoice spreadsheet
         | template.
         | This is all managed in a per-year text file, 2020.txt, that's
         | easy to back up and could be version controlled if I needed to
         | do that.
         | mlboss wrote:
         | I have been using a single text file for past 5 years. Ability
         | to do vim regex search is a big plus. Lately I have been
         | thinking of adding a search engine on top of mac's notes.sqlite
         | db.
           | lazyjeff wrote:
           | I've written a bit about combining a todo list with
           | notetaking in a single text file:
           | https://jeffhuang.com/productivity_text_file/
           | Last time I posted it on Hacker News, quite a few people told
           | me they adopted this workflow.
         | ufmace wrote:
         | This is a lot like what I've been using for over 5 years now.
         | Key points for me are:
         | * Plain text only, no graphics, formatting, outlining, tagging,
         | categories, etc. These are all distractions to actually getting
         | your point down and don't really add any value, don't get
         | sucked into them.
         | * Ability to do simple text search and go to specific date. Big
         | lifesaver for any problem that looks like "So exactly what did
         | I do on this one specific day 3 months ago?"
         | Paper is nice for avoiding distracting formatting details. But
         | losing out on free text search is too much of a drag.
         | heimatau wrote:
         | I appreciate this suggestion.
         | It can act a journal, as you mentioned but...it's a linear
         | overview of the things churning in your mind. And something
         | great can come out of it but regardless, it helps you in more
         | than one way.
         | I appreciate the insights and methods you use. I sometimes
         | over-complicate solutions when all that's needed is a catch-all
         | drawer.
       | 5986043handy wrote:
       | The primary disadvantage of handwriting notes for me is a total
       | lack of search functionality.
       | fenesiistvan wrote:
       | I was trying and using one single app for this purpose:
       | Simplenote.
       | Installed a few years ago to all my devices. Simple and works.
       | Why should anyone waste time trying all alternatives, after a
       | first good enough app have been found which fulfills most needs?
       | ddelphin wrote:
       | Trying to use all the bells and whistles of a note taking app is
       | a distraction from just using the app to write things down.
       | Depending on the platform, get yourself a stylus and just write
       | as you normally would on paper. Later you can learn the
       | features... Worked for me and I love it! I use my digital
       | notebook as a secondary brain.
       | aae42 wrote:
       | i would definitely consider myself one of those who jumps around
       | but never becomes a repeat user..
       | just recently i came across the first exception to that...
       | Joplin... https://joplinapp.org/
       | been using it for a little while now and am planning on sticking
       | to it for a bit longer, i have it integrated with my personal
       | nextcloud instance
       | residualmind wrote:
       | I'm mostly using text files at the moment:
       | I have a 'global' notes file in my home directory and then
       | sometimes project specific notes in project directories.
       | My .envrc in project directories prints the project-specific
       | notes file when I cd into there.
       | I have aliases and scripts that make adding a line to a file
       | easy:
       | m foobar # (m for memo) appends "* foobar" to my global notes.
       | t foobar # (t for task) appends "o foobar" to it (the `o` I
       | replace with an x when it's done)
       | There's an alias to print the notes file and one to edit it.
       | The notes file is synced bidirectionally to a server from my
       | laptop.
       | My android phone is doing the same sync. The phone displays the
       | notes in a widget which lets me edit it with one tap.
       | This way I can add notes from the command line and they get
       | synced to my phone. When I edit them on my phone they get synced
       | back.
         | qzx_pierri wrote:
         | this sounds neat
       | noja wrote:
       | QOwnnotes is a cross-platform markdown gui app that integrates
       | with NextCloud Notes. https://www.qownnotes.org/
       | tananaev wrote:
       | I used to use Simplenote, but after I lost some changes due to a
       | glitch in their system, I decided to switch to something safer.
       | Now I'm just using a Google Doc.
         | glenstein wrote:
         | This is exactly what happened to me. A glitch, lost changes and
         | unpredictable behavior at unpredictable times. It's too bad,
         | because I thought it was a keeper.
