[HN Gopher] Conventions for Command Line Options
       Conventions for Command Line Options
       Author : zdw
       Score  : 89 points
       Date   : 2020-08-01 15:02 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (nullprogram.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (nullprogram.com)
       | mmphosis wrote:
       | Do I add more to this code just for convention? The command line
       | option parsing (or broken ParseOptions dependency) will become
       | magnitudes larger and more complex than what the program does.
       | usage = 0       argc = len(sys.argv)       if argc == 2 and
       | sys.argv[1] == "-r":        hex2bin()       else:        if argc
       | == 2 and sys.argv[1].startswith('-w', 0, 2):         s =
       | sys.argv[1][2::]        elif argc == 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-w':
       | s = sys.argv[2]        elif argc >= 2:         usage = 1
       | if usage == 0:         try:          width = int(s)
       | except ValueError:          print("Error: invalid, -w
       | {}".format(s))          usage = 1         except NameError:
       | width = 40        if usage == 0:         bin2hex(width)
       | else:         print("usage: mondump [-r | -w width]")
       | print("       Convert binary to hex or do the reverse.")
       | print("            -r reverse operation: convert hex to binary.")
       | print("            -w maximum width: fit lines within width
       | (default is 40.)")       sys.exit(usage)
       | m463 wrote:
       | I really do like argparse.
       | It will cleanly do just about anything you need done, including
       | nice stuff like long/short options, default values, required
       | options, types like type=int, help for every option, and even
       | complicated stuff like subcommands.
       | And the namespace stuff is clever, so you can reference arg.debug
       | instead of arg['debug']
         | onei wrote:
         | I always found argparse did argument parsing well enough but it
         | felt clunky when you need something more complicated like lots
         | of subcommands. I find myself using it exclusively when I'm
         | trying to avoid dependencies outside the Python standard
         | library.
         | My choice of argument parsing in Python is Click. It has next
         | to no rough edges and it's a breath of fresh air compared to
         | argparse. I recently recommended it to a colleague who fell in
         | love with it with minimal persuasion from me. I recommend it
         | highly.
         | [1] https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/7.x/
           | juped wrote:
           | Try Typer (https://typer.tiangolo.com/) sometime, which is
           | built on Click.
             | onei wrote:
             | At a glance it looks a bit too simple. I didn't look to far
             | into it, but it seems to be missing short options,
             | prompting for options and using environment variables for
             | options. As it's built on click, I'd guess you can call
             | into click to do those, but at that point I don't see a
             | major benefit typer is providing.
               | juped wrote:
               | Look, much of the purpose of posting things in a public
               | forum is not to directly converse with the person to whom
               | you are replying, but to add something relevant and
               | interesting to third-party readers of the thread.
               | It's up to you whether you're interested in the software
               | package linked in the comment or not, but it is harmful
               | to third-party readers who might potentially be
               | interested in it when you inexplicably reply with
               | unsubstantiated lies about it, which they might take as
               | true.
               | Noumenon72 wrote:
               | A comment actually directed toward third-party readers
               | would read like "For people who like Click but could also
               | use X, try Typer." Using the second-person imperative to
               | say 'Try this' challenges your interlocutor to ask "Why
               | should I?", to evaluate it for their own use case, to say
               | "You shouldn't have recommended this to me with no
               | qualification, it's not for everyone."
               | juped wrote:
               | To be clear, not only is the package in question not
               | "missing short options, prompting for options and using
               | environment variables for options", there is not even the
               | slightest indication on its docs site that it might be
               | missing such features.
               | I'm not harmed by the reckless indifference of that
               | comment, because I know a decent amount about these
               | libraries, and it's not my business if people want to
               | self-harm by believing false things, but people scrolling
               | the thread are potentially harmed ("damn, I like the
               | syntax of this, but it doesn't support short options?").
           | cb321 wrote:
           | I feel like argh and plac preceded/inspired Click.
           | Also, it's not Python but in Nim there is
           | https://github.com/c-blake/cligen which also does
           | spellcheck/typo suggestions, and allows --kebab-case
           | --camelCase or --snake_case for long options, among other
           | bells & whistles.
