[HN Gopher] Big Sur is both 10.16 and 11.0
       Big Sur is both 10.16 and 11.0
       Author : miles
       Score  : 135 points
       Date   : 2020-07-21 19:41 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (eclecticlight.co)
 (TXT) w3m dump (eclecticlight.co)
       | ludwigvan wrote:
       | Makes sense, 16 is 1 in Base 16, so 10.16 = 11.0 :)
         | kbenson wrote:
         | So, there was A.F, then it incremented bu 0.1 to B.0. Checks
         | out, except for their weird insistence to use a decimal
         | representation for what is now _obviously_ a hexadecimal
         | scheme. ;)
       | jorams wrote:
       | I don't really understand why they add this complexity.
       | Supposedly it's to avoid breaking backwards compatibility, but
       | they break all kinds of backwards compatibility on every release
       | anyway.
       | [deleted]
       | agustif wrote:
       | Im on the beta and it takes a lot to boot it gets semi-stuck on
       | like 80% for almost a minute..
       | Need to backup and do a clean install I guess
       | what can it be?
         | zitterbewegung wrote:
         | Do you have full drive encryption on? On my MacBook 12 2016
         | that seems like it gets stuck on initially.
           | agustif wrote:
           | If it's filevault. i've it disabled. didn't happen before big
           | sur fwiw
         | rbanffy wrote:
         | Even Apple says it's a terrible idea to install beta versions
         | on computers you actually use. Or like the data that's in them.
       | dindresto wrote:
       | Why did they even go with 11 instead of just dropping the 10,
       | making Big Sur macOS 16?
         | dmurray wrote:
         | Or 20.20 if the problem is apps checking for (minorVersion >=
         | 12)
         | Traster wrote:
         | Would've made a lot more sense to jump to MacOS 20, that makes
         | a nice jump from 10 and puts them in line with the years going
         | forward. Plenty of companies in my industry just do
         | Y.0,Y.1,Y.2. Makes it a hell of a lot of sense.
           | dindresto wrote:
           | Yup, year based would have made even more sense indeed
           | considering their release cycle.
         | [deleted]
         | dindresto wrote:
         | To the people downvoting this comment: By saying that 11 is
         | what 10 was to Mac OS 9 implies the same substantial changes
         | made to the whole system which is not the case here, at all.
         | Mac OS 10 / OS X / macOS was a completely new system based on
         | NeXTSTEP (or at least, completely different from Mac OS 9). It
         | is still the same operating system, just in the usual upgraded
         | fashion (although this time with more visual changes). By
         | dropping the 10, Apple would have stated that macOS is just
         | considered the successor to Mac OS (9) and the previous major
         | "10" is already implied by the name. The 11 just makes no sense
         | considering there has already been an 11th OS X.
           | htfu wrote:
           | Then again how does this differ from the mostly incremental
           | updates 2 through 9? They had a naming strategy, changed it,
           | and now seemingly reverted to the old one. I don't understand
           | your reasoning.
           | saurik wrote:
           | https://twitter.com/peternlewis/status/1276777600027750400?s.
           | ..
           | Doctor_Fegg wrote:
           | On the other hand, MacOS 7.6 to MacOS 8 was not much more
           | than a rebadging and a few bundled widgets. 9->X was a once-
           | in-a-lifetime architectural change and not historically
           | typical of Mac system software major versions.
           | richardwhiuk wrote:
           | I think the 11 is being justified as "supporting ARM64", but
           | given 10.0 supported PowerPC, it does seem dubious.
       | klodolph wrote:
       | Note that this is how Windows has worked since 2013.
       | If you ask what version of Windows you are running, for example
       | with GetVersionEx, Windows will report Windows 8.0. This is true
       | _unless_ your application marks compatibility with a newer
       | version in its manifest, at which point Windows will report
       | whatever the newest version in your manifest is, or whatever
       | version Windows actually is, whichever of the two is older.
         | spaetzleesser wrote:
         | This one hit met pretty good a while ago. I had to know if we
         | are running on Windows 8 or Windows 10 and it turned out to be
         | very difficult finding that out.
         | richardwhiuk wrote:
         | It's kind of annoying from an analytics perspective, because
         | you need to upgrade the manifest (and thus the compatibility)
         | to find out how widely adopted a version is, so you can find
         | out if how much effort it's worth putting into validating it as
         | a platform.