       | vijayshankarv wrote:
       | I really liked Andy Matuschak's article "Better note-taking"
       | misses the point; what matters is "better thinking" -
       | https://notes.andymatuschak.org/z7kEFe6NfUSgtaDuUjST1oczKKzQ...
       | Over the years, I have also moved from one app to another when it
       | comes to note-taking. Frankly, I was using them more as a place
       | to put things that I might want to refer to later than using them
       | to think about the problems that I was trying to solve.
       | Personally, I find that there are times when I need more of a
       | free flowing format like paper or an iPad, but most of the time,
       | text suffices. For the last six months or so, I have been using
       | Roam Research and related apps(Obsidian) and they do really help
       | me evolve a structure around my thoughts without having to have
       | one when I am starting out.
       | Andrex wrote:
       | I migrated from Chrome Scratchpad to Google Keep when the former
       | got killed as Google is wont to do.
       | And I've been pretty happy with it, though I am a simple man with
       | simple needs. My biggest angst with using Keep has been
       | uncertainty over Google's interest in it, they did kill the
       | original note taking app I used, but it's been getting pretty
       | good updates for the past few years. And each note has an "Export
       | to Google Docs" option as a last resort, I suppose.
       | Keep's simplicity and especially reliability have been golden in
       | my use. Even syncing is almost-real-time between devices. It
       | "just works."
         | galkk wrote:
         | I dropped Keep after finding (hard way) that there's no way to
         | revert accidental edit if you switched note.
         | I love card view though, I wish OneNote had it.
       | amadeuspagel wrote:
       | Shameless Plug: ThinkType[1] comes pretty close to just writing
       | things down in a notebook. It's probably even easier, though it
       | doesn't support formats other then text.
       | [1]: https://thinktype.app
       | dgut wrote:
       | I've been using Notational Velocity + Alfred to quickly take
       | notes for years. Recommended for anyone who wants something
       | lightweight.
         | kevinslin wrote:
         | longtime notational velocity user. loved how simple it was but
         | found that I needed some more structure as I took more notes.
         | ended up creating https://dendron.so, a local-first markdown
         | note taking app build on top of vscode. same modeless file
         | lookup/creation as notational velocity combined with features
         | like backlinks, tagging and vim bindings
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | If you are iOS user apples notes is the best. Is like the camera
       | theory that the camera with you all the time is the best camera.
       | In this case is always gonna be around, auto back up, no install
       | needed, available on all devices. The best part is it does 90% of
       | what the most advanced note apps does.
       | gorgoiler wrote:
       | It would be nice to have a small tools approach to note taking.
       | Small tools for searching and discovery. Another small tool for
       | editing that uses another small tool to manage and lint any
       | linking.
       | The use of hashtags in Bear is great, but it's tied to its own
       | filesystem.
       | Notable's live editor is the best, with a great focus mode, but
       | it's tied to a single directory of notes where, in the case of
       | macOS, titles with colons get mangled because the filesystem
       | can't cope with titles == filenames. It also stopped being open
       | source without being bug free. I can't fix bugs in it myself.
       | Atom has a lovely focus mode but no built in way of organising
       | notes (left side columns) like Bear and Notable have.
       | And they all default to markdown instead of the functionally
       | superior asciidoc. Markdown is fine up until you have material
       | you wish to format with any kind of seriousness. Or to boil it
       | down another way: Asciidoc has table width hints and markdown
       | don't.
       | I do love, at least, the level of choice we have these days.
       | 52-hertz_whale wrote:
       | https://remarkable.com/
       | Combines the best of analog and digital.
       | I use mine every day all day. Works great.
       | elihawkins wrote:
       | try out
       | https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/
       | super clean and nice.
       | wistlo wrote:
       | Plain text, for me, after being burned multiple times.
       | Occasionally, I'll fire up Word to paste in screen shots, but for
       | most everything, I now write it out in plain text in Notepad++.