             | onei wrote:
             | Spell check is something I'd love to see in Click. As
             | complicated as git can be, I always liked the spell check
             | it has for subcommands.
             | As for the different cases, I personally avoid using camel
             | or snake case purely because I don't need to reach for the
             | shift key. Maybe some people like it, but I find it
             | jarring.
               | cb321 wrote:
               | Agreed vis a vis SHIFT.
               | cligen also has a global config file [1] to control
               | syntax options like whether '-c=val' requires an '=' (and
               | if it should be '=' or ':', etc.) which has been
               | discussed here, various colorization/help rendering
               | controls, etc. Shell scripts can always export
               | CLIGEN=/dev/null to force more strict and/or default
               | modes.
               | [1] https://github.com/c-blake/cligen/wiki/Example-
               | Config-File
       | alkonaut wrote:
       | > program -iinput.txt -ooutput.txt
       | What good is that? Who wants to save a space? Given -abcfoo.txt I
       | can't tell whether it's abcf oo.txt or -abc foo.txt? So that's a
       | definite drawback, and the benefit is?
       | ucarion wrote:
       | Most cli parsers don't fully support the author's suggested model
       | because it means you can't parse argv without knowing the flags
       | in advance.
       | For example, the author suggests that a cli parser should be able
       | to understand these two as the same thing:
       | program -abco output.txt         program -abcooutput.txt
       | That's only doable if by the time you're parsing argv, you
       | already know `-a`, `-b`, and `-c` don't take a value, and `-o`
       | does take a value.
       | But this is a pain. All it gets you is the ability to save one
       | space character, in exchange for a much complex argv-parsing
       | process. The `-abco output.txt` form can be parsed without such
       | additional context, and is already a pretty nice user interface.
       | For those of us who aren't working on ls(1), there's no shame in
       | having a less-sexy but easier-to-build-and-debug cli interface.
         | goto11 wrote:
         | Why would someone ever want to use the second syntax? (Genuine
         | question, not rhetorical!)
         | It seems using = for optional option arguments is only allowed
         | with long form. Why is that? Wouldn't it be nicer to be able to
         | write "program -c=blue" rather than "program -cblue"?
           | mehrdadn wrote:
           | The second syntax when you want to ask a program to pass an
           | argument to another program. Having to pass 2 arguments is a
           | lot more annoying since you'd often then have to prefix each
           | one.
         | saurik wrote:
         | But every single command line parser I have ever used (and I
         | have used many over the past 25 years in many programming
         | languages) does in fact know before parsing that a b and c
         | don't take a value and o does: accepting the grammar for the
         | flags and then parsing them in this way is like the only job of
         | the parser?
           | rabidrat wrote:
           | Some programs may allow for plugins which can have their own
           | options. But you may want to provide an option for where to
           | load the plugins from.
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | I suppose the only reason why you wouldn't want to have a
           | centralized description of the command line grammar is if
           | you're using flags which alter the set of acceptable flags.
           | Like e.g. if you put all git subcommands into one single
           | executable - the combinations and meanings of commandline
           | flags would become absurdly complicated.
       | rkagerer wrote:
       | Nice to see these guidelines all laid out.
       | I grew up with the DOS / Windows convention of slashes, and
       | clicked the link hoping there'd be mention of it.
       | ur-whale wrote:
       | I wish he mentioned what C++ option parser sticks to the rules he
       | outlined.
       | daitangio wrote:
       | For python click library is fantastic and follows all the good
       | pratice explained in the blog post.
       | ur-whale wrote:
       | I very much like the subcommand paradigm git implements:
       | mycmd <global args> subcommand <subcommand specific args>
       | However, I haven't found a C++ library that implements this
       | properly with an easy-to-use API (and what I mean by easy to use
       | is: specifying the structure of cmd line options should be easy
       | and natural, _and_ retrieving options specified by the user
       | should be easy, _and_ the  "synopsis" part of the man page should
       | be auto-generated).
       | If anyone knows of one, would love to hear about it.