           | wolrah wrote:
           | > so you can find out if how much effort it's worth putting
           | into validating it as a platform.
           | I don't understand the logic here. We're talking about the
           | new version of your target OS. You will presumably always
           | need to support it eventually.
           | IMO if you're large enough to have a testing and validation
           | process at all, you should be including at least the public
           | beta builds in those tests.. By the time it hits RTM if you
           | don't at least know if your software works you're doing it
           | wrong.
           | Also, if your software is regularly breaking with OS releases
           | and you're not doing something that requires you to be deep
           | in the internals, you're almost certainly doing something
           | significantly wrong and should figure out what that is. The
           | only software I consistently experience breakage with on
           | updates is also the one where their tech support insists that
           | we're being paranoid for refusing to give their users local
           | admin privileges just to run it. I don't think for a second
           | that's a coincidence.
           | dietrichepp wrote:
           | True that this is annoying, but there is a solution.
           | https://stackoverflow.com/a/25986612/82294
             | gruez wrote:
             | Now we just have to wait until that method gets abused
             | enough by devs and microsoft ends up spoofing that too.
               | derefr wrote:
               | There's an ultimate future-proof solution, though: just
               | generate, in a loop, a series of assemblies that each
               | purport compatibility with Windows ABI vX.Y.Z; spawn
               | those in a separate process; and get them to return what
               | version of Windows they perceive. Once the number stops
               | going up, that's the version you're on.
               | No real way to get around _that_ without misinforming
               | fresh, valid applications.
               | cesarb wrote:
               | > just generate, in a loop, a series of assemblies that
               | each purport compatibility with Windows ABI vX.Y.Z
               | The Microsoft developers already thought of that trick.
               | What you declare is not compatibility with "Windows ABI
               | vX.Y.Z"; you declare compatibility with an UUID which
               | represents that Windows version. That is, if you're
               | compatible with Windows 8 you say "I'm compatible with
               | 4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38", if you're
               | compatible with Windows 8.1 you say "I'm compatible with
               | 1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78", and so on. Since
               | you cannot predict the UUID for future Windows versions,
               | you cannot pretend to be compatible with them.
               | LambdaComplex wrote:
               | > Since you cannot predict the UUID for future Windows
               | versions, you cannot pretend to be compatible with them.
               | Until a clueless product manager tells you to just
               | iterate through all possible UUIDs to check :)
               | anonexpat wrote:
               | If I had a dollar every time I had to explain this to a
               | PM or a CISO (!!)...
       | cpeterso wrote:
       | The User-Agent string for Big Sur's Safari running on Apple
       | Silicon (ARM) still says "Mac OS X 10_16" and, curiously, claims
       | to be "Intel":
       | "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_16)
       | AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0
       | Safari/605.1.15"
         | messe wrote:
         | iPadOS Safari does the same:
         | "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4)
         | AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.1
         | Safari/605.1.15"
         | tasogare wrote:
         | User agents have been garbage for decades. Keeping Safari's one
         | like it is is probably a good idea, who knows which websites
         | could break if changed.
           | ladberg wrote:
           | Not sure why you're being downvoted, but this is exactly the
           | reason. Chrome on Windows includes "Safari" in the user agent
           | and Chrome on Android includes "Mobile Safari" because if
           | they don't add it, tons of websites will break.
           | Everyone does this, which is kinda why we need to get rid of
           | user agents and replace it with feature detection (and css
           | that works everywhere for people who don't want to run
           | Javascript).
             | baggy_trough wrote:
             | Browsers have bugs so it's not really possible to do that
             | and maintain a reliable web.
               | alerighi wrote:
               | Bugs should be fixed by who produces the browser and not
               | by the website administrator by looking at the user agent
               | and using workarounds.
               | When someone asks me to build I site for them I say, look
               | I will guarantee that the site that I make is compliant
               | with the W3C specification. If there is something that it
               | doesn't work because some browser don't implement the
               | standard correctly, you go to Microsoft to complain, or
               | you install a decent browser like Firefox.
               | sdinsn wrote:
               | Disagree. You can't just tell your customers "my product
               | doesn't work because of Microsoft, go complain to them;
               | even though it's possible for me to work around it, I'm
               | choosing not to".