       | I felt burned when Microsoft's abandoned the Outlook Journal,
       | where I had collected years of notes--notes that were almost all
       | plain text.
       | Microsoft came out with OneNote and I watch colleagues diligently
       | recording their thoughts there, but not me. Plain text, from here
       | out. I may eventually print them and put them in a binder, so I
       | can have "papers" that survive me.
       | The git solution intrigues me, but I would use my words and
       | little else if I recorded notes there.
       | rcarmo wrote:
       | I moved from Evernote to OneNote six or seven years ago and use
       | that for a mix of work notes, document scans and the occasional
       | TIL-style note (as well as a few things I want to keep track of
       | between work/real life).
       | Everything else goes onto my public wiki/blog (taoofmac.com),
       | which is just Markdown inside a git repo.
       | But I am struggling with web page snapshots (the OneNote clipper
       | is horrible when compared to Pocket, which I also use) and more
       | structured notes, since OneNote has become quite slow on iOS of
       | late and it is a pain to draft anything beyond a few paragraphs.
       | dmortin wrote:
       | For me the most important part of note taking is quickly
       | retrieving previous notes. Paper notes don't work for this if one
       | has lots of notes, so digital it is.
       | runjake wrote:
       | I took a different approach than the author.
       | I just found a notes app that worked and stuck with it and
       | stopped worrying about the options. I still get all the
       | advantages of digital notes.
         | [deleted]
       | hliyan wrote:
       | I believe I shared this once before. After twenty years of trying
       | every possible note taking app from Word 95 to Notion, this is
       | now the entirety of my note taking app:
       | #!/bin/bash            read text       _date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')
       | echo -e "\n$_date: $text" >> ~/Dropbox/notes/stream.txt
         | kostarelo wrote:
         | So you only take notes while on your actual computer. You never
         | take notes besides when you are on your computer.
           | read_if_gay_ wrote:
           | This can also work on mobile if you SSH into a cloud VM for
           | example.
           | b3kart wrote:
           | I've set-up an iPhone's Shortcuts workflow which basically
           | replicates the shell script above. Works very well. Reading
           | on mobile is a bit painful, but doable, and I mostly do it at
           | a computer anyway.
       | danfritz wrote:
       | I use a paper A5 atom notebook. You can easily rip out pages and
       | rearrange them. I mostly use it for quick todos, db relation
       | schemas and writing down some logic.
       | I do take some notes with Apples Notes but I periodically clean
       | them out. I don't see the benefit in keeping old notes. If a
       | project is done the notes are also deleted / trashed.
       | Why do people keep their 5 year old notes anyway? From a IT
       | programming perspective anything that old is probably out date
       | and not relevant.
         | 5986043handy wrote:
         | I do some frontend web dev and all my tech notes from >2 years
         | ago is heavily outdated.
       | sasaf5 wrote:
       | Note-taking is best served by a system, not by a single app.
       | I used to struggle with note taking apps until I started to use
       | org-mode on termux. Human interface relies on emacs, syncing and
       | versioning relies on git, agenda and TODOs rely on org. Never
       | needed any other note taking app.
       | As a bonus, emacs color themes look really nice on a crisp OLED
       | screen.
       | vijucat wrote:
       | My theory about handwritten note-taking is that the bandwidth
       | difference between thinking (fast) and writing (slow) is somehow
       | extremely beneficial to the process of generating creative and
       | evocative output. There have been so many journaling sessions
       | which I started with the absolute conviction that I had nothing
       | new to say, and after 4 pages of extremely creative and detailed
       | ideas, _surprising even to me_ , I had no choice but to exclaim,
       | "Now where did that even come from?!". Maybe the hypnotic act of
       | twirling the pen on paper slowly puts the mind into that sub-
       | conscious creative state similar to what happens when one is
       | about to fall asleep? It is honestly magical. I now use OneNote
       | every day (because I can search through a large volume of notes
       | easily), and I quite miss the dramatic revelations of pen on
       | paper journaling. My notes were about programming and trading.