         | htfy96 wrote:
         | Have you tried https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11 ? The
         | subcommand example can be found at
         | https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11/blob/master/examples/subco...
         | . It can't generate man pages though
       | exmadscientist wrote:
       | Just, whatever, you do, please please PLEASE _PLEASE_ support
       | `--help`. I don 't mean `-h` or `-help`, I mean `--help`.
       | There's only one thing the long flag can possibly mean: give me
       | the help text. I understand that your program might prefer the
       | `-help` style, but many do not. And do you know how I figure out
       | which style your program likes? That's right, I use `--help`. I
       | have to use `--help` rather than just `-help` because of GNU
       | userspace tools, among others. It seems unlikely they're going to
       | suddenly clean up their act _this_ decade, so I have to default
       | to starting with `--help`.
       | So it's very frustrating when the response to `program --help` is
       | "Argument --help not understood, try -help for help." This is
       | then often followed by me saying indecent things about the stupid
       | program.
         | misnome wrote:
         | Or worse - you pass --help and the script runs and starts doing
         | stuff
       | chriswarbo wrote:
       | I write a lot of commandline utilities and scripts for automating
       | tasks. I find environment variables _much_ simpler to provide and
       | accept key /value pairs than using arguments. Env vars don't
       | depend on order; if present, they always have a value (even if
       | it's the empty string); they're also inherited by subprocesses,
       | which is usually a bonus too (especially compared to passing
       | values to sub-commands via arguments, e.g. when optional
       | arguments may or may not have been given).
       | Using arguments for key/value pairs allows invalid states, where
       | the key is given but not the value. It can also cause subsequent,
       | semantically distinct, options to get swallowed up in place of
       | the missing value. They also force us to depend on the order of
       | arguments (i.e. since values must follow immediately after their
       | keys), despite it being otherwise irrelevant (at least, if we've
       | split on '--'). I also see no point in concatenating options: it
       | introduces redundant choices, which imposes a slight mental
       | burden that we're better off without.
       | The only advice I wholeheartedly encourage from this article is
       | (a) use libraries rather than hand-rolling (although, given my
       | choices above, argv is usually sufficient!) and (b) allow a '--'
       | argument for disambiguating flag arguments from arbitrary string
       | arguments (which might otherwise parse as flags).
         | TeMPOraL wrote:
         | Some tangential musings:
         | I can't stop but see here parallels between cmdline arguments
         | vs. environment variables for programs, and keyword arguments
         | vs. dynamic binding for functions in a program (particularly in
         | a Lisp one).
         | That is, $ program --foo=bar vs. $ FOO=bar program
         | seems analogous to:                 (function :foo "bar")
         | ;; vs.       (let ((*foo* "bar"))         (function))
         | When writing code (particularly Lisp), keyword arguments are
         | preferred to dynamic binding because the function signature is
         | then explicitly listing arguments it uses, and dynamic binding
         | (the in-process phenomenon analogous to inheriting environment
         | from a parent process) is seen as dangerous, and a source of
         | external state that may be difficult to trace/spot in the code.
         | I suppose the latter argument applies to env vars as well - you
         | can accidentally pass values differing from expectation because
         | you didn't know a parent process changed them. The former
         | doesn't, because processes don't have a "signature" specifying
         | its options, at least not in a machine-readable form. Which is
         | somewhat surprising - pretty much all software written over the
         | past decades follows the pattern of accepting argc, argv[] (and
         | env[]), and yet the format of arguments is entirely hidden
         | inside the actual program. I wonder why there isn't a way to
         | specify accepted arguments as e.g. metadata of the executable
         | file?
           | chriswarbo wrote:
           | Interesting that you bring up Lisp and dynamic scope, since
           | I've previously combined env vars with Racket's "parameters"
           | (AKA dynamic bindings):
           | https://lobste.rs/s/gnniei/setenv_fiasco_2015#c_owz2pp
             | TeMPOraL wrote:
             | Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about envs / dynamic
             | binding when someone brings up the other.