               | baggy_trough wrote:
               | I admire your idealism, but here on planet Earth
               | engineers are paid to make things work.
               | kortilla wrote:
               | Lol, I don't know who your clientele are but producing
               | websites that don't work on popular browsers "because the
               | browser is not following spec" is a non-starter. A bank
               | wants a banking website its customers can use, not a
               | website 60% of its customers can use and a link to a 7
               | year old bug report.
         | nothis wrote:
         | Notice it also identifies as "Mozilla", because User-Agent
         | strings are more about not breaking shit than actually
         | reporting what's going on.
           | justinator wrote:
           | This was originally done by IE way back in the day, for a
           | variety of reasons - one being to not block IE. So, they just
           | masqueraded the IE browser as Netscape. It's been a mess
           | every since.
             | r00fus wrote:
             | Yeah, it's one of those pernicious things that highlights
             | that a powerful player like Microsoft can essentially lie
             | or disregard standards for their own benefit and thus
             | cheapen the entire purpose of the rule.
         | birdyrooster wrote:
         | > The User-Agent string
         | Allow me stop you there. The User-Agent string is semantically
         | meaningless.
         | m45t3r wrote:
         | This makes sense since it should avoid two issues:
         | - Sites that try to detect mobile by looking at "ARM" in user-
         | agent string
         | - Sites that try to parse the macOS minor version for some
         | reason and would be confused to see something like "11_0"
         | BTW, user-agent is a hell anyway. Just looking at this user-
         | agent that OP posted, macOS still identifies itself as "Mac OS
         | X", still is based on Mozilla/5.0(!), still identifies itself
         | as KHTML enginee (compatible with Gecko), and so on...
           | empyrical wrote:
           | Also, whether a system is ARM or Intel could be used as
           | another bit of entropy for fingerprinting.
             | gruez wrote:
             | You can probably get the same information by looking at the
             | webgl fingerprint, since the iGPU inside the A12Z is
             | different than the ones used in Intel macs.
               | alerighi wrote:
               | It's more complex and requires to use JavaScript that you
               | can block in the browser, while the user agent is always
               | sent to the server on every request, and thus is much
               | easier to fingerprint the user with that.
           | fluffything wrote:
           | And doing this encourages websites that actually need to
           | detect this platform properly to introduce the next
           | generation of horrible things.
             | dwaite wrote:
             | Browsers will almost certainly begin to phase out user
             | agent strings anyway: https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-
             | to-phase-out-user-agent... .
             | In the vast majority of use cases, these values should not
             | be used to detect platform features - actual feature
             | detection should be used instead.
               | baggy_trough wrote:
               | Good thing there won't be any more browser/version
               | specific bugs to work around!
               | grishka wrote:
               | The replacement they're going with, "client hints", is
               | weird in its own way. Suppose you render your website
               | server-side, and suppose you use different templates for
               | desktop and mobile. You then have to determine the kind
               | you want before any response is sent, but the new method
               | prevents you from doing that; you _have_ to send a
               | response to ask the browser to send the mobile flag in a
               | subsequent request. You 'd have to use ugly workarounds
               | for that. One that comes to mind is to issue a redirect
               | to the requested URL itself, but ask for the additional
               | headers. Not optimal because it adds a round-trip and I'm
               | not sure it'll work at all. User agent strings aren't
               | pretty but they make this kind of detection extremely
               | easy and straightforward.
               | And "actual feature detection" doesn't work with SSR,
               | like, at all.
               | alerighi wrote:
               | A good observation, but why do you need to serve a mobile
               | and a desktop version of your site in the first place?
               | You can with modern HTML and CSS make a website that
               | works perfectly on mobile and desktop, without having to
               | serve a different version for the different platform.
               | It doesn't make sense to make the choice of what to
               | render on the user agent: for example if it says Android,
               | what does it mean? It is probably a smartphone, but it
               | could also be a tablet, a TV, or even a PC!
               | An even more stupid idea is to redirect the user to a
               | different domain if you detect that the user agent is
               | mobile, since it usually work one way and thus if you
               | share on a chat the link to the mobile version of the
               | site and the other one opens it on a desktop there is no
               | easy way to get back to the desktop site (most of the
               | times I have to modify the URL!)