       | For those who write fiction, I bet slow, old, typewriters are
       | similarly more beneficial than the latest ergonomic keyboard and
       | Word 365!
         | formerly_proven wrote:
         | Similar experience here. Digital notetaking on non-touch
         | devices fundamentally doesn't work, because non-textual
         | expression requires too much work, digital notetaking with a
         | stylus is better, but still doesn't work for the reasons you
         | outlined.
         | Writing with a fountain pen on good paper is like meditation to
         | me; you wouldn't want to contaminate meditation with computers,
         | like they contaminated everything else...
         | sooheon wrote:
         | Ted Chiang's "The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Fiction" is one
         | of the best treatments I've read on this topic.
         | https://web.archive.org/web/20140222103103/http://subterrane...
         | gverrilla wrote:
         | The secret here is about the input: a key stroke on the
         | keyboard is always the same movement, more or less, while
         | letters are each a different symbol/drawing. There's very
         | little creativity to pressing keys on a keyboard, while
         | handwritten text is unique to each person, in time.
           | heyoni wrote:
           | Every keystroke isn't the same if that's how deep you're
           | going to get into it. You never use the exact amount of
           | force, or fall from exactly the same angle when typing
           | either.
           | It has nothing to do with that. There's nothing inherently
           | creative about writing. But it adds value in that it forces
           | you to spend more time on a single thought while writing,
           | which is not the case while typing. On a computer, you write
           | your notes so much quicker that by the time you're done, you
           | barely put any thought into it.
           | I have so notes I don't even remember creating, but that
           | never happens with handwritten ones.
         | laudable-logic wrote:
         | Have you tried using OneNote's handwriting recognition feature?
         | I am curious if that experience would allow for the regaining
         | of the pen-to-paper "magic".
         | Edit: typo
           | corty wrote:
           | I have, and it doesn't work. The recognition is good enough
           | for a demo, in the store you will be really impressed how
           | well it works. However, when really taking notes on the go
           | you use your own abbreviations it doesn't know, use slang or
           | scientific/technical language. Thats where it breaks down and
           | degrades into the usual "I hate you, autocorrect" spiel.
           | Also, OneNote does it's recognition and replaces your
           | handwritten text by printed text of a different size. This
           | makes all kinds of diagrams, side-by-side-text, tables, etc
           | impossible.
           | I have gone back to a paper notebook.
             | ygra wrote:
             | You don't have to replace your handwritten text. It's
             | searchable even as ink. Can't say I've ever used the ink to
             | text feature.
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | I think you could even generalize that a bit, and say that
         | limits tend to foster creativity.
         | My best software designs happen when I'm taking notes on paper,
         | and I think it's largely what you say - I can't write as fast
         | as I can think, which more or less forces me to think more
         | carefully.
         | The founder of You Need a Budget makes a similar argument about
         | budgeting and not spending on credit - the financial limits
         | encourage you to manage your entire lifestyle more creatively.
         | It's often observed that small, scrappy, _hungry_ companies
         | tend to come up with more creative solutions than large, well-
         | capitalized corporations, and even observed that formerly small
         | and creative startups seem to lose that spark as the money
         | rolls in.
         | There's that section in _The Odyssey_ with the island of the
         | lotus-eaters.
         | Speaking of poetry, I suspect that many poets would say that
         | their creativity is enhanced by working within the limits
         | imposed by a poetic form.
         | jhwhite wrote:
         | I almost feel the opposite. I've had tons of ideas and when I
         | started writing them out they flowed out of my mind faster than
         | I could write. But I don't have the best retention either. So I
         | would have tons and tons of ideas and by the time I got it to
         | paper I could remember maybe 3 things and couldn't recall the
         | rest.
         | intended wrote:
         | That's my issue with the Microsoft surface stylus work- and a
         | lesser extent Apple.
         | They don't compare to written, and a decent amount is the pen
         | tip friction.
         | Wacom comes close.