             | Speaking of using both direct and dynamic arguments, a
             | common pattern in (Common) Lisp is using dynamically-bound
             | variables (so-called "special" variables) to provide
             | default values. Since default values in (Common) Lisp can
             | be given as any expression, which gets evaluated at
             | function-call time, I can write this:
             | (defun function (&key (some-keyword-arg *some-special*))
             | ...)
             | And then, if I call this function with no arguments, i.e
             | (some-function), the some-keyword-arg will pull its value
             | from current dynamic value of _some-special_. In process
             | land, this would be equivalent to having command line
             | parser use values in environment variables as defaults for
             | arguments that were not provided.
           | aidenn0 wrote:
           | Lisp will at least warn you if you bind a variable with
           | earmuffs that isn't declared special though. Biggest downside
           | to environment variables is the lack of warning if you
           | misspell something.
         | vbernat wrote:
         | It seems equivalent to long options requiring a value. Also, if
         | you mistype an environment variable, you won't get warned about
         | it.
         | enriquto wrote:
         | The beautiful thing of environment variables is that you can
         | read them whenever you actually need them in your program. They
         | pierce a hole all over your call stack to the point that you
         | need them. On the contrary, for command line arguments, you
         | need to pass their values from the main function through
         | whatever deep of the call stack you need them.
           | carlmr wrote:
           | I think that's an advantage. You know what goes in and out,
           | you can see where it's passed and used. It provides
           | transparency and fewer accidental behavioral changes.
           | E.g. I had a really weird bug in a script, git seemed to
           | break for no reason, until i figured out that some other
           | script had exported GIT_DIR which pointed to the git top
           | level directory. The name of the variable isn't bad if want
           | to save that directory. But git uses GIT_DIR as the location
           | of the .git directory it should look at when it is defined.
           | Using environment variables is kind of like using global
           | state, it can often cause weird behavior at a distance
           | without a clear path of influence if you don't know exactly
           | which environment variables are used by all your scripts.
         | klhugo wrote:
         | Quick comment, not an expert, but environ vars keep their state
         | after the program is called. From a functional programming
         | perspective, or just for my own sanity, wouldn't it be more
         | interesting to keep the states into minimum?
           | rabidrat wrote:
           | That's only if you `export` the vars. You can do `FOO=1 BAR=2
           | cmd` and FOO and BAR will only have those values for the
           | process and children. This is isomorphic to `cmd --foo=1
           | --bar=2`.
           | chriswarbo wrote:
           | You're right that mutable state should be kept to a minimum,
           | but immutable state is fine. There usually isn't much need to
           | mutate env vars.
           | Some thoughts/remarks:
           | - If we don't change a variable/value then it's immutable.
           | Some languages let us enforce this (e.g. 'const'), which is
           | nice, but we shouldn't worry too much if our language
           | doesn't.
           | - We're violating 'single source of truth' if we have some
           | parts of our code reading the env var, and some reading from
           | a normal language variable. This also applies to arguments
           | through.
           | - Reading from an env var is an I/O effect, which we should
           | minimise.
           | - We can solve the last 2 problems by reading each env var
           | once, up-front, then passing the result around as a normal
           | value (i.e. functional core, imperative shell)
           | - Env vars are easy to _shadow_ , e.g. if our script uses
           | variables FOO and BAR, we can use a different value for BAR
           | _within a sub-command_ , e.g. in bash:
           | BAR=abc someCommand
           | This will inherit 'FOO' but use a different value of 'BAR'.
           | This isn't mutable state, it's a nested context, more like:
           | let foo  = 123             bar  = "hello"             baz  =
           | otherCommand             quux = let bar = "abc"
           | in someCommand
           | As TeMPOraL notes, env vars are more like _dynamically
           | scoped_ variables, whilst most language variables are
           | _lexically scoped_.
         | ucarion wrote:
         | Another nice thing about env vars is that they don't appear in
         | the process table, unlike argv. For many applications, that
         | makes them a suitable place to inject secrets, and makes them
         | convenient to inject via wrapper tools.