               | grishka wrote:
               | I might be a minority, but I don't like modern adaptive
               | websites. They try really hard to work on both touch and
               | non-touch devices with the same underlying markup, and
               | more often than not end up being terrible on both. You
               | end up with these giant, touch-friendly buttons on
               | desktops. Making all your paddings and layouts and font
               | sizes dynamically adapt to the interaction paradigm is
               | hard and almost no one's doing it. Then there are some
               | interactions that are only possible on desktops -- like
               | hovering things to reveal menus or tooltips; these
               | websites rarely make use of the unique properties of the
               | mouse. Or sometimes they do but then you happened to open
               | it on your phone and you have to tap and hold the thing
               | to trigger the hover. And so on.
               | > It is probably a smartphone, but it could also be a
               | tablet, a TV, or even a PC!
               | That's what the "request desktop website" setting is for.
               | > An even more stupid idea is to redirect the user to a
               | different domain if you detect that the user agent is
               | mobile
               | Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you on this one.
               | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
               | They should just make a gentleman's agreement that the
               | four majors will change it to name and version without
               | any of the cruft. Every broken site will be quickly
               | shamed into fixing their shit.
               | DaiPlusPlus wrote:
               | "Every broken site" will be internal enterprise web-
               | applications that haven't been touched in 15 years where
               | they've also lost the source code.
             | ryandrake wrote:
             | If there is a constant in the universe it's that developers
             | will always be trying to detect X by querying for Y and
             | then have their code break when those assumptions become
             | wrong.
         | agloeregrets wrote:
         | This is because iPadOS also claims to be a Mac
           | valuearb wrote:
           | Technically it and iOS are MacOS.
           | And all three are NextStep.
           | And Mach.
       | nameoda wrote:
       | Got to admit - that's a simple yet clever solution.
         | greatgib wrote:
         | Quite the opposite, it is a complex mess.
           | Lammy wrote:
           | At some future point the frameworks that are getting the
           | backwards-compat version number will be dropped, all those
           | apps will cease to function on macOS 11.n+1, and it won't
           | matter any more. I think it's a great solution.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | I agree, this is not good. I manage Macs in MDM and I already
           | saw that in some actions they show up as 11 and in others as
           | 10.16. sw_vers tends to report 10.16 but UIviews tend to
           | report 11.0. MDMs are complex machines and they don't always
           | do every operation the same way.
           | Why is this bad? Well for one example, because sometimes you
           | use version numbers not exactly. Consider the statement:
           | "Applies to 11.0 and higher". Depending on how the OS
           | identifies itself this will be valid or not. On the _same_
           | OS.
           | Or consider reporting, if under some conditions the Mac
           | identifies itself as 10.16 and in others as 11, you're going
           | to have them in 2 different buckets even though they're the
           | same thing.
           | Really, they should have made a choice, one or the other. If
           | software wasn't compatible because of this it should just be
           | updated. Apple never said it would always be 10.x.
           | I don't really understand why they're doing this as Apple
           | normally has no issue telling developers to fix it or stuff
           | it. They never cared about backwards compatibility before. If
           | having 11.x was not that important to them to upset a lot of
           | stuff, they should have just stuck with 10.16.
             | klodolph wrote:
             | This is exactly how Windows has done it since 8.1, back in
             | 2013. Apple's strategy isn't new or unusual.
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | If others do a bad thing too, doesn't make it right :)
               | coldtea wrote:
               | Saying it's bad doesn't make it bad.
               | And it surely doesn't make it worse than the
               | alternatives...
               | klodolph wrote:
               | The reason why both Microsoft and Apple are doing this is
               | because there is too much software in the wild which will
               | break if it detects a major version bump. So, that is why
               | both are doing it, and that is why it is the right
               | decision.
               | johnmaguire2013 wrote:
               | The right decision may still be a complex mess.
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | Exactly, and what I'm trying to point out is, is this
               | really worth it when the only advantage of having the
               | "11.0" is just marketing?
               | coldtea wrote:
               | Yes. The alternative is how we have legacy things with no
               | meaning 30 years down the line...
             | gregoriol wrote:
             | Wouldn't "10.16 and higher" work for both 10.16 and 11?