         | However the apps themselves ?
         | I'd like to use one note more, but PDFs don't become copy-able
         | text. Searchable but not copyable.
         | Writing on a surface device is ugh. And I had really high hopes
         | that they would push on the tech.
         | Procreate -iOS- has the best redo and undo features and
         | gestures - which may as well be a lost art since no one else
         | seems to be copying them and saving us manhours of annoyance.
           | claudeganon wrote:
           | They make screen films to recreate this friction on the iPad
           | Pro. A lot of my artists friends use them:
           | https://paperlike.com/
             | bosie wrote:
             | Another endorsement for paperlike. The latest version is
             | even better. And it's much smoother and you don't lose as
             | much sharpness of the screen
             | dopu wrote:
             | Haven't used paperlike, but I use a much cheaper matte
             | protector from TechArmor for drawing / taking notes on my
             | iPad Pro and it's great. Would definitely recommend getting
             | something like it. Bare screen's always felt too 'slippery'
             | for me.
             | intended wrote:
             | Thanks ! I'll look into it.
             | Now if only the surface writing experience were comparable
             | - I like one note 2016 more than the one on the iPad.
             | God cmon MSFT, make this stuff just work.
             | During one of the surface launch events, a presenter said
             | her entire life was on one note.
             | I can see that happen. But I can only see it, I can't
             | believe it will happen until the input modalities feel much
             | better.
             | mbreese wrote:
             | I also use Paperlike. The version 2 of their film is really
             | nice. It feels so much better drawing on that than the
             | smooth glass surface. And I have no issues watching video
             | through the film at all -- it's still bright and clear.
             | amelius wrote:
             | I always get bubbles under my screen protectors. And I
             | don't use Apple. Not for me, I guess.
       | ajmurmann wrote:
       | Another huge benefit of physical note taking is that if you are
       | doing it in a meeting other people won't think you are on Slack
       | or otherwise distracted and not listening. Instead people will
       | feel more appreciated, since you are valuing what they are saying
       | though to write it down.
       | The same can be accomplished with some iPad note taking apps.
       | Abtin88 wrote:
       | I like to look at notes-taking as a broader way of capturing
       | information you have seen. The value of keeping notes is to
       | eventually make use of them. The tool should focus on serving
       | this core workflow, not creating overhead.
       | We created a tool that tries to minimize the cognitive load for
       | capturing things. We were inspired by messaging system and email
       | to yourself, and build a tool for capturing infos on the go for
       | ourself. We're testing it with small group. If you are interested
       | and willing to write us feedbacks, drop me a line and I will
       | invite you to the beta community.
       | abtin.setyani@gmail.com
       | kirstenbirgit wrote:
       | I have used Apple Notes since I got my first iPhone, there's
       | still notes from back then in there! Mainly for quick lists and
       | things I need to remember, ideas, shopping, etc. Haven't really
       | found any issues with it.
         | satysin wrote:
         | Yes I use Apple Notes for actual notes. It works well enough
         | for everything I do with the only draw back (to me) being it
         | isn't available as raw text. Although copy/paste works just
         | fine so not a huge deal tbh.
         | For anything that I find lives in Apple Notes a bit _too_ long
         | I move it over to plain text and use iA Writer. I try to keep
         | anything in Apple Notes as short term notes. Anything I plan to
         | keep around as more (small) documentation I switch over to iA.
         | A few years ago I just got tired of trying out all these
         | different notes apps. I figured I have iA Writer and Apple
         | Notes and that works well enough so gave up trying every new
         | note taking app that came out and haven't had any regrets.
         | Recently I tried out Notion and god it was awful. I felt I
         | spent longer arranging things in Notion than I did working on
         | things.
         | These days I find a more limited and simpler solution is better
         | for me. I switched back to Things 3 a year or so ago as I found
         | Todoist overwhelming after a while. Sure Things is more limited
         | but I like that. It is basically a post-it note and I realised
         | that is all I needed.