         | For instance, the fact that the aws(1) cli tool and the AWS
         | SDKs by default take IAM creds from AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
         | AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, etc. means that you can write programs
         | like aws-vault (https://github.com/99designs/aws-vault) which
         | can acquire a temporary AWS session and then execute another
         | command with the creds injected in the standard AWS_... env
         | vars. For instance:                   aws-vault exec prod-read
         | -- aws s3 ls         aws-vault exec stage-admin -- ./my-script-
         | that-uses-the-aws-sdk-internally
         | Also, passing arguments as env vars is part of the "12-factor
         | app" design (https://12factor.net/config). That page has some
         | good guidance.
           | fanf2 wrote:
           | The environment _does_ appear in the process table: see `ps
           | e` on Debian at
           | https://manpages.debian.org/buster/procps/ps.1.en.html or ps
           | -e on BSD at https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ps&apr
           | opos=0&sekti... or pargs -e on Solaris at
           | https://www.unix.com/man-page/opensolaris/1/pargs
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | It's protected by at least uid, but `/proc/$PID/environ`
           | _does_ exist, and it might be exposed other ways, too.
         | pfranz wrote:
         | I think there's a place for both, but env vars can make things
         | really annoying to troubleshoot. Already, I often print all env
         | vars before running automated commands and it can be a mess to
         | dig through. Culling down environment variables when spawning a
         | subprocess is difficult. Bad flags can error immediately if you
         | made a typo. I've often misspelled an envvar and its hard to
         | tell it did nothing (I think I saw a recent bug where trailing
         | white space like "FOO " was the source of a years long bug).
         | `FOO=BAR cmd` is also weird for history (although that's mostly
         | a tooling issue).
         | jpitz wrote:
         | In my head there's been a hierarchy for a long time.
         | when I build command line utilities and I think about the way
         | that they'll be used, I tend to use configuration files for
         | things that will change very slowly over time, and environment
         | variables as a way to override default behaviors, and command
         | line arguments to specify things that will often vary from
         | invocation to invocation. In fact, most of the time, I use the
         | environment variables either for development/testing features
         | that I don't really intend to expose to most users, or for
         | credentials that don't get persisted.
         | it's never occurred to me to use environment variables as a
         | primary way to configure an application. I'll have to noodle on
         | that for a while. My gut says that it's enough of a deviation
         | from the Unix convention that I probably won't use that.
         | AnonC wrote:
         | I'm curious if your preference for environment variables is
         | only for writing programs or for using programs as well. From a
         | user's perspective, would you prefer that common commands use
         | environment variables to get options? For example, would you
         | prefer a "find" command that uses environment variables instead
         | of command line options?
           | chriswarbo wrote:
           | > For example, would you prefer a "find" command that uses
           | environment variables instead of command line options?
           | I use 'find' so much that my muscle memory would hurt if it
           | changed, but it's actually a really interesting example. Its
           | use of arguments to build a domain-specific language is a
           | cool hack, but pretty horrendous; e.g.                   find
           | . -type f -a -not \( -name \*.htm -o -name \*.html \)
           | We can compare this to tools like 'jq', which use a DSL but
           | keep it inside a single string argument:
           | key=foo val=bar jq -n '{(env.key): env.val}'
           | Note that 'jq' also accepts key/value pairs via commandline
           | arguments, but that requires _triplets_ of arguments, e.g.
           | jq -n --arg key foo --arg val bar '{(env.key): env.val}'
           | syshum wrote:
           | That would depend on the target, the Grand Parent talks about
           | Automation thus the target for their utilities is most likely
           | the system not a user.
           | When writing automation routines env vars are often better
           | form my experience
           | Tools that will be manually run by a user or admin then cli
           | options are better
       | ohazi wrote:
       | > Go's [...] intentionally deviates from the conventions.
       |  _Sigh_
       | Of course if does.
         | trasz wrote:
         | Go -options sound like what X11 uses.
         | programd wrote:
         | My impression is that nobody bothers with the Go flags package
         | and most people use the POSIX compatible pflag [1] library for
         | argument parsing, usually via the awsome cobra [2] cli
         | framework.
         | Or they just use viper [3] for both command line and general
         | configuration handling. No point reinventing the wheel or
         | trying to remember some weird non-standard quirks.