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | Yes it would. But there is no guarantee that every
               | package vendor does it that way. And this is only one
               | example I can think of. It will mess up reports as well.
               | Data from Macs is used outside of the Mac itself as well.
               | I'll add that to my post, I'm only just now thinking of
               | the implications. So far I hadn't thought of this as I
               | assumed it would be fixed before release.
               | In fact most Enterprise software for Mac (think Palo Alto
               | GlobalProtect, Zscaler, antivirus packages) are
               | _horribly_ badly packaged and I expect many issues here.
               | PS: Good point from tobr below too.. These things are not
               | as simple as they seem.
               | gregoriol wrote:
               | Well, they'll anyway need to "do" something about the new
               | arm macs, so it'll probably not be an issue to fix
               | version checks at the same time if broken...
               | etaoins wrote:
               | Existing Intel software (with potentially broken version
               | checks) will work on ARM Macs under emulation. Once they
               | rebuild with the new SDK they'll get the receive the
               | correct version.
               | tobr wrote:
               | What if next year is 12.0 and 10.17?
               | torarnv wrote:
               | The more plausible scenario would be 11.1 and 10.17
               | The trick of checking version >= 10.16 to cover both
               | 10.16 and 11.0 would not work then, as version >= 10.17
               | would cover 11.0 (10.16) too.
               | Then what..?
               | gregoriol wrote:
               | Your comment made my day :-D
               | klodolph wrote:
               | I don't think this is a plausible scenario. You might
               | also ask, "What if next year Apple releases Mac OS 9.3?"
               | mattl wrote:
               | They should. And they should release a new version of
               | Rhapsody. The Rhapsody community (and it is a community)
               | would love that.
               | steviedotboston wrote:
               | Don't get me excited now...
             | samcat116 wrote:
             | What MDM specifically? It would be up to the MDM version to
             | be consistent with how they display and handle the SW
             | version. Stuff like AutoPKG and Munki should be able to
             | handle it just fine.
               | GekkePrutser wrote:
               | AutoPKG and Munki aren't MDMs.
               | I use both AirWatch (now VMWare Workspace ONE) and MS
               | Intune (now Microsoft Endpoint Manager) right now.
               | The problem is that they incorporate different
               | technologies. For example, Workspace ONE includes Munki
               | for its app distribution but MS does a different thing.
               | Also many run scripts in the background to check things,
               | which may or may not do things differently.
               | I haven't really tested Big Sur much with the MDMs
               | because there isn't much point until all our antivirus
               | software etc is updated to support it. But I'm pretty
               | sure this will cause additional issues, and Macs in
               | enterprise are already very difficult. Mainly because of
               | Apple's consumer focus, enterprise manageability is
               | always second place unfortunately.
           | coldpie wrote:
           | Yes. Caring about backwards compatibility is a whole universe
           | of compromises.
             | agnokapathetic wrote:
             | There is speculation the reason Windows jumped from version
             | Windows 8 to Windows 10 is that too many things were string
             | matching (version ~= "Windows 9\d*")
               | richardwhiuk wrote:
               | or just .startsWith("Windows 9")
       | burtonator wrote:
       | I found that my iPad PRO lies about its user agent and will
       | pretend to be MacOS by default. They don't even provide you with
       | a hint to detect that it's a lie.
         | snazz wrote:
         | Yes, user agents are a mess (see this comment for non-Apple
         | examples: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23910637).
         | They're not a good way to detect features as a web developer.
       | RJIb8RBYxzAMX9u wrote:
       | I don't understand why -- and do educate me on why I'm wrong --
       | software don't just use an internal and external version number.
       | Version numbers may have started as a technical label with
       | precise meanings, but they've been a part of branding and
       | marketing for a while now. It's futile to fight it[0].
       | Let the former be a monotonically increasing (say 64-bt) integer,
       | and the latter be a free-form string. This way, marketing folks
       | are free to call one version "macOS 10.16 Big Sur", followed by
       | "macOS 11.0 Big Sur Pro Max", "macOS 10.32 Pro SE", etc. w/o
       | developers pondering over whether "Pro SE" > "Pro Max". As for
       | API, maybe something like getProductVersion() for the internal
       | version, and getProductName() for the external version. Heck, be
       | facetious and let the latter return a string like "!!! DO NOT USE
       | !!!\07\07\07macOS 10.16 Big Sur".
