[HN Gopher] Amazon Ion
       Amazon Ion
       Author : BerislavLopac
       Score  : 93 points
       Date   : 2020-07-22 21:09 UTC (1 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (amzn.github.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (amzn.github.io)
       | gavinray wrote:
       | I think that talking about Ion, without talking about PartiQL, is
       | not setting people up with proper context.
       | PartiQL is AWS's specification for a parser/query language that
       | is compatible with standard SQL, but can query semi-structured or
       | unstructured data (think JSON, Parquet, CSV/TSV etc)
       | https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/announcing-partiql-o...
       | PartiQL uses Ion as it's backbone and data format:
       | https://partiql.org/faqs.html#why-do-you-choose-ion-to-exten...
       | https://github.com/partiql/partiql-lang-kotlin/blob/master/e...
       | I looked pretty deeply into this, but failed a bit short of
       | understanding what they meant when "if your query engine supports
       | PartiQL." Does that mean writing a new DB that delegates incoming
       | queries to PartiQL? Not sure.
       | Anyways, they use it in Quantum Ledger DB, and a few other
       | internal projects:
       | https://docs.aws.amazon.com/qldb/latest/developerguide/ql-re...
       | So maybe that can give some more context around "what the hell is
       | this, why does it exist, how would you use it?"
         | whoevercares wrote:
         | Yeah It's more like a spec, they expect you to write the query
         | optimizer, analyzer basically a new query engine. They offered
         | a document based "reference" implementation on Kotlin though so
         | I think expert could follow it.
       | willvarfar wrote:
       | How does this compare to protobuf, thrift, msgpack etc?
       | It's roughly the same vintage as protobuf and thrift, from google
       | and Facebook respectively, so perhaps it's just Amazon's
       | equivalent, which they just never released as quick as the others
       | did?
       | Obvious pros and cons, or yet another serialization format with
       | no obvious benefits over anything else?
         | habitue wrote:
         | Just from reading their page and being familiar with the
         | formats you mentioned:
         | vs. protobuf: ion is self describing, vs needing a schema
         | vs. thrift: similar, thrift needs a schema to interpret a
         | binary file
         | both thrift and protobuf are really binary formats, though they
         | have a canonical textual representation, it's not actually used
         | to serialize. Sounds like ion supports serializing as text as a
         | first class concept.
         | vs. msgpack: ion has a corresponding text format, whereas
         | msgpack is only binary. Additionally, ion has a symbol type,
         | msgpack doesn't.
         | I think the biggest benefit here is that it's a new chance for
         | a format that fixes some of json's rough edges to gain critical
         | mass. There's probably nothing ultra special about it that
         | hasn't been solved in other formats, but maybe the timing will
         | be right and everyone will just adopt it as a json replacement
         | (sort of how people just gave up on xml and switch to json
         | seemingly overnight). It's impossible to predict stuff like
         | that.
         | Edit: upon noticing that it was released in 2016, it seems less
         | likely everyone will jump on the ion bandwagon ...
         | Scaevolus wrote:
         | Protobuf/Thrift are schema-based serialization systems.
         | Ion is directly comparable to JSON/MessagePack/BSON/CBOR.
         | I would expect Ion will have slightly different time/space
         | tradeoffs than the other binary schemaless formats.
         | b203 wrote:
         | There are some painpoints that are being addressed:
         | 1) timestamp : I have had issues with a round-tripping
         | timestamp representation quite a bit 2) decimal : currency is
         | denoted in decimal rather than float and shows the Amazon
         | retail heritage. This is very useful. 3) symbols : I've had
         | cases where symbol table/dictionary would have made big
         | difference in serialized size
         | geeio wrote:
         | It is probably closer to something like avro, but with more
         | features and less java focus.
       | whoevercares wrote:
       | I'll start use it when AWS adopt it :) This is only used in
       | retail orgs... the ecosystem is the biggest issue
       | NegativeLatency wrote:
       | embrace extend extinguish
       | also
       | https://xkcd.com/927/
       | Scaevolus wrote:
       | Previously (2016, 165 comments):
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11546098
         | k__ wrote:
         | So it didn't really catch on?
       | novok wrote:
       | Interesting they don't have a kotlin or swift version. Do their
       | iOS clients just communicate with plain json? Are they all
       | secretly written in javascript?
         | moltar wrote:
         | iOS shopping app is a web app and it uses plain JSON.
       | roenxi wrote:
       | An interesting point - I browse with JavaScript disabled. The
       | example at the bottom of the page rendered for me without
       | newlines, in a manner that meant the thing rendered in a
       | completely unparsable way due to comments like:
       | // Field names
       | This experience has reminded me why JSON is such a great format.
       | And having a whinge while I'm writing, "superset of JSON" is
       | basically false advertising even though it is true; JSONs refusal
       | to admit that line breaks are a thing is a major feature. I don't
       | care it if it is technically correct and useful to some
       | customers, if line breaks matter it is inappropriate to talk
       | about a format's relation to JSON because people will get the
       | wrong idea. The JSON brand is so strong because it is nigh-
       | impossible to get wrong. This format gets screwed up - eg, for
       | people who don't like JS.
         | skywhopper wrote:
         | I think "superset" is a clear relationship. It means "legal
         | JSON is legal Ion", just like "legal JSON is legal YAML". I
         | don't think it's inappropriate to point that out. In fact, it's
         | an excellent feature.
       | leetrout wrote:
       | It's not listed but there is a Go library
       | https://github.com/amzn/ion-go
       | 101008 wrote:
       | Looks nice. I saw that there is no PHP implementation yet. Doing
       | it and publish it on Github would give me something, besides a
       | "kudos" from Amazon? I am not asking for a position at Amazon,
       | but maybe an interview?
         | moltar wrote:
         | I've published two libraries for Amazon products. They didn't
         | care.
         | urda wrote:
         | PHP is a banned language at Amazon and Amazon subsidiaries, so
         | they will not care.
           | bowmessage wrote:
           | untrue for client libraries, they would care.
           | https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-php/
           | ajkjk wrote:
           | That's not really how that works. Just don't make it the only
           | language you know.
           | Godel_unicode wrote:
           | As it should be be.
       | miohtama wrote:
       | What has bugged me a lot with JavaScript that it lacked standard
       | presentation of dates and decimals (like money), making it feel
       | inferior for application development. Happy to finally seeing
       | this addressed on both JavaScript tself and then also in
       | serialisation formats.
       | (Though looks like Ion is not solely targeting JS, but I make an
       | assumption it is nice to consume Ion data in frontend)
         | imglorp wrote:
         | Nope, backend if anything. For example, their new QLDB product
         | uses it to get consistent hashing of documents on account of
         | Ion being a canonical format.
       (page generated 2020-07-22 23:00 UTC)