         | [1] https://github.com/spf13/pflag
         | [2] https://github.com/spf13/cobra
         | [3] https://github.com/spf13/viper
         | crehn wrote:
         | Well it does keep things simple, and as a side effect removes
         | the cognitive burden of choosing a certain argument style (for
         | both the developer and user).
       | dkrajzew wrote:
       | Hello there!
       | Yep, it's some kind of an advertisement, but for an open source
       | project.
       | I made some experience with parsing command line options when
       | working on an open source traffic simulation named SUMO
       | (http://sumo.dlr.de) and decided to re-code the options library.
       | It works similar to Python's argparse library - the options are
       | defined first, then you may retrieve the values type-aware.
       | You may find more information on my blog pages:
       | http://krajzewicz.de/blog/command-line-options.php
       | The library itself is hosted on github: - cpp-version:
       | https://github.com/dkrajzew/optionslib_cpp - java-version:
       | https://github.com/dkrajzew/optionslib_java
       | Sincerely, Daniel
       | smusamashah wrote:
       | program -c # omitted program -cblue # provided program -c blue #
       | omitted
       | This is confusing
         | goto11 wrote:
         | Your comment is confusing due to missing line breaks :-) Try
         | indenting the lines with two spaces.
         | And I agree, I would prefer:                 program -c=blue
           | smusamashah wrote:
           | Too late for that. Was on mobile app.
           | program -c # omitted program -cblue # provided program -c
           | blue # omitted
           | This doesn't make sense. How -c blue is omitted while it
           | looks just like an argument for -c
           | hibbelig wrote:
           | Using the equals sign for long options has become convention,
           | but using the equals sign for short options is very unusual.
           | I find "-c blue" the most intuitive of the possibilities. It
           | does mean that you can't have an optional argument for short
           | options.
       | helltone wrote:
       | Command-line options have conventions and so does the --help
       | message. There are command-line parsing libraries where you
       | specify your options and the help gets autogenerated. But I often
       | wonder if a better approach would be to do the opposite? Ie write
       | the --help screen (following usual conventions) and let the
       | option parsing be generated from it by some library.
       | barrkel wrote:
       | Very opinionated, and IMO without enough justification.
       | The assertions around short options with arguments - conjoining
       | with other short options, for example - are actively harmful to
       | legibility in scripts, since there's no lexical distinction
       | between the argument and extra short options. I don't recommend
       | using that syntax when alternatives are available and I
       | deliberately don't support it when implementing ad-hoc argument
       | parsing (typically when commands are executed as parsing
       | proceeds).
         | Spivak wrote:
         | Counterexamples where this is good for legibility.
         | tar -xf archive.tar.gz              tar -czf archive.tar.gz
         | dir/
           | curryhoward wrote:
           | I'm guessing the comment was talking about examples like
           | this:                   program -abcdefg.txt
           | Just from reading this, you can't tell where the flags end
           | and the filename begins unless you have all the flags and
           | their arities memorized.
           | cellularmitosis wrote:
           | > tar -czf dir/
           | You forgot the output filename.
           | The thing I like about tar is that you only need to learn two
           | options: 'c' and 'x':                   tar c somedir | gzip
           | > somedir.tar.gz         cat somedir.tar.gz | gunzip | tar x
       | misnome wrote:
       | I recently ran into a case I hadn't seen before with python's
       | argparse. Multiple arguments in a single option, e.g. "--foo bar
       | daz" with --foo set to '*' swallows both bar and daz, where I
       | would have expected to have to explicitly specify "--foo bar
       | --foo daz" to get that behaviour. I guess this is a side effect
       | of treating non-option arguments the same as dash-prefixed
       | arguments, but I have no idea what the "standard" to expect with
       | this is?
       | Otherwise, my main bugbear is software using underscore instead
       | of dash for long-names, and especially applications or suites
       | that mix these cases.
       | I really like the simplicity that docopt somewhat forces you
       | into, which avoids most of these tricky edge cases, but am seeing
       | less and less usage nowadays of it.
       (page generated 2020-08-01 23:00 UTC)