       | Yes, lazy developers will get it wrong, similar to how they use
       | gettimeofday()[1] instead of clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
       | ...)[2]. In their defense, often software switch between
       | versioning conventions such that what's the "right" thing to do
       | is unclear.
       | [0] Such appropriation is everywhere. Don't get me started on how
       | Porsche Taycan, an electric car, has a "Turbo" model. It probably
       | doesn't even come with blinker fluid standard.
       | [1]
       | https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/g...
       | [2]
       | https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/c...
         | [deleted]
         | gok wrote:
         | You got the answer right. Software typically does work this way
         | but then people inevitably make the mistake of using the wrong
         | version and then hacks are needed to not break those apps.
         | elcomet wrote:
         | I think that a lot of projects already do this. In particular
         | windows : Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7,8,9,10 are all
         | external version numbers.
           | moron4hire wrote:
           | Additionally, they have all of GP's suggested functions.
           | rpastuszak wrote:
           | What's win 9? I thought 9 was the internal version of 10.
           | MikeHolman wrote:
           | This is somewhat true, but Windows is a perfect example of
           | this not working. There was no Windows 9, because of fear of
           | people using the Windows string name to detect Windows 95/98
           | (or at least that is the prominent theory).
             | mattkevan wrote:
             | Ah, that makes sense.
             | I thought it was because they wanted to go to 10, like Mac
             | OS X. Same as the Xbox 360 was called that because they
             | didn't want to bring out the Xbox 2 when Sony was bringing
             | out the PS3.
       | fpgaminer wrote:
       | Is there context for this? Are apps breaking when the major
       | version of the OS changes?
         | fredoralive wrote:
         | Windows 95 (4.0) tells 16 bit apps that it is "3.95" because
         | enough old apps had problems because of broken version checks.
         | So it's not without precedent for an OS to lie to old apps
         | about version numbers, and in this case the version has been 10
         | for 20 years, so there are probably a fair few that assume the
         | major part must be 10.
           | my123 wrote:
           | Windows 8.1 onwards also do in Windows land, with it
           | returning the Windows 8.0 version number (NT 6.2, build 9200)
           | for apps that aren't enlightened for newer versions.
         | thought_alarm wrote:
         | It's the first time in the 20 year history of Mac OS X that the
         | major version number has changed. They're simply protecting
         | against the likely possibility that some apps don't bother to
         | check the major version.
         | Going forward, expect the major version number to change each
         | year, like iOS. But for apps built against older versions of
         | the SDK, the major version will always be 10.
           | jon-wood wrote:
           | How is Mac OS X two decades old? It feels like just yesterday
           | I started my first real job, developing websites on a
           | computer running Mac OS 10.1.
         | Klonoar wrote:
         | It's kind of a pain in the ass with regards to homebrew at the
         | moment, yeah.
         | wk_end wrote:
         | Legend has it this is why Windows skipped version 9 - too many
         | apps broke when they checked the version string just for
         | "Windows 9" to capture both "95" and "98".
           | stordoff wrote:
           | Opera 10 faced the same issue:
           | > The user agent for Opera 10 (eg Mac platform, English
           | locale) will be as follows: Opera/9.80 (Macintosh; Intel Mac
           | OS X; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.00
           | > When we released the Opera 10 alpha in December last year,
           | we gave it a Opera/10.00 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X; U; en)
           | Presto/2.2.0 user agent string. [...] It appears that a
           | considerable amount of browser sniffing scripts are not quite
           | ready for this change to double digits, as they detect only
           | the first digit of the user agent string: in such a scenario,
           | Opera 10 is interpreted as Opera 1.
           | https://maqentaer.com/devopera-static-
           | backup/http/dev.opera....
           | Lammy wrote:
           | I wonder if wanting to one-up Microsoft also came up
           | somewhere once they both had an OS major version 10 :)
         | 0x0 wrote:
         | Lazy developers assuming majorVersion is always 10, so they do
         | an "if minorVersion < 14 then error 'requires at least macOS
         | 10.14'"
         | twoodfin wrote:
         | I suspect the larger problem is code that checks the minor
         | version is > n and either refuses to run or disables
         | capabilities that weren't available in the OS before 10.n.