         | atarian wrote:
         | I put everything in Apple Notes as well. I love how I can sync
         | my personal notes to iCloud and my work-related notes on
         | Exchange.
         | akkshu92 wrote:
         | That's great!
       | celeritascelery wrote:
       | This is why I love Emacs org-mode. You can create the note taking
       | app that you want. Don't like something? change it. Which it had
       | feature X? Add it. There so many great packages already that
       | often what you want is done for you.
       | znpy wrote:
       | I settled on Rednotebook on Linux on my work laptop.
       | It has almost no features beyond a daily page and a term cloud
       | (basically, an index of terms where the most frequent terms have
       | bigger fonts).
       | I use some informal markdown syntax, in the sense that i mostly
       | recognize visually.
       | Brajeshwar wrote:
       | In the early days of blogging, I used to write anything and
       | everything. People read them. If I find a better way to move a
       | sprite on a timeline, I write about it. If I find a way to hack
       | an animation sync with a kicker layered audio, I write about it.
       | People will read about it, discuss on forums, and sites such as
       | Adobe would link to it.
       | Then, I became smarter. Before writing, I'd then research,
       | ponder, and then find a solution someone did. Awesome, there it
       | goes.
       | I do still write notes -- Handwritten, erstwhile in Evernote,
       | Apple Notes, etc. Then I wanted to simplify it, in the hope that
       | the notes will likely stay on even after I'm no more. Recently, I
       | chose to stay with plain text, markdown is the next-step up, and
       | then perhaps plain HTML.
       | Markdown - I write it as plain as possible. It is easily readable
       | as Plain Text, if needed. HTML - I'm pretty confident that HTML
       | as its saner, plain form will remain and live through time.
       | So, now, I have started collecting, writing pieces of notes in a
       | set of Plain Text Collections - akin to your Org-Mode but much
       | much simpler. In order to publish it[1], I threw in Jekyll for
       | now but I'm not married to that and I'm keeping it such that if I
       | just change a tool the next time, I can do it without much
       | jugglery.
       | Of course, I still use quite a few Note-Apps but most of them are
       | the tools to my needs. I've stopped looking at Note-Apps that
       | ingest and keeps it there. For instance, I can write in iA Writer
       | and the file stays where it has. I can then continue writing it
       | with SublimeText + Markdown. I will try to write more, be naive
       | all over again. I don't want to know who reads it, how things are
       | -- but just things that interest me.
       | 1. https://oinam.fyi
       | didip wrote:
       | Between Apple Notes, private git repo, and sending myself links
       | via email... this problem is solved forever for me.
       | kissgyorgy wrote:
       | I write a lot when designing software, but hate paper, so I
       | ordered reMarkable 2, which I expect to change my note-taking
       | habits completely. I plan to write everything into it.
         | atrus wrote:
         | I have that similar feeling, I don't want a bunch of paper
         | around, but writing on paper is just SUPERIOR to anything
         | digital, as it's so much easier to freeform write, add
         | sketches, etc. That's why a bought (several sizes now) a
         | Rocketbook. Paperish, can write/draw, easy to digitize and
         | reusable.
         | [deleted]
         | meagher wrote:
         | I did the same thing!
       | cik wrote:
       | The problem with note-taking (currently) in app form is the way
       | we do things differently by hand, versus digitally. By hand I
       | write notes, draw items that matter to me. I frequently mix
       | languages on a page - simply because it works for me. But, I can
       | flip through a notebook in seconds, compared to clicking through
       | Evernote/Onenote/Notion/etc. when something is 2-3 days back. I
       | keep trying. I've used Evernote, Onenote, local TagSpaces,
       | Notion, Wikis of various sorts, a VIMWiki that I used to keep. I
       | bought RocketBook notebooks, their beacons, the whole thing. I'll
       | keep trying digital note taking.
       | The reality is that pen and paper is infinitely faster and the
       | brain processes finding things more quickly. Some people like
       | myself are wired such that merely writing the note is the method
       | of locking it into memory. Unfortunately, the digital tools solve
       | history and retrieval better than the tactile, writing answer.
