[HN Gopher] Dijo: A terminal-based habit tracker written in Rust
       Dijo: A terminal-based habit tracker written in Rust
       Author : catacombs
       Score  : 199 points
       Date   : 2020-07-20 18:36 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | ijelliti wrote:
       | Cool piece
       | fardeem wrote:
       | Love it! Everything should live in the terminal
         | dllthomas wrote:
         | Everything should be _exposed to the shell_ , IMO, which isn't
         | quite the same thing.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | Progress, who needs it.
         | https://gunkies.org/wiki/UNIX_Sixth_Edition
           | jjice wrote:
           | I think both GUI and TUI applications have their place. For
           | developers and people who are comfortable with it, a CLI can
           | be really extensible, allowing for every application to be
           | opened or used instantly from the same location, and you can
           | automate series of processes. GUIs have their place too. Some
           | applications are more ergonomic with a GUI. I think the two
           | of them can live in harmony.
           | b3kart wrote:
           | From the perspective of UX of a power user, you'd need to
           | convince me that all of these Electron apps is "progress".
           | fardeem wrote:
           | Progress isn't about having pretty apps. It's about giving
           | people what they want.
           | I want a thing in my terminal that I can use to track my
           | habits
             | mynameisvlad wrote:
             | Sure, that's what _you_ want.
             | I would argue that _people_ want a more traditional app
             | instead, with what I 'm sure you'd consider a bloated and
             | inefficient GUI. Considering that most people don't even
             | know what a terminal even is, and that form regularly
             | trumps functionality in day-to-day lives.
               | deadbunny wrote:
               | Then they already have multiple options for them to chose
               | from...
           | smabie wrote:
           | I'm not opposed to GUI's, but they should function like Emacs
           | or the Bloomberg terminal: efficient and dense display of
           | information, keybindings, and preferably some way to input
           | commands directly (where each keybinding is bound to
           | command). Unfortunately, GUI apps today are all slow, based
           | on electron, don't have any keybindings, and are designed
           | with the assumption that the user is stupid.
           | TUIs could be designed in a similar way to GUIs, but the
           | culture around their development is much different. So while
           | TUIs aren't inherently better (and based on their
           | limitations, they should be worse), they almost always are.
             | mynameisvlad wrote:
             | > are designed with the assumption that the user is stupid.
             | Probably because the average user _is_. I don 't mean that
             | offensively, but literally everyone on this site lives in a
             | tech power-user bubble. The average user doesn't care to
             | have a dense display of information, keybindings, and ways
             | to input commands directly. They want an easy to use and
             | nice looking app that does what they want.
               | cat199 wrote:
               | these are not mutually exclusive
           | rvz wrote:
           | I know right. The same old UNIX crustaceans still want to
           | relive the glory days of 1970 with "Everything should live in
           | the terminal" with the chaos of X11, spending countless time
           | editing their dotfiles or starting silly 'Vim/Emacs is
           | better' wars. That ship has sailed. If not, already sunk.
           | I found this toy to be very cute. Too bad my friends are not
           | the typical software engineer that can use this. I'll just
           | point them to a native macOS habit tracker on the app store
           | instead. Friendly enough for them and efficient enough unlike
           | the Electron alternatives.
           | Actual progress rather than re-creating the prehistoric 'good
           | old UNIX days' or turning the users laptops into stove
           | burners with many Electron apps running.
       | jsilence wrote:
       | Wondering if and how this could team up with orger. Could be an
       | effient combo.
       | didip wrote:
       | wow, I had no idea terminal UI can look good.
       | badrequest wrote:
       | Where is this data stored? The Wiki completely glosses over this
       | subject, and I cannot tell from the code where it might save
       | anything to (to be fair, I have never written in rust).
         | [deleted]
         | estebank wrote:
         | Looks like it is stored in                 Linux:
         | /home/alice/.config/dijo/habit_record.json       Windows: C:\Us
         | ers\Alice\AppData\Roaming\nerdypepper\dijo\habit_record.json
         | macOS:   /Users/Alice/Library/Preferences/rs.nerdypepper.dijo/h
         | abit_record.json
         | https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/blob/master/src/utils.rs...
         | https://docs.rs/directories/0.8.5/directories/struct.Project...
           | p0llard wrote:
           | I haven't run this, so perhaps the behaviour is different to
           | what I'm expecting, but since it uses `XDG_DATA_HOME`
           | (`data_dir` in the `directories` crate) I'd expect it to
           | appear as
           | /home/alice/.local/share/dijo/habit_record.json
           | on XDG compliant Linux.
             | StavrosK wrote:
             | That's where it is for me, and not under ~/.config. It's a
             | bit puzzling, because that's where I expected it to be.
               | p0llard wrote:
               | In general ~/.config is only for config; data should be
               | in ~/.local/share, but a lot of programs get this wrong
               | and abuse ~/.config using it for everything.
               | Even worse are the programs which use it to cache runtime
               | data; I should be able to add the entire ~/.config to a
               | dotfiles repo without accidentally including personal
               | data (other than that which might reasonably appear in a
               | config file) or ephemeral data.
               | StavrosK wrote:
               | Fair enough, I guess this is actual program data rather
               | than the config, you're right.
           | badrequest wrote:
           | thank you!
         | float4 wrote:
         | On macOS/Linux you can always use opensnoop to find all files a
         | process accesses. Helped me many times.
         | alias-dev wrote:
         | They use the 'directories' crate (https://docs.rs/directories/3
         | .0.1/directories/struct.Project...) to work out where the data
         | directory should be, then write out to a json file. See
         | 'src/utils.rs'
       | kissgyorgy wrote:
       | If you are interested in a Web or Mobile (PWA) version:
       | https://github.com/kissgyorgy/every-day-calendar
       | lloeki wrote:
       | Funnily enough "un dijo" is short for "digestif" in french.
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aperitif_and_digestif
         | dgellow wrote:
         | Though that would be "un digeo" (it's mainly a saying, not
         | something people write often, so it doesn't matter that much)
       | fareesh wrote:
       | Can it track my time spent running vim in various folders? That
       | would be useful for me since in some solo projects I don't really
       | commit changes often.
         | cl3misch wrote:
         | I guess not by itself, but you can control it externally in the
         | command line. You would have to write a daemon monitoring the
         | folder yourself.
         | https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/wiki/Auto-Habits
           | fwip wrote:
           | Or a vim plugin. :)
         | eredengrin wrote:
         | ActivityWatch with a custom watcher might help with what you're
         | looking for. Here's a list of some existing watchers, it looks
         | like there's a vim plugin for it (haven't used the vim plugin
         | myself though).
         | https://docs.activitywatch.net/en/latest/watchers.html
       | [deleted]
       | itwy wrote:
       | I can't shake the feeling of how ugly Rust code looks in
       | comparison to Python, Clojure and Go.
         | untog wrote:
         | A matter of perspective IMO. Before I learned Rust it looked
         | messy but now that I know it I don't think that at all. In fact
         | the way you can use match statements and Result<T> structs make
         | it quite beautiful to me.
       | ruuda wrote:
       | Please note that "cargo install" is intended for installing Cargo
       | subcommands and Rust-related tools for developers, not for
       | distributing general software to end-users.
       | https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/1200#issuecomment-120...
       | dorkrawk wrote:
       | Wow, I tried to solve a similar problem in a similar way (command
       | line based progress tracker) with a small personal project called
       | Trackstar: https://github.com/dorkrawk/trackstar but this is SO
       | much nicer!
       | aswinmohanme wrote:
       | Does anyone have any idea, what font the screenshot is in ?
         | adar wrote:
         | Looks like Iosevka to me.
         | ReverseCold wrote:
         | Looked up the author's dotfiles repo[1], looks like it's
         | Iosevka.
         | [1]: https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dotfiles/
       | [deleted]
       | dilandau wrote:
       | The rust community's insistence on ending every sentence "written
       | in rust" is only slightly more annoying than the python
       | community's "for humans" fetish.
         | lewisinc wrote:
         | I kind of like each community having a shared sense of pride
         | and ownership in their respective spaces.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | this is a tech forum, it is common for the tech stack to be
         | mentioned here when showcasing a product, whether it was
         | written in Rust or a lesser language. (last sentence is a joke,
         | stay calm)
           | dilandau wrote:
           | I was joking in my original comment fam
       | mraza007 wrote:
       | I love the terminal UI how did you create that
         | xwdv wrote:
         | curses
         | d2161 wrote:
         | This^! It looks amazing.
         | jnetterf wrote:
         | Looking at https://github.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/blob/8b91a7c0b3d
         | 9bd4fac3..., it seems like it uses
         | https://crates.io/crates/cursive
           | mraza007 wrote:
           | It looks amazing do we have something similar in python
             | setr wrote:
             | In pythonland, you get a whole slew of TUI widget libraries
             | Eg blessed https://github.com/jquast/blessed
           | stingraycharles wrote:
           | In other words, the author did a lot of hard work to shape a
           | fairly general purpose UI library into a very neat design.
           | Kudos!
             | felixr wrote:
             | There is also the font selection and the borderless
             | terminal which improve the aesthetics Without that it could
             | look like this https://i.imgur.com/TVwkQI0.png
             | But I agree, the author did really good job in creating a
             | clean an visually pleasing UI only using text and standard
             | symbols
             | quodlibetor wrote:
             | If this is all this is it actually doesn't look like a
             | crazy amount of work to make cursive look good: https://git
             | hub.com/NerdyPepper/dijo/blob/8b91a7c0b3d9bd4fac3...
             | I've avoided looking too deeply into cursive in the past
             | because I naively assumed it would be difficult to make it
             | look like like anything other than a late-90s BIOS, but
             | this is exciting.
               | StavrosK wrote:
               | This looks like a "draw the rest of the fucking owl"
               | thing. Yes, it's not a lot of manual work, but I wouldn't
               | be able to do it at all because I don't have a sense for
               | design.
       (page generated 2020-07-20 23:00 UTC)