[HN Gopher] Sandboxing and workload isolation
       Sandboxing and workload isolation
       Author : sudhirj
       Score  : 102 points
       Date   : 2020-07-30 18:08 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (fly.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (fly.io)
       | eyberg wrote:
       | There's also unikernels which several work under firecracker.
       | "The first, and really the big problem for the whole
       | virtualization approach, is that you need bare metal servers to
       | efficiently do lightweight virtualization;" <- this isn't really
       | true anymore as unikernels can be deployed to {aws, gcloud,
       | azure} as machine images and so can be as light-weight as your
       | program needs.
         | mrkurt wrote:
         | We've been playing a lot with OSv. But unikernels aren't
         | strictly sandboxing or isolation.
         | If you're deploying a unikernel to ec2, you're just using their
         | underlying isolation. You can't safely deploy multiple
         | unikernels on the same ec2 instances without figuring out your
         | own, nested isolation.
           | eyberg wrote:
           | Sure - the hypervisor is the isolation vehicle - the same as
           | firecracker.
           | The only? reason I can see for wanting to deploy N unikernels
           | to one AWS instance is if you want full control on the
           | orchestration of things like multi-tenancy, however, it is
           | very much possible and it is possible on GCloud as well. It
           | should be noted that you are in the same boat as firecracker
           | here. They both use virtualization.
       | hinkley wrote:
       | I just cannot shake the feeling that everything Containers have
       | promised us, I was promised back in 1991 with pre-emptive
       | multitasking and protected memory.
       | I also can't help but think we're going to end up with a
       | microkernel with some sort of nested cgroups for user processes.
       | Which is itself going to look a little bit like Erlang...
         | watermelon0 wrote:
         | Docker promised containers like we knew them from the past, and
         | improved building and packaging procedures.
         | In the past, we never had an easy way to package various
         | applications (including all needed resources and executables).
         | Each language ecosystem invented their own ways of packaging,
         | distributing and installing the application, and this always
         | relied on pre-existing environment.
         | With Docker you don't care what versions of language runtime,
         | or dependencies, each application runs, you can run them on the
         | same machine. There are no incompatible dependencies between
         | multiple Docker containers, everything almost always works.
         | Same goes with building, image layers made building of images a
         | lot easier, and doing incremental changes is fast. Of course
         | there are downsides, image size can really grow if you are not
         | careful, and you need to regularly rebuild images from the
         | ground up, to ensure everything is patched.
         | jnwatson wrote:
         | Containers are the API hack we put in because we couldn't
         | change POSIX. The isolation and packaging were available in
         | 90's era capability-based OSes (and 70's mainframe OSes), but
         | backwards compatibility is more important than anything else,
         | so we build matryoshkas of OSes inside OSes.
         | jayd16 wrote:
         | Is that a surprise? Containers can mostly be summed up by file
         | system isolation on top of process isolation. I think this is
         | why we're seeing some work done on capability based OSes like
         | Google's Fuchsia.
           | kjeetgill wrote:
           | Sorta, but I think you're missing the value proposition
           | forest for the feature trees.
           | I'm going to speak to the docker-style containers because
           | that's what I'm most familiar with.
           | Filesystem, process, and even network isolation facilitate
           | the illusion of an application having a fresh install of an
           | OS to a degree. This includes details like /dev/, a package
           | manager, things sitting in /etc/.
           | Added to that there's decent tooling for sharing,
           | composing/layering, shipping, baking images. They're
           | declarative (enough-ish) too.
           | This is nice because that's a pretty decent compatibility
           | layer across a ton of software like databases and webservers
           | that have always run expecting a full host, services written
           | with bare metal in mind, and new things too.
           | The kernel isolation features are powerful enablers, but
           | don't undervalue how important it was to have things sorted
           | out for you, like ldloader quirks with different glibc
           | versions against the same kernel. Real issue I had.
           | Source: Too much futzing around with chroots.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | For me we are kind of there already with hypervisors and
         | managed language runtimes.
         | The irony of having monoliths like Linux running type 1
         | hypervisors, on Intel CPUs running ME.
       | hashamali wrote:
       | Love what the folks at fly.io are doing with edge deployed
       | containers.
       | Interesting comparison with Cloudflare's isolate approach which
       | they expanded on earlier this week:
       | https://blog.cloudflare.com/mitigating-spectre-and-other-sec...
       | Seems like there is an edge compute option for any requirement
       | these days!
       | jamestenglish wrote:
       | Anyone else having a hard time even reading this article because
       | of the lack of contrast from text to background?
         | denysvitali wrote:
         | uhm, nope
       | iancarroll wrote:
       | We've deployed nsjail for our file conversion pipeline (i.e.
       | ImageMagick) and it's been great -- very nice configuration
       | language and strong isolation properties, with a manageable
       | performance hit. Definitely easy to write a configuration that
       | would not securely sandbox you, though, which seems like a strong
       | point towards Docker or other more high-level solutions.
       | louwrentius wrote:
       | So light-weight virtual machines on a security-hardened code
       | base.
       | Have we come full circle?
         | rhizome wrote:
         | It's not a circle!
         | https://media0.giphy.com/media/F5rQlfTXqCJ8c/giphy.gif
       (page generated 2020-07-30 23:00 UTC)