       | For now, I write with fountain pens, some great ink, and a
       | Stalology B6 notebook. I just spent a month, once again trying to
       | make Notion work. The reality is that writing is just better at
       | this - even though I constantly hope it won't be. At least for
       | me.
       | [deleted]
       | nazgulnarsil wrote:
       | I have yet to find a cloud based notes system that doesn't have
       | dumpster fire levels of responsiveness and search. Any
       | suggestions? I've taken to just syncing a text file across
       | devices.
       | codeknight11 wrote:
       | Lol. This is exactly what I was thinking the other day. Everyone
       | is churning out new notetaking tools as if we don't have enough
       | already.
       | threatofrain wrote:
       | What are people's preferred solutions for markdown + latex?
         | kevinslin wrote:
         | https://dendron.so has markdown and latex support (disclaimer,
         | I'm the author). its an open source, markdown-based note taking
         | app that works with markdown notes on your file system. also
         | supports backlinks, hierarchies, tagging, and more. its built
         | as a plugin for vscode so you also have access to vim
         | keybindings and anything else you might need with vscode
         | extensions
         | iflp wrote:
         | Coming from an academic background where I need to reference
         | theorems and equations frequently, I've found pandoc and madoko
         | closest to usable. But plain LaTeX (with the help of macros)
         | turns out to be more convenient.
       | tristor wrote:
       | I feel mostly the same as the author of this blog post. I have
       | been through so many note taking apps and nothing has yet
       | completely replaced just having a pen and a notepad with me at
       | all times. But, I have gotten close. For me, I am very word-
       | heavy, I don't need to draw (and if I do, I want a whiteboard,
       | not a notepad).
       | Just this month I started doing notes on my computer again after
       | being introduced to an app here on HN in another thread that
       | seems to have hit the high points for me. More than anything, it
       | seems to work for me because it just gets out of my way. Try
       | Standard Notes if you haven't yet. I like writing in Markdown, so
       | I use it as I would a text editor, but rather than needing to
       | search at the command line and maintain a git repo, it has
       | tagging and search built-in as well as encrypted cloud syncing,
       | but otherwise just stays out of my way. It works really well.
         | jamil7 wrote:
         | I'm in the same boat with standard notes, been using it for a
         | few years now. Recently after a bout of RSI I've been trying to
         | do more note taking and sketching on pen and paper to alleviate
         | the typing between coding and other tasks.
       | [deleted]
       | hanklazard wrote:
       | I also prefer writing things down. However, the ability to
       | quickly search and link years worth of notes is the reason I'm
       | putting effort into org-roam ... dozens of notebooks on a shelf
       | will never be able to do that.
       | JohnL4 wrote:
       | I've recently started using org-capture and org-agenda (LONG-time
       | org-mode user with a hot-key (Auto HotKey) to bring up emacs).
       | Seems to work pretty well. (I'm always at my keyboard during the
       | work day, and sometimes even when not.)
       | With just my phone, Google Keep.
       | If I was back in school, Live Scribe (but only with a pen with a
       | manual on-switch; the Aegir turns itself on too much and the
       | battery drains fast).
         | JohnL4 wrote:
         | P.S. sometimes Orgzly/Drpbox when mobile.
         | Evernote being my bookmark tool now that Delicio.us has been
         | nerfed. (If it's even still around.)
         | (Also this P.S. because Materialistic doesn't seem to allow
         | editing.)
       | emiliovesprini wrote:
       | I've tried dozens and none work better for me than
       | $EDITOR $HOME/txt/note
       | where $EDITOR is Good. The only thing I want from a notes app is
       | to sync txt with my phone, let me edit the files and do exactly
       | nothing else. They all fail.
       | Side note: there was a laughing emoji in the previous text but HN
       | removes it. Anyone know why that might be?
         | perlgeek wrote:
         | store txt/note in Dropbox, then you also have the sync.
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