           | [deleted]
         | xucheng wrote:
         | I remember some softwares were broken when macOS 10.10 came
         | out. Because they all assumed that the minor version is a
         | single digit.
         | Since TLS 1.3, the version number in Client Hello package has
         | been permanently frozen as TLS 1.0 to prevent breakage.
         | There is also a story that the copyright string in some old
         | software by microsoft is permanently frozen for the same
         | purpose.
           | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
           | > Client Hello package has been permanently frozen as TLS 1.0
           | to prevent breakage.
           | Which is actually reported as SSL 3.1 "to prevent breakage".
       | sixstringtheory wrote:
       | > Big Sur will identify itself as both version 10.16 and 11.0
       | according to context. This should put the minds of many at rest
       | Not mine. It's an extra piece of cognitive burden and another
       | opportunity for misconfiguration.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | Welcome to all technical migrations ever.
         | The ease of mind of the current developer is far less important
         | than software not breakly widely for users because previous
         | developers made bad assumptions about version strings.
           | sixstringtheory wrote:
           | Making policy to avoid the consequences of prior bad
           | practices does not sound like a recipe for encouraging good
           | practices moving forward. In terms of technical debt, it's
           | like taking out a loan to pay off a credit card. I worry this
           | will just lead to baking in more bad assumptions as
           | developers hurry to get this off their plate.
           | I wonder why they don't announce a deprecation of the old
           | versioning schema, and give developers time before switching,
           | instead of just doing both at the same time with little to no
           | warning. They've done that with lots of other technical
           | migrations and even then, there is still plenty of
           | controversy-see Catalina 32-bit support. Is there any reason
           | to believe that doing a migration outright is safer, when the
           | stepped approach has already proven difficult?
           | The least charitable guess I can come up with is that this
           | was a mistake that they can't walk back for technical
           | reasons, so are just fixing forward.
           | If it were up to me, I'd announce that a future version of
           | macOS will increment the major version and that  will be
           | moving to semver/calver/whatever-other-protocol, and do it
           | when the current place name marketing strategy runs its
           | course, as did the cat name marketing strategy. That would
           | also give a few more years to get any major UI/system changes
           | ready to drop for macOS 11. Just my 2C/.
             | crazygringo wrote:
             | The issue is old software continuing to work without having
             | to be updated.
             | Giving more "time" solves nothing for all the programs out
             | there that cannot or will not be updated for whatever
             | reason.
             | This wasn't a mistake on Apple's part, it's just working
             | around bad programming practice by developers. But there's
             | no reason why users should suffer for it.
               | sixstringtheory wrote:
               | If they instead didn't move to 11 at all, what would stop
               | working? What is the thing they are rushing to solve
               | before things stop working? I think I'm missing something
               | there.
               | I agree with users not needing to suffer, I'm not
               | advocating for a hard break here.
               | Edit to add: is it necessarily a bad thing for
               | unmaintained software to die? Keeping them around sounds
               | like a great way to accumulate security vulnerabilities.
       | Razengan wrote:
       | I wonder if the real reason that Windows skipped version 9 was to
       | "catch up" to Mac OS "Ten", and whether Microsoft will jump to 11
       | too now.
         | rubber_duck wrote:
         | AFAIK Windows skipped 9 to avoid issues with bad version
         | testing mistaking it for 9x (95, 98).
           | DaiPlusPlus wrote:
           | I don't believe that for one moment.
           | If you ask Win32 for its version number you get a VERSION
           | structure with Major/Minor/Build fields - not a string.
           | Windows faked its reported version information to software
           | for compatibility purposes since Windows XP (opt-in) and
           | since Windows 8 (opt-out, using application manifests) - so
           | any program that doesn't claim support for Windows 8, 10, etc
           | is stuck in "Windows Vista mode" - so _even if_ software was
           | doing an osMarketingName.StartsWith("Windows 9") check it
           | would be straightforward to make it work.
           | jug wrote:
           | I think that was the official reason but I wonder... Not even
           | the old bad GetVersion API's in Win32 had anything to do with
           | branding. 95 is Windows 4.00, 98 is Windows 4.10.
           | But sure, I believe them. If they could give a few product
           | examples.
       (page generated 2020-07-21 23:00 